(a) harmonising the regulatory structure in the Member States; (b) defining responsibilities between the actors in the Union rail system; (c) developing common safety targets ("CSTs") and common safety methods ("CSMs") with a view to gradually removing the need for national rules; (d) setting out the principles for issuing, renewing, amending and restricting or revoking safety certificates and authorisations; (e) requiring the establishment, for each Member State, of a national safety authority and an accident and incident investigating body; and (f) defining common principles for the management, regulation and supervision of railway safety.
Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on railway safety (recast) (Text with EEA relevance)
Corrected by
- Corrigendum to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on railway safety, 32016L0798R(01), March 7, 2017
- Corrigendum to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on railway safety, 32016L0798R(05), December 9, 2019
(a) metros; (b) trams and light rail vehicles, and infrastructure used exclusively by those vehicles; or (c) networks that are functionally separate from the rest of the Union rail system and intended only for the operation of local, urban or suburban passenger services, as well as undertakings operating solely on those networks.
(a) privately owned railway infrastructure, including sidings, used by the owner or by an operator for the purpose of their respective freight activities or for the transport of persons for non-commercial purposes, and vehicles used exclusively on such infrastructure; (b) infrastructure and vehicles reserved for strictly local, historical or tourist use; (c) light rail infrastructure occasionally used by heavy rail vehicles under the operational conditions of the light rail system, where it is necessary for the purposes of connectivity of those vehicles only; and (d) vehicles primarily used on light rail infrastructure but equipped with some heavy rail components necessary to enable transit to be effected on a confined and limited section of heavy rail infrastructure for connectivity purposes only.
(1) "Union rail system" means the Union rail system as defined in point (1) of Article 2 of Directive (EU) 2016/797; (2) "infrastructure manager" means an infrastructure manager as defined in point (2) of Article 3 of Directive 2012/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council ;Directive 2012/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 establishing a single European railway area (OJ L 343, 14.12.2012, p. 32 ).(3) "railway undertaking" means a railway undertaking as defined in point (1) of Article 3 of Directive 2012/34/EU, and any other public or private undertaking, the activity of which is to provide transport of goods and/or passengers by rail on the basis that the undertaking is to ensure traction, including undertakings which provide traction only; (4) "technical specification for interoperability" (TSI) means a specification adopted in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/797 by which each subsystem or part of a subsystem is covered in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the Union rail system; (5) "common safety targets" (CSTs) means the minimum safety levels that are to be reached by the system as a whole, and where feasible, by different parts of the Union rail system (such as the conventional rail system, the high-speed rail system, long railway tunnels or lines solely used for freight transport); (6) "common safety methods" (CSMs) means the methods describing the assessment of safety levels and achievement of safety targets and compliance with other safety requirements; (7) "national safety authority" means the national body entrusted with the tasks regarding railway safety in accordance with this Directive or any body entrusted by several Member States with those tasks in order to ensure a unified safety regime; (8) "national rules" means all binding rules adopted in a Member State, irrespective of the body issuing them, which contain railway safety or technical requirements, other than those laid down by Union or international rules, and which are applicable within that Member State to railway undertakings, infrastructure managers or third parties; (9) "safety management system" means the organisation, arrangements and procedures established by an infrastructure manager or a railway undertaking to ensure the safe management of its operations; (10) "investigator-in-charge" means a person responsible for the organisation, conduct and control of an investigation; (11) "accident" means an unwanted or unintended sudden event or a specific chain of such events which have harmful consequences; accidents are divided into the following categories: collisions; derailments; level crossing accidents; accidents to persons involving rolling stock in motion; fires and others; (12) "serious accident" means any train collision or derailment of trains resulting in the death of at least one person or serious injuries to five or more persons or extensive damage to rolling stock, the infrastructure or the environment, and any other accident with the same consequences which has an obvious impact on railway safety regulation or the management of safety; "extensive damage" means damage that can be immediately assessed by the investigating body to cost at least EUR 2 million in total; (13) "incident" means any occurrence, other than an accident or serious accident, affecting the safety of railway operations; (14) "investigation" means a process conducted for the purpose of accident and incident prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, including the determination of causes and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations; (15) "causes" means actions, omissions, events or conditions, or a combination thereof, which led to an accident or incident; (16) "light rail" means an urban and/or suburban rail transport system with a crashworthiness of C-III or C-IV (in accordance with EN 15227:2011) and a maximum strength of vehicle of 800 kN (longitudinal compressive force in coupling area); light rail systems may have their own right of way or share it with road traffic and usually do not exchange vehicles with long-distance passenger or freight traffic; (17) "conformity assessment body" means a body that has been notified or designated to be responsible for conformity assessment activities, including calibration, testing, certification and inspection; a conformity assessment body is classified as a "notified body" following notification by a Member State; a conformity assessment body is classified as a "designated body" following designation by a Member State; (18) "interoperability constituents" means the interoperability constituents as defined in point (7) of Article 2 of Directive (EU) 2016/797; (19) "keeper" means the natural or legal person that, being the owner of a vehicle or having the right to use it, exploits the vehicle as a means of transport and is registered as such in a vehicle register referred to in Article 47 of Directive (EU) 2016/797; (20) "entity in charge of maintenance" ("ECM") means an entity in charge of the maintenance of a vehicle, and registered as such in a vehicle register referred to in Article 47 of Directive (EU) 2016/797; (21) "vehicle" means a railway vehicle suitable for circulation on wheels on railway lines, with or without traction; a vehicle is composed of one or more structural and functional subsystems; (22) "manufacturer" means the manufacturer as defined in point (36) of Article 2 of Directive (EU) 2016/797; (23) "consignor" means an enterprise which consigns goods either on its own behalf or for a third party; (24) "consignee" means any natural or legal person who receives goods pursuant to a contract of carriage; if the transport operation takes place without a contract of carriage, any natural or legal person that takes charge of the goods on arrivals shall be deemed to be the consignee; (25) "loader" means an enterprise which loads packaged goods, small containers or portable tanks into or onto a wagon or a container, or which loads a container, bulk-container, multiple-element gas container, tank-container or portable tank onto a wagon; (26) "unloader" means an enterprise which removes a container, bulk-container, multiple-element gas container, tank-container or portable tank from a wagon, or any enterprise which unloads packaged goods, small containers or portable tanks out of or from a wagon or a container, or any enterprise which discharges goods from a tank (tank-wagon, demountable tank, portable tank or tank-container), or from a battery-wagon or multiple-element gas container, or from a wagon, large container or small container for carriage in bulk or a bulk-container; (27) "filler" means an enterprise that loads goods into a tank (including a tank-wagon, wagon with demountable tank, portable tank or tank-container), into a wagon, large container or small container for carriage in bulk, or into a battery-wagon or multiple-element gas container; (28) "unfiller" means an enterprise that removes goods from a tank (including a tank-wagon, wagon with demountable tank, portable tank or tank-container), a wagon, a large container or small container for carriage in bulk, or from a battery-wagon or multiple-element gas container; (29) "carrier" means an enterprise which carries out a transport operation pursuant to a contract of carriage; (30) "contracting entity" means a public or private entity which orders the design and/or construction or the renewal or upgrading of a subsystem; (31) "type of operation" means the type characterised by passenger transport, including or excluding high-speed services, freight transport, including or excluding dangerous goods services, and shunting services only; (32) "extent of operation" means the extent characterised by the number of passengers and/or volume of goods and the estimated size of a railway undertaking in terms of number of employees working in the railway sector (i.e., as a micro, small, medium-sized or large enterprise); (33) "area of operation" means a network or networks within one or more Member States where a railway undertaking intends to operate.
(a) ensure that railway safety is generally maintained and, where reasonably practicable, continuously improved, taking into consideration the development of Union law and international rules and of technical and scientific progress, and giving priority to the prevention of accidents; (b) ensure that all applicable legislation is enforced in an open and non-discriminatory manner, fostering the development of a single European rail transport system; (c) ensure that measures to develop and improve railway safety take account of the need for a system-based approach; (d) ensure that the responsibility for the safe operation of the Union rail system and the control of risks associated with it is laid upon the infrastructure managers and railway undertakings, each for its part of the system, obliging them to: (i) implement necessary risk control measures as referred to in point (a) of Article 6(1), where appropriate in cooperation with each other; (ii) apply Union and national rules; (iii) establish safety management systems in accordance with this Directive;
(e) without prejudice to civil liability in accordance with the legal requirements of the Member States, ensure that each infrastructure manager and each railway undertaking is made responsible for its part of the system and its safe operation, including supply of materials and contracting of services vis-à-vis users, customers, the workers concerned and other actors referred to in paragraph 4; (f) develop and publish annual safety plans setting out the measures envisaged to achieve the CSTs; and (g) where appropriate, support the Agency in its work to monitor the development of railway safety at Union level.
(a) implement the necessary risk control measures referred to in point (a) of Article 6(1), where appropriate in cooperation with each other and with other actors; (b) take account in their safety management systems of the risks associated with the activities of other actors and third parties; (c) where appropriate, contractually oblige the other actors referred to in paragraph 4 having a potential impact on the safe operation of the Union rail system to implement risk control measures; and (d) ensure that their contractors implement risk control measures through the application of the CSMs for monitoring processes set out in the CSMs on monitoring referred to in point (c) of Article 6(1), and that this is stipulated in contractual arrangements to be disclosed on request of the Agency or of the national safety authority.
(a) implement the necessary risk control measures, where appropriate in cooperation with other actors; (b) ensure that subsystems, accessories, equipment and services supplied by them comply with specified requirements and conditions for use so that they can be safely operated by the railway undertaking and/or the infrastructure manager concerned.
(a) take any necessary corrective measure to tackle the safety risk identified; (b) report those risks to the relevant parties involved, in order to enable them to take any necessary further corrective action to ensure continuous achievement of the safety performance of the Union rail system. The Agency may establish a tool that facilitates this exchange of information among the relevant actors, taking into account the privacy of the users involved, the results of a cost-benefit analysis as well as the IT applications and registers already set up by the Agency.
(a) the risk evaluation and assessment methods; (b) the methods for assessing conformity with requirements in safety certificates and safety authorisations issued in accordance with Articles 10 and 12; (c) the methods for supervision to be applied by national safety authorities and the methods for monitoring to be applied by railway undertakings, infrastructure managers and entities in charge of maintenance; (d) the methods for assessing the safety level and the safety performance of railway operators at national and Union level; (e) the methods for assessing the achievement of safety targets at national and Union level; and (f) any other methods covering a process of the safety management system which need to be harmonised at Union level.
(a) individual risks relating to passengers, staff including employees or contractors, level crossing users and others, and, without prejudice to existing national and international liability rules, individual risks relating to trespassers; (b) societal risks.
(a) fall into one of the types identified under Annex II; and (b) comply with Union law, including in particular TSIs, CSTs and CSMs; and (c) would not result in arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on rail transport operation between Member States.
(a) any national rule which was not notified or which does not meet the criteria specified in paragraph 1; (b) any national rule which has been made redundant by Union law, including in particular TSIs, CSTs and CSMs.
(a) where rules concerning existing safety methods are not covered by a CSM; (b) where operating rules of the railway network are not yet covered by TSIs; (c) as an urgent preventive measure, in particular following an accident or an incident; (d) where an already notified rule needs to be revised; (e) where rules concerning requirements in respect of staff executing safety-critical tasks, including selection criteria, physical and psychological fitness and vocational training are not yet covered by a TSI or by Directive 2007/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council .Directive 2007/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community (OJ L 315, 3.12.2007, p. 51 ).
(a) a safety policy approved by the organisation's chief executive and communicated to all staff; (b) qualitative and quantitative targets of the organisation for the maintenance and enhancement of safety, and plans and procedures for reaching these targets; (c) procedures to meet existing, new and altered technical and operational standards or other prescriptive conditions as laid down in TSIs, national rules referred to in Article 8 and Annex II, other relevant rules or authority decisions; (d) procedures to assure compliance with the standards and other prescriptive conditions throughout the life cycle of equipment and operations; (e) procedures and methods for identifying risks, carrying out risk evaluation and implementing risk-control measures whenever a change of operating conditions or the introduction of new material imposes new risks on the infrastructure or the man-machine-organisation interface; (f) the provision of programmes for the training of staff and systems to ensure that the staff's competence is maintained and that tasks are carried out accordingly, including arrangements with regard to physical and psychological fitness; (g) arrangements for the provision of sufficient information within the organisation and, where appropriate, between organisations of the railway system; (h) procedures and formats for the documentation of safety information and designation of procedure for the configuration control of vital safety information; (i) procedures to ensure that accidents, incidents, near misses and other dangerous occurrences are reported, investigated and analysed and that necessary preventive measures are taken; (j) the provision of actions plans, alerts and information in the event of an emergency, agreed upon with the appropriate public authorities; and (k) provisions for recurrent internal auditing of the safety management system.
(a) information on how the organisation's corporate safety targets are met and the results of safety plans; (b) an account of the development of national safety indicators, and of the CSIs referred to in Article 5, in so far as it is relevant to the reporting organisation; (c) the results of internal safety auditing; (d) observations on deficiencies and malfunctions of railway operations and infrastructure management that might be relevant for the national safety authority, including a summary of information provided by the relevant actors in accordance with point (b) of Article 4(5); and (e) a report on the application of the relevant CSMs.
(a) the railway undertaking has established its safety management system in accordance with Article 9 and that it meets the requirements laid down in TSIs, CSMs and CSTs and in other relevant legislation in order to control risks and provide transport services safely on the network; and (b) the railway undertaking, where applicable, meets the requirements laid down in the relevant national rules notified in accordance with Article 8.
(a) assess the elements set out in point (a) of paragraph 3; and (b) immediately refer the railway undertaking's file in its entirety to the national safety authorities concerned by the intended area of operation for an assessment of the elements set out in point (b) of paragraph 3.
(a) cross-border agreement between the Member State concerned and the neighbouring third country; or (b) contractual arrangements between the third-country operator and the railway undertaking or infrastructure manager that has a single safety certificate or safety authorisation to operate on that network, provided that the safety-related aspects of those arrangements have been duly reflected in their safety management system.
(a) how the requirements for the single safety certificate laid down in this Article shall be fulfilled by the applicant and listing the documents required; (b) the details of the certification process, such as procedural stages and timeframes for each stage of the process; (c) how the requirements laid down in this Article shall to be complied with by the Agency and the national safety authority through the different stages of the application and certification process, including in the assessment of applicants' files; and (d) the period of validity of single safety certificates issued by the Agency or by the national safety authorities, in particular in the case of updates of any single safety certificate resulting from changes to type, extent and area of operation.
(a) ensure that vehicles are maintained in accordance with the maintenance file of each vehicle and the requirements in force, including maintenance rules and relevant TSI provisions; (b) implement the necessary risk evaluation and assessment methods established in the CSMs as referred to in point (a) of Article 6(1), where appropriate in cooperation with other actors; (c) ensure that its contractors implement risk control measures through the application of the CSM on monitoring referred to in point (c) of Article 6(1) and that this is stipulated in contractual arrangements to be disclosed on request of the Agency or the national safety authority; and (d) ensure the traceability of the maintenance activities.
(a) a management function to supervise and coordinate the maintenance functions referred to in points (b) to (d) and to ensure the safe state of the vehicle in the railway system; (b) a maintenance development function responsible to manage the maintenance documentation, including the configuration management, based on design and operational data as well as on performance and return on experience; (c) a fleet-maintenance management function to manage the vehicle's removal for maintenance and its return to operation after maintenance; (d) a maintenance delivery function to deliver the required technical maintenance of a vehicle or parts of it, including the release to service documentation.
(a) the accreditation and recognition processes of certification processes shall be based on criteria of independence, competence and impartiality; (b) the system of certification shall provide evidence that an entity in charge of maintenance has established the maintenance system to ensure the safe state of running of any vehicle for which it is in charge of maintenance; (c) the ECM certification shall be based on an assessment of the ability of the entity in charge of maintenance to meet the relevant requirements and assessment criteria set out in Annex III and to apply them consistently. It shall include a system of surveillance to ensure continuing compliance with those requirements and assessment criteria after award of the ECM certificate; (d) the certification of maintenance workshops shall be based on the compliance with the relevant sections in Annex III applied to the corresponding functions and activities to be certified.
(a) maintenance functions carried out by maintenance workshops, including detailed provisions to ensure the uniform implementation of the certification of maintenance workshops, in compliance with the relevant CSM and TSIs; (b) the certification of entities in charge of maintenance of vehicles other than freight wagons, on the basis of the technical characteristics of such vehicles, including detailed provisions to ensure the uniform implementation of the certification conditions by the entity in charge of maintenance for vehicles other than freight wagons, in compliance with the relevant CSM and TSIs.
(a) vehicles registered in a third country and maintained in accordance with the law of that country; (b) vehicles used on networks or lines the track gauge of which is different from that of the main rail network within the Union and in respect of which fulfilment of the requirements laid down in Article 14(2) is ensured by international agreements with third countries; (c) freight wagons and passenger coaches which are in shared use with third countries the track gauge of which is different from that of the main rail network within the Union; (d) vehicles used on the networks referred to in Article 2(3), and military equipment and special transport requiring an ad hoc national safety authority permit to be delivered prior to their entry into service. In this case derogations shall be granted for periods not longer than 5 years.
(a) registering vehicles pursuant to Article 47 of Directive (EU) 2016/797, as far as the identification of the entity in charge of maintenance is concerned; (b) delivering single safety certificates and safety authorisations to railway undertakings and infrastructure managers pursuant to Articles 10 and 12 of this Directive, as far as the identification or certification of the entity in charge of maintenance is concerned.
(a) authorising the placing in service of the trackside control-command and signalling, energy and infrastructure subsystems constituting the Union rail system in accordance with Article 18(2) of Directive (EU) 2016/797; (b) issuing, renewing, amending and revoking vehicle authorisations for placing on the market in accordance with Article 21(8) of Directive (EU) 2016/797; (c) supporting the Agency in the issuing, renewal, amendment and revocation of vehicle authorisations for placing on the market in accordance with Article 21(5) of Directive (EU) 2016/797 and type authorisations of vehicle in accordance with Article 24 of Directive (EU) 2016/797; (d) supervising, in its territory, that interoperability constituents are in compliance with the essential requirements as required by Article 8 of Directive (EU) 2016/797; (e) ensuring that a vehicle number has been assigned in accordance with Article 46 of Directive (EU) 2016/797, without prejudice to Article 47(4) of that Directive; (f) supporting the Agency in the issuing, renewal, amendment and revocation of single safety certificates granted in accordance with Article 10(5); (g) issuing, renewing, amending and revoking single safety certificates granted in accordance with Article 10(8); (h) issuing, renewing, amending and revoking safety authorisations granted in accordance with Article 12; (i) monitoring, promoting, and, where appropriate, enforcing and updating the safety regulatory framework including the system of national rules; (j) supervising railway undertakings and infrastructure managers in accordance with Article 17; (k) where relevant, and in accordance with national law, issuing, renewing, amending and revoking train driving licences in accordance with Directive 2007/59/EC; (l) where relevant, and in accordance with national law, issuing, renewing, amending and revoking certificates granted to entities in charge of maintenance.
(a) the safety management system to monitor its effectiveness; (b) the individual or partial elements of the safety management system, including operational activities, the supply of maintenance and material and the use of contractors to monitor their effectiveness; and (c) the relevant CSMs referred to in Article 6. The supervision activities relating to this point shall also apply to entities in charge of maintenance, where appropriate.
(a) the development of railway safety, including an aggregation at Member State level of the CSIs, in accordance with Article 5(1); (b) important changes in legislation and regulation concerning railway safety; (c) the development of safety certification and safety authorisation; (d) the results of, and experience relating to, the supervision of infrastructure managers and railway undertakings, including the number and outcome of inspections and audits; (e) the derogations decided in accordance with Article 15; and (f) the experience of the railway undertakings and infrastructure managers on the application of the relevant CSMs.
(a) the seriousness of the accident or incident; (b) whether it forms part of a series of accidents or incidents relevant to the system as a whole; (c) its impact on railway safety; and (d) requests from infrastructure managers, railway undertakings, the national safety authority or the Member States.
(a) immediate access to the site of the accident or incident as well as to the rolling stock involved, the related infrastructure and traffic control and signalling installations; (b) the right to an immediate listing of evidence and controlled removal of wreckage, infrastructure installations or components for examination or analysis purposes; (c) unrestricted access to, and use of, the contents of on-board recorders and equipment for the recording of verbal messages and registration of the operation of the signalling and traffic control system; (d) access to the results of examination of the bodies of victims; (e) access to the results of examinations of the train staff and other railway staff involved in the accident or incident; (f) the opportunity to question the railway staff involved in the accident or incident and other witnesses; and (g) access to any relevant information or records held by the infrastructure manager, railway undertakings, entities in charge of maintenance and national safety authority concerned.
(a) the common peer-review programme and the review criteria; and (b) an annual report on the programme, highlighting identified strengths and suggestions for improvements.
(a) a railway undertaking established and licensed in one of those Member States is involved in the accident or incident; or (b) a vehicle registered or maintained in one of those Member States is involved in the accident or incident.
(a) a description of the occurrence and its background; (b) a record of the investigations and inquires, including on the safety management system, the rules and regulations applied, the functioning of rolling stock and technical installations, the organisation of man power, the documentation on the operating system and previous occurrences of a similar character; (c) analysis and conclusions with regard to the causes of the occurrence, including contributory factors, relating to: (i) actions taken by persons involved; (ii) the condition of rolling stock or technical installations; (iii) skills of the staff, procedures and maintenance; (iv) the regulatory framework conditions; and (v) the application of the safety management system.
(a) the obligation for manufacturers to mark with an identification code the safety-critical components circulating on the European rail networks, ensuring that the identification code clearly identifies the component, the name of the manufacturer and the significant production data; (b) the full traceability of the safety-critical components, the traceability of their maintenance activities and the identification of their operational life; and (c) the identification of common mandatory principles for the maintenance of those components.
collision of train with rail vehicle, collision of train with obstacle within the clearance gauge, derailment of train, level crossing accident, including accident involving pedestrians at level crossing, and a further break-down for the five types of level crossings defined in point 6.2, accident to persons involving rolling stock in motion, with the exception of suicides and attempted suicides, fire in rolling stock, other.
passenger (also relative to total passenger-kilometres and passenger train-kilometres), employee or contractor, level crossing user, trespasser, other person at a platform, other person not at a platform.
accident involving at least one railway vehicle transporting dangerous goods, as defined in the Appendix, number of such accidents in which dangerous goods are released.
broken rail, track buckle and other track misalignment, wrong-side signalling failure, signal passed at danger when passing a danger point, signal passed at danger without passing a danger point, broken wheel on rolling stock in service, broken axle on rolling stock in service.
number of deaths and serious injuries multiplied by the Value of Preventing a Casualty (VPC), cost of damages to environment, cost of material damages to rolling stock or infrastructure, cost of delays as a consequence of accidents.
warning, warning and automatic stop, warning and automatic stop and discrete supervision of speed, warning and automatic stop and continuous supervision of speed.
(a) passive level crossing (b) active level crossing: (i) manual, (ii) automatic with user-side warning, (iii) automatic with user-side protection, (iv) rail-side protected.
1. rules concerning existing national safety targets and safety methods; 2. rules concerning requirements in respect of safety management systems and safety certification of railway undertakings; 3. common operating rules of the railway network that are not yet covered by TSIs, including rules relating to the signalling and traffic management system; 4. rules laying down requirements in respect of additional internal operating rules (company rules) that must be established by infrastructure managers and railway undertakings; 5. rules concerning requirements in respect of staff executing safety-critical tasks, including selection criteria, medical fitness and vocational training and certification, in so far as they are not yet covered by a TSI; 6. rules concerning the investigation of accidents and incidents.
that all maintenance activities affecting safety and safety-critical components are identified and correctly managed and that all the necessary changes to those maintenance activities affecting safety are identified, properly managed based upon the return of experience and the application of Common Safety Methods for risk assessment in accordance with point (a) of Article 6(1) and properly documented; conformity with the essential requirements for interoperability; the implementation and check of maintenance facilities, equipment and tools specifically developed and required for maintenance delivery; the analysis of the initial documentation related to the vehicle for providing the first maintenance file and to ensure its correct implementation through the development of maintenance orders; that components (including spare parts) and materials are used as specified in the maintenance orders and supplier documentation; they are stored, handled and transported in an appropriate manner as specified in the maintenance orders and supplier documentation and comply with relevant national and international rules as well as with the requirements of relevant maintenance orders; that suitable and adequate facilities, equipment and tools are determined, identified, provided, recorded and kept available to enable to deliver the maintenance services in accordance with maintenance orders and other applicable specifications, ensuring the safe delivery of maintenance, ergonomics and health protection; that the organisation have processes to ensure that its measuring equipment, all facilities, equipment and tools are correctly used, calibrated, preserved and maintained in accordance with documented processes;
that vehicles are removed from operation for scheduled, conditional or corrective maintenance in due time, or whenever defects or other needs have been identified; the necessary quality control measures; that maintenance tasks are performed in accordance with the maintenance orders and to issue the notice to return to operation including possible restrictions on use; that possible instance of non-compliance in the application of the management system that might result in accidents, incidents, near-misses or other dangerous occurrences are reported, investigated and analysed and that necessary preventive measures are taken in compliance with the common safety method for monitoring provided in point (c) of Article 6(1); recurrent internal auditing and monitoring process compliant with the common safety method for monitoring provided in point (c) of Article 6(1).
Directive 2004/49/EC | ( |
Directive 2008/57/EC | ( |
Directive 2008/110/EC | ( |
Commission Directive 2009/149/EC | ( |
Corrigendum, 2004/49/EC | ( |
Commission Directive 2014/88/EU | ( |
Directive | Deadline for transposition |
2004/49/EC | |
2008/57/EC | |
2008/110/EC | |
Commission Directive 2009/149/EC | |
Commission Directive 2014/88/EU |
Directive 2004/49/EC | This Directive |
Article 1 | Article 1 |
Article 2 | Article 2 |
Article 3 | Article 3 |
Article 4 | Article 4 |
Article 5 | Article 5 |
Article 6 | Article 6 |
Article 7 | Article 7 |
Article 8 | Article 8 |
Article 9 | Article 9 |
Article 10 | Article 10 |
— | Article 11 |
Article 11 | Article 12 |
Article 12 | — |
Article 13 | Article 13 |
Article 14a(1) to (7) | Article 14 |
Article 14a(8) | Article 15 |
Article 15 | — |
Article 16 | Article 16 |
— | Article 17 |
Article 17 | Article 18 |
Article 18 | Article 19 |
Article 19 | Article 20 |
Article 20 | Article 21 |
Article 21 | Article 22 |
Article 22 | Article 23 |
Article 23 | Article 24 |
Article 24 | Article 25 |
Article 25 | Article 26 |
Article 26 | — |
— | Article 27 |
Article 27 | Article 28 |
Article 28 | — |
Article 29 | — |
Article 30 | — |
Article 31 | Article 29 |
Article 32 | Article 30 |
— | Article 31 |
— | Article 32 |
Article 33 | Article 33 |
— | Article 34 |
Article 34 | Article 35 |
Article 35 | Article 36 |
Annex I | Annex I |
Annex II | Annex II |
Annex III | — |
Annex IV | — |
Annex V | — |
— | Annex III |