Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/366 of 1 March 2017 imposing definitive countervailing duties on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China following an expiry review pursuant to Article 18(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the European Parliament and of the Council and terminating the partial interim review investigation pursuant to Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037
Modified by
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1570of 15 September 2017amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/366 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/367 imposing definitive countervailing and anti-dumping duties on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China and repealing Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU confirming the acceptance of an undertaking offered in connection with the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy proceedings concerning imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China for the period of application of definitive measuresCorrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1570 of 15 September 2017 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/366 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/367 imposing definitive countervailing and anti-dumping duties on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China and repealing Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU confirming the acceptance of an undertaking offered in connection with the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy proceedings concerning imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China for the period of application of definitive measures(Official Journal of the European Union L 238 of 16 September 2017), 32017R157032017R1570R(01), September 16, 2017
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/366 of 1 March 2017 imposing definitive countervailing duties on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China following an expiry review pursuant to Article 18(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the European Parliament and of the Council and terminating the partial interim review investigation pursuant to Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037, 32017R0366R(01), February 10, 2018
  • Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/366 of 1 March 2017 imposing definitive countervailing duties on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China following an expiry review pursuant to Article 18(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the European Parliament and of the Council and terminating the partial interim review investigation pursuant to Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037, 32017R0366R(02), May 31, 2018
  • Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1570 of 15 September 2017 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/366 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/367 imposing definitive countervailing and anti-dumping duties on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China and repealing Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU confirming the acceptance of an undertaking offered in connection with the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy proceedings concerning imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China for the period of application of definitive measures, 32017R1570R(01), February 10, 2018
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/366of 1 March 2017imposing definitive countervailing duties on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China following an expiry review pursuant to Article 18(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the European Parliament and of the Council and terminating the partial interim review investigation pursuant to Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037
Article 11.A definitive countervailing duty is imposed on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels and cells of the type used in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels (the cells have a thickness not exceeding 400 micrometres), currently falling within CN codes ex85013100, ex85013200, ex85013300, ex85013400, ex85016120, ex85016180, ex85016200, ex85016300, ex85016400 and ex85414090 (TARIC codes 8501310081, 8501310089, 8501320041, 8501320049, 8501330061, 8501330069, 8501340041, 8501340049, 8501612041, 8501612049, 8501618041, 8501618049, 8501620061, 8501620069, 8501630041, 8501630049, 8501640041, 8501640049, 8541409021, 8541409029, 8541409031 and 8541409039) and originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China, unless they are in transit in the sense of Article V GATT.The following product types are excluded from the definition of the product concerned:solar chargers that consist of less than six cells, are portable and supply electricity to devices or charge batteries,thin film photovoltaic products,crystalline silicon photovoltaic products that are permanently integrated into electrical goods, where the function of the electrical goods is other than power generation, and where these electrical goods consume the electricity generated by the integrated crystalline silicon photovoltaic cell(s),modules or panels with a output voltage not exceeding 50 V DC and a power output not exceeding 50 W solely for direct use as battery chargers in systems with the same voltage and power characteristics.2.The rate of the definitive countervailing duty applicable to the net, free-at-Union-frontier price, before duty, of the products described in paragraph 1 and manufactured by the companies listed below shall be as follows:
Companies mentioned in Annex II to the parallel anti-dumping Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/367 of 1 March 2017 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China following an expiry review pursuant to Article 11(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council and terminating the partial interim review investigation pursuant to Article 11(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 (see page 131 of this Official Journal) shall have the TARIC additional code mentioned in that Annex II.
CompanyDuty rate (%)TARIC additional code
Wuxi Suntech Power Co. LtdSuntech Power Co. LtdWuxi Sunshine Power Co. LtdLuoyang Suntech Power Co. LtdZhenjiang Ren De New Energy Science Technology Co. Ltd Zhenjiang Rietech New Energy Science Technology Co. Ltd4,9B796
Yingli Energy (China) Co. LtdBaoding Tianwei Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdHainan Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdHengshui Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdTianjin Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdLixian Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdBaoding Jiasheng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdBeijing Tianneng Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdYingli Energy (Beijing) Co. Ltd6,3B797
Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. LtdTrina Solar (Changzhou) Science & Technology Co. LtdChangzhou Youze Technology Co. LtdTrina Solar Energy (Shanghai) Co. LtdYancheng Trina Solar Energy Technology Co. Ltd3,5B791
JingAo Solar Co. Ltd;Shanghai JA Solar Technology Co. LtdJA Solar Technology Yangzhou Co. LtdHefei JA Solar Technology Co. LtdShanghai JA Solar PV Technology Co. Ltd5,0B794
Jiangxi LDK Solar Hi-Tech Co. LtdLDK Solar Hi-Tech (Nanchang) Co. LtdLDK Solar Hi-Tech (Suzhou) Co. Ltd11,5B793
LDK Solar Hi-Tech (Hefei) Co. Ltd11,5B927
Delsolar (Wujiang) Ltd0B792
Renesola Jiangsu LtdRenesola Zhejiang Ltd4,6B921
Companies listed in the Annex6,4
All other companies11,5B999
2a.The amount of the definitive countervailing duty applicable to the product described in paragraph 1, currently falling under the TARIC codes listed in new paragraph 4 and produced by the named legal entities set out in in Annex 5, shall be the difference between the minimum import prices fixed in the next subparagraph and the net free-at-Union-frontier price, before duty, if the latter is lower than the former. No duty shall be collected where the net free-at-Union-frontier price is equal to or higher than the corresponding minimum import price set out in the table below. In no event shall the amount of the duty be higher than the ad valorem duty rate set in paragraph 2. The application of the measures for the companies mentioned in Annex 5 shall be conditional upon presentation to the customs authorities of the Member States of a valid commercial invoice indicating the elements set out in Annex 4.For the purpose of the previous subparagraph, the minimum import price set out in the table below shall apply. Where it is found, following post-importation verification, that the net free-at-Union-frontier price actually paid by the first independent customer in the Union (post-importation price) is below the net free-at-Union-frontier price, before duty, as resulting from the customs declaration, and the post-importation price is lower than the minimum import price, an amount of duty equivalent to the difference between the minimum import price set out in the table below and the post-importation price shall apply, unless the application of the ad valorem duties set out in paragraph 2 plus the post-importation price lead to an amount (price actually paid plus ad valorem duty) which remains below the minimum import price set out in the table below.The minimum import price (MIP) will decrease each quarter for each corresponding product type:
Period of application of the MIPMIP multi-crystalline cells (EUR/Watt)MIP mono-crystalline cells (EUR/Watt)MIP multi-crystalline modules (EUR/Watt)MIP mono-crystalline modules (EUR/Watt)
From 1 October 2017 until 31 December 20170,190,230,370,42
From 1 January 2018 until 31 March 20180,190,220,340,39
From 1 April 2018 until 30 June 20180,190,220,320,37
As from 1 July 20180,180,210,300,35
The legal entities which are neither listed in paragraph 2 nor in Annex 1 or Annex 5 shall be subject to the combined ad valorem duty rates applicable to "all other companies" set out in paragraph 2.
3.Unless otherwise specified, the provisions in force concerning customs duties shall apply.4.Multi-crystalline (also called poly-crystalline) silicon photovoltaic modules or panels currently fall under TARIC codes 8541409051, 8541409052, 8541409053, and 8541409059. Multi-crystalline modules are made out of multi-crystalline cells.Mono-crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels currently fall under TARIC codes 8541409041, 8541409042, 8541409043 and 8541409049. Mono-crystalline modules are made out of mono-crystalline cells.Multi-crystalline (also called poly-crystalline) cells of the type used in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels with a thickness of the cells not exceeding 400 μm currently fall under TARIC codes 8541409071, 8541409072, 8541409073 and 8541409079. Multi-crystalline cells are made of multi-crystalline silicon (multi-Si) consisting of small crystals and have a perfectly rectangular shape.Mono-crystalline cells of the type used in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels with a thickness of the cells not exceeding 400 μm currently fall under TARIC codes 8541409061, 8541409062, 8541409063, and 8541409069. Mono-crystalline cells are made of mono-crystalline silicon (mono-Si), a continuous crystal and have their four corners cut off.
Article 21.Imports declared for release into free circulation for products currently falling within CN code ex85414090 (TARIC codes 8541409021, 8541409029, 8541409031 and 8541409039) which are invoiced by companies from which undertakings are accepted by the Commission and whose names are listed in the Annex to Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU, as subsequently amended, shall be exempt from the countervailing duty imposed by Article 1, on condition that:(a)a company listed in the Annex to Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU, as subsequently amended, manufactured, shipped and invoiced directly the products referred to above or via its related company also listed in the Annex to Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU, as subsequently amended, either to their related companies in the Union acting as an importer and clearing the goods for free circulation in the Union or to the first independent customer acting as an importer and clearing the goods for free circulation in the Union; and(b)such imports are accompanied by an undertaking invoice which is a commercial invoice containing at least the elements and the declaration stipulated in Annex 2 to this Regulation and(c)such imports are accompanied by an Export Undertaking Certificate according to Annex 3 to this Regulation; and(d)the goods declared and presented to customs correspond precisely to the description on the undertaking invoice.2.A customs debt shall be incurred at the time of acceptance of the declaration for release into free circulation:(a)whenever it is established, in respect of imports described in paragraph 1, that one or more of the conditions listed in that paragraph are not fulfilled; or(b)when the Commission withdraws its acceptance of the undertaking pursuant to Article 13(9) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 in a Regulation or Decision which refers to particular transactions and declares the relevant undertaking invoices as invalid.
Article 3The companies from which undertakings are accepted by the Commission and whose names are listed in the Annex to Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU, as subsequently amended, and subject to certain conditions specified therein, will also issue an invoice for transactions which are not exempted from the countervailing duties. This invoice is a commercial invoice containing at least the elements stipulated in Annex 4 to this Regulation.
Article 41.The definitive countervailing duty applicable to "all other companies" imposed by Article 1(2), is extended to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) consigned from Malaysia and Taiwan whether declared as originating in Malaysia and in Taiwan or not, currently falling within CN codes ex85013100, ex85013200, ex85013300, ex85013400, ex85016120, ex85016180, ex85016200, ex85016300, ex85016400 and ex85414090 (TARIC codes 8501310082, 8501310083, 8501320042, 8501320043, 8501330062, 8501330063, 8501340042, 8501340043, 8501612042, 8501612043, 8501618042, 8501618043, 8501620062, 8501620063, 8501630042, 8501630043, 8501640042, 8501640043, 8541409022, 8541409023, 8541409032, 8541409033), with the exception of those produced by the companies listed below:
CountryCompanyTARIC additional code
MalaysiaAUO — SunPower Sdn. Bhd.C073
Flextronics Shah Alam Sdn. Bhd.C074
Hanwha Q CELLS Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.C075
Panasonic Energy Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.C076
TS Solartech Sdn. Bhd.C077
TaiwanANJI Technology Co., LtdC058
AU Optronics CorporationC059
Big Sun Energy Technology Inc.C078
EEPV Corp.C079
E-TON Solar Tech. Co., LtdC080
Gintech Energy CorporationC081
Gintung Energy CorporationC082
Inventec Energy CorporationC083
Inventec Solar Energy CorporationC084
LOF Solar Corp.C085
Ming Hwei Energy Co., LtdC086
Motech Industries, Inc.C087
Neo Solar Power CorporationC088
Perfect Source Technology Corp.C089
Ritek CorporationC090
Sino-American Silicon Products Inc.C091
Solartech Energy Corp.C092
Sunengine Corporation LtdC093
Topcell Solar International Co., LtdC094
TSEC CorporationC095
Win Win Precision Technology Co., LtdC096
2.The application of exemptions granted to the companies specifically mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article or authorised by the Commission in accordance with Article 2(2) shall be conditional upon presentation to the customs authorities of the Member States of a valid commercial invoice issued by the producer or consignor, on which shall appear a declaration dated and signed by an official of the entity issuing such invoice, identified by his/her name and function. In case of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells this declaration shall be drafted as follows: "I, the undersigned, certify that the (volume) of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells sold for export to the European Union covered by this invoice was manufactured by (company name and address) (TARIC additional code) in (country concerned). I declare that the information provided in this invoice is complete and correct." In case of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules this declaration shall be drafted as follows: "I, the undersigned, certify that the (volume) of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules sold for export to the European Union covered by this invoice was manufactured(i)by (company name and address) (TARIC additional code) in (country concerned); OR(ii)by a subcontracted third party for (company name and address) (TARIC additional code) in (country concerned)(delete as appropriate one of the two above options)with the crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells manufactured by (company name and address) (TARIC additional code [to be added if the country concerned is subject to original or anti-circumvention measures in force]) in (country concerned). I declare that the information provided in this invoice is complete and correct." If no such invoice is presented and/or one or both of the TARIC additional codes are not provided in the above-mentioned declaration, the duty rate applicable to "all other companies" shall apply and shall require the declaration of TARIC additional code B999 in the customs declaration.3.Unless otherwise specified, the provisions in force concerning customs duties shall apply.
Article 5The partial interim review initiated pursuant to Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the countervailing measures applicable to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of ChinaNotice of Initiation of a partial interim review of the anti-dumping and countervailing measures applicable to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China (OJ C 405, 5.12.2015, p. 33). is terminated.
Article 6This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It shall be in force for a period of 18 months.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX 1
Name of the CompanyTARIC additional code
Anhui Schutten Solar Energy Co. LtdQuanjiao Jingkun Trade Co. LtdB801
Anji DaSol Solar Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB802
Canadian Solar Manufacturing (Changshu) Inc.Canadian Solar Manufacturing (Luoyang) Inc.CSI Cells Co. LtdCSI Solar Power (China) Inc.B805
Changzhou Shangyou Lianyi Electronic Co. LtdB807
CEEG Nanjing Renewable Energy Co. LtdCEEG (Shanghai) Solar Science Technology Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Nanjing) Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Shanghai) Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Yangzhou) Co. LtdB809
Chint Solar (Zhejiang) Co. LtdB810
ChangZhou EGing Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB811
CNPV Dongying Solar Power Co. LtdB813
CSG PVtech Co. LtdB814
Dongfang Electric (Yixing) MAGI Solar Power Technology Co. LtdB816
Zhejiang Era Solar Technology Co., LtdB818
ET Energy Co. LtdET Solar Industry LimitedB819
GD Solar Co. LtdB820
Guodian Jintech Solar Energy Co. LtdB822
Hangzhou Bluesun New Material Co. LtdB824
Hangzhou Zhejiang University Sunny Energy Science and Technology Co. LtdZhejiang Jinbest Energy Science and Technology Co. LtdB825
Hanwha SolarOne Co. LtdB929
Hanwha SolarOne (Qidong) Co. LtdB826
Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics Co. LtdB827
Himin Clean Energy Holdings Co. LtdB829
Jetion Solar (China) Co. LtdJunfeng Solar (Jiangsu) Co. LtdJetion Solar (Jiangyin) Co. LtdB830
Jiangsu Green Power PV Co. LtdB831
Jiangsu Hosun Solar Power Co. LtdB832
Jiangsu Jiasheng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB833
Jiangsu Runda PV Co. LtdB834
Jiangsu Sainty Machinery Imp. And Exp. Corp. LtdJiangsu Sainty Photovoltaic Systems Co. LtdB835
Jiangsu Seraphim Solar System Co. LtdB836
Changzhou Shunfeng Photovoltaic Materials Co. LtdJiangsu Shunfeng Photovoltaic Electronic Power Co. LtdJiangsu Shunfeng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB837
Jiangsu Sinski PV Co. LtdB838
Jiangsu Sunlink PV Technology Co. LtdB839
Jiangsu Zhongchao Solar Technology Co. LtdB840
Jiangxi Risun Solar Energy Co. LtdB841
Jiangyin Hareon Power Co. LtdTaicang Hareon Solar Co. LtdHareon Solar Technology Co. LtdHefei Hareon Solar Technology Co. LtdJiangyin Xinhui Solar Energy Co. LtdAltusvia Energy (Taicang) Co, LtdB842
Jinggong P-D Shaoxing Solar Energy Tech Co. LtdB844
Jinzhou Yangguang Energy Co. LtdJinzhou Huachang Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJinzhou Jinmao Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJinzhou Rixin Silicon Materials Co. LtdJinzhou Youhua Silicon Materials Co. LtdB795
Juli New Energy Co. LtdB846
Jumao Photonic (Xiamen) Co. LtdB847
Kinve Solar Power Co. Ltd (Maanshan)B849
GCL SOLAR POWER (SUZHOU) LIMITEDGCL-Poly Solar Power System Integration (Taicang) Co. LtdGCL Solar System (Suzhou) LimitedGCL-Poly (Suzhou) Energy LimitedJiangsu GCL Silicon Material Technology Development Co. LtdJiangsu Zhongneng Polysilicon Technology Development Co. LtdKonca Solar Cell Co. LtdSuzhou GCL Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB850
Lightway Green New Energy Co. LtdLightway Green New Energy (Zhuozhou) Co. LtdB851
Motech (Suzhou) Renewable Energy Co. LtdB852
Nanjing Daqo New Energy Co. LtdB853
Ningbo Jinshi Solar Electrical Science & Technology Co. LtdB857
Ningbo Komaes Solar Technology Co. LtdB858
Ningbo Osda Solar Co. LtdB859
Ningbo Qixin Solar Electrical Appliance Co. LtdB860
Ningbo South New Energy Technology Co. LtdB861
Ningbo Sunbe Electric Ind Co. LtdB862
Ningbo Ulica Solar Science & Technology Co. LtdB863
Perfectenergy (Shanghai) Co. LtdB864
Perlight Solar Co. LtdB865
Phono Solar Technology Co. LtdSumec Hardware & Tools Co. LtdB866
BYD (Shangluo) Industrial Co. LtdShanghai BYD Co. LtdB871
Shanghai Chaori International Trading Co. LtdShanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB872
Propsolar (Zhejiang) New Energy Technology Co. LtdShanghai Propsolar New Energy Co. LtdB873
Lianyungang Shenzhou New Energy Co. LtdShanghai Shenzhou New Energy Development Co. LtdSHANGHAI SOLAR ENERGY S&T CO. LTDB875
Jiangsu ST-Solar Co. LtdShanghai ST-Solar Co. LtdB876
Shanghai Topsolar Green Energy Co. LtdB877
Shenzhen Sacred Industry Co. LtdB878
Leshan Topray Cell Co. LtdShanxi Topray Solar Co. LtdShenzhen Topray Solar Co. LtdB880
Shanghai Sopray New Energy Co. LtdSopray Energy Co. LtdB881
TDG Holding Co. LtdB884
Tianwei New Energy (Chengdu) PV Module Co. LtdTianwei New Energy Holdings Co. LtdTianwei New Energy (Yangzhou) Co. LtdB885
Wenzhou Jingri Electrical and Mechanical Co. LtdB886
Winsun New Energy Co. LtdB887
Wuhu Zhongfu PV Co. LtdB889
Wuxi Saijing Solar Co. LtdB890
Wuxi Solar Innova PV Co. LtdB892
Wuxi Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Co. LtdWuxi Taichang Electronic Co. LtdWuxi Taichen Machinery & Equipment Co. LtdB893
Shanghai Huanghe Fengjia Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdState-run Huanghe Machine-Building Factory Import and Export CorporationXi'an Huanghe Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB896
Wuxi LONGi Silicon Materials Co. LtdXi'an LONGi Silicon Materials Corp.B897
LERRI Solar Technology (Zhejiang) Co., LtdB898
Yuhuan BLD Solar Technology Co. LtdZhejiang BLD Solar Technology Co. LtdB899
Yuhuan Sinosola Science & Technology Co. LtdB900
Yunnan Tianda Photovoltaic Co. LtdB901
Zhangjiagang City SEG PV Co. LtdB902
Zhejiang Global Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB904
Zhejiang Heda Solar Technology Co. LtdB905
Zhejiang Jiutai New Energy Co. LtdZhejiang Topoint Photovoltaic Co. LtdB906
Zhejiang Kingdom Solar Energy Technic Co. LtdB907
Zhejiang Koly Energy Co. LtdB908
Zhejiang Longbai Photovoltaic Tech Co. LtdB909
Zhejiang Mega Solar Energy Co. LtdZhejiang Fortune Photovoltaic Co. LtdB910
Zhejiang Shuqimeng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB911
Zhejiang Shinew Photoeletronic Technology Co. LtdB912
Zhejiang SOCO Technology Co. LtdB913
Zhejiang Sunflower Light Energy Science & Technology Limited Liability CompanyZhejiang Yauchong Light Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB914
Zhejiang Tianming Solar Technology Co. LtdB916
Zhejiang Trunsun Solar Co. LtdZhejiang Beyondsun PV Co. LtdB917
Zhejiang Wanxiang Solar Co. LtdWANXIANG IMPORT & EXPORT CO LTDB918
Zhejiang Xiongtai Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB919
Zhongli Talesun Solar Co. LtdB922
Zytech Engineering Technology Co. LtdB924
ANNEX 2The following elements shall be indicated in the Commercial Invoice accompanying the Company's sales to the European Union of goods which are subject to the Undertaking:1.The heading "COMMERCIAL INVOICE ACCOMPANYING GOODS SUBJECT TO AN UNDERTAKING".2.The name of the Company issuing the Commercial Invoice.3.The Commercial Invoice number.4.The date of issue of the Commercial Invoice.5.The TARIC additional code under which the goods on the invoice are to be customs-cleared at the European Union frontier.6.The exact plain language description of the goods and:the product code number (PCN),technical specifications of the PCN,the company product code number (CPC),CN code,quantity (to be given in units expressed in Watt).7.The description of the terms of the sale, including:price per unit (Watt),the applicable payment terms,the applicable delivery terms,total discounts and rebates.8.Name of the Company acting as an importer to which the invoice is issued directly by the Company.9.The name of the official of the Company that has issued the Commercial Invoice and the following signed declaration:"I, the undersigned, certify that the sale for direct export to the European Union of the goods covered by this invoice is being made within the scope and under the terms of the Undertaking offered by [COMPANY], and accepted by the European Commission through Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU. I declare that the information provided on this invoice is complete and correct."ANNEX 3Export undertaking certificateThe following elements shall be indicated in the Export Undertaking Certificate to be issued by CCCME for each Commercial Invoice accompanying the Company's sales to the European Union of goods which are subject to the Undertaking:1.The name, address, fax and telephone number of the China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery & Electronic Products (CCCME).2.The name of the company mentioned in the Annex of Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU issuing the Commercial Invoice.3.The Commercial Invoice number.4.The date of issue of the Commercial Invoice.5.The TARIC additional code under which the goods on the invoice are to be customs cleared at the European Union frontier.6.The exact description of the goods, including:the product code number (PCN),the technical specification of the goods, the company product code number (CPC) (if applicable),CN code,7.The precise quantity in units exported expressed in Watt.8.The number and expiry date (three months after issuance) of the certificate.9.The name of the official of CCCME that has issued the certificate and the following signed declaration:"I, the undersigned, certify that this certificate is given for direct exports to the European Union of the goods covered by the Commercial Invoice accompanying sales made subject to the undertaking and that the certificate is issued within the scope and under the terms of the undertaking offered by [company] and accepted by the European Commission through Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU. I declare that the information provided in this certificate is correct and that the quantity covered by this certificate is not exceeding the threshold of the undertaking."10.Date.11.The signature and seal of CCCME.ANNEX 4The following elements shall be indicated in the Commercial Invoice accompanying the Company's sales to the European Union of goods which are subject to the countervailing duties:1.The heading "COMMERCIAL INVOICE ACCOMPANYING GOODS SUBJECT TO ANTI-DUMPING AND COUNTERVAILING DUTIES".2.The name of the Company issuing the Commercial Invoice.3.The Commercial Invoice number.4.The date of issue of the Commercial Invoice.5.The TARIC additional code under which the goods on the invoice are to be customs-cleared at the European Union frontier.6.The exact plain language description of the goods and:the product code number (PCN),technical specifications of the PCN,the company product code number (CPC),CN code,quantity (to be given in units expressed in Watt).7.The description of the terms of the sale, including:price per unit (Watt),the applicable payment terms,the applicable delivery terms,total discounts and rebates.8.The name and signature of the official of the Company that has issued the Commercial Invoice.ANNEX 5
Name of the companyTARIC additional code
Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. LtdTrina Solar (Changzhou) Science & Technology Co. LtdChangzhou Youze Technology Co. LtdTrina Solar Energy (Shanghai) Co. LtdYancheng Trina Solar Energy Technology Co. Ltdtogether with their related companies in the European UnionB791
Delsolar (Wujiang) LtdB792
JingAo Solar Co. LtdShanghai JA Solar Technology Co. LtdJA Solar Technology Yangzhou Co. LtdHefei JA Solar Technology Co. LtdShanghai JA Solar PV Technology Co. Ltdtogether with their related company in the UnionB794
Wuxi Suntech Power Co. LtdSuntech Power Co. LtdWuxi Sunshine Power Co. LtdLuoyang Suntech Power Co. LtdZhenjiang Rietech New Energy Science Technology Co. LtdZhenjiang Ren De New Energy Science Technology Co. Ltdtogether with their related companies in the UnionB796
Yingli Energy (China) Co. LtdBaoding Tianwei Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdHainan Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdHengshui Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdTianjin Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdLixian Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdBaoding Jiasheng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdBeijing Tianneng Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdYingli Energy (Beijing) Co. LtdB797
Jiangsu Aide Solar Energy Technology Co. LtdB798
Anhui Chaoqun Power Co. LtdB800
Anji DaSol Solar Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB802
Anhui Schutten Solar Energy Co. LtdQuanjiao Jingkun Trade Co. LtdB801
Anhui Titan PV Co. LtdB803
Changzhou NESL Solartech Co. LtdB806
Changzhou Shangyou Lianyi Electronic Co. LtdB807
ChangZhou EGing Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB811
CNPV Dongying Solar Power Co. LtdB813
CSG PVtech Co. LtdB814
China Sunergy (Nanjing) Co. LtdCEEG Nanjing Renewable Energy Co. LtdCEEG (Shanghai) Solar Science Technology Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Yangzhou) Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Shanghai) Co. LtdB809
Dongfang Electric (Yixing) MAGI Solar Power Technology Co. LtdB816
Zhejiang Era Solar Technology Co., LtdB818
GD Solar Co. LtdB820
Greenway Solar-Tech (Shanghai) Co. LtdGreenway Solar-Tech (Huaian) Co. LtdB821
Guodian Jintech Solar Energy Co. LtdB822
Hangzhou Bluesun New Material Co. LtdB824
Hanwha SolarOne (Qidong) Co. LtdB826
Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics Co. LtdB827
Himin Clean Energy Holdings Co. LtdB829
Jetion Solar (China) Co. LtdJunfeng Solar (Jiangsu) Co. LtdJetion Solar (Jiangyin) Co. Ltdtogether with their related company in the UnionB830
Jiangsu Green Power PV Co. LtdB831
Jiangsu Hosun Solar Power Co. LtdB832
Jiangsu Jiasheng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB833
Jiangsu Runda PV Co. LtdB834
Jiangsu Sainty Photovoltaic Systems Co. LtdJiangsu Sainty Machinery Imp. And Exp. Corp. LtdB835
Jiangsu Shunfeng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdChangzhou Shunfeng Photovoltaic Materials Co. LtdJiangsu Shunfeng Photovoltaic Electronic Power Co. LtdB837
Jiangsu Sinski PV Co. LtdB838
Jiangsu Sunlink PV Technology Co. LtdB839
Jiangsu Zhongchao Solar Technology Co. LtdB840
Jiangxi Risun Solar Energy Co. LtdB841
Jiangyin Hareon Power Co. LtdHareon Solar Technology Co. LtdTaicang Hareon Solar Co. LtdHefei Hareon Solar Technology Co. LtdJiangyin Xinhui Solar Energy Co. LtdAltusvia Energy (Taicang) Co. Ltdtogether with their related company in the UnionB842
Jiangxi LDK Solar Hi-Tech Co. LtdLDK Solar Hi-Tech (Nanchang) Co. LtdLDK Solar Hi-Tech (Suzhou) Co. LtdB793
Jiangyin Shine Science and Technology Co. LtdB843
Jinzhou Yangguang Energy Co. LtdJinzhou Huachang Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJinzhou Jinmao Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJinzhou Rixin Silicon Materials Co. LtdJinzhou Youhua Silicon Materials Co. LtdB795
Jinko Solar Co. LtdJinko Solar Import and Export Co. LtdZHEJIANG JINKO SOLAR CO. LTDZHEJIANG JINKO SOLAR TRADING CO. LTDtogether with their related companies in the UnionB845
Juli New Energy Co. LtdB846
Jumao Photonic (Xiamen) Co. LtdB847
King-PV Technology Co. LtdB848
Kinve Solar Power Co. Ltd (Maanshan)B849
GCL System Integration Technology Co. LtdKonca Solar Cell Co. LtdSuzhou GCL Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJiangsu GCL Silicon Material Technology Development Co. LtdJiangsu Zhongneng Polysilicon Technology Development Co. LtdGCL-Poly (Suzhou) Energy LimitedGCL-Poly Solar Power System Integration (Taicang) Co. LtdGCL SOLAR POWER (SUZHOU) LIMITEDGCL Solar System (Shuzhou) LimitedB850
Lightway Green New Energy Co. LtdLightway Green New Energy(Zhuozhou) Co. LtdB851
Motech (Suzhou) Renewable Energy Co. LtdB852
Nanjing Daqo New Energy Co. LtdB853
Ningbo Jinshi Solar Electrical Science & Technology Co. LtdB857
Ningbo Komaes Solar Technology Co. LtdB858
Ningbo South New Energy Technology Co. LtdB861
Ningbo Sunbe Electric Ind Co. LtdB862
Ningbo Ulica Solar Science & Technology Co. LtdB863
Perfectenergy (Shanghai) Co. LtdB864
Perlight Solar Co. LtdB865
Sumec Hardware & Tools Co. LtdPhono Solar Technology Co. LtdB866
Risen Energy Co., Ltdtogether with its related company in the UnionB868
Shanghai BYD Co. LtdBYD (Shangluo) Industrial Co. LtdB871
Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB872
Propsolar (Zhejiang) New Energy Technology Co. LtdShanghai Propsolar New Energy Co. LtdB873
SHANGHAI SOLAR ENERGY S&T CO. LTDShanghai Shenzhou New Energy Development Co. LtdLianyungang Shenzhou New Energy Co. LtdB875
Shanghai ST Solar Co. LtdJiangsu ST Solar Co. LtdB876
Shenzhen Sacred Industry Co. LtdB878
Sopray Energy Co. LtdShanghai Sopray New Energy Co. LtdB881
TDG Holding Co. LtdB884
Tianwei New Energy Holdings Co. LtdTianwei New Energy (Chengdu) PV Module Co. LtdTianwei New Energy (Yangzhou) Co. LtdB885
Wenzhou Jingri Electrical and Mechanical Co. LtdB886
Shanghai Topsolar Green Energy Co. LtdB877
Shenzhen Sungold Solar Co. LtdB879
Wuhu Zhongfu PV Co. LtdB889
Wuxi Shangpin Solar Energy Science and Technology Co. LtdB891
Wuxi Solar Innova PV Co. LtdB892
Wuxi Taichang Electronic Co. LtdChina Machinery Engineering Wuxi Co.LtdWuxi Taichen Machinery & Equipment Co. LtdB893
Xi'an Huanghe Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdState-run Huanghe Machine-Building Factory Import and Export CorporationShanghai Huanghe Fengjia Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB896
Xi'an LONGi Silicon Materials Corp.Wuxi LONGi Silicon Materials Co. LtdB897
LERRI Solar Technology (Zhejiang) Co. Ltdtogether with its related company in the UnionB898
Yuhuan Sinosola Science & Technology Co. LtdB900
Zhangjiagang City SEG PV Co. LtdB902
Zhejiang Fengsheng Electrical Co. LtdB903
Zhejiang Global Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB904
Zhejiang Heda Solar Technology Co. LtdB905
Zhejiang Jiutai New Energy Co. LtdZhejiang Topoint Photovoltaic Co. LtdB906
Zhejiang Kingdom Solar Energy Technic Co. LtdB907
Zhejiang Koly Energy Co. LtdB908
Zhejiang Mega Solar Energy Co. LtdZhejiang Fortune Photovoltaic Co. LtdB910
Zhejiang Shuqimeng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB911
Zhejiang Shinew Photoelectronic Technology Co. LtdB912
Zhejiang Sunflower Light Energy Science & Technology Limited Liability CompanyZhejiang Yauchong Light Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB914
Zhejiang Sunrupu New Energy Co. LtdB915
Zhejiang Tianming Solar Technology Co. LtdB916
Zhejiang Trunsun Solar Co. LtdZhejiang Beyondsun PV Co. LtdB917
Zhejiang Wanxiang Solar Co. LtdWANXIANG IMPORT & EXPORT CO LTDB918
Zhongli Talesun Solar Co. Ltdtogether with its related company in the UnionB922

Article 11.A definitive countervailing duty is imposed on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels and cells of the type used in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels (the cells have a thickness not exceeding 400 micrometres), currently falling within CN codes ex85013100, ex85013200, ex85013300, ex85013400, ex85016120, ex85016180, ex85016200, ex85016300, ex85016400 and ex85414090 (TARIC codes 8501310081, 8501310089, 8501320041, 8501320049, 8501330061, 8501330069, 8501340041, 8501340049, 8501612041, 8501612049, 8501618041, 8501618049, 8501620061, 8501620069, 8501630041, 8501630049, 8501640041, 8501640049, 8541409021, 8541409029, 8541409031 and 8541409039) and originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China, unless they are in transit in the sense of Article V GATT.The following product types are excluded from the definition of the product concerned:solar chargers that consist of less than six cells, are portable and supply electricity to devices or charge batteries,thin film photovoltaic products,crystalline silicon photovoltaic products that are permanently integrated into electrical goods, where the function of the electrical goods is other than power generation, and where these electrical goods consume the electricity generated by the integrated crystalline silicon photovoltaic cell(s),modules or panels with a output voltage not exceeding 50 V DC and a power output not exceeding 50 W solely for direct use as battery chargers in systems with the same voltage and power characteristics.2.The rate of the definitive countervailing duty applicable to the net, free-at-Union-frontier price, before duty, of the products described in paragraph 1 and manufactured by the companies listed below shall be as follows:
Companies mentioned in Annex II to the parallel anti-dumping Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/367 of 1 March 2017 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China following an expiry review pursuant to Article 11(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council and terminating the partial interim review investigation pursuant to Article 11(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 (see page 131 of this Official Journal) shall have the TARIC additional code mentioned in that Annex II.
CompanyDuty rate (%)TARIC additional code
Wuxi Suntech Power Co. LtdSuntech Power Co. LtdWuxi Sunshine Power Co. LtdLuoyang Suntech Power Co. LtdZhenjiang Ren De New Energy Science Technology Co. Ltd Zhenjiang Rietech New Energy Science Technology Co. Ltd4,9B796
Yingli Energy (China) Co. LtdBaoding Tianwei Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdHainan Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdHengshui Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdTianjin Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdLixian Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdBaoding Jiasheng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdBeijing Tianneng Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdYingli Energy (Beijing) Co. Ltd6,3B797
Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. LtdTrina Solar (Changzhou) Science & Technology Co. LtdChangzhou Youze Technology Co. LtdTrina Solar Energy (Shanghai) Co. LtdYancheng Trina Solar Energy Technology Co. Ltd3,5B791
JingAo Solar Co. Ltd;Shanghai JA Solar Technology Co. LtdJA Solar Technology Yangzhou Co. LtdHefei JA Solar Technology Co. LtdShanghai JA Solar PV Technology Co. Ltd5,0B794
Jiangxi LDK Solar Hi-Tech Co. LtdLDK Solar Hi-Tech (Nanchang) Co. LtdLDK Solar Hi-Tech (Suzhou) Co. Ltd11,5B793
LDK Solar Hi-Tech (Hefei) Co. Ltd11,5B927
Delsolar (Wujiang) Ltd0B792
Renesola Jiangsu LtdRenesola Zhejiang Ltd4,6B921
Companies listed in the Annex6,4
All other companies11,5B999
2a.The amount of the definitive countervailing duty applicable to the product described in paragraph 1, currently falling under the TARIC codes listed in new paragraph 4 and produced by the named legal entities set out in in Annex 5, shall be the difference between the minimum import prices fixed in the next subparagraph and the net free-at-Union-frontier price, before duty, if the latter is lower than the former. No duty shall be collected where the net free-at-Union-frontier price is equal to or higher than the corresponding minimum import price set out in the table below. In no event shall the amount of the duty be higher than the ad valorem duty rate set in paragraph 2. The application of the measures for the companies mentioned in Annex 5 shall be conditional upon presentation to the customs authorities of the Member States of a valid commercial invoice indicating the elements set out in Annex 4.For the purpose of the previous subparagraph, the minimum import price set out in the table below shall apply. Where it is found, following post-importation verification, that the net free-at-Union-frontier price actually paid by the first independent customer in the Union (post-importation price) is below the net free-at-Union-frontier price, before duty, as resulting from the customs declaration, and the post-importation price is lower than the minimum import price, an amount of duty equivalent to the difference between the minimum import price set out in the table below and the post-importation price shall apply, unless the application of the ad valorem duties set out in paragraph 2 plus the post-importation price lead to an amount (price actually paid plus ad valorem duty) which remains below the minimum import price set out in the table below.The minimum import price (MIP) will decrease each quarter for each corresponding product type:
Period of application of the MIPMIP multi-crystalline cells (EUR/Watt)MIP mono-crystalline cells (EUR/Watt)MIP multi-crystalline modules (EUR/Watt)MIP mono-crystalline modules (EUR/Watt)
From 1 October 2017 until 31 December 20170,190,230,370,42
From 1 January 2018 until 31 March 20180,190,220,340,39
From 1 April 2018 until 30 June 20180,190,220,320,37
As from 1 July 20180,180,210,300,35
The legal entities which are neither listed in paragraph 2 nor in Annex 1 or Annex 5 shall be subject to the combined ad valorem duty rates applicable to "all other companies" set out in paragraph 2.
3.Unless otherwise specified, the provisions in force concerning customs duties shall apply.4.Multi-crystalline (also called poly-crystalline) silicon photovoltaic modules or panels currently fall under TARIC codes 8541409051, 8541409052, 8541409053, and 8541409059. Multi-crystalline modules are made out of multi-crystalline cells.Mono-crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels currently fall under TARIC codes 8541409041, 8541409042, 8541409043 and 8541409049. Mono-crystalline modules are made out of mono-crystalline cells.Multi-crystalline (also called poly-crystalline) cells of the type used in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels with a thickness of the cells not exceeding 400 μm currently fall under TARIC codes 8541409071, 8541409072, 8541409073 and 8541409079. Multi-crystalline cells are made of multi-crystalline silicon (multi-Si) consisting of small crystals and have a perfectly rectangular shape.Mono-crystalline cells of the type used in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules or panels with a thickness of the cells not exceeding 400 μm currently fall under TARIC codes 8541409061, 8541409062, 8541409063, and 8541409069. Mono-crystalline cells are made of mono-crystalline silicon (mono-Si), a continuous crystal and have their four corners cut off.
Article 21.Imports declared for release into free circulation for products currently falling within CN code ex85414090 (TARIC codes 8541409021, 8541409029, 8541409031 and 8541409039) which are invoiced by companies from which undertakings are accepted by the Commission and whose names are listed in the Annex to Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU, as subsequently amended, shall be exempt from the countervailing duty imposed by Article 1, on condition that:(a)a company listed in the Annex to Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU, as subsequently amended, manufactured, shipped and invoiced directly the products referred to above or via its related company also listed in the Annex to Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU, as subsequently amended, either to their related companies in the Union acting as an importer and clearing the goods for free circulation in the Union or to the first independent customer acting as an importer and clearing the goods for free circulation in the Union; and(b)such imports are accompanied by an undertaking invoice which is a commercial invoice containing at least the elements and the declaration stipulated in Annex 2 to this Regulation and(c)such imports are accompanied by an Export Undertaking Certificate according to Annex 3 to this Regulation; and(d)the goods declared and presented to customs correspond precisely to the description on the undertaking invoice.2.A customs debt shall be incurred at the time of acceptance of the declaration for release into free circulation:(a)whenever it is established, in respect of imports described in paragraph 1, that one or more of the conditions listed in that paragraph are not fulfilled; or(b)when the Commission withdraws its acceptance of the undertaking pursuant to Article 13(9) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 in a Regulation or Decision which refers to particular transactions and declares the relevant undertaking invoices as invalid.
Article 3The companies from which undertakings are accepted by the Commission and whose names are listed in the Annex to Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU, as subsequently amended, and subject to certain conditions specified therein, will also issue an invoice for transactions which are not exempted from the countervailing duties. This invoice is a commercial invoice containing at least the elements stipulated in Annex 4 to this Regulation.
Article 41.The definitive countervailing duty applicable to "all other companies" imposed by Article 1(2), is extended to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) consigned from Malaysia and Taiwan whether declared as originating in Malaysia and in Taiwan or not, currently falling within CN codes ex85013100, ex85013200, ex85013300, ex85013400, ex85016120, ex85016180, ex85016200, ex85016300, ex85016400 and ex85414090 (TARIC codes 8501310082, 8501310083, 8501320042, 8501320043, 8501330062, 8501330063, 8501340042, 8501340043, 8501612042, 8501612043, 8501618042, 8501618043, 8501620062, 8501620063, 8501630042, 8501630043, 8501640042, 8501640043, 8541409022, 8541409023, 8541409032, 8541409033), with the exception of those produced by the companies listed below:
CountryCompanyTARIC additional code
MalaysiaAUO — SunPower Sdn. Bhd.C073
Flextronics Shah Alam Sdn. Bhd.C074
Hanwha Q CELLS Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.C075
Panasonic Energy Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.C076
TS Solartech Sdn. Bhd.C077
TaiwanANJI Technology Co., LtdC058
AU Optronics CorporationC059
Big Sun Energy Technology Inc.C078
EEPV Corp.C079
E-TON Solar Tech. Co., LtdC080
Gintech Energy CorporationC081
Gintung Energy CorporationC082
Inventec Energy CorporationC083
Inventec Solar Energy CorporationC084
LOF Solar Corp.C085
Ming Hwei Energy Co., LtdC086
Motech Industries, Inc.C087
Neo Solar Power CorporationC088
Perfect Source Technology Corp.C089
Ritek CorporationC090
Sino-American Silicon Products Inc.C091
Solartech Energy Corp.C092
Sunengine Corporation LtdC093
Topcell Solar International Co., LtdC094
TSEC CorporationC095
Win Win Precision Technology Co., LtdC096
2.The application of exemptions granted to the companies specifically mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article or authorised by the Commission in accordance with Article 2(2) shall be conditional upon presentation to the customs authorities of the Member States of a valid commercial invoice issued by the producer or consignor, on which shall appear a declaration dated and signed by an official of the entity issuing such invoice, identified by his/her name and function. In case of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells this declaration shall be drafted as follows: "I, the undersigned, certify that the (volume) of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells sold for export to the European Union covered by this invoice was manufactured by (company name and address) (TARIC additional code) in (country concerned). I declare that the information provided in this invoice is complete and correct." In case of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules this declaration shall be drafted as follows: "I, the undersigned, certify that the (volume) of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules sold for export to the European Union covered by this invoice was manufactured(i)by (company name and address) (TARIC additional code) in (country concerned); OR(ii)by a subcontracted third party for (company name and address) (TARIC additional code) in (country concerned)(delete as appropriate one of the two above options)with the crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells manufactured by (company name and address) (TARIC additional code [to be added if the country concerned is subject to original or anti-circumvention measures in force]) in (country concerned). I declare that the information provided in this invoice is complete and correct." If no such invoice is presented and/or one or both of the TARIC additional codes are not provided in the above-mentioned declaration, the duty rate applicable to "all other companies" shall apply and shall require the declaration of TARIC additional code B999 in the customs declaration.3.Unless otherwise specified, the provisions in force concerning customs duties shall apply.
Article 5The partial interim review initiated pursuant to Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the countervailing measures applicable to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of ChinaNotice of Initiation of a partial interim review of the anti-dumping and countervailing measures applicable to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China (OJ C 405, 5.12.2015, p. 33). is terminated.
Article 6This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It shall be in force for a period of 18 months.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX 1
Name of the CompanyTARIC additional code
Anhui Schutten Solar Energy Co. LtdQuanjiao Jingkun Trade Co. LtdB801
Anji DaSol Solar Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB802
Canadian Solar Manufacturing (Changshu) Inc.Canadian Solar Manufacturing (Luoyang) Inc.CSI Cells Co. LtdCSI Solar Power (China) Inc.B805
Changzhou Shangyou Lianyi Electronic Co. LtdB807
CEEG Nanjing Renewable Energy Co. LtdCEEG (Shanghai) Solar Science Technology Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Nanjing) Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Shanghai) Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Yangzhou) Co. LtdB809
Chint Solar (Zhejiang) Co. LtdB810
ChangZhou EGing Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB811
CNPV Dongying Solar Power Co. LtdB813
CSG PVtech Co. LtdB814
Dongfang Electric (Yixing) MAGI Solar Power Technology Co. LtdB816
Zhejiang Era Solar Technology Co., LtdB818
ET Energy Co. LtdET Solar Industry LimitedB819
GD Solar Co. LtdB820
Guodian Jintech Solar Energy Co. LtdB822
Hangzhou Bluesun New Material Co. LtdB824
Hangzhou Zhejiang University Sunny Energy Science and Technology Co. LtdZhejiang Jinbest Energy Science and Technology Co. LtdB825
Hanwha SolarOne Co. LtdB929
Hanwha SolarOne (Qidong) Co. LtdB826
Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics Co. LtdB827
Himin Clean Energy Holdings Co. LtdB829
Jetion Solar (China) Co. LtdJunfeng Solar (Jiangsu) Co. LtdJetion Solar (Jiangyin) Co. LtdB830
Jiangsu Green Power PV Co. LtdB831
Jiangsu Hosun Solar Power Co. LtdB832
Jiangsu Jiasheng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB833
Jiangsu Runda PV Co. LtdB834
Jiangsu Sainty Machinery Imp. And Exp. Corp. LtdJiangsu Sainty Photovoltaic Systems Co. LtdB835
Jiangsu Seraphim Solar System Co. LtdB836
Changzhou Shunfeng Photovoltaic Materials Co. LtdJiangsu Shunfeng Photovoltaic Electronic Power Co. LtdJiangsu Shunfeng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB837
Jiangsu Sinski PV Co. LtdB838
Jiangsu Sunlink PV Technology Co. LtdB839
Jiangsu Zhongchao Solar Technology Co. LtdB840
Jiangxi Risun Solar Energy Co. LtdB841
Jiangyin Hareon Power Co. LtdTaicang Hareon Solar Co. LtdHareon Solar Technology Co. LtdHefei Hareon Solar Technology Co. LtdJiangyin Xinhui Solar Energy Co. LtdAltusvia Energy (Taicang) Co, LtdB842
Jinggong P-D Shaoxing Solar Energy Tech Co. LtdB844
Jinzhou Yangguang Energy Co. LtdJinzhou Huachang Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJinzhou Jinmao Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJinzhou Rixin Silicon Materials Co. LtdJinzhou Youhua Silicon Materials Co. LtdB795
Juli New Energy Co. LtdB846
Jumao Photonic (Xiamen) Co. LtdB847
Kinve Solar Power Co. Ltd (Maanshan)B849
GCL SOLAR POWER (SUZHOU) LIMITEDGCL-Poly Solar Power System Integration (Taicang) Co. LtdGCL Solar System (Suzhou) LimitedGCL-Poly (Suzhou) Energy LimitedJiangsu GCL Silicon Material Technology Development Co. LtdJiangsu Zhongneng Polysilicon Technology Development Co. LtdKonca Solar Cell Co. LtdSuzhou GCL Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB850
Lightway Green New Energy Co. LtdLightway Green New Energy (Zhuozhou) Co. LtdB851
Motech (Suzhou) Renewable Energy Co. LtdB852
Nanjing Daqo New Energy Co. LtdB853
Ningbo Jinshi Solar Electrical Science & Technology Co. LtdB857
Ningbo Komaes Solar Technology Co. LtdB858
Ningbo Osda Solar Co. LtdB859
Ningbo Qixin Solar Electrical Appliance Co. LtdB860
Ningbo South New Energy Technology Co. LtdB861
Ningbo Sunbe Electric Ind Co. LtdB862
Ningbo Ulica Solar Science & Technology Co. LtdB863
Perfectenergy (Shanghai) Co. LtdB864
Perlight Solar Co. LtdB865
Phono Solar Technology Co. LtdSumec Hardware & Tools Co. LtdB866
BYD (Shangluo) Industrial Co. LtdShanghai BYD Co. LtdB871
Shanghai Chaori International Trading Co. LtdShanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB872
Propsolar (Zhejiang) New Energy Technology Co. LtdShanghai Propsolar New Energy Co. LtdB873
Lianyungang Shenzhou New Energy Co. LtdShanghai Shenzhou New Energy Development Co. LtdSHANGHAI SOLAR ENERGY S&T CO. LTDB875
Jiangsu ST-Solar Co. LtdShanghai ST-Solar Co. LtdB876
Shanghai Topsolar Green Energy Co. LtdB877
Shenzhen Sacred Industry Co. LtdB878
Leshan Topray Cell Co. LtdShanxi Topray Solar Co. LtdShenzhen Topray Solar Co. LtdB880
Shanghai Sopray New Energy Co. LtdSopray Energy Co. LtdB881
TDG Holding Co. LtdB884
Tianwei New Energy (Chengdu) PV Module Co. LtdTianwei New Energy Holdings Co. LtdTianwei New Energy (Yangzhou) Co. LtdB885
Wenzhou Jingri Electrical and Mechanical Co. LtdB886
Winsun New Energy Co. LtdB887
Wuhu Zhongfu PV Co. LtdB889
Wuxi Saijing Solar Co. LtdB890
Wuxi Solar Innova PV Co. LtdB892
Wuxi Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Co. LtdWuxi Taichang Electronic Co. LtdWuxi Taichen Machinery & Equipment Co. LtdB893
Shanghai Huanghe Fengjia Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdState-run Huanghe Machine-Building Factory Import and Export CorporationXi'an Huanghe Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB896
Wuxi LONGi Silicon Materials Co. LtdXi'an LONGi Silicon Materials Corp.B897
LERRI Solar Technology (Zhejiang) Co., LtdB898
Yuhuan BLD Solar Technology Co. LtdZhejiang BLD Solar Technology Co. LtdB899
Yuhuan Sinosola Science & Technology Co. LtdB900
Yunnan Tianda Photovoltaic Co. LtdB901
Zhangjiagang City SEG PV Co. LtdB902
Zhejiang Global Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB904
Zhejiang Heda Solar Technology Co. LtdB905
Zhejiang Jiutai New Energy Co. LtdZhejiang Topoint Photovoltaic Co. LtdB906
Zhejiang Kingdom Solar Energy Technic Co. LtdB907
Zhejiang Koly Energy Co. LtdB908
Zhejiang Longbai Photovoltaic Tech Co. LtdB909
Zhejiang Mega Solar Energy Co. LtdZhejiang Fortune Photovoltaic Co. LtdB910
Zhejiang Shuqimeng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB911
Zhejiang Shinew Photoeletronic Technology Co. LtdB912
Zhejiang SOCO Technology Co. LtdB913
Zhejiang Sunflower Light Energy Science & Technology Limited Liability CompanyZhejiang Yauchong Light Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB914
Zhejiang Tianming Solar Technology Co. LtdB916
Zhejiang Trunsun Solar Co. LtdZhejiang Beyondsun PV Co. LtdB917
Zhejiang Wanxiang Solar Co. LtdWANXIANG IMPORT & EXPORT CO LTDB918
Zhejiang Xiongtai Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB919
Zhongli Talesun Solar Co. LtdB922
Zytech Engineering Technology Co. LtdB924
ANNEX 2The following elements shall be indicated in the Commercial Invoice accompanying the Company's sales to the European Union of goods which are subject to the Undertaking:1.The heading "COMMERCIAL INVOICE ACCOMPANYING GOODS SUBJECT TO AN UNDERTAKING".2.The name of the Company issuing the Commercial Invoice.3.The Commercial Invoice number.4.The date of issue of the Commercial Invoice.5.The TARIC additional code under which the goods on the invoice are to be customs-cleared at the European Union frontier.6.The exact plain language description of the goods and:the product code number (PCN),technical specifications of the PCN,the company product code number (CPC),CN code,quantity (to be given in units expressed in Watt).7.The description of the terms of the sale, including:price per unit (Watt),the applicable payment terms,the applicable delivery terms,total discounts and rebates.8.Name of the Company acting as an importer to which the invoice is issued directly by the Company.9.The name of the official of the Company that has issued the Commercial Invoice and the following signed declaration:"I, the undersigned, certify that the sale for direct export to the European Union of the goods covered by this invoice is being made within the scope and under the terms of the Undertaking offered by [COMPANY], and accepted by the European Commission through Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU. I declare that the information provided on this invoice is complete and correct."ANNEX 3Export undertaking certificateThe following elements shall be indicated in the Export Undertaking Certificate to be issued by CCCME for each Commercial Invoice accompanying the Company's sales to the European Union of goods which are subject to the Undertaking:1.The name, address, fax and telephone number of the China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery & Electronic Products (CCCME).2.The name of the company mentioned in the Annex of Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU issuing the Commercial Invoice.3.The Commercial Invoice number.4.The date of issue of the Commercial Invoice.5.The TARIC additional code under which the goods on the invoice are to be customs cleared at the European Union frontier.6.The exact description of the goods, including:the product code number (PCN),the technical specification of the goods, the company product code number (CPC) (if applicable),CN code,7.The precise quantity in units exported expressed in Watt.8.The number and expiry date (three months after issuance) of the certificate.9.The name of the official of CCCME that has issued the certificate and the following signed declaration:"I, the undersigned, certify that this certificate is given for direct exports to the European Union of the goods covered by the Commercial Invoice accompanying sales made subject to the undertaking and that the certificate is issued within the scope and under the terms of the undertaking offered by [company] and accepted by the European Commission through Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU. I declare that the information provided in this certificate is correct and that the quantity covered by this certificate is not exceeding the threshold of the undertaking."10.Date.11.The signature and seal of CCCME.ANNEX 4The following elements shall be indicated in the Commercial Invoice accompanying the Company's sales to the European Union of goods which are subject to the countervailing duties:1.The heading "COMMERCIAL INVOICE ACCOMPANYING GOODS SUBJECT TO ANTI-DUMPING AND COUNTERVAILING DUTIES".2.The name of the Company issuing the Commercial Invoice.3.The Commercial Invoice number.4.The date of issue of the Commercial Invoice.5.The TARIC additional code under which the goods on the invoice are to be customs-cleared at the European Union frontier.6.The exact plain language description of the goods and:the product code number (PCN),technical specifications of the PCN,the company product code number (CPC),CN code,quantity (to be given in units expressed in Watt).7.The description of the terms of the sale, including:price per unit (Watt),the applicable payment terms,the applicable delivery terms,total discounts and rebates.8.The name and signature of the official of the Company that has issued the Commercial Invoice.ANNEX 5
Name of the companyTARIC additional code
Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. LtdTrina Solar (Changzhou) Science & Technology Co. LtdChangzhou Youze Technology Co. LtdTrina Solar Energy (Shanghai) Co. LtdYancheng Trina Solar Energy Technology Co. Ltdtogether with their related companies in the European UnionB791
Delsolar (Wujiang) LtdB792
JingAo Solar Co. LtdShanghai JA Solar Technology Co. LtdJA Solar Technology Yangzhou Co. LtdHefei JA Solar Technology Co. LtdShanghai JA Solar PV Technology Co. Ltdtogether with their related company in the UnionB794
Wuxi Suntech Power Co. LtdSuntech Power Co. LtdWuxi Sunshine Power Co. LtdLuoyang Suntech Power Co. LtdZhenjiang Rietech New Energy Science Technology Co. LtdZhenjiang Ren De New Energy Science Technology Co. Ltdtogether with their related companies in the UnionB796
Yingli Energy (China) Co. LtdBaoding Tianwei Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdHainan Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdHengshui Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdTianjin Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdLixian Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdBaoding Jiasheng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdBeijing Tianneng Yingli New Energy Resources Co. LtdYingli Energy (Beijing) Co. LtdB797
Jiangsu Aide Solar Energy Technology Co. LtdB798
Anhui Chaoqun Power Co. LtdB800
Anji DaSol Solar Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB802
Anhui Schutten Solar Energy Co. LtdQuanjiao Jingkun Trade Co. LtdB801
Anhui Titan PV Co. LtdB803
Changzhou NESL Solartech Co. LtdB806
Changzhou Shangyou Lianyi Electronic Co. LtdB807
ChangZhou EGing Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB811
CNPV Dongying Solar Power Co. LtdB813
CSG PVtech Co. LtdB814
China Sunergy (Nanjing) Co. LtdCEEG Nanjing Renewable Energy Co. LtdCEEG (Shanghai) Solar Science Technology Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Yangzhou) Co. LtdChina Sunergy (Shanghai) Co. LtdB809
Dongfang Electric (Yixing) MAGI Solar Power Technology Co. LtdB816
Zhejiang Era Solar Technology Co., LtdB818
GD Solar Co. LtdB820
Greenway Solar-Tech (Shanghai) Co. LtdGreenway Solar-Tech (Huaian) Co. LtdB821
Guodian Jintech Solar Energy Co. LtdB822
Hangzhou Bluesun New Material Co. LtdB824
Hanwha SolarOne (Qidong) Co. LtdB826
Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics Co. LtdB827
Himin Clean Energy Holdings Co. LtdB829
Jetion Solar (China) Co. LtdJunfeng Solar (Jiangsu) Co. LtdJetion Solar (Jiangyin) Co. Ltdtogether with their related company in the UnionB830
Jiangsu Green Power PV Co. LtdB831
Jiangsu Hosun Solar Power Co. LtdB832
Jiangsu Jiasheng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB833
Jiangsu Runda PV Co. LtdB834
Jiangsu Sainty Photovoltaic Systems Co. LtdJiangsu Sainty Machinery Imp. And Exp. Corp. LtdB835
Jiangsu Shunfeng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdChangzhou Shunfeng Photovoltaic Materials Co. LtdJiangsu Shunfeng Photovoltaic Electronic Power Co. LtdB837
Jiangsu Sinski PV Co. LtdB838
Jiangsu Sunlink PV Technology Co. LtdB839
Jiangsu Zhongchao Solar Technology Co. LtdB840
Jiangxi Risun Solar Energy Co. LtdB841
Jiangyin Hareon Power Co. LtdHareon Solar Technology Co. LtdTaicang Hareon Solar Co. LtdHefei Hareon Solar Technology Co. LtdJiangyin Xinhui Solar Energy Co. LtdAltusvia Energy (Taicang) Co. Ltdtogether with their related company in the UnionB842
Jiangxi LDK Solar Hi-Tech Co. LtdLDK Solar Hi-Tech (Nanchang) Co. LtdLDK Solar Hi-Tech (Suzhou) Co. LtdB793
Jiangyin Shine Science and Technology Co. LtdB843
Jinzhou Yangguang Energy Co. LtdJinzhou Huachang Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJinzhou Jinmao Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJinzhou Rixin Silicon Materials Co. LtdJinzhou Youhua Silicon Materials Co. LtdB795
Jinko Solar Co. LtdJinko Solar Import and Export Co. LtdZHEJIANG JINKO SOLAR CO. LTDZHEJIANG JINKO SOLAR TRADING CO. LTDtogether with their related companies in the UnionB845
Juli New Energy Co. LtdB846
Jumao Photonic (Xiamen) Co. LtdB847
King-PV Technology Co. LtdB848
Kinve Solar Power Co. Ltd (Maanshan)B849
GCL System Integration Technology Co. LtdKonca Solar Cell Co. LtdSuzhou GCL Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdJiangsu GCL Silicon Material Technology Development Co. LtdJiangsu Zhongneng Polysilicon Technology Development Co. LtdGCL-Poly (Suzhou) Energy LimitedGCL-Poly Solar Power System Integration (Taicang) Co. LtdGCL SOLAR POWER (SUZHOU) LIMITEDGCL Solar System (Shuzhou) LimitedB850
Lightway Green New Energy Co. LtdLightway Green New Energy(Zhuozhou) Co. LtdB851
Motech (Suzhou) Renewable Energy Co. LtdB852
Nanjing Daqo New Energy Co. LtdB853
Ningbo Jinshi Solar Electrical Science & Technology Co. LtdB857
Ningbo Komaes Solar Technology Co. LtdB858
Ningbo South New Energy Technology Co. LtdB861
Ningbo Sunbe Electric Ind Co. LtdB862
Ningbo Ulica Solar Science & Technology Co. LtdB863
Perfectenergy (Shanghai) Co. LtdB864
Perlight Solar Co. LtdB865
Sumec Hardware & Tools Co. LtdPhono Solar Technology Co. LtdB866
Risen Energy Co., Ltdtogether with its related company in the UnionB868
Shanghai BYD Co. LtdBYD (Shangluo) Industrial Co. LtdB871
Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB872
Propsolar (Zhejiang) New Energy Technology Co. LtdShanghai Propsolar New Energy Co. LtdB873
SHANGHAI SOLAR ENERGY S&T CO. LTDShanghai Shenzhou New Energy Development Co. LtdLianyungang Shenzhou New Energy Co. LtdB875
Shanghai ST Solar Co. LtdJiangsu ST Solar Co. LtdB876
Shenzhen Sacred Industry Co. LtdB878
Sopray Energy Co. LtdShanghai Sopray New Energy Co. LtdB881
TDG Holding Co. LtdB884
Tianwei New Energy Holdings Co. LtdTianwei New Energy (Chengdu) PV Module Co. LtdTianwei New Energy (Yangzhou) Co. LtdB885
Wenzhou Jingri Electrical and Mechanical Co. LtdB886
Shanghai Topsolar Green Energy Co. LtdB877
Shenzhen Sungold Solar Co. LtdB879
Wuhu Zhongfu PV Co. LtdB889
Wuxi Shangpin Solar Energy Science and Technology Co. LtdB891
Wuxi Solar Innova PV Co. LtdB892
Wuxi Taichang Electronic Co. LtdChina Machinery Engineering Wuxi Co.LtdWuxi Taichen Machinery & Equipment Co. LtdB893
Xi'an Huanghe Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdState-run Huanghe Machine-Building Factory Import and Export CorporationShanghai Huanghe Fengjia Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB896
Xi'an LONGi Silicon Materials Corp.Wuxi LONGi Silicon Materials Co. LtdB897
LERRI Solar Technology (Zhejiang) Co. Ltdtogether with its related company in the UnionB898
Yuhuan Sinosola Science & Technology Co. LtdB900
Zhangjiagang City SEG PV Co. LtdB902
Zhejiang Fengsheng Electrical Co. LtdB903
Zhejiang Global Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB904
Zhejiang Heda Solar Technology Co. LtdB905
Zhejiang Jiutai New Energy Co. LtdZhejiang Topoint Photovoltaic Co. LtdB906
Zhejiang Kingdom Solar Energy Technic Co. LtdB907
Zhejiang Koly Energy Co. LtdB908
Zhejiang Mega Solar Energy Co. LtdZhejiang Fortune Photovoltaic Co. LtdB910
Zhejiang Shuqimeng Photovoltaic Technology Co. LtdB911
Zhejiang Shinew Photoelectronic Technology Co. LtdB912
Zhejiang Sunflower Light Energy Science & Technology Limited Liability CompanyZhejiang Yauchong Light Energy Science & Technology Co. LtdB914
Zhejiang Sunrupu New Energy Co. LtdB915
Zhejiang Tianming Solar Technology Co. LtdB916
Zhejiang Trunsun Solar Co. LtdZhejiang Beyondsun PV Co. LtdB917
Zhejiang Wanxiang Solar Co. LtdWANXIANG IMPORT & EXPORT CO LTDB918
Zhongli Talesun Solar Co. Ltdtogether with its related company in the UnionB922