Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/535 of 5 April 2016 amending Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 as regards the entry of Singapore in the list of third countries, territories or parts thereof from which the introduction into the Union of fresh meat is authorised (Text with EEA relevance)
(1) in Part 1, the following entry for Singapore is inserted between the entries for Russia and El Salvador: Only for fresh meat originating from New Zealand, for which New Zealand is authorised for introduction into the Union, which is accompanied by the appropriate model of veterinary certificate issued by the competent authority of New Zealand, destined to the Union and being unloaded, with or without storage and reloaded in an approved establishment during transit through Singapore. Upon entry into the Union, the consignments should be accompanied both by this model of veterinary certificate issued in TRACES by the competent authority of Singapore and by the appropriate model of veterinary certificate for import of fresh meat issued by the competent authority of New Zealand, which may be attached in TRACES by the competent authority of Singapore."; "SG — Singapore SG-0 Whole country NZ-TRANSIT-SG ----------------------Only for fresh meat originating from New Zealand, for which New Zealand is authorised for introduction into the Union, which is accompanied by the appropriate model of veterinary certificate issued by the competent authority of New Zealand, destined to the Union and being unloaded, with or without storage and reloaded in an approved establishment during transit through Singapore. Upon entry into the Union, the consignments should be accompanied both by this model of veterinary certificate issued in TRACES by the competent authority of Singapore and by the appropriate model of veterinary certificate for import of fresh meat issued by the competent authority of New Zealand, which may be attached in TRACES by the competent authority of Singapore."; (2) Part 2 is amended as follows: (a) in the list of Models of veterinary certificates, the following model is inserted after the model "EQW": ""NZ-TRANSIT-SG" Model of veterinary certificate only for transit through Singapore with unloading, possible storage and reloading of fresh meat originating from New Zealand, for which New Zealand is authorised for introduction into the Union, which is eligible for introduction and destined to the Union."; (b) the following model veterinary certificate is inserted after the veterinary certificate Model EQW: ""