Directive (EU) 2019/883 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships, amending Directive 2010/65/EU and repealing Directive 2000/59/EC (Text with EEA relevance)
(1) "ship" means a seagoing vessel of any type operating in the marine environment, including fishing vessels, recreational craft, hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehicles, submersibles and floating craft; (2) "MARPOL Convention" means the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, in its up-to-date version; (3) "waste from ships" means all waste, including cargo residues, which is generated during the service of a ship or during loading, unloading and cleaning operations and which falls within the scope of Annexes I, II, IV, V and VI to MARPOL Convention, as well as passively fished waste; (4) "passively fished waste" means waste collected in nets during fishing operations; (5) "cargo residues" means the remnants of any cargo material on board which remain on the deck or in holds or tanks following loading and unloading, including loading and unloading excess or spillage, whether in wet or dry condition or entrained in wash-water, excluding cargo dust remaining on the deck after sweeping or dust of the external surfaces of the ship; (6) "port reception facility" means any facility which is fixed, floating or mobile and capable of providing the service of receiving the waste from ships; (7) "fishing vessel" means any ship equipped or used commercially for catching fish or other living resources from the sea; (8) "recreational craft" means a ship of any type, with a hull length of 2,5 metres or more, regardless of the means of propulsion, intended for sports or leisure purposes, and not engaged in trade; (9) "port" means a place or a geographical area made up of such improvement works and equipment designed principally to permit the reception of ships, including the anchorage area within the jurisdiction of the port; (10) "sufficient storage capacity" means enough capacity to store the waste on board from the moment of departure until the next port of call, including the waste that is likely to be generated during the voyage; (11) "scheduled traffic" means traffic based on a published or planned list of times of departures and arrivals between identified ports or recurrent crossings that constitute a recognised schedule; (12) "regular port calls" means repeated voyages of the same ship forming a constant pattern between identified ports or a series of voyages from and to the same port without intermediate calls; (13) "frequent port calls" means visits by a ship to the same port taking place at least once a fortnight; (14) "GISIS" means the Global Integrated Shipping Information System set up by the IMO; (15) "treatment" means recovery or disposal operations, including preparation prior to recovery or disposal; (16) "indirect fee" means a fee paid for the provision of port reception facility services, irrespective of the actual delivery of waste from ships.
(a) all ships, irrespective of their flag, calling at, or operating within, a port of a Member State, with the exception of ships engaged in port services within the meaning of Article 1(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/352, and with the exception of any warship, naval auxiliary or other ship owned or operated by a State and used, for the time being, only on a government non-commercial basis; (b) all ports of the Member States normally visited by ships falling within the scope of point (a).
(a) the port reception facilities have the capacity to receive the types and quantities of waste from ships normally using that port, taking into account: (i) the operational needs of the port users; (ii) the size and geographical location of that port; (iii) the type of ships calling at that port; and (iv) the exemptions provided for under Article 9;
(b) the formalities and practical arrangements relating to the use of the port reception facilities are simple and expeditious to avoid undue delays to ships; (c) the fees charged for delivery do not create a disincentive for ships to use the port reception facilities; and (d) the port reception facilities allow for the management of the waste from ships in an environmentally sound manner in accordance with Directive 2008/98/EC and other relevant Union and national waste law.
(a) location of port reception facilities applicable to each berth, and, where relevant, their opening hours; (b) list of waste from ships normally managed by the port; (c) list of contact points, the port reception facility operators and the services offered; (d) description of the procedures for delivery of the waste; (e) description of the cost recovery system, including waste management schemes and funds as referred to in Annex 4, where applicable.
(a) at least 24 hours prior to arrival, if the port of call is known; (b) as soon as the port of call is known, if this information is available less than 24 hours prior to arrival; or (c) at the latest upon departure from the previous port, if the duration of the voyage is less than 24 hours.
(a) the information provided in accordance with Annexes 2 and 3 shows that there is sufficient dedicated storage capacity for all waste that has been accumulated and will be accumulated during the intended voyage of the ship until the next port of call; (b) the information available on board ships falling outside the scope of Directive 2002/59/EC shows that there is sufficient dedicated storage capacity for all waste that has been accumulated and will be accumulated during the intended voyage of the ship until the next port of call; or (c) the ship only calls at anchorage for less than 24 hours or under adverse weather conditions, unless such an area has been excluded in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 3(1).
(a) it cannot be established, based on the available information, including information electronically available in that part of the information, monitoring and enforcement system referred to in Article 13 or in GISIS, that adequate port reception facilities are available in the next port of call; or (b) the next port of call is unknown.
(a) ships shall pay an indirect fee, irrespective of delivery of waste to a port reception facility; (b) the indirect fee shall cover: (i) the indirect administrative costs; (ii) a significant part of the direct operational costs, as determined in Annex 4, which shall represent at least 30 % of the total direct costs for actual delivery of the waste during the previous year, with the possibility of also taking into account costs related to the traffic volume expected for the coming year;
(c) in order to provide for a maximum incentive for the delivery of MARPOL Annex V waste other than cargo residues, no direct fee shall be charged for such waste, in order to ensure a right of delivery without any additional charges based on the volume of waste delivered, except where the volume of waste delivered exceeds the maximum dedicated storage capacity mentioned in the form set out in Annex 2 to this Directive; passively fished waste shall be covered by this regime, including the right of delivery; (d) in order to avoid that the costs of collection and treatment of passively fished waste are borne exclusively by port users, Member States shall cover, where appropriate, those costs from the revenues generated by alternative financing systems, including by waste management schemes and by Union, national or regional funding available; (e) in order to encourage the delivery of residues from tank washing containing high-viscosity persistent floating substances, Member States may provide for appropriate financial incentives for their delivery; (f) the indirect fee shall not include the waste from exhaust gas cleaning systems, the costs of which shall be covered on the basis of the types and quantities of waste delivered.
(a) the category, type and size of the ship; (b) the provision of services to ships outside normal operating hours in the port; or (c) the hazardous nature of the waste.
(a) the type of trade the ship is engaged in, in particular when a ship is engaged in short sea shipping trade; (b) the ship’s design, equipment and operation demonstrate that the ship produces reduced quantities of waste, and manages its waste in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner.
(a) the ship is engaged in scheduled traffic with frequent and regular port calls; (b) there is an arrangement to ensure the delivery of the waste and payment of the fees in a port along the ship’s route which: (i) is evidenced by a signed contract with a port or waste contractor and by waste delivery receipts; (ii) has been notified to all ports on the ship’s route; and (iii) has been accepted by the port where the delivery and payment take place, which can be a Union port or another port in which, as established on the basis of the information reported electronically into that part of the information, monitoring and enforcement system referred to in Article 13 and in GISIS, adequate facilities are available;
(c) the exemption does not pose a negative impact on maritime safety, health, shipboard living or working conditions or on the marine environment.
(a) the information on the actual time of arrival and time of departure of every ship falling within the scope of Directive 2002/59/EC which calls at a Union port, together with an identifier of the port concerned; (b) the information from the advance waste notification, as set out in Annex 2; (c) the information from the waste delivery receipt, as set out in Annex 3; (d) the information from the exemption certificate, as set out in Annex 5.
(a) the inspection report has been completed; (b) the prohibition of departure order has been lifted; or (c) an exemption has been granted.
"4. Notification of waste from ships, including residues Articles 6, 7 and 9 of Directive (EU) 2019/883 of the European Parliament and the Council of 17 April 2019 on port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships, amending Directive 2010/65/EU and repealing Directive 2000/59/EC (OJ L 151, 7.6.2019, p. 116 )".
(a) an assessment of the need for port reception facilities, in light of the needs of ships normally visiting the port; (b) a description of the type and capacity of port reception facilities; (c) a description of the procedures for the reception and collection of waste from ships; (d) a description of the cost recovery system; (e) a description of the procedure for reporting alleged inadequacies of port reception facilities; (f) a description of the procedure for ongoing consultations with port users, waste contractors, terminal operators and other interested parties; and (g) an overview of the type and quantities of waste received from ships and handled in the facilities.
(a) a summary of relevant national law and the procedure and formalities for the delivery of the waste to port reception facilities; (b) an identification of a point of contact in the port; (c) a description of the pre-treatment equipment and processes for specific waste streams in the port, if any; (d) a description of methods for recording the actual use of the port reception facilities; (e) a description of methods for recording the amounts of the waste delivered by ships; (f) a description of methods for managing the different waste streams in the port.