(a) applications for registration; (b) the opposition procedure; (c) amendments to product specifications; (d) cancellation of the registration; (e) the use of the Union symbol; (f) controls; (g) communications.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1236 of 12 May 2021 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2019/787 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning applications for registration of geographical indications of spirit drinks, the opposition procedure, amendments to product specifications, cancellation of the registration, use of symbol and control
(a) the name published in the Official Journal of the European Union , C series, to which the opposition relates;(b) the reference to the Official Journal of the European Union , C series, where the application for registration of the name, the application for Union amendment or the request of cancellation concerned was published;(c) the name and contact details of the Member State or of the third country authority or of the natural or legal person submitting the notice of opposition; (d) the declaration that the application might infringe the requirements of Chapter III of Regulation (EU) 2019/787.
(a) the name published in the Official Journal of the European Union , C series, to which the opposition relates;(b) the reference to the Official Journal of the European Union , C series, in which the name to which the opposition relates was published;(c) the name and contact details of the Member State authority or of the third country authority or of the natural or legal person submitting the reasoned statement of opposition; (d) a description of the legitimate interest of the natural or legal person that submitted the notice of opposition; this requirement shall not apply to national authorities; (e) an indication of the grounds for opposition, as referred to in Article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2019/787; (f) the details of the facts, evidence and comments in support of the opposition.
(a) the name published in the Official Journal of the European Union , C series, to which the opposition relates;(b) the reference to the Official Journal of the European Union, C series in which the name to which the opposition relates was published;(c) the name of the opponent or opponents; (d) the result of consultations; (e) an indication whether the single document or product specification has been amended and a description of such amendments.
(a) the protected name to which the amendment relates; (b) the name and contact details of the applicant and a description of the legitimate interest of the applicant; (c) the headings in the product specification and in the single document affected by the amendment; (d) an explanation that the amendment falls under the definition of a Union amendment as provided for in Article 31 of Regulation (EU) 2019/787; (e) a description of and the reasons for each of the amendments proposed; (f) the consolidated single document, as amended; (g) the electronic reference to the publication of the consolidated product specification, as amended; (h) the declaration by the Member State that it considers that the application meets the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/787 and provisions adopted pursuant thereto; (i) for applications from third countries only, proof that the requested amendment complies with the laws on protection of geographical indications in force in that third country.
(a) the reference to the protected name to which the standard amendment relates; (b) an explanation that the amendment falls under the definition of a standard amendment as provided for in Article 31 of Regulation (EU) 2019/787; (c) a description of the approved amendment, indicating whether the amendment leads to an amendment of the single document; (d) a summary of the reasons for which the amendment is required; (e) the decision approving the standard amendment as referred to in Article 8(2) and (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1235; (f) where relevant, the consolidated single document, as amended; (g) the electronic reference to the publication of the consolidated product specification, as amended.
(a) the reference to the protected name to which it relates; (b) a description of the approved temporary amendment together with the reasons supporting it, as referred to in Article 31(3) of Regulation (EU) 2019/787; (c) the reference of the formal recognition of the natural disaster or adverse weather conditions by the competent authorities or of the imposition of obligatory sanitary and phytosanitary measures; (d) the electronic reference to the publication of the national decision approving the temporary amendment.
(a) the reference to the protected name to which it relates; (b) the Member State or third country to which the geographical area belongs; (c) the name and contact details of the authority or legal person seeking to cancel the registration. If the cancellation is requested by a natural person, the name and other personal data may be omitted in the request and sent to the Commission separately; (d) a description of the legitimate interest of the natural or legal person seeking to cancel the registration. This requirement shall not apply to national authorities; (e) an indication of the grounds for cancellation; (f) the details of the facts, evidence and comments in support of the cancellation request; (g) the declaration by the Member State that it considers that the cancellation request meets the requirements of Article 32 of Regulation (EU) 2019/787 and provisions adopted pursuant thereto.
(a) be accorded a certificate, which may be a certified copy, attesting compliance with the product specification. The certificate shall be at least in electronic form and may be made available by display on a web page to which the producer or processor has access and from which the producer or processor may download the certificate. The certificate shall state its date of issue. Certified producers or processors shall make their certificate available to any official control inspectorate or other enforcement authority. They may also make their certificate available to the public or to any person who may request proof of certification in the course of business. Such certificate shall be in Latin characters or accompanied by a transcription or transliteration in Latin characters; or (b) be included in a list of approved producers or processors established by the competent authority. The listing, which may be the relevant extract from the complete list, shall be made available to each producer or processor so listed. It shall be at least in electronic form and may be made available by display on a web page to which the producer or processor has access and from which the producer or processor may download an official extract of the corresponding listing. The listing shall state the date on which it was drawn up. The producer or processor shall make available their listing on request to any official control inspectorate or other enforcement authority. They may make the listing available to the public and to any person who may request proof of listing in the course of business. The listing shall be in Latin characters or accompanied by a transcription or transliteration in Latin characters.
(a) the name of the protected geographical indication; (b) the spirit drink category; (c) the producer number (optional); (d) the business name and contact details of the producer or processor; (e) the business name or official name and contact details of the control body or the authority responsible for the listing; (f) the business of the producer or processor to which the certification or listing applies, being "production", "processing", "bottling (packaging)", and/or "other" (to be specified); (g) the date of issue of the certificate or the date on which the listing was drawn up; (h) the signature, seal or mark of the control body or the authority responsible for the listing, which may be electronic.
(a) for the competent authorities of Member States, through the digital systems made available by the Commission, subject to paragraph 2; (b) for the competent authorities and producers of third countries, as well as natural or legal persons having a legitimate interest under Regulation (EU) 2019/787, via electronic mail using the forms set out in Annexes I to VIII to this Regulation.
(a) the file number; (b) the product name concerned; (c) the date of receipt.
(a) the file number; (b) the product name concerned; (c) the date of receipt.
☐ The application for registration or for approval of a Union amendment or the cancellation request is incompatible with the rules on geographical indications of spirit drinks because it would conflict with Article 3(4) and Articles 22, 31 or 32 of Regulation (EU) 2019/787 respectively and with the provisions adopted pursuant thereto. ☐ The application for registration or for approval of a Union amendment is incompatible with the rules on geographical indications of spirit drinks because the registration of the name proposed would be in conflict with Articles 34 or 35 of Regulation (EU) 2019/787. ☐ The application for registration or for approval of a Union amendment is incompatible with the rules on geographical indications of spirit drinks because the registration of the proposed geographical indication would jeopardise the existence of an entirely or partly identical name or of a trade mark or the existence of products which have been legally on the market for at least 5 years preceding the date of the publication provided for in Article 26(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/787.
☐ Name of product ☐ Category or legal name of the spirit drink ☐ Link ☐ Marketing restrictions
7.1. The consolidated single document, as amended 7.2. The consolidated version of the product specification as published, or the reference to the publication of the product specification 7.3. Proof that the amended documents correspond to the geographical indication in force in the third country
5.1. The decision approving the standard amendment 5.2. The proof that the amendment is applicable in the third country 5.3. The consolidated single document, as amended, where relevant 5.4. A copy of the consolidated version of the product specification as published or the reference to the publication of the product specification
5.1. The application of the approved temporary amendment 5.2. The decision approving the temporary amendment 5.3. The proof that the amendment is applicable in the third country
☐ In accordance with Article 32(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/787 of the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation (EU) 2019/787 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on the definition, description, presentation and labelling of spirit drinks, the use of the names of spirit drinks in the presentation and labelling of other foodstuffs, the protection of geographical indications for spirit drinks, the use of ethyl alcohol and distillates of agricultural origin in alcoholic beverages, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 110/2008 (OJ L 130, 17.5.2019, p. 1 ).☐ Point (a) [ Provide the detailed reasons and, where appropriate, evidence for the cancellation of the registration of the name in accordance with point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 32(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/787 .]☐ Point (b) [ Provide the detailed reasons and, where appropriate, evidence for the cancellation of the registration of the name in accordance with point (b) of the first subparagraph of Article 32(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/787 .]
☐ In accordance with Article 32(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/787 [ Provide the detailed reasons and, where appropriate, evidence for the cancellation of the registration of the name in accordance with Article 32(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/787 .]