Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/659 of 12 April 2018 on the conditions for the entry into the Union of live equidae and of semen, ova and embryos of equidae (Text with EEA relevance. )
Modified by
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1301of 27 September 2018amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/659 on the conditions for the entry into the Union of live equidae and of semen, ova and embryos of equidae(Text with EEA relevance), 32018R1301, September 28, 2018
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2147of 28 November 2019amending and correcting Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/659 on the conditions for the entry into the Union of live equidae and of semen, ova and embryos of equidae(Text with EEA relevance), 32019R2147, December 16, 2019
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/659 of 12 April 2018 on the conditions for the entry into the Union of live equidae and of semen, ova and embryos of equidae, 32018R0659R(01), September 11, 2018
  • Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/659 of 12 April 2018 on the conditions for the entry into the Union of live equidae and of semen, ova and embryos of equidae, 32018R0659R(02), September 20, 2018
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/659of 12 April 2018on the conditions for the entry into the Union of live equidae and of semen, ova and embryos of equidae(Text with EEA relevance) SECTION 1Subject matter, scope and definitions
Article 1Subject matter and scopeThis Regulation establishes the list of third countries and parts of the territory of third countries from which the entry into the Union of consignments of equidae and of their semen, ova and embryos is authorised.It also lays down the animal health and veterinary certification requirements applicable to those consignments.
Article 2DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/262 of 17 February 2015 laying down rules pursuant to Council Directives 90/427/EEC and 2009/156/EC as regards the methods for the identification of equidae (Equine Passport Regulation) (OJ L 59, 3.3.2015, p. 1).Council Directive 90/427/EEC of 26 June 1990 on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae (OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 55).Council Directive 97/78/EC of 18 December 1997 laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on products entering the Community from third countries (OJ L 24, 30.1.1998, p. 9).
(a)"regionalisation"means the official recognition of a part of the territory of a third country with precise geographical delimitations, containing an equidae subpopulation with a distinct health status with respect to one or more specific diseases and subject to appropriate surveillance, disease control and biosecurity measures;
(b)"identification document"means any document which may be used to prove the identity of an equine animal and which includes at least the following information:(i)a narrative describing the animal and recording its marks depicted in a completed outline diagram;(ii)a reference to specific marks, characteristics or identifiers which establish an unambiguous link between the animal and the document;(iii)the information set out in points 1, 2, 3 and 6 to 10 of Part A and in points 12 to 18 in Part B of Section 1 of Annex I to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/262;
(c)"registered horse"means an animal of the species Equus caballus registered as defined in Council Directive 90/427/EEC, identified by means of an identification document issued by:(i)the breeding authority or any other competent authority of the country where the animal originated which manages the studbook or register for that breed of animal; or(ii)any international association or organisation which manages horses for competition or racing;
(d)"entry"means the action of moving equidae or their semen, ova or embryos into one of the territories listed in Annex I to Council Directive 97/78/EC;
(e)"type of entry"means respectively the temporary admission, the re-entry after temporary export, imports and transit;
(f)"temporary admission"means the status of a registered horse originating in a third country and moved into the Union territory for a period of less than 90 days;
(g)"temporary export"means the movement of a registered horse out of the Union for a period of less than 90 days;
(h)"re-entry"means the movement of a registered horse from a third country into the Union after temporary export from the Union;
(i)"imports"means the movement of a consignment of equidae or their semen, ova or embryos into the Union for an undetermined period;
(j)"transit"means the movement of a consignment of equidae across Union territory by road, rail or waterway transport from one third country to another or from one part of the territory of a third country to another part of the territory of the same third country;
(k)"border inspection post"means any inspection post as defined in Article 2(2)(f) of Directive 91/496/EEC and Article 2(2)(g) of Directive 97/78/EC and approved for the commodity concerned in accordance with Decision 2009/821/EC;
(l)"category of equidae"means respectively registered equidae, equidae for slaughter and equidae for breeding and production as defined in Article 2 of Directive 2009/156/EC, and registered horses;
(m)"ova"means the haploid stages of the ootidogenesis including secondary oocytes and ova;
(n)"operator"means any natural or legal person subject to one or more of the rules provided for in this Regulation who has equidae or their germinal products under its responsibility;
(o)"isolation"means the separation for a specified period of equidae from other animals to prevent the transmission through direct or indirect contact of specified pathogen(s), while the equidae are undergoing observation and, if appropriate, testing and treatment under the supervision of the veterinary authority;
(p)"quarantine"means the isolation of equidae on premises operated in accordance with specific biosecurity rules under the control of the veterinary authority;
(q)"vector-protected quarantine"means the quarantine of equidae which(i)is carried out on dedicated premises that are:screened against the intrusion of relevant vectors,included in a system of vector surveillance within the premises and of measures to limit the presence of relevant vectors around the premises;(ii)may include exercise of the quarantined animal under official supervision during the vector-low period of the day and subject to application of insecticides and insect repellents and where possible body-coverage;
(r)"vector-proof quarantine"means the quarantine of equidae in a sealed building which is:furnished with positive pressure ventilation and filtered air inlets,is only accessible through a double door entry-exit system,in which a vector surveillance system is operated,where Standard Operating Procedures, including description of back-up and alarm systems, are implemented for the operation of the quarantine and the transport of equidae to the place of loading,
(s)"TRACES"means the integrated computerised veterinary system provided for in Decisions 2003/24/EC and 2004/292/EC.

SECTION 2List of third countries and parts thereof for the entry into the Union of equidae and semen, ova and embryos of equidae
Article 3List of third countries and parts of the territory of third countries from which the entry of equidae into the Union is authorised1.Member States shall authorise the entry into the Union of consignments of equidae from the third countries or, where the Union applies regionalisation, parts of the territory of third countries, listed in columns 2 and 4 of the table in Annex I in accordance with the indications set out in that Annex, as follows:(a)the temporary admission of registered horses as indicated in column 6 of the table set out in Annex I, and accompanied by an individual health certificate drawn up in accordance with the model health certificate set out in Section A of Part 1 of Annex II;(b)the transit of equidae as indicated in column 15 of the table set out in Annex I, and accompanied by an individual health certificate drawn up in accordance with the model health certificate set out in Section B of Part 1 of Annex II;(c)the re-entry of registered horses for racing, competition and cultural events after temporary export as indicated in column 7 of the table set out in Annex I, and accompanied by an individual health certificate drawn up in accordance with the appropriate model health certificate set out in Section A or B of Part 2 of Annex II;(d)the import of registered horses as indicated in column 8 of the table set out in Annex I, and accompanied by an individual health certificate drawn up in accordance with the model health certificate set out in Section A of Part 3 of Annex II;(e)the import of a consignment of equidae for slaughter as indicated in column 9 of the table set out in Annex I, and accompanied by a health certificate drawn up in accordance with the model health certificate set out in Section B of Part 3 of Annex II;(f)the import of registered equidae and equidae for breeding and production as indicated in column 10 of the table set out in Annex I, and accompanied by an individual health certificate drawn up in accordance with the model health certificate set out in Section A of Part 3 of Annex II.2.The competent authority of the third country of dispatch shall apply the measures necessary in order to comply with the specific conditions or temporal limitations indicated for that country in column 16 of the table in Annex I.
Article 4Third countries and parts of the territory of third countries from which the entry into the Union of semen of equidae is authorisedMember States shall authorise the entry into the Union of consignments of semen of equidae from the third countries, or, where the Union applies regionalisation, parts of the territory of third countries, listed in columns 2 and 4 of the table in Annex I, as indicated in columns 11, 12 and 13 of that table, and provided that the consignment complies with the following conditions:(a)the consignment is dispatched from a semen collection or storage centre listed in accordance with Article 17(3)(b) of Directive 92/65/EEC;(b)the consignment is accompanied by a health certificate drawn up in accordance with the appropriate model health certificate set out in Part 1 of Annex III.
Article 5Third countries and parts of the territory of third countries from which the entry into the Union of ova and embryos of equidae is authorisedMember States shall authorise the entry into the Union of consignments of ova and embryos of equidae from the third countries, or, where the Union applies regionalisation, parts of the territory of third countries, listed in columns 2 and 4 of the table in Annex I, as indicated in column 14 of that table, and provided that the consignment complies with the following conditions:(a)the consignment is dispatched by an embryo collection or production team listed in accordance with Article 17(3)(b) of Directive 92/65/EEC;(b)the consignment is accompanied by a health certificate drawn up in accordance with the appropriate model health certificate set out in Part 2 of Annex III.
SECTION 3General requirements for entry into the Union of consignments of equidae and of semen, ova and embryos of equidae
Article 6Certification1.The health certificates, as provided for in Articles 3, 4 and 5, shall be drawn up and issued in accordance with:(a)the applicable supplementary guarantees or conditions specified in column 16 of Annex I;(b)the explanatory notes provided for in Part 4 of Annex II and Part 3 of Annex III respectively.2.The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not preclude the use of electronic certification or other agreed systems, whenever harmonised procedures at Union level have been established.
Article 7Period of validity of health certificates1.The operator responsible for a consignment of equidae or of semen, ova or embryos of equidae intended for entry into the Union shall ensure that the consignment is presented to an approved border inspection post authorised for the consignment concerned no later than 10 days from the date of certification of the consignment in the third country of dispatch.2.Where equidae are transported by sea, the period of 10 days referred to in paragraph 1 shall be extended by the time of transport on sea.
SECTION 4Transport requirements for entry of equidae into the Union
Article 8General animal health requirements1.The operator responsible for a consignment of equidae intended for entry into the Union shall ensure that those equidae are transported in compliance with the following:(a)the equidae are transported by a means of transport carrying only equidae that are destined for the Union or alternatively are accompanied by a health certificate required for transit;(b)the equidae are transported by a means of transport carrying only equidae of the same certified health status, except where otherwise authorised in the specific animal health requirements set out in Sections A and B of Part 1 and in Section A of Part 3 of Annex II;(c)the equidae are transported by road or railway or moved on foot only in a third country or a part of the territory of a third country that is authorised for at least one type of entry of at least one category of equidae.2.The operator responsible for a consignment of equidae intended for entry into the Union shall ensure compliance with the following:(a)the crates, containers, stalls or jet-stalls and the means of transport or the transport compartment of the means of transport in which equidae will be transported are cleansed and disinfected prior to loading of the animals with a disinfectant officially recognised in the country of dispatch;(b)the means of transport used for road or railway transport are designed, constructed and operated to prevent the escape of faeces, urine and fodder during the intended journey;(c)measures to protect the animals from attacks of insect vectors shall be applied in case of the occurrence of one of the following diseases:(i)African horse sickness or Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis in the third country of dispatch or transit;(ii)one or more of the vector-borne diseases listed in Article 11(1), with the exception of equine infectious anaemia, if the equidae are not immune or vaccinated against the pathogen.In the case of the diseases referred to in point (i) the vector protection shall include measures such as the netting of the crates, containers, stalls or jet-stalls, forced ventilation and keeping the transport compartment closed, except during loading and unloading of the animals or when attending to the animals.3.The operator responsible for a consignment of equidae intended for entry into the Union shall ensure that, during the journey, the equidae are only unloaded in a third country or a part of the territory of a third country that is authorised for the entry of equidae into the Union in accordance with Annex I.
Article 9Specific animal health requirements for transport by air1.The operator responsible for a consignment of equidae intended for entry into the Union by air shall ensure compliance with the following:(a)the crates, containers or jet-stalls and the surrounding airspace in the transport compartment are sprayed with an appropriate insect repellent in combination with an insecticide immediately after the closing of the doors of the aircraft;(b)the captain of the aircraft completes and signs the declaration set out in Part 1 of Annex V.2.By way of derogation from paragraph 3 of Article 8, Member States may, on request of the operator of the consignment, authorise direct transhipment from one aircraft to another aircraft which takes place in a country not listed in Annex I, provided that the following requirements are satisfied:(a)the transhipment is carried out in the same airport within the area of the same customs office under direct supervision of an official veterinarian or the responsible customs officer;(b)during the transhipment the equidae are protected from attacks by insect vectors of diseases transmissible to equidae;(c)the equidae do not come into contact with equidae of a different health status;(d)the measures provided for in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 are applied in relation to the aircraft to be used for onward travel;(e)compliance with the conditions set out in point (a) of paragraph 1 and in points (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph is certified by the official veterinarian or the responsible customs officer in the Transhipment Manifest drawn up in accordance with the model set out in Part 3 of Annex V.
Article 10Specific animal health requirements for transport by sea1.The operator responsible for a consignment of equidae intended for entry into the Union by sea shall ensure compliance with the following:(a)the vessel is scheduled to dock directly at a port in the Union without calling into a port of a third country or in a part of the territory of a third country not included in Annex I;(b)the crates, containers or stalls and the surrounding airspace in the transport compartment are sprayed with an appropriate insect repellent in combination with an insecticide immediately after the closing of the compartment;(c)the captain of the vessel completes and signs the declaration set out in Part 2 of Annex V.2.By way of derogation from point (a) of paragraph 1, Member States may authorise direct transhipment from one vessel to another vessel which takes place in a country not listed in Annex I, provided:(a)the transhipment is carried out in the same port within the area of the same customs office under direct supervision of an official veterinarian or the responsible customs officer;(b)the equidae are during the transhipment protected from attacks by insect vectors of diseases transmissible to equidae;(c)the equidae do not come into contact with equidae of a different health status;(d)compliance with the conditions set out in point (b) of paragraph 1 and points (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph is certified by the official veterinarian or the responsible customs officer in the Transhipment Manifest drawn up in accordance with the model set out in Part 3 of Annex V.
SECTION 5General requirements for the testing and vaccination of equidae intended for entry into the Union and of donor equidae whose semen, ova or embryos are intended for entry into the Union
Article 11General requirements for laboratory testing for the certification of consignments of equidae, or their semen, ova or embryos intended for entry into the Union1.The competent authority of the third country dispatching equidae or semen, ova or embryos of equidae, which are intended for entry into the Union shall ensure that the laboratory tests provided for in the health certificates set out in Annexes II and III for glanders, dourine, equine infectious anaemia, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, Western and Eastern equine encephalomyelitis, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile Fever, vesicular stomatitis, equine viral arteritis and contagious equine metritis meet at least the sensitivity and specificity requirements laid down for the disease concerned in the respective Chapter of Section 2.5 of the Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals, latest edition, of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).2.The competent authority of the third country dispatching equidae which are destined for the Union shall ensure that the laboratory tests provided for in the health certificates set out in Annex II for African horse sickness are carried out in accordance with Annex IV to Directive 2009/156/EC.3.The competent authority of the third country dispatching equidae or semen, ova or embryos of equidae, which are destined for the Union shall ensure compliance with the following:(a)the tests referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 are carried out in a laboratory recognised by the competent authority in the third country of dispatch;(b)the details of sampling and the results of the tests are stated as required in the health certificate set out for the consignment concerned in Annex II or III based on the laboratory report made available to the certifying official veterinarian.
Article 12Testing upon arrival in the Union1.Where a test carried out, in or on behalf of the Member State of entry, on a sample taken in accordance with Article 4 of Decision 97/794/EC does not confirm the result of a laboratory test attested in a health certificate accompanying equidae or semen, ova or embryos of equidae arriving in the Union, as set out in Annex II or III to this Regulation, the competent authority of that Member State of entry shall ensure that the test is repeated in the national reference laboratory designated for the disease concerned in accordance with Article 4(1) of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules (OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1)..2.Where the measures provided for in paragraph 1 do not result in a conclusive outcome of the checks for compliance carried out in accordance with Article 4 of Decision 97/794/EC, the competent authority referred to in paragraph 1 shall ensure that the sample referred to in that paragraph is subjected to definitive testing as follows:(a)for African horse sickness, in the European Union reference laboratory for African horse sickness designated in accordance with Council Directive 92/35/EECCouncil Directive 92/35/EEC of 29 April 1992 laying down control rules and measures to combat African horse sickness (OJ L 157, 10.6.1992, p. 19).;(b)for the diseases referred to in Article 11(1), in the European Union reference laboratory for equine diseases other than African horse sickness, designated in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 180/2008.
Article 13Application of vaccines and recording of vaccination1.The competent authority of the third country dispatching equidae or semen, ova or embryos of equidae, which are destined for the Union, shall ensure that the vaccination attested in any of the certificates set out in Annexes II or III is carried out in compliance with the following:(a)the vaccination is carried out in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions or national legislation, whatever is stricter;(b)the vaccination is carried out using a licensed vaccine which meets at least the requirements for safety, sterility and efficacy set out for the vaccine concerned in the Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals, latest edition, of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).2.Where the competent authority of a third country attests that a positive laboratory finding in a serological test for African horse sickness is related to previous vaccination, the vaccination shall be documented in the identification document accompanying the equine animal, where such identification document is available.
Article 14Requirements relating to equine viral arteritis1.Uncastrated male equidae intended for entry into the Union, with the exception of those listed in point 1 of Annex IV, shall be subject to tests for equine viral arteritis to ascertain that their semen is free of equine arteritis virus.2.Vaccination against equine viral arteritis, including the testing required in accordance with point 1(a) of Annex IV, shall be carried out under official veterinary supervision.3.Vaccination against equine viral arteritis shall be valid where there is documented proof accompanying the equine animal of an uninterrupted history of a primary course carried out in compliance with one of the vaccination protocols provided for in point 1(a) of Annex IV and regular revaccination according to manufacturers' recommendations and in any event at intervals of not more than 12 months.
SECTION 6Identification of equidae intended for entry into the Union
Article 15Identification of equidae intended for entry into the Union1.Equidae destined for entry into the Union shall be individually identified so as to ensure an unequivocal correspondence between the animal and its certified health status.That identification shall:(a)either comply with the requirements of Article 14 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/262; or(b)provide at least the information detailed in points 1, 2, 3 and 6 to 10 of Part A and in points 12 to 18 of Part B of Section I of Part 1 of Annex I to that Regulation.2.Equidae for slaughter to be imported into the Union shall be marked individually with an electronic transponder or an ear tag, the number of which shall be recorded in the health certificate accompanying the animals during transport.3.Equidae for slaughter to be imported into the Union shall bear on their left front hoof a clear and indelible hot-branded "S" of the size not less than half the length of the hoof wall, in the following cases:(a)if they are marked individually, by way of derogation from paragraph 2, by an alternative method indicated in the health certificate, in which case the animals must be consigned to the slaughterhouse of destination in accordance with Article 21(a);(b)if they are destined to be consigned to the slaughterhouse of destination in accordance with Article 21(b).
SECTION 7Specific animal health and certification requirements for entry into the Union of consignments of equidae
Article 16Measures to be taken by the competent authorities to ensure traceability of a registered horse admitted temporarily1.Provided compliance with the entry conditions has been established, the competent authority at the border inspection post of entry shall:(a)retain a copy of the health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(a);(b)inform, through TRACES, the relevant competent authority or border inspection post of exit, as appropriate, of the entry of a temporarily admitted registered horse, as follows:(i)the competent authority of the place of destination indicated in Box I.6 of the common veterinary entry document ("CVED") set out in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 282/2004;(ii)the border inspection post of exit declared in the declaration by the owner or the representative of the owner of the registered horse accompanying the health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(a) by completing Box I.24 of the CVED;(iii)the competent authorities responsible for the places of temporary residence indicated in the declaration by the owner or the representative of the owner of the registered horse accompanying the health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(a);(c)deliver at least one copy of the CVED to the operator identified as "operator responsible for the consignment" in Box I.7 of the CVED referred to in paragraph 1(b).2.Where a registered horse is to be moved from one Member State to another Member State during its temporary admission, the competent authority of the place of dispatch shall:(a)provided the animal health conditions of Articles 4 and 5 of Directive 2009/156/EC are fulfilled, issue a health certificate in accordance with Annex III to Directive 2009/156/EC either for an individual registered horse or for a consignment of registered horses of the same origin and with the same destination, and enter in Box I.6 of that certificate a reference to the health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(a) of each temporarily admitted registered horse forming the consignment and a reference to the CVED referred to in point (i) of paragraph 1(b);(b)inform, through TRACES, the competent authority at the place of destination, of the movement of a registered horse to that Member State, and request the verification of arrival by completing a further Part III of the CVED referred to in point (i) of paragraph 1(b);(c)deliver to the operator, as identified in Box I.7 of the CVED referred to in point (i) of paragraph 1(b), a new print of the CVED displaying the Part III added in accordance with point (b) of this paragraph;(d)invalidate or withdraw any print of the CVED delivered to the operator in accordance with paragraph 1(c), or, if there had been a previous movement to another Member State, in accordance with point (c) of this paragraph.3.The competent authority of the place of destination referred to in point (i) of paragraph 1(b) and in paragraph 2(b) shall acknowledge through TRACES the arrival of the registered horse and document the checks carried out by completing Part III of the CVED.4.At the end of the temporary admission, the competent authority referred to in points (i) or (iii) of paragraph 1(b) which certifies the temporarily admitted registered horse to the third country of origin or to another third country, shall:(a)inform, through TRACES, the border inspection post of exit of the departure of the temporarily admitted registered horse from the Union, by completing a further Part III of the CVED referred to in point (i) of paragraph 1(b);(b)deliver to the operator, as identified in Box I.7 of the CVED referred to in point (i) of paragraph 1(b), a new print of the CVED displaying the Part III added in accordance with point (a) of this paragraph;(c)where the border inspection post of exit is situated in another Member State,(i)issue, in accordance with Decision 93/444/EEC, a certificate in accordance with Annex III to Directive 2009/156/EC either for an individual registered horse or for a consignment of registered horses of the same origin and with the same destination;(ii)enter in Box I.6 of the certificate referred to in point (i) a reference to the health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(a) of each temporarily admitted registered horse forming the consignment and a reference to the CVED referred to in point (i) of paragraph 1(b).5.The border inspection post of exit referred to in point (a) of paragraph 4 shall document the termination of the temporary admission of the registered horse by completing Part III of the CVED accordingly.6.Where the temporary admission of a registered horse has not been terminated in accordance with paragraph 5 within a period of less than 90 days following the date of issue of the CVED referred to in point (i) of paragraph 1(b), an alert is sent automatically through TRACES to the border inspection post of entry and the competent authorities referred to in this Article until those competent authorities have determined the status of the registered horse.
Article 17Operator responsibilities for temporarily admitted registered horses1.The operator responsible for a registered horse temporarily admitted into the Union, as identified in Box I.7 of the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b), shall ensure that the following conditions are met:(a)the registered horse shall at all times during its temporary admission be accompanied by its original health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(a) and by the CVED issued by the border inspection post of entry into the Union;(b)the registered horse shall remain in the respective Member State and on the premises stated in the declaration accompanying the health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(a);(c)where the registered horse is to be moved to another Member State, it shall be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with Annex III to Directive 2009/156/EC and the modified CVED delivered by the competent authority in accordance with Article 16(2);(d)any former prints of the CVED are surrendered to the competent authority for invalidation or withdrawal;(e)the registered horse shall leave the Union through a border inspection post indicated in the health certificate referred to in in Article 3(1)(a) not later than 89 days following the date of entry into the Union indicated on the corresponding CVED.2.The operator referred to in paragraph 1 shall remain responsible for the movement of the registered horse during its temporary admission in the Union, and in particular shall inform:(a)the competent authority referred to in points (i) and (iii) of Article 16(1)(b) regarding any changes to be made to the movements stated in the declaration accompanying the health certificate referred to in in Article 3(1)(a);(b)the border inspection post of exit regarding the date when the temporarily admitted registered horse is to depart from the Union;(c)the competent authority referred to in points (i) and (iii) of Article 16(1)(b) responsible for the holding regarding the death or loss of the registered horse or any emergency, such as health conditions, requiring veterinary attention beyond the 89 days of temporary admission.
Article 18Re-entry after temporary export of registered horses temporarily admitted into the Union1.Registered horses temporarily admitted into the Union may be authorised for re-entry after temporary export to a third country or part of the territory of a third country authorised for the re-entry of registered horses to take part in specific races, competitions or cultural events for which model health certificates for re-entry into the Union are laid down in accordance with Article 20(3), provided that the re-entry into the Union takes place within a period of less than 90 days following the date of issuing of the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b).2.In order to allow the re-entry of a registered horse referred to in paragraph 1, the competent authority referred to in points (i) and (iii) of Article 16(1)(b) issuing the certificate for the temporary export shall:(a)apply the measures provided for in points (a), (b) and, where applicable, (c) of Article 16(4);(b)inform, through TRACES, the border inspection post of scheduled re-entry by completing Part III of the CVED;(c)deliver to the operator as identified in Box I.7 of the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b), a new print of the CVED displaying the Part III added in accordance with point (b) of this paragraph;(d)invalidate or withdraw any print of the CVED delivered in accordance with Article 16(1)(c) or, if there had been a previous movement to another Member State, in accordance with Article 16(2)(c).3.The border inspection post of re-entry shall:(a)retain the original of the health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(c);(b)inform, through TRACES, of the re-entry of the registered horse:(i)the competent authority of the place of destination, as declared in the declaration accompanying the health certificate referred to in Article 16(1)(a), or as modified in accordance with Article 17(2)(a);(ii)the border inspection post of exit, as declared in the declaration accompanying the health certificate referred to in Article 16(1)(a), or as modified in accordance with Article 17(2)(a), by completing Box I.24 of the CVED referred to in point (d);(c)request the competent authority of the place of destination to verify and, where appropriate, to confirm the arrival of the registered horse by completing Box I.6 of the CVED referred to in point (d);(d)deliver to the operator a print of a new CVED in which Box II.1 is completed with a reference to the number of the CVED delivered previously in accordance with Article 16(1)(c) or, if there had been a previous movement to another Member State, in accordance with Article 16(2)(c), and in which Box II.14 is completed within the deadline for leaving the Union indicated in the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b);(e)invalidate or withdraw any print of the CVED delivered to the operator in accordance with Article 16(1)(c) or, if there had been a previous movement to another Member State, in accordance with Article 16(2)(c).4.Following the re-entry after temporary export of a temporarily admitted registered horse in accordance with paragraph 1, the rules laid down in Article 16 apply for the remaining period of less than 90 days following the date of issuing of the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b).
Article 19Conversion of temporary admission into permanent entry and death or loss of a registered horse1.Where the operator, as identified in Box I.7 of the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b), submits an application to the competent authority referred to in point (i) or (iii) of Article 16(1)(b) or in Article 16(2)(b), to convert the temporary admission of a registered horse into a permanent entry, a Member State may authorise that conversion provided that the following requirements are met:(a)in accordance with Annex I, imports of registered horses are authorised from the third country or part of the territory of the third country concerned;(b)the competent authority responsible for the place of temporary residence has complied with the following conditions:(i)that competent authority has carried out with satisfactory results the checks necessary to verify compliance with the test and vaccination requirements for imports of registered horses from the third country or part of the territory of the third country concerned set out in Part 3 of Annex II;(ii)that competent authority has ensured that the registered horse remained under official veterinary supervision in that Member State until 3 months have elapsed from the date of its entry into the Union indicated on the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b).2.The competent authority referred to in paragraph 1, or a border inspection post designated for this task by the Member State, shall:(a)terminate the temporary admission in TRACES by choosing "Conversion into permanent entry" in Part III of the CVED delivered to the operator in accordance with either Article 16(1)(c), or, if there had been a previous movement to another Member State, with Article 16(2)(c) or, if there had been a previous re-entry after temporary export, with Article 18(3)(c);(b)deliver to the operator identified in Box I.7 of the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b), a new print of the CVED referred to in point (a), or a new CVED, in which "For internal market" is checked in Box I.21;(c)invalidate or withdraw any print of the CVED delivered to the operator in accordance with either Article 16(1)(c), or, if there had been a previous movement to another Member State, with Article 16(2)(c) or, if there had been a previous re-entry after temporary export, with Article 18(3)(c);(d)invalidate or withdraw the original of the health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(a).3.During the period of conversion, the operator, as identified in Box I.7 of the CVED issued in accordance with point (i) of Article 16(1)(b) or Article 18(3)(b) of the registered horse shall take the following measures:(a)arrange regular visits carried out and recorded by a veterinarian to check the registered horse for clinical signs of possible infectious diseases;(b)keep records on the movement of the registered horse and on movements of equidae on and off the holding where it is kept;(c)complete the customs procedures, as referred to in Article 15 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/262;(d)make an application in accordance with Article 15(1) of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/262 for the issuing of an identification document or the adaptation of an existing identification document.4.In the case of death or loss of a registered horse temporarily admitted into the Union, the competent authority of the place of death or loss, where required by the Member State concerned in close collaboration with a border inspection post, shall:(a)terminate the temporary admission in TRACES by choosing "Death/Loss" in Part III of the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b) or Article 18(3)(b);(b)invalidate or withdraw any print of the CVED delivered to the operator in accordance with either Article 16(1)(c), or, if there had been a previous movement to another Member State, with Article 16(2)(c) or, if there had been a previous re-entry after temporary export, with Article 18(3)(c).
Article 20Specific animal health conditions regarding the re-entry of registered horses after temporary export for races, competition and cultural events1.Member States shall authorise the re-entry of registered horses subject to compliance with the following conditions:(a)the registered horse has remained outside the Union for not more than 30 days, unless specifically provided for in paragraph 3;(b)the registered horse has neither been resident in nor transited on land through any third country or part of the territory of a third country that is not assigned to the same sanitary group as the third country or part of the territory of a third country in which the health certificate in accordance with Section A of Part 2 of Annex II has been signed by the official veterinarian;(c)the health certificate for temporary export signed by the official veterinarian in the Member State of origin, or an authorised copy thereof, is presented on request of the border inspection post of re-entry into the Union.2.The competent authority certifying a registered horse for temporary export to a third country shall ensure that in application of Article 2(1) of Decision 93/444/EEC the registered horse is accompanied until the exit point in another Member State by a health certificate in accordance with Annex III to Directive 2009/156/EC.3.The re-entry after temporary export for a period of more than 30 days of registered horses taking part in specific races, competitions or cultural events is subject to specific animal health requirements as contained in the corresponding model health certificates provided for Section B of Part 2 of Annex II in respect of the relevant event.4.The operator, as identified in Box I.7 of the CVED, responsible for the consignment shall ensure that during the temporary export the registered horse neither has been resident in nor has transited on land through any third country or part of the territory of a third country that is not assigned to the same sanitary group as the third country or part of the territory of a third country in which the health certificate in accordance with Section A of Part 2 of Annex II has been signed by the official veterinarian.
Article 21Specific animal health conditions regarding imports of equidae for slaughterThe operator, as identified in Box I.7 of the CVED referred to in point (i) of Article 16(1)(b), of a consignment of equidae for slaughter shall ensure that after the checks carried out at the border inspection post of entry into the Union, the animals:(a)are either conveyed directly, without delay and without coming into contact with equidae of a different health status, to the slaughterhouse of destination where they shall be slaughtered within 72 hours of arrival at the slaughterhouse; or(b)pass through a single approved market or marshalling centre referred to in Article 7(1) of Directive 2009/156/EC as indicated in the health certificate referred to in Article 3(1)(e) of this Regulation, from where they are to be removed after the market under national rules ensuring traceability directly to a slaughterhouse to be slaughtered, as soon as possible, but at the latest within 5 working days of arrival in the Union without coming into contact with equidae of a different health status.
SECTION 8Transitional and final provisions
Article 22Transitional provisionsFor a transitional period until 31 December 2018, Member States shall authorise the entry into the Union of consignments of equidae and of semen, ova and embryos of equidae accompanied by health certificates drawn up in accordance with the model health certificates applicable before the date of application of this Regulation specified in the second subparagraph of Article 24.
Article 23RepealsDecisions 92/260/EEC, 93/195/EEC, 93/196/EEC, 93/197/EEC, 94/699/EC, 95/329/EC, 2003/13/EC, 2004/177/EC, 2004/211/EC, 2010/57/EU and 2010/471/EU are repealed.Any reference to those Decisions shall be construed as a reference to this Regulation.
Article 24Entry into force and applicabilityThis Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.It shall apply from 1 October 2018.However, Article 16(1)(b)(iii), Article 16(2)(b), (c) and (d), Article 16(3), Article 16(4)(a) and (b), Article 16(5), Article 17(1)(d) and Article 19(2)(a) shall apply from 14 December 2019.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX I
LIST OF THIRD COUNTRIES AND PARTS OF THE TERRITORY OF THIRD COUNTRIESFROM WHICH THE ENTRY INTO THE UNION OF CONSIGNMENTS OF EQUIDAE AND OF SEMEN, OVA AND EMBRYOS OF EQUIDAE IS AUTHORISEDWhere official regionalisation applies in accordance with Article 13(2)(a) of Directive 2009/156/EC.Without prejudice to specific certification and control requirements provided for in Decision 2002/309/EC, Euratom of the Council, and of the Commission (OJ L 114, 30.4.2002, p. 1).Hereinafter understood as the State of Israel, excluding the territories under Israeli administration since June 1967, namely the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank.Without prejudice to specific certification requirements provided for in Article 17 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (OJ No L 1, 3.1.1994, p. 3).As defined in Article 135 of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States of the one part, and the Republic of Serbia, of the other part (OJ L 278, 18.10.2013, p.16).
ISO-CodeThird countryCode of the part of the territory of the third countryDescription of the part of the territory of the third countrySGTARe-EnImportsImportsTransitSpecific conditions
AEUnited Arab EmiratesAE-0Whole countryEXXXXXX
ARArgentinaAR-0Whole countryDXXXXXXXXXX
AUAustraliaAU-0Whole countryAXXXXXXXXXX
BABosnia and HerzegovinaBA-0Whole countryBXXXX
BBBarbadosBB-0Whole countryDXXXX
BHBahrainBH-0Whole countryEXXXX
BMBermudaBM-0Whole countryDXXXX
BOBoliviaBO-0Whole countryDXXXX
BRBrazilBR-0Whole country
BR-1The states of:Paraná and Rio de JaneiroDXXXX
BYBelarusBY-0Whole countryBXXXXXX
CACanadaCA-0Whole countryCXXXXXXXXX
CHSwitzerlandCH-0Whole countryAXXXXXXXXXX
CLChileCL-0Whole countryDXXXXXX
CNChinaCN-0Whole country
CN-1The equine disease-free zone in Conghua City, Guangzhou Municipality, Guangdong Province including the Biosecurity Highway Passage from and to the airport in Guangzhou and Hong Kong(see BOX 1 for details)GXXXX
CN-2The venue for the Global Champions Tour at the Expo 2010 No 15 Parking Lot and the passage to the Shanghai Pudong International Airport in the northern part of the Pudong New area and the Eastern part of the Minhang District of the Metropolitan area of Shanghai (see BOX 1 for details)GXOnly if certified in accordance with Chapter 1 of Section B of Part 2 of Annex II
CRCosta RicaCR-0Whole country
CR-1Metropolitan area of San JoséDX
CUCubaCU-0Whole countryDXXXX
DZAlgeriaDZ-0Whole countryEXXXXXX
EGEgyptEG-0Whole country
EG-1The Equine Disease Free Zone established at the Egyptian Armed Forces Veterinary Hospital at El Nasr road, across Al Ahly Club, Cairo, and the highway passage to Cairo International Airport (see BOX 2 for details)EXXX
FKFalkland IslandsFK-0Whole countryAXXXXX
GLGreenlandGL-0Whole countryAXXXXXX
HKHong KongHK-0Whole countryGXXXX
ILIsraelIL-0Whole countryEXXXXXXX—-X
ISIcelandIS-0Whole countryAXXXXXXXX—-X
JMJamaicaJM-0Whole countryDXXXX
JOJordanJO-0Whole countryEXXXX
JPJapanJP-0Whole countryGXXXX
KGKyrgyzstanKG-0Whole country
KG-1Region of Issyk-KulBXX
KRKorea RepublicKR-0Whole countryGXXXX
KWKuwaitKW-0Whole countryE
LBLebanonLB-0Whole countryEXXXX
MAMoroccoMA-0Whole countryEXXXXXXXXX
MEMontenegroME-0Whole countryBXXXXXX
MKNorth MacedoniaMK-0Whole countryBXXXXXX
MOMacaoMO-0Whole countryGXXXX
MYMalaysiaMY-0Whole country
MUMauritiusMU-0Whole countryEXX
MXMexicoMX-0Whole countryC
MX-1Metropolitan area of Mexico-CityCXOnly if certified in accordance with Chapter 1 of Section B of Part 2 of Annex II
MX-2The whole country except the States of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Veracruz and TamaulipasCXXXX
NZNew ZealandNZ-0Whole countryAXXXXXX
OMOmanOM-0Whole countryEXXXX
PEPeruPE-0Whole country
PE-1Region of LimaDXXXX
PMSt Pierre & MiquelonPM-0Whole countryAxxX
PYParaguayPY-0Whole countryDXXXXXX
QAQatarQA-0Whole countryEXXXXX
RSSerbiaRS-0Whole countryBXXXXXX
RURussiaRU-0Whole country
RU-1Provinces of Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Briansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Tver, Kaluga, Kostroma, Moskva, Orjol, Riasan, Smolensk, Tula, Jaroslavl, Nijninovgorod, Kirov, Belgorod, Voronesh, Kursk, Lipezk, Tambov, Astrahan, Volgograd, Penza, Saratov, Uljanovsk, Rostov, Orenburg, Perm and KurganBXXXXXX
RU-2Regions of Stavropol and KrasnodarBXXXXXX
RU-3Republics of Karelia, Marij-El, Mordovia, Chuvachia, Kalmykia, Tatarstan, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Severnaya Osetia, Ingushetia and Karachaevo-CherkesiaBXXXXXX
SASaudi ArabiaSA-0Whole country
SA-1Whole country, except SA‐2EXXXXX
SA-2Protection and surveillance zones in the provinces of Jizan, Asir and Najran as described in BOX 3
SGSingaporeSG-0Whole countryGXXXX
THThailandTH-0Whole countryGXXXX
TNTunisiaTN-0Whole countryEXXXXXX
TRTurkeyTR-0Whole country
TR-1Provinces of Ankara, Edirne, Istanbul, Izmir, Kirklareli and TekirdagEXXXX
UAUkraineUA-0Whole countryBXXXXXXXXX
USUnited States of AmericaUS-0Whole countryCXXXXXXXXXX
UYUruguayUY-0Whole countryDXXXXXXXXX
ZASouth AfricaZA-0Whole country
ZA-1Metropolitan area of Cape-Town(see BOX 4 for details)FCommission Decision 2008/698/EC
RHRegistered horses as defined in Article 2(c) of this Regulation.
ESEquidae for slaughter as defined in Article 2(d) of Directive 2009/156/EC.
RERegistered equidae as defined in Article 2(c) of Directive 2009/156/EC.
EBPEquidae for breeding and production as defined in Article 2(e) of Directive 2009/156/EC.
SEMENSemen of the equine species collected in accordance with Article 17(2)(b)(ii) of Directive 92/65/EEC.
O/EOva and embryos of the equine species collected or produced in accordance with Article 17(2)(b)(ii) of Directive 92/65/EEC.
ColumnsInformation / Description of commodityRequired Health Certificate
1-4Territorial descriptionNA
5Sanitary GroupNA
6Temporary admission of registered horsesANNEX II Part 1 Section A
7Re-entry of registered horses after temporary export for racing, competition and cultural eventsANNEX II Part 2 Section AANNEX II Part 2 Section B Chapter 1ANNEX II Part 2 Section B Chapter 2
8Imports of registered horsesANNEX II Part 3 Section A
9Imports of equidae for slaughterANNEX II Part 3 Section B
10Imports of registered equidae and equidae for breeding and productionANNEX II Part 3 Section A
11Imports of semen collected from registered horsesAnnex III Part 1 Section AAnnex III Part 1 Section BAnnex III Part 1 Section CAnnex III Part 1 Section D
12Imports of semen collected from registered equidaeAnnex III Part 1 Section AAnnex III Part 1 Section BAnnex III Part 1 Section CAnnex III Part 1 Section D
13Imports of semen collected from equidae for breeding and productionAnnex III Part 1 Section AAnnex III Part 1 Section BAnnex III Part 1 Section CAnnex III Part 1 Section D
14Imports of ova and embryos of the equine speciesAnnex III Part 2 Section AAnnex III Part 2 Section B
15Equidae in TransitANNEX II Part 1 Section B
16Reference to specific conditions/additional guaranteesNA
BoxesXEntry authorisedEntry not authorisedSanitary Groups
Sanitary GroupSpecific animal health guarantees required for entry of equidae into the Union
Aequine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis
Bequine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis, glanders, dourine
Cequine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis, Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis, vesicular stomatitis
Dequine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis, glanders, dourine, Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, vesicular stomatitis
Eequine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis, glanders, dourine, African horse sickness
Fequine infectious anaemia, dourine, African horse sickness
Gequine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis, glanders, dourine, Japanese encephalitis
CNChinaCN-1The specific equine disease-free zone in the Guangdong Province with the following delimitation:Core zoneequestrian site in Reshui Village, Lingkou Town of Conghua City with the surrounding area within a five km radius controlled by the road control post at State Highway 105;Surveillance zoneall administrative divisions in Conghua City surrounding the core zone covering an area of 2009 km2;Protection zoneoutwards boundaries of the following contiguous administrative divisions surrounding the surveillance zone:Baiyun District, Luogang District of Conghua City,Huadu District of Guangzhou City,Zengcheng City,administrative divisions in Qingcheng District of Qingyuan City,Fogang County,Xinfeng County,Longmen CountyBiosecurity highway passagefrom the equestrian site in the core zone to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport through to the State Highway 105, Jiebei Highway, airport expressway, including the equine exclusion zone of one km around Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou City;from the equestrian site in the core zone to Shenzhen Huanggang Port at the border of China with Hong Kong through State Highway 105, Jiebei highway, No. 2 north ring expressway and Guang-Shen highway with the equine exclusion zone on both sides of that highway of at least one km width;Pre-entry quarantinethe quarantine facilities in the protection zone designated by the competent authority for the preparation of equidae from other parts of China for entry into the equine disease free zone.
CNChinaCN-2Delimitation of the zone in the Metropolitan area of Shanghai:Western boundaryHuangpu River from its estuary in the North to the bifurcation of the Dazhi River,Southern boundaryfrom the bifurcation of the Huangpu River to the estuary of the Dazhi River in the East,Northern and Eastern boundariescoast line.
EGEgyptEG-1The Equine Disease Free Zone (EDFZ) of about 0,1 km2 size, established around the Egyptian Armed Forces Veterinary Hospital at El-Nasr Road, across Al Ahly Club, on the Eastern outskirts of Cairo, (localised at 30°04′19.6″N 31°21′16.5″E) and the passage of 10 km on the El-Nasr Road and the Airport Road to Cairo International Airport.(a)Delineation of the boundaries of the EDFZ:From the crossing of El-Nasr Road with El-Shaheed Ibrahim El-Shaikh Road (at 30°04′13.6″N 31°21′04.3″E) along the El-Shaheed Ibrahim El-Shaikh Road for about 500 m to the North until the first junction with the Passage Inside Armed Forces, turning right and following the Passage for about 100 m to the East, turning right again and following the Passage for 150 m to the South, turning left and following the Passage for 300 m to the East, turning right and following the Passage for 100 m to the South until El-Nasr Road, turning right and following El-Nasr Road for 300 m to South-West until opposite of the junction of El-Nasr Road with Hassan Ma'moon Road, turning right and following the Passage for 100 m to the North, turning left and following the Passage for 120 m to the West, turning left and following the Passage for 200 m to the South, turning right and following El-Nasr Road for 100 m to the West until the crossing of El-Nasr Road with El-Shaheed Ibrahim El-Shaikh Road.(b)Delineation of the boundaries of the pre-export quarantine area within the EDFZ:From the point opposite of the junction of El-Nasr Road with Hassan Ma'moon Road following the Passage for 100 m to the North, turning right and following the Passage for 250 m to the East, turning right and following the Passage for 50 m to the South until El-Nasr Road, turning right and following El-Nasr Road for 300 m to South-West until opposite of the junction of El-Nasr Road with Hassan Ma'moon Road.
SASaudi ArabiaSA-1Approved Quarantine stations:1.Riyadh Airport2.King Abdulaziz Race Track (Janadrijah)
SA-2Delimitation of the protection and surveillance zones established in accordance with points (a) and (b) of the second paragraph of Article 5(2) of Directive 2009/156/EC:1.Province of JizanProtection zone: the whole province, except the part north of the road control post at Ash-Shuqaiq at road No 5 and north of road No 10;Surveillance zone: the part of the province north of the road control post at Ash-Shuqaiq at road No 5, controlled by the road control post at Al Qahmah, and north of road No 10.2.Province of AsirProtection zone: the part of the province delineated by road No 10, between Ad Darb, Abha and Khamis-Mushayt to the north, except the equestrian clubs at their air and military bases, and the part of the province delineated to the north by road No 15 leading from Khamis-Mushayt through Jarash, Al Utfah and Dhahran Al Janoub to the border with the province of Najran, and, the part of the province delineated to the north by the road leading from Al Utfah through Al Fayd to Badr Al Janoub (Province of Najran);Surveillance zone: the equestrian clubs at their air and military bases, the part of the province between the border of the protection zone and road No 209 from Ash-Shuqaiq to the road control post Muhayil on road No 211, the part of the province between the control post on road No 10 south of Abha, the city of Abha and the road control post Ballasmer 65 km from Abha on road No 15 leading north, the part of the province between Khamis-Mushayt and the road control post 90 km from Abha on road No 255 to Samakh and the road control post at Yarah, 90 km from Abha, on road No 10 leading to Riyadh, and, the part of the province south of a virtual line between the road control post at Yarah on road No 10 and Khashm-Ghurab on road No 177 up to the border of the province of Najran.3.Province of NajranProtection zone: the part of the province delineated by the road from Al Utfah (province of Asir) to Badr Al Janoub and to As Sebt and from As Sebt along Wadi Habunah to the conjunction with road No 177 between Najran and Riyadh to the north and from this conjunction by road No 177 leading south to the conjunction with road No 15 from Najran to Sharourah, and, the part of the province south of road No 15 between Najran and Sharourah and the border with the Yemen.Surveillance zone: the part of the province south of a line between the road control post at Yarah, on road No 10, and Khashm-Ghurab, on road No 177, from the border of the province of Najran until the road control post at Khashm-Ghurab, 80 km from Najran, and west of road No 175 leading to Sharourah.
ZASouth AfricaZA-1Approved Quarantine stations:1.Kenilworth Quarantine StationDelimitation of the Metropolitan area of Cape-Town (ZA-1):Northern boundaryBlaauwberg Road (M14);Eastern boundaryKoeberg Road (M14), Plattekloof Road (M14), N7 Highway, N1 Highway and M5 Highway,Southern boundaryOttery Road, Prince George's Drive, Wetton Road, Riverstone Road, Tennant Road, Newlands Drive, Paradise Road, Union Drive, Rhodes Drive up to the Newslands Forestry station and across Echo Gorge of Table Mountain to Camps Bay;Western boundaryCoastline from Camps Bay to Blaauwberg Road.
ANNEX IIMODEL HEALTH CERTIFICATES AND MODEL DECLARATIONS FOR THE ENTRY INTO THE UNION OF LIVE EQUIDAEPART 1Temporary admission and transitSection AModel health certificate and model declaration for the temporary admission of registered horses into the Union for a period of less than 90 days02018R0659-20200105_en_img_102018R0659-20200105_en_img_202018R0659-20200105_en_img_302018R0659-20200105_en_img_402018R0659-20200105_en_img_502018R0659-20200105_en_img_602018R0659-20200105_en_img_702018R0659-20200105_en_img_802018R0659-20200105_en_img_902018R0659-20200105_en_img_1002018R0659-20200105_en_img_11Section BModel health certificate and model declaration for the transit of live equidae through the Union from one third country or part of the territory of a third country to another third country or another part of the territory of the same third country02018R0659-20200105_en_img_1202018R0659-20200105_en_img_1302018R0659-20200105_en_img_1402018R0659-20200105_en_img_1502018R0659-20200105_en_img_1602018R0659-20200105_en_img_1702018R0659-20200105_en_img_1802018R0659-20200105_en_img_1902018R0659-20200105_en_img_2002018R0659-20200105_en_img_21PART 2Re-entry after temporary exportSection AModel health certificate and model declaration for the re-entry into the Union of registered horses for racing, competition and cultural events after temporary export for a period of not more than 30 days02018R0659-20200105_en_img_2202018R0659-20200105_en_img_2302018R0659-20200105_en_img_2402018R0659-20200105_en_img_2502018R0659-20200105_en_img_26Section BModel health certificates and model declarations applicable to re-entry into the Union of registered horses temporarily exported for specific competitions or racesChapter 1Model health certificate and model declaration applicable to re-entry into the Union of registered horses for competition after temporary export for a period of not more than 90 days to participate in equestrian events organised under the auspices of the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI)(Test event in preparation of the Olympic Games, Olympic Games, Paralympics, World Equestrian Games/World Championship, Asian Equestrian Games, American Equestrian Games (including the PanAmerican Games, South American Games, Central American and Caribbean Games), Endurance World Cup in United Arab Emirates, LG Global Champions Tour)02018R0659-20200105_en_img_2702018R0659-20200105_en_img_2802018R0659-20200105_en_img_2902018R0659-20200105_en_img_3002018R0659-20200105_en_img_31Chapter 2Model health certificate and model declaration applicable to re-entry into the Union of registered horses for racing after temporary export for a period of not more than 90 days to participate in specific race events in Australia, Canada, the United States of America, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates or Qatar(International Group/Grade meetings, the Japan Cup, the Melbourne Cup, the Dubai Racing World-Cup, the Hong Kong International Races)02018R0659-20200105_en_img_3202018R0659-20200105_en_img_3302018R0659-20200105_en_img_3402018R0659-20200105_en_img_3502018R0659-20200105_en_img_3602018R0659-20200105_en_img_37PART 3ImportsSection AModel health certificates and model declaration for imports into the Union of an individual registered horse, registered equine animal or equine animal for breeding and production02018R0659-20200105_en_img_3802018R0659-20200105_en_img_3902018R0659-20200105_en_img_4002018R0659-20200105_en_img_4102018R0659-20200105_en_img_4202018R0659-20200105_en_img_4302018R0659-20200105_en_img_4402018R0659-20200105_en_img_4502018R0659-20200105_en_img_4602018R0659-20200105_en_img_4702018R0659-20200105_en_img_48Section BModel health certificate and model declaration for imports into the Union of consignments of domestic equidae for slaughter02018R0659-20200105_en_img_4902018R0659-20200105_en_img_5002018R0659-20200105_en_img_5102018R0659-20200105_en_img_5202018R0659-20200105_en_img_5302018R0659-20200105_en_img_5402018R0659-20200105_en_img_5502018R0659-20200105_en_img_5602018R0659-20200105_en_img_57PART 4Explanatory notes for the certification02018R0659-20200105_en_img_58ANNEX IIIMODEL HEALTH CERTIFICATES FOR ENTRY INTO THE UNION OF SEMEN, OVA AND EMBRYOS OF EQUIDAEPART 1Model health certificate for imports of semenSection AMODEL 1 – Model health certificate for imports of consignments of semen of equidae collected in accordance with Directive 92/65/EEC after 30 September 2014 and dispatched from an approved semen collection centre of origin of the semen02018R0659-20200105_en_img_5902018R0659-20200105_en_img_6002018R0659-20200105_en_img_6102018R0659-20200105_en_img_6202018R0659-20200105_en_img_6302018R0659-20200105_en_img_6402018R0659-20200105_en_img_65Section BMODEL 2 – Model health certificate for imports of consignments of stocks of semen of equidae collected, processed and stored in accordance with Directive 92/65/EEC after 31 August 2010 and before 1 October 2014 and dispatched after 31 August 2010 from an approved semen collection centre of origin of the semen02018R0659-20200105_en_img_6602018R0659-20200105_en_img_6702018R0659-20200105_en_img_6802018R0659-20200105_en_img_6902018R0659-20200105_en_img_7002018R0659-20200105_en_img_7102018R0659-20200105_en_img_72Section CMODEL 3 – Model health certificate for imports of consignments of stocks of semen of equidae collected, processed and stored in accordance with Directive 92/65/EEC before 1 September 2010 and dispatched after 31 August 2010 from an approved semen collection centre of origin of the semen02018R0659-20200105_en_img_7302018R0659-20200105_en_img_7402018R0659-20200105_en_img_7502018R0659-20200105_en_img_76Section DMODEL 4 – Model health certificate for imports of consignments of semen of equidae collected, processed and stored in accordance with Directive 92/65/EEC after 30 September 2014 and of consignments of stocks of semen of animals of the equine species collected, processed and stored in accordance with Directive 92/65/EEC after 31 August 2010 and before 1 October 2014 or before 1 September 2010 and dispatched after 31 August 2010 from an approved semen storage centre02018R0659-20200105_en_img_7702018R0659-20200105_en_img_7802018R0659-20200105_en_img_79PART 2Model health certificate for imports of ova and embryosSection AMODEL 1 – Model health certificate for imports of consignments of ova and embryos of equidae collected or produced in accordance with Directive 92/65/EEC after 30 September 2014 and dispatched by an approved embryo collection or production team of origin of the ova or embryos02018R0659-20200105_en_img_8002018R0659-20200105_en_img_8102018R0659-20200105_en_img_8202018R0659-20200105_en_img_8302018R0659-20200105_en_img_84Section BMODEL 2 – Model health certificate for imports of consignments of stocks of ova and embryos of equidae collected, processed and stored in accordance with Directive 92/65/EEC after 31 August 2010 and before 1 October 2014 and dispatched after 31 August 2010 by an approved embryo collection or production team of origin of the ova or embryos02018R0659-20200105_en_img_8502018R0659-20200105_en_img_8602018R0659-20200105_en_img_8702018R0659-20200105_en_img_8802018R0659-20200105_en_img_89PART 3Explanatory notes for the certification02018R0659-20200105_en_img_90ANNEX IVCATEGORIES OF MALE EQUIDAE TO WHICH THE CONDITIONS FOR EQUINE VIRAL ARTERITIS APPLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 15(b)(ii) OF DIRECTIVE 2009/156/EC1.The requirement relating to equine viral arteritis laid down in Article 15(b)(ii) of Directive 2009/156/EC shall apply to uncastrated male equidae with the exception of:(a)equidae vaccinated against equine viral arteritis under official supervision with a vaccine approved by the competent authority in accordance with one of the following protocols:(i)the equidae shall be vaccinated during isolation of at least 28 days after they had been tested either in a serum neutralisation test for equine viral arteritis carried out with negative result at a serum dilution of 1 in 4 on a sample of blood taken not earlier than 7 days of commencing isolation, or in a virus isolation test carried out with negative result on an aliquot of the entire semen collected not earlier than 7 days of commencing isolation, and were kept separated from other equidae for 21 days following vaccination;(ii)the equidae shall be vaccinated at the age of 180 to 270 days, after having been subjected to a virus neutralisation test for equine viral arteritis carried out with negative result at a serum dilution of 1 in 4, or carried out with stable or declining titres on two blood samples taken at least 14 days apart. The equidae shall be separated from other equidae until 21 days after vaccination.(b)equidae less than 180 days old;(c)equidae for slaughter sent directly to a slaughterhouse.2.The test shall be carried out and certified, and the result and vaccination certified, under official veterinary supervision. Vaccination shall be repeated at regular intervals according to manufacturer instructions.Batch numbers of the approved vaccine, the details of the vaccination and revaccination and the results of serological or agent-identification tests shall be documented, where available in the identification document (passport), and made available for certification purposes.3.Test mating as described in point 4(a) of Article 12.9.2. of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is considered equivalent to the virus isolation test referred to in point 1(a)(i) to prove absence of the equine arteritis virus in semen.ANNEX VMODEL DECLARATIONSPART 1Declaration by the captain of the aircraft02018R0659-20200105_en_img_91PART 2Declaration by the captain of the vessel02018R0659-20200105_en_img_92PART 3Model Transhipment Manifest02018R0659-20200105_en_img_93