Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/989 of 27 April 2020 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/124 as regards certain provisions of, and Annexes to, the conservation and enforcement measures of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO)
1. Point 3 is replaced by the following: "(3) Part VI of Annex I.E to the CEM as referred to in point 21 of Article 3, in Article 21(2) and in point (i) of point (a) of Article 27(11) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833
List of VME Indicator Species Common Name and FAO ASFIS 3- ALPHA CODE Taxon Family FAO ASFIS 3-ALPHA CODE Large-Sized Sponges (PFR – Porifera) Asconema foliatum Rossellidae ZBA Aphrocallistes beatrix Aphrocallistidae Asbestopluma (Asbestopluma) ruetzleri Cladorhizidae ZAB (Asbestopluma) Axinella sp.Axinellidae Chondrocladia grandis Cladorhizidae ZHD (Chondrocladia) Cladorhiza abyssicola Cladorhizidae ZCH (Cladorhiza) Cladorhiza kenchingtonae Cladorhizidae ZCH (Cladorhiza) Craniella spp.Tetillidae ZCS (Craniella spp.) Dictyaulus romani Euplectellidae ZDY (Dictyaulus) Esperiopsis villosa Esperiopsidae ZEW Forcepia spp.Coelosphaeridae ZFR Geodia barrette Geodiidae Geodia macandrewii Geodiidae Geodia parva Geodiidae Geodia phlegraei Geodiidae Haliclona sp.Chalinidae ZHL Iophon piceum Acarnidae WJP Isodictya palmata Isodictyidae Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) complicata Coelosphaeridae ZDD Mycale (Mycale) lingua Mycalidae Mycale (Mycale) loveni Mycalidae Phakellia sp.Axinellidae Polymastia spp.Polymastiidae ZPY Stelletta normani Ancorinidae WSX (Stelletta) Stelletta tuberosa Ancorinidae WSX (Stelletta) Stryphnus fortis Ancorinidae WPH Thenea muricataPachastrellidae ZTH (Thenea) Thenea valdiviae Pachastrellidae ZTH (Thenea) Weberella bursa Polymastiidae Stony Corals (CSS – Scleractinia) Enallopsammia rostrata *Dendrophylliidae FEY Lophelia pertusa *Caryophylliidae LWS Madrepora oculata *Oculinidae MVI Solenosmilia variabilis *Caryophylliidae RZT Small Gorgonians (GGW) Acanella arbuscula Isididae KQL (Acanella) Anthothela grandiflora Anthothelidae WAG Chrysogorgia sp.Chrysogorgiidae FHX Metallogorgia melanotrichos *Chrysogorgiidae Narella laxa Primnoidae Radicipes gracilis Chrysogorgiidae CZN Swiftia sp.Plexauridae Large Gorgonians (GGW) Acanthogorgia armata Acanthogorgiidae AZC Calyptrophora sp.*Primnoidae Corallium bathyrubrum Coralliidae COR (Corallium) Corallium bayeri Coralliidae COR (Corallium) Iridogorgia sp.*Chrysogorgiidae Keratoisis cf.siemensii Isididae Keratoisis grayi Isididae Lepidisis sp.*Isididae QFX (Lepidisis) Paragorgia arborea Paragorgiidae BFU Paragorgia johnsoni Paragorgiidae BFV Paramuricea grandis Plexauridae PZL (Paramuricea) Paramuricea placomus Plexauridae PZL (Paramuricea) Paramuricea spp.Plexauridae PZL (Paramuricea) Parastenella atlantica Primnoidae Placogorgia sp.Plexauridae Placogorgia terceira Plexauridae Primnoa resedaeformis Primnoidae QOE Thouarella (Euthouarella) grasshoffi *Primnoidae Sea Pens (NTW – Pennatulacea) Anthoptilum grandiflorum Anthoptilidae AJG (Anthoptilum) Distichoptilum gracile Protoptilidae WDG Funiculina quadrangularis Funiculinidae FQJ Halipteris cf.christii Halipteridae ZHX (Halipteris) Halipteris finmarchica Halipteridae HFM Halipteris sp.Halipteridae ZHX (Halipteris) Kophobelemnon stelliferum Kophobelemnidae KVF Pennatula aculeata Pennatulidae QAC Pennatula grandis Pennatulidae Pennatula sp.Pennatulidae Protoptilum carpenteri Protoptilidae Umbellula lindahli Umbellulidae Virgularia mirabilis Virgulariidae Tube-Dwelling Anemones Pachycerianthus borealis Cerianthidae WQB Erect Bryozoans (BZN – Bryozoa) Eucratea loricata Eucrateidae WEL Sea Lilies (CWD – Crinoidea) Conocrinus lofotensis Bourgueticrinidae WCF Gephyrocrinus grimaldii Hyocrinidae Trichometra cubensis Antedonidae Sea Squirts (SSX – Ascidiacea) Boltenia ovifera Pyuridae WBO Halocynthia aurantium Pyuridae Unlikely to be observed in trawls; in situ observations only:Large xenophyophores Syringammina sp.Syringamminidae ". 2. Point 5 is replaced by the following: "(5) Format prescribed in Annex II.C to the CEM referred to in point (a) of Article 4(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833
Vessel Notification and Authorisation (1) Format for register of vessels Mandatory when used as a single identification in other messages. Whichever one is appropriate. Data Element Code Mandatory/Optional Remarks Start record SR M System detail; indicates start of record Address AD M Message detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO Secretariat From FR M Message detail; ISO-3 code of the transmitting Contracting Party Record Number RN M Message detail; message serial number in current year Record Date RD M Message detail; date of transmission Record Time RT M Message detail; time of transmission Type of Message TM M Message detail; message type, " NOT " as Notification of vessels that may conduct fishing activities in NAFO RAVessel Name NA M Name of the vessel Radio Call Sign RC M International radio call sign of the vessel Flag State FS M State where the vessel is registered Internal Reference Number IR O Unique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag State code followed by number External Registration Number XR M The side number of the vessel Vessel IMO Number IM M IMO number Port Name PO M Port of registration or home port Vessel Owner VO M Registered owner and address Vessel Charterer VC M Responsible for using the vessel Vessel Type TP M FAO vessel code (Annex II.I) Vessel Gear GE O FAO statistical classification of fishing gear (Annex II.J) Vessel Tonnage measurement method tonnage VT M Vessel tonnage capacity in pairs as needed "OC" = "OSLO" Convention 1947, "LC""London" Convention ICTM-69 Total capacity in metric tons Vessel length measurement method length VL M Length in meters in pairs as needed "OA" = overall; length in meters Vessel Power measurement method power VP M Engine power in pairs as needed in "KW" PE = propulsion engine AE = Auxiliary summary engines Total installed engine power in vessel measured in "KW" End of record ER M System detail; indicates end of the record (2) Format for withdrawal of vessels from the register Data Element Code Mandatory/Optional Remarks Start record SR M System detail; indicates start of record Address AD M Message detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO Secretariat From FR M Message detail; ISO-3 code of the transmitting Contracting Party Record Number RN M Message detail; message serial number in current year Record Date RD M Message detail; date of transmission Record Time RT M Message detail; time of transmission Type of Message TM M Message detail; message type, "WIT" as Withdrawal of notified vessels Vessel Name NA M Name of the vessel Radio Call Sign RC M International radio call sign of the vessel Internal Reference Number IR O Unique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag State code followed by number, if exists External Registration Number XR M The side number of the vessel Vessel IMO Number IM M IMO number Start Date SD M The first date as from which the withdrawal takes effect End of record ER M System detail; indicates end of the record (3) Format for authorisation to conduct fishing activities For transport vessels the TA field is optional. Data Element Code Mandatory/Optional Remarks Start record SR M System detail; indicates start of record Address AD M Message detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO Secretariat From FR M Message detail; ISO-3 code of the transmitting Contracting Party Record Number RN M Message detail; message serial number in current year Record Date RD M Message detail; date of transmission Record Time RT M Message detail; time of transmission Type of Message TM M Message detail; message type, "AUT" as Authorization of vessels to conduct fishing activities in the NAFO RA Vessel Name NA M Name of the vessel Radio Call Sign RC M International radio call sign of the vessel Internal reference Number IR O Unique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag State code followed by number, if exists External registration Number XR M The side number of the vessel Vessel IMO Number IM M IMO number Start Date SD M License detail; date as from which the Authorization takes effect End date ED O License detail: Date on which the authorization go to the end. Maximum time validity is 12 months. Targeted species and Area TA M License detail; species and area allowed for directed fishery. Regulated species of Annex I.A or I.B must refer to the stock specification. For unregulated species use Sub Area or division or "ANY". Allow for several pairs of fields. e.g.//TA/GHL 3LMNO COD 3M RED 3LN RED 3M HER ANY// End of record ER M System detail; indicates end of the record (4) Format to suspend the authorisation to conduct fishing activities Data Element Code Mandatory/Optional Remarks Start record SR M System detail; indicates start of record Address AD M Message detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO Secretariat From FR M Message detail; ISO-3 code of the transmitting Contracting Party Record Number RN M Message detail; message serial number in current year Record Date RD M Message detail; date of transmission Record Time RT M Message detail; time of transmission Type of Message TM M Message detail; message type, "SUS" as Suspension of authorized vessels Vessel Name NA M Name of the vessel Radio Call Sign RC M International radio call sign of the vessel Internal Reference Number IR O Unique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag State code followed by number, if exists External Registration Number XR M The side number of the vessel Vessel IMO Number IM M IMO number Start Date SD M License detail; date as from which the Suspension takes effect End of record ER M System detail; indicates end of the record ". ----------------------Mandatory when used as a single identification in other messages. Whichever one is appropriate. For transport vessels the TA field is optional. 3. Point 11 is replaced by the following: "(11) Annex I.C to the CEM referred to in point (d) of Article 13(2), in point (b) of Article 24(1) and in the second subparagraph of Article 25(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833
List of Species If a species is caught that is not found in this list (Annex I.C), then the FAO ASFIS list of species codes should be used. The ASFIS list is found at: In accordance with a recommendation adopted by STACRES at the 1970 Annual Meeting (ICNAF Redbook 1970, Part I, Page 67), hakes of the Genus Urophycis are designated as follows for statistical reporting: (a) hake reported from Subareas 1, 2, and 3, and Divisions 4R, S, T and V be designated as white hake,Urophycis tenuis ; (b) hake taken by line gears or any hake greater than 55 cm standard length, regardless of how caught, from Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as white hake,Urophycis tenuis ; (c) except as noted in (b), other hake of the GenusUrophycis taken in Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as red hake,Urophycis chuss ".Common English Name Scientific Name 3-Alpha Code Groundfish Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua COD Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus HAD Atlantic redfishes Sebastes sp.RED Golden redfish Sebastes marinus REG Beaked redfish (deepwater) Sebastes mentella REB Acadian redfish Sebastes fasciatus REN Silver hake Merluccius bilinearis HKS Red hake Urophycis chuss HKR Pollock (= Saithe) Pollachius virens POK American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides PLA Witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossus WIT Yellowtail flounder Limanda ferruginea YEL Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides GHL Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus HAL Winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus FLW Summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus FLS Windowpane flounder Scophthalmus aquosus FLD Flatfishes (NS) Pleuronectiformes FLX American angler (= Goosefish) Lophius americanus ANG Atlantic searobins Prionotus sp.SRA Atlantic tomcod Microgadus tomcod TOM Blue antimora Antimora rostrata ANT Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou WHB Cunner Tautogolabrus adspersus CUN Cusk (= Tusk) Brosme brosme USK Greenland cod Gadus ogac GRC Blue ling Molva dypterygia BLI Ling Molva molva LIN Lumpfish =(Lumpsucker) Cyclopterus lumpus LUM Northern kingfish Menticirrhus saxatilis KGF Northern puffer Sphoeroides maculatus PUF Eelpouts (NS) Lycodes sp.ELZ Ocean pout Macrozoarces americanus OPT Polar cod Boreogadus saida POC Roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris RNG Roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax RHG Sandeels (= Sand Lances) Ammodytes sp.SAN Sculpins Myoxocephalus sp.SCU Scup Stenotomus chrysops SCP Tautog Tautoga onitis TAU Tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps TIL White hake Urophycis tenuis HKW Longfin hake Urophycis chesteri GPE Threebeard rockling Gaidropsarus ensis GDE Wolffishes (NS) Anarhichas sp.CAT Atlantic wolffish Anarhichas lupus CAA Spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor CAS Northern wolffish Anarhichas denticulatus CAB Groundfish (NS) GRO Pelagics Atlantic herring Clupea harengus HER Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus MAC Atlantic butterfish Peprilus triacanthus BUT Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus MHA Atlantic saury Scomberesox saurus SAU Bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli ANB Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix BLU Crevalle jack Caranx hippos CVJ Frigate tuna Auxis thazard FRI King mackerel Scomberomourus cavalla KGM Atlantic Spanish mackerel Scomberomourus maculates SSM Sailfish Istiophorus platypterus SAI White marlin Tetrapturus albidus WHM Blue marlin Makaira nigricans BUM Swordfish Xiphias gladius SWO Albacore tuna Thunnus alalunga ALB Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda BON Little tunny Euthynnus alletteratus LTA Bigeye tunny Thunnus obesus BET Northern bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus BFT Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis SKJ Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares YFT Tunas (NS) Scombridae TUN Pelagic fish (NS) PEL Other Fish Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus ALE Amberjacks Seriola sp.AMX American conger Conger oceanicus COA American eel Anguilla rostrata ELA Atlantic hagfish Myxine glutinosa MYG American shad Alosa sapidissima SHA Argentines (NS) Argentina sp.ARG Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus CKA Atlantic needlefish Strongylura marina NFA Atlantic salmon Salmo salar SAL Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia SSA Atlantic thread herring Opisthonema oglinum THA Baird’s slickhead Alepocephalus bairdii ALC Black drum Pogonias cromis BDM Black seabass Centropristis striata BSB Blueback herring Alosa aestivalis BBH Capelin Mallotus villosus CAP Chars (NS) Salvelinus sp.CHR Cobia Rachycentron canadum CBA Common (Florida) pompano Trachinotus carolinus POM Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum SHG Grunts (NS) Pomadasyidae GRX Hickory shad Alosa mediocris SHH Lanternfish Notoscopelus sp.LAX Mullets (NS) Mugilidae MUL North atlantic harvestfish Peprilus alepidotus (= paru) HVF Pigfish Orthopristis chrysoptera PIG Rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax SMR Red drum Sciaenops ocellatus RDM Red porgy Pagrus pagrus RPG Rough scad Trachurus lathami RSC Sand perch Diplectrum formosum PES Sheepshead Archosargus probatocephalus SPH Spot croaker Leiostomus xanthurus SPT Spotted weakfish Cynoscion nebulosus SWF Squeteague (Gray Weakfish) Cynoscion regalis STG Striped bass Morone saxatilis STB Sturgeons (NS) Acipenseridae STU Tarpon Tarpon (= megalops) atlanticus TAR Trouts (NS) Salmo sp.TRO White perch Morone americana PEW Alfonsinos (NS) Beryx sp.ALF Spiny (= picked) dogfish Squalus acantias DGS Dogfishes (NS) Squalidae DGX Sand Tiger shark Odontaspis taurus CCT Porbeagle Lamna nasus POR Shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus SMA Dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus DUS Great Blue shark Prionace glauca BSH Large sharks (NS) Squaliformes SHX Atlantic Sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenova RHT Black Dogfish Centroscyllium fabricii CFB Boreal (Greenland) shark Somniosus microcephalus GSK Basking shark Cetorhinus maximus BSK Skates (NS) Raja sp.SKA Little skate Leucoraja erinacea RJD Arctic skate Amblyraja hyperborea RJG Barndoor skate Dipturus laevis RJL Winter skate Leucoraja ocellata RJT Thorny skate (Starry Ray) Amblyraja radiata RJR Smooth skate Malcoraja senta RJS Spinytail skate (Spinetail Ray) Bathyraja spinicauda RJQ Finfishes (NS) FIN Invertebrates Long-finned squid ( Loligo )Loligo pealei SQL Short-finned squid ( Illex )Illex illecebrosus SQI Squids (NS) Loliginidae, Ommastrephidae SQU Atlantic razor clam Ensis directus CLR Hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria CLH Ocean quahog Arctica islandica CLQ Soft clam Mya arenaria CLS Surf clam Spisula solidissima CLB Stimpson’s surf clam Spisula polynyma CLT Clams (NS) Prionodesmacea, Teleodesmacea CLX Bay scallop Argopecten irradians SCB Calico scallop Argopecten gibbus SCC Iceland scallop Chlamys islandica ISC Sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus SCA Scallops (NS) Pectinidae SCX American cupped oyster Crassostrea virginica OYA Blue mussel Mytilus edulis MUS Whelks (NS) Busycon sp.WHX Periwinkles (NS) Littorina sp.PER Marine molluscs (NS) Mollusca MOL Atlantic rock crab Cancer irroratus CRK Blue crab Callinectes sapidus CRB Green crab Carcinus maenas CRG Jonah crab Cancer borealis CRJ Queen crab Chionoecetes opilio CRQ Red crab Geryon quinquedens CRR Stone king crab Lithodes maia KCT Marine crabs (NS) Reptantia CRA American lobster Homarus americanus LBA Northern prawn Pandalus borealis PRA Aesop shrimp Pandalus montagui AES Penaeus shirmps (NS) Penaeus sp.PEN Pink (= Pandalid) shrimps Pandalus sp.PAN Marine crustaceans (NS) Crustacea CRU Sea-urchin Strongylocentrotus sp.URC Marine worms (NS) Polycheata WOR Horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus HSC Marine invertebrates (NS) Invertebrata INV ----------------------If a species is caught that is not found in this list (Annex I.C), then the FAO ASFIS list of species codes should be used. The ASFIS list is found at: In accordance with a recommendation adopted by STACRES at the 1970 Annual Meeting (ICNAF Redbook 1970, Part I, Page 67), hakes of the Genus Urophycis are designated as follows for statistical reporting: (a) hake reported from Subareas 1, 2, and 3, and Divisions 4R, S, T and V be designated as white hake,Urophycis tenuis ; (b) hake taken by line gears or any hake greater than 55 cm standard length, regardless of how caught, from Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as white hake,Urophycis tenuis ; (c) except as noted in (b), other hake of the GenusUrophycis taken in Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as red hake,Urophycis chuss ".4. Point 12 is replaced by the following: "(12) Annex III.B to the CEM referred to in Article 14(2) and (3) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833
Authorised Topside Chafers/Shrimp Toggle Chains (1) ICNAF-type topside chafer The ICNAF-type topside chafer is a rectangular piece of netting to be attached to the upper side of the codend of the trawl net to reduce and prevent damage so long as such netting conforms to the following conditions: (a) this netting shall have a mesh size not less than that specified for the codend in Article 13; (b) this netting may be fastened to the codend only along the forward and lateral edges of the netting and at no other place in it, and shall be fastened in such a manner that it extends forward of the splitting strap no more than four meshes and ends not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh; where a splitting strap is not used, the netting shall not extend to more than one-third of the codend measured from not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh; (c) the width of this netting shall be at least one and a half times the width of the area of the codend which is covered, such widths to be measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend.
(2) Multiple flap-type topside chafer The multiple flap-type topside chafer is defined as pieces of netting having in all their parts meshes the size of which is not less than that of the codend, provided that: (a) each piece of netting is fastened a minimum of one meter apart by its leading edge across the codend at right angles to its long axis; does not overlap the leading edge of the next piece of netting (see illustration following this provision); is of a width of at least the width of the codend (such width being measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend at the point of attachment); and is constructed of a positively buoyant single twine material; and
(b) the aggregate length of all the pieces of netting so attached does not exceed two-thirds of the length of the codend.
(3) Shrimp Trawl – Codend Strengthening Bag, for vessels directing for shrimp in the NRA A strengthening bag is defined as an outer covering of netting that can be used on a shrimp trawl to protect and provide strength to the codend of the shrimp trawl. (a) Vessels shall not use a strengthening bag of which the mesh size is less than 130 millimetres. (b) The strengthening bag shall not extend forward of the sorting grids or grates or obstruct the sorting grids or grates in any way. (c) A strengthening bag shall not be attached in any way that restricts the authorized mesh or obstructs the mesh opening. (d) Vessels shall not use a strengthening bag with any other top-side chafers simultaneously.
Shrimp Toggle Chains Toggle chains are chains, ropes, or a combination of both, which attach the footrope to the fishing line or bolchline at varying intervals. The terms "fishing line" and "bolchline" are interchangeable. Some vessels use one line only; others use both a fishing line and a bolchline as shown in the sketch. The toggle chain length should be measured from the centre of the chain or wire running through the footrope (centre of footrope) to the underside of the fishing line. The attached sketch shows how to measure the toggle and chain length. ". 5. Point 31 is replaced by the following: "(31) Format for catch report in Annex II.D to the CEM referred to in Article 25(6) and (8) and in point (b) of Article 26(9) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833
Data Exchange Format and Protocols A. Data transmission format Each data transmission is structured as follows: (1) Data characters in accordance with ISO 8859.1 (2) Each data transmission is structured as follows: double slash ("//") and the characters "SR" indicate the start of a message; a double slash ("//") and field code indicate the start of a data element; a single slash ("/") separates the field code and the data; pairs of data are separated by space; the characters "ER" and a double slash ("//") at the end indicates the end of a record.
B. Data exchange protocols Authorized data exchange protocols for electronic transmission of reports and messages between Contracting Parties and the Secretary shall be in accordance with Annex II.B, Rules on Confidentiality. C. Format for electronic exchange of fisheries monitoring information (The North Atlantic Format) The plus sign (+) does not need to be transmitted; leading zeros can be omitted. Category Data Element Field code Type Contents Definitions System Start Record SR Indicates start of the record Details End Record ER Indicates end of the record Return Status RS Char*3 Codes ACK/NAK = Acknowledged/Not Acknowledged Return Error Number RE Num*3 001 – 999 Codes indicating errors as received at operation centre, see Annex II.D.D(2) Message Address destination AD Char*3 ISO-3166 Address Address of the party receiving the message, "XNW" for NAFO Details From FR Char*3 ISO-3166 Address Address of the transmitting party, (Contracting Party) Type of Message TM Char*3 Code Code for the message type Sequence Number SQ Num*6 NNNNNN Serial number of messages sent from a vessel to the final destination (XNW). It is unique for each vessel for a calendar year. At the beginning of the current year this value will be reset to 1 for each vessel and will increment at the sending of each message. Record Number RN Num*6 NNNNNN Serial number of records sent from the FMC to XNW. It is unique for each FMC for a calendar year. At the beginning of the current year this value will be reset to 1 and will increment at the sending of each record. Record Date RD Num*8 YYYYMMDD Year, month and day in UTC from the FMC Record Time RT Num*4 HHMM Hours and minutes in UTC from the FMC Date DA Num*8 YYYYMMDD Year, month and day in UTC of first transmission. In cases of RET messages first transmission is from the FMC, in all other cases first transmission is from the vessel. Time TI Num*4 HHMM Hours and minutes in UTC of first transmission. In cases of RET messages first transmission is from the FMC, in all other cases first transmission is from the vessel. Cancelled report CR Num*6 NNNNNN Record Number of the record to be cancelled Year of the report cancelled YR Num*4 NNNN Year in UTC of the report to be cancelled Vessel Radio Call Sign RC Char*7 IRCS Code International Radio Call Sign of the vessel Registration Vessel name NA Char*30 Name of the vessel Details Ext. registration XR Char*14 Side Number of the vessel Flag State FS Char*3 ISO-3166 State of registration Contracting Party internal ref. number IR Char*3 Num*9 ISO-3166 +max. 9N Unique vessel number attributed by the flag State in accordance with registration Port Name PO Char*20 Port of registration of the vessel/homeport Vessel Owner VO Char*60 Name and address of the vessel owner Vessel Charterer VC Char*60 Name and address of the vessel charterer Vessel IMO Number IMO Number IM Num*7 NNNNNNN IMO ship identification number Vessel Character. Details Vessel Tonnage Unit VT Char*2 Num*4 "OC"/"LC" Tonnage According to: "OC" OSLO 1947 Convention/"LC" LONDON ICTM-69 Vessel Power Unit VP Char*2 Num*5 0-99999 Total main engine power in "KW" Vessel Length VL Char*2 Num*3 "OA" Length in meters Unit "OA" length overall. Total length of the vessel in meters, rounded to the nearest whole meter Vessel Type TP Char*3 Code As listed in Annex II.I Fishing Gear GE Char*3 FAO Code International Standard Statistical Classification of the Fishing Gear as Annex II.J Authorization details Start Date SD Num*8 YYYYMMDD Licence detail; date on which the authorization starts End Date ED Num*8 YYYYMMDD Licence detail; date on which the authorization ends Targeted species and Area TA Char*3 Char*10 Stock specifications, FAO Species code and NAFO defined area code or "ANY" Species and area allowed for directed fishery. Regulated species of Annex I.A or I.B must refer to the stock specification. For unregulated species use Sub Area or division or "ANY". Allow for several pairs of fields. e.g.//TA/GHL 3LMNO COD 3M RED 3LN RED 3M HER ANY// Activity Details Latitude LA Char*5 NDDMM (WGS-84) e.g.//LA/N6235 = 62°35′ North Longitude LO Char*6 E/WDDDMM (WGS-84) e.g.//LO/W02134 = 21°34′ West Latitude (decimal) LT Char*7 +/-DD.ddd Value negative if latitude is in the southern hemisphere (WGS84) Longitude (decimal) LG Char*8 +/-DDD.ddd Value negative if longitude is in the western hemisphere (WGS84) Trip Number TN Num*3 001-999 Number of the fishing trip in current year Catch Species Quantity CA Char*3 Num*7 FAO species code 0-9999999 Daily catch by species and by Division, retained on board, in kilograms live weight Quantity onboard Species Quantity OB Char*3 Num*7 FAO species code 0-9999999 Total quantity by species on board the vessel at the moment of sending the hail message concerned in kilograms live weight Discard Species Quantity RJ Char*3 Num*7 FAO species code 0 – 9999999 Catch discarded by species and by Division in kilograms live weight Undersize Species Quantity US Char*3 Num*7 FAO species code 0 – 9999999 Undersize catch by species and by Division in kilograms live weight Transferred species Species Quantity KG Char*3 Num*7 FAO species code 0-9999999 Information concerning the quantities transferred between vessels by species in kilograms live weight rounded to the nearest 100 Kg. whilst operating in the R.A. Relevant Area RA Char*6 ICES/NAFO Codes Code for the relevant fishing area Directed Species DS Char*3 FAO species codes Code for the species for which the vessel directed as per Article 5.2. Allow for several species, separated by a space. e.g.//DS/species species species// Observer on board OO Char*1 Y or N Presence of a compliance observer on board Transhipped From TF Char*7 IRCS Code International Radio Call Sign of the donor vessel Transhipped To TT Char*7 IRCS Code International Radio Call Sign of the receiving vessel Master Name MA Char*30 Name of the vessels master Coastal State CS Char*3 ISO-3166 3 Alpha Code Coastal State of Port of Landing Predicted Date PD Num*8 YYYYMMDD Estimated date UTC when the master intends to be in port Predicted Time PT Num*4 HHMM Estimated time UTC when the master intends to be in port Port Name PO Char*20 Name of the actual port of landing Speed SP Num*3 Knots*10 e.g.//SP/105 = 10.5 knots Course CO Num*3 360° degree scale e.g.//CO/270 = 270 Chartering Flag Catches CH Char*3 ISO-3166 Flag of Chartering Contracting Party Area of Entry AE Char*6 ICES/NAFO Codes NAFO Division entering into Days fished DF Num*3 1-365 Number of days the vessel spent in the fishing zone during the trip. Apparent Infringement AF Char*1 Y or N For onboard observer to report his observations Mesh Size ME Num*3 0 – 999 Average mesh size in millimetres Production PR Char*3 Code Code for the production Annex II.K Logbook LB Char*1 Y or N For onboard observer to confirm the entries in the vessels logbook Hails HA Char*1 Y or N For onboard observer to confirm the hails sent from the vessel Observer Name ON Char*30 Text Name of the onboard observer Free Text MS Char*255 Text Activity detail; for further comments by observer D. 1) Structure of reports and messages as laid down in Annex II.E and Annex II.F when forwarded by Contracting Parties to the Secretary. Where appropriate, each Contracting Party shall retransmit to the Secretary reports and messages received from its vessels in accordance with Articles 28 and 29; subject to the following amendments: (a) the address (AD) shall be replaced by the address of the Secretary (XNW) (b) the data elements "record date" (RD), "record time" (RT), "record number" (RN) and "from" (FR) shall be inserted.
D. 2) Return messages. If a Contracting Party so requests, the Secretary shall send a return message every time an electronic transmission of a report or message is received. A) Return message format: Data Element Field Code Mandatory/Optional Remarks Start Record SR M System detail; indicates start of record Address AD M Message detail; destination, Contracting Party sending the report From FR M Message detail; XNW is NAFO (who is sending the return message) Type of message TM M Message detail; message type RET for return message Radio call sign RC O Reporting detail; international radio call sign of the vessel, copied from the report which is received. Sequence number SQ O Reporting detail; serial number of the report from the vessel in the relevant year, copied from the report which is received. Return Status RS M Reporting detail; code showing whether the message is acknowledged or not (ACK or NAK) Return error number RE O Reporting detail; number showing the type of error. See table B) for return error numbers. Record number RN M Reporting detail; record number of the message which is received Date DA M Message detail; date of transmission Time TI M Message detail; time of transmission End of Record ER M System detail; indicates end of the record B) Return error numbers Subject/Article Errors Numbers Error Cause Rejected (NAK) Follow up action required Accepted and Stored (ACK) Follow up action required Accepted and Stored (ACK) with warning Communication 101 Message is unreadable 102 Data value or size out of range 104 Mandatory data missing 105 This report is a duplicate; attempt to re-send a report previously rejected 106 Unauthorized data source 150 Sequence error 151 Date/Time in the future 155 This report is a duplicate; attempt to re-send a report previously accepted Article 25 250 Attempt to re-Notify a vessel 251 Vessel is not Notified 252 Species not AUT or SUS Article 28 301 Catch prior to Catch on Entry 302 Transhipment prior to Catch on Entry 303 Catch on Exit prior to Catch on Entry 304 No position received (CAT, TRA, COX) 350 Position without Catch on Entry E. Types of reports and messages Annex Provisions Code Message/ Report Remarks II.C Article 25.1a NOT Notification Notification of fishing vessels II.C Article 25.1b WIT Withdrawal Notification of the withdrawal of a registered vessel II.C Article 25.5a AUT Authorization Notification of vessels authorized to conduct fishing activities in the R.A. II.C Article 25.5b SUS Suspension Notification of the suspension of an authorization to conduct fishing activities in the Regulatory Area, within its initial period of validity II.E Article 29.2 ENT POS EXI Entry Position Exit VMS messages Article 29.8 MAN Manual position Reports transmitted by fishing vessels with a defective satellite tracking device to the Contracting Party II.F Article 28.6(a) COE Catch on Entry Report transmitted by fishing vessels, prior to entering the R.A. Article 28.6(c) CAT Catch Catch report daily, for all species by Division Article 28.6(d) COB Cross boundary Catch report prior to crossing boundary to 3L Article 28.6(e) TRA Transhipment Report on quantities on-loaded or off-loaded in the R.A. Article 28.6(f) POR Port of Landing Report on catch onboard and weight to be landed Article 28.6(b) COX Catch on Exit Report transmitted by fishing vessels, prior to leaving the R.A. Article 28.6 CAN Cancel Report for cancellation of a report set out in the Article 28.6 II.D.D Article 29.10(a) Article 28.9(c) RET Return Automatic electronic message in accordance with reception of records II.G. Article 30.14(e) OBR Observer Daily Observer report ". ----------------------The plus sign (+) does not need to be transmitted; leading zeros can be omitted. 6. Point 32 is replaced by the following: "(32) Format for cancellation of catch report in Annex II.F to the CEM referred to in Article 25(6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833
"CANCEL" report Format specifications when sending reports from FMC to NAFO (XNW) see also Annex II.D.A, II.D.B, II.D.C and II.D.D.1 Cancel report should not be used to cancel other Cancel report. If the report is not sent from a vessel the time will be from the FMC and be the same as RD, RT. Data Element Field Code Mandatory/Optional Requirements for the field Start record SR M System detail; indicates start of record From FR M Message detail; Address of the transmitting party (ISO-3) Address AD M Message detail; destination, "XNW" for NAFO Record Number RN M Message detail; Unique serial number starting at 1 each year for records sent from the FMC to (XNW) (See also Annex II.D.C) Record Date RD M Message detail; Year, month and day in UTC of the record transmission from the FMC Record Time RT M Message detail; Hours and minutes in UTC of the record transmission from the FMC Type of Message TM M Message detail; message type, "CAN " as Cancel report Radio call sign RC M Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel Cancelled report CR M Message detail; the record number of the report to be cancelled Year of the report cancelled YR M Message detail; year of the report to be cancelled Date DA M Message detail; UTC date of transmission of this report from the vessel Time TI M Message detail; UTC time of transmission of this report from the vessel End of record ER M System detail; indicates end of the record ". ----------------------Cancel report should not be used to cancel other Cancel report. If the report is not sent from a vessel the time will be from the FMC and be the same as RD, RT. 7. Point 35 is replaced by the following: "(35) Observer report in Annex II.M to the CEM referred to in point (a) of Article 27(11) Regulation (EU) 2019/833 Standardised Observer Report Template
Part 1. A – Fishing Vessel – Fishing Trip and Observer Information Fishing Vessel information Vessel Name Vessel Radio Call Sign Flag State External Registration number Vessel IMO number Vessel Length (m) Vessel Gross Tonnage Engine Power (indicate HP or KW) Vessel Type Total Frozen Hold Capacity (m 3 )Fish Meal Hold Capacity (m 3 )Other Hold Capacity (m 3 )Trip information Fishing Master’s Name Trip Number Number of Crew Directed Species Date of Entry into NRA (ENT) Date of Exit from NRA (EXI) NAFO Division/s visited Other Area/s visited Transhipment Port of Landing Observer information Observer’s Name Observation Date Started Observation Date Ended Date of Report Comments Part 1.B – Fishing Gear Information Trawl Gear Gear Gear Type Gear Make Mesh Size (mm) Attachments Grate Spacing Straps (Describe) Comments Wings Body Lengthening Piece Codend Measured by observer/inspector/master Date measured High Low Average High Low Average High Low Average High Low Average 1 2 3 Longline Gear Gear Type Total Length Hooks Buoys Anchors Main line material Bait line material Comments Number Average spacing (m) Hook type Hook size Marked yes/no Number 1 2 3 … Part 2. Catch and effort information by tow/set/ In the case of trawl fisheries, start is the time at the end of setting, finish is the time at the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, start is the time at the start of gear setting, finish is the end of gear retrieval. Decimal hours. In the case of trawl fisheries, the time from the end of setting to the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, the time from the start of gear setting to the end of retrieval. Including VMEs indicators Tow/Set Gear type STARTS FINISH Duration Species (FAO 3-alpha Species Code ) Directed Species (yes or no) Product Form Observers Estimates NAFO Division Latitude (decimal) Longitude (decimal) Depth (m) Time (UTC) (HHMM) Date (YYYYMMDD) NAFO Division Latitude (decimal) Longitude (decimal) Depth (m) Time (UTC) (HHMM) Date (YYYYMMDD) Observer Conversion Factor Used Retained (kg live weight) Discarded (kg live weight) 1 2 3 … Vessel Fishing Logbook Vessel Production Logbook Discrepancy Identified? (yes/no) Discrepancy Details Comments Vessel Conversion Factor Used Retained (kg live weight) Discarded (kg live weight) Retained (kg) Part 3. Compliance Information Enter observation on: Observations Details Any instance of obstruction, intimidation, interference with or otherwise prevention of the observer from performing his/her duties. Discrepancies between stowage and stowage plan (As Art 30.14.b) Functioning of the satellite tracking device (report all interruptions, interference and malfunctions) Transshipments (report all) Undersized fish catches At-Sea Inspections (report dates, times and any other observation) Any other observation Part 4. Effort and Catch Summary 4A. Effort Summary As per CEM Article 5.2 In the case of trawl fisheries, fishing time is the time from the end of setting to the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, fishing time is the time from the start of gear setting to the end of retrieval. Summed haul duration for all hauls in the listed division, by gear type and directed species As per CEM Article 1.6 Effort Summary Table NAFO Division Gear Type Directed Species Date Number of Tow/sets Depth (m) Hours fished Fishing Days Start Finish Minimum Maximum Comments 1 On Fishing activity by Division 2 On Data Communication 3 On Mesh sizes 4 Other issues 4B. Catch Summary Trip Catch Summary (catch by Division and Species) Observer Estimates Recorded in the Fishing Logbook Species (FAO 3-alpha Species Code Division Retained (kg live weight) Discarded (kg live weight) Total (kg live weight) Retained (kg live weight) Discarded (kg live weight) Total (kg live weight) Total Comments 1 On composition of catch and sizes 2 On discrepancies with the fishing logbook entries 3 On discards 4 Other issues Part 5. Catch of Greenland Shark Information by Haul Tow/Set Number Total Number of Sharks Shark Number Estimated Weight (kg live weight) Length Length Measured or Estimated? Sex Catch Disposition (Alive, Dead, Unknown) Comments Part 6. Length Frequency Form Observer’s Name Vessel Call Sign Trip Number Year Month Day Gear number Tow/Set Number Species 3 alpha code Catch weight (kg live weight) Sample Type (discard, retained, mix) Sample Weight in kg live weight Min Size Max Size Sex Total Number of Samples (n=) Meas. Convention (TL, SL, FL, etc.) Measure Type Unit (mm or cm) Comments Size between Number Number Number Number Number 9.5-10.0 10.0-10.5 10.5-11.0 11.0-11.5 11.5-12.0 12.0-12.5 12.5-13.0 … … … 97.0-97.5 97.5-98.0 98.0-98.5 98.5-99.0 99.0-99.5 99.5-100.0 100.0-100.5 … ". ----------------------In the case of trawl fisheries, start is the time at the end of setting, finish is the time at the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, start is the time at the start of gear setting, finish is the end of gear retrieval. Decimal hours. In the case of trawl fisheries, the time from the end of setting to the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, the time from the start of gear setting to the end of retrieval. Including VMEs indicators As per CEM Article 5.2 In the case of trawl fisheries, fishing time is the time from the end of setting to the start of gear retrieval. In any other case, fishing time is the time from the start of gear setting to the end of retrieval. Summed haul duration for all hauls in the listed division, by gear type and directed species As per CEM Article 1.6 8. Point 36 is replaced by the following: "(36) Report in Annex II.G to the CEM transmitted daily by the observer as referred to in point (c) of Article 27(11) of Regulation (EU) 2019/833
Observer Report Only to be transmitted if relevant. "Yes" if the observer confirms the Logbook entries have been made in accordance with the CEMs. "Yes" if the observer confirms the reports required under Article 13.11, 13.12, and 28.6 have been transmitted in accordance with the CEMs. "Yes" if the observer detects a discrepancy with the CEMs. Mandatory if "LB" = "No", or "HA" = "No", or "AF" = "Yes". Discarded undersized catch reported in the US field should also be included in the quantities expressed in the Discarding (RJ) field.". Data Element Code Mandatory/Optional Requirements for the field Start record SR M System detail; indicates start of record Address AD M Message detail; destination, " XNW " for NAFOSequence Number SQ M Message detail; message serial number in current year Type of Message TM M Message detail; message type, " OBR " as Observer reportRadio call sign RC M Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel Fishing Gear GE M Activity detail; FAO code for fishing gear Directed Species DS M Activity detail; FAO species code for each directed species since the last OBR report Mesh Size ME M Activity detail; average mesh size in millimetres Relevant Area RA M Activity detail; NAFO Division Daily Catches species live weight CA M M Activity detail; catch retained on board by species and by Division since last OBR report in kilograms rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms. Allow for several pairs of fields, consisting of species (FAO 3 alpha codes) + live weight in kilograms (until 9 digits), with each field separated by a space, e.g. //CA/speciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweightspacespeiesspaceweight// Discarding species live weight RJ M Activity detail; Catch discarded by species and by Division since last OBR report, in kg rounded to the nearest 100 kg. Allow for several pairs of fields, consisting of species (FAO 3 alpha codes) + live weight in kilograms (until 9 digits), with each field separated by a space, e.g. //RJ/speciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweight// Undersize species live weight US M Activity detail; Undersize catch by species and by Division since last OBR report, in kg rounded to the nearest 100 kg. Allow for several pairs of fields, consisting of species (FAO 3 alpha codes) + live weight in kilograms (until 9 digits), with each field separated by a space, e.g. //US/speciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweightspacespeciesspaceweight// Logbook LB M Activity detail; "Yes" or "No" Hails HA M Activity detail; "Yes" or "No" Apparent Infringements AF M Activity detail; "Yes" or "No" Observer Name ON M Message detail; name of the observer signing the report Date DA M Message detail; date of transmission of this report Free Text MS O Activity detail; for further comments by the observer Time TI M Message detail; time of transmission of this report End of record ER M System detail; indicates end of the record ----------------------Only to be transmitted if relevant. "Yes" if the observer confirms the Logbook entries have been made in accordance with the CEMs. "Yes" if the observer confirms the reports required under Article 13.11, 13.12, and 28.6 have been transmitted in accordance with the CEMs. "Yes" if the observer detects a discrepancy with the CEMs. Mandatory if "LB" = "No", or "HA" = "No", or "AF" = "Yes". Discarded undersized catch reported in the US field should also be included in the quantities expressed in the Discarding (RJ) field.". 9. Point 41 is replaced by the following: "(41) Inspection Report in Annex IV.B to the CEM referred to in Article 33(1), point (a) of Article 34(2) and point (d) of Article 45 of Regulation (EU) 2019/833
Report of Inspection THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES ORGANIZATION _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Inspector: Please use CAPITAL BLOCK LETTERS in BLACK PEN) (1) INSPECTION VESSEL 1.1 NAME 1.2 REGISTRATION 1.3 International Radio Call Sign (IRCS) 1.4 Port of registry (2) INSPECTORS (Note if Trainee) NAME CONTRACTING PARTY (3) INFORMATION ON VESSEL INSPECTED Contracting Party and Port of Registry Vessel name Radio Call Sign External number IMO Number Master’s Name Master’s Address (only for infringement) Owner’s name and address Inspection Vessel Time/Position UTC Lat Long Division Inspected Vessel Time/Position UTC Lat Long (4) DATE OF LAST SEA INSPECTION DATE (5) DATE AND TIME OF CURRENT INSPECTION DATE TIME OF ARRIVAL ON BOARD UTC (6) VERIFICATION Vessel Documentation Checked Y/N Certified Drawings or description of fish room and freezers kept on board Checked Y/N Date of Certification Daily Stowage Plan conforms to Article 28.5 Checked Y/N (7) RECORDING OF FISHING EFFORT AND CATCHES Fishing Logbook Checked Y/N Electronic/Paper Production Logbook Checked Y/N Electronic/Paper Are recordings made in accordance with Article 28 & Annex II.A Checked Y/N If not, indicate the inaccurate or missing recording(s) (8) OBSERVER INFORMATION Is there a notified Observer present on the vessel Y/N Observer’s name Observer Contracting Party (9) MESH MEASUREMENT – IN MILLIMETERS Gear Type Codend (inclusive of lengthener(s), if any) Average Width Legal Size 1st Net 2nd Net Chafer – Samples of meshes 1st Net 2nd Net Rest of Net 1st Net 2nd Net (10) SUMMARY OF CATCHES FROM LOGBOOKS FOR THE CURRENT FISHING TRIP Days in NAFO RA Date of entry into RA/Division Division Fish species (3-alpha code) Catch (metric tonnes) Conversion factor(s) Product Form(s) Discards (11) RESULT OF INSPECTION OF FISH 11.1. Catches Observed IN THE LAST TOW (if appropriate) Duration of the tow Depth of tow Total tonnes All species taken Percentage of each 11.2. Catches ON BOARD Inspectors Estimate (tonnes) Inspectors comments on how estimate was calculated: Labelling Correct? Yes/No (12) RESULT OF INSPECTION OF FISH ON BOARD 12.1. Difference from Logbooks Comment in the case of a difference between the inspector’s estimates of the catches on board and the related summaries of catches from the logbooks, note this difference with the percentage 12.2. Infringements CEM REFERENCE NATURE OF INFRINGEMENTS Comments: I acknowledge being informed about the alleged infringements and, if applicable, the placement of seals to secure evidence DATE: SIGNATURE of MASTER (13) COMMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS (additional pages can be added as necessary) Documents inspected following an infringement Comments, statements and/or observations by Inspector(s) Statement of Master’s witness(es) Statements of Second Inspector or Witness (14) SIGNATURE OF INSPECTOR IN CHARGE (15) NAME AND SIGNATURE OF SECOND INSPECTOR OR WITNESS (16) NAME AND SIGNATURE OF MASTER’S WITNESS(ES) (17) DATES AND TIMES OF INSPECTION CONCLUSION AND OF DEPARTURE INSPECTION CONCLUSION DATE TIME UTC DEPARTURE DATE TIME UTC POSITION Lat Long (18) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND RECEIPT OF REPORT BY THE MASTER (additional pages can be added as necessary) Comments by the Master of vessel I, the undersigned, Master of the vessel., hereby confirm that a copy of this report has been delivered to me on this date. My signature does not constitute acceptance of any part of the contents of the report. DATE SIGNATURE ".