Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1178 of 16 July 2021 amending certain Annexes to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 as regards certain lists of third countries authorised for the entry into the Union of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin (Text with EEA relevance)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1178of 16 July 2021amending certain Annexes to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 as regards certain lists of third countries authorised for the entry into the Union of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin(Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health ("Animal Health Law")OJ L 84, 31.3.2016, p. 1., and in particular Article 230(1) thereof,Whereas:(1)Regulation (EU) 2016/429 lays down, inter alia, the animal health requirements for the entry into the Union of consignments of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin, and it applies from 21 April 2021. One of those animal health requirements is that those consignments must come from a third country or territory, or zone or compartment thereof, listed in accordance with Article 230(1) of that Regulation.(2)Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 of 30 January 2020 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards rules for entry into the Union, and the movement and handling after entry of consignments of certain animals, germinal products and products of animal origin (OJ L 174, 3.6.2020, p. 379). supplements Regulation (EU) 2016/429 as regards the animal health requirements for the entry into the Union of consignments of certain species and categories of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin from third countries or territories or zones thereof, or compartments thereof in the case of aquaculture animals, and it also applies from 21 April 2021. Article 3, point (a), of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 provides that consignments of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin falling within its scope may only be permitted to enter into the Union if they come from a third country or territory, or zone or compartment thereof, listed for the particular species of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin in accordance with the animal health requirements laid down in that Delegated Regulation.(3)Furthermore, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 of 24 March 2021 laying down the lists of third countries, territories or zones thereof from which the entry into the Union of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin is permitted in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and the Council (OJ L 114, 31.3.2021, p. 1). establishes the lists of third countries, territories or zones thereof, or in the case of aquaculture animals compartments thereof, from which the entry into the Union of those species and categories of animals and those categories of germinal products and products of animal origin that fall within the scope of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 is permitted.(4)Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 also applies from 21 April 2021, and the lists of third countries, territories or zones set out in the Annexes thereto serve the same purpose as similar lists previously laid down in several Commission acts that were repealed and replaced by that Implementing Regulation with effect from that date. However, a number of amendments to the lists in those earlier Commission acts are not reflected in the lists now set out in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404. This is mainly because such lists tend to be amended frequently to take account of matters, such as changing epidemiological situations as regards animal diseases, or sanitary conditions or animal or public health guarantees, in third countries or territories.(5)Commission Regulation (EC) No 798/2008Commission Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 of 8 August 2008 laying down a list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which poultry and poultry products may be imported into and transit through the Community and the veterinary certification requirements (OJ L 226, 23.8.2008, p. 1). laid down a list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which poultry and poultry products could be imported into and transit through the Union. That Regulation was repealed and replaced by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404, and Annexes V and XIV thereto now set out the lists of third countries, territories or zones thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of consignments of poultry, germinal products of poultry, fresh meat of poultry and game birds. However, a number of amendments to the list in Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 were not included in the lists set out in Annexes V and XIV to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404. In particular, Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 was amended by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/626Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/626 of 7 May 2020 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 as regards the entry for the Republic of North Macedonia in the list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which certain poultry commodities may be imported into or transit through the Union in relation to Newcastle disease (OJ L 146, 8.5.2020, p. 1). as regards the entry for the Republic of North Macedonia, by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1166Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1166 of 6 August 2020 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 as regards the entry for the United States in the list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which certain poultry commodities may be imported into or transit through the Union in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza (OJ L 258, 7.8.2020, p. 11). as regards the entry for the United States, by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1752Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1752 of 23 November 2020 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 as regards the entry for Australia in the list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which certain poultry commodities may be imported into or transit through the Union in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza (OJ L 394, 24.11.2020, p. 5). as regards the entry for Australia, by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2083Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2083 of 14 December 2020 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 as regards the entry for Japan in the list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which certain poultry commodities may be imported into or transit through the Union in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza (OJ L 423, 15.12.2020, p. 20). as regards the entry for Japan, by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/460Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/460 of 16 March 2021 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 as regards the entry for Ukraine in the list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which certain poultry commodities may be imported into and transit through the Union in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza (OJ L 91, 17.3.2021, p. 7). as regards the entry for Ukraine, and by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/568Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/568 of 6 April 2021 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 as regards the entry for the United Kingdom in the list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which certain poultry commodities may be imported into and transit through the Union in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza (OJ L 118, 7.4.2021, p. 10). as regards the entry for the United Kingdom. Accordingly, Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 should be amended to take account of those changes to the list set out in Regulation (EC) No 798/2008.(6)Furthermore, Australia has submitted updated information on the epidemiological situation on its territory following an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) confirmed in a poultry holding on its territory on 31 July 2020 and the measures it has taken to prevent the further spread of that disease. In particular, following that outbreak of HPAI, Australia has implemented a stamping out policy in order to control and limit the spread of that disease. In addition, Australia has completed the requisite cleaning and disinfection measures following the implementation of the stamping out policy on the previously infected poultry holding on its territory.(7)The Commission has evaluated the information submitted by Australia and concluded that that HPAI outbreak has been cleared and that there is no longer any risk associated with the entry into the Union of poultry commodities from that third country.(8)Moreover, the United Kingdom has submitted updated information on the epidemiological situation on its territory in relation to the outbreaks of HPAI confirmed in poultry holdings on 27 January 2021 on the Isle of Anglesey in Wales, on 8 February 2021 in Redcar and Cleveland, England, on 12 February 2021 in Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland and on 29 March 2021 in Staffordshire county, England and the measures it has taken to prevent the further spread of that disease. In particular, following those outbreaks of HPAI, the United Kingdom has implemented a stamping out policy in order to control and limit the spread of that disease. In addition, the United Kingdom completed the requisite cleaning and disinfection measures following the implementation of the stamping out policy on the infected poultry holdings on its territory.(9)The Commission has evaluated the information submitted by the United Kingdom and concluded that the HPAI outbreaks in the poultry holdings on the Isle of Anglesey in Wales, in Redcar and Cleveland, England, in Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland and in Staffordshire county, England have been cleared and that there is no longer any risk associated with the entry into the Union of poultry commodities from the areas of the United Kingdom from where entry into the Union of poutlry commoditites has been suspended due to those outbreaks.(10)The entries for Australia and the United Kingdom in the table in Part 1 of Annexes V and XIV to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 should, therefore, also take account of the current epidemiological situation in those third countries.(11)In addition, Annex VI to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 lays down the list of third countries, territories or zones thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of consignments of captive birds and germinal products of captive birds. That list should take account of the list of third countries from which imports into the Union of captive bred birds are authorised set out in Annex I to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 139/2013Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 139/2013 of 7 January 2013 laying down animal health conditions for imports of certain birds into the Union and the quarantine conditions thereof (OJ L 47, 20.2.2013, p. 1)., repealed by Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692. Annex VI to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 should therefore be amended to include Argentina and the Philippines.(12)Certain third countries also submitted to the Commission responses to a questionnaire concerning the entry into the Union of casings in terms of animal and public health. These third countries provided sufficient evidence and guarantees to the Commission to be included in the list of third countries, territories or zones thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of consignments of casings. They should therefore be included in the list of third countries, territories or zones thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of consignments of casings set out in Annex XVI to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 and that Annex should be amended accordingly.(13)Annex XVII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 lays down the list of third countries, territories or zones thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of raw milk, colostrum, colostrum-based products, dairy products derived from raw milk and dairy products not subject to a specific risk-mitigating treatment against foot-and-mouth disease. That list should take account of the list of third countries or parts thereof authorised for the introduction into the European Union of consignments of raw milk, dairy products, colostrum and colostrum-based products and indicating the type of heat treatment required for such commodities set out in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 605/2010Commission Regulation (EU) No 605/2010 of 2 July 2010 laying down animal and public health and veterinary certification conditions for the introduction into the European Union of raw milk, dairy products, colostrum and colostrum-based products intended for human consumption (OJ L 175, 10.7.2010, p. 1)., as Regulation (EU) No 605/2010 was repealed and replaced by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404. Annex XVII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 should therefore be amended to include Bosnia and Herzegovina.(14)Annex XVIII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 lays down the list of third countries, territories or zones thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of dairy products subject to a specific risk-mitigating treatment against foot-and-mouth disease. The list provided for in Annex XVIII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 should reflect the list in column C of Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 605/2010, which applied until 20 April 2021. Moldova was included in column C of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 605/2010, as amended by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/645Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/645 of 15 April 2021 amending Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 605/2010 as regards the list of third countries or parts thereof from which the introduction into the European Union of consignments of raw milk, dairy products, colostrum and colostrum-based products is authorised (OJ L 133, 20.4.2021, p. 29).. Annex XVIII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 should therefore be amended to include Moldova.(15)Annex XXII lays down the list of third countries, territories or zones thereof authorised for transit through the Union under specific conditions. To avoid any undue trade disruption, those specific conditions should reflect those provided for in the Union rules applicable before the date of application of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404. Therefore, Annex XXII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 should be amended to adapt certain specific conditions for transit through the Union of consignments of certain meat products from Bosnia and Herzegovina.(16)Annexes V, VI, XIV, XVI, XVII, XVIII and XXII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 should therefore be amended accordingly.(17)As Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 applies from 21 April 2021, in the interest of legal certainty, this Regulation should enter into force as a matter of urgency.(18)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Annexes V, VI, XIV, XVI, XVII, XVIII and XXII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 are amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 16 July 2021.For the CommissionThe PresidentUrsula von der LeyenANNEXAnnexes V, VI, XIV, XVI, XVII, XVIII and XXII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 are amended as follows:(1)Annex V is amended as follows:(a)Part 1 is amended as follows:(i)the entry for Australia is replaced by the following:
"AUAustraliaAU-0Specified pathogen-free eggsSPF
Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPP131.7.202020.7.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRC, P131.7.202020.7.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCP131.7.202020.7.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORC, P131.7.202020.7.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPP131.7.202020.7.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20P131.7.202020.7.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPP131.7.202020.7.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERC, P131.7.202020.7.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other ratitesHE-LT20P131.7.202020.7.2021"
(ii)the entry for the United Kingdom is replaced by the following:
"GBUnited KingdomGB-0Specified pathogen-free eggsSPF
GB-1Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N
GB-2.1Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.20216.1.2021
GB-2.2Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.20218.1.2021
GB-2.3Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.202110.1.2021
GB-2.4Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.202111.1.2021
GB-2.5Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.202117.1.2021
GB-2.6Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.202119.1.2021
GB-2.7Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.202120.1.2021
GB-2.8Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.202120.1.2021
GB-2.9Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.202123.1.2021
GB-2.10Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.202128.1.2021
GB-2.11Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.20217.2.2021
GB-2.12Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P11.1.202131.1.2021
GB-2.13Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P127.1.20211.5.2021
GB-2.14Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P18.2.202110.5.2021
GB-2.15Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P112.2.202119.5.2021
GB-2.16Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P129.3.20212.7.2021"
(iii)the entry for the United States is replaced by the following:
"USUnited StatesUS-0Specified pathogen-free eggsSPF
US-1Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N
US-2.1Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P14.3.201711.8.2017
US-2.2Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P14.3.201711.8.2017
US-2.3Breeding poultry other than ratites and productive poultry other than ratitesBPPN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Breeding ratites and productive ratitesBPRN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Day-old chicks other than ratitesDOCN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Day-old chicks of ratitesDORN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Poultry intended for slaughter other than ratitesSPN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Ratites intended for slaughterSRN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratitesPOU-LT20N, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHEPN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Hatching eggs of ratitesHERN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratitesHE-LT20N, P18.4.20205.8.2020"
(b)in Part 2, the entry for the United Kingdom is replaced by the following:
"United KingdomGB-1The whole country of the United Kingdom, excluding area GB-2
GB-2The territory of the United Kingdom corresponding to
GB-2.1North Yorkshire County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N54.30 and W1.47
GB-2.2North Yorkshire County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N54.29 and W1.45
GB-2.3Norfolk County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N52.49 and E0.95
GB-2.4Norfolk County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N52.72 and E0.15
GB-2.5Derbyshire County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N52.93 and W1.57
GB-2.6North Yorkshire County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N54.37 and W2.16
GB-2.7Orkney Islands:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N59.28 and W2.44
GB-2.8Dorset County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N51.06 and W2.27
GB-2.9Norfolk County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N52.52 and E0.96
GB-2.10Norfolk County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N52.52 and E0.95
GB-2.11Norfolk County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10,4 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N52.53 and E0.66
GB-2.12Devon County:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N50.70 and W3.36
GB-2.13Near Amlwch, Isle of Anglesey, Wales:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec. coordinates N53.38 and W4.30
GB-2.14Near Redcar, Redcar and Cleveland, England:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec, coordinates N54.57 and W1.07
GB-2.15Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland:The area contained within a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec, coordinates N56.23 and W3.02
GB-2.16Staffordshire county, Derbyshire county:The area contained with a circle of a radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 dec, coordinates N52.99 and W1.85"
(2)Annex VI is amended as follows:(a)Part 1 is amended as follows:(i)the following entry is inserted before the entry for Australia:
"ARArgentinaAR-0Captive birdsCAPTIVE-BIRDS
Hatching eggs of captive birdsHE-CAPTIVE-BIRDS"
(ii)the following entry is inserted between the entry for New Zealand and the entry for Tunisia:
PH-1Captive birdsCAPTIVE-BIRDS
Hatching eggs of captive birdsHE-CAPTIVE-BIRDS"
(b)in Part 2, the following entry is added after the entry for Brazil:
"PhilippinesPH-1National Capital Region"
(3)Annex XIV is amended as follows:(a)Part 1 is amended as follows:(i)the entry for Australia is replaced by the following:
"AUAustraliaAU-0Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUB31.7.202020.7.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATC31.7.202020.7.2021"
(ii)the entry for the United Kingdom is replaced by the following:
"GBUnited KingdomGB-0--
GB-1Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN
Fresh meat of game birdsGBM
GB-2.1Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.20216.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.20216.1.2021
GB-2.2Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.20218.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.20218.1.2021
GB-2.3Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.202110.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.202110.1.2021
GB-2.4Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.202111.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.202111.1.2021
GB-2.5Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.202117.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.202117.1.2021
GB-2.6Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.202119.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.202119.1.2021
GB-2.7Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.202120.1.2021
GB-2.8Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.202120.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.202120.1.2021
GB-2.9Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.202123.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.202123.1.2021
GB-2.10Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.202128.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.202128.1.2021
GB-2.11Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.20217.2.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.20217.2.2021
GB-2.12Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P11.1.202131.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP11.1.202131.1.2021
GB-2.13Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P127.1.20211.5.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP127.1.20211.5.2021
GB-2.14Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P18.2.202110.5.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP18.2.202110.5.2021
GB-2.15Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P112.2.202119.5.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP112.2.202119.5.2021
GB-2.16Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P129.3.20212.7.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP129.3.20212.7.2021"
(iii)the entry for Japan is replaced by the following:
"JPJapanJP-0Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP15.11.2020"
(iv)the entry for the Republic of North Macedonia is replaced by the following:
"MKRepublic of North MacedoniaMK-0Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP222.4.2020"
(v)the entry for Ukraine is replaced by the following:
UA-1Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOU
Fresh meat of ratitesRAT
Fresh meat of game birdsGBM
UA-2.1Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP130.11.20167.3.2020
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP130.11.20167.3.2020
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP130.11.20167.3.2020
UA-2.2Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP14.1.20177.3.2020
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP14.1.20177.3.2020
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP14.1.20177.3.2020
UA-2.3Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP14.1.20177.3.2020
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP14.1.20177.3.2020
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP14.1.20177.3.2020
UA-2.4Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP119.1.202020.3.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP119.1.202020.3.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP119.1.202020.3.2021"
UA-2.5Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP14.12.2020
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP14.12.2020
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP14.12.2020
UA-2.6Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP124.12.2020
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP124.12.2020
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP124.12.2020
UA-2.7Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP127.12.2020
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP127.12.2020
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP127.12.2020
UA-2.8Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP129.12.2020
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP129.12.2020
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP129.12.2020
UA-2.9Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP118.1.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP118.1.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP118.1.2021
UA-2.10Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUP13.2.2021
Fresh meat of ratitesRATP13.2.2021
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP13.2.2021
(vi)the entry for the United States is replaced by the following:
"USUnited StatesUS-0--
US-1Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN
Fresh meat of game birdsGBM
US-2.1Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP14.3.201711.8.2017
US-2.2Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P14.3.201711.8.2017
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP14.3.201711.8.2017
US-2.3Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesPOUN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Fresh meat of ratitesRATN, P18.4.20205.8.2020
Fresh meat of game birdsGBMP18.4.20205.8.2020"
(b)in Part 2, the entry for Ukraine is replaced by the following:
"UkraineUA-1The whole country of Ukraine excluding the area UA-2
UA-2The territory of Ukraine corresponding to:
UA -2.1Kherson Oblast (region)
UA -2.2Odessa Oblast (region)
UA -2.3Chernivtsi Oblast (region)
UA -2.4Vinnytsia Oblast (region), Nemyriv Raion (district), municipalities:Berezivka villageBratslav villageBudky villageBugakiv villageChervone villageChukiv villageDanylky villageDovzhok villageHorodnytsia villageHrabovets villageHranitne villageKarolina villageKorovayna villageKorzhiv villageKorzhivka villageKryklivtsi villageMaryanivka villageMelnykivtsi villageMonastyrok villageMonastyrske villageNemyriv CityNovi Obyhody villageOstapkivtsi villageOzero villagePerepelychcha villageRachky villageSalyntsi villageSamchyntsi villageSazhky villageSelevintsi villageSholudky villageSlobidka villageSorokoduby villageSorokotiazhyntsi villageVelyka Bushynka villageVovchok villageVyhnanka villageYosypenky villageZarudyntsi villageZelenianka village
UA -2.5Mykolaiv Oblast (region)Kherson Oblast (region), Khersonskyi (Bilozerskyi) Raion (district), municipalities:Tavriyske villageNova zoria village
UA -2.6Kyiv Oblast (region):Ivankiv Raion (district),municipalities:Leonivka villageBlidcha villageKolentsi villageZymovyshche villageRudnia-Talska villageSosnivka villageBorodianka Raion (district), municipalities:Koblytsia villageTalske villageMyrcha villageStara Buda village,Velykyi Lis villageKrasnyi Rih villageMykhailivskyi small village
UA -2.7Kyiv Oblast (region):Borodianka Raion (district), municipalities:Borodianka townKachaly villageShybene villageNebrat villageNove Zalissia villageBerestianka villageZdvyzhivka villageBabyntsi villageBuda-Babynetska villageKlavdiyevo-Tarasove townPoroskoten villagePylypovychi villageNova Hreblia villageVablia villageDruzhnia villageHalynka villageZahaltsi villageMykhailivskyi (Mykhailenkiv) villagecountry estate "Blyzhni sady"Buchanskyi Raion (district), municipalities:Nemishayeve townMykulychi villageDibrova villageKozyntsi villageChervona hilka villagePlakhtianka villageMyrotske villagepart of Vorzel town restricted by Bilostotskykh and Pushkina str.
UA -2.8Kherson Oblast (region):Kakhovskyi Raion (district), municipalities:Zaozerne villageSkvortsivka villageMaryanivka villageSlynenko villageOlhivka villageNovotroyitskyi Raion (district), municipalities:Volodymyro-Ilyinka villageSofiivka villageKaterynivka village
UA -2.9Kyiv Oblast (region), Kyiv city:The area contained within a circle of a 10 km radius centered on Hostomel village of Buchanskyi Raion, and extending in a clockwise fashion:(a)North, Northwest, West, Southwest:Kyiv region (oblast), Buchanskyi Raion (district), municipalities: Moshchun village, Hostomel town, Kotsiubynske town, Irpin city, Bucha city, Horenka village.(b)Northeast, East, Southeast, South:Boundary of Kyiv Region (oblast) with Obolonskyi, Podilskyi, Shevchenkivskyi Raions (districts) of Kyiv city from intersection of Polarna str., Avtozavodska Str., Semena Skliarenko str. to the intersection with the Oleny Telihy str., Oleksandra Dovzhenko str. to the intersection with Peremohy Avenue
UA -2.10Donetsk Oblast (region):Volnovaskyi (ex Velykonovosilkivskyi) district, municipalities:Vesele villageFedorivka villageSkudne villageDniproenerhiia villageVelyka Novosilka townRozdolne villageNovyi Komar villagePerebudova villageNovoocheretuvate villageMyrne villageOrdadne villageKomar villageVremivka villageVoskresenka villageVilne Pole villageShevchenko villageBurlatske villagePryvilne villageDnipropetrovsk Oblast (region):Prokrovskyi district, municipalities:Maliivka village"
(4)Part 1 of Annex XVI is amended as follows:(a)the following entry is inserted before the entry for Argentina:
"ALAlbaniaAL-0Ungulates and poultryCAS"
(b)the following entry is inserted between the entry for Colombia and the entry for India:
"EGEgyptEG-0Ungulates and poultryCAS"
(c)the following entry is inserted between the entry for India and the entry for Japan:
"IRIranIR-0Ungulates and poultryCAS"
(d)the following entry is inserted between the entry for Japan and the entry for Morocco:
"LBLebanonLB-0Ungulates and poultryCAS"
(e)the following entry is inserted between the entry for New Zealand and the entry for Paraguay:
"PKPakistanPK-0Ungulates and poultryCAS"
(5)in Part 1 of Annex XVII, the following entry is inserted between the entry for Australia and the entry for Canada:
(6)in Part 1 of Annex XVIII, the following entry is inserted between the entry for Morocco and the entry for Madagascar:
(7)Annex XXII is amended as follows:(a)in Part 1, the entry for Bosnia and Herzegovina is replaced by the following:
"BABosnia and HerzegovinaFresh meat of bovine animalsBOVFrom Bosnia and Herzegovina to Turkey via Bulgaria
Fresh meat of ungulatesBOV, OV/CAP, PORFrom Bosnia and Herzegovina to other third countries via Croatia
Fresh meat of poultry other than ratitesFresh meat of ratitesFresh meat of game birdsEggsEgg productsSpecified pathogen-free eggsPOU, RAT, GBM, E, EP, SPFFrom Bosnia and Herzegovina to other third countries via Croatia
Meat productsMPSTFrom Bosnia and Herzegovina to other third countries via Croatia
Meat products from bovine animals and farmed game (excluding porcine animals)MPSTFrom Bosnia and Herzegovina through the Union
Milk, dairy products, colostrum and colostrum-based productsMILK-RM, MILK-RMP/NT, COLOSTRUM, COLOSTRUM-BP, DAIRY- PRODUCTS-PTFrom Bosnia and Herzegovina to other third countries via Croatia"
(b)in Part 3, the entries for the specific conditions "From Bosnia Herzegovina to Turkey via Bulgaria" and "From Bosnia Herzegovina to other third countries via Croatia" are replaced by the following:
"From Bosnia and Herzegovina to Turkey via BulgariaAuthorisation only applicable to consignments of the commodities referred to in column 3 of the table set out in Part 1 originating in Bosnia and Herzegovina transiting through the Union to Turkey via Bulgaria
From Bosnia and Herzegovina to other third countries via CroatiaAuthorisation only applicable to consignments of the commodities referred to in column 3 of the table set out in Part 1 originating in Bosnia and Herzegovina and destined to other third countries or territories after transiting through Croatia
From Bosnia and Herzegovina through the UnionAuthorisation only applicable to consignments of the commodities referred to in column 3 of the table set out in Part 1 originating in Bosnia and Herzegovina and destined to other third countries or territories after transiting through the Union"