| Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing |
6. | International Union of Public Associations "Great Don Army"Международный Союз Общественных Объединений "Всевеликое Войско Донское" | Official information:http://xn--80aaaajfjszd7a3b0e.xn--p1ai/http://xn----7sbabalgku2ad1b5b2e.xn--p1ai/Phone number:+7-8-908-178-65-57Social media: Cossack National Guard http://vk.com/kazak_nac_guardAddress: 346465 Russia, Rostov Region, October District, St Zaplavskaya, Str Shosseynaya 1Second address: Voroshilovskiy Prospekt 12/85-87/13, Rostov-on-DonDe-registered in 2017. | The "Great Don army" established the "Cossack National Guard", responsible for fighting against the Ukrainian government forces in Eastern Ukraine, thus undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine as well as threatening the stability or security of Ukraine.Associated with Mr Nikolay Kozitsyn, who is Commander of Cossack forces and responsible for commanding separatists in Eastern Ukraine fighting against the Ukrainian government forces. | 25.7.2014 |
9. | So called"Army of the Southeast""Армии Юго-Востока" | Social media:https://vk.com/sigma_orel | Illegal armed separatist group which is considered to be one of the most important in Eastern Ukraine.Responsible for occupying the building of the Security Service in the Lugansk region.Associated with Mr Valeriy BOLOTOV, who was listed as one of the leaders of the group.Associated with Mr Vasyl NIKITIN, responsible for the separatist "governmental" activities of the so called "government of the People's Republic of Luhansk". | 25.7.2014 |
10. | So-called"Donbas People's Militia""Нарoдное oпoлчéние Дoнбáсса" | Social media:http://vk.com/polkdonbassa+ 38-099-445-63-78;+ 38-063-688-60-01;+ 38-067-145-14-99;+ 38-094-912-96-60;+ 38-062-213-26-60Email: voenkom.dnr@mail.ruvknovoros@yandex.rumobilisation@novorossia.copolkdonbassa@mail.ruTelephone volunteers in Russia:+ 7 499 709-89-06or email novoross24@mail.ruAddress: Donetsk. Prospect Zasyadko.13 | Illegal armed separatist group responsible for fighting against the Ukrainian government forces in Eastern Ukraine, thus threatening the stability or security of Ukraine. inter alia, the militant group seized control of several government buildings in Eastern Ukraine in early April 2014, thus undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. It is associated with Mr Pavel Gubarev, who is responsible for the taking over of the regional government building in Donetsk with pro-Russian forces and proclaiming himself the "people's governor". | 25.7.2014 |
13. | State Unitary Enterprise of the City of Sevastopol, "Sevastopol seaport"ГУП ГС "Севастопольский морской порт"(formerly known as State enterprise "Sevastopol commercial seaport"Государственное предприятие "Севастопольский морской торговьй порт"Gosudarstvenoye predpriyatiye "Sevastopolski morskoy torgovy port") | Nakhimov Square 5, 299011 Sevastopol(пл. Нахимова, 5, г. Севастополь, 299011)Code: 1149204004707 | The ownership of the entity was transferred contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 17.3.2014 the "Parliament of Crimea" adopted a resolution No 1757-6/14 "On nationalization of some companies belonging to the Ukrainian ministries of infrastructure or agriculture" declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to the state enterprise "Sevastopol commercial seaport" on behalf of the "Republic of Crimea". The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean "authorities". In terms of volume of trade, it is the biggest commercial seaport in Crimea. Re-registered on 6.6.2014 as State Unitary Enterprise of the City of Sevastopol "Sevastopol seaport" (Государственное унитарное предприятие города Севастополя "Севастопольский морской порт"). Founder: The Government of Sevastopol (Правительство Севастополя). | 25.7.2014 |
15. | State Unitary Enterprise of the "Republic of Crimea" "Universal-Avia"Государственное унитарное предприятие Республики Крым "Универсал-Авиа"(formerly known as State enterprise Universal -AviaГосударственное предприятие "Универсал-Авиа"Gosudarstvenoye predpriyatiye "Universal-Avia") | Aeroflotskaya Street 5, 295021, Simferopolул. Аэрофлотская, дом 5, 295021, г. СимферопольTel. 24-80-89, 8 (978) 719-55-30unavia_omts@mail.ru | The ownership of the entity was transferred contrary to Ukrainian law. On 24.3.2014, the "Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea" adopted a decision "On State-owned Enterprise "Gosudarstvenoye predpriyatiye Universal-Avia" ("О Государственном предприятии "Универсал-Авиа"")" No 1794-6/14 declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to the state enterprise "Universal-Avia" on behalf of the "Republic of Crimea". The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean "authorities". Re-registered on 15.1.2015 as State Unitary Enterprise of the "Republic of Crimea" "Universal-Avia"(Государственное унитарное предприятие Республики Крым "Универсал-Авиа"). Founder: The Ministry of Transportation of the "Republic of Crimea" (Министерство транспорта Республики Крым). | 25.7.2014 |
16. | Federal State Budgetary Enterprise "Sanatorium Nizhnyaya Oreanda" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation(formerly known as Resort "Nizhnyaya Oreanda"Санаторий "Нижняя Ореанда") | Resort "Nizhnyaya Oreanda", 298658, Yalta, Oreanda(298658, г.Ялта, пгт. Ореанда, Санаторий "Нижняя Ореанда")marketing@oreanda-resort.ru+7 (3654) 31-25-48 | The ownership of the entity was transferred contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 21 March 2014 the "Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea" adopted a decision "On the questions of creation of the Association of sanatoria and resorts" No 1767-6/14 declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to the resort "Nizhnyaya Oreanda" on behalf of the "Republic of Crimea". The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean "authorities". Re-registered on 9 October 2014 as Federal State Budgetary Enterprise "Sanatorium Nizhnyaya Oreanda" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ "САНАТОРИЙ "НИЖНЯЯ ОРЕАНДА" УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДЕЛАМИ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ"). Founder: The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДЕЛАМИ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ). | 25.7.2014 |
18. | State Unitary Enterprise of the "Republic of Crimea" "Production-Agrarian Union "Massandra""Государственное унитарное предприятие Республики Крым "Производственно-аграрное объединение "Массандра""Gosudarstvennoye unitarnoe predpriyatiye Respubliki Krym Proizvodstvenno agrarnoye obyedinenye Massandra(formerly known as Federal State Budgetary Enterprise "Production-Agrarian Union "Massandra"" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation"Производственно-аграрное объединение "Массандра" Управления делами Президента Российской Федерации"State concern "National Association of producers "Massandra""Национальное производственно-аграрное объединение "Массандра"Nacionalnoye proizvodstvenno agrarnoye obyedinenye Massandra) | 298650, Crimea, Yalta, Massandra, str. Vinodela Egorova 9.298650, Крым, г.Ялта,пгт. Массандра,ул. Винодела Егорова, д. 9Website: http://massandra.su | The ownership of the entity was transferred contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 9 April 2014, the "Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea" adopted a decision No 1991-6/14 "On the amendments to the Resolution of the State Council of the "Republic of Crimea"" of 26 March 2014 No 1836-6/14 "On nationalization of the property of enterprises, institutions and organizations of agro-industrial complex, located in the territory of the "Republic of Crimea"" declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to the state concern "National Association of producers "Massandra"" on behalf of the "Republic of Crimea". The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean "authorities". Re-registered on 1.8.2014 Federal State Budgetary Enterprise "Proizvodstvenno agrarnoye obyedinenye "Massandra"" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Производственно-аграрное объединение "Массандра" Управления делами Президента Российской Федерации").Founder: The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (Управление делами Президента Российской Федерации).Re-registered on 1.4.2019 as State Unitary Enterprise of the "Republic of Crimea" "Production-Agrarian Union "Massandra"" | 25.7.2014 |
24. | Donetsk Republic(Public organisation)Донецкая республика | Official information:http://oddr.info/orgotdel@oddr.infoAddress: Donetsk, Universitetskaya 19г. Донецк, ул. Университетская, дом 19 | Public "organisation" that presented candidates in the so-called "elections" of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic" on 2 November 2014 and 11 November 2018. These "elections" are in breach of Ukrainian law and therefore illegal.In participating formally in the illegal "elections" it has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine. Founded by Andriy PURGIN and was headed by Alexander ZAKHARCHENKO. Nominated in 2018 Denis PUSHYLIN to be "Head" of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic". | 29.11.2014 |
27. | People's Union (Narodny Soyuz)Народный союз | De-registered in 2018. | Public "organisation" that presented candidates in the so called "elections" of the so called "Luhansk People's Republic"2 November 2014. These elections are in breach of Ukrainian law and therefore illegal.In participating formally in the illegal "elections" it has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine. | 29.11.2014 |
29. | Cossack National GuardКазачья Национальная Гвардия | http://казакнацгвард.рф/https://vk.com/kazak_nac_guard | Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and further destabilise Ukraine.Commanded by and therefore associated with a listed person Nikolay KOZITSYN.Reportedly part of the so-called "2nd Army Corps" of the "Lugansk People's Republic". | 16.2.2015 |
30. | Sparta battalionБатальон "Спарта" | | Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and further destabilise Ukraine.Part of the so-called "1st Army Corps" of the "Donetsk People's Republic". Also referred to as the military unit 08806, and as battalion "Gvardeysky". In November 2017, the unit was named in honour of the assassinated separatist military commander Arsen Pavlov (aka Motorola). | 16.2.2015 |
34. | Oplot battalionБатальон "Оплот" | Social media:http://vk.com/oplot_info | Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and further destabilise Ukraine.Also referred to as the 5th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade, which since October 2018 is named after Alexander Zakharchenko. Reportedly part of the so-called "1st Army Corps" of the "Donetsk People's Republic". | 16.2.2015 |
35. | Kalmius battalionБатальон "Кальмиус" | | Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and further destabilise Ukraine.Also referred to as the Separate Artillery Brigade, part of the so-called "1st Army Corps" of the "Donetsk People's Republic". | 16.2.2015 |
37. | Movement "Novorossiya" of Igor STRELKOVДвижение "Новороссия" Игоря СТРЕЛКОВА | http://novorossia.pro/info@clubnb.ru | The Movement "Novorossiya"/"New Russia" was established in November 2014 in Russia and is headed by Russian officer Igor Strelkov/Girkin (identified as a staff member of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU)).According to its stated objectives, it aims at providing all-round, effective assistance to "Novorossiya", including by helping militia fighting in Eastern Ukraine, thereby supporting policies undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.Associated with a person listed for undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine. | 16.2.2015 |
38. | OAO "VO Technopromexport" (OAO "VO TPE")AKA: Open Joint Stock Company "Foreign Economic Association" "Technopromexport"Открытое акционерное общество Внешнеэкономическое объединение Технопромэкспорт | Address: 119019, Moscow, Novyi Arbat str., 15, building 2Registration date: 27.7.1992State Registration Number: 1067746244026Tax Registration Number: 7705713236Ongoing bankruptcy proceedings. | Contracting party with Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies OOO, OAO "VO TPE" purchased gas turbines declared to be destined for a power plant in Taman, Krasnodar region, Russian Federation, and as the contractor was responsible for the transfer of the gas turbines to OOO "VO TPE" which in turn transferred them to be installed in Crimea. This contributes to establishing an independent power supply for Crimea and Sevastopol as a means of supporting their separation from Ukraine, and undermines the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. | 4.8.2017 |
39. | OOO "VO Technopromexport" (OOO "VO TPE")AKA: Limited Liability Company "Foreign Economic Association" "Technopromexport"Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Внешнеэкономическое объединение Технопромэкспорт" | Address: 119019, Moscow, Novyi Arbat str., 15, building 2Registration date: 8.5.2014State Registration Number: 1147746527279Tax Registration Number: 7704863782e | Owner of the gas turbines originally supplied by Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies OOO to OAO "VO TPE". OOO "VO TPE" transferred the gas turbines to be installed in Crimea. This contributes to establishing an independent power supply for Crimea and Sevastopol as a means of supporting their separation from Ukraine, and undermines the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.Responsible for the implementation of the construction project of the thermal power plants Balaklava and Tavricheskaya, where the turbines were installed. | 4.8.2017 |
41. | "State Unitary Enterprise of the Crimean Republic "Crimean Sea Ports""("Государственное унитарное предприятие Республики Крым "Крымские морские порты""), including branches:- Feodosia Commercial Port,
- Kerch Ferry,
- Kerch Commercial Port.
| 28 Kirova StreetKerch 298312Crimea(298312, Крым, гор. Керчь, ул. Кирова, дом 28)info@crimeaport.ru | The "Parliament of Crimea" adopted Resolution No 1757-6/14 on 17 March 2014 "On nationalisation of some companies belonging to the Ukrainian Ministries of Infrastructure or Agriculture" and Resolution No 1865-6/14 on 26 March 2014 "On State-Owned Enterprise "Crimean Sea Ports"" ("О Государственном предприятии "Крымские морские порты"") declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to several State enterprises which were merged into the "State Unitary Enterprise of the Crimean Republic "Crimean Sea Ports"" on behalf of the "Republic of Crimea". Those enterprises were thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean "authorities" and the "Crimean Sea Ports" has benefited from the illegal transfer of their ownership. | 16.9.2017 |
43. | PJSC MostotrestПАО Мостотрест | Address:6 Barklaya street,Bld. 5 Moscow,121087 Russiamostro@mostro.ru | PJSC Mostotrest actively participated in the construction of the Kerch Bridge through its state contract for the maintenance of the bridge, connecting Russia to the illegally annexed Crimean peninsula. Furthermore it is owned by an individual (Arkady Rotenberg) that is already designated for his actions undermining Ukrainian sovereignty (person No 92 in this Annex). Therefore the company is supporting the consolidation of the illegally annexed Crimean peninsula into the Russian Federation, which in turn further undermines the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. | 31.7.2018 |
45. | Stroygazmontazh Corporation (SGM Group)ООО Стройгазмонтаж(груп СГМ) | Address:Prospect Vernadskogo 53Moscow,119415 RussiaWebsite: www.ooosgm.cominfo@ooosgm.ru | Stroygazmontazh Corporation (SGM Group) actively participated in the construction of the Kerch Bridge through its state contract for the construction of the bridge connecting Russia to the illegally annexed Crimean peninsula.Furthermore it is owned by an individual (Arkady Rotenberg) that is already designated for his actions undermining Ukrainian sovereignty (person No 92 in this Annex). Therefore the company is supporting the consolidation of the illegally annexed Crimean peninsula into the Russian Federation, which in turn further undermines the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. | 31.7.2018 |