Family dataPT220 | | Type of household when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Private household |
2 | Lived in a collective household or institution |
PT220_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT230 | | Presence of mother when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Yes |
2 | No, she did not live in the same household but I had contact |
3 | No, she did not live in the same household and I had no contact |
4 | No, deceased |
PT0230_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT240 | | Presence of father when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Yes |
2 | No, he did not live in the same household but I had contact |
3 | No, he did not live in the same household and I had no contact |
4 | No, deceased |
PT240_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT020 | | Number of adults when respondent was around 14 years old |
Number (2 digits) 0-99 |
PT020_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT030 | | Number of children when respondent was around 14 years old |
Number (2 digits) 0-99 |
PT030_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT040 | | Number of persons in the household in work when respondent was around 14 years old |
Number (2 digits) 0-99 |
PT040_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT250 | | Degree of urbanisation when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | City (more than 100000 inhabitants) |
2 | Town or suburb (10000 to 100000 inhabitants) |
3 | Rural area, small town or village (less than 10000 inhabitants) |
PT250_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT210 | | Tenancy status when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Owned |
2 | Rented |
3 | Accommodation was provided free |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT210_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
Parents backgroundPT060 | | Country of birth of the father |
| Country of the birth of father (SCL GEO alpha-2 code) |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT060_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 5 | N/A Father not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT070 | | Citizenship of the father |
| Country of main citizenship (SCL GEO alpha-2 code) |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT070_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 5 | N/A father not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT090 | | Country of birth of the mother |
| Country of the birth of mother (SCL GEO alpha-2 code) |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT090_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 5 | N/A mother not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT100 | | Citizenship of the mother |
| Country of main citizenship (SCL GEO alpha-2 code) |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT100_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 5 | N/A mother not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
Educational dataPT110 | | Highest level of education attained by the father |
1 | Low level (less than primary, primary education or lower secondary education) |
2 | Medium level (upper secondary education and post-secondary non-tertiary education) |
3 | High level (short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor's or equivalent level, master's or equivalent level, doctoral or equivalent level) |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT110_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 5 | N/A father not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019 |
PT120 | | Highest level of education attained by the mother |
1 | Low level (less than primary, primary education or lower secondary education) |
2 | Medium level (upper secondary education and post-secondary non-tertiary education) |
3 | High level (short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor's or equivalent level, master's or equivalent level, doctoral or equivalent level) |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT120_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 5 | N/A mother not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
Occupational dataPT130 | | Activity status of the father when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Employee working full-time |
2 | Employee working part-time |
3 | Self-employed or helping family business |
4 | Unemployed/looking for job |
5 | In retirement |
6 | Permanently disabled and/or unfit to work |
7 | Fulfilling domestic tasks and care responsibilities |
8 | Other inactive person |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT130_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 5 | N/A father not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT140 | | Managerial position of the father when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Yes |
2 | No |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT140_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 4 | N/A father not working (not employed) |
– 5 | N/A father not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT150 | | Main occupation of the father when respondent was around 14 years old |
| ISCO-08(COM) code (1 digit) |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT150_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 4 | N/A father not working (not employed) |
– 5 | N/A father not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT160 | | Activity status of the mother when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Employee working full-time |
2 | Employee working part-time |
3 | Self-employed or helping family business |
4 | Unemployed/looking for job |
5 | In retirement |
6 | Permanently disabled and/or unfit to work |
7 | Fulfilling domestic tasks and care responsibilities |
8 | Other inactive person |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT160_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 5 | N/A mother not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT170 | | Managerial position of the mother when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Yes |
2 | No |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT170_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 4 | N/A mother not working (not employed) |
– 5 | N/A mother not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT180 | | Main occupation of the mother when respondent was around 14 years old |
| ISCO-08(COM) code (1 digit) |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT180_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 4 | N/A mother not working (not employed) |
– 5 | N/A mother not present and no contact or deceased |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
Material deprivationPT190 | | Financial situation of the household when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Very bad |
2 | Bad |
3 | Moderately bad |
4 | Moderately good |
5 | Good |
6 | Very good |
– 1 | Don't know |
PT190_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT260 | | Basic school needs (books and equipment for school) met when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Yes |
2 | No, due to financial reasons |
3 | No, other reasons |
PT260_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT270 | | Having daily meal with meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Yes |
2 | No, due to financial constraints |
3 | No, other reason |
PT270_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |
PT280 | | One week of annual holiday away from home when respondent was around 14 years old |
1 | Yes |
2 | No, due to financial constraints |
3 | No, other reason |
PT280_F | 1 | Filled |
– 1 | Missing |
– 2 | N/A (lived in a collective household or institution) |
– 3 | Not "selected respondent" |
– 6 | Not in age range (25-59) |
– 7 | Not applicable (RB010≠2019) |