Domains | Detailed topics | Groups (acronyms) |
Labour Force | Data collection information | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Identification | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Weights | Yearly (LFY) and Quarterly (LFQ) |
Interview characteristics | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Localisation | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Demography | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Citizenship and migrant background | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Household composition | Yearly (LFY) |
Household composition – additional specific details | Yearly (LFY) |
Stay in the country | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Reason for migration | Every 2 years (LF2YA) |
Elements of the Minimum European Health Module | Every 2 years (LF2YB) |
Disability and other elements of Minimum European Health Module | Every 2 years (LF2YB) |
Accidents at work and other work-related health problems | Every 8 years (LF8YF) |
Main activity status (self-defined) | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Elementary job characteristics | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Employment status | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Duration of contract | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Details of contract | Yearly (LFY) |
Full- or part-time status – reason | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Dependent self-employment | Yearly (LFY) |
Supervisory responsibilities | Yearly (LFY) |
Establishment size | Yearly (LFY) |
Workplace | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Working at home | Yearly (LFY) |
Search for employment | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Willingness to work | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Availability | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Second or multiple job(s) | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Search for another job | Yearly (LFY) |
Underemployment | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Reconciliation of work and family life | Every 8 years (LF8YD) |
Young people on the labour market | Every 8 years (LF8YC) |
Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants | Every 8 years (LF8YA) |
Pension and labour market participation | Every 8 years (LF8YB) |
Care needs | Yearly (LFY) |
Start of job | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Way job found | Yearly (LFY) |
Career continuity and breaks | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Elementary characteristics of the last job | Yearly (LFY) |
Working hours | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Working time arrangements | Every 2 years (LF2YA) |
Work organisation and working time arrangements | Every 8 years (LF8YE) |
Income from work | Yearly (LFY) |
Income from unemployment allowances | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Educational attainment level | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Educational attainment – details, including education interrupted or abandoned | Yearly (LFY) and every 8 years (LF8YC) |
Participation in formal and non-formal education and training (4 weeks) | Quarterly (LFQ) |
Participation in formal and non-formal education and training (12 months) | Every 2 years (LF2YB) |
Income and living conditions | Data collection information | Yearly(ILCY) |
Identification | Yearly(ILCY) |
Weights | Yearly(ILCY) |
Interview characteristics | Yearly(ILCY) |
Localisation | Yearly(ILCY) |
Demography | Yearly (ILCY) |
Citizenship and migrant background | Yearly (ILCY) |
Household composition | Yearly (ILCY) |
Household composition – additional specific details | Yearly (ILCY) |
Duration of stay in the country | Yearly (ILCY) |
Disability and Minimum European Health Module | Yearly (ILCY) |
Details on health status and disability | Every 3 years (ILC3YB) |
Children health | Every 3 years (ILC3YA) |
Access to health care | Yearly (ILCY) |
Health care | Every 3 years (ILC3YB) |
Access to health care (children) | Every 3 years (ILC3YA) |
Health determinants | Every 3 years (ILC3YB) |
Main activity status (self-defined) | Yearly (ILCY) |
Elementary job characteristics | Yearly (ILCY) |
Characteristics of the workplace | Every 3 years (ILC3YC) |
Duration of contract | Yearly (ILCY) |
Employment status | Every 3 years (ILC3YC) |
Detailed labour market situation | Yearly (ILCY) |
Supervisory responsibilities | Yearly (ILCY) |
Previous work experience | Yearly (ILCY) |
Calendar of activities | Yearly (ILCY) |
Working hours | Yearly (ILCY) |
Educational attainment level | Yearly (ILCY) |
Educational attainment – details, including education interrupted or abandoned | Every 3 years (ILC3YC) |
Participation in formal education activities (current) | Yearly (ILCY) |
Quality of life | Yearly (ILCY) |
Social and cultural participation | Every 6 years (ILC6YA) |
Well-being | Every 6 years (ILC6YA) |
Material deprivation | Yearly (ILCY) |
Children-specific deprivation | Every 3 years (ILC3YA) |
Main housing characteristics | Yearly (ILCY) |
Housing conditions details, incl. deprivation and imputed rent | Every 3 years (ILC3YC) |
Housing costs including reduced utility costs | Yearly (ILCY) |
Living environment | Every 3 years (ILC3YC) |
Housing difficulties (including renting difficulties) and reasons | Every 6 years (ILC6YB) |
Use of services, including care services and services for independent living | Every 6 years (ILC6YC) |
Affordability of services | Every 6 years (ILC6YC) |
Unmet needs and reasons | Every 6 years (ILC6YC) |
Childcare | Yearly (ILCY) |
Income from work | Yearly (ILCY) |
Income from social transfers | Yearly (ILCY) |
Income from pensions | Yearly (ILCY) |
Other incomes, including income from property and capital and inter-household transfers | Yearly (ILCY) |
Taxes and contributions actually paid after reductions | Yearly (ILCY) |
Total annual income at the level of persons and households | Yearly (ILCY) |
Over-indebtedness, including reasons | Every 6 years (ILC6YD) |
Arrears | Yearly (ILCY) |
Elements of wealth, including dwelling ownership | Every 6 years (ILC6YD) |
Elements of consumption | Every 6 years (ILC6YD) |
Intergenerational transmission of advantages and disadvantages | Every 6 years (ILC6YB) |
Assessment of own needs | Every 6 years (ILC6YD) |