Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union (codification)
Modified by
- Regulation (EU) 2017/2321 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 12 December 2017amending Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union and Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 on protection against subsidised imports from countries not members of the European Union, 32017R2321, December 19, 2017
- Regulation (EU) 2018/825 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 30 May 2018amending Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union and Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 on protection against subsidised imports from countries not members of the European Union, 32018R0825, June 7, 2018
(a) the weighted average of the actual amounts determined for other exporters or producers subject to investigation in respect of production and sales of the like product in the domestic market of the country of origin; (b) the actual amounts applicable to production and sales, in the ordinary course of trade, of the same general category of products for the exporter or producer in question in the domestic market of the country of origin; (c) any other reasonable method, provided that the amount for profit so established shall not exceed the profit normally realised by other exporters or producers on sales of products of the same general category in the domestic market of the country of origin.
(a) In case it is determined, when applying this or any other relevant provision of this Regulation, that it is not appropriate to use domestic prices and costs in the exporting country due to the existence in that country of significant distortions within the meaning of point (b), the normal value shall be constructed exclusively on the basis of costs of production and sale reflecting undistorted prices or benchmarks, subject to the following rules. The sources the Commission may use include: corresponding costs of production and sale in an appropriate representative country with a similar level of economic development as the exporting country, provided the relevant data are readily available; where there is more than one such country, preference shall be given, where appropriate, to countries with an adequate level of social and environmental protection; if it considers appropriate, undistorted international prices, costs, or benchmarks; or domestic costs, but only to the extent that they are positively established not to be distorted, on the basis of accurate and appropriate evidence, including in the framework of the provisions on interested parties in point (c).
Without prejudice to Article 17, that assessment shall be done for each exporter and producer separately. The constructed normal value shall include an undistorted and reasonable amount for administrative, selling and general costs and for profits. (b) Significant distortions are those distortions which occur when reported prices or costs, including the costs of raw materials and energy, are not the result of free market forces because they are affected by substantial government intervention. In assessing the existence of significant distortions regard shall be had, inter alia, to the potential impact of one or more of the following elements: the market in question being served to a significant extent by enterprises which operate under the ownership, control or policy supervision or guidance of the authorities of the exporting country; state presence in firms allowing the state to interfere with respect to prices or costs; public policies or measures discriminating in favour of domestic suppliers or otherwise influencing free market forces; the lack, discriminatory application or inadequate enforcement of bankruptcy, corporate or property laws; wage costs being distorted; access to finance granted by institutions which implement public policy objectives or otherwise not acting independently of the state.
(c) Where the Commission has well-founded indications of the possible existence of significant distortions as referred to in point (b) in a certain country or a certain sector in that country, and where appropriate for the effective application of this Regulation, the Commission shall produce, make public and regularly update a report describing the market circumstances referred to in point (b) in that country or sector. Such reports and the evidence on which they are based shall be placed on the file of any investigation relating to that country or sector. Interested parties shall have ample opportunity to rebut, supplement, comment or rely on the report and the evidence on which it is based in each investigation in which such report or evidence is used. In assessing the existence of significant distortions, the Commission shall take into account all the relevant evidence that is on the investigation file. (d) When filing a complaint in accordance with Article 5, or a request for a review in accordance with Article 11, Union industry may rely on the evidence in the report referred to in point (c) of this paragraph, where meeting the standard of evidence in view of Article 5(9), in order to justify the calculation of the normal value. (e) Where the Commission finds that there is sufficient evidence, pursuant to Article 5(9), of significant distortions within the meaning of point (b) of this paragraph and decides to initiate an investigation on that basis, the notice of initiation shall specify that fact. The Commission shall collect the data necessary to allow the construction of the normal value in accordance with point (a) of this paragraph. The parties to the investigation shall be informed promptly after initiation about the relevant sources that the Commission intends to use for the purpose of determining normal value pursuant to point (a) of this paragraph and shall be given 10 days to comment. For that purpose, interested parties shall be given access to the file, which shall include any evidence on which the investigating authority relies, without prejudice to Article 19. Any evidence regarding the existence of significant distortions may only be taken into account if it can be verified in a timely manner within the investigation, in accordance with Article 6(8).
(a) Physical characteristics An adjustment shall be made for differences in the physical characteristics of the product concerned. The amount of the adjustment shall correspond to a reasonable estimate of the market value of the difference. (b) Import charges and indirect taxes An adjustment shall be made to the normal value for an amount corresponding to any import charges or indirect taxes borne by the like product and by materials physically incorporated therein, when intended for consumption in the exporting country and not collected or refunded in respect of the product exported to the Union. (c) Discounts, rebates and quantities An adjustment shall be made for differences in discounts and rebates, including those given for differences in quantities, if those are properly quantified and are directly linked to the sales under consideration. An adjustment may also be made for deferred discounts and rebates if the claim is based on consistent practice in prior periods, including compliance with the conditions required to qualify for the discount or rebates. (d) Level of trade (i) An adjustment for differences in levels of trade, including any differences which may arise in OEM (original equipment manufacturer) sales, shall be made where, in relation to the distribution chain in both markets, it is shown that the export price, including a constructed export price, is at a different level of trade from the normal value and the difference has affected price comparability, which is demonstrated by consistent and distinct differences in functions and prices of the seller for the different levels of trade in the domestic market of the exporting country. The amount of the adjustment shall be based on the market value of the difference. (ii) However, in circumstances not envisaged under point (i), when an existing difference in level of trade cannot be quantified because of the absence of the relevant levels on the domestic market of the exporting countries, or where certain functions are shown clearly to relate to levels of trade other than the one which is to be used in the comparison, a special adjustment may be granted.
(e) Transport, insurance, handling, loading and ancillary costs An adjustment shall be made for differences in the directly related costs incurred for conveying the product concerned from the premises of the exporter to an independent buyer, where such costs are included in the prices charged. Those costs shall include transport, insurance, handling, loading and ancillary costs. (f) Packing An adjustment shall be made for differences in the directly related packing costs for the product concerned. (g) Credit An adjustment shall be made for differences in the cost of any credit granted for the sales under consideration, provided that it is a factor taken into account in the determination of the prices charged. (h) After-sales costs An adjustment shall be made for differences in the direct costs of providing warranties, guarantees, technical assistance and services, as provided for by law and/or in the sales contract. (i) Commissions An adjustment shall be made for differences in commissions paid in respect of the sales under consideration. The term "commissions" shall be understood to include the mark-up received by a trader of the product or the like product if the functions of such a trader are similar to those of an agent working on a commission basis. (j) Currency conversions When the price comparison requires a conversion of currencies, such conversion shall be made using the rate of exchange on the date of sale, except that, when a sale of foreign currency on forward markets is directly linked to the export sale involved, the rate of exchange in the forward sale shall be used. Normally, the date of sale shall be the date of invoice but the date of contract, purchase order or order confirmation may be used if those more appropriately establish the material terms of sale. Fluctuations in exchange rates shall be ignored and exporters shall be granted 60 days to reflect a sustained movement in exchange rates during the investigation period. (k) Other factors An adjustment may also be made for differences in other factors not provided for under points (a) to (j), if it is demonstrated that they affect price comparability as required under this paragraph, in particular if customers consistently pay different prices on the domestic market because of the difference in such factors.
(a) the volume of the dumped imports and the effect of the dumped imports on prices in the Union market for like products; and (b) the consequent impact of those imports on the Union industry.
(a) the margin of dumping established in relation to the imports from each country is more than de minimis as defined in Article 9(3) and the volume of imports from each country is not negligible; and(b) a cumulative assessment of the effects of the imports is appropriate in the light of the conditions of competition between imported products and the conditions of competition between the imported products and the like Union product.
(a) a significant rate of increase of dumped imports into the Union market indicating the likelihood of substantially increased imports; (b) whether there is sufficient freely disposable capacity on the part of the exporter or an imminent and substantial increase in such capacity indicating the likelihood of substantially increased dumped exports to the Union, account being taken of the availability of other export markets to absorb any additional exports; (c) whether imports are entering at prices that would, to a significant degree, depress prices or prevent price increases which otherwise would have occurred, and would probably increase demand for further imports; (d) inventories of the product being investigated.
(a) when producers are related to the exporters or importers, or are themselves importers of the allegedly dumped product, the term "Union industry" may be interpreted as referring to the rest of the producers; (b) in exceptional circumstances, the territory of the Union may, for the production in question, be divided into two or more competitive markets and the producers within each market may be regarded as a separate industry if: (i) the producers within such a market sell all or almost all of their production of the product in question in that market; and (ii) the demand in that market is not to any substantial degree met by producers of the product in question located elsewhere in the Union.
(a) one of them directly or indirectly controls the other; (b) both of them are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person; or (c) together they directly or indirectly control a third person, provided that there are grounds for believing or suspecting that the effect of the relationship is such as to cause the producer concerned to behave differently from non-related producers.
(a) the identity of the complainant and a description of the volume and value of the Union production of the like product by the complainant. Where a written complaint is made on behalf of the Union industry, the complaint shall identify the industry on behalf of which the complaint is made by a list of all known Union producers of the like product (or associations of Union producers of the like product) and, to the extent possible, a description of the volume and value of Union production of the like product accounted for by such producers; (b) a complete description of the allegedly dumped product, the names of the country or countries of origin or export in question, the identity of each known exporter or foreign producer and a list of known persons importing the product in question; (c) the prices at which the product in question is sold when destined for consumption in the domestic markets of the country or countries of origin or export (or, where appropriate, the prices at which the product is sold from the country or countries of origin or export to a third country or countries or on the constructed value of the product) and the export prices or, where appropriate, the prices at which the product is first resold to an independent buyer in the Union; (d) the changes in the volume of the allegedly dumped imports, the effect of those imports on prices of the like product on the Union market and the consequent impact of the imports on the Union industry, as demonstrated by relevant factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the Union industry, such as those listed in Article 3(3) and (5).
(a) proceedings have been initiated in accordance with Article 5; (b) a notice has been given to that effect and interested parties have been given an adequate opportunity to submit information and make comments in accordance with Article 5(10); (c) a provisional affirmative determination has been made of dumping and consequent injury to the Union industry; and (d) the Union interest calls for intervention to prevent such injury.
(a) the imports have been registered in accordance with Article 14(5); (b) the importers concerned have been given an opportunity to comment by the Commission; (c) there is, for the product in question, a history of dumping over an extended period, or the importer was aware of, or should have been aware of, the dumping as regards the extent of the dumping and the injury alleged or found; and (d) in addition to the level of imports which caused injury during the investigation period, there is a further substantial rise in imports which, in the light of its timing and volume and other circumstances, is likely to seriously undermine the remedial effect of the definitive anti-dumping duty to be applied.
expire in investigations pursuant to paragraph 2, expire in the case of investigations carried out pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 in parallel, where either the investigation pursuant to paragraph 2 was initiated while a review under paragraph 3 was ongoing in the same proceedings or where such reviews were initiated at the same time, or remain unchanged in investigations pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4.
(a) the slight modification of the product concerned to make it fall under customs codes which are normally not subject to the measures, provided that the modification does not alter its essential characteristics; (b) the consignment of the product subject to measures via third countries; (c) the reorganisation by exporters or producers of their patterns and channels of sales in the country subject to measures in order to eventually have their products exported to the Union through producers benefiting from an individual duty rate lower than that applicable to the products of the manufacturers; (d) in the circumstances indicated in paragraph 2, the assembly of parts by an assembly operation in the Union or a third country.
(a) the operation started or substantially increased since, or just prior to, the initiation of the anti-dumping investigation and the parts concerned are from the country subject to measures; and (b) the parts constitute 60 % or more of the total value of the parts of the assembled product, except that in no case shall circumvention be considered to be taking place where the value added to the parts brought in, during the assembly or completion operation, is greater than 25 % of the manufacturing cost; and (c) the remedial effects of the duty are being undermined in terms of the prices and/or quantities of the assembled like product and there is evidence of dumping in relation to the normal values previously established for the like or similar products.
(a) any special rules laid down in agreements concluded between the Union and third countries; (b) the Union Regulations in the agricultural sector and Council Regulations (EC) No 1667/2006 , (EC) No 614/2009Council Regulation (EC) No 1667/2006 of 7 November 2006 on glucose and lactose (OJ L 312, 11.11.2006, p. 1 ). and (EC) No 1216/2009Council Regulation (EC) No 614/2009 of 7 July 2009 on the common system of trade for ovalbumin and lactalbumin (OJ L 181, 14.7.2009, p. 8 ). . This Regulation shall operate by way of complement to those Regulations and in derogation from any provisions thereof which preclude the application of anti-dumping duties;Council Regulation (EC) No 1216/2009 of 30 November 2009 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products (OJ L 328, 15.12.2009, p. 10 ).(c) special measures, provided that such action does not run counter to obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994.
Only point 22 of the Annex |
1. Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour, No 29 (1930) 2. Convention concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise, No 87 (1948) 3. Convention concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and to Bargain Collectively, No 98 (1949) 4. Convention concerning Equal Remuneration of Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value, No 100 (1951) 5. Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour, No 105 (1957) 6. Convention concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation, No 111 (1958) 7. Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, No 138 (1973) 8. Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour, No 182 (1999)
Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009 | This Regulation |
Articles 1 to 4 | Articles 1 to 4 |
Article 5(1) to (9) | Article 5(1) to (9) |
Article 5(10), first sentence | Article 5(10), first subparagraph |
Article 5(10), second and third sentence | Article 5(10), second subparagraph |
Article 5(11) and (12) | Article 5(11) and (12) |
Article 6(1), first and second sentence | Article 6(1), first subparagraph |
Article 6(1), third sentence | Article 6(1), second subparagraph |
Article 6(1), fourth sentence | Article 6(1), third subparagraph |
Article 6(2) | Article 6(2) |
Article 6(3), first sentence | Article 6(3), first subparagraph |
Article 6(3), second sentence | Article 6(3), second subparagraph |
Article 6(3), third sentence | Article 6(3), third subparagraph |
Article 6(4), first sentence | Article 6(4), first subparagraph |
Article 6(4), second sentence | Article 6(4), second subparagraph |
Article 6(4), third sentence | Article 6(4), third subparagraph |
Article 6(5) | Article 6(5) |
Article 6(6), first sentence | Article 6(6), first subparagraph |
Article 6(6), second sentence | Article 6(6), second subparagraph |
Article 6(6), third sentence | Article 6(6), third subparagraph |
Article 6(6), fourth sentence | Article 6(6), fourth subparagraph |
Article 6(7), first sentence | Article 6(7), first subparagraph |
Article 6(7), second sentence | Article 6(7), second subparagraph |
Article 6(8) and (9) | Article 6(8) and (9) |
Article 7(1), first sentence | Article 7(1), first subparagraph |
Article 7(1), second sentence | Article 7(1), second subparagraph |
Article 7(2) to (5) | Article 7(2) to (5) |
Article 7(7) | Article 7(6) |
Article 8(1), first sentence | Article 8(1), first subparagraph |
Article 8(1), second sentence | Article 8(1), second subparagraph |
Article 8(1), third sentence | Article 8(1), third subparagraph |
Article 8(2), first and second sentence | Article 8(2), first subparagraph |
Article 8(2), third and fourth sentence | Article 8(2), second subparagraph |
Article 8(2), fifth sentence | Article 8(2), third subparagraph |
Article 8(3), (4) and (5) | Article 8(3), (4) and (5) |
Article 8(6), first and second sentence | Article 8(6), first subparagraph |
Article 8(6), third sentence | Article 8(6), second subparagraph |
Article 8(7) and (8) | Article 8(7) and (8) |
Article 8(9), first subparagraph | Article 8(9), first subparagraph |
Article 8(9), second subparagraph, first and second sentence | Article 8(9), second subparagraph |
Article 8(9), second subparagraph, third sentence | Article 8(9), third subparagraph |
Article 8(10) | Article 8(10) |
Article 9(1), (2) and (3) | Article 9(1), (2) and (3) |
Article 9(4), first sentence | Article 9(4), first subparagraph |
Article 9(4), second sentence | Article 9(4), second subparagraph |
Article 9(5) | Article 9(5) |
Article 9(6), first sentence | Article 9(6), first subparagraph |
Article 9(6), second sentence | Article 9(6), second subparagraph |
Article 9(6), third sentence | Article 9(6), third subparagraph |
Article 10(1) | Article 10(1) |
Article 10(2), first sentence | Article 10(2), first subparagraph |
Article 10(2), second and third sentence | Article 10(2), second subparagraph |
Article 10(3) | Article 10(3) |
Article 10(4), introductory wording | Article 10(4), introductory wording and points (a) and (b) |
Article 10(4)(a) | Article 10(4)(c) |
Article 10(4)(b) | Article 10(4)(d) |
Article 10(5) | Article 10(5) |
Article 11(1) to (4) | Article 11(1) to (4) |
Article 11(5), first subparagraph, first sentence | Article 11(5), first subparagraph |
Article 11(5), first subparagraph, second and third sentence | Article 11(5), second subparagraph |
Article 11(5), first subparagraph, fourth sentence | Article 11(5), third subparagraph |
Article 11(5), first subparagraph, fifth sentence | Article 11(5), fourth subparagraph |
Article 11(5), second subparagraph | Article 11(5), fifth subparagraph |
Article 11(5), third subparagraph | Article 11(5), sixth subparagraph |
Article 11(6), first, second and third sentence | Article 11(6), first subparagraph |
Article 11(6), fourth sentence | Article 11(6), second subparagraph |
Article 11(6), fifth sentence | Article 11(6), third subparagraph |
Article 11(7) | Article 11(7) |
Article 11(8), first, second and third subparagraph | Article 11(8), first, second and third subparagraph |
Article 11(8), fourth subparagraph, first and second sentence | Article 11(8), fourth subparagraph |
Article 11(8), fourth subparagraph, third sentence | Article 11(8), fifth subparagraph |
Article 11(8), fourth subparagraph, fourth sentence | Article 11(8), sixth subparagraph |
Article 11(9) and (10) | Article 11(9) and (10) |
Article 12 | Article 12 |
Article 13(1), first subparagraph, first sentence | Article 13(1), first subparagraph |
Article 13(1), first subparagraph, second sentence | Article 13(1), second subparagraph |
Article 13(1), first subparagraph, third sentence | Article 13(1), third subparagraph |
Article 13(1), second subparagraph | Article 13(1), fourth subparagraph |
Article 13(2) and (3) | Article 13(2) and (3) |
Article 13(4), first subparagraph, first sentence | Article 13(4), first subparagraph |
Article 13(4), first subparagraph, second sentence | Article 13(4), second subparagraph |
Article 13(4), first subparagraph, third sentence | Article 13(4), third subparagraph |
Article 13(4), first subparagraph, fourth sentence | Article 13(4), fourth subparagraph |
Article 13(4), second subparagraph | Article 13(4), fifth subparagraph |
Article 13(4), third subparagraph | Article 13(4), sixth subparagraph |
Article 13(4), fourth subparagraph | Article 13(4), seventh subparagraph |
Article 13(5) | Article 13(5) |
Article 14(1), first and second sentence | Article 14(1), first subparagraph |
Article 14(1), third sentence | Article 14(1), second subparagraph |
Article 14(2), first sentence | Article 14(2), first subparagraph |
Article 14(2), second, third and fourth sentence | Article 14(2), second subparagraph |
Article 14(3) | Article 14(3) |
Article 14(4), first and second sentence | Article 14(4), first subparagraph |
Article 14(4), third and fourth sentence | Article 14(4), second subparagraph |
Article 14(5), (6) and (7) | Article 14(5), (6) and (7) |
Articles 15 and 16 | Articles 15 and 16 |
Article 17(1), (2) and (3) | Article 17(1), (2) and (3) |
Article 17(4), first sentence | Article 17(4), first subparagraph |
Article 17(4), second sentence | Article 17(4), second subparagraph |
Article 18(1), first sentence | Article 18(1), first subparagraph |
Article 18(1), second sentence | Article 18(1), second subparagraph |
Article 18(1), third sentence | Article 18(1), third subparagraph |
Article 18(2) to (6) | Article 18(2) to (6) |
Article 19(1) to (5) | Article 19(1) to (5) |
Article 19(6), first sentence | Article 19(6), first subparagraph |
Article 19(6), second sentence | Article 19(6), second subparagraph |
Article 20(1), (2) and (3) | Article 20(1), (2) and (3) |
Article 20(4), first, second and third sentence | Article 20(4), first subparagraph |
Article 20(4), fourth sentence | Article 20(4), second subparagraph |
Article 20(5) | Article 20(5) |
Articles 21 and 22 | Articles 21 and 22 |
Article 22a | Article 23 |
Article 23 | Article 24 |
Article 24 | Article 25 |
Annex I | — |
Annex II | — |
— | Annex I |
— | Annex II |
(a) the weighted average of the actual amounts determined for other exporters or producers subject to investigation in respect of production and sales of the like product in the domestic market of the country of origin; (b) the actual amounts applicable to production and sales, in the ordinary course of trade, of the same general category of products for the exporter or producer in question in the domestic market of the country of origin; (c) any other reasonable method, provided that the amount for profit so established shall not exceed the profit normally realised by other exporters or producers on sales of products of the same general category in the domestic market of the country of origin.
(a) In case it is determined, when applying this or any other relevant provision of this Regulation, that it is not appropriate to use domestic prices and costs in the exporting country due to the existence in that country of significant distortions within the meaning of point (b), the normal value shall be constructed exclusively on the basis of costs of production and sale reflecting undistorted prices or benchmarks, subject to the following rules. The sources the Commission may use include: corresponding costs of production and sale in an appropriate representative country with a similar level of economic development as the exporting country, provided the relevant data are readily available; where there is more than one such country, preference shall be given, where appropriate, to countries with an adequate level of social and environmental protection; if it considers appropriate, undistorted international prices, costs, or benchmarks; or domestic costs, but only to the extent that they are positively established not to be distorted, on the basis of accurate and appropriate evidence, including in the framework of the provisions on interested parties in point (c).
Without prejudice to Article 17, that assessment shall be done for each exporter and producer separately. The constructed normal value shall include an undistorted and reasonable amount for administrative, selling and general costs and for profits. (b) Significant distortions are those distortions which occur when reported prices or costs, including the costs of raw materials and energy, are not the result of free market forces because they are affected by substantial government intervention. In assessing the existence of significant distortions regard shall be had, inter alia, to the potential impact of one or more of the following elements: the market in question being served to a significant extent by enterprises which operate under the ownership, control or policy supervision or guidance of the authorities of the exporting country; state presence in firms allowing the state to interfere with respect to prices or costs; public policies or measures discriminating in favour of domestic suppliers or otherwise influencing free market forces; the lack, discriminatory application or inadequate enforcement of bankruptcy, corporate or property laws; wage costs being distorted; access to finance granted by institutions which implement public policy objectives or otherwise not acting independently of the state.
(c) Where the Commission has well-founded indications of the possible existence of significant distortions as referred to in point (b) in a certain country or a certain sector in that country, and where appropriate for the effective application of this Regulation, the Commission shall produce, make public and regularly update a report describing the market circumstances referred to in point (b) in that country or sector. Such reports and the evidence on which they are based shall be placed on the file of any investigation relating to that country or sector. Interested parties shall have ample opportunity to rebut, supplement, comment or rely on the report and the evidence on which it is based in each investigation in which such report or evidence is used. In assessing the existence of significant distortions, the Commission shall take into account all the relevant evidence that is on the investigation file. (d) When filing a complaint in accordance with Article 5, or a request for a review in accordance with Article 11, Union industry may rely on the evidence in the report referred to in point (c) of this paragraph, where meeting the standard of evidence in view of Article 5(9), in order to justify the calculation of the normal value. (e) Where the Commission finds that there is sufficient evidence, pursuant to Article 5(9), of significant distortions within the meaning of point (b) of this paragraph and decides to initiate an investigation on that basis, the notice of initiation shall specify that fact. The Commission shall collect the data necessary to allow the construction of the normal value in accordance with point (a) of this paragraph. The parties to the investigation shall be informed promptly after initiation about the relevant sources that the Commission intends to use for the purpose of determining normal value pursuant to point (a) of this paragraph and shall be given 10 days to comment. For that purpose, interested parties shall be given access to the file, which shall include any evidence on which the investigating authority relies, without prejudice to Article 19. Any evidence regarding the existence of significant distortions may only be taken into account if it can be verified in a timely manner within the investigation, in accordance with Article 6(8).
(a) Physical characteristics An adjustment shall be made for differences in the physical characteristics of the product concerned. The amount of the adjustment shall correspond to a reasonable estimate of the market value of the difference. (b) Import charges and indirect taxes An adjustment shall be made to the normal value for an amount corresponding to any import charges or indirect taxes borne by the like product and by materials physically incorporated therein, when intended for consumption in the exporting country and not collected or refunded in respect of the product exported to the Union. (c) Discounts, rebates and quantities An adjustment shall be made for differences in discounts and rebates, including those given for differences in quantities, if those are properly quantified and are directly linked to the sales under consideration. An adjustment may also be made for deferred discounts and rebates if the claim is based on consistent practice in prior periods, including compliance with the conditions required to qualify for the discount or rebates. (d) Level of trade (i) An adjustment for differences in levels of trade, including any differences which may arise in OEM (original equipment manufacturer) sales, shall be made where, in relation to the distribution chain in both markets, it is shown that the export price, including a constructed export price, is at a different level of trade from the normal value and the difference has affected price comparability, which is demonstrated by consistent and distinct differences in functions and prices of the seller for the different levels of trade in the domestic market of the exporting country. The amount of the adjustment shall be based on the market value of the difference. (ii) However, in circumstances not envisaged under point (i), when an existing difference in level of trade cannot be quantified because of the absence of the relevant levels on the domestic market of the exporting countries, or where certain functions are shown clearly to relate to levels of trade other than the one which is to be used in the comparison, a special adjustment may be granted.
(e) Transport, insurance, handling, loading and ancillary costs An adjustment shall be made for differences in the directly related costs incurred for conveying the product concerned from the premises of the exporter to an independent buyer, where such costs are included in the prices charged. Those costs shall include transport, insurance, handling, loading and ancillary costs. (f) Packing An adjustment shall be made for differences in the directly related packing costs for the product concerned. (g) Credit An adjustment shall be made for differences in the cost of any credit granted for the sales under consideration, provided that it is a factor taken into account in the determination of the prices charged. (h) After-sales costs An adjustment shall be made for differences in the direct costs of providing warranties, guarantees, technical assistance and services, as provided for by law and/or in the sales contract. (i) Commissions An adjustment shall be made for differences in commissions paid in respect of the sales under consideration. The term "commissions" shall be understood to include the mark-up received by a trader of the product or the like product if the functions of such a trader are similar to those of an agent working on a commission basis. (j) Currency conversions When the price comparison requires a conversion of currencies, such conversion shall be made using the rate of exchange on the date of sale, except that, when a sale of foreign currency on forward markets is directly linked to the export sale involved, the rate of exchange in the forward sale shall be used. Normally, the date of sale shall be the date of invoice but the date of contract, purchase order or order confirmation may be used if those more appropriately establish the material terms of sale. Fluctuations in exchange rates shall be ignored and exporters shall be granted 60 days to reflect a sustained movement in exchange rates during the investigation period. (k) Other factors An adjustment may also be made for differences in other factors not provided for under points (a) to (j), if it is demonstrated that they affect price comparability as required under this paragraph, in particular if customers consistently pay different prices on the domestic market because of the difference in such factors.
(a) the volume of the dumped imports and the effect of the dumped imports on prices in the Union market for like products; and (b) the consequent impact of those imports on the Union industry.
(a) the margin of dumping established in relation to the imports from each country is more than de minimis as defined in Article 9(3) and the volume of imports from each country is not negligible; and(b) a cumulative assessment of the effects of the imports is appropriate in the light of the conditions of competition between imported products and the conditions of competition between the imported products and the like Union product.
(a) a significant rate of increase of dumped imports into the Union market indicating the likelihood of substantially increased imports; (b) whether there is sufficient freely disposable capacity on the part of the exporter or an imminent and substantial increase in such capacity indicating the likelihood of substantially increased dumped exports to the Union, account being taken of the availability of other export markets to absorb any additional exports; (c) whether imports are entering at prices that would, to a significant degree, depress prices or prevent price increases which otherwise would have occurred, and would probably increase demand for further imports; (d) inventories of the product being investigated.
(a) when producers are related to the exporters or importers, or are themselves importers of the allegedly dumped product, the term "Union industry" may be interpreted as referring to the rest of the producers; (b) in exceptional circumstances, the territory of the Union may, for the production in question, be divided into two or more competitive markets and the producers within each market may be regarded as a separate industry if: (i) the producers within such a market sell all or almost all of their production of the product in question in that market; and (ii) the demand in that market is not to any substantial degree met by producers of the product in question located elsewhere in the Union.
(a) one of them directly or indirectly controls the other; (b) both of them are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person; or (c) together they directly or indirectly control a third person, provided that there are grounds for believing or suspecting that the effect of the relationship is such as to cause the producer concerned to behave differently from non-related producers.
(a) the identity of the complainant and a description of the volume and value of the Union production of the like product by the complainant. Where a written complaint is made on behalf of the Union industry, the complaint shall identify the industry on behalf of which the complaint is made by a list of all known Union producers of the like product (or associations of Union producers of the like product) and, to the extent possible, a description of the volume and value of Union production of the like product accounted for by such producers; (b) a complete description of the allegedly dumped product, the names of the country or countries of origin or export in question, the identity of each known exporter or foreign producer and a list of known persons importing the product in question; (c) the prices at which the product in question is sold when destined for consumption in the domestic markets of the country or countries of origin or export (or, where appropriate, the prices at which the product is sold from the country or countries of origin or export to a third country or countries or on the constructed value of the product) and the export prices or, where appropriate, the prices at which the product is first resold to an independent buyer in the Union; (d) the changes in the volume of the allegedly dumped imports, the effect of those imports on prices of the like product on the Union market and the consequent impact of the imports on the Union industry, as demonstrated by relevant factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the Union industry, such as those listed in Article 3(3) and (5).
(a) proceedings have been initiated in accordance with Article 5; (b) a notice has been given to that effect and interested parties have been given an adequate opportunity to submit information and make comments in accordance with Article 5(10); (c) a provisional affirmative determination has been made of dumping and consequent injury to the Union industry; and (d) the Union interest calls for intervention to prevent such injury.
(a) the imports have been registered in accordance with Article 14(5); (b) the importers concerned have been given an opportunity to comment by the Commission; (c) there is, for the product in question, a history of dumping over an extended period, or the importer was aware of, or should have been aware of, the dumping as regards the extent of the dumping and the injury alleged or found; and (d) in addition to the level of imports which caused injury during the investigation period, there is a further substantial rise in imports which, in the light of its timing and volume and other circumstances, is likely to seriously undermine the remedial effect of the definitive anti-dumping duty to be applied.
expire in investigations pursuant to paragraph 2, expire in the case of investigations carried out pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 in parallel, where either the investigation pursuant to paragraph 2 was initiated while a review under paragraph 3 was ongoing in the same proceedings or where such reviews were initiated at the same time, or remain unchanged in investigations pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4.
(a) the slight modification of the product concerned to make it fall under customs codes which are normally not subject to the measures, provided that the modification does not alter its essential characteristics; (b) the consignment of the product subject to measures via third countries; (c) the reorganisation by exporters or producers of their patterns and channels of sales in the country subject to measures in order to eventually have their products exported to the Union through producers benefiting from an individual duty rate lower than that applicable to the products of the manufacturers; (d) in the circumstances indicated in paragraph 2, the assembly of parts by an assembly operation in the Union or a third country.
(a) the operation started or substantially increased since, or just prior to, the initiation of the anti-dumping investigation and the parts concerned are from the country subject to measures; and (b) the parts constitute 60 % or more of the total value of the parts of the assembled product, except that in no case shall circumvention be considered to be taking place where the value added to the parts brought in, during the assembly or completion operation, is greater than 25 % of the manufacturing cost; and (c) the remedial effects of the duty are being undermined in terms of the prices and/or quantities of the assembled like product and there is evidence of dumping in relation to the normal values previously established for the like or similar products.
(a) any special rules laid down in agreements concluded between the Union and third countries; (b) the Union Regulations in the agricultural sector and Council Regulations (EC) No 1667/2006 , (EC) No 614/2009Council Regulation (EC) No 1667/2006 of 7 November 2006 on glucose and lactose (OJ L 312, 11.11.2006, p. 1 ). and (EC) No 1216/2009Council Regulation (EC) No 614/2009 of 7 July 2009 on the common system of trade for ovalbumin and lactalbumin (OJ L 181, 14.7.2009, p. 8 ). . This Regulation shall operate by way of complement to those Regulations and in derogation from any provisions thereof which preclude the application of anti-dumping duties;Council Regulation (EC) No 1216/2009 of 30 November 2009 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products (OJ L 328, 15.12.2009, p. 10 ).(c) special measures, provided that such action does not run counter to obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994.
Only point 22 of the Annex |
1. Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour, No 29 (1930) 2. Convention concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise, No 87 (1948) 3. Convention concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and to Bargain Collectively, No 98 (1949) 4. Convention concerning Equal Remuneration of Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value, No 100 (1951) 5. Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour, No 105 (1957) 6. Convention concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation, No 111 (1958) 7. Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, No 138 (1973) 8. Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour, No 182 (1999)
Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009 | This Regulation |
Articles 1 to 4 | Articles 1 to 4 |
Article 5(1) to (9) | Article 5(1) to (9) |
Article 5(10), first sentence | Article 5(10), first subparagraph |
Article 5(10), second and third sentence | Article 5(10), second subparagraph |
Article 5(11) and (12) | Article 5(11) and (12) |
Article 6(1), first and second sentence | Article 6(1), first subparagraph |
Article 6(1), third sentence | Article 6(1), second subparagraph |
Article 6(1), fourth sentence | Article 6(1), third subparagraph |
Article 6(2) | Article 6(2) |
Article 6(3), first sentence | Article 6(3), first subparagraph |
Article 6(3), second sentence | Article 6(3), second subparagraph |
Article 6(3), third sentence | Article 6(3), third subparagraph |
Article 6(4), first sentence | Article 6(4), first subparagraph |
Article 6(4), second sentence | Article 6(4), second subparagraph |
Article 6(4), third sentence | Article 6(4), third subparagraph |
Article 6(5) | Article 6(5) |
Article 6(6), first sentence | Article 6(6), first subparagraph |
Article 6(6), second sentence | Article 6(6), second subparagraph |
Article 6(6), third sentence | Article 6(6), third subparagraph |
Article 6(6), fourth sentence | Article 6(6), fourth subparagraph |
Article 6(7), first sentence | Article 6(7), first subparagraph |
Article 6(7), second sentence | Article 6(7), second subparagraph |
Article 6(8) and (9) | Article 6(8) and (9) |
Article 7(1), first sentence | Article 7(1), first subparagraph |
Article 7(1), second sentence | Article 7(1), second subparagraph |
Article 7(2) to (5) | Article 7(2) to (5) |
Article 7(7) | Article 7(6) |
Article 8(1), first sentence | Article 8(1), first subparagraph |
Article 8(1), second sentence | Article 8(1), second subparagraph |
Article 8(1), third sentence | Article 8(1), third subparagraph |
Article 8(2), first and second sentence | Article 8(2), first subparagraph |
Article 8(2), third and fourth sentence | Article 8(2), second subparagraph |
Article 8(2), fifth sentence | Article 8(2), third subparagraph |
Article 8(3), (4) and (5) | Article 8(3), (4) and (5) |
Article 8(6), first and second sentence | Article 8(6), first subparagraph |
Article 8(6), third sentence | Article 8(6), second subparagraph |
Article 8(7) and (8) | Article 8(7) and (8) |
Article 8(9), first subparagraph | Article 8(9), first subparagraph |
Article 8(9), second subparagraph, first and second sentence | Article 8(9), second subparagraph |
Article 8(9), second subparagraph, third sentence | Article 8(9), third subparagraph |
Article 8(10) | Article 8(10) |
Article 9(1), (2) and (3) | Article 9(1), (2) and (3) |
Article 9(4), first sentence | Article 9(4), first subparagraph |
Article 9(4), second sentence | Article 9(4), second subparagraph |
Article 9(5) | Article 9(5) |
Article 9(6), first sentence | Article 9(6), first subparagraph |
Article 9(6), second sentence | Article 9(6), second subparagraph |
Article 9(6), third sentence | Article 9(6), third subparagraph |
Article 10(1) | Article 10(1) |
Article 10(2), first sentence | Article 10(2), first subparagraph |
Article 10(2), second and third sentence | Article 10(2), second subparagraph |
Article 10(3) | Article 10(3) |
Article 10(4), introductory wording | Article 10(4), introductory wording and points (a) and (b) |
Article 10(4)(a) | Article 10(4)(c) |
Article 10(4)(b) | Article 10(4)(d) |
Article 10(5) | Article 10(5) |
Article 11(1) to (4) | Article 11(1) to (4) |
Article 11(5), first subparagraph, first sentence | Article 11(5), first subparagraph |
Article 11(5), first subparagraph, second and third sentence | Article 11(5), second subparagraph |
Article 11(5), first subparagraph, fourth sentence | Article 11(5), third subparagraph |
Article 11(5), first subparagraph, fifth sentence | Article 11(5), fourth subparagraph |
Article 11(5), second subparagraph | Article 11(5), fifth subparagraph |
Article 11(5), third subparagraph | Article 11(5), sixth subparagraph |
Article 11(6), first, second and third sentence | Article 11(6), first subparagraph |
Article 11(6), fourth sentence | Article 11(6), second subparagraph |
Article 11(6), fifth sentence | Article 11(6), third subparagraph |
Article 11(7) | Article 11(7) |
Article 11(8), first, second and third subparagraph | Article 11(8), first, second and third subparagraph |
Article 11(8), fourth subparagraph, first and second sentence | Article 11(8), fourth subparagraph |
Article 11(8), fourth subparagraph, third sentence | Article 11(8), fifth subparagraph |
Article 11(8), fourth subparagraph, fourth sentence | Article 11(8), sixth subparagraph |
Article 11(9) and (10) | Article 11(9) and (10) |
Article 12 | Article 12 |
Article 13(1), first subparagraph, first sentence | Article 13(1), first subparagraph |
Article 13(1), first subparagraph, second sentence | Article 13(1), second subparagraph |
Article 13(1), first subparagraph, third sentence | Article 13(1), third subparagraph |
Article 13(1), second subparagraph | Article 13(1), fourth subparagraph |
Article 13(2) and (3) | Article 13(2) and (3) |
Article 13(4), first subparagraph, first sentence | Article 13(4), first subparagraph |
Article 13(4), first subparagraph, second sentence | Article 13(4), second subparagraph |
Article 13(4), first subparagraph, third sentence | Article 13(4), third subparagraph |
Article 13(4), first subparagraph, fourth sentence | Article 13(4), fourth subparagraph |
Article 13(4), second subparagraph | Article 13(4), fifth subparagraph |
Article 13(4), third subparagraph | Article 13(4), sixth subparagraph |
Article 13(4), fourth subparagraph | Article 13(4), seventh subparagraph |
Article 13(5) | Article 13(5) |
Article 14(1), first and second sentence | Article 14(1), first subparagraph |
Article 14(1), third sentence | Article 14(1), second subparagraph |
Article 14(2), first sentence | Article 14(2), first subparagraph |
Article 14(2), second, third and fourth sentence | Article 14(2), second subparagraph |
Article 14(3) | Article 14(3) |
Article 14(4), first and second sentence | Article 14(4), first subparagraph |
Article 14(4), third and fourth sentence | Article 14(4), second subparagraph |
Article 14(5), (6) and (7) | Article 14(5), (6) and (7) |
Articles 15 and 16 | Articles 15 and 16 |
Article 17(1), (2) and (3) | Article 17(1), (2) and (3) |
Article 17(4), first sentence | Article 17(4), first subparagraph |
Article 17(4), second sentence | Article 17(4), second subparagraph |
Article 18(1), first sentence | Article 18(1), first subparagraph |
Article 18(1), second sentence | Article 18(1), second subparagraph |
Article 18(1), third sentence | Article 18(1), third subparagraph |
Article 18(2) to (6) | Article 18(2) to (6) |
Article 19(1) to (5) | Article 19(1) to (5) |
Article 19(6), first sentence | Article 19(6), first subparagraph |
Article 19(6), second sentence | Article 19(6), second subparagraph |
Article 20(1), (2) and (3) | Article 20(1), (2) and (3) |
Article 20(4), first, second and third sentence | Article 20(4), first subparagraph |
Article 20(4), fourth sentence | Article 20(4), second subparagraph |
Article 20(5) | Article 20(5) |
Articles 21 and 22 | Articles 21 and 22 |
Article 22a | Article 23 |
Article 23 | Article 24 |
Article 24 | Article 25 |
Annex I | — |
Annex II | — |
— | Annex I |
— | Annex II |