Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/604 of 16 April 2015 amending Annexes I and II to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 as regards animal health requirements for bovine tuberculosis in the models of veterinary certificates BOV-X and BOV-Y and the entries for Israel, New Zealand and Paraguay in the lists of third countries, territories or parts thereof from which the introduction into the Union of live animals and fresh meat is authorised Text with EEA relevance
(1) Annex I is amended as follows: (a) Part 1 is amended as follows: (i) the entry for New Zealand is replaced by the following: "NZ — New Zealand NZ-0 Whole country BOV-X, BOV-Y, RUM, POR-X, POR-Y OVI-X, OVI-Y III V XII" (ii) the following entry is added to the specific conditions: ;""XII" territory recognised as having officially tuberculosis-free bovine herds equivalent to those recognised based on the conditions laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Annex A.I to Directive 64/432/EEC, for the purposes of exports to the Union of live animals certified according to the model of veterinary certificate BOV-X or BOV-Y."
(b) in Part 2, the models of veterinary certificates BOV-X and BOV-Y are replaced by the following: ""
(2) Part 1 of Annex II is amended as follows: (a) the entry for Paraguay is replaced by the following: "PY — Paraguay PY-0 Whole country EQU PY-0 Whole country BOV A 1 17 April 2015 "(b) the entry for Israel is replaced by the following: "IL — Israel ( 6 )IL-0 Whole country —" (c) the following footnote (6) is added: "( 6 )Hereafter understood as the State of Israel, excluding the territories under Israeli administration since June 1967, namely the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank."