FieldIndex | Re-qui-red | Field Name | Technical notes | Format and Dimension to be validated on XSD file | Article 63c |
3.1.1 | * | NumberOfEntries | The field must contain the total number of transactions, including cancelled ones. | Integer | |
3.1.2 | * | TotalDebit | The field must contain the control sum of the DebitAmount field, excluding any cancelled transactions. | Monetary | |
3.1.3 | * | TotalCredit | The field must contain the control sum of the CreditAmount field, excluding any cancelled transactions. | Monetary | |
3.1.4 | | Transaction | Sales transactions/documents. | N/A | | | * | TransactionNo | Unique number of the transaction/document. | String | 1(j)2(i)1(l)2(k) | | * | DocumentStatus | | N/A | | | * | TransactionStatus | The field must be filled in with:- "N" – Normal;
- "C" – Cancelled document/transaction.
| String-1 | | | * | TransactionStatusDate | Date of the last recording of transaction status including hour, minute and second:- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss ± hh:mm
| Date and Time | | | | Reason | Reason of transaction status change. | String | | | | Period | To be filled in with the quarter of the taxation period:- Q1.yyyy, Q2.yyyy, Q3.yyyy, Q4.yyyy.
In the import regime fill in the month of the taxation period:- M1.yyyy to M12.yyyy.
| String-8 | | | * | TransactionDate | Sale transaction’s issue date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | Date | | | * | TransactionType | - The field must be filled in with:
- "TR" – Sale transaction;
- "RT" – Return/credit transaction;
- "IN" – Invoice;
| String-2 | |
- "DN" – Debit note;
- "CN" – Credit note.
| 1(l)2(k)1(e)2(e) | | * | SystemEntryDate | Date of the last time the record was saved before its issuance and must include hour, minute and second:- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss ± hh:mm
Date of the transaction’s record to the second. | Date and time | | | * | BillingIndicators | | N/A | | | * | PartyBillingIndicator | The field must be filled in with:- 0 – If it concerns transactions/invoices issued by the taxable person;
- 1 – For transactions/invoices issued on behalf of the taxable person by a third party.
| Integer | | | * | SourceBilling | Each unique key identifies a different invoicing programme where "0" identifies the transactions/invoices issued by the invoicing programme that generates the SAF-OSS. The remaining keys identify the transactions/invoices issued in other invoicing programmes which have been integrated into the invoicing programme that generates the SAF-OSS. | Integer | | | * | CustomerID | The unique key of the customers’ table [Customer] respecting the rule defined for CustomerID. | String | | | | OSSScheme | To be filled in with:- 0 – non-Union scheme;
- 1 – Union scheme;
- 2 – import scheme;
- 9 – Other sales [sales not made under the aforementioned schemes];
| Integer | | | | MSC | Information about the place of consumption. | N/A | 1(a) 2(a) | | * | Country | This field must be filled in according to norm ISO 3166-1-alpha-2. | String-2 | | | * | CustomerLocation | To be filled in with all the evidence used in the decision-making process even if, in the end, only one has been used to determine the country of consumption.If there is a need to make more than one reference, this element can be generated as many times as necessary. | N/A | | | * | EvidenceforCustomerLocation | Must be filled in with:- A – Billing address of the customer
- B – IP address or geolocation;
- C – Bank details;
- D – Mobile country codes or SIM card used by customer;
- E – Location of the fixed landline used for service;
- F – Other means;
- G – Place of delivery;
- H – Other payment services;
- I – ID card/passport.
| String-1 | 1(k) | | * | LocationEvidence | To be filled in with the evidence that made it possible to determine the country of consumption according to the field "EvidenceforCustomerLocation", e.g., IP Address, phone number with country calling code, International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or other payment service reference used, etc.When the billing address is used as evidence, this field must be filled in with one of the BillingAddressID’s unique keys from the Customer table.If the place of consumption is determined by the place of delivery, this field must be filled in with the string "Place of delivery" and the ShipToAddress element must be filled in with the address. | String | | | * | LocationEvidenceIndicator | The field must be filled in with:- 0 – If the evidence is discarded during the decision-making process;
- 1 – If the evidence is used during the decision-making process.
| Integer | | | | ShipToAddress | Information about the delivery place where goods or services have been made available for the client or anyone the client has assigned. | N/A | 1(k) 2(j) | | ** | AddressFree | The address in free format (this must include the postal code if available).The AddressFree, if present, must contain the address as it should appear on an envelope with each line separated by a carriage return character. | String | | | ** | AddressStruct | | N/A | | | | Street | The street name. | String | | | | BuildingIdentifier | The identifier of the building on the street, typically a number. | String | | | | SuiteIdentifier | The identifier of an office or similar part of a building. | String | | | | FloorIdentifier | The identifier of a floor within a building. | String | | | | DistrictName | The name of the district of the address. | String | | | | POB | The post office box. | String | | | | PostCode | The postal code (this must be provided if available). | String | | | * | City | | String | | | | CountrySubentity | A geographic area of the country larger than district or city, for example a county, department, Land, canton. | String | | | | OtherLocalId | Some other component of the address. | String | | | | AddressFree | The address in free format (this must include the postal code if available).The AddressFree, if present, must contain the address as it should appear on an envelope with each line separated by a carriage return character. | String | | | * | Country | The field must be filled in according to norm ISO 3166-1-alpha-2.The two-letter country code of the address. | String-2 | | | | ShipFromAddress | Information about the place of the shipping of the articles sold to the customer. | N/A | 1(k) 2(j) | | ** | AddressFree | The address in free format (this must include the postal code if available).The AddressFree, if present, must contain the address as it should appear on an envelope with each line separated by a carriage return character. | String | | | ** | AddressStruct | | N/A | | | | Street | The street name. | String | | | | BuildingIdentifier | The identifier of the building on the street, typically a number. | String | | | | SuiteIdentifier | The identifier of an office or similar part of a building. | String | | | | FloorIdentifier | The identifier of a floor within a building. | String | | | | DistrictName | The name of the district of the address. | String | | | | POB | The post office box. | String | | | | PostCode | The postal code (this must be provided if available). | String | | | * | City | | String | | | | CountrySubentity | A geographic area of the country larger than district or city, for example a county, department, Land, canton. | String | | | | OtherLocalId | Some other component of the address. | String | | | | AddressFree | The address in free format (this must include the postal code if available).The AddressFree, if present, must contain the address as it should appear on an envelope with each line separated by a carriage return character. | String | | | * | Country | The field must be filled in according to norm ISO 3166-1-alpha-2.The two letter country code of the address. | String-2 | | | | MovementEndTime | Date and time of the end of goods transport including hour, minute and second:- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss ± hh:mm
| Date and time | | | | MovementStartTime | Date and time of the beginning of goods transport including hour, minute and second:- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss ± hh:mm
| Date and time | | | * | Line | | N/A | | | * | LineNumber | Lines must be exported following the same order as in the original (and must be unique within the transaction). | Integer | | | | MSC | Information about the place of consumption. This element must be filled in whenever the place of consumption differs in each line, otherwise it is possible to fill in solely the element MSC. | N/A | 1(a) 2(a) | | * | Country | This field must be filled in according to norm ISO 3166-1-alpha-2. | String-2 | | | * | CustomerLocation | To be filled in with all the evidence used in the decision-making process even if, in the end, only one has been used to determine the country of consumption.If there is a need to make more than one reference, this element can be generated as many times as necessary. | N/A | | | * | EvidenceforCustomerLocation | Must be filled in with:- A – Billing address of the customer;
- B – IP address or geolocation;
- C – Bank details;
- D – Mobile country codes or SIM card used by customer;
- E – Location of the fixed landline used for service;
- F – Other means;
- G – Place of delivery;
- H – Other payment services;
- I – ID card/passport.
| String-1 | 1(k) | | * | LocationEvidence | To be filled in with the evidence that made possible to determine the country of consumption according to the field "EvidenceforCustomerLocation", e.g., IP Address, phone number with country calling code, International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or other payment service reference used, etc.When the billing address is used as evidence, this field must be filled in with one of the BillingAddressID’s unique keys from the Customer table.If the place of consumption is determined by the place of delivery, fill in with "Place of delivery" and the ShipToAddress element. | String | | | * | LocationEvidenceIndicator | The field must be filled in with:- 0 – If the evidence is discarded during the decision-making process;
- 1 – If the evidence is used during the decision-making process.
| Integer | | | | ShipToAddress | Information about the delivery place where goods or services have been made available for the client or anyone the client has assigned. | N/A | 1(k) 2(j) | | ** | AddressFree | The address in free format (this must include the postal code if available).The AddressFree, if present, must contain the address as it should appear on an envelope with each line separated by a carriage return character. | String | | | ** | AddressStruct | | N/A | | | | Street | The street name. | String | | | | BuildingIdentifier | The identifier of the building on the street, typically a number. | String | | | | SuiteIdentifier | The identifier of an office or similar part of a building. | String | | | | FloorIdentifier | The identifier of a floor within a building. | String | | | | DistrictName | The name of the district of the address. | String | | | | POB | The post office box. | String | | | | PostCode | The postal code (this must be provided if available). | String | | | * | City | | String | | | | CountrySubentity | A geographic area of the country larger than district or city, for example a county, department, Land, canton. | String | | | | OtherLocalId | Some other component of the address. | String | | | | AddressFree | The address in free format (this must include the postal code if available).The AddressFree, if present, must contain the address as it should appear on an envelope with each line separated by a carriage return character. | String | | | * | Country | The field must be filled in according to norm ISO 3166-1-alpha-2.The two-letter country code of the address. | String-2 | | | | ShipFromAddress | Information about the place of the shipping of the articles sold to the customer. | N/A | 1(k) 2(j) | | ** | AddressFree | The address in free format (this must include the postal code if available).The AddressFree, if present, must contain the address as it should appear on an envelope with each line separated by a carriage return character. | String | | | ** | AddressStruct | | N/A | | | | Street | The street name. | String | | | | BuildingIdentifier | The identifier of the building on the street, typically a number. | String | | | | SuiteIdentifier | The identifier of an office or similar part of a building. | String | | | | FloorIdentifier | The identifier of a floor within a building. | String | | | | DistrictName | The name of the district of the address. | String | | | | POB | The post office box. | String | | | | PostCode | The postal code (this must be provided if available). | String | | | * | City | | String | | | | CountrySubentity | A geographic area of the country larger than district or city, for example a county, department, Land, canton. | String | | | | OtherLocalId | Some other component of the address. | String | | | | AddressFree | The address in free format (this must include the postal code if available).The AddressFree, if present, must contain the address as it should appear on an envelope with each line separated by a carriage return character. | String | | | * | Country | The field must be filled in according to norm ISO 3166-1-alpha-2.The two-letter country code of the address. | String-2 | | | | MovementEndTime | Date and time of the end of goods transport including hour, minute and second:- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss ± hh:mm
| Date and time | | | | MovementStartTime | Date and time of the beginning of goods transport including hour, minute and second:- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss ± hh:mm
| Date and time | | | | OrderReferences | To be filled in with the order number.If there is a need to make more than one reference, this element can be generated as many times as necessary. | N/A | 2(l) | | * | OriginatingON | To be filled in with the order/transaction number. | String | | | | OrderDate | To be filled in with the order date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | Date | | | | DocumentReferences | If there is a need to make more than one reference, this element can be generated as many times as necessary. | N/A | 2(m) | | * | DocumentType | Must be filled in with:- "DN" – Delivery note;
- "TG" – Transport guide (include here the global transport documents);
- "CN" – Consignment note;
- "RN" – Return note;
- "OT" – Other.
| String-2 | | | * | DocumentReference | To be filled in with the unique consignment number. | String | | | | DocumentDate | To be filled in in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | Date | | | * | ProductCode | The unique code in the list of goods/services. | String | 2(b) | | * | ProductCategory | "BA" radio or television programmes transmitted or retransmitted over a radio or television network;"BB" radio or television programmes distributed via the internet or similar electronic network (IP streaming) if broadcast live or simultaneous to their being transmitted or retransmitted over a radio or television network;"TA" fixed and mobile telephone services for the transmission and switching of voice, data and video, including telephone services with an imaging component, otherwise known as videophone services;"TB" telephone services provided through the internet, including voice over internet Protocol (VoIP);"TC" voice mail, call waiting, call forwarding, caller identification, three-way calling and other call management services;"TD" paging services;"TE" audiotext services;"TF" facsimile, telegraph and telex;"TG" telephone helpdesk services by which assistance is provided to users in case of problems with their radio or television network, internet or similar electronic network;"TH" access to the internet, including the World Wide Web;"TI" private network connections providing telecommunications links for the exclusive use of the client;"TJ" private network connections providing telecommunications links for the exclusive use of the client;"TK" the onward supply of the audio and audiovisual output of a media service provider via communications networks by someone other than the media service provider;"SA" website supply, web-hosting, distance maintenance of programmes and equipment;"SB" supply of software and updating thereof;"SC" supply of images, text and information and making available of databases;"SD" supply of music, films and games, including games of chance and gambling games, and of political, cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific and entertainment broadcasts and events;"SE" supply of distance teaching;"GD" – goods;"OS" – other services;"TX" – other taxes besides VAT (e.g. environmental taxes);"OT" other (e.g. freights, insurances, etc. | String-2 | 1(b) | | | ClassificationCode | To be filled in with the Combined Nomenclature (CN) codes for goods or Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) codes for services.Examples:92029030 for CN code611051 for CPA code | String | | | * | Description | Description of the transaction/invoice line. | String | 1(b) 2(b) | | * | Quantity | | Decimal | 1(b) 2(b) | | * | UnitOfMeasure | | String | | | * | UnitPrice | | Monetary | | | * | DateofSupply | Date of the dispatch of the goods or of the delivery of the service in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | Date | 1(c) 2(c) | | | References | References to sales correction documents. | N/A | 1(e) 2(e) | | * | Reference | In the case of credit or debit notes or equivalent transactions, reference to the invoice/transaction, through the unique identification of the invoice/transaction, if it exists in the respective systems. | String | | | | Reason | To be filled in with the credit or debit reason. | String | | | ** | DebitAmount | Debit amount entry line in the sales account (issued credit notes). | Monetary | 1(d) 1(e) 2(d) 2(e) | | ** | CreditAmount | Credit amount entry line in the sales account (issued transactions or invoices and debit notes). | Monetary | 1(d) 1(e) 2(d) 2(e) | | * | Tax | | N/A | 1(f) 2(f) | | * | TaxCountryRegion | To be filled in with country or region of the tax. This field must be filled in with the norm ISO 3166-2.Example:"PT-20" Autonomous Region of the Azores. | String-5 | | | * | TaxCode | VAT tax rate in MSC:- "SPR" – Super reduced tax rate;
- "INT" – Intermediate tax rate;
- "RED" – Reduced tax rate;
- "STD" – Standard tax rate;
- "NS" – Non-subject to tax;
- "EXM" – Tax Exempt.
| String | | | * | VAT Rate | It is required to fill in this field with the applicable a tax rate. | Decimal | | | | SettlementAmount | Amount of line discount and proportional global discount. | Monetary | 1(d) 1(e) 2(d) 2(e) | | * | DocumentTotals | | N/A | | | * | TaxPayable | Total amount of taxes. | Monetary | 1(g) 2(g) | | * | TaxableAmount | To be filled in with total of the document/transaction without taxes.This field must not include the amounts relating to taxes. | Monetary | 1(d) 2(d) | | * | GrossTotal | To be filled in with total of the document/transaction with taxes. | Monetary | | | * | Currency | Original currency used when issuing the transaction/invoice. | N/A | 1(d) 1(g) 2(d) 2(g) | | * | CurrencyCode | The field must be filled in according to norm ISO 4217. | String-3 | | | * | CurrencyAmount | Gross Total in the original currency of the document/transaction. | Monetary | | | * | ExchangeRate | The exchange rate used in the conversion into EUR must be mentioned. | Decimal | | | | Payment | | N/A | | | * | PaymentType | Type of payment:- "AP" – Advanced payment;
- "PP" – Partial payment;
- "TP" – Total payment.
| String-2 | 1(i) | | * | PaymentDate | To be filled in in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | Date | 1(h) 2(h) | | * | PaymentAmount | | Monetary | 1(h) 2(h) | | | PaymentMechanism | The field must be filled in with:- "CD" – Cash on delivery;
- "CH" – Cheque;
- "DC" – Debit card;
- "CC" – Credit card;
- "BT" – Bank transfer (including direct debit);
- "GC" – Gift card/voucher;
- "PP" – E-money (E-wallet and E-money payments);
- "OT" – Other.
| String-2 | |