Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/182 of 14 January 2020 on models in the field of professional qualifications in inland navigation (Text with EEA relevance)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/182of 14 January 2020on models in the field of professional qualifications in inland navigation(Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Directive (EU) 2017/2397 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2017 on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and repealing Council Directives 91/672/EEC and 96/50/ECOJ L 345, 27.12.2017, p. 53., and in particular Article 11(3), Article 18(3) and Article 22(4) thereof,After consulting the Committee referred to in Article 33 of Directive (EU) 2017/2397,Whereas:(1)Directive (EU) 2017/2397 sets out the conditions and procedures for the certifying the qualifications of persons involved in the operation of a craft on Union inland waterways. The certification aims at facilitating mobility, ensuring the safety of navigation and ensuring the protection of human life and the environment.(2)To ensure uniform conditions for its implementation, Directive (EU) 2017/2397 requires that models for issuing Union certificates of qualification, service record books, single documents combining Union certificates of qualification and service record books, logbooks and practical examination certificates are established.(3)Pursuant to Article 34 of Directive (EU) 2017/2397, the implementing acts establishing these models, must refer to standards established by the European Committee for drawing up standards in the field of inland navigation ("CESNI") and include the entire text of those standards, provided that those standards are available and up-to-date, that they comply with the applicable requirements set out in the Annexes to Directive (EU) 2017/2397 and that Union interests are not compromised by changes in the decision-making process of CESNI. On 15 October 2019, CESNI adopted ResolutionsResolution CESNI 2019-II-1, Resolution CESNI 2019-II-2, Resolution CESNI 2019-II-3, Resolution CESNI 2019-II-4 and Resolution CESNI 2019-II-5. establishing the standards on models in the field of professional qualifications in inland navigation, in full compliance with the conditions set out in Article 34 of Directive (EU) 2017/2397.(4)In accordance with the recommendations set out in the EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 Accelerating the digital transformation of government (COM/2016/0179 final)., eGovernment should be used to increase efficiency of public services and facilitate business friendly cross-border public administrations. Therefore a model in electronic form for Union certificates of qualifications as a boatmaster, a liquefied natural gas expert and a passenger navigation expert should also be established,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The models for the Union certificates of qualification as a boatmaster, as a liquefied natural gas expert and as a passenger navigation expert, in hard copy and in electronic form, shall be as set out in Annex I.
Article 2The model for a single document combining Union certificates of qualification and service record book shall be as set out in Annex II.
Article 3The model for practical examination certificates shall be as set out in Annex III.
Article 4The model for service record books shall be as set out in Annex IV.
Article 5The model for logbooks shall be as set out in Annex V.
Article 6This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 14 January 2020.For the CommissionThe PresidentUrsula von der LeyenANNEX IMODELS FOR THE UNION CERTICATES OF QUALIFICATION AS A BOATMASTER, A LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS ("LNG") EXPERT AND A PASSAGER NAVIGATION EXPERT1.Model for the electronic form of the union certificates of qualification as a boatmaster, as a liquefied natural gas (LNG) expert and as a passenger navigation expertThe model for Union certificates of qualification as a boatmaster and the model for Union certificates of qualification as a liquefied natural gas ("LNG") expert or as a passenger navigation expert shall be the PDF/A document that includes the data related to the concerned certificate, which may be extracted from the database referred to in Article 25(2) of Directive (EU) 2017/2397 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDirective (EU) 2017/2397 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2017 on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and repealing Council Directives 91/672/EEC and 96/50/EC (OJ L 345, 27.12.2017, p. 53)., under the crew member personal file. The Union certificate of qualification in PDF/A shall include the security features allowing verification of origin and integrity of data in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (OJ L 257, 28.8.2014, p. 73)..32020R0182_en_img_1Instructions for the issuing authorities1.Current family name(s) of the holder2.Current first name(s) of the holderNames shall be those appearing on the ID card or passport of the person concerned and shall be entered in UNICODE.If a name is spelled differently in UNICODE and in ASCII, it shall also be transcribed in ASCII in brackets.3a.Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)3b.Place of birth (city)4.Crew member identification number of the holder (CID) as in the database referred to in Article 25(2) of Directive (EU) 2017/23975.Physical identification of the holder by importing the electronic image file6.Serial number of the certificate.The serial number of the certificate shall consist of:the crew member’s CID;the type of document as coded in the European Reference Data Management System (ERDMS);the issuing authority as coded in ERDMS;the number of the document in 4 digits.7.Date of issue of certificate8.Date of expiry9.Name of issuing authority10.Specific authorisation(s) coded: R (for sailing with the aid of radar); M (for sailing on inland waterways with a maritime character); Stretches for specific risk as coded in the European Reference Data Management System (ERDMS); C (for sailing large convoys), coded with the issuing authority and indication of serial number of the authorisation11.Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions (code 01 until 09 as in ES-QIN as included in Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2020/12Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2020/12 of 2 August 2019 supplementing Directive (EU) 2017/2397 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the standards for competences and corresponding knowledge and skills, for the practical examinations, for the approval of simulators and for medical fitness (OJ L 6, 10.1.2020, p. 15).).For the Union certificates of qualification as an LNG expert and as a passenger navigation expert, points 10 and 11 shall not apply.Visual characteristics of the Union certificates of qualification:Background in light blue colour Pantone 290C, printable in A4.2.Model for the hard copy of the Union certificates of qualification as a boatmaster(front)32020R0182_en_img_2(back)32020R0182_en_img_3Instructions for the issuing authorities1.Current family name(s) of the holder2.Current first name(s) of the holderNames shall be those appearing on the ID card or passport of the person concerned and shall be entered in UNICODE.If a name is spelled differently in UNICODE and in ASCII, it shall also be transcribed in ASCII in brackets.3a.Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)3b.Place of birth (city)4.Crew member identification number of the holder (CID) as in the database referred to in Article 25(2) of Directive (EU) 2017/23975.Physical identification of the holder by importing the electronic image file6.Serial number of certificate.The serial number of the certificate shall consist of:the crew member’s CID;the type of document as coded in the European Reference Data Management System (ERDMS);the issuing authority as coded in ERDMS;the number of the document in 4 digits.7.Date of issue of certificate8.Date of expiry9.Name of issuing authority10.Specific authorisation(s) coded: R (for sailing with the aid of radar); M (for sailing on inland waterways with a maritime character); Stretches for specific risk as coded in ERDMS); C (for sailing large convoys)11.Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions (code as in ES-QIN as included in Delegated Directive (EU) 2020/12).Physical characteristics of the Union certificate of qualification as a boatmaster:Background in light blue colour: Pantone 290CCard format ID-1 according to ISO/IEC 78103.Model for the hard copy of the Union certificates of qualification as an LNG expert or as a passenger navigation expert(front)32020R0182_en_img_4(back)32020R0182_en_img_5Instructions for the issuing authorities1.Current family name(s) of the holder2.Current first name(s) of the holderNames shall be those appearing on the ID card or passport of the person concerned and shall be entered in UNICODE.If a name is spelled differently in UNICODE and in ASCII, it shall also be transcribed in ASCII in brackets.3a.Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)3b.Place of birth (city)4.Crew member identification number of the holder (CID) as in the database referred to in Article 25(2) of Directive (EU) 2017/23975.Physical identification of the holder through importation of electronic image file6.Serial number of certificateThe serial number of the certificate shall consist of:the crew member’s CID;the type of document as coded in the European Reference Data Management System (ERDMS);the issuing authority as coded in ERDMS;the number of the document in 4 digits.7.Date of issue of certificate8.Date of expiry9.Issuing authorityPhysical characteristics of the Union certificate of qualification as a passenger navigation expert or as an LNG expert:Background in light blue colour Pantone 290CCard format ID-1 according to ISO/IEC 7810ANNEX IIMODEL FOR THE SINGLE DOCUMENT COMBINING UNION CERTIFICATES OF QUALIFICATION AND THE SERVICE RECORD BOOKPage 1 of the model
Name of country
Service record book combined with certificates of qualification
Identification of the holder2D barcode
1.Name(s) of the holder:
2.First name(s):
3a.Date of birth:3b. Place of birth:
4.Crew member identification number:
Identification of the service record book1.Serial number:2.Date of issue:3.Issuing authority:4.Signature and stamp of issuing authority:5.Serial number of former service record book:SRBXXXXSSSS
Page 2 of the modelEuropean Union certificates of qualification and certificates of qualification issued according to the Regulations for Rhine Navigation Personnel as apprentice, deckhand, boatman, able boatman and helmsmanTitle of certificate: ________________________________________Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions:Serial number:Date of issue: Date of expiry:Issuing authority:Signature and stamp of issuing authority:Title of certificate: ________________________________________Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions:Serial number:Date of issue: Date of expiry:Issuing authority:Signature and stamp of issuing authority:Title of certificate: ________________________________________Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions:Serial number:Date of issue: Date of expiry:Issuing authority:Signature and stamp of issuing authority:Title of certificate: ________________________________________Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions:Serial number:Date of issue: Date of expiry:Issuing authority:Signature and stamp of issuing authority:Title of certificate: ________________________________________Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions:Serial number:Date of issue: Date of expiry:Issuing authority:Signature and stamp of issuing authority:SRBXXXXSSSSPage 3 of the modelOther certificates concerning qualifications relevant for inland navigationTitle of certificate: ________________________________________Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions:Serial number:Date of issue: Date of expiry:Issuing authority:Signature and stamp of issuing authority:Title of certificate: ________________________________________Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions:Serial number:Date of issue: Date of expiry:Issuing authority:Signature and stamp of issuing authority:Title of certificate: ________________________________________Fitness related mitigation measures and restrictions:Serial number:Date of issue: Date of expiry:Issuing authority:Signature and stamp of issuing authority:SRBXXXXSSSSPage 4 of the modelService timeService time on board, name of craft:Unique European vessel identification number or other official craft number:Type of craftFor type of craft, always indicate if type C or G tanker, large convoy or if craft using LNG as fuel:State of registration:Length of craft in mDelete if not applicable/number of passengers:Owner (name and address):Holder assumed service asHolder assumed service as’: the function must be numbered according to instruction for keeping the logbook:Holder assumed service on (date):End of service (date):Boatmaster (name and address):Place, date and signature of boatmaster:Service time on board, name of craft:Unique European vessel identification number or other official craft number:Type of craftState of registration:Length of craft in m/number of passengersOwner (name and address):Holder assumed service as:Holder assumed service on (date):End of service (date):Boatmaster (name and address):Place, date and signature of boatmaster:SRBXXXXSSSSPages 5 to 22 as page 4Page 23 of the model
Navigation time and stretches of inland waterways sailed over last 15 monthsYear:
The number of days navigated must be consistent with the navigation time entered in the logbook!
Name of craft or unique European identification number or other official craft numberjourney from via to(km)Start of journey(date)Days of interruptionEnd of the journey (date)Total number of navigation daysSignature of boatmaster
Complete document ☐ yes ☐ no☐ Doubts at line(s):________Doubts have been eliminated by presenting ☐ (parts of) the logbook ☐ other official documentsSpace reserved for the competent authority
To be completed by the authority: total number of navigation days taken into consideration from this page
Validation mark of the competent authorityPresented on (date) ___________Signature and stamp of the authoritySRBXXXXSSSS
Pages 24 to 55 as page 23Headings of columns A to G not printed on those pagesPage 56 of the modelWithout contentInstructions for the issuing authoritiesIdentification of the holder1.Current family name(s) of the holder2.Current first name(s) of the holderNames shall be those appearing on the ID card or passport of the person concerned and shall be entered in UNICODE.If a name is spelled differently in UNICODE and in ASCII, there shall also be transcribed in ASCII in brackets.3a.Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)3b.Place of birth (city)4.Crew member identification number of the holder (CID) as attributed in the database referred to in Art. 25(2) of Directive (EU) 2017/2397 of the European Parliament and of the Council.Identification of the service record bookThe serial number of the service record book shall consist of:the crew member’s CID;the type of document as coded in the European Reference Data Management System (ERDMS);the issuing authority as coded in ERDMS;the number of the document in 4 digits.The serial number of the service record book without the part on CID shall be repeated in the lower section of each page.Certificates of qualificationThe title of the issued certificate shall be inserted (in caps font) by the relevant competent authority. It shall be complemented by the following numbers in brackets, as appropriate: "(2)" for Helmsman, "(3)" for Able boatman, "(4)" for Boatman, "(5)" for Deckhand and "(6)" for Apprentice.As regards the Union certificates of qualifications, the title "European Union certificate of qualification in inland navigation" accompanied by the relevant qualification shall be indicated for example "European Union certificate of qualification in inland navigation – Able boatman (3)".As regards certificates of qualifications issued in accordance with the Regulations for Rhine Navigation Personnel, the title "CCNR certificate of qualification" accompanied by the relevant qualification shall be indicated for example "CCNR certificate of qualification – Able boatman (3)".Physical characteristics of the documentColour: cover: light blue Pantone 290C; white background of inner pagesFormat A5 according to ISO 216Example of a filled in entry for service timeService time on board, name of craft: UNTERWALDENUnique European vessel identification number or other official craft number: 07000281Type of craft1:State of registration: CHLength of craft in m*/number of passengers* 105 mOwner (name and address):TSAG, Hauptstrasse 55, CH-4127 Riehen, Basel-StadtHolder assumed service as2: 3Holder assumed service on (date): 22.10.1995End of service (date): 22.11.1996Boatmaster (name and address):K. Huber, Rheinstrasse 55, D-76497 WintersdorfPlace, date and signature of boatmaster: Rotterdam, 20.11.1996K.HuberExample of a filled in page for navigation time and stretches sailedNavigation time and stretches of inland waterways sailed over last 15 months Year: 2015/2016The number of days navigated must be consistent with the navigation time entered in the logbook
1 07000281Rotterdam (999,90)Mainz (500,00) Wien (1930,00)22.11.151117.12.1515Signature Huber
2 07000281Wien (1930,00) Mainz (500,00) Basel (169,90)20.12.1544.1.1612Signature Huber
3 07000281Basel (169,90) Rotterdam (999,90)6.1.16010.1.165Signature Huber
4 07000281Rotterdam (999,90) Antwerpen (20,00) Basel (169,90)13.1.16123.1.1610Signature Huber
5 07000281Basel (169,90) Antwerpen (20,00)25.1.16029.1.165Signature Huber
6 07000281Antwerpen (20,00) Basel (169,90)1.2.1607.2.167Signature Huber
7 07000281Base (169,90) Mainz (500,00) Bratislava (1867,00)9.2.16522.2.169Signature Huber
8 07000281Bratislava (18657,00) Regensburg (2376,30)27.2.1602.3.165Signature Huber
9 07000281Regensburg (2376,30) Mainz (500,00) Rotterdam (999,90)3.3.1609.3.167Signature Huber
10 07000281Rotterdam (999,90) Basel (169,90)12.3.16017.3.166Signature Huber
Complete document ☑yes ☐ no☐ Doubts at line(s)__________Doubts have been eliminated by presenting ☐ (parts of) the logbook ☐ other official documentsSpace reserved for the competent authority
To be completed by the authority: total number of navigation days taken into consideration from this page81
Validation mark of the competent authorityPresented on (date) 15.04.16Signature and stamp of the authoritySRBXXXXSSSS
We, name of the examining body,hereby certify with document number …that
1.Current family name(s) of the holder2.Current first name(s) of the holder
3a.Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)3b.Place of birth (city)
has passed the practical examination [for obtaining a certificate of qualification as a boatmaster] [and] [for a specific authorisation for sailing with the aid of radar]on the simulator (name of the simulator), approved by (name of the competent authority).
Place and date of issueSignature and stamp of the examining body
InstructionsNames shall be those appearing on the ID card or passport of the person concerned and shall be entered in UNICODE.If a name is spelled differently in UNICODE and in ASCII, it shall also be transcribed in ASCII in brackets.Choose the applicable examination and delete the other examination if not applicable.Physical characteristicsColour: white background. Format A4 according to ISO 216
Name of country
Service record bookIdentification of the holder
1.Name(s) of the holder:
2.First name(s):
3a.Date of birth:3b.Place of birth:
4.Crew member identification number:
Identification of the service record book1.Serial number:2.Date of issue:3.Issuing authority:4.Signature and stamp of issuing authority:5.Serial number of former service record book:SRBXXXXSSSS
Page 2 of the modelWithout contentPage 3 of the modelService timeService time on board, name of craft:Unique European vessel identification number or other official craft number:Type of craftFor type of craft, always indicate if type C or G tanker, large convoy or if craft using LNG as fuel:State of registration:Length of craft in mDelete if not applicable/number of passengers:Owner (name and address):Holder assumed service asHolder assumed service as’: the function must be numbered according to instruction for keeping the logbook:Holder assumed service on (date):End of service (date):Boatmaster (name and address):Place, date and signature of boatmaster:Service time on board, name of craft:Unique European vessel identification number or other official craft number:Type of craftState of registration:Length of craft in m/number of passengers:Owner (name and address):Holder assumed service as:Holder assumed service on (date):End of service (date):Boatmaster (name and address):Place, date and signature of boatmaster:SRBXXXSSSSPages 4 to 22 as page 3Page 23 of the model
Navigation time and stretches of inland waterways sailed over last 15 monthsYear:
The number of days navigated must be consistent with the navigation time entered in the logbook!
Name of craft or unique European identification number or other official craft numberJourney from via to(km) (km)Start of journey (date)Days of interruptionEnd of the journey (date)Total number of navigation daysSignature of Boatmaster
Complete document ☐ yes ☐ no☐ Doubts at line(s) ___________Doubts have been eliminated by presenting ☐ (parts of) the logbook ☐ other official documentsSpace reserved for competent authority
To be completed by the authority: Total number of navigation days taken into consideration from this page
Validation mark of the competent authorityPresented on (date):___________Signature and stamp of the authoritySRBXXXSSSS
Pages 24 to 55 as page 23Headings of columns A to G are not printed on those pagesPage 56 of the modelWithout contentInstructions for the issuing authoritiesIdentification of the holder1.Current family name(s) of the holder2.Current first name(s) of the holderNames shall be those appearing on the ID card or passport of the person concerned and shall be entered in UNICODE.If a name is spelled differently in UNICODE and in ASCII, it shall also be transcribed in ASCII in brackets.3a.Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)3b.Place of birth (city)4.Crew member identification number of the holder (CID) as in the database referred to in Art. 25(2) of Directive (EU) 2017/2397 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDirective (EU) 2017/2397 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2017 on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and repealing Council Directives 91/672/EEC and 96/50/EC (OJ L 345, 27.12.2017, p. 53)..Identification of the service record bookThe serial number of the service record book shall consist of:the crew member’s CID;the type of document as coded in the European Reference Data Management System (ERDMS);the issuing authority as coded in ERDMS;the number of the document in 4 digits.The serial number of the service record book without the part on CID shall be repeated in the lower section of each page.Physical characteristics of the documentColour: light blue Pantone 290C for the cover; white background of inner pagesFormat: A5 according to ISO 216Example of a filled in entry for service timeService time on board, name of craft: UNTERWALDENUnique European vessel identification number or other official craft number: 07000281Type of craft1:State of registration: CHLength of craft in m1/number of passengers* 105 mOwner (name and address):TSAG, Hauptstrasse 55, CH-4127 Riehen, Basel-StadtHolder assumed service as2: 3Holder assumed service on (date): 22.10.1995End of service (date): 22.11.1996Boatmaster (name and address):K. Huber, Rheinstrasse 55, D-76497 WintersdorfPlace, date and signature of boatmaster: Rotterdam, 20.11.1996K.HuberExample of a filled in page for navigation time and stretches sailed
Navigation time and stretches of inland waterways sailed over last 15 monthsYear: 2015/2016
The number of days navigated must be consistent with the navigation time entered in the logbook
1 07000281Rotterdam (999,90)Mainz (500,00) Wien (1930,00)22.11.151117.12.1515Signature Huber
2 07000281Wien (1930,00) Mainz (500,00) Basel (169,90)20.12.1544.1.1612Signature Huber
3 07000281Basel (169,90) Rotterdam (999,90)6.1.16010.1.165Signature Huber
4 07000281Rotterdam (999,90) Antwerpen (20,00) Basel (169,90)13.1.16123.1.1610Signature Huber
5 07000281Basel (169,90) Antwerpen (20,00)25.1.16029.1.165Signature Huber
6 07000281Antwerpen (20,00) Basel (169,90)1.2.1607.2.167Signature Huber
7 07000281Base (169,90) Mainz (500,00) Bratislava (1867,00)9.2.16522.2.169Signature Huber
8 07000281Bratislava (18657,00) Regensburg (2376,30)27.2.1602.3.165Signature Huber
9 07000281Regensburg (2376,30) Mainz (500,00) Rotterdam (999,90)3.3.1609.3.167Signature Huber
10 07000281Rotterdam (999,90) Basel (169,90)12.3.16017.3.166Signature Huber
Complete document ☑ yes ☐ no☐ Doubts at line(s) __________Doubts have been eliminated by presenting ☐ (parts of) the logbook ☐ other official documentsSpace reserved for the competent authority
To be completed by the authority: total number of navigation days taken into consideration from this page81
Validation mark of the competent authorityPresented on (date) _15.04.16Signature and stamp of the authoritySRBXXXXSSSS
Name of country
LogbookSerial number of the logbook:Date of issue:Name of craft:Unique European vessel identification number:Issuing authority:Signature and stamp of issuing authority:LBKXXXXSSSS
Page 2 of the modelInstructions for keeping the logbookThis logbook contains 200 pages, numbered from 1 to 200. Entries shall be legible and made in ink (e.g. using print letters).Entries in the logbook shall be made in accordance with applicable crewing regulations. In the case of inland waterways whose courses are not fully within the scope of a manning requirement, the navigation time and rest time acquired on sections located outside the scope of the regulation shall also be taken into account.Where loading and unloading activities require active navigational operations, such as dredging or manoeuvres between loading or unloading points, the time used for such activities shall be entered as navigation time.Activities of crew members shall be entered according to their functions by using their respective number:1Boatmaster2Helmsman3Able boatman4Boatman5Deckhand6Apprentice7Engineer8Engine minder9If national regulations provide for other functions than the ones listed here above, such functions shall be entered using numbers from 9 onwards with the indication of the respective national title.On each page the following entries shall be made:the operating mode (after each change of the operating mode, a new page shall be used);the year;as soon as the craft starts the journey:1st column — Date (day and month)2nd column — Time (hour, minute)3rd column — Name of the location of the start of the journey4th column — Waterway and km of the location of the start of the journey;as soon as the craft interrupts the journey:1st column — Date (day and month) if different from day of the start of the journey5th column — Time (hour, minute)6th column — Name of the location where the craft is stationary7th column — Waterway and km of the location where the craft is stationary;as soon as the craft starts to navigate again: same entries as start of the journey;as soon as the craft ends its journey: same entries as interruption of the journey.Page 3 of the modelColumn 8 shall be filled in (function, name(s), first name(s), serial number of crew member’s service record book or serial number of the certificate of qualification as a boatmaster) when the crew comes on board for the first time and whenever the composition of the crew changes.In columns 9 to 11, the start and end of the rest times for each crew member shall be recorded. These entries shall be done by 08.00 the following day. If crew members spend rest times following a regular schedule, a single scheme per journey is sufficient.In columns 12 and 13, any changes to the crew shall be recorded specifying the embarking and disembarkation of each crew member.LBKXXXXSSSSPage 4 of the modelWithout contentPage 5 of the modelREST TIMESOperating modeif applicable_______
Start of the voyageEnd of the voyageCrew membersService record bookRest times of the crew membersEmbarkedDisemb.
DateTimeLocationkmTimeLocationKmFunctionName and first nameNofromuntilfromuntilfromuntilTimeTime
Instructions for the issuing authoritiesIdentification of the logbookThe serial number of the logbook shall consist of:The type of document as coded in the European Reference Data Management System (ERDMS);The issuing authority as coded in ERDMS;The number of the document in 4 digits.The serial number of the logbook shall be repeated in the lower section of each page.Physical characteristics of the documentColour: red Pantone 187C for the cover; white background of inner pagesFormat A4 horizontal according to ISO 216