(a) the design of the surveillance including the targeted animal population and the diagnostic methods; (b) the disease confirmation and the case definition; (c) Union surveillance programmes.
(a) the disease control strategy, the territory, the animal populations, the targets and the period of application; (b) the obligations of operators and competent authorities; (c) the disease control measures in the event of suspicion and of confirmation.
(a) the disease control strategy, the territory, the animal populations, the targets and the period of application; (b) the obligations of operators and competent authorities; (c) the disease control measures in the event of suspicion and of confirmation.
(a) the criteria for the approval of the disease-free status of Member States and zones; (b) the criteria for the approval of the disease-free status for compartments keeping aquaculture animals; (c) the criteria for the maintenance of the disease-free status; (d) the suspension, the withdrawal and the restoration of disease-free status.
(a) the approval of the disease-free status of Member States, zones and compartments which are recognised disease-free under the legislation in force before the date of application of this Regulation; (b) the approval of eradication programmes of Member States, zones and compartments which have an approved eradication or surveillance programme under the legislation in force before the date of application of this Regulation.