HealthHS200 | Financial burden of medical careHeavy burdenSomewhat burdenNot a burden at all |
HS200_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (no one in the household needed medical care)Not applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
HS210 | Financial burden of dental careHeavy burdenSomewhat burdenNot a burden at all |
HS210_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (no one in the household needed dental care)Not applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
HS220 | Financial burden of medicinesHeavy burdenSomewhat burdenNot a burden at all |
HS220_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (no one in the household needed medicines)Not applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
PH080 | Number of visits to a dentist or orthodontist- None
- 1-2 times
- 3-5 times
- 6-9 times
- 10 times or more
PH080_F | FilledMissingNot selected respondentNot applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
PH090 | Number of consultations of a general practitioner or family doctor- None
- 1-2 times
- 3-5 times
- 6-9 times
- 10 times or more
PH090_F | FilledMissingNot selected respondentNot applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
PH100 | Number of consultations of a medical or surgical specialist- None
- 1-2 times
- 3-5 times
- 6-9 times
- 10 times or more
PH100_F | FilledMissingNot selected respondentNot applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
PH110 | Body mass index (BMI)BMI number |
PH110_F | FilledMissingNot selected respondentNot applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
PH120 | Type of physical activity when workingMostly sittingMostly standingMostly walking or tasks of moderate physical effortMostly heavy labour or physically demanding work |
PH120_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (not performing any working tasks)Not selected respondentNot applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
PH130 | Time spent on physical activities (excluding working) in a typical weekHH/MM (hours/minutes) per week |
PH130_F | FilledMissingNot selected respondentNot applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
PH140 | Frequency of eating fruit- Twice or more a day
- Once a day
- 4 to 6 times a week
- 1 to 3 times a week
- Less than once a week
- Never
PH140_F | FilledMissingNot selected respondentNot applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
PH150 | Frequency of eating vegetables or salad- Twice or more a day
- Once a day
- 4 to 6 times a week
- 1 to 3 times a week
- Less than once a week
- Never
PH150_F | FilledMissingNot selected respondentNot applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
Children's healthRC010 | General health (child)Very goodGoodFairBadVery bad |
RC010_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (child is more than 15)Not applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
RC020 | Limitation in activities because of health problems (child)Severely limitedLimited but not severelyNot limited at all |
RC020_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (child is more than 15)Not applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
HC010 | Unmet need for medical examination or treatment (children)Yes (there was at least one occasion where at least one of the children did not have a medical examination or treatment)No (the child(ren) had a medical examination or treatment each time it was needed) |
HC010_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (none of the children really needed any medical examination or treatment)Not applicable (no children aged 0-15 in the household)Not applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
HC020 | Main reason for unmet need for medical examination or treatment (children)Could not afford to (too expensive)Waiting listCould not make the time because of work, care of other children or of other peopleToo far to travel or no means of transportOther reason |
HC020_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (HC010 not equal to yes)Not applicable (no children aged 0-15 in the household)Not applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
HC030 | Unmet need for dental examination or treatment (children)Yes (there was at least one occasion where at least one of the children did not have a dental examination or treatment)No (the child(ren) had a dental examination or treatment each time it was needed) |
HC030_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (none of the children really needed any dental examination or treatment)Not applicable (no children aged 0-15 in the household)Not applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |
HC040 | Main reason for unmet need for dental examination or treatment (children)Could not afford to (too expensive)Waiting listCould not make the time because of work, care of other children or of other personsToo far to travel or no means of transportOther reason |
HC040_F | FilledMissingNot applicable (HC030 not equal to yes)Not applicable (no children aged 0-15 in the household)Not applicable (RB010≠ 2017) |