Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/414 of 14 March 2019 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the 2020 list of target secondary variables on over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth as well as labour (Text with EEA relevance.)
Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/414of 14 March 2019implementing Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the 2020 list of target secondary variables on over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth as well as labour(Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2003 concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC)OJ L 165, 3.7.2003, p. 1., and in particular Article 15(2)(f) thereof,Whereas:(1)Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 established a common framework for the systematic production of European statistics on income and living conditions, in order to ensure that comparable and up-to-date cross-sectional and longitudinal data on income and on the level and composition of poverty and social exclusion are available at national and Union level.(2)Pursuant to Article 15(2)(f) of Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003, implementing measures are to be adopted each year to specify the target secondary areas and variables to be included in the cross-sectional component of EU-SILC that year. Implementing measures specifying the target secondary variables and their identifiers for the 2020 module on over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth as well as labour should therefore be adopted.(3)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the European Statistical System Committee,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The list of target secondary variables and identifiers for the 2020 module on over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth as well as labour, part of the cross-sectional component of EU-SILC, shall be as set out in the Annex.
Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 14 March 2019.For the CommissionThe PresidentJean-Claude JunckerANNEXThe target secondary variables and identifiers for the 2020 module on over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth as well as labour — part of the cross-sectional component of European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) — shall be as follows:1.UnitsSelected information on labour shall be provided for all current household members or, if applicable, for all selected respondents aged 16 and over.Information on over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth applies at household level and refers to the household as a whole.2.Mode of data collectionFor variables that apply at individual level, the mode of data collection is a personal interview with all current household members or, if applicable, with all selected respondents aged 16 and over.For variables that apply at household level, the mode of data collection is a personal interview with the household respondent.Proxy interviews are allowed as an exception for persons temporarily absent or incapacitated.Data can be obtained from registers.3.Reference periodThe target variables relate to different types of reference periods:Current reference period for over-indebtedness variables except for two variables on "Arrears on non-housing bills" and "Amount due last month on loans (excluding mortgages on purchase of main residence)".Past 12 months for variable "Arrears on non-housing bills".Last month for variable "Amount due last month on loans (excluding mortgages on purchase of main residence)".Last month for the consumption variables.Current reference period for the wealth variables.Current reference period for the labour variable "Public/private employment sector".Income reference period for the labour variable "Months with any work".Period of unemployment during the income reference period for the labour variable "Registration of unemployment".4.Data transmissionThe target secondary variables shall be sent to the Commission (Eurostat) in the household data file (H-file) and in the personal data file (P-file) after the target primary variables.
Testing module 2020Over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth as well as labour
Variable nameCodeTarget variable
HI020Arrears on non-housing bills
1Yes, once
2Yes, twice or more
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (no non-housing bills)
– 7N/A (HB010≠2020)
HI090Number of loans (excluding mortgages on purchase of main residence)Number (2 digits) 00-99
– 1Missing
– 7N/A (HB010≠2020)
HI1001-selected, 2- not selectedPurpose of loans (excluding mortgages on purchase of main residence)
HI100_011, 2Property (incl. household furniture, appliances and interior decoration)
HI100_021, 2Car, motorcycle, caravan, van, bike or other means of transport
HI100_031, 2Holidays
HI100_041, 2Healthcare
HI100_051, 2Education
HI100_061, 2To cover daily living expenses
HI100_071, 2Personal loan to finance own business
HI100_081, 2To refinance loan
HI100_091, 2Other (not listed above)
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (number of loans = 0)
– 7N/A (HB010≠2020)
HI1101-selected, 2- not selectedSource of loans (excluding mortgages on purchase of main residence)
HI110_011, 2Bank or other financial institution (e.g. credit union, microcredit provider)
HI110_021, 2Payday loan company or pawnbroker/cash converter
HI110_031, 2Private sources (e.g. family, friends)
HI110_041, 2Other
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (number of loans = 0)
– 7N/A (HB010≠2020)
HI120Amount due last month on loans (excluding mortgages on purchase of main residence)0-99999999 (amount)
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (number of loans = 0)
– 7N/A (HB010≠2020)
HC010Food at home0-999999 (amount)
– 1Missing
– 7N/A(HB010≠2020)
HC020Food or drink outside home0-999999 (amount)
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (no food outside home)
– 7N/A(HB010≠2020)
HC030Public transport0-999999 (amount)
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (no public transport used)
– 7N/A(HB010≠2020)
HC040Private transport1-999999 (amount)
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (no private transport used)
– 7N/A(HB010≠2020)
HC050Savings (in a typical month)
1Household puts money aside
2Household needs to draw on savings
3Household needs to borrow money
4Household neither puts money aside nor needs to draw on savings or borrow
– 1Missing
– 7N/A(HB010≠2020)
HV010Value of main residence1-99999999999 (amount)
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (not an owner)
– 7N/A (HB010≠2020)
HV070Total left to repay for the mortgage on main residence (OPTIONAL)1-99999999999 (amount)
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (no mortgage)
– 7N/A (HB010≠2020)
HV020Possession of real estate other than main residence
– 1Missing
– 7N/A (HB010≠2020)
HV080Ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings
1< 3 months
23-6 months
36-12 months
4> 12 months
– 1Missing
– 7N/A (HB010≠2020)
PL230Public/private employment sector
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (PL031≠1,2)
– 3Non-selected respondent
– 7N/A (PB010≠2020)
PL250Months with any work0-12 Number of months
– 1Missing
– 3Non-selected respondent
– 7N/A (PB010≠2020)
PL280Registration of unemployment
1Unemployed and registered for the whole period
2Unemployed and registered for part of the period
3Unemployed and not registered at all
– 1Missing
– 2N/A (PL211≠5)
– 3Non-selected respondent
– 7N/A (PB010≠2020)