Member State | Species code | Area code | Species name | Area name | Initial quota 2017 (in kilograms) | Permitted landings 2017 (Total adapted quantity in kilograms) | Total catches 2017 (quantity in kilograms) | Quota consumption related to permitted landings | Overfishing related to permitted landing (quantity in kilograms) | Multiplying factor | Additional Multiplying factor | Outstanding deductions from previous year(s) (quantity in kilograms) | Deductions from fishing quotas for 2018 and subsequent years (quantity in kilograms) | Deductions from 2018 fishing quotas for the overfished stocks (quantity in kilograms) | Deductions from 2018 fishing quotas for alternative stocks in accordance with Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/479 (quantity in kilograms) | To be deducted from fishing quotas for 2019 and subsequent year(s) (quantity in kilograms) |
BE | RJU | 07D. | Undulate ray | Union waters of VIId | 2000 | 2000 | 5648 | 282,40 % | 3648 | 1,00 | / | / | 3648 | 1031 | / | 2617 |
BE | SRX | 07D. | Skates and rays | Union waters of VIId | 96000 | 91353 | 95695 | 104,75 % | 4342 | / | / | / | 4342 | 4342 | / | / |
BE | SRX | 67AKXD | Skates and rays | Union waters of VIa, VIb, VIIa-c and VIIe-k | 762000 | 907100 | 919333 | 101,35 % | 12233 | / | / | / | 12233 | 12233 | / | / |
DK | MAC | 2A34. | Mackerel | IIIa and IV; Union waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32 | 22031 | 17525756 | 17992741 | 102,66 % | 466985 | / | / | / | 466985 | 466985 | / | / |
DK | MAC | 2A4A-N | Mackerel | Norwegian waters of IIa and IVa | 16004 | 14538090 | 14801414 | 101,81 % | 263324 | / | / | / | 263324 | 263324 | / | / |
DK | MAC | 2CX14- | Mackerel | VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of IIa, XII and XIV | / | 5341916 | 5342930 | 100,02 % | 1014 | / | / | / | 1014 | 1014 | / | / |
DK | NOP | 04-N. | Norway pout and associated by-catches | Norwegian waters of IV | 0 | 0 | 16298 | N/A | 16298 | 1,00 | A | / | 24447 | / | 24447 | / |
DK | OTH | 1N2AB. | Other species | Norwegian waters of I and II | / | 0 | 9979 | N/A | 9979 | 1,00 | / | / | 9979 | / | 9979 | / |
DK | POK | 1N2AB. | Saithe | Norwegian waters of I and II | / | 0 | 9508 | N/A | 9508 | 1,00 | / | / | 9508 | / | 9508 | / |
ES | ALB | AN05N | Northern albacore | Atlantic Ocean, north of 5° N | 14981130 | 13961453 | 13940306 | 99,85 % | – 21147 | / | / | 189117 | 189117 | 189117 | / | / |
ES | GHL | 1N2AB. | Greenland halibut | Norwegian waters of I and II | / | 19200 | 36090 | 187,97 % | 16890 | 1,00 | A | / | 25335 | / | 25335 | / |
ES | GHL | N3LMNO | Greenland halibut | NAFO 3LMNO | 4067000 | 4061001 | 4072229 | 100,28 % | 11228 | / | C | / | 11228 | 11228 | / | / |
ES | POK | 1N2AB. | Saithe | Norwegian waters of I and II | / | 86500 | 88150 | 101,91 % | 1650 | / | / | / | 1650 | / | 1650 | / |
ES | YFT | IOTC | Yellowfin tuna | IOTC Area of Competence | 45682000 | 45682000 | 48147520 | 105,40 % | 2465520 | / | / | / | 2465520 | 327060 | / | 2138460 |
FR | GHL | 1N2AB. | Greenland halibut | Norwegian waters of I and II | / | 0 | 6868 | N/A | 6868 | 1,00 | / | / | 6868 | / | 6868 | / |
FR | YFT | IOTC | Yellowfin tuna | IOTC Area of Competence | 29501000 | 29651000 | 29960730 | 101,04 % | 309730 | / | / | / | 309730 | 309730 | / | / |
IE | HKE | 8ABDE. | Hake | VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe | / | 0 | 1300 | N/A | 1300 | 1,00 | C | / | 1300 | / | 1300 | / |
IE | MAC | 2CX14- | Mackerel | VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of IIa, XII and XIV | 86426000 | 86319537 | 86520982 | 100,23 % | 201445 | / | / | / | 201445 | 201445 | / | / |
NL | WHG | 56-14 | Whiting | VI; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV | / | 0 | 18648 | N/A | 18648 | 1,00 | / | / | 18648 | / | 18648 | / |
PL | COD | 3BC+24 | Cod | Subdivisions 22-24 | 654000 | 915170 | 947501 | 103,53 % | 32331 | / | C | / | 32331 | 0 | / | 32331 |
PT | ALB | AN05N | Northern albacore | Atlantic Ocean, north of 5° N | 2413800 | 2332800 | 2564017 | 109,91 % | 231217 | / | / | / | 231217 | 231217 | / | / |
PT | ALF | 3X14- | Alfonsinos | Union and international waters of III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV | 182000 | 182626 | 185582 | 101,62 % | 2956 | / | / | / | 2956 | 2956 | / | / |
PT | ANE | 9/3411 | Anchovy | IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1 | 6522000 | 8992936 | 9141377 | 101,65 % | 148441 | / | / | / | 148441 | 148441 | / | / |
PT | BUM | ATLANT | Blue marlin | Atlantic ocean | 52320 | 51259 | 56271 | 109,78 % | 5012 | / | / | / | 5012 | 5012 | / | / |
PT | LEZ | 8C3411 | Megrims | VIIIc, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1 | 36000 | 139400 | 142316 | 102,09 % | 2916 | / | / | / | 2916 | 2916 | / | / |
PT | SBR | 09- | Red seabream | Union and international waters of IX | 37000 | 72027 | 75905 | 105,38 % | 3878 | / | / | / | 3878 | 3878 | / | / |
PT | SRX | 89-C. | Skates and rays | Union waters of VIII and IX | 1156000 | 1132824 | 1211808 | 106,97 % | 78984 | / | / | / | 78984 | 78984 | / | / |
PT | SWO | AN05N | Swordfish | Atlantic Ocean, North of 5° N | 1170830 | 1738532 | 1854956 | 106,70 % | 116424 | / | / | / | 116424 | 116424 | / | / |
UK | MAC | 2CX14- | Mackerel | VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of IIa, XII and XIV | 237677000 | 222116471 | 224288943 | 100,98 % | 2172472 | / | A | / | 2172472 | 2172472 | / | / |