No | Indicator | Definition | Variable and/or table of the ESA 2010 transmission programme | Reference period | Quality criteria | Implementation from |
1. | Data completeness rate | Ratio of the number of data cells provided by Member States to the number of data cells required by ESA 2010 transmission programme not covered by derogations | All tables, quarterly and annual data | 1995 until the latest year and quarter | Relevance | 2017 |
2. | Revision rates of quarterly data | Revision rate for key quarterly variables between the first and the latest transmissions and average revision rate in subsequent transmissions since the first transmission | Seasonally and calendar adjusted gross domestic product volume (Table 1) | Available quarters of the latest three years | Accuracy and reliability | 2019 |
Seasonally adjusted total employment in thousands of persons (Table 1) | 2019 |
Non-seasonally adjusted gross disposable income of households and non-profit institutions serving households (Table 801) | 2021 |
Non-seasonally adjusted final consumption expenditure by households and non-profit institutions serving households (Table 801) | 2021 |
Non-seasonally adjusted gross value added of non-financial corporations (Table 801) | 2021 |
Non-seasonally adjusted gross fixed capital formation of non-financial corporations (Table 801) | 2021 |
3. | Revision rates of annual data | Average revision rates for key annual variables in subsequent transmissions since the first transmission | Table 1:Gross domestic product (current prices and volumes), Gross value added (current prices)Table 1 (current prices):Compensation of employees, Gross operating surplus and gross mixed incomeTable 1 (current prices):- Final consumption expenditure of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- Final consumption expenditure of government
- Gross fixed capital formation
- Exports of goods and services
- Imports of goods and services
Table 1 (thousands of persons):- Total employment
- Employees
Table 2 (current prices):- Government expenditure
- Government revenue
Table 7 (current prices):Total financial sector liabilities (non-consolidated)Table 7 (current prices):- Debt of non-financial corporations (consolidated)
- Debt of households and non-profit institutions serving households (consolidated)
Table 10:- Gross value added in current prices, employment in persons (t + 12 months)
- Compensation of employees in current prices (t + 24 months) (NUTS 2)
Table 13 (current prices):Net disposable income of households (NUTS 2) | Latest five years | Accuracy and reliability | 2019 |
4. | Punctuality — delivery dates | First delivery date and delivery date of validated data for each table of the ESA 2010 transmission programme for all transmissions due in the latest year | All tables, quarterly and annual data | Latest year | Timeliness and punctuality | 2017 |
5. | Coherence — internal within and between tables | Average and maximum absolute difference showing the extent to which statistics are consistent within a given data set, i.e. all the appropriate arithmetic and accounting identities are observed, no unexplained changes and consistent with integrity rules | Gross domestic product, current prices (quarterly and annual data):Within table 1 (gross domestic product according to production, expenditure and income approaches)Gross value added, current prices (annual data):Between tables 1 and 3Compensation of employees, current prices (annual data):Between tables 1 and 3Gross fixed capital formation, current prices (annual data):Between tables 1 and 3 and tables 1 and 22Exports of goods and services, current prices (quarterly and annual data):Within table 1 (taken from expenditure components of gross domestic product and from the detailed exports breakdown)Imports of goods and services, current prices (quarterly and annual data):Within table 1 (taken from expenditure components of gross domestic product and from the detailed imports breakdown)Total employment, employees and self-employed (annual data, thousands of persons):Between tables 1 and 3 | Latest five years | Coherence and comparability | 2017 |
6. | Coherence — annual and sum of quarterly data | The extent to which annual and quarterly statistics are reconcilable | (For all variables except employment, reconciliation is tested between annual and the sum of four quarters data; for employment — between annual and the average of four quarters data)Gross domestic product, current prices, non-seasonally adjusted (table 1)Total employment in thousands of persons, non-seasonally adjusted (table 1)Gross operating surplus for non-financial corporations sector (tables 8/801, current prices)Gross disposable income for households and non-profit institutions serving households sectors (tables 8/801, current prices) | Latest five years | Coherence and comparability | 2017 |
7. | Coherence — totals and sum of components | The extent to which the sum of sub-components is equal to a total | Gross domestic product, current prices, non-seasonally adjusted, total and sum of expenditure components (quarterly and annual data), table 1Gross value added, current prices, total and NACE Rev. 2, level A*10 breakdowns (quarterly and annual data), table 1Total employment in thousands of persons, non-seasonally adjusted, total and sum of employees and self-employed (quarterly and annual data), table 1Total employment, in thousands of persons, total and sum of NACE Rev. 2, level A*10 breakdowns (annual data), table 1 | Latest five years | Coherence and comparability | 2017 |
8. | Coherence — main aggregates and non-financial accounts by sector | Differences between main aggregates data and corresponding data in non-financial accounts by sector | Gross domestic product, current prices, non-seasonally adjusted (quarterly and annual data):Between tables 1 and 8/801Final consumption expenditure for households and non-profit institutions serving households sectors, current prices, non-seasonally adjusted (quarterly and annual data):Between tables 1 and 8/801Gross fixed capital formation, current prices (annual data):Between tables 1 and 8Compensation of employees, current prices (annual data):Between tables 1 and 8 | Latest five years | Coherence and comparability | 2021 |
9. | Coherence — main aggregates and regional accounts | Differences between main aggregates data and corresponding data in regional accounts | Gross value added, current prices (annual data):Between total of table 1 and sum of NUTS 2 regions of tables 10 and 12Employment in thousands of persons (annual data):Between total of table 1 and sum of NUTS 2 regions of tables 10 and 12 | Latest five years | Coherence and comparability | 2021 |
10. | Coherence — main aggregates and supply and use tables | Differences between main aggregates data and corresponding data in supply and use tables | (all data in current prices, annual data)Gross value added:Between tables 1 and 16Taxes less subsidies on products:Between tables 1 and 15Final consumption expenditure, final consumption expenditure of households, final consumption expenditure of general government, final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households:Between tables 1 and 16Gross capital formation, gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories, acquisitions less disposals of valuables:Between tables 1 and 16Exports of goods and services:Between tables 1 and 16Imports of goods and services:Between tables 1 and 15Compensation of employees:Between tables 1 and 16Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income:Between tables 1 and 16 | Latest five years | Coherence and comparability | 2021 |
11. | Coherence — main aggregates and government finance statistics | Differences between main aggregates data and corresponding data in government finance statistics | (all data in current prices)Individual consumption expenditure (annual data):Between tables 1 and 2Collective consumption expenditure (annual data):Between tables 1 and 2Taxes on products (annual data):Between tables 1 and 9 | Latest five years | Coherence and comparability | 2021 |
12. | Coherence — non-financial accounts by sector and government finance statistics | Differences between non-financial accounts by sector data and corresponding data in government finance statistics | Net lending and net borrowing, government sector, current prices (annual data):Between tables 8 and 2 | Latest five years | Coherence and comparability | 2021 |
13. | Coherence — non-financial accounts by sector and financial accounts by sector | Differences between non-financial accounts by sector data and corresponding data in financial accounts by sector | Net lending and net borrowing, all sectors, current prices (annual data):Between tables 8 and 6 | Latest five years | Coherence and comparability | 2019 |