Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/436 of 3 March 2021 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/207 as regards changes to the model for the implementation reports for the Investment for growth and jobs goal
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/436of 3 March 2021amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/207 as regards changes to the model for the implementation reports for the Investment for growth and jobs goal THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 320., and in particular Article 111(5), thereof,After consulting the Coordination Committee for the European Structural and Investment Funds,Whereas:(1)Annex V to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/207Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/207 of 20 January 2015 laying down detailed rules implementing Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the models for the progress report, submission of the information on a major project, the joint action plan, the implementation reports for the Investment for growth and jobs goal, the management declaration, the audit strategy, the audit opinion and the annual control report and the methodology for carrying out the cost-benefit analysis and pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the model for the implementation reports for the European territorial cooperation goal (OJ L 38, 13.2.2015, p. 1). sets out the model for the implementation reports for the Investment for growth and jobs goal in accordance with Article 111(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.(2)Article 92b of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/2221 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2020/2221 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 December 2020 amending Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 as regards additional resources and implementing arrangements to provide assistance for fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and for preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy (REACT-EU) (OJ L 437, 28.12.2020, p. 30)., sets out the conditions for the use of the additional resources from the European Union Recovery Instrument for the Investment in growth and jobs goal for the new thematic objective ‛Fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy’. The relevant model for the implementation reports in Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/207 should therefore be amended accordingly.(3)In order to allow for prompt application of the crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this Regulation should enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/207 is replaced by the text in the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 3 March 2021.For the CommissionThe PresidentUrsula von der LeyenANNEXAnnex V is replaced as follows:


ANNEX VModel for the annual and final implementation reports for the Investment for growth and jobs goalPART ADATA REQUIRED EVERY YEAR ("LIGHT REPORTS")(Article 50(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)1.IDENTIFICATION OF THE ANNUAL/FINAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT
CCI<type="S" maxlength = 15 input="S">
Title<type="S" maxlength = 255 input="G">
Version<type="N" input="G">
Reporting year<type="N" input="G">
Date of approval of the report by the monitoring committee<type="D" input="M">
2.OVERVIEW OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME (Articles 50(2) and 111(3)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)Key information on the implementation of the operational programme for the year concerned, including on financial instruments, with relation to the financial and indicator data.<type="S" maxlength = 7000 input="M">3.IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRIORITY AXIS (Article 50(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)3.1Overview of the implementationStructured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013. When YEI is implemented as a part of a priority axis, the reporting should be split between the YEI part and the other part of the priority axis.,Tables in this Annex provide for the split of the REACT-EU resources (Article 92a of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) where necessary, i.e. ERDF REACT-EU, ESF REACT-EU and YEI REACT-EU).
IDPriority axisKey information on the implementation of the priority axis with reference to key developments, significant problems and steps taken to address these problems
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" maxlength = 1750 input="M">
3.2Common and programme specific indicators (Article 50(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)Structured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.Data for common and programme-specific indicators by investment priority transmitted using Tables 1 to 4 below.
Table 1Result indicators for the ERDF, the ERDF REACT-EU and the Cohesion Fund (by priority axis and specific objective); applies also to Technical Assistance priority axisIn Table 1 breakdown by gender is to be used in the annual value fields only if it has been included in Table 12 of the OP. Otherwise use T = total.
IDIndicatorMeasurement UnitCategory of region(where relevant)Baseline ValueBaseline YearTarget Value (2023)2014151617181920212223Observations (if necessary)
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="N" or "S" input="G"><type="N" input="G"><type="N" or "S" input="G"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="S" maxlength = 875 input="M">
Table 2ACommon result indicators for ESF and ESF REACT-EU (by priority axis, investment priority, and by category of region, where applicable). Data on all common ESF and ESF REACT-EU result indicators (with and without target) shall be reported broken down by gender. For a Technical Assistance priority axis only those common indicators shall be reported for which a target has been setStructured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.If the investment priority contains a target for a common ESF result indicator, data must be provided for the respective result indicator with regard to the selected target group (i.e. the common output indicator used as a reference) as well as data for the entire population of participants who achieved the respective result in the IP.Investment priority:Estimate based on representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data twice in the 2019 AIR and in the final implementation report. In this option, cumulative values are reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2019 AIR and in the final IR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.Estimate based on representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data twice in the 2019 AIR and in the final implementation report. In this option, cumulative values are reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2019 AIR and in the final IR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.Estimate based on representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data twice in the 2019 AIR and in the final implementation report. In this option, cumulative values are reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2019 AIR and in the final IR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.Estimate based on representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data twice in the 2019 AIR and in the final implementation report. In this option, cumulative values are reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2019 AIR and in the final IR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.
IDIndicatorCategory of regionCommon output indicator used as basis for target settingMeasurement Unit for baseline and targetTarget Value (2023)(Gender breakdown optional for the target)2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Cumulative value(calculated automatically)Achievement ratioGender breakdown optional
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="N" or "S" input="G"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" input="G"><type="P" input="G">
Annual Value
Inactive participants engaged in job searching upon leaving
Participants in education/training upon leaving
Participants gaining a qualification upon leaving
Participants in employment including self-employment, upon leaving
Disadvantaged participants engaged in job searching, education/training, gaining a qualification, in employment, including self-employment, upon leaving
Participants in employment including self-employment, six months after leaving
Participants with an improved labour market situation six months after leaving
Participants above 54 of age in employment, including self-employment, six months after leaving
Disadvantaged participants in employment, including self-employment, six months after leaving
Table 2BResult indicators for the YEI and YEI REACT-EU by priority axis or part of priority axis (Article 19(3), Annex I and II of the ESF Regulation)Structured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.Estimate for the year based on representative sampling.Estimate for the year based on representative sampling.Estimate for the year based on representative sampling.Estimate for the year based on representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data twice in the 2019 AIR and in the final implementation report. In this option, cumulative values are reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2019 AIR and in the final IR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.Estimate for the year based on representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data twice in the 2019 AIR and in the final implementation report. In this option, cumulative values are reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2019 AIR and in the final IR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.Estimate for the year based on representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data twice in the 2019 AIR and in the final implementation report. In this option, cumulative values are reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2019 AIR and in the final IR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.Estimate for the year based on representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data twice in the 2019 AIR and in the final implementation report. In this option, cumulative values are reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2019 AIR and in the final IR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.
IDIndicatorMeasurement Unit targetTarget Value (2023)(Gender breakdown optional for the target)2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Cumulative value (calculated automatically)Achievement ratioGender breakdown optional
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type=’N or "S" input="G"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" input="G"><type="P" input="G">
Annual Value
Unemployed participants who complete the YEI supported intervention
Unemployed participants who receive an offer of employment, continued education, apprenticeship or traineeship upon leaving
Unemployed participants who are in education/training, gain a qualification, or are in employment, including self-employment, upon leaving
Long-term unemployed participants who complete the YEI supported intervention
Long-term unemployed participants who receive an offer of employment, continued education, apprenticeship or traineeship upon leaving
Long-term unemployed participants who are in education/training, gain a qualification, or are in employment, including self-employment, upon leaving
Inactive participants not in education or training who complete the YEI supported intervention
Inactive participants not in education or training who receive an offer of employment, continued education, apprenticeship or traineeship upon leaving
Inactive participants not in education or training who are in education/training, gain a qualification, or are in employment, including self-employment, upon leaving
Participants in continued education, training programmes leading to a qualification, an apprenticeship or a traineeship six months after leaving
Participants in employment six months after leaving
Participants in self-employment six months after leaving
Inactive participants engaged in job searching upon leaving
Participants in education/training upon leaving
Participants gaining a qualification upon leaving
Participants in employment, including self-employment upon leaving
Disadvantaged participants engaged in job searching, education/training, gaining a qualification, in employment, including self-employment, upon leaving
Participants in employment, including self-employment, six months after leaving
Participants with an improved labour market situation six months after leaving
Participants above 54 years of age in employment, including self-employment, six months after leaving
Disadvantaged participants in employment, including self-employment, six months after leaving
Table 2CProgramme specific result indicators for ESF and ESF-REACT EU (by priority axis, investment priority and by category of region, where applicable); applies also to Technical Assistance priority axis. For the YEI programme specific indicators: for each priority axis or part thereof supporting the YEI a breakdown by category of region is not requiredStructured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.. For the YEI REACT-EU programme specific indicators, a breakdown by category of region is not applicable.Investment priority:
IDIndicatorESF/YEICategory of region (where relevant)Measurement Unit for indicatorMeasurement unit for baseline and TargetTarget Value (2023)2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Achievement ratio
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type=’N or "S" input="G"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="N" or "S" input="M"><type="P" input="G">(Only for quantitative result indicators)
Both annual and cumulative values are compulsory. In case the annual value cannot be provided (e.g. because percentages are reported and the denominator would be zero), the annual value is n.a. Cumulative values of indicators expressed in absolute numbers and percentages in relation to the reference output indicators are calculated automatically.
Table 3ACommon and programme specific output indicators for the ERDF, the ERDF REACT-EU and the Cohesion Fund (by priority axis, investment priority, broken down by category of region for the ERDF; applies also to Technical assistance priority axes)In Table 3A break down by gender is to be used in the relevant fields only if it has been included in Table 5 or 13 of the OP. Otherwise use T = total.Investment priority:Targets are optional for Technical Assistance priority axes.
IDIndicatorMeasurement unitFundCategory of region (where relevant)Target value (2023)2014151617181920212223Observations (if necessary)
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="N" input="G"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="S" maxlength = 875 input="M">
Cumulative value – outputs to be delivered by selected operations[forecast provided by beneficiaries]
Cumulative value – outputs delivered by operations[actual achievement]
Table 3BFor certain common output indicators for ERDF and ERDF REACT-EU support under investment for growth and jobs goal relating to productive investment – Number of enterprises supported by the Operational Programme net of multiple support to the same enterprises
Name of indicatorNumber of enterprises supported by OP net of multiple support
Number of enterprises receiving support<type="N" input="M">
Number of enterprises receiving grants<type="N" input="M">
Number of enterprises receiving financial support other than grants<type="N" input="M">
Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support<type="N" input="M">
Number of new enterprises supported<type="N" input="M">
Table 4ACommon output indicators for the ESF and ESF REACT-EU (by priority axis, investment priority, by category of region, where applicable). For the YEI, for each priority axis or any part thereof, a breakdown by category of region is not requiredStructured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.. For the YEI REACT-EU, for each priority axis or any part thereof, a breakdown by category of region is not applicable.Investment priority:Estimate based on representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data once in the 2017 AIR. In this option, a cumulative value is reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2017 AIR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.Estimate based on a representative sampling. Member States have two options of reporting. Option 1: The minimum requirement is to provide data once in the 2017 AIR. In this option, a cumulative value is reported in the 'Cumulative value' column in the 2017 AIR. Option 2: Annual values are provided for each year.The grand total of participants includes those with complete records (of personal non sensitive data) as well as participants with incomplete records (of personal non sensitive data). The total number of participants is calculated in the SFC2014 system based on the following three common output indicators "unemployed, including long-term unemployed", "inactive" and "employed, including self-employed". That total only encompasses participants with complete data records including all personal non-sensitive data. In the grand total of participants, Member States are required to report on all ESF participants, including those with non-complete record of personal non-sensitive data.
IndicatorIDIndicator (name of indicator)Category of region (where relevant)Target value (2023)Gender breakdown optional (for the target)2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Cumulative value (calculated automatically)Achievement ratiogender breakdown optional
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="N" input="G"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="G"><type="P" input="G">
Annual Value
Long-term unemployed (ESF)
Long-term unemployed (YEI)
Inactive (ESF)
Inactive (YEI)
Inactive not in education or training (ESF)
Inactive not in education or training (YEI)
Employed including self-employed
Below 25 years of age (ESF)
Below 25 years of age (YEI)
Above 54 years of age
Above 54 years of age who are unemployed, including long-term unemployed, or inactive not in education or training
With primary (ISCED 1) or lower secondary education (ISCED 2) (ESF)
With primary (ISCED 1) or lower secondary education (ISCED 2) (YEI)
With upper secondary (ISCED 3) or post-secondary education (ISCED 4 (ESF)
With upper secondary (ISCED 3) or post-secondary education (ISCED 4 (YEI)
With tertiary education (ISCED 5 to 8) (ESF)
With tertiary education (ISCED 5 to 8) (YEI)
Migrants, participants with a foreign background, minorities (including marginalised communities such as the Roma) (ESF)
Migrants, participants with a foreign background, minorities (including marginalised communities such as the Roma) (YEI)
Participants with disabilities (ESF)
Participants with disabilities (YEI)
Other disadvantaged (ESF)
Other disadvantaged (YEI)
Homeless or affected by housing exclusion (ESF)
Homeless or affected by housing exclusion (YEI)
From rural areas (ESF)
From rural areas (YEI)
Number of projects fully or partially implemented by social partners or NGOs
Number of projects dedicated at sustainable participation and progress of women in employment
Number of projects targeting public administration or public services at national, regional or local level
Number of micro, small and medium-sized enterprise supported (including cooperative enterprises, enterprises of the social economy)
Grand total of participants
Table 4BProgramme specific output indicators for the ESF and ESF REACT-EU (by priority axis, investment priority, by category of region; applies also to technical assistance priority axes.) For the YEI, for each priority axis or any part thereof, a breakdown by category of region is not requiredStructured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.. For the ESF REACT-EU and YEI REACT-EU, for each priority axis or any part thereof, a breakdown by category of region is not applicable.Investment priority:
IDIndicator (name of indicator)Category of region (where relevant)Measurement unitTarget value (2023)2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Cumulative value (calculated automatically)Achievement ratio
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="N" input="G"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="G"><type="P" input="G">
Annual Value
3.3.Milestones and targets defined in the performance framework (Article 50(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) – submitted in annual implementation reports from 2017 onwardsIn Table 6 break down by gender is to be used in the relevant fields only if it has been included in Table 6 of the OP. Otherwise use T = total.This section is not applicable in the case of an operational programme dedicated to the thematic objective "Fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy" ("dedicated REACT-EU programme") or in the case of priority axes dedicated to that thematic objective ("REACT-EU priority axes").Reporting on financial indicators, key implementation steps, output and result indicators to act as milestones and targets for the performance framework (submitted starting with the report in 2017).
Table 5Information on the milestones and targets defined in the performance frameworkFor the ERDF or the Cohesion Fund, Member States submit cumulative values for output indicators. For the ESF, the cumulative values are calculated automatically by SFC2014 based on annual values submitted by the Member States. Values for financial indicators are cumulative for all Funds. Values for the key implementation steps are cumulative for all funds, if the key implementation steps are expressed by a number or percentage. If the achievement is defined in a qualitative way, the table should indicate whether they are completed or not. * In table c = cumulative a = annual
Value achieved
Priority AxisIndicator Type (Key implementation step, financial, output or, where appropriate result indicator)IDIndicator or key implementation stepMeasurement unit, where appropriateFundCategory of regionMilestone for 2018Final target (2023)2014151617181920212223
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G"><type="S" or "N" or "P" input="M" or "G">
cacacacacacacacacacaObservations (if necessary)
mwtmwtmwtmwtmwtmwtmwtmwtmwtmwtmwtmwt<type="S" maxlength = 875 input="M">
3.4.Financial data (Article 50(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)Structured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.Table 6Financial information at priority axis and programme level as set out in Table 1 of Annex II to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1011/2014Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1011/2014 of 22 September 2014 laying down detailed rules for implementing Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the models for submission of certain information to the Commission and the detailed rules concerning the exchanges of information between beneficiaries and managing authorities, certifying authorities, audit authorities and intermediate bodies (OJ L 286, 30.9.2014, p. 1).[Model for the transmission of financial data]Structured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.Table 7Breakdown of the cumulative financial data by category of intervention for the ERDF, the ERDF REACT-EU, the ESF, the ESF REACT-EU and the Cohesion Fund (Article 112(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 and Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013) as set out in Table 2 of Annex II to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1011/2014 [Model for the transmission of financial data]
Table 8The use made of cross-financingOnly applicable to operational programmes under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal, which include ESF and/or ERDF.Where it is not possible to determine precise amounts in advance, prior to the implementation of the operation, the reporting should be based on the ceilings applied to the operation i.e. if an ERDF operation may include up to 20% of ESF type expenditure, the reporting should be based on the assumption that the entire 20% could be used for this purpose. Where an operation has been completed, the data used for this column should be based on real costs incurred.Article 98(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.Article 98(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.Article 98(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.Article 98(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.
Use of cross-financingPriority axisThe amount of EU support envisaged to be used for cross financing based on selected operations (EUR)As a share of the EU support to the priority axis(%)(3/EU support to priority axis*100)used under cross financing based on eligible expenditure declared by the beneficiary to the managing authority (EUR)share of the EU support to the priority axis(%)(5/EU support to priority axis*100)
Cross-financing: Costs eligible for support under the ERDF, but supported from the ESF<type="S" input="S"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G">
Cross-financing: Costs eligible for support under the ESF, but supported from the ERDF<type="S" input="S"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G">
Cross-financing: Costs eligible for support under the ERDF REACT-EU, but supported from the ESF REACT-EU<type="S" input="S"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G">
Cross-financing: Costs eligible for support under the ESF REACT-EU, but supported from the ERDF REACT-EU<type="S" input="S"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G">
Table 9Cost of operations implemented outside the programme area (the ERDF, the ERDF REACT-EU and the Cohesion Fund under the Investment for growth and jobs goal)In accordance with and subject to ceilings set out in Article 70(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 or Article 20 of Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013.
Priority axisThe amount of EU support envisaged to be used for operations implemented outside the programme area based on selected operations (EUR)As a share of the EU support to the priority axis at the time of adoption of the programme(%)(3/EU support to priority axis at the time of adoption of the programme *100)The amount of EU support in operations implemented outside the programme area based on eligible expenditure declared by the beneficiary to the managing authority (EUR)As a share of the EU support to the priority axis at the time of adoption of the programme(%)(5/EU support to priority axis at the time of adoption of the programme *100)
Cost of operations outside the programme area<type="S" input="S"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G">
Table 10Expenditure incurred outside the Union (ESF and ESF REACT-EU)In accordance with and subject to ceilings set out in Article 13 of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.
The amount of expenditure envisaged to be incurred outside the Union under thematic objectives 8 and 10 based on selected operations (EUR)Share of the total financial allocation (Union and national contribution) to the ESF programme or the ESF part of a multi-fund programme(%)(1/total financial allocation (Union and national contribution) to the ESF programme or the ESF part of a multi-fund programme*100)Eligible expenditure incurred outside the Union declared by the beneficiary to the managing authority (EUR)Share of the total financial allocation (Union and national contribution) to the ESF programme or the ESF part of a multi-fund programme(%)(3/total financial allocation (Union and national contribution) to the ESF programme or the ESF part of a multi-fund programme*100)
<type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G"><type="N" input="M"><type="P" input="G">
Table 11Allocation of YEI resources to young people outside the eligible NUTS level 2 regions (Article 16 of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013)Structured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.
Priority axisThe amount of EU support under the YEI (YEI specific allocation and corresponding ESF support) envisaged to be allocated to young people outside the eligible NUTS level 2 regions (EUR), as indicated in section 2.A.6.1 of the operational programmeThe amount of EU support under the YEI (YEI specific allocation and corresponding ESF support) allocated to operations to support young people outside the eligible NUTS level 2 regions (EUR)Eligible expenditure incurred in operations to support young people outside the eligible regions (EUR)Corresponding EU support to eligible expenditure incurred in operations to support young people outside the eligible regions, resulting from applying the co-financing rate of the priority axis (EUR)
<type="S" input="S"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M">
Total<type="N" input="G"><type="N" input="G"><type="N" input="G"><type="N" input="G">
4.SYNTHESIS OF THE EVALUATIONS (Article 50(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)Synthesis of the findings of all evaluations of the programme that have become available during the previous financial year, with reference of name and reference period of the evaluation reports used<type="S" maxlength = 10500 input="M">5.INFORMATION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE Youth EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVE, including from REACT-EU, WHERE APPLICABLE (Articles 19(2) and 19(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013)A general description of the implementation of the YEI, including how the YEI has contributed to the implementation of the Youth Guarantee and also including concrete examples of interventions supported in the framework of YEI.A description of any problems encountered in the implementation of the YEI and measures taken to overcome these problems.The report submitted in 2016 shall set out and assess the quality of employment offers received by YEI participants, including disadvantaged persons, those from marginalised communities and those leaving education without qualifications. The report shall also set out and assess their progress in continuing education, finding sustainable and decent jobs, or moving into apprenticeships or quality traineeships.The report shall set out the main findings of evaluations assessing the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of joint support from the European Social Fund and the specific allocation for YEI including for the implementation of the Youth Guarantee.6.ISSUES AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAMME AND MEASURES TAKEN (Article 50(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)Structured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.a)Issues which affect the performance of the programme and the measures taken<type="S" maxlength = 7000 input="M">bOPTIONAL FOR LIGHT REPORTS, otherwise it will be included in point 11.1 of the model (Article 50(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013):An assessment of whether progress made towards targets is sufficient to ensure their fulfilment, indicating any remedial actions taken or planned, where appropriate.<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">7.CITIZEN’S SUMMARY (Article 50(9) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)Structured data required for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.A citizen’s summary of the contents of the annual and the final implementation reports shall be made public and uploaded as a separate file in the form of annex to the annual and the final implementation report8.REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (Article 46 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)Where the managing authority decided to use financial instruments it must send to the Commission a specific report covering the financial instruments operations as an annex to the annual implementation reportSee Annex I of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 821/2014.9.Optional for the report to be submitted in 2016, not applicable to other light reports: ACTIONS TAKEN TO FULFILL EX-ANTE CONDITIONALITIES (Article 50(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) in case applicable ex-ante conditionalities were not fulfilled upon the adoption of the OP: (see point 13 of the model)Optional for the report on YEI which is to be submitted in April 2015 in accordance with Article 19(3) and Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013.10.PROGRESS IN PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MAJOR PROJECTS AND JOINT ACTION PLANS (Article 101(h) and 111(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)10.1.Major projects
Table 12Major projectsIn the case of operations implemented under PPP structures the signing of the PPP contract between the public body and the private sector body (Article 102(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013).
ProjectCCIStatus of MP1.completed2.approved3.submitted4.planned for notification/submission to CommissionTotal investmentsTotal eligible costsPlanned notification/submission date(if applicable)(year, quarter)Date of tacit agreement/approval by Commission(if applicable)Planned startof implementation(year, quarter)Planned completion date(year. quarter)Priority Axis/Investment prioritiesCurrent state of realisation – financial progress(% of expenditure certified to Commission compared to total eligible cost)Current state of realisation – physical progressMain implementation stage of the project1.completed/in operation;2.advanced construction;;4.procurement;5.designMain outputsDate of signature of first works contract(if applicable)Observations (if necessary
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="S"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="D" input="G"><type="D" input="G"><type="D" input="G"><type="D" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="P" input="M"><type="S" input="S"><type="S" maxlength = 875 input="M"><type="D" input="M"><type="S" maxlength = 875 input="M">
Significant problems encountered in implementing major projects and measures taken to overcome them.<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">Any change planned in the list of major projects in the operational programme.<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">
10.2Joint action plansProgress in the implementation of different stages of joint action plans<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">
Table 13Joint action plans (JAP)
Title of the JAPCCIStage of implementation of JAP1.completed2.> 50 % implemented3.Started4.approved5.submitted6.plannedTotal eligible costsTotal public supportOP contribution to JAPPriority axisType of JAP1.normal2.first JAP3.YEI[Planned]submission to the Commission[Planned] start of implementation[Planned] completionMain outputs and resultsTotal eligible expenditure certified to the CommissionObservations (if necessary)
<type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="S"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="S" input="G"><type="S" input="S"><type="D" input="M"><type="D" input="M"><type="D" input="M"><type="S" maxlength = 875 input="M"><type="N" input="M"><type="S" maxlength = 875 input="M">
Significant problems encountered and measures taken to overcome them<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">
PART BREPORTING SUBMITTED IN YEARS 2017, 2019 AND FINAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT(Articles 50(4), 111(3) and (4) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)11.ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME (Articles 50(4) and 111(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)11.1Information in Part A and achieving objectives of the programme (Article 50(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)FOR EACH PRIORITY AXIS – Assessment of the information provided above and progress towards achieving the objectives of the programme, including the contribution of the European Structural and Investment Funds to changes in the value of result indicators, when evidence is available from evaluations.<type="S" maxlength = 10500 input="M">11.2.Specific actions taken to promote equality between men and women and to prevent discrimination, in particular accessibility for persons with disabilities, and the arrangements implemented to ensure the integration of the gender perspective in the operational programme and operations (Articles 50(4) and 111(4), second subparagraph, (e) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)An assessment of the implementation of specific actions to take into account the principles set out in Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 on promotion of equality between men and women and non-discrimination, including, depending on the content and objectives of the operational programme, specific actions taken to promote equality between men and women and to prevent discrimination, in particular accessibility for persons with disabilities, and the arrangements implemented to ensure the integration of the gender perspective in the operational programme and operations.<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">11.3.Sustainable development (Articles 50(4) and 111(4), second subparagraph, (f) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)An assessment of the implementation of actions to take into account the principles set out in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 on sustainable development, including, depending on the content and objectives of the operational programme, an overview of the actions taken to promote sustainable development in accordance with that Article.<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">11.4.Reporting on support used for climate change objectives (Article 50(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)Figures calculated automatically by the SFC2014 based on categorisation data. Optional: clarification on the given values<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">11.5Role of partners in the implementation of the programme (Articles 50(4) and 111(4), first subparagraph, (c) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)Assessment of the implementation of actions to take into account the role of partners referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, including, involvement of the partners in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the operational programme.<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">12.OBLIGATORY INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT ACCORDING TO ARTICLE 111(4), first subparagraph, (a) and (b), OF REGULATION (EU) NO 1303/201312.1Progress in implementation of the evaluation plan and the follow-up given to the findings of evaluations<type="S" maxlength = 7000 input="M">12.2The results of the information and publicity measures of the Funds carried out under the communication strategy<type="S" maxlength = 7000 input="M">13.ACTIONS TAKEN TO FULFILL EX-ANTE CONDITIONALITIES (Article 50(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) (May be included in report to be submitted in 2016 (see point 9 above). Required in report submitted in 2017) Option: progress reportThis section is not applicable in the case of an operational programme dedicated to the thematic objective "Fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy" ("dedicated REACT-EU programme") or in the case of priority axes dedicated to that thematic objective ("REACT-EU priority axes").
Table 14Actions taken to fulfil applicable general ex-ante conditionalities
General ex-ante conditionalityCriteria not fulfilledActions takenDeadline (date)Bodies responsibleAction completed by the deadline (Y/N)Criteria fulfilled (Y/N)Expected date for full implementation of remaining actions, if applicableCommentary (for each action)
<type="S" maxlength = 500 input="G"><type="S" maxlength = 500 input="G"><type="S" maxlength = 1000 input="G"><type="D" input="G"><type="S" maxlength = 500 input="G"><type="C" input="M"><type="C" input="M"><type="C" input="M"><type="S" maxlength = 2000 input="M">
Action 1
Action 2
Table 15Actions taken to fulfil applicable thematic ex-ante conditionalities
Thematic ex-ante conditionalityCriteria not fulfilledActions takenDeadline (date)Bodies responsibleAction completed by the deadline (Y/N)Criteria fulfilled (Y/N)Expected date for full implementation of remaining actions, if applicableCommentary (for each action)
<type="S" maxlength = 500 input="G"><type="S" maxlength = 500 input="G"><type="S" maxlength = 1000 input="G"><type="D" input="G"><type="S" maxlength = 500 input="G"><type="C" input="M"><type="C" input="M"><type="C" input="M"><type="S" maxlength = 2000 input="M">
Action 1
Action 2
14.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE ADDED DEPENDING ON THE CONTENT AND OBJECTIVES OF THE OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME (Article 111(4), second subparagraph, (a), (b), (c), (d), (g) and (h), of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)14.1Progress in the implementation of the integrated approach to territorial development, including development of regions facing demographic challenges and permanent or natural handicaps, integrated territorial investments, sustainable urban development, and community led local development under the operational programme<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">(option progress report)14.2Progress in the implementation of actions to reinforce the capacity of Member State authorities and beneficiaries to administer and use the Funds<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">(option progress report)14.3Progress in the implementation of any interregional and transnational actions<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">(option progress report)14.4Where appropriate, the contribution to macro-regional and sea basin strategies.<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">14.5Progress in the implementation of actions in the field of social innovation, where appropriate<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">14.6Progress in the implementation of measures to address the specific needs of geographical areas most affected by poverty or of target groups at highest risk of poverty discrimination or social exclusion, with special regard to marginalised communities and persons with disabilities, long term unemployment and young people not in employment including, where appropriate, the financial resources used<type="S" maxlength = 3500 input="M">(option progress report)
PART CREPORTING SUBMITTED IN YEAR 2019 AND FINAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT(Article 50(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)15.Financial information at priority axis and programme level (Articles 21(2) and 22(7) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)For the purpose of assessing progress towards the achievement of milestones and targets set for financial indicators in the years 2018 and 2023, Table 6 of Part A of this Annex shall have the following two additional columns:
Data for the purpose of the performance review and performance framework
Only for report submitted in 2019:Total eligible expenditure incurred by beneficiaries and paid by 31/12/2018 and certified to the CommissionArticle 21(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013Only for final implementation report: Total eligible expenditure incurred by beneficiaries and paid by 31/12/2023 and certified to the CommissionArticle 22(7) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013
16.SMART, SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH (option progress report)Information on and assessment of the programme contribution to achieving the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.<type="S" maxlength = 17500 input="M">17.ISSUES AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAMME AND MEASURES TAKEN – PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK (Article 50(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013)This section is not applicable in the case of an operational programme dedicated to the thematic objective "Fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy" ("dedicated REACT-EU programme") or in the case of priority axes dedicated to that thematic objective ("REACT-EU priority axes").Where the assessment of progress made with regard to the milestones and targets set out in the performance framework demonstrates that certain milestones and targets have not been achieved, Member States should outline the underlying reasons for failure to achieve these milestones in the report of 2019 (for milestones) and in the final implementation report (for targets).<type="S" maxlength = 7000 input="M">18.YOUTH EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVE Article 19(4) and (6) of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 (where applicable)The report submitted in 2019 shall set out and assess the quality of employment offers received by YEI participants, including disadvantaged persons, those from marginalised communities and those leaving education without qualifications. The report shall also set out and assess their progress in continuing education, finding sustainable and decent jobs, or moving into apprenticeships or quality traineeships.The report shall set out the main findings of evaluations assessing the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of joint support from the European Social Fund and the specific allocation for YEI including for the implementation of the Youth Guarantee.<type="S" maxlength = 10500 input="M">