Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/922 of 10 June 2016 amending Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 as regards the list of third countries, territories or parts thereof from which the introduction into the Union of fresh meat is authorised (Text with EEA relevance)
(1) the entry for Argentina is replaced by the following: For "RUW": Except from the following departments of the Province of Corrientes: the departments of Berón de Astrada, Capital, Empedrado, General Paz, Itati, Mbucuruyá, San Cosme and San Luís del Palmar." "AR — Argentina AR-0 Whole country EQU AR-1 The provinces of: Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Corrientes , Entre Ríos, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Part of Neuquén (excluding territory included in AR-2), Part of Río Negro (excluding territory included in AR-2), San Juan, San Luis, Santa Fe, Tucuman, Cordoba, La Pampa, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Formosa, Jujuy, Salta (excluding territory included in AR-3).
BOV RUF RUW A 1 1 August 2010 AR-2 The provinces of: Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego, Part of Neuquén (except in Confluencia the zone located east of the Provincial road 17, and in Picun Leufú the zone located east of the Provincial road 17), Part of Río Negro (except: in Avellaneda the zone located north of the Provincial road 7 and east of the Provincial road 250, in Conesa the zone located east of the Provincial road 2, in El Cuy the zone located north of the Provincial road 7 from its intersection with the Provincial road 66 to the border with the Department of Avellaneda, and in San Antonio the zone located east of the Provincial roads 250 and 2).
BOV OVI RUW RUF 1 August 2008 AR-3 Part of Salta: the area of 25 km from the border with Bolivia and Paraguay that extends from the Santa Catalina District in the Province of Jujuy, to the Laishi District in the Province of Formosa (the former high-surveillance buffer area) BOV RUF RUW A 1 1 July 2016 ----------------------For "RUW": Except from the following departments of the Province of Corrientes: the departments of Berón de Astrada, Capital, Empedrado, General Paz, Itati, Mbucuruyá, San Cosme and San Luís del Palmar." (2) the entry for Brazil is replaced by the following: "BR — BRAZIL BR-0 Whole country EQU BR-1 State of Minas Gerais, State of Espírito Santo, State of Goiás, State of Mato Grosso, State of Rio Grande Do Sul, State of Mato Grosso Do Sul (excluding territory included in BR-4). BOV A and H 1 1 December 2008 BR-2 State of Santa Catarina BOV A and H 1 31 January 2008 BR-3 States of Paraná and São Paulo BOV A and H 1 1 August 2008 BR-4 Part of State of Mato Grosso Do Sul: The area of 15 km from the external borders in the municipalities of Porto Murtinho, Caracol, Bela Vista, Antônio João, Ponta Porã, Aral Moreira, Coronel Sapucaia, Paranhos, Sete Quedas, Japorã, and Mundo Novo and the area in the municipalities of Corumbá and Ladário (the former designated high-surveillance area) BOV A and H 1 1 July 2016 "