Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/1901 of 29 October 2021 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1338/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards statistics on health care expenditure and financing (Text with EEA relevance)
(a) the data sources and their coverage; (b) the compilation methods used; (c) information on features of national health care expenditure and financing specific to the Member States and deviations from the definitions listed in Annex I; (d) references to national legislation where it forms the basis for health care expenditure and financing; (e) information on any changes to the statistical concepts mentioned in Annex I.
(1) Cross-classification current expenditure on health care by health care functions (HC) and financing schemes (HF) All data shall be transmitted in millions of national currency. Financing schemes HF.1.1 HF.1.2.1 HF.1.2.2 HF.2.1 HF.2.2 HF.2.3 HF.3 HF.4 Health care functions Government schemes Social health insurance schemes Compulsory private insurance schemes Voluntary health insurance schemes Non-profit institutions financing schemes Enterprise financing schemes Household out-of-pocket payment Rest of the world financing schemes Current expenditure on health care HF.1-HF.4 HC.1.1; HC.2.1 Inpatient curative and rehabilitative care HC.1.2; HC.2.2 Day curative and rehabilitative care HC.1.3; HC.2.3 Outpatient curative and rehabilitative care HC.1.4; HC.2.4 Home-based curative and rehabilitative care HC.3.1 Inpatient long-term care (health) HC.3.2 Day long-term care (health) HC.3.3 Outpatient long-term care (health) HC.3.4 Home-based long-term care (health) HC.4 Ancillary services (non-specified by function) HC.5.1 Pharmaceuticals and other medical non-durable goods (non-specified by function) HC.5.2 Therapeutic appliances and other medical goods (non-specified by function) HC.6 Preventive care HC.7 Governance and health system and financing administration HC.9 Other health care services not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) Current expenditure on health care HC.1-HC.9 (2) Cross-classification current expenditure on health care by health care functions (HC) and health care providers (HP) All data shall be transmitted in millions of national currency. Health care providers HP.1 HP.2 HP.3 HP.4 HP.5 HP.6 HP.7 HP.8 HP.9 Health care functions Hospitals Residential long-term care facilities Providers of ambulatory health care Providers of ancillary services Retailers and other providers of medical goods Providers of preventive care Providers of health care system administration and financing Rest of the economy Rest of the world Current expenditure on health care HP.1-HP.9 HC.1.1; HC.2.1 Inpatient curative and rehabilitative care HC.1.2; HC.2.2 Day curative and rehabilitative care HC.1.3; HC.2.3 Outpatient curative and rehabilitative care HC.1.4; HC.2.4 Home-based curative and rehabilitative care HC.3.1 Inpatient long-term care (health) HC.3.2 Day long-term care (health) HC.3.3 Outpatient long-term care (health) HC.3.4 Home-based long-term care (health) HC.4 Ancillary services (non-specified by function) HC.5.1 Pharmaceuticals and other medical non-durable goods (non-specified by function) HC.5.2 Therapeutic appliances and other medical goods (non-specified by function) HC.6 Preventive care HC.7 Governance and health system and financing administration HC.9 Other health care services not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) Current expenditure on health care HC.1-HC.9 (3) Cross-classification current expenditure on health care by health care providers (HP) and financing schemes (HF) All data shall be transmitted in millions of national currency. Financing schemes HF.1.1 HF.1.2.1 HF.1.2.2 HF.2.1 HF.2.2 HF.2.3 HF.3 HF.4 Health care providers Government schemes Social health insurance schemes Compulsory private insurance schemes Voluntary health insurance schemes Non-profit institutions financing schemes Enterprise financing schemes Household out-of-pocket payment Rest of the world financing schemes (non-resident) Current expenditure on health care HF.1-HF.4 HP.1 Hospitals HP.2 Residential long-term care facilities HP.3 Providers of ambulatory health care HP.4 Providers of ancillary services HP.5 Retailers and other providers of medical goods HP.6 Providers of preventive care HP.7 Providers of health care system administration and financing HP.8 Rest of the economy HP.9 Rest of the world Current expenditure on health care HP.1-HP.9