Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/989 of 27 April 2020 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/124 as regards certain provisions of, and Annexes to, the conservation and enforcement measures of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO)
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/989of 27 April 2020amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/124 as regards certain provisions of, and Annexes to, the conservation and enforcement measures of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2019/833 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 laying down conservation and enforcement measures applicable in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation, amending Regulation (EU) 2016/1627 and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2115/2005 and (EC) No 1386/2007OJ L 141, 28.5.2019, p. 1., and in particular Article 50(1)thereof,Whereas:(1)The Union is party to the Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (the NAFO Convention), approved by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3179/78Council Regulation (EEC) No 3179/78 of 28 December 1978 concerning the conclusion by the European Economic Community of the Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (OJ L 378, 30.12.1978, p. 1)..(2)The European Parliament and the Council adopted Regulation (EU) 2019/833 in order to incorporate the NAFO conservation and enforcement measures in Union law.(3)Article 50 of Regulation (EU) 2019/833 requires the Commission to adopt a delegated act to supplement it with the provisions of and Annexes to the NAFO conservation and enforcement measures referred to in the Annex to that Regulation.(4)Article 50 of Regulation (EU) 2019/833 also empowers the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 51 to subsequently amend that delegated act.(5)Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/124Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/124 of 15 October 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/833 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down conservation and enforcement measures applicable in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (OJ L 34 I, 6.2.2020, p. 1). supplemented Regulation (EU) 2019/833 with a number of NAFO conservation and enforcement measures.(6)The NAFO at its annual meeting in September 2019 amended nine annexes of its conservation and enforcement measures, related to the list of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME) indicator species (Part VI of Annex I.E), the vessel notification and authorisation formats (Annex II.C), the list of species (Annex I.C), the authorised topside chafers/shrimp toggle chains (Annex III.B), the format of the catch report (Annex II.D), the format of the cancellation catch report (Annex II.F), the standardised observer report template (Annex II.M), the observer report (Annex II.G), the inspection report (Annex IV.B). These annexes become binding on the Union on 3 December 2019.(7)These changes should also be incorporated into Union law. Therefore, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/124 should be amended accordingly,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The Annex to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/124 is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 27 April 2020.For the CommissionThe PresidentUrsula von der LeyenANNEXThe Annex to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/124 is amended as follows:1.Point 3 is replaced by the following:"(3)Part VI of Annex I.E to the CEM as referred to in point 21 of Article 3, in Article 21(2) and in point (i) of point (a) of Article 27(11) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833List of VME Indicator Species
Large-Sized Sponges(PFR – Porifera)Asconema foliatumRossellidaeZBA
Aphrocallistes beatrixAphrocallistidae
Asbestopluma (Asbestopluma) ruetzleriCladorhizidaeZAB (Asbestopluma)
Axinella sp.Axinellidae
Chondrocladia grandisCladorhizidaeZHD (Chondrocladia)
Cladorhiza abyssicolaCladorhizidaeZCH (Cladorhiza)
Cladorhiza kenchingtonaeCladorhizidaeZCH (Cladorhiza)
Craniella spp.TetillidaeZCS (Craniella spp.)
Dictyaulus romaniEuplectellidaeZDY (Dictyaulus)
Esperiopsis villosaEsperiopsidaeZEW
Forcepia spp.CoelosphaeridaeZFR
Geodia barretteGeodiidae
Geodia macandrewiiGeodiidae
Geodia parvaGeodiidae
Geodia phlegraeiGeodiidae
Haliclona sp.ChalinidaeZHL
Iophon piceumAcarnidaeWJP
Isodictya palmataIsodictyidae
Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) complicataCoelosphaeridaeZDD
Mycale (Mycale) linguaMycalidae
Mycale (Mycale) loveniMycalidae
Phakellia sp.Axinellidae
Polymastia spp.PolymastiidaeZPY
Stelletta normaniAncorinidaeWSX (Stelletta)
Stelletta tuberosaAncorinidaeWSX (Stelletta)
Stryphnus fortisAncorinidaeWPH
Thenea muricataPachastrellidaeZTH (Thenea)
Thenea valdiviaePachastrellidaeZTH (Thenea)
Weberella bursaPolymastiidae
Stony Corals (CSS – Scleractinia)Enallopsammia rostrata*DendrophylliidaeFEY
Lophelia pertusa*CaryophylliidaeLWS
Madrepora oculata*OculinidaeMVI
Solenosmilia variabilis*CaryophylliidaeRZT
Small Gorgonians(GGW)Acanella arbusculaIsididaeKQL (Acanella)
Anthothela grandifloraAnthothelidaeWAG
Chrysogorgia sp.ChrysogorgiidaeFHX
Metallogorgia melanotrichos*Chrysogorgiidae
Narella laxaPrimnoidae
Radicipes gracilisChrysogorgiidaeCZN
Swiftia sp.Plexauridae
Large Gorgonians(GGW)Acanthogorgia armataAcanthogorgiidaeAZC
Calyptrophora sp.*Primnoidae
Corallium bathyrubrumCoralliidaeCOR (Corallium)
Corallium bayeriCoralliidaeCOR (Corallium)
Iridogorgia sp.*Chrysogorgiidae
Keratoisis cf. siemensiiIsididae
Keratoisis grayiIsididae
Lepidisis sp.*IsididaeQFX (Lepidisis)
Paragorgia arboreaParagorgiidaeBFU
Paragorgia johnsoniParagorgiidaeBFV
Paramuricea grandisPlexauridaePZL (Paramuricea)
Paramuricea placomusPlexauridaePZL (Paramuricea)
Paramuricea spp.PlexauridaePZL (Paramuricea)
Parastenella atlanticaPrimnoidae
Placogorgia sp.Plexauridae
Placogorgia terceiraPlexauridae
Primnoa resedaeformisPrimnoidaeQOE
Thouarella (Euthouarella) grasshoffi*Primnoidae
Sea Pens (NTW – Pennatulacea)Anthoptilum grandiflorumAnthoptilidaeAJG (Anthoptilum)
Distichoptilum gracileProtoptilidaeWDG
Funiculina quadrangularisFuniculinidaeFQJ
Halipteris cf. christiiHalipteridaeZHX (Halipteris)
Halipteris finmarchicaHalipteridaeHFM
Halipteris sp.HalipteridaeZHX (Halipteris)
Kophobelemnon stelliferumKophobelemnidaeKVF
Pennatula aculeataPennatulidaeQAC
Pennatula grandisPennatulidae
Pennatula sp.Pennatulidae
Protoptilum carpenteriProtoptilidae
Umbellula lindahliUmbellulidae
Virgularia mirabilisVirgulariidae
Tube-Dwelling AnemonesPachycerianthus borealisCerianthidaeWQB
Erect Bryozoans (BZN – Bryozoa)Eucratea loricataEucrateidaeWEL
Sea Lilies (CWD – Crinoidea)Conocrinus lofotensisBourgueticrinidaeWCF
Gephyrocrinus grimaldiiHyocrinidae
Trichometra cubensisAntedonidae
Sea Squirts (SSX – Ascidiacea)Boltenia oviferaPyuridaeWBO
Halocynthia aurantiumPyuridae
Unlikely to be observed in trawls; in situ observations only:
Large xenophyophoresSyringammina sp.Syringamminidae
2.Point 5 is replaced by the following:"(5)Format prescribed in Annex II.C to the CEM referred to in point (a) of Article 4(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833Vessel Notification and Authorisation(1)Format for register of vessels
Mandatory when used as a single identification in other messages.Whichever one is appropriate.
Data ElementCodeMandatory/OptionalRemarks
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO Secretariat
FromFRMMessage detail; ISO-3 code of the transmitting Contracting Party
Record NumberRNMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Record DateRDMMessage detail; date of transmission
Record TimeRTMMessage detail; time of transmission
Type of MessageTMMMessage detail; message type, "NOT" as Notification of vessels that may conduct fishing activities in NAFO RA
Vessel NameNAMName of the vessel
Radio Call SignRCMInternational radio call sign of the vessel
Flag StateFSMState where the vessel is registered
Internal Reference NumberIROUnique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag State code followed by number
External Registration NumberXRMThe side number of the vessel
Vessel IMO NumberIMMIMO number
Port NamePOMPort of registration or home port
Vessel OwnerVOMRegistered owner and address
Vessel ChartererVCMResponsible for using the vessel
Vessel TypeTPMFAO vessel code (Annex II.I)
Vessel GearGEOFAO statistical classification of fishing gear (Annex II.J)
Vessel Tonnagemeasurement methodtonnageVTMVessel tonnage capacity in pairs as needed"OC" = "OSLO" Convention 1947, "LC""London" Convention ICTM-69Total capacity in metric tons
Vessel lengthmeasurement methodlengthVLMLength in meters in pairs as needed"OA" = overall;length in meters
Vessel Powermeasurement methodpowerVPMEngine power in pairs as needed in "KW"PE = propulsion engineAE = Auxiliary summary enginesTotal installed engine power in vessel measured in "KW"
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record
(2)Format for withdrawal of vessels from the register
Data ElementCodeMandatory/OptionalRemarks
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO Secretariat
FromFRMMessage detail; ISO-3 code of the transmitting Contracting Party
Record NumberRNMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Record DateRDMMessage detail; date of transmission
Record TimeRTMMessage detail; time of transmission
Type of MessageTMMMessage detail; message type, "WIT" as Withdrawal of notified vessels
Vessel NameNAMName of the vessel
Radio Call SignRCMInternational radio call sign of the vessel
Internal Reference NumberIROUnique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag State code followed by number, if exists
External Registration NumberXRMThe side number of the vessel
Vessel IMO NumberIMMIMO number
Start DateSDMThe first date as from which the withdrawal takes effect
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record
(3)Format for authorisation to conduct fishing activities
For transport vessels the TA field is optional.
Data ElementCodeMandatory/OptionalRemarks
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO Secretariat
FromFRMMessage detail; ISO-3 code of the transmitting Contracting Party
Record NumberRNMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Record DateRDMMessage detail; date of transmission
Record TimeRTMMessage detail; time of transmission
Type of MessageTMMMessage detail; message type, "AUT" as Authorization of vessels to conduct fishing activities in the NAFO RA
Vessel NameNAMName of the vessel
Radio Call SignRCMInternational radio call sign of the vessel
Internal reference NumberIROUnique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag State code followed by number, if exists
External registration NumberXRMThe side number of the vessel
Vessel IMO NumberIMMIMO number
Start DateSDMLicense detail; date as from which the Authorization takes effect
End dateEDOLicense detail: Date on which the authorization go to the end. Maximum time validity is 12 months.
Targeted species and AreaTAMLicense detail; species and area allowed for directed fishery. Regulated species of Annex I.A or I.B must refer to the stock specification. For unregulated species use Sub Area or division or "ANY". Allow for several pairs of fields. e.g.//TA/GHL 3LMNO COD 3M RED 3LN RED 3M HER ANY//
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record
(4)Format to suspend the authorisation to conduct fishing activities
Data ElementCodeMandatory/OptionalRemarks
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO Secretariat
FromFRMMessage detail; ISO-3 code of the transmitting Contracting Party
Record NumberRNMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Record DateRDMMessage detail; date of transmission
Record TimeRTMMessage detail; time of transmission
Type of MessageTMMMessage detail; message type, "SUS" as Suspension of authorized vessels
Vessel NameNAMName of the vessel
Radio Call SignRCMInternational radio call sign of the vessel
Internal Reference NumberIROUnique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag State code followed by number, if exists
External Registration NumberXRMThe side number of the vessel
Vessel IMO NumberIMMIMO number
Start DateSDMLicense detail; date as from which the Suspension takes effect
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record
Mandatory when used as a single identification in other messages.Whichever one is appropriate.For transport vessels the TA field is optional.
3.Point 11 is replaced by the following:"(11)Annex I.C to the CEM referred to in point (d) of Article 13(2), in point (b) of Article 24(1) and in the second subparagraph of Article 25(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833List of SpeciesIf a species is caught that is not found in this list (Annex I.C), then the FAO ASFIS list of species codes should be used. The ASFIS list is found at:
In accordance with a recommendation adopted by STACRES at the 1970 Annual Meeting (ICNAF Redbook 1970, Part I, Page 67), hakes of the Genus Urophycis are designated as follows for statistical reporting: (a) hake reported from Subareas 1, 2, and 3, and Divisions 4R, S, T and V be designated as white hake, Urophycis tenuis; (b) hake taken by line gears or any hake greater than 55 cm standard length, regardless of how caught, from Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as white hake, Urophycis tenuis; (c) except as noted in (b), other hake of the Genus Urophycis taken in Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as red hake, Urophycis chuss".
Common English NameScientific Name3-Alpha Code
Atlantic CodGadus morhuaCOD
HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusHAD
Atlantic redfishesSebastes sp.RED
Golden redfishSebastes marinusREG
Beaked redfish (deepwater)Sebastes mentellaREB
Acadian redfishSebastes fasciatusREN
Silver hakeMerluccius bilinearisHKS
Red hakeUrophycis chussHKR
Pollock (= Saithe)Pollachius virensPOK
American plaiceHippoglossoides platessoidesPLA
Witch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossusWIT
Yellowtail flounderLimanda ferrugineaYEL
Greenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesGHL
Atlantic halibutHippoglossus hippoglossusHAL
Winter flounderPseudopleuronectes americanusFLW
Summer flounderParalichthys dentatusFLS
Windowpane flounderScophthalmus aquosusFLD
Flatfishes (NS)PleuronectiformesFLX
American angler (= Goosefish)Lophius americanusANG
Atlantic searobinsPrionotus sp.SRA
Atlantic tomcodMicrogadus tomcodTOM
Blue antimoraAntimora rostrataANT
Blue whitingMicromesistius poutassouWHB
CunnerTautogolabrus adspersusCUN
Cusk (= Tusk)Brosme brosmeUSK
Greenland codGadus ogacGRC
Blue lingMolva dypterygiaBLI
LingMolva molvaLIN
Lumpfish =(Lumpsucker)Cyclopterus lumpusLUM
Northern kingfishMenticirrhus saxatilisKGF
Northern pufferSphoeroides maculatusPUF
Eelpouts (NS)Lycodes sp.ELZ
Ocean poutMacrozoarces americanusOPT
Polar codBoreogadus saidaPOC
Roundnose grenadierCoryphaenoides rupestrisRNG
Roughhead grenadierMacrourus berglaxRHG
Sandeels (= Sand Lances)Ammodytes sp.SAN
SculpinsMyoxocephalus sp.SCU
ScupStenotomus chrysopsSCP
TautogTautoga onitisTAU
TilefishLopholatilus chamaeleonticepsTIL
White hakeUrophycis tenuisHKW
Longfin hakeUrophycis chesteriGPE
Threebeard rocklingGaidropsarus ensisGDE
Wolffishes (NS)Anarhichas sp.CAT
Atlantic wolffishAnarhichas lupusCAA
Spotted wolffishAnarhichas minorCAS
Northern wolffishAnarhichas denticulatusCAB
Groundfish (NS)GRO
Atlantic herringClupea harengusHER
Atlantic mackerelScomber scombrusMAC
Atlantic butterfishPeprilus triacanthusBUT
Atlantic menhadenBrevoortia tyrannusMHA
Atlantic sauryScomberesox saurusSAU
Bay anchovyAnchoa mitchilliANB
BluefishPomatomus saltatrixBLU
Crevalle jackCaranx hipposCVJ
Frigate tunaAuxis thazardFRI
King mackerelScomberomourus cavallaKGM
Atlantic Spanish mackerelScomberomourus maculatesSSM
SailfishIstiophorus platypterusSAI
White marlinTetrapturus albidusWHM
Blue marlinMakaira nigricansBUM
SwordfishXiphias gladiusSWO
Albacore tunaThunnus alalungaALB
Atlantic bonitoSarda sardaBON
Little tunnyEuthynnus alletteratusLTA
Bigeye tunnyThunnus obesusBET
Northern bluefin tunaThunnus thynnusBFT
Skipjack tunaKatsuwonus pelamisSKJ
Yellowfin tunaThunnus albacaresYFT
Tunas (NS)ScombridaeTUN
Pelagic fish (NS)PEL
Other Fish
AlewifeAlosa pseudoharengusALE
AmberjacksSeriola sp.AMX
American congerConger oceanicusCOA
American eelAnguilla rostrataELA
Atlantic hagfishMyxine glutinosaMYG
American shadAlosa sapidissimaSHA
Argentines (NS)Argentina sp.ARG
Atlantic croakerMicropogonias undulatusCKA
Atlantic needlefishStrongylura marinaNFA
Atlantic salmonSalmo salarSAL
Atlantic silversideMenidia menidiaSSA
Atlantic thread herringOpisthonema oglinumTHA
Baird’s slickheadAlepocephalus bairdiiALC
Black drumPogonias cromisBDM
Black seabassCentropristis striataBSB
Blueback herringAlosa aestivalisBBH
CapelinMallotus villosusCAP
Chars (NS)Salvelinus sp.CHR
CobiaRachycentron canadumCBA
Common (Florida) pompanoTrachinotus carolinusPOM
Gizzard shadDorosoma cepedianumSHG
Grunts (NS)PomadasyidaeGRX
Hickory shadAlosa mediocrisSHH
LanternfishNotoscopelus sp.LAX
Mullets (NS)MugilidaeMUL
North atlantic harvestfishPeprilus alepidotus (= paru)HVF
PigfishOrthopristis chrysopteraPIG
Rainbow smeltOsmerus mordaxSMR
Red drumSciaenops ocellatusRDM
Red porgyPagrus pagrusRPG
Rough scadTrachurus lathamiRSC
Sand perchDiplectrum formosumPES
SheepsheadArchosargus probatocephalusSPH
Spot croakerLeiostomus xanthurusSPT
Spotted weakfishCynoscion nebulosusSWF
Squeteague (Gray Weakfish)Cynoscion regalisSTG
Striped bassMorone saxatilisSTB
Sturgeons (NS)AcipenseridaeSTU
TarponTarpon (= megalops) atlanticusTAR
Trouts (NS)Salmo sp.TRO
White perchMorone americanaPEW
Alfonsinos (NS)Beryx sp.ALF
Spiny (= picked) dogfishSqualus acantiasDGS
Dogfishes (NS)SqualidaeDGX
Sand Tiger sharkOdontaspis taurusCCT
PorbeagleLamna nasusPOR
Shortfin mako sharkIsurus oxyrinchusSMA
Dusky sharkCarcharhinus obscurusDUS
Great Blue sharkPrionace glaucaBSH
Large sharks (NS)SqualiformesSHX
Atlantic Sharpnose sharkRhizoprionodon terraenovaRHT
Black DogfishCentroscyllium fabriciiCFB
Boreal (Greenland) sharkSomniosus microcephalusGSK
Basking sharkCetorhinus maximusBSK
Skates (NS)Raja sp.SKA
Little skateLeucoraja erinaceaRJD
Arctic skateAmblyraja hyperboreaRJG
Barndoor skateDipturus laevisRJL
Winter skateLeucoraja ocellataRJT
Thorny skate (Starry Ray)Amblyraja radiataRJR
Smooth skateMalcoraja sentaRJS
Spinytail skate (Spinetail Ray)Bathyraja spinicaudaRJQ
Finfishes (NS)FIN
Long-finned squid (Loligo)Loligo pealeiSQL
Short-finned squid (Illex)Illex illecebrosusSQI
Squids (NS)Loliginidae, OmmastrephidaeSQU
Atlantic razor clamEnsis directusCLR
Hard clamMercenaria mercenariaCLH
Ocean quahogArctica islandicaCLQ
Soft clamMya arenariaCLS
Surf clamSpisula solidissimaCLB
Stimpson’s surf clamSpisula polynymaCLT
Clams (NS)Prionodesmacea, TeleodesmaceaCLX
Bay scallopArgopecten irradiansSCB
Calico scallopArgopecten gibbusSCC
Iceland scallopChlamys islandicaISC
Sea scallopPlacopecten magellanicusSCA
Scallops (NS)PectinidaeSCX
American cupped oysterCrassostrea virginicaOYA
Blue musselMytilus edulisMUS
Whelks (NS)Busycon sp.WHX
Periwinkles (NS)Littorina sp.PER
Marine molluscs (NS)MolluscaMOL
Atlantic rock crabCancer irroratusCRK
Blue crabCallinectes sapidusCRB
Green crabCarcinus maenasCRG
Jonah crabCancer borealisCRJ
Queen crabChionoecetes opilioCRQ
Red crabGeryon quinquedensCRR
Stone king crabLithodes maiaKCT
Marine crabs (NS)ReptantiaCRA
American lobsterHomarus americanusLBA
Northern prawnPandalus borealisPRA
Aesop shrimpPandalus montaguiAES
Penaeus shirmps (NS)Penaeus sp.PEN
Pink (= Pandalid) shrimpsPandalus sp.PAN
Marine crustaceans (NS)CrustaceaCRU
Sea-urchinStrongylocentrotus sp.URC
Marine worms (NS)PolycheataWOR
Horseshoe crabLimulus polyphemusHSC
Marine invertebrates (NS)InvertebrataINV
If a species is caught that is not found in this list (Annex I.C), then the FAO ASFIS list of species codes should be used. The ASFIS list is found at: accordance with a recommendation adopted by STACRES at the 1970 Annual Meeting (ICNAF Redbook 1970, Part I, Page 67), hakes of the Genus Urophycis are designated as follows for statistical reporting: (a) hake reported from Subareas 1, 2, and 3, and Divisions 4R, S, T and V be designated as white hake, Urophycis tenuis; (b) hake taken by line gears or any hake greater than 55 cm standard length, regardless of how caught, from Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as white hake, Urophycis tenuis; (c) except as noted in (b), other hake of the Genus Urophycis taken in Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as red hake, Urophycis chuss".
4.Point 12 is replaced by the following:"(12)Annex III.B to the CEM referred to in Article 14(2) and (3) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833Authorised Topside Chafers/Shrimp Toggle Chains(1)ICNAF-type topside chaferThe ICNAF-type topside chafer is a rectangular piece of netting to be attached to the upper side of the codend of the trawl net to reduce and prevent damage so long as such netting conforms to the following conditions:(a)this netting shall have a mesh size not less than that specified for the codend in Article 13;(b)this netting may be fastened to the codend only along the forward and lateral edges of the netting and at no other place in it, and shall be fastened in such a manner that it extends forward of the splitting strap no more than four meshes and ends not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh; where a splitting strap is not used, the netting shall not extend to more than one-third of the codend measured from not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh;(c)the width of this netting shall be at least one and a half times the width of the area of the codend which is covered, such widths to be measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend.32020R0989_en_img_1(2)Multiple flap-type topside chaferThe multiple flap-type topside chafer is defined as pieces of netting having in all their parts meshes the size of which is not less than that of the codend, provided that:(a)each piece of nettingis fastened a minimum of one meter apart by its leading edge across the codend at right angles to its long axis;does not overlap the leading edge of the next piece of netting (see illustration following this provision);is of a width of at least the width of the codend (such width being measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend at the point of attachment); andis constructed of a positively buoyant single twine material; and(b)the aggregate length of all the pieces of netting so attached does not exceed two-thirds of the length of the codend.32020R0989_en_img_2(3)Shrimp Trawl – Codend Strengthening Bag, for vessels directing for shrimp in the NRAA strengthening bag is defined as an outer covering of netting that can be used on a shrimp trawl to protect and provide strength to the codend of the shrimp trawl.(a)Vessels shall not use a strengthening bag of which the mesh size is less than 130 millimetres.(b)The strengthening bag shall not extend forward of the sorting grids or grates or obstruct the sorting grids or grates in any way.(c)A strengthening bag shall not be attached in any way that restricts the authorized mesh or obstructs the mesh opening.(d)Vessels shall not use a strengthening bag with any other top-side chafers simultaneously.32020R0989_en_img_3Shrimp Toggle ChainsToggle chains are chains, ropes, or a combination of both, which attach the footrope to the fishing line or bolchline at varying intervals.The terms "fishing line" and "bolchline" are interchangeable. Some vessels use one line only; others use both a fishing line and a bolchline as shown in the sketch.The toggle chain length should be measured from the centre of the chain or wire running through the footrope (centre of footrope) to the underside of the fishing line.The attached sketch shows how to measure the toggle and chain length.32020R0989_en_img_4".5.Point 31 is replaced by the following:"(31)Format for catch report in Annex II.D to the CEM referred to in Article 25(6) and (8) and in point (b) of Article 26(9) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833Data Exchange Format and ProtocolsA.Data transmission formatEach data transmission is structured as follows:(1)Data characters in accordance with ISO 8859.1(2)Each data transmission is structured as follows:double slash ("//") and the characters "SR" indicate the start of a message;a double slash ("//") and field code indicate the start of a data element;a single slash ("/") separates the field code and the data;pairs of data are separated by space;the characters "ER" and a double slash ("//") at the end indicates the end of a record.B.Data exchange protocolsAuthorized data exchange protocols for electronic transmission of reports and messages between Contracting Parties and the Secretary shall be in accordance with Annex II.B, Rules on Confidentiality.C.Format for electronic exchange of fisheries monitoring information(The North Atlantic Format)
The plus sign (+) does not need to be transmitted; leading zeros can be omitted.
CategoryData ElementField codeTypeContentsDefinitions
SystemStart RecordSRIndicates start of the record
DetailsEnd RecordERIndicates end of the record
Return StatusRSChar*3CodesACK/NAK = Acknowledged/Not Acknowledged
Return Error NumberRENum*3001 – 999Codes indicating errors as received at operation centre, see Annex II.D.D(2)
MessageAddress destinationADChar*3ISO-3166 AddressAddress of the party receiving the message, "XNW" for NAFO
DetailsFromFRChar*3ISO-3166 AddressAddress of the transmitting party, (Contracting Party)
Type of MessageTMChar*3CodeCode for the message type
Sequence NumberSQNum*6NNNNNNSerial number of messages sent from a vessel to the final destination (XNW). It is unique for each vessel for a calendar year. At the beginning of the current year this value will be reset to 1 for each vessel and will increment at the sending of each message.
Record NumberRNNum*6NNNNNNSerial number of records sent from the FMC to XNW. It is unique for each FMC for a calendar year. At the beginning of the current year this value will be reset to 1 and will increment at the sending of each record.
Record DateRDNum*8YYYYMMDDYear, month and day in UTC from the FMC
Record TimeRTNum*4HHMMHours and minutes in UTC from the FMC
DateDANum*8YYYYMMDDYear, month and day in UTC of first transmission. In cases of RET messages first transmission is from the FMC, in all other cases first transmission is from the vessel.
TimeTINum*4HHMMHours and minutes in UTC of first transmission. In cases of RET messages first transmission is from the FMC, in all other cases first transmission is from the vessel.
Cancelled reportCRNum*6NNNNNNRecord Number of the record to be cancelled
Year of the report cancelledYRNum*4NNNNYear in UTC of the report to be cancelled
VesselRadio Call SignRCChar*7IRCS CodeInternational Radio Call Sign of the vessel
RegistrationVessel nameNAChar*30Name of the vessel
DetailsExt. registrationXRChar*14Side Number of the vessel
Flag StateFSChar*3ISO-3166State of registration
Contracting Party internal ref. numberIRChar*3Num*9ISO-3166 +max. 9NUnique vessel number attributed by the flag State in accordance with registration
Port NamePOChar*20Port of registration of the vessel/homeport
Vessel OwnerVOChar*60Name and address of the vessel owner
Vessel ChartererVCChar*60Name and address of the vessel charterer
Vessel IMO NumberIMO NumberIMNum*7NNNNNNNIMO ship identification number
Vessel Character. DetailsVessel Tonnage UnitVTChar*2Num*4"OC"/"LC"TonnageAccording to: "OC" OSLO 1947 Convention/"LC" LONDON ICTM-69
Vessel PowerUnitVPChar*2Num*50-99999Total main engine power in "KW"
Vessel LengthVLChar*2Num*3"OA"Length in metersUnit "OA" length overall.Total length of the vessel in meters, rounded to the nearest whole meter
Vessel TypeTPChar*3CodeAs listed in Annex II.I
Fishing GearGEChar*3FAO CodeInternational Standard Statistical Classification of the Fishing Gear as Annex II.J
Authorization detailsStart DateSDNum*8YYYYMMDDLicence detail; date on which the authorization starts
End DateEDNum*8YYYYMMDDLicence detail; date on which the authorization ends
Targeted species and AreaTAChar*3Char*10Stock specifications,FAO Species code and NAFO defined area code or "ANY"Species and area allowed for directed fishery. Regulated species of Annex I.A or I.B must refer to the stock specification. For unregulated species use Sub Area or division or "ANY". Allow for several pairs of fields. e.g.//TA/GHL 3LMNO COD 3M RED 3LN RED 3M HER ANY//
ActivityDetailsLatitudeLAChar*5NDDMM (WGS-84)e.g.//LA/N6235 = 62°35′ North
LongitudeLOChar*6E/WDDDMM (WGS-84)e.g.//LO/W02134 = 21°34′ West
Latitude (decimal)LTChar*7+/-DD.dddValue negative if latitude is in the southern hemisphere (WGS84)
Longitude (decimal)LGChar*8+/-DDD.dddValue negative if longitude is in the western hemisphere (WGS84)
Trip NumberTNNum*3001-999Number of the fishing trip in current year
CatchSpeciesQuantityCAChar*3Num*7FAO species code0-9999999Daily catch by species and by Division, retained on board, in kilograms live weight
Quantity onboardSpeciesQuantityOBChar*3Num*7FAO species code0-9999999Total quantity by species on board the vessel at the moment of sending the hail message concerned in kilograms live weight
Discard SpeciesQuantityRJChar*3Num*7FAO species code0 – 9999999Catch discarded by species and by Division in kilograms live weight
UndersizeSpeciesQuantityUSChar*3Num*7FAO species code0 – 9999999Undersize catch by species and by Division in kilograms live weight
Transferred speciesSpeciesQuantityKGChar*3Num*7FAO species code0-9999999Information concerning the quantities transferred between vessels by species in kilograms live weight rounded to the nearest 100 Kg. whilst operating in the R.A.
Relevant AreaRAChar*6ICES/NAFO CodesCode for the relevant fishing area
Directed SpeciesDSChar*3FAO species codesCode for the species for which the vessel directed as per Article 5.2. Allow for several species, separated by a space.e.g.//DS/species species species//
Observer on boardOOChar*1Y or NPresence of a compliance observer on board
Transhipped FromTFChar*7IRCS CodeInternational Radio Call Sign of the donor vessel
Transhipped ToTTChar*7IRCS CodeInternational Radio Call Sign of the receiving vessel
Master NameMAChar*30Name of the vessels master
Coastal StateCSChar*3ISO-31663 Alpha CodeCoastal State of Port of Landing
Predicted DatePDNum*8YYYYMMDDEstimated date UTC when the master intends to be in port
Predicted TimePTNum*4HHMMEstimated time UTC when the master intends to be in port
Port NamePOChar*20Name of the actual port of landing
SpeedSPNum*3Knots*10e.g.//SP/105 = 10.5 knots
CourseCONum*3360° degree scalee.g.//CO/270 = 270
Chartering Flag CatchesCHChar*3ISO-3166Flag of Chartering Contracting Party
Area of EntryAEChar*6ICES/NAFO CodesNAFO Division entering into
Days fishedDFNum*31-365Number of days the vessel spent in the fishing zone during the trip.
Apparent InfringementAFChar*1Y or NFor onboard observer to report his observations
Mesh SizeMENum*30 – 999Average mesh size in millimetres
ProductionPRChar*3CodeCode for the production Annex II.K
LogbookLBChar*1Y or NFor onboard observer to confirm the entries in the vessels logbook
HailsHAChar*1Y or NFor onboard observer to confirm the hails sent from the vessel
Observer NameONChar*30TextName of the onboard observer
Free TextMSChar*255TextActivity detail; for further comments by observer
D. 1)Structure of reports and messages as laid down in Annex II.E and Annex II.F when forwarded by Contracting Parties to the Secretary.Where appropriate, each Contracting Party shall retransmit to the Secretary reports and messages received from its vessels in accordance with Articles 28 and 29; subject to the following amendments:(a)the address (AD) shall be replaced by the address of the Secretary (XNW)(b)the data elements "record date" (RD), "record time" (RT), "record number" (RN) and "from" (FR) shall be inserted.D. 2)Return messages.If a Contracting Party so requests, the Secretary shall send a return message every time an electronic transmission of a report or message is received.A)Return message format:
Data ElementField CodeMandatory/OptionalRemarks
Start RecordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, Contracting Party sending the report
FromFRMMessage detail; XNW is NAFO (who is sending the return message)
Type of messageTMMMessage detail; message type RET for return message
Radio call signRCOReporting detail; international radio call sign of the vessel, copied from the report which is received.
Sequence numberSQOReporting detail; serial number of the report from the vessel in the relevant year, copied from the report which is received.
Return StatusRSMReporting detail; code showing whether the message is acknowledged or not (ACK or NAK)
Return error numberREOReporting detail; number showing the type of error. See table B) for return error numbers.
Record numberRNMReporting detail; record number of the message which is received
DateDAMMessage detail; date of transmission
TimeTIMMessage detail; time of transmission
End of RecordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record
B)Return error numbers
Subject/ArticleErrors NumbersError Cause
Rejected (NAK)Follow up action requiredAccepted and Stored (ACK)Follow up action requiredAccepted and Stored (ACK)with warning
Communication101Message is unreadable
102Data value or size out of range
104Mandatory data missing
105This report is a duplicate; attempt to re-send a report previously rejected
106Unauthorized data source
150Sequence error
151Date/Time in the future
155This report is a duplicate; attempt to re-send a report previously accepted
Article 25250Attempt to re-Notify a vessel
251Vessel is not Notified
252Species not AUT or SUS
Article 28301Catch prior to Catch on Entry
302Transhipment prior to Catch on Entry
303Catch on Exit prior to Catch on Entry
304No position received (CAT, TRA, COX)
350Position without Catch on Entry
E.Types of reports and messages
AnnexProvisionsCodeMessage/ ReportRemarks
II.CArticle 25.1aNOTNotificationNotification of fishing vessels
II.CArticle 25.1bWITWithdrawalNotification of the withdrawal of a registered vessel
II.CArticle 25.5aAUTAuthorizationNotification of vessels authorized to conduct fishing activities in the R.A.
II.CArticle 25.5bSUSSuspensionNotification of the suspension of an authorization to conduct fishing activities in the Regulatory Area, within its initial period of validity
II.EArticle 29.2ENTPOSEXIEntryPositionExitVMS messages
Article 29.8MANManual positionReports transmitted by fishing vessels with a defective satellite tracking device to the Contracting Party
II.FArticle 28.6(a)COECatch on EntryReport transmitted by fishing vessels, prior to entering the R.A.
Article 28.6(c)CATCatchCatch report daily, for all species by Division
Article 28.6(d)COBCross boundaryCatch report prior to crossing boundary to 3L
Article 28.6(e)TRATranshipmentReport on quantities on-loaded or off-loaded in the R.A.
Article 28.6(f)PORPort of LandingReport on catch onboard and weight to be landed
Article 28.6(b)COXCatch on ExitReport transmitted by fishing vessels, prior to leaving the R.A.
Article 28.6CANCancelReport for cancellation of a report set out in the Article 28.6
II.D.DArticle 29.10(a)Article 28.9(c)RETReturnAutomatic electronic message in accordance with reception of records
II.G.Article 30.14(e)OBRObserverDaily Observer report
The plus sign (+) does not need to be transmitted; leading zeros can be omitted.
6.Point 32 is replaced by the following:"(32)Format for cancellation of catch report in Annex II.F to the CEM referred to in Article 25(6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833"CANCEL" reportFormat specifications when sending reports from FMC to NAFO (XNW) see also Annex II.D.A, II.D.B, II.D.C and II.D.D.1
Cancel report should not be used to cancel other Cancel report.If the report is not sent from a vessel the time will be from the FMC and be the same as RD, RT.
Data ElementField CodeMandatory/OptionalRequirements for the field
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
FromFRMMessage detail; Address of the transmitting party (ISO-3)
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO
Record NumberRNMMessage detail; Unique serial number starting at 1 each year for records sent from the FMC to (XNW) (See also Annex II.D.C)
Record DateRDMMessage detail; Year, month and day in UTC of the record transmission from the FMC
Record TimeRTMMessage detail; Hours and minutes in UTC of the record transmission from the FMC
Type of MessageTMMMessage detail; message type, "CAN" as Cancel report
Radio call signRCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Cancelled reportCRMMessage detail; the record number of the report to be cancelled
Year of the report cancelledYRMMessage detail; year of the report to be cancelled
DateDAMMessage detail; UTC date of transmission of this report from the vessel
TimeTIMMessage detail; UTC time of transmission of this report from the vessel
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record
Cancel report should not be used to cancel other Cancel report.If the report is not sent from a vessel the time will be from the FMC and be the same as RD, RT.
7.Point 35 is replaced by the following:"(35)Observer report in Annex II.M to the CEM referred to in point (a) of Article 27(11) Regulation (EU) 2019/833Standardised Observer Report TemplatePart 1. A – Fishing Vessel – Fishing Trip and Observer Information
Fishing Vessel information
Vessel Name
Vessel Radio Call Sign
Flag State
External Registration number
Vessel IMO number
Vessel Length (m)
Vessel Gross Tonnage
Engine Power (indicate HP or KW)
Vessel Type
Total Frozen Hold Capacity (m3)
Fish Meal Hold Capacity (m3)
Other Hold Capacity (m3)
Trip information
Fishing Master’s Name
Trip Number
Number of Crew
Directed Species
Date of Entry into NRA (ENT)
Date of Exit from NRA (EXI)
NAFO Division/s visited
Other Area/s visited
Port of Landing
Observer information
Observer’s Name
Observation Date Started
Observation Date Ended
Date of Report
Part 1.B – Fishing Gear Information
Trawl Gear
GearGear TypeGear MakeMesh Size (mm)AttachmentsGrate SpacingStraps (Describe)Comments
WingsBodyLengthening PieceCodendMeasured by observer/inspector/masterDate measured
GearGear TypeTotal LengthHooksBuoysAnchorsMain line materialBait line materialComments
NumberAverage spacing (m)Hook typeHook sizeMarked yes/noNumber
Part 2. Catch and effort information by tow/set/
In the case of trawl fisheries, start is the time at the end of setting, finish is the time at the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, start is the time at the start of gear setting, finish is the end of gear retrieval.Decimal hours. In the case of trawl fisheries, the time from the end of setting to the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, the time from the start of gear setting to the end of retrieval.Including VMEs indicators
Tow/SetGear typeSTARTSFINISHDurationSpecies (FAO 3-alpha Species Code)Directed Species (yes or no)Product FormObservers Estimates
NAFODivisionLatitude (decimal)Longitude (decimal)Depth (m)Time (UTC) (HHMM)Date (YYYYMMDD)NAFODivisionLatitude (decimal)Longitude (decimal)Depth (m)Time (UTC) (HHMM)Date (YYYYMMDD)Observer Conversion Factor UsedRetained (kg live weight)Discarded (kg live weight)
Vessel Fishing LogbookVessel Production LogbookDiscrepancy Identified? (yes/no)Discrepancy DetailsComments
Vessel Conversion Factor UsedRetained (kg live weight)Discarded (kg live weight)Retained (kg)
Part 3. Compliance InformationEnter observation on:
Any instance of obstruction, intimidation, interference with or otherwise prevention of the observer from performing his/her duties.
Discrepancies between stowage and stowage plan (As Art 30.14.b)
Functioning of the satellite tracking device (report all interruptions, interference and malfunctions)
Transshipments (report all)
Undersized fish catches
At-Sea Inspections (report dates, times and any other observation)
Any other observation
Part 4. Effort and Catch Summary4A.Effort Summary
As per CEM Article 5.2In the case of trawl fisheries, fishing time is the time from the end of setting to the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, fishing time is the time from the start of gear setting to the end of retrieval. Summed haul duration for all hauls in the listed division, by gear type and directed speciesAs per CEM Article 1.6
Effort Summary Table
NAFO DivisionGear TypeDirected SpeciesDateNumber of Tow/setsDepth (m)Hours fishedFishing Days
1On Fishing activity by Division
2On Data Communication
3On Mesh sizes
4Other issues
4B.Catch Summary
Trip Catch Summary (catch by Division and Species)
Observer EstimatesRecorded in the Fishing Logbook
Species (FAO 3-alpha Species CodeDivisionRetained (kg live weight)Discarded (kg live weight)Total (kg live weight)Retained (kg live weight)Discarded (kg live weight)Total (kg live weight)
1On composition of catch and sizes
2On discrepancies with the fishing logbook entries
3On discards
4Other issues
Part 5. Catch of Greenland Shark Information by Haul
Tow/Set NumberTotal Number of SharksShark NumberEstimated Weight (kg live weight)LengthLength Measured or Estimated?SexCatch Disposition (Alive, Dead, Unknown)Comments
Part 6. Length Frequency Form
Observer’s Name
Vessel Call Sign
Trip Number
Gear number
Tow/Set Number
Species 3 alpha code
Catch weight (kg live weight)
Sample Type (discard, retained, mix)
Sample Weight in kg live weight
Min Size
Max Size
Total Number of Samples (n=)
Meas. Convention (TL, SL, FL, etc.)
Measure Type
Unit (mm or cm)
Size betweenNumberNumberNumberNumberNumber
In the case of trawl fisheries, start is the time at the end of setting, finish is the time at the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, start is the time at the start of gear setting, finish is the end of gear retrieval.Decimal hours. In the case of trawl fisheries, the time from the end of setting to the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, the time from the start of gear setting to the end of retrieval.Including VMEs indicatorsAs per CEM Article 5.2In the case of trawl fisheries, fishing time is the time from the end of setting to the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, fishing time is the time from the start of gear setting to the end of retrieval. Summed haul duration for all hauls in the listed division, by gear type and directed speciesAs per CEM Article 1.6
8.Point 36 is replaced by the following:"(36)Report in Annex II.G to the CEM transmitted daily by the observer as referred to in point (c) of Article 27(11) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833Observer Report
Only to be transmitted if relevant."Yes" if the observer confirms the Logbook entries have been made in accordance with the CEMs."Yes" if the observer confirms the reports required under Article 13.11, 13.12, and 28.6 have been transmitted in accordance with the CEMs."Yes" if the observer detects a discrepancy with the CEMs.Mandatory if "LB" = "No", or "HA" = "No", or "AF" = "Yes".Discarded undersized catch reported in the US field should also be included in the quantities expressed in the Discarding (RJ) field.".
Data ElementCodeMandatory/OptionalRequirements for the field
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO
Sequence NumberSQMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Type of MessageTMMMessage detail; message type, "OBR" as Observer report
Radio call signRCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Fishing GearGEMActivity detail; FAO code for fishing gear
Directed SpeciesDSMActivity detail; FAO species code for each directed species since the last OBR report
Mesh SizeMEMActivity detail; average mesh size in millimetres
Relevant AreaRAMActivity detail; NAFO Division
Daily Catchesspecieslive weightCAMMActivity detail; catch retained on board by species and by Division since last OBR report in kilograms rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms. Allow for several pairs of fields, consisting of species (FAO 3 alpha codes) + live weight in kilograms (until 9 digits), with each field separated by a space, e.g.//CA/speciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweightspacespeiesspaceweight//
Discardingspecieslive weightRJMActivity detail; Catch discarded by species and by Division since last OBR report, in kg rounded to the nearest 100 kg. Allow for several pairs of fields, consisting of species (FAO 3 alpha codes) + live weight in kilograms (until 9 digits), with each field separated by a space, e.g.//RJ/speciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweight//
Undersizespecieslive weightUSMActivity detail; Undersize catch by species and by Division since last OBR report, in kg rounded to the nearest 100 kg. Allow for several pairs of fields, consisting of species (FAO 3 alpha codes) + live weight in kilograms (until 9 digits), with each field separated by a space, e.g.//US/speciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweight//
LogbookLBMActivity detail; "Yes" or "No"
HailsHAMActivity detail; "Yes" or "No"
ApparentInfringementsAFMActivity detail; "Yes" or "No"
Observer NameONMMessage detail; name of the observer signing the report
DateDAMMessage detail; date of transmission of this report
Free TextMSOActivity detail; for further comments by the observer
TimeTIMMessage detail; time of transmission of this report
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record
Only to be transmitted if relevant."Yes" if the observer confirms the Logbook entries have been made in accordance with the CEMs."Yes" if the observer confirms the reports required under Article 13.11, 13.12, and 28.6 have been transmitted in accordance with the CEMs."Yes" if the observer detects a discrepancy with the CEMs.Mandatory if "LB" = "No", or "HA" = "No", or "AF" = "Yes".Discarded undersized catch reported in the US field should also be included in the quantities expressed in the Discarding (RJ) field.".
9.Point 41 is replaced by the following:"(41)Inspection Report in Annex IV.B to the CEM referred to in Article 33(1), point (a) of Article 34(2) and point (d) of Article 45 of Regulation (EU) 2019/833Report of InspectionTHE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES ORGANIZATION_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Inspector: Please use CAPITAL BLOCK LETTERS in BLACK PEN)(1)INSPECTION VESSEL
1.3 International Radio Call Sign (IRCS)1.4 Port of registry
(2)INSPECTORS (Note if Trainee)
Contracting Party and Port of Registry
Vessel nameRadio Call Sign
External numberIMO Number
Master’s Name
Master’s Address (only for infringement)
Owner’s name and address
Inspection Vessel Time/PositionUTCLatLongDivision
Inspected Vessel Time/PositionUTCLatLong
Vessel DocumentationChecked Y/N
Certified Drawings or description of fish room and freezers kept on boardChecked Y/NDate of Certification
Daily Stowage Plan conforms to Article 28.5Checked Y/N
Fishing LogbookChecked Y/NElectronic/Paper
Production LogbookChecked Y/NElectronic/Paper
Are recordings made in accordance with Article 28 & Annex II.AChecked Y/N
If not, indicate the inaccurate or missing recording(s)
Is there a notified Observer present on the vesselY/N
Observer’s name
Observer Contracting Party
Gear Type
Codend (inclusive of lengthener(s), if any)Average WidthLegal Size
Chafer – Samples of meshes
Rest of Net
Days in NAFO RA
Date of entry into RA/DivisionDivisionFish species(3-alpha code)Catch(metric tonnes)Conversion factor(s)Product Form(s)Discards
(11)RESULT OF INSPECTION OF FISH11.1.Catches Observed IN THE LAST TOW (if appropriate)
Duration of the towDepth of tow
Total tonnesAll species takenPercentage of each
11.2.Catches ON BOARD
Inspectors Estimate (tonnes)
Inspectors comments on how estimate was calculated:
Labelling Correct?Yes/No
(12)RESULT OF INSPECTION OF FISH ON BOARD12.1.Difference from Logbooks
Comment in the case of a difference between the inspector’s estimates of the catches on board and the related summaries of catches from the logbooks, note this difference with the percentage
I acknowledge being informed about the alleged infringements and, if applicable, the placement of seals to secure evidence DATE:SIGNATURE of MASTER
(13)COMMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS (additional pages can be added as necessary)
Documents inspected following an infringement
Comments, statements and/or observations by Inspector(s)
Statement of Master’s witness(es)
Statements of Second Inspector or Witness
(18)ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND RECEIPT OF REPORT BY THE MASTER (additional pages can be added as necessary)
Comments by the Master of vessel
I, the undersigned, Master of the vessel., hereby confirm that a copy of this report has been delivered to me on this date. My signature does not constitute acceptance of any part of the contents of the report.