Name/Column | Code | Description | Filter |
WORKEXP211 | | Work experience during studies | HATLEVEL≠000 |
| Paid or unpaid work experience during the highest level of education (HATLEVEL) |
1 | Both paid and unpaid work experience |
2 | Paid work experience only |
3 | Unpaid work experience only |
4 | No work experience during HATLEVEL |
9 | Not applicable (not included in the filter) |
Blank | Unknown |
WORKSTUD212 | | Work-based learning | WORKEXP = 1-3 |
| Type of work experience that is part of the curriculum of the highest level of education (HATLEVEL) |
1 | Apprenticeship (operational Eurostat definition) |
2 | Mandatory traineeship |
3 | Mandatory work-based training where distinction between 1 and 2 is not possible |
4 | Optional traineeship (part of education) |
5 | Work outside the curriculum |
9 | Not applicable (not included in the filter) |
Blank | Unknown |
ADDLEVEL213-214 | | Level of additional formal education | EDUCSTAT = 2 |
| Level and orientation of formal education that person started after reaching highest level of education |
00 | No other formal education started after reaching the highest level of education |
10 | ISCED 1 |
20 | ISCED 2 |
30 | ISCED 3 where distinction by orientation is not possible |
34 | ISCED 3 general programme |
35 | ISCED 3 vocational programme |
40 | ISCED 4 where distinction by orientation is not possible |
44 | ISCED 4 general programme |
45 | ISCED 4 vocational programme |
50 | ISCED 5 |
60 | ISCED 6 |
70 | ISCED 7 |
80 | ISCED 8 |
99 | Not applicable (not included in the filter) |
Blank | Unknown |
DROPREAS215 | | Reason for dropping out | EDUCSTAT = 2 and ADDLEVEL≠00 |
| Main reason for not completing the level of formal education started |
0 | Completed last formal education |
| Did not complete last formal education due to: |
1 | The level of difficulty |
2 | Failure of study to meet needs or interest |
3 | The costs of studying |
4 | A wish to start working |
5 | Family reasons |
6 | Health reasons |
7 | Other |
9 | Not applicable (not included in the filter) |
Blank | Unknown |
LEAVDATE216-221 | | Date of leaving formal education | EDUCSTAT = 2 and ADDLEVEL≠00 |
| Year and month of leaving formal education |
| Enter the four digits of the year concerned |
9999 | Not applicable (not included in the filter) |
Blank | Unknown (year) |
| |
| Enter the two digits of the month concerned |
99 | Not applicable (not included in the filter) |
Blank | Unknown (month) |
NCONREAS222 | | Reason for not continuing education | EDUCSTAT = 2 and ADDLEVEL = 00 and HATLEVEL = 000-500 |
| Main reason for not continuing formal education |
0 | Highest level of education was considered high enough |
1 | The level of difficulty |
2 | Failure of study to meet needs or interest |
3 | The costs of studying |
4 | A wish to start working |
5 | Family reasons |
6 | Health reasons |
7 | Other |
9 | Not applicable (not included in the filter) |
Blank | Unknown |