Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/252 of 29 January 2021 operating a deduction from the Portuguese fishing quota available for anchovy, on account of overfishing in the previous year
Member State | Species code | Area code | Species name | Area name | Initial quota for the period | Permitted landings for the period | Total catches for the period | Quota consum-ption related to permitted landings (%) | Overfishing related to permitted landings (quantity in kilograms) | Multi-plying factor | Addi-tional Multi-plying factor | Out-standing deductions from previous year(s) | Deductions to apply to the period |
ANE | 9/3411 | Anchovy | ICES zones 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF area 34.1.1 | / | / | / |