Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/892 of 13 March 2017 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables sectors
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- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1146of 7 June 2018amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/892 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables sectors and Regulation (EC) No 606/2009 laying down certain detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 as regards the categories of grapevine products, oenological practices and the applicable restrictions, 32018R1146, August 17, 2018
(a) actions that are identical to agri-environment-climate or organic farming commitments as referred to in Articles 28 and 29 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, respectively, and which are provided for under the rural development programme of the Member State concerned; (b) investments beneficial for the environment; (c) other actions beneficial for the environment, including those which do not relate directly or indirectly to a particular parcel but that are linked to the fruit and vegetables sector, provided they contribute to soil protection, water or energy saving, improvement or maintenance of water quality, habitats or biodiversity protection, climate change mitigation and reduction or improved management of waste.
(a) the justification of the action, on the basis of its environmental impact; and (b) the specific commitment(s) entailed.
(a) could achieve a reduction in the current use of production inputs, emission of pollutants or waste from the production process; or (b) could achieve replacement of the use of fossil energy sources with renewable energy sources; or (c) could achieve a reduction in the environmental risks linked to the use of certain production inputs, including plant protection products or fertilisers; or (d) lead to improvement of the environment; or (e) are linked to non-productive investments needed to achieve the objectives of an agri-environmental-climate or organic farming commitment, in particular where those objectives relate to the protection of habitats and biodiversity.
(a) the use of production inputs that are non-renewable natural resources, such as water or fossil fuel, or possible source of environmental pollution, such as fertilisers, plant protection products or certain types of energy sources; (b) the emission of air, soil or water pollutants from the production process; or (c) the production of waste, including waste water, from the production process.
(a) provide for a reduction of at least 5 % in water use in drip irrigation or similar systems compared to the consumption prior to the investment; and (b) not result in a net increase of the area under irrigation, unless the total water consumption for irrigation of the whole farm, including the increased area, does not exceed the average of water consumption of the previous 5 years prior to the investment.
(a) various environmental actions may be combined provided that they are complementary and compatible. Where environmental actions other than investments in physical assets are combined, the level of support shall take account of the specific income foregone and additional costs resulting from the combination; (b) commitments to limit the use of fertilisers, plant protection products or other inputs shall be accepted only if such limitations can be assessed in a way that provides assurance about compliance with those commitments; (c) investments beneficial for the environment referred to in paragraph 3 shall be fully eligible for support.
(a) a description of the initial situation, based, where relevant, on the indicators listed in Table 4.1 of Annex II; (b) the objectives of the programme, taking into account the outlook for production and outlets, with an explanation of how the programme intends to contribute to and is consistent with the objectives of the national strategy, including the balance between activities. The description of the objectives shall indicate measurable targets, so as to facilitate the monitoring of progress gradually made in implementing the programme; (c) the proposed measures, including the actions for crisis prevention and management; (d) the duration of the programme; and (e) the financial aspects, in particular: (i) the method of calculation and the level of financial contributions; (ii) the procedure for financing the operational fund; (iii) information necessary to justify different levels of contribution; and (iv) the budget and timetable for operations for each implementation year of the programme.
(a) the extent to which the different measures complement and are consistent with other measures, including measures financed or eligible for support by other Union funds, and in particular under Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 and promotion programmes approved under Regulation (EU) No 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council . If applicable, specific reference shall also be made to measures carried out under previous operational programmes; andRegulation (EU) No 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products implemented in the internal market and in third countries and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 (OJ L 317, 4.11.2014, p. 56 ).(b) that they do not entail any risk of double financing by Union funds.
(a) evidence of the creation of an operational fund; (b) a written commitment from the producer organisation to comply with Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 and this Regulation; and (c) a written commitment from the producer organisation that it has not received and will not receive, directly or indirectly, any other Union or national funding in respect of actions qualifying for aid under Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 in the fruit and vegetables sector.
(a) the conditions as referred to in Article 34(3)(f) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 are met in each year of implementation of the operational programme and subject to the procedure referred to Article 9(2)(g) of this Regulation; (b) a request is made by a recognised producer organisation at the time of submission of its operational programme.
(a) the aid requested; (b) the value of marketed production; (c) the financial contributions levied on its members and those of the producer organisation itself; (d) the expenditure incurred in respect of the operational programme; (e) the expenditure concerning crisis prevention and management broken down by actions; (f) the proportion of the operational fund spent on crisis prevention and management broken down by actions; (g) compliance with Article 33(3), the first subparagraph of Article 33(5) and Article 34 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013; (h) a written commitment that it has not received any duplicate Union or national funding in respect of measures or operations qualifying for aid under Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 in the fruit and vegetables sector; (i) in the case of an application for payment based on standard flat rates or scales of unit costs as referred to in Article 31(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891, proof of the implementation of the action concerned; and (j) the annual report referred to in Article 21.
(a) the operations concerned could not be carried out by 31 December of the year of implementation of the operational programme, for reasons beyond the control of the producer organisation concerned; (b) those operations can be carried out by 30 April of the year following the year for which the aid is requested; and (c) an equivalent contribution from the producer organisation remains in the operational fund.
(a) increasing awareness about the quality of agricultural products produced in the Union and about the high quality standards applicable to their production in the Union; (b) increasing the competitiveness and consumption of agricultural products and of certain processed products produced in the Union and raising awareness about their quality both inside and outside the Union; (c) increasing awareness about Union quality schemes both inside and outside the Union; (d) increasing the market share of agricultural products and certain processed products produced in the Union, focusing on the markets in third countries that have the highest growth potential; and (e) contributing to the recovery of normal market conditions in the Union market in the event of serious market disturbance, loss of consumer confidence or other related problems.
(a) the names of the beneficiary organisations; (b) the quantity of the products concerned; (c) acceptance by the beneficiary organisations and the means of transport used; and (d) the distance between the place of withdrawal and the place of delivery.
(a) the names of the beneficiary organisations; (b) the quantity of the products concerned; and (c) acceptance by the beneficiary organisations, specifying the presentation.
(a) that the degree of organisation of producers in the region concerned is particularly low, in accordance with Article 52 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891; (b) that only products of the fruit and vegetables sector produced in that region benefit from the assistance; and (c) details of the producer organisations and the amount of assistance concerned and the proportion of financial contributions being made pursuant to Article 32(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.
(a) details of the producer organisations concerned; (b) the amount of assistance paid, limited for each producer organisation to the amount initially authorised; and (c) a description of the operational fund showing the total amount, the Union financial assistance, the national financial assistance and the contributions of the producer organisations and of the members.
(a) the operational programme implemented during the preceding year; (b) the main amendments to the operational programme; and (c) differences between estimated aid and aid applied for.
(a) the achievements of the operational programme, based on the indicators set out in Annex II and, where applicable, additional indicators set out in the national strategy as follows: (i) common baseline indicators and input (financial) indicators shall be used in each annual report; (ii) result and output indicators shall be used in the last two years of the operational programme; and
(b) a summary of the major problems encountered in managing the programme and the measures taken to ensure the quality and effectiveness of programme implementation.
(a) the accuracy of the information referred to in Article 4(1)(a), (b) and (e), which shall be included in the draft operational programme; (b) compliance of the programme with Article 33 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 as well as with the national strategy and the national framework; (c) the eligibility of the actions and the eligibility of the expenditure proposed; and (d) the consistency and technical quality of the programme, the soundness of the estimates and the aid plan, and the planning of its implementation.
(a) targets are measurable and can be monitored and achieved through the proposed actions; and (b) the operations for which aid is requested are in compliance with the applicable national and Union laws in particular, State aid, rural development and promotion programmes, and obligatory standards established by national legislation or the national strategy.
(a) the annual report on the execution of the operational programme transmitted together with the aid application; (b) the value of marketed production, the contributions to the operational fund and the expenditure incurred; (c) the accurate correlation of expenditure claimed with products and services delivered; (d) the conformity of the actions undertaken with those included in the approved operational programme; and (e) the respect of financial or other limits and ceilings imposed.
(a) the amount of aid; (b) the findings of the checks in previous years; (c) a random parameter; and (d) other parameters to be determined by Member States.
(a) the compliance with the recognition criteria for the year concerned; (b) the implementation of the actions and their consistency with the approved operational programme; (c) in relation to a relevant number of actions: the compliance of the expenditure with Union law and respect of the deadlines set out therein; (d) the use of the operational fund, including expenditure declared in claims for advance payments or partial payments, the value of marketed production, the contributions to the operational fund and the expenditure declared as supported by accounting or equivalent documents; (e) the full delivery of the products by the members, the delivery of the services and the genuineness of the expenditure claimed; and (f) second level checks as referred to in Article 30 for the expenses of market withdrawals, green harvesting and non-harvesting.
(a) the aid scheme and the application checked; (b) the names and functions of the persons present; (c) the actions, measures and documents checked, including the audit trail and supporting evidence verified; and (d) the results of the check.
(a) the specific stock and accounting records to be kept by all producer organisations which carry out withdrawal operations during the marketing year concerned; (b) the quantities marketed as declared in the aid applications, checking, in particular, the stock and accounting records, the invoices and, ensuring that the declarations tally with the accounting and tax data of the producer organisations concerned; (c) the accounts, in particular the veracity of net receipts by the producer organisations as declared in their payment applications and the proportionality of any withdrawal costs; and (d) the destination of withdrawn products as declared in the payment application and their denaturing.
(a) the production delivered by members of the producer organisation and by members of other producer organisations in accordance with Article 12(1)(b) and (c) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891; (b) sales by the producer organisation, identifying products intended for the fresh market and products for processing; and (c) products withdrawn from the market.
(a) a sample check on the stock records to be kept by recipients and on the financial accounts of the charitable organisations and institutions concerned where the second subparagraph of Article 46(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 applies; and (b) checks on compliance with the relevant environmental requirements.
(a) the requirement provided for in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 of this Article that no partial harvest has taken place, shall not apply; and (b) Member States shall ensure that the fruit and vegetable plants on which non-harvesting and green harvesting measures have been undertaken shall not be used for further production purposes in the same production season.
(a) have overall responsibility for the organisation of checks in respect of actions of the operational programme implemented at the level of the transnational association and of the operational fund of the transnational association and for the application of administrative penalties where such checks demonstrate that obligations have not been met; and (b) ensure the coordination of checks and payments in respect of the actions of the operational programme of the transnational association implemented outside the territory of the Member State where its head office is.
(a) all eligibility criteria established by Union or national legislation or the national strategy or national framework can be checked; (b) the competent authorities of the Member State responsible for carrying out checks have a sufficient number of suitably qualified and experienced staff to carry out the checks effectively; and (c) provision is made for checks to avoid irregular duplicated financing of measures under Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 in the fruit and vegetables sector and under other Union or national schemes.
(a) their customs value determined in accordance with Article 74 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 entails the application of the highest specific duties applicable to imports of the origin in question; and (b) the import takes place during the period of application of the additional import duty.
(a) goods imported under a tariff quota; (b) goods that left the country of origin before the decision to apply the additional import duty, and which are being transported under cover of a transport document valid from the place of loading in the country of origin to the place of unloading in the Union that was drawn up before application of the additional import duty.
(a) sea transport, the bill of loading showing that loading took place before that date; (b) rail transport, the waybill accepted by the rail authorities of the country of origin before that date; (c) road transport, the road carriage contract (CMR) or another transit document issued in the country of origin before that date, if the conditions laid down in bilateral or multilateral arrangements concluded in the context of Union transit or common transit are observed; (d) air transport, the air way bill showing that the airline accepted the goods before that date.
the performances of the fruit and vegetables sector: strengths and weaknesses of the sector, competitiveness and the potential for development of the producer organisations; the environmental effects (impacts, pressures and benefits) of the fruit and vegetables production, including key trends.
relevance of the objectives set for the operational programmes, of the expected results and the extent to which they can be realistically achieved; internal coherence of the strategy, existence of mutually reinforcing interactions and possible conflicts or contradictions between the operational objectives of different actions selected; complementarity and consistency of the actions selected with other national or regional actions, and with activities supported through Union funds, in particular with the rural development and promotion programmes; expected results and impact compared to the baseline situation and their contribution to Union objectives.
types of investments eligible for support, other forms of acquisition eligible for support, e.g. renting, leasing, details on eligibility conditions for support.
description of the types of actions eligible for support, details on eligibility conditions for support.
Measure | Type of action | Input indicators (annual) |
Actions aimed at planning of production |
| Expenditure (Euro) |
Actions aimed at improving or maintaining product quality |
| Expenditure (Euro) |
Actions aimed at improving marketing |
| Expenditure (Euro) |
Research and experimental production |
| Expenditure (Euro) |
Training actions and actions for the exchange of information on best practices (other than in relation to crisis prevention and management) and actions aimed at promoting access to advisory services and technical assistance |
| Expenditure (Euro) |
Crisis prevention and management measures |
| Expenditure (Euro) |
Environmental actions |
| Expenditure (Euro) |
Other actions |
| Expenditure (Euro) |
Measure | Type of action | Output indicators (annual) |
Actions aimed at planning of production | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
Actions aimed at improving or maintaining product quality | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
Actions aimed at improving marketing | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
Number of actions undertaken | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
Research and experimental production | ||
Training actions and actions for the exchange of information on best practices (other than in relation to crisis prevention and management) and actions aimed at promoting access to advisory services and technical assistance |
| Number of days of training received by participants |
Crisis prevention and management measures | Total value of investments (Euro) | |
Number of actions undertaken | ||
Number of actions undertaken | ||
Number of actions undertaken | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
Number of actions undertaken | ||
Number of actions undertaken | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
Environmental actions | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
| Number of holdings participating in the actions Number of hectares concerned | |
Other actions | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions | ||
Number of holdings participating in the actions |
Measure | Result indicators (Measurement) |
Actions aimed at planning of production | Change in total volume of marketed production (tons) Change in unit value of marketed production (EUR/kg) |
Actions aimed at improving or maintaining product quality | |
Actions aimed at improving marketing | Change in total volume of marketed production (tons) Change in unit value of marketed production (EUR/kg) |
Training actions and exchange of best practices (other than in relation to crisis prevention and management) and actions aimed at promoting access to advisory services and technical assistance | Number of people who completed the full training activity/programme Number of holdings that use advisory services |
Crisis prevention and management measures | |
Total volume of production subject to management of the volumes (tons) | |
Number of people who completed the full training activity/programme | |
Estimated change in volume of marketed production for products subject to the promotion/communication activities (tons) | |
Total value of the mutual fund set up (Euro) | |
Total area concerned by replanting of orchards (ha) | |
Total volume of production subject to withdrawal (tons) | |
Total area concerned by green harvesting or non-harvesting (ha) | |
Total value of the insured risk (Euro) | |
Environmental actions | |
Other actions |
Measure | Overall objectives | Impact indicators (Measurement) |
Actions aimed at planning of production | ||
Actions aimed at improving or maintaining product quality | ||
Actions aimed at improving marketing | ||
Research and experimental production | ||
Training actions and exchange of best practices (other than in relation to crisis prevention and management) and/or actions aimed at promoting access to advisory services and technical assistance | ||
Crisis prevention and management measures | ||
Environmental actions | Maintaining and protecting the environment: | |
Estimated change in total mineral fertiliser consumption, by type of fertiliser (N and P | ||
Estimated change in total water use (m | ||
Estimated change in total use of energy, by type of energy source or type of fuel (Litres/m | ||
Other actions |
Objectives | Baseline indicators related to objectives | |
Overall objectives | Indicator | Definition (and measurement) |
Improving competitiveness | Total value of marketed production | Total value of marketed production of the PO/APO (Euro) |
Improving the attractiveness of the producer organisation membership | Number of fruit and vegetable producers who are active members of the PO/APO concerned | Number of fruit and vegetable producers who are active member |
Total area under fruits and vegetable production cropped by members of the PO/APO concerned | Total area under fruit and vegetable production cropped by members of the PO/APO (ha) | |
Specific objectives | ||
Promoting concentration of supply | Total volume of marketed production | Total volume of marketed production of the PO/APO (tons) |
Promoting the placing on the market of products produced by the members | ||
Ensuring that production is adjusted to demand in terms of quality and quantity | Volume of the marketed production that meets the requirements of a specific "quality scheme" | |
Boosting products' commercial value | Average unit value of marketed production | Total value of marketed production/Total volume of marketed production (EUR/kg) |
Promoting knowledge and improving human potential | Number of people having participated in training activities | Number of people who completed a training activity/programme during the last three years (number) |
Number of holdings using advisory services | Number of holdings, members of the PO/APO, using advisory services (number) | |
Objectives | Baseline indicators related to objectives | |
Indicator | Definition (and measurement) | |
Specific objectives in the environmental area | ||
Contributing to soil protection | Area at risk of soil erosion with anti-erosion measure | Area under fruit and vegetable production at risk of soil erosion |
Contributing to maintaining and improving water quality | Area with reduction in use/better management of fertilisers | Area under fruit and vegetable production subject to reduction in use or better management of fertilisers (ha) |
Contributing to sustainable use of water resources | Area with water-saving measures | Area under fruit and vegetable production with water-saving measures (ha) |
Contributing to habitat and biodiversity protection and landscape conservation | Organic production | Area under organic production of fruit and/or vegetables (ha) |
Integrated production | Area under integrated production of fruit and/or vegetables (ha) | |
Other actions contributing to habitat and biodiversity protection and landscape conservation | Area concerned by other actions contributing to habitat and biodiversity and landscape protection (ha) | |
Contributing to climate change mitigation | Greenhouse heating — energy efficiency | Estimated annual consumption of energy for greenhouse heating purposes by type of energy source (Tons/Litres/m |
Reducing the volume of waste generated | Quantity or volume of waste | Tons/Litres/m |
whole, sound; products affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make them unfit for consumption shall be excluded, clean, practically free from any visible foreign matter, practically free from pests and damage caused by pests, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign taste or smell.
Distance between the place of withdrawal and the place of delivery | Transport costs (EUR/t) |
Less than or equal to 25 km | 18,20 |
More than 25 km but less than or equal to 200 km | 41,40 |
More than 200 km but less than or equal to 350 km | 54,30 |
More than 350 km but less than or equal to 500 km | 72,60 |
More than 500 km but less than or equal to 750 km | 95,30 |
More than 750 km | 108,30 |
Product | Sorting and packing costs (EUR/t) |
Apples | 187,70 |
Pears | 159,60 |
Oranges | 240,80 |
Clementines | 296,60 |
Peaches | 175,10 |
Nectarines | 205,80 |
Watermelons | 167,00 |
Cauliflowers | 169,10 |
Other products | 201,10 |
Продукт, предназначен за безплатна дистрибуция (Регламент за изпълнение (ЕC) 2017/…) Producto destinado a su distribución gratuita [Reglamento de ejecución (UE) 2017/…] Produkt určený k bezplatné distribuci [prováděcí nařízení (EU) 2017/…] Produkt til gratis uddeling (gennemførelsesforordning (EU) 2017/…) Zur kostenlosen Verteilung bestimmtes Erzeugnis (Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2017/…) Tasuta jagamiseks mõeldud tooted [rakendusmäärus (EL) 2017/…] Προϊόν προοριζόμενο για δωρεάν διανομή [εκτελεστικός κανονισμός (ΕΕ) 2017/…] Product for free distribution (Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/…) Produit destiné à la distribution gratuite [règlement d'exécution (UE) 2017/…] Proizvod za slobodnu distribuciju (Provedbena uredba (EU) 2017/… ) Prodotto destinato alla distribuzione gratuita [regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 2017/…] Produkts paredzēts bezmaksas izplatīšanai [Īstenošanas regula (ES) 2017/…] Nemokamai platinamas produktas [Įgyvendinimo reglamentas (ES) 2017/…] Ingyenes szétosztásra szánt termék ((EU) 2017/… végrehajtási rendelet) Prodott destinat għad-distribuzzjoni bla ħlas [Regolament ta' implimentazzjoni (UE) 2017/…] Voor gratis uitreiking bestemd product (Uitvoeringsverordening (EU) 2017/… ) Produkt przeznaczony do bezpłatnej dystrybucji [Rozporządzenie wykonawcze (UE) 2017/…] Produto destinado a distribuição gratuita [Regulamento de execução (UE) 2017/…] Produs destinat distribuirii gratuite [Regulamentul de punere în aplicare (UE) 2017/…] Výrobok určený na bezplatnú distribúciu [vykonávacie nariadenie (EÚ) 2017/…] Proizvod, namenjen za prosto razdelitev [Izvedbena uredba (EU) 2017/…] Ilmaisjakeluun tarkoitettu tuote (täytäntöönpanoasetus (EU) 2017/…) Produkt för gratisutdelning (genomförandeförordning (EU) 2017/…)
Order number | CN code | Description of products | Period of application |
78.0015 | Tomatoes | From 1 October to 31 May | |
78.0020 | From 1 June to 30 September | ||
78.0065 | Cucumbers | From 1 May to 31 October | |
78.0075 | From 1 November to 30 April | ||
78.0085 | Artichokes | From 1 November to 30 June | |
78.0100 | Courgettes | From 1 January to 31 December | |
78.0110 | Oranges | From 1 December to 31 May | |
78.0120 | Clementines | From 1 November to end of February | |
78.0130 | Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); wilkings and similar citrus hybrids | From 1 November to end of February | |
78.0155 | Lemons | From 1 June to 31 December | |
78.0160 | From 1 January to 31 May | ||
78.0170 | Table grapes | From 16 July to 16 November | |
78.0175 | Apples | From 1 January to 31 August | |
78.0180 | From 1 September to 31 December | ||
78.0220 | Pears | From 1 January to 30 April | |
78.0235 | From 1 July to 31 December | ||
78.0250 | Apricots | From 1 June to 31 July | |
78.0265 | Cherries, other than sour | From 16 May to 15 August | |
78.0270 | Peaches, including nectarines | From 16 June to 30 September | |
78.0280 | Plums | From 16 June to 30 September |