Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market for electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU (recast) (Text with EEA relevance.)
Modified by
- Regulation (EU) 2022/869 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 30 May 2022on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure, amending Regulations (EC) No 715/2009, (EU) 2019/942 and (EU) 2019/943 and Directives 2009/73/EC and (EU) 2019/944, and repealing Regulation (EU) No 347/2013, 32022R0869, June 3, 2022
(1) "customer" means a wholesale or final customer of electricity; (2) "wholesale customer" means a natural or legal person who purchases electricity for the purpose of resale inside or outside the system where that person is established; (3) "final customer" means a customer who purchases electricity for own use; (4) "household customer" means a customer who purchases electricity for the customer's own household consumption, excluding commercial or professional activities; (5) "non-household customer" means a natural or legal person who purchases electricity that is not for own household use, including producers, industrial customers, small and medium-sized enterprises, businesses and wholesale customers; (6) "microenterprise" means an enterprise which employs fewer than 10 persons and whose annual turnover and/or annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 2 million; (7) "small enterprise" means an enterprise which employs fewer than 50 persons and whose annual turnover and/or annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 10 million; (8) "active customer" means a final customer, or a group of jointly acting final customers, who consumes or stores electricity generated within its premises located within confined boundaries or, where permitted by a Member State, within other premises, or who sells self-generated electricity or participates in flexibility or energy efficiency schemes, provided that those activities do not constitute its primary commercial or professional activity; (9) "electricity markets" means markets for electricity, including over-the-counter markets and electricity exchanges, markets for the trading of energy, capacity, balancing and ancillary services in all timeframes, including forward, day-ahead and intraday markets; (10) "market participant" means market participant as defined in point (25) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (11) "citizen energy community" means a legal entity that: (a) is based on voluntary and open participation and is effectively controlled by members or shareholders that are natural persons, local authorities, including municipalities, or small enterprises; (b) has for its primary purpose to provide environmental, economic or social community benefits to its members or shareholders or to the local areas where it operates rather than to generate financial profits; and (c) may engage in generation, including from renewable sources, distribution, supply, consumption, aggregation, energy storage, energy efficiency services or charging services for electric vehicles or provide other energy services to its members or shareholders;
(12) "supply" means the sale, including the resale, of electricity to customers; (13) "electricity supply contract" means a contract for the supply of electricity, but does not include electricity derivatives; (14) "electricity derivative" means a financial instrument specified in point (5), (6) or (7) of Section C of Annex I to Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council , where that instrument relates to electricity;Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU (OJ L 173, 12.6.2014, p. 349 ).(15) "dynamic electricity price contract" means an electricity supply contract between a supplier and a final customer that reflects the price variation in the spot markets, including in the day-ahead and intraday markets, at intervals at least equal to the market settlement frequency; (16) "contract termination fee" means a charge or penalty imposed on customers by suppliers or market participants engaged in aggregation, for terminating an electricity supply or service contract; (17) "switching-related fee" means a charge or penalty for changing suppliers or market participants engaged in aggregation, including contract termination fees, that is directly or indirectly imposed on customers by suppliers, market participants engaged in aggregation or system operators; (18) "aggregation" means a function performed by a natural or legal person who combines multiple customer loads or generated electricity for sale, purchase or auction in any electricity market; (19) "independent aggregator" means a market participant engaged in aggregation who is not affiliated to the customer's supplier; (20) "demand response" means the change of electricity load by final customers from their normal or current consumption patterns in response to market signals, including in response to time-variable electricity prices or incentive payments, or in response to the acceptance of the final customer's bid to sell demand reduction or increase at a price in an organised market as defined in point (4) of Article 2 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 , whether alone or through aggregation;Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 of 17 December 2014 on data reporting implementing Article 8(2) and Article 8(6) of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (OJ L 363, 18.12.2014, p. 121 ).(21) "billing information" means the information provided on a final customer's bill, apart from a request for payment; (22) "conventional meter" means an analogue or electronic meter with no capability to both transmit and receive data; (23) "smart metering system" means an electronic system that is capable of measuring electricity fed into the grid or electricity consumed from the grid, providing more information than a conventional meter, and that is capable of transmitting and receiving data for information, monitoring and control purposes, using a form of electronic communication; (24) "interoperability" means, in the context of smart metering, the ability of two or more energy or communication networks, systems, devices, applications or components to interwork to exchange and use information in order to perform required functions; (25) "imbalance settlement period" means imbalance settlement period as defined in point (15) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (26) "near real-time" means, in the context of smart metering, a short time period, usually down to seconds or up to the imbalance settlement period in the national market; (27) "best available techniques" means, in the context of data protection and security in a smart metering environment, the most effective, advanced and practically suitable techniques for providing, in principle, the basis for complying with the Union data protection and security rules; (28) "distribution" means the transport of electricity on high-voltage, medium-voltage and low-voltage distribution systems with a view to its delivery to customers, but does not include supply; (29) "distribution system operator" means a natural or legal person who is responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the distribution system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the distribution of electricity; (30) "energy efficiency" means the ratio of output of performance, service, goods or energy, to input of energy; (31) "energy from renewable sources" or "renewable energy" means energy from renewable non-fossil sources, namely wind, solar (solar thermal and solar photovoltaic) and geothermal energy, ambient energy, tide, wave and other ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas, and biogas; (32) "distributed generation" means generating installations connected to the distribution system; (33) "recharging point" means an interface that is capable of charging one electric vehicle at a time or exchanging the battery of one electric vehicle at a time; (34) "transmission" means the transport of electricity on the extra high-voltage and high-voltage interconnected system with a view to its delivery to final customers or to distributors, but does not include supply; (35) "transmission system operator" means a natural or legal person who is responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the transmission system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity; (36) "system user" means a natural or legal person who supplies to, or is supplied by, a transmission system or a distribution system; (37) "generation" means the production of electricity; (38) "producer" means a natural or legal person who generates electricity; (39) "interconnector" means equipment used to link electricity systems; (40) "interconnected system" means a number of transmission and distribution systems linked together by means of one or more interconnectors; (41) "direct line" means either an electricity line linking an isolated generation site with an isolated customer or an electricity line linking a producer and an electricity supply undertaking to supply directly their own premises, subsidiaries and customers; (42) "small isolated system" means any system that had consumption of less than 3000 GWh in the year 1996, where less than 5 % of annual consumption is obtained through interconnection with other systems;(43) "small connected system" means any system that had consumption of less than 3000 GWh in the year 1996, where more than 5 % of annual consumption is obtained through interconnection with other systems;(44) "congestion" means congestion as defined in point (4) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (45) "balancing" means balancing as defined in point (10) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (46) "balancing energy" means balancing energy as defined in point (11) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (47) "balance responsible party" means balance responsible party as defined in point (14) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (48) "ancillary service" means a service necessary for the operation of a transmission or distribution system, including balancing and non-frequency ancillary services, but not including congestion management; (49) "non-frequency ancillary service" means a service used by a transmission system operator or distribution system operator for steady state voltage control, fast reactive current injections, inertia for local grid stability, short-circuit current, black start capability and island operation capability; (50) "regional coordination centre" means a regional coordination centre established pursuant to Article 35 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (51) "fully integrated network components" means network components that are integrated in the transmission or distribution system, including storage facilities, and that are used for the sole purpose of ensuring a secure and reliable operation of the transmission or distribution system, and not for balancing or congestion management; (52) "integrated electricity undertaking" means a vertically integrated undertaking or a horizontally integrated undertaking; (53) "vertically integrated undertaking" means an electricity undertaking or a group of electricity undertakings where the same person or the same persons are entitled, directly or indirectly, to exercise control, and where the undertaking or group of undertakings performs at least one of the functions of transmission or distribution, and at least one of the functions of generation or supply; (54) "horizontally integrated undertaking" means an electricity undertaking performing at least one of the functions of generation for sale, or transmission, or distribution, or supply, and another non-electricity activity; (55) "related undertaking" means affiliated undertakings as defined in point (12) of Article 2 of Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council , and undertakings which belong to the same shareholders;Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings, amending Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directives 78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC (OJ L 182, 29.6.2013, p. 19 ).(56) "control" means rights, contracts or other means which, either separately or in combination and having regard to the considerations of fact or law involved, confer the possibility of exercising decisive influence on an undertaking, in particular by: (a) ownership or the right to use all or part of the assets of an undertaking; (b) rights or contracts which confer decisive influence on the composition, voting or decisions of the organs of an undertaking;
(57) "electricity undertaking" means a natural or legal person who carries out at least one of the following functions: generation, transmission, distribution, aggregation, demand response, energy storage, supply or purchase of electricity, and who is responsible for the commercial, technical or maintenance tasks related to those functions, but does not include final customers; (58) "security" means both security of supply and provision of electricity, and technical safety; (59) "energy storage" means, in the electricity system, deferring the final use of electricity to a moment later than when it was generated, or the conversion of electrical energy into a form of energy which can be stored, the storing of such energy, and the subsequent reconversion of such energy into electrical energy or use as another energy carrier; (60) "energy storage facility" means, in the electricity system, a facility where energy storage occurs.
(a) pursue a general economic interest and not go beyond what is necessary to achieve that general economic interest; (b) be clearly defined, transparent, non-discriminatory and verifiable; (c) guarantee equal access for Union electricity undertakings to customers; (d) be limited in time and proportionate as regards their beneficiaries; (e) not result in additional costs for market participants in a discriminatory way.
(a) be accompanied by a set of measures to achieve effective competition and a methodology for assessing progress with regard to those measures; (b) be set using a methodology that ensures non-discriminatory treatment of suppliers; (c) be set at a price that is above cost, at a level where effective price competition can occur; (d) be designed to minimise any negative impact on the wholesale electricity market; (e) ensure that all beneficiaries of such public interventions have the possibility to choose competitive market offers and are directly informed at least every quarter of the availability of offers and savings in the competitive market, in particular of dynamic electricity price contracts, and shall ensure that they are provided with assistance to switch to a market-based offer; (f) ensure that, pursuant to Articles 19 and 21, all beneficiaries of such public interventions are entitled to, and are offered to, have smart meters installed at no extra upfront cost to the customer, are directly informed of the possibility of installing smart meters and are provided with necessary assistance; (g) not lead to direct cross-subsidisation between customers supplied at free market prices and those supplied at regulated supply prices.
(a) all producers and electricity supply undertakings established within their territory to supply their own premises, subsidiaries and customers through a direct line, without being subject to disproportionate administrative procedures or costs; (b) all customers within their territory, individually or jointly, to be supplied through a direct line by producers and electricity supply undertakings.
(a) the safety and security of the electricity system, installations and associated equipment; (b) the protection of public health and safety; (c) the protection of the environment; (d) land use and siting; (e) the use of public ground; (f) energy efficiency; (g) the nature of the primary sources; (h) the characteristics particular to the applicant, such as technical, economic and financial capabilities; (i) compliance with measures adopted pursuant to Article 9; (j) the contribution of generating capacity to meeting the overall Union target of at least a 32 % share of energy from renewable sources in the Union's gross final consumption of energy in 2030 referred to in Article 3(1) of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council ;Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (OJ L 328, 21.12.2018, p. 82 ).(k) the contribution of generating capacity to reducing emissions; and (l) the alternatives to the construction of new generating capacity, such as demand response solutions and energy storage.
(a) the identity and address of the supplier; (b) the services provided, the service quality levels offered, as well as the time for the initial connection; (c) the types of maintenance service offered; (d) the means by which up-to-date information on all applicable tariffs, maintenance charges and bundled products or services may be obtained; (e) the duration of the contract, the conditions for renewal and termination of the contract and services, including products or services that are bundled with those services, and whether terminating the contract without charge is permitted; (f) any compensation and the refund arrangements which apply if contracted service quality levels are not met, including inaccurate or delayed billing; (g) the method of initiating an out-of-court dispute settlement procedure in accordance with Article 26; (h) information relating to consumer rights, including information on complaint handling and all of the information referred to in this paragraph, that is clearly communicated on the bill or the electricity undertaking's web site.
(a) they shall be independent from market participants and ensure that electricity undertakings are given equal treatment in search results; (b) they shall clearly disclose their owners and the natural or legal person operating and controlling the tools, as well as information on how the tools are financed; (c) they shall set out clear and objective criteria on which the comparison is to be based, including services, and disclose them; (d) they shall use plain and unambiguous language; (e) they shall provide accurate and up-to-date information and state the time of the last update; (f) they shall be accessible to persons with disabilities, by being perceivable, operable, understandable and robust; (g) they shall provide an effective procedure for reporting incorrect information on published offers; and (h) they shall perform comparisons, while limiting the personal data requested to that strictly necessary for the comparison.
(a) entitled to operate either directly or through aggregation; (b) entitled to sell self-generated electricity, including through power purchase agreements; (c) entitled to participate in flexibility schemes and energy efficiency schemes; (d) entitled to delegate to a third party the management of the installations required for their activities, including installation, operation, data handling and maintenance, without that third party being considered to be an active customer; (e) subject to cost-reflective, transparent and non-discriminatory network charges that account separately for the electricity fed into the grid and the electricity consumed from the grid, in accordance with Article 59(9) of this Directive and Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943, ensuring that they contribute in an adequate and balanced way to the overall cost sharing of the system; (f) financially responsible for the imbalances they cause in the electricity system; to that extent they shall be balance responsible parties or shall delegate their balancing responsibility in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943.
(a) have the right to a grid connection within a reasonable time after the request, provided that all necessary conditions, such as balancing responsibility and adequate metering, are fulfilled; (b) are not subject to any double charges, including network charges, for stored electricity remaining within their premises or when providing flexibility services to system operators; (c) are not subject to disproportionate licensing requirements or fees; (d) are allowed to provide several services simultaneously, if technically feasible.
(a) participation in a citizen energy community is open and voluntary; (b) members or shareholders of a citizen energy community are entitled to leave the community, in which case Article 12 applies; (c) members or shareholders of a citizen energy community do not lose their rights and obligations as household customers or active customers; (d) subject to fair compensation as assessed by the regulatory authority, relevant distribution system operators cooperate with citizen energy communities to facilitate electricity transfers within citizen energy communities; (e) citizen energy communities are subject to non-discriminatory, fair, proportionate and transparent procedures and charges, including with respect to registration and licensing, and to transparent, non-discriminatory and cost-reflective network charges in accordance with Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943, ensuring that they contribute in an adequate and balanced way to the overall cost sharing of the system.
(a) are open to cross-border participation; (b) are entitled to own, establish, purchase or lease distribution networks and to autonomously manage them subject to conditions set out in paragraph 4 of this Article; (c) are subject to the exemptions provided for in Article 38(2).
(a) are able to access all electricity markets, either directly or through aggregation, in a non-discriminatory manner; (b) are treated in a non-discriminatory and proportionate manner with regard to their activities, rights and obligations as final customers, producers, suppliers, distribution system operators or market participants engaged in aggregation; (c) are financially responsible for the imbalances they cause in the electricity system; to that extent they shall be balance responsible parties or shall delegate their balancing responsibility in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (d) with regard to consumption of self-generated electricity, citizen energy communities are treated like active customers in accordance with point (e) of Article 15(2); (e) are entitled to arrange within the citizen energy community the sharing of electricity that is produced by the production units owned by the community, subject to other requirements laid down in this Article and subject to the community members retaining their rights and obligations as final customers.
(a) are entitled to conclude an agreement on the operation of their network with the relevant distribution system operator or transmission system operator to which their network is connected; (b) are subject to appropriate network charges at the connection points between their network and the distribution network outside the citizen energy community and that such network charges account separately for the electricity fed into the distribution network and the electricity consumed from the distribution network outside the citizen energy community in accordance with Article 59(7); (c) do not discriminate or harm customers who remain connected to the distribution system.
(a) the right for each market participant engaged in aggregation, including independent aggregators, to enter electricity markets without the consent of other market participants; (b) non-discriminatory and transparent rules that clearly assign roles and responsibilities to all electricity undertakings and customers; (c) non-discriminatory and transparent rules and procedures for the exchange of data between market participants engaged in aggregation and other electricity undertakings that ensure easy access to data on equal and non-discriminatory terms while fully protecting commercially sensitive information and customers' personal data; (d) an obligation on market participants engaged in aggregation to be financially responsible for the imbalances that they cause in the electricity system; to that extent they shall be balance responsible parties or shall delegate their balancing responsibility in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (e) provision for final customers who have a contract with independent aggregators not to be subject to undue payments, penalties or other undue contractual restrictions by their suppliers; (f) a conflict resolution mechanism between market participants engaged in aggregation and other market participants, including responsibility for imbalances.
(a) the smart metering systems shall accurately measure actual electricity consumption and shall be capable of providing to final customers information on actual time of use. Validated historical consumption data shall be made easily and securely available and visualised to final customers on request and at no additional cost. Non-validated near real-time consumption data shall also be made easily and securely available to final customers at no additional cost, through a standardised interface or through remote access, in order to support automated energy efficiency programmes, demand response and other services; (b) the security of the smart metering systems and data communication shall comply with relevant Union security rules, having due regard of the best available techniques for ensuring the highest level of cybersecurity protection while bearing in mind the costs and the principle of proportionality; (c) the privacy of final customers and the protection of their data shall comply with relevant Union data protection and privacy rules; (d) meter operators shall ensure that the meters of active customers who feed electricity into the grid can account for electricity fed into the grid from the active customers' premises; (e) if final customers request it, data on the electricity they fed into the grid and their electricity consumption data shall be made available to them, in accordance with the implementing acts adopted pursuant to Article 24, through a standardised communication interface or through remote access, or to a third party acting on their behalf, in an easily understandable format allowing them to compare offers on a like-for-like basis; (f) appropriate advice and information shall be given to final customers prior to or at the time of installation of smart meters, in particular concerning their full potential with regard to the management of meter reading and the monitoring of energy consumption, and concerning the collection and processing of personal data in accordance with the applicable Union data protection rules; (g) smart metering systems shall enable final customers to be metered and settled at the same time resolution as the imbalance settlement period in the national market.
(a) is equipped, where technically feasible, with the functionalities referred to in Article 20, or with a minimum set of functionalities to be defined and published by Member States at national level in accordance with Annex II; (b) is interoperable and able to deliver the desired connectivity of the metering infrastructure with consumer energy management systems in near real-time.
(a) ensure that the offer to the final customer requesting the installation of a smart meter explicitly states and clearly describes: (i) the functions and interoperability that can be supported by the smart meter and the services that are feasible as well as the benefits that can be realistically attained by having that smart meter at that moment in time; (ii) any associated costs to be borne by the final customer;
(b) ensure that it is installed within a reasonable time, no later than four months after the customer's request; (c) regularly, and at least every two years, review and make publicly available the associated costs, and trace the evolution of those costs as a result of technology developments and potential metering system upgrades.
(a) other parties, following an open, transparent and non-discriminatory tendering procedure that is subject to review and approval by the regulatory authority, have not been awarded a right to own, develop, manage or operate recharging points for electric vehicles, or could not deliver those services at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner; (b) the regulatory authority has carried out an ex ante review of the conditions of the tendering procedure under point (a) and has granted its approval;(c) the distribution system operator operates the recharging points on the basis of third-party access in accordance with Article 6 and does not discriminate between system users or classes of system users, and in particular in favour of its related undertakings.
(a) the persons responsible for the management of the distribution system operator must not participate in company structures of the integrated electricity undertaking responsible, directly or indirectly, for the day-to-day operation of the generation, transmission or supply of electricity; (b) appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that the professional interests of the persons responsible for the management of the distribution system operator are taken into account in a manner that ensures that they are capable of acting independently; (c) the distribution system operator must have effective decision-making rights, independent from the integrated electricity undertaking, with respect to assets necessary to operate, maintain or develop the network. In order to fulfil those tasks, the distribution system operator shall have at its disposal the necessary resources including human, technical, physical and financial resources. This should not prevent the existence of appropriate coordination mechanisms to ensure that the economic and management supervision rights of the parent company in respect of return on assets, regulated indirectly in accordance with Article 59(7), in a subsidiary are protected. In particular, this shall enable the parent company to approve the annual financial plan, or any equivalent instrument, of the distribution system operator and to set global limits on the levels of indebtedness of its subsidiary. It shall not permit the parent company to give instructions regarding day-to-day operations, nor with respect to individual decisions concerning the construction or upgrading of distribution lines, that do not exceed the terms of the approved financial plan, or any equivalent instrument; and (d) the distribution system operator must establish a compliance programme, which sets out measures taken to ensure that discriminatory conduct is excluded, and ensure that observance of it is adequately monitored. The compliance programme shall set out the specific obligations of employees to meet that objective. An annual report, setting out the measures taken, shall be submitted by the person or body responsible for monitoring the compliance programme, the compliance officer of the distribution system operator, to the regulatory authority referred to in Article 57(1) and shall be published. The compliance officer of the distribution system operator shall be fully independent and shall have access to all the necessary information of the distribution system operator and any affiliated undertaking to fulfil its task.
(a) other parties, following an open, transparent and non-discriminatory tendering procedure that is subject to review and approval by the regulatory authority, have not been awarded a right to own, develop, manage or operate such facilities, or could not deliver those services at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner; (b) such facilities are necessary for the distribution system operators to fulfil their obligations under this Directive for the efficient, reliable and secure operation of the distribution system and the facilities are not used to buy or sell electricity in the electricity markets; and (c) the regulatory authority has assessed the necessity of such a derogation and has carried out an assessment of the tendering procedure, including the conditions of the tendering procedure, and has granted its approval.
(a) connected to the grid at the latest two years thereafter; (b) integrated into the distribution system; (c) used only for the reactive instantaneous restoration of network security in the case of network contingencies where such restoration measure starts immediately and ends when regular re-dispatch can solve the issue; and (d) not used to buy or sell electricity in the electricity markets, including balancing.
(a) for specific technical or safety reasons, the operations or the production process of the users of that system are integrated; or (b) that system distributes electricity primarily to the owner or operator of the system or their related undertakings.
(a) the requirement under Article 31(5) and (7) to procure the energy it uses to cover energy losses and the non-frequency ancillary services in its system in accordance with transparent, non-discriminatory and market-based procedures; (b) the requirement under Article 6(1) that tariffs, or the methodologies underlying their calculation, are approved in accordance with Article 59(1) prior to their entry into force; (c) the requirements under Article 32(1) to procure flexibility services and under Article 32(3) to develop the operator's system on the basis of network development plans; (d) the requirement under Article 33(2) not to own, develop, manage or operate recharging points for electric vehicles; and (e) the requirement under Article 36(1) not to own, develop, manage or operate energy storage facilities.
(a) ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity, operating, maintaining and developing under economic conditions secure, reliable and efficient transmission system with due regard to the environment, in close cooperation with neighbouring transmission system operators and distribution system operators; (b) ensuring adequate means to meet its obligations; (c) contributing to security of supply through adequate transmission capacity and system reliability; (d) managing electricity flows on the system, taking into account exchanges with other interconnected systems. To that end, the transmission system operator shall be responsible for ensuring a secure, reliable and efficient electricity system and, in that context, for ensuring the availability of all necessary ancillary services, including those provided by demand response and energy storage facilities, insofar as such availability is independent from any other transmission systems with which its system is interconnected; (e) providing to the operator of other systems with which its system is interconnected sufficient information to ensure the secure and efficient operation, coordinated development and interoperability of the interconnected system; (f) ensuring non-discrimination as between system users or classes of system users, particularly in favour of its related undertakings; (g) providing system users with the information they need for efficient access to the system; (h) collecting congestion rents and payments under the inter-transmission system operator compensation mechanism, in accordance with Article 49 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943, granting and managing third-party access and giving reasoned explanations when it denies such access, which shall be monitored by the regulatory authorities; in carrying out their tasks under this Article transmission system operators shall primarily facilitate market integration; (i) procuring ancillary services to ensure operational security; (j) adopting a framework for cooperation and coordination between the regional coordination centres; (k) participating in the establishment of the European and national resource adequacy assessments pursuant to Chapter IV of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (l) the digitalisation of transmission systems; (m) data management, including the development of data management systems, cybersecurity and data protection, subject to the applicable rules, and without prejudice to the competence of other authorities.
(a) transparent, non-discriminatory and market-based procedures; (b) the participation of all qualified electricity undertakings and market participants, including market participants offering energy from renewable sources, market participants engaged in demand response, operators of energy storage facilities and market participants engaged in aggregation.
(a) each undertaking which owns a transmission system acts as a transmission system operator; (b) the same person or persons are not entitled either: (i) directly or indirectly to exercise control over an undertaking performing any of the functions of generation or supply, and directly or indirectly to exercise control or exercise any right over a transmission system operator or over a transmission system; or (ii) directly or indirectly to exercise control over a transmission system operator or over a transmission system, and directly or indirectly to exercise control or exercise any right over an undertaking performing any of the functions of generation or supply;
(c) the same person or persons are not entitled to appoint members of the supervisory board, the administrative board or bodies legally representing the undertaking, of a transmission system operator or a transmission system, and directly or indirectly to exercise control or exercise any right over an undertaking performing any of the functions of generation or supply; and (d) the same person is not entitled to be a member of the supervisory board, the administrative board or bodies legally representing the undertaking, of both an undertaking performing any of the functions of generation or supply and a transmission system operator or a transmission system.
(a) the power to exercise voting rights; (b) the power to appoint members of the supervisory board, the administrative board or bodies legally representing the undertaking; or (c) the holding of a majority share.
(a) designate an independent system operator in accordance with Article 44; or (b) comply with Section 3.
(a) the candidate operator has demonstrated that it complies with the requirements laid down in points (b), (c) and (d) of Article 43(1); (b) the candidate operator has demonstrated that it has at its disposal the required financial, technical, physical and human resources to carry out its tasks under Article 40; (c) the candidate operator has undertaken to comply with a ten-year network development plan monitored by the regulatory authority; (d) the transmission system owner has demonstrated its ability to comply with its obligations under paragraph 5. To that end, it shall provide all the draft contractual arrangements with the candidate operator and any other relevant entity; and (e) the candidate operator has demonstrated its ability to comply with its obligations under Regulation (EU) 2019/943, including the cooperation of transmission system operators at European and regional level.
(a) provide all the relevant cooperation and support to the independent system operator for the fulfilment of its tasks, including in particular all relevant information; (b) finance the investments decided by the independent system operator and approved by the regulatory authority, or give its agreement to financing by any interested party including the independent system operator. The relevant financing arrangements shall be subject to approval by the regulatory authority. Prior to such approval, the regulatory authority shall consult the transmission system owner together with the other interested parties; (c) provide for the coverage of liability relating to the network assets, excluding the liability relating to the tasks of the independent system operator; and (d) provide guarantees to facilitate financing any network expansions with the exception of those investments where, pursuant to point (b), it has given its agreement to financing by any interested party including the independent system operator.
(a) persons responsible for the management of the transmission system owner shall not participate in company structures of the integrated electricity undertaking responsible, directly or indirectly, for the day-to-day operation of the generation, distribution and supply of electricity; (b) appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that the professional interests of persons responsible for the management of the transmission system owner are taken into account in a manner that ensures that they are capable of acting independently; and (c) the transmission system owner shall establish a compliance programme, which sets out measures taken to ensure that discriminatory conduct is excluded, and ensure that observance of it is adequately monitored. The compliance programme shall set out the specific obligations of employees to meet those objectives. An annual report, setting out the measures taken, shall be submitted by the person or body responsible for monitoring the compliance programme to the regulatory authority and shall be published.
(a) assets that are necessary for the activity of electricity transmission, including the transmission system, shall be owned by the transmission system operator; (b) personnel, necessary for the activity of electricity transmission, including the performance of all corporate tasks, shall be employed by the transmission system operator; (c) leasing of personnel and rendering of services, to and from other parts of the vertically integrated undertaking shall be prohibited. A transmission system operator may, however, render services to the vertically integrated undertaking, provided that: (i) the provision of those services does not discriminate between system users, is available to all system users on the same terms and conditions and does not restrict, distort or prevent competition in generation or supply; and (ii) the terms and conditions of the provision of those services are approved by the regulatory authority;
(d) without prejudice to the decisions of the Supervisory Body under Article 49, appropriate financial resources for future investment projects and/or for the replacement of existing assets shall be made available to the transmission system operator in due time by the vertically integrated undertaking after an appropriate request from the transmission system operator.
(a) the representation of the transmission system operator and contacts to third parties and the regulatory authorities; (b) the representation of the transmission system operator within the ENTSO for Electricity; (c) granting and managing third-party access on a non-discriminatory basis between system users or classes of system users; (d) the collection of all the transmission system related charges including access charges, energy for losses and ancillary services charges; (e) the operation, maintenance and development of a secure, efficient and economic transmission system; (f) investment planning ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demand and guaranteeing security of supply; (g) the setting up of appropriate joint ventures, including with one or more transmission system operators, power exchanges, and the other relevant actors pursuing the objectives to develop the creation of regional markets or to facilitate the liberalisation process; and (h) all corporate services, including legal services, accountancy and IT services.
(a) effective decision-making rights, independent from the vertically integrated undertaking, with respect to assets necessary to operate, maintain or develop the transmission system; and (b) the power to raise money on the capital market in particular through borrowing and capital increase.
(a) doubts arise as to the professional independence of a nominated person responsible for the management and/or member of the administrative bodies; or (b) in the case of premature termination of a term of office, doubts exist regarding the justification of such premature termination.
(a) monitoring the implementation of the compliance programme; (b) elaborating an annual report, setting out the measures taken in order to implement the compliance programme and submitting it to the regulatory authority; (c) reporting to the Supervisory Body and issuing recommendations on the compliance programme and its implementation; (d) notifying the regulatory authority on any substantial breaches with regard to the implementation of the compliance programme; and (e) reporting to the regulatory authority on any commercial and financial relations between the vertically integrated undertaking and the transmission system operator.
(a) conditions for access to the network, as laid down in Regulation (EU) 2019/943, in particular regarding tariffs, third-party access services, capacity allocation and congestion management, transparency, ancillary services and secondary markets; (b) projects undertaken in order to operate, maintain and develop the transmission system, including interconnection and connection investments; (c) energy purchases or sales necessary for the operation of the transmission system.
(a) indicate to market participants the main transmission infrastructure that needs to be built or upgraded over the next ten years; (b) contain all the investments already decided and identify new investments which have to be executed in the next three years; and (c) provide for a time frame for all investment projects.
(a) to require the transmission system operator to execute the investments in question; (b) to organise a tender procedure open to any investors for the investment in question; or (c) to oblige the transmission system operator to accept a capital increase to finance the necessary investments and allow independent investors to participate in the capital.
(a) financing by any third party; (b) construction by any third party; (c) building the new assets concerned itself; (d) operating the new asset concerned itself.
(a) upon notification by the transmission system operator pursuant to paragraph 3; (b) on their own initiative where they have knowledge that a planned change in rights or influence over transmission system owners or transmission system operators may lead to an infringement of Article 43, or where they have reason to believe that such an infringement may have occurred; or (c) upon a reasoned request from the Commission.
(a) that the entity concerned complies with the requirements of Article 43; and (b) to the regulatory authority or to another competent national authority designated by the Member State that granting certification will not put at risk the security of energy supply of the Member State and the Union. In considering that question the regulatory authority or other competent national authority shall take into account: (i) the rights and obligations of the Union with respect to that third country arising under international law, including any agreement concluded with one or more third countries to which the Union is a party and which addresses the issues of security of energy supply; (ii) the rights and obligations of the Member State with respect to that third country arising under agreements concluded with it, insofar as they comply with Union law; and (iii) other specific facts and circumstances of the case and the third country concerned.
(a) the entity concerned complies with the requirements of Article 43; and (b) granting certification will not put at risk the security of energy supply to the Union.
(a) the specific facts of the case and the third country or third countries concerned; and (b) the rights and obligations of the Union with respect to that third country or third countries arising under international law, including an agreement concluded with one or more third countries to which the Union is a party and which addresses the issues of security of supply.
(a) other parties, following an open, transparent and non-discriminatory tendering procedure that is subject to review and approval by the regulatory authority, have not been awarded a right to own, develop, manage or operate such facilities, or could not deliver those services at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner; (b) such facilities or non-frequency ancillary services are necessary for the transmission system operators to fulfil their obligations under this Directive for the efficient, reliable and secure operation of the transmission system and they are not used to buy or sell electricity in the electricity markets; and (c) the regulatory authority has assessed the necessity of such a derogation, has carried out an ex ante review of the applicability of a tendering procedure, including the conditions of the tendering procedure, and has granted its approval.
(a) connected to the grid at the latest two years thereafter; (b) integrated into the transmission system; (c) used only for the reactive instantaneous restoration of network security in the case of network contingencies where such restoration measure starts immediately and ends when regular re-dispatch can solve the issue; and (d) not used to buy or sell electricity in the electricity markets, including balancing.
(a) is legally distinct and functionally independent from other public or private entities; (b) ensures that its staff and the persons responsible for its management: (i) act independently from any market interest; and (ii) do not seek or take direct instructions from any government or other public or private entity when carrying out the regulatory tasks. That requirement is without prejudice to close cooperation, as appropriate, with other relevant national authorities or to general policy guidelines issued by the government not related to the regulatory powers and duties under Article 59.
(a) the regulatory authority can take autonomous decisions, independently from any political body; (b) the regulatory authority has all the necessary human and financial resources it needs to carry out its duties and exercise its powers in an effective and efficient manner; (c) the regulatory authority has a separate annual budget allocation and autonomy in the implementation of the allocated budget; (d) the members of the board of the regulatory authority or, in the absence of a board, the regulatory authority's top management are appointed for a fixed term of five up to seven years, renewable once; (e) the members of the board of the regulatory authority or, in the absence of a board, the regulatory authority's top management are appointed based on objective, transparent and published criteria, in an independent and impartial procedure, which ensures that the candidates have the necessary skills and experience for the relevant position in the regulatory authority; (f) conflict of interest provisions are in place and confidentiality obligations extend beyond the end of the mandate of the members of the board of the regulatory authority or, in the absence of a board, the end of the mandate of the regulatory authority's top management; (g) the members of the board of the regulatory authority or, in the absence of a board, the regulatory authority's top management can be dismissed only based on transparent criteria in place.
(a) promoting, in close cooperation with regulatory authorities of other Member States, the Commission and ACER, a competitive, flexible, secure and environmentally sustainable internal market for electricity within the Union, and effective market opening for all customers and suppliers in the Union, and ensuring appropriate conditions for the effective and reliable operation of electricity networks, taking into account long-term objectives; (b) developing competitive and properly functioning regional cross-border markets within the Union with a view to achieving the objectives referred to in point (a); (c) eliminating restrictions on trade in electricity between Member States, including developing appropriate cross-border transmission capacities to meet demand and enhancing the integration of national markets which may facilitate electricity flows across the Union; (d) helping to achieve, in the most cost-effective way, the development of secure, reliable and efficient non-discriminatory systems that are consumer-oriented, and promoting system adequacy and, in accordance with general energy policy objectives, energy efficiency, as well as the integration of large and small-scale production of electricity from renewable sources and distributed generation in both transmission and distribution networks, and facilitating their operation in relation to other energy networks of gas or heat; (e) facilitating access to the network for new generation capacity and energy storage facilities, in particular removing barriers that could prevent access for new market entrants and of electricity from renewable sources; (f) ensuring that system operators and system users are granted appropriate incentives, in both the short and the long term, to increase efficiencies, especially energy efficiency, in system performance and to foster market integration; (g) ensuring that customers benefit through the efficient functioning of their national market, promoting effective competition and helping to ensure a high level of consumer protection, in close cooperation with relevant consumer protection authorities; (h) helping to achieve high standards of universal service and of public service in electricity supply, contributing to the protection of vulnerable customers and contributing to the compatibility of necessary data exchange processes for customer switching.
(a) fixing or approving, in accordance with transparent criteria, transmission or distribution tariffs or their methodologies, or both; (aa) carrying out the obligations laid out in Article 3, Article 5(7) and Articles 14 to 17 of Regulation (EU) 2022/869 of the European Parliament and the Council .Regulation (EU) 2022/869 of the European Parliament and the Council of 30 May 2022 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure, amending Regulations (EC) No 715/2009, (EU) 2019/942 and (EU) 2019/943 and Directives 2009/73/EC and (EU) 2019/944, and repealing Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 (OJ L 152, 3.6.2022, p. 45 ).(b) ensuring the compliance of transmission system operators and distribution system operators and, where relevant, system owners, as well as the compliance of any electricity undertakings and other market participants, with their obligations under this Directive, Regulation (EU) 2019/943, the network codes and the guidelines adopted pursuant to Articles 59, 60 and 61 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943, and other relevant Union law, including as regards cross-border issues, as well as with ACER's decisions; (c) in close coordination with the other regulatory authorities, ensuring the compliance of the ENTSO for Electricity and the EU DSO entity with their obligations under this Directive, Regulation (EU) 2019/943, the network codes and guidelines adopted pursuant to Articles 59, 60 and 61 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943, and other relevant Union law, including as regards cross-border issues, as well as with ACER's decisions, and jointly identifying non-compliance of the ENTSO for Electricity and the EU DSO entity with their respective obligations; where the regulatory authorities have not been able to reach an agreement within a period of four months after the start of consultations for the purpose of jointly identifying non-compliance, the matter shall be referred to the ACER for a decision, pursuant to Article 6(10) of Regulation (EU) 2019/942; (d) approving products and procurement process for non-frequency ancillary services; (e) implementing the network codes and guidelines adopted pursuant to Articles 59, 60 and 61 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943 through national measures or, where so required, coordinated regional or Union-wide measures; (f) cooperating in regard to cross-border issues with the regulatory authority or authorities of the Member States concerned and with ACER, in particular through participation in the work of ACER's Board of Regulators pursuant to Article 21 of Regulation (EU) 2019/942; (g) complying with, and implementing, any relevant legally binding decisions of the Commission and of ACER; (h) ensuring that transmission system operators make available interconnector capacities to the utmost extent pursuant to Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (i) reporting annually on its activity and the fulfilment of its duties to the relevant authorities of the Member States, the Commission and ACER, including on the steps taken and the results obtained as regards each of the tasks listed in this Article; (j) ensuring that there is no cross-subsidisation between transmission, distribution and supply activities or other electricity or non-electricity activities; (k) monitoring investment plans of the transmission system operators and providing in its annual report an assessment of the investment plans of the transmission system operators as regards their consistency with the Union-wide network development plan; such assessment may include recommendations to amend those investment plans; (l) monitoring and assessing the performance of transmission system operators and distribution system operators in relation to the development of a smart grid that promotes energy efficiency and the integration of energy from renewable sources, based on a limited set of indicators, and publish a national report every two years, including recommendations; (m) setting or approving standards and requirements for quality of service and quality of supply or contributing thereto together with other competent authorities and monitoring compliance with and reviewing the past performance of network security and reliability rules; (n) monitoring the level of transparency, including of wholesale prices, and ensuring compliance of electricity undertakings with transparency obligations; (o) monitoring the level and effectiveness of market opening and competition at wholesale and retail levels, including on electricity exchanges, prices for household customers including prepayment systems, the impact of dynamic electricity price contracts and of the use of smart metering systems, switching rates, disconnection rates, charges for maintenance services, the execution of maintenance services, the relationship between household and wholesale prices, the evolution of grid tariffs and levies, and complaints by household customers, as well as any distortion or restriction of competition, including by providing any relevant information, and bringing any relevant cases to the relevant competition authorities; (p) monitoring the occurrence of restrictive contractual practices, including exclusivity clauses which may prevent customers from contracting simultaneously with more than one supplier or restrict their choice to do so, and, where appropriate, informing the national competition authorities of such practices; (q) monitoring the time taken by transmission system operators and distribution system operators to make connections and repairs; (r) helping to ensure, together with other relevant authorities, that the consumer protection measures are effective and enforced; (s) publishing recommendations, at least annually, in relation to compliance of supply prices with Article 5, and providing those recommendations to the competition authorities, where appropriate; (t) ensuring non-discriminatory access to customer consumption data, the provision, for optional use, of an easily understandable harmonised format at national level for consumption data, and prompt access for all customers to such data pursuant to Articles 23 and 24; (u) monitoring the implementation of rules relating to the roles and responsibilities of transmission system operators, distribution system operators, suppliers, customers and other market participants pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (v) monitoring investment in generation and storage capacities in relation to security of supply; (w) monitoring technical cooperation between Union and third-country transmission system operators; (x) contributing to the compatibility of data exchange processes for the most important market processes at regional level; (y) monitoring the availability of comparison tools that meet the requirements set out in Article 14; (z) monitoring the removal of unjustified obstacles to and restrictions on the development of consumption of self-generated electricity and citizen energy communities.
(a) to issue binding decisions on electricity undertakings; (b) to carry out investigations into the functioning of the electricity markets, and to decide upon and impose any necessary and proportionate measures to promote effective competition and ensure the proper functioning of the market. Where appropriate, the regulatory authority shall also have the power to cooperate with the national competition authority and the financial market regulators or the Commission in conducting an investigation relating to competition law; (c) to require any information from electricity undertakings relevant for the fulfilment of its tasks, including the justification for any refusal to grant third-party access, and any information on measures necessary to reinforce the network; (d) to impose effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties on electricity undertakings not complying with their obligations under this Directive, Regulation (EU) 2019/943 or any relevant legally binding decisions of the regulatory authority or of ACER, or to propose that a competent court impose such penalties, including the power to impose or propose the imposition of penalties of up to 10 % of the annual turnover of the transmission system operator on the transmission system operator or of up to 10 % of the annual turnover of the vertically integrated undertaking on the vertically integrated undertaking, as the case may be, for non-compliance with their respective obligations pursuant to this Directive; and (e) appropriate rights of investigation and relevant powers of instruction for dispute settlement under Article 60(2) and (3).
(a) monitor the transmission system owner's and the independent system operator's compliance with their obligations under this Article, and issue penalties for non-compliance in accordance with point (d) of paragraph 3; (b) monitor the relations and communications between the independent system operator and the transmission system owner so as to ensure compliance of the independent system operator with its obligations, and in particular approve contracts and act as a dispute settlement authority between the independent system operator and the transmission system owner with respect to any complaint submitted by either party pursuant to Article 60(2); (c) without prejudice to the procedure under point (c) of Article 44(2), for the first ten-year network development plan, approve the investments planning and the multi-annual network development plan submitted at least every two years by the independent system operator; (d) ensure that network access tariffs collected by the independent system operator include remuneration for the network owner or network owners, which provides for adequate remuneration of the network assets and of any new investments made therein, provided they are economically and efficiently incurred; (e) have the powers to carry out inspections, including unannounced inspections, at the premises of transmission system owner and independent system operator; and (f) monitor the use of congestion charges collected by the independent system operator in accordance with Article 19(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/943.
(a) to impose penalties in accordance with point (d) of paragraph 3 for discriminatory behaviour in favour of the vertically integrated undertaking; (b) to monitor communications between the transmission system operator and the vertically integrated undertaking so as to ensure compliance of the transmission system operator with its obligations; (c) to act as dispute settlement authority between the vertically integrated undertaking and the transmission system operator with respect to any complaint submitted pursuant to Article 60(2); (d) to monitor commercial and financial relations including loans between the vertically integrated undertaking and the transmission system operator; (e) to approve all commercial and financial agreements between the vertically integrated undertaking and the transmission system operator on the condition that they comply with market conditions; (f) to request a justification from the vertically integrated undertaking when notified by the compliance officer in accordance with Article 50(4), such justification including, in particular, evidence demonstrating that no discriminatory behaviour to the advantage of the vertically integrated undertaking has occurred; (g) to carry out inspections, including unannounced ones, on the premises of the vertically integrated undertaking and the transmission system operator; and (h) to assign all or specific tasks of the transmission system operator to an independent system operator appointed in accordance with Article 44 in the case of a persistent breach by the transmission system operator of its obligations under this Directive, in particular in the case of repeated discriminatory behaviour to the benefit of the vertically integrated undertaking.
(a) connection and access to national networks, including transmission and distribution tariffs or their methodologies, those tariffs or methodologies shall allow the necessary investments in the networks to be carried out in a manner allowing those investments to ensure the viability of the networks; (b) the provision of ancillary services which shall be performed in the most economic manner possible and provide appropriate incentives for network users to balance their input and off-takes, such ancillary services shall be provided in a fair and non-discriminatory manner and be based on objective criteria; and (c) access to cross-border infrastructures, including the procedures for the allocation of capacity and congestion management.
(a) foster the creation of operational arrangements in order to enable an optimal management of the network, promote joint electricity exchanges and the allocation of cross-border capacity, and to enable an adequate level of interconnection capacity, including through new interconnection, within the region and between regions to allow for development of effective competition and improvement of security of supply, without discriminating between suppliers in different Member States; (b) coordinate the joint oversight of entities performing functions at regional level; (c) coordinate, in cooperation with other involved authorities, the joint oversight of national, regional and European resource adequacy assessments; (d) coordinate the development of all network codes and guidelines for the relevant transmission system operators and other market actors; and (e) coordinate the development of the rules governing the management of congestion.
(a) approve the proposal for the establishment of regional coordination centres in accordance with Article 35(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/943; (b) approve the costs related to the activities of the regional coordination centres, which are to be borne by the transmission system operators and to be taken into account in the calculation of tariffs, provided that they are reasonable and appropriate; (c) approve the cooperative decision-making process; (d) ensure that the regional coordination centres are equipped with all the necessary human, technical, physical and financial resources for fulfilling their obligations under this Directive and carrying out their tasks independently and impartially; (e) propose jointly with other regulatory authorities of a system operation region possible additional tasks and additional powers to be assigned to the regional coordination centres by the Member States of the system operation region; (f) ensure compliance with the obligations under this Directive and other relevant Union law, in particular as regards cross-border issues, and jointly identify non-compliance of the regional coordination centres with their respective obligations; where the regulatory authorities have not been able to reach an agreement within a period of four months after the start of consultations for the purpose of jointly identifying non-compliance, the matter shall be referred to ACER for a decision, pursuant to Article 6(10) of Regulation (EU) 2019/942; (g) monitor the performance of system coordination and report annually to ACER in this respect in accordance with Article 46 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943.
(a) to request information from the regional coordination centres; (b) to carry out inspections, including unannounced inspections, at the premises of the regional coordination centres; (c) to issue joint binding decisions on the regional coordination centres.
(a) not to raise objections against the decision of the regulatory authority; or (b) to require the regulatory authority concerned to withdraw its decision on the basis that network codes and guidelines have not been complied with.
(1) Article 9 is amended as follows: (a) the title is replaced by the following: "Metering for natural gas"; (b) in paragraph 1, the first subparagraph is replaced by the following: "1. Member States shall ensure that, in so far as it is technically possible, financially reasonable, and proportionate to the potential energy savings, for natural gas final customers are provided with competitively priced individual meters that accurately reflect the final customer's actual energy consumption and that provide information on actual time of use."; (c) paragraph 2 is amended as follows: (i) the introductory part is replaced by the following: "2. Where, and to the extent that, Member States implement intelligent metering systems and roll out smart meters for natural gas in accordance with Directive 2009/73/EC:"; (ii) points (c) and (d) are deleted;
(2) Article 10 is amended as follows: (a) the title is replaced by the following: "Billing information for natural gas"; (b) in paragraph 1, the first subparagraph is replaced by the following: "1. Where final customers do not have smart meters as referred to in Directive 2009/73/EC, Member States shall ensure, by 31 December 2014 , that billing information for natural gas is reliable, accurate and based on actual consumption, in accordance with point 1.1 of Annex VII, where that is technically possible and economically justified.";(c) in paragraph 2, the first subparagraph is replaced by the following: "2. Meters installed in accordance with Directive 2009/73/EC shall enable the provision of accurate billing information based on actual consumption. Member States shall ensure that final customers have the possibility of easy access to complementary information on historical consumption allowing detailed self-checks.";
(3) in Article 11, the title is replaced by the following: "Cost of access to metering and billing information for natural gas"; (4) in Article 13, the words "Articles 7 to 11" are replaced by the words "Articles 7 to 11a"; (5) Article 15 is amended as follows: (a) paragraph 5 is amended as follows: (i) the first and second subparagraphs are deleted; (ii) the third subparagraph is replaced by the following: "Transmission system operators and distribution system operators shall comply with the requirements set out in Annex XII.";
(b) paragraph 8 is deleted;
(6) in Annex VII, the title is replaced by the following: "Minimum requirements for billing and billing information based on actual consumption of natural gas".
(a) point (5)(a) of Article 70 by 31 December 2019 ;(b) point (4) of Article 70 by 25 October 2020 .
(a) the price to be paid and a breakdown of the price where possible, together with a clear statement that all energy sources may also benefit from incentives that were not financed through the levies indicated in the breakdown of the price; (b) the date on which payment is due.
(a) electricity consumption for the billing period; (b) the name and contact details of the supplier, including a consumer support hotline and email address; (c) the tariff name; (d) the end date of the contract, if applicable; (e) the information on the availability and benefits of switching; (f) the final customer's switching code or unique identification code for the final customer's supply point; (g) information on final customers' rights as regards out-of-court dispute settlement, including the contact details of the entity responsible pursuant to Article 26; (h) the single point of contact referred to in Article 25; (i) a link or reference to where comparison tools referred to in Article 14 can be found.
(a) comparisons of the final customer's current electricity consumption with the final customer's consumption for the same period in the previous year in graphic form; (b) contact information for consumer organisations, energy agencies or similar bodies, including website addresses, from which information may be obtained on available energy efficiency improvement measures for energy-using equipment; (c) comparisons with an average normalised or benchmarked final customer in the same user category.
(a) billing on the basis of actual consumption shall take place at least once a year; (b) where the final customer does not have a meter that allows remote reading by the operator, or where the final customer has actively chosen to disable remote reading in accordance with national law, accurate billing information based on actual consumption shall be made available to the final customer at least every six months, or once every three months, if requested or where the final customer has opted to receive electronic billing; (c) where the final customer does not have a meter that allows remote reading by the operator, or where the final customer has actively chosen to disable remote reading in accordance with national law, the obligations in points (a) and (b) may be fulfilled by means of a system of regular self-reading by the final customer, whereby the final customer communicates readings from the meter to the operator; billing or billing information may be based on estimated consumption or a flat rate only where the final customer has not provided a meter reading for a given billing interval; (d) where the final customer has a meter that allows remote reading by the operator, accurate billing information based on actual consumption shall be provided at least every month; such information may also be made available via the internet, and shall be updated as frequently as allowed by the measurement devices and systems used.
(a) cumulative data for at least the three previous years or the period since the start of the electricity supply contract, if that period is shorter. The data shall correspond to the intervals for which frequent billing information has been produced; and (b) detailed data according to the time of use for any day, week, month and year, which is made available to the final customer without undue delay via the internet or the meter interface, covering the period of at least the previous 24 months or the period since the start of the electricity supply contract, if that period is shorter.
(a) the contribution of each energy source to the overall energy mix of the supplier (at national level, namely in the Member State in which the electricity supply contract has been concluded, as well as at the level of the supplier if the supplier is active in several Member States) over the preceding year in a comprehensible and clearly comparable manner; (b) information on the environmental impact, in at least terms of CO 2 emissions and the radioactive waste resulting from the electricity produced by the overall energy mix of the supplier over the preceding year.
Directive | Time-limit for transposition | Date of application |
Directive 2009/72/EC | This Directive |
Article 1 | Article 1 |
Article 2 | Article 2 |
— | Article 3 |
Articles 33 and 41 | Article 4 |
— | Article 5 |
Article 32 | Article 6 |
Article 34 | Article 7 |
Article 7 | Article 8 |
Article 8 | — |
Article 3(1) | Article 9(1) |
Article 3(2) | Article 9(2) |
Article 3(6) | Article 9(3) |
Article 3(15) | Article 9(4) |
Article 3(14) | Article 9(5) |
Article 3(16) | — |
Article 3(4) | Article 10(1) |
Annex I. 1(a) | Article 10(2) and (3) |
Annex I. 1(b) | Article 10(4) |
Annex I. 1(c) | Article 10(5) |
Annex I. 1(d) | Article 10(6) and (8) |
— | Article 10(7) |
Annex I. 1(f) | Article 10(9) |
Annex I. 1(g) | Article 10(10) |
Article 3(7) | Article 10(11) |
Annex I. 1(j) | Article 10(12) |
Article 3(10) | — |
Article 4 | — |
Article 5 | — |
Article 6 | — |
— | Article 11 |
Article 3(5)(a) and Annex I. 1(e) | Article 12 |
— | Article 13 |
— | Article 14 |
— | Article 15 |
— | Article 16 |
— | Article 17 |
— | Article 18 |
Article 3(11) | Article 19(1) |
— | Article 19(2) to (6) |
— | Article 20 |
— | Article 21 |
— | Article 22 |
— | Article 23 |
— | Article 24 |
Article 3(12) | Article 25 |
Article 3(13) | Article 26 |
Article 3(3) | Article 27 |
Article 3(7) | Article 28(1) |
Article 3(8) | Article 28(2) |
— | Article 29 |
Article 24 | Article 30 |
Article 25 | Article 31 |
— | Article 32 |
— | Article 33 |
— | Article 34 |
Article 26 | Article 35 |
— | Article 36 |
Article 27 | Article 37 |
Article 28 | Article 38 |
Article 29 | Article 39 |
Article 12 | Article 40(1) |
— | Article 40(2) to (8) |
Article 16 | Article 41 |
Article 23 | Article 42 |
Article 9 | Article 43 |
Article 13 | Article 44 |
Article 14 | Article 45 |
Article 17 | Article 46 |
Article 18 | Article 47 |
Article 19 | Article 48 |
Article 20 | Article 49 |
Article 21 | Article 50 |
Article 22 | Article 51 |
Article 10 | Article 52 |
Article 11 | Article 53 |
— | Article 54 |
Article 30 | Article 55 |
Article 31 | Article 56 |
Article 35 | Article 57 |
Article 36 | Article 58 |
Article 37(1) | Article 59(1) |
Article 37(2) | Article 59(2) |
Article 37(4) | Article 59(3) |
— | Article 59(4) |
Article 37(3) | Article 59(5) |
Article 37(5) | Article 59(6) |
Article 37(6) | Article 59(7) |
Article 37(8) | — |
Article 37(7) | Article 59(8) |
— | Article 59(9) |
Article 37(9) | Article 59(10) |
Article 37(10) | Article 60(1) |
Article 37(11) | Article 60(2) |
Article 37(12) | Article 60(3) |
Article 37(13) | Article 60(4) |
Article 37(14) | Article 60(5) |
Article 37(15) | Article 60(6) |
Article 37(16) | Article 60(7) |
Article 37(17) | Article 60(8) |
Article 38 | Article 61 |
— | Article 62 |
Article 39 | Article 63 |
Article 40 | Article 64 |
Article 42 | — |
Article 43 | Article 65 |
Article 44 | Article 66 |
Article 45 | — |
— | Article 67 |
Article 46 | Article 68 |
Article 47 | Article 69 |
— | Article 70 |
Article 49 | Article 71 |
Article 48 | Article 72 |
Article 50 | Article 73 |
Article 51 | Article 74 |
— | Annex I, points 1 to 4 |
Article 3(9) | Annex I. 5 |
Annex I. 2 | Annex II |
— | Annex III |
— | Annex IV |