No | Field name | Description | Type | Standard | Scope |
1 | CRA identifier | Code used to identify the reporting credit rating agency. It is provided by ESMA upon registration or certification. | Mandatory. | | Technical |
2 | Reporting CRA LEI | LEI code of the credit rating agency sending the file. | Mandatory. | ISO 17442 | Public |
3 | Responsible CRA LEI | LEI code of the credit rating agency responsible for the rating, i.e. in case of:- a rating issued in the Union, the registered credit rating agency that has issued the rating,
- an endorsed rating, the registered credit rating agency that endorsed the rating,
- a rating issued by a certified credit rating agency, the certified credit rating agency,
- a rating issued in a third country but not endorsed by a registered credit rating agency, the third country credit rating agency that issued the rating.
| Mandatory. | ISO 17442 | Public |
4 | Issuer CRA LEI | LEI code of the credit rating agency that issued the rating, that is to say in case of:- a rating issued in the Union, the registered credit rating agency,
- an endorsed rating, the third country credit rating agency that has issued the endorsed rating,
- a rating issued by a certified credit rating agency, the certified entity,
- a rating issued in a third country but not endorsed by a registered credit rating agency, the third country credit rating agency that issued the rating.
| Mandatory. | ISO 17442 | Public |
5 | Rating identifier | Unique identifier of the rating, which shall be maintained unchanged over time. The rating identifier shall be unique in all reports to ESMA. | Mandatory. | | Technical |
6 | Rating type | Identifies whether the rating is a corporate rating, a sovereign or public finance rating, a structured finance rating or other financial instrument rating. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Mandatory. | C — if the rating is applicable to corporate ratingsS — if the rating is applicable to sovereign ratingsT — if the rating is applicable to structured finance ratingsO — if the rating is applicable to other financial instruments. | Public |
7 | Other rating type | Describes the type of rated financial instrument that was reported in the "O" rating type. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "O". | | Supervision only |
8 | Rated object | Specifies if the rating refers to an entity/issuer of debt or a debt issuance of a rated entity/financial instrument. | Mandatory. | ISR — the rating refers to an entity or issuer of debtINT — the rating refers to a debt issuance/financial instrument. | Public |
9 | Time horizon | Identifies whether the rating is a short-term or a long-term rating. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Mandatory. | L — if the rating is a long-term ratingS — if the rating is a short-term rating. | Public |
10 | Country | Country code of the rated entity/instrument. | Mandatory. | ISO 3166-1 code.The code "ZZ" shall be used to identify the category "international". | Public |
11 | Currency | Identifies whether the rating is expressed in respect of local or foreign currency. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "C" or "S" | LC — in case of a local currency ratingFC — in case of a foreign currency rating. | Public |
12 | Legal entity/issuer LEI | LEI code of the legal entity/issuer. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Mandatory.Applicable only if the rated entity is eligible for acquiring a LEI code. | ISO 17442 | Public |
13 | Legal entity/issuer national fiscal code | Unique national fiscal code of the rated entity. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Optional.If applicable. | | Public |
14 | Legal entity/issuer value added tax (VAT) code | Unique national VAT code of the rated entity. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Optional.If applicable. | | Public |
15 | Legal entity/issuer Bank Identified Code (BIC) | Unique BIC of the rated entity. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Optional.Applicable only for entities that represent financial institutions ("Industry" = "FI" or "IN"). | ISO 9362 | Public |
16 | Legal entity/issuer internal identifier | Unique internal identifier of the issuer. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Mandatory. | | Supervision only |
17 | Legal entity/issuer name | It shall contain appropriate understandable reference to the legal name of the legal entity/issuer. | Mandatory. | | Public |
18 | Parent legal entity/Issuer LEI | LEI code of the parent company. To be reported only in case the rated issuer is a subsidiary of another rated entity. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Mandatory.Applicable if the rated entity/debt issuer is a subsidiary of another rated entity. | ISO 17442 | Public |
19 | Parent legal entity/issuer internal identifier | Unique internal identifier of the parent entity/issuer. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Mandatory.Applicable if the rated entity is a subsidiary of another rated entity. | | Supervision only |
20 | Sub-sovereign Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) code | Identifier of the city/region of the rated municipality/sub-sovereign. | Mandatory.Applicable only for "Country" is part of the Union and for "Rating type" = "S" and "Sector" = "SM" | EUROSTAT nomenclature: NUTS 1 to 3 | Public |
21 | ISIN | International Securities Identifying Number (ISIN) of the rated instrument. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rated object" = "INT" and if the rated instruments has an ISIN allocated. | ISO 6166 | Public |
22 | Instrument unique identifier | A combination of instrument’s attributes that uniquely identifies the instrument. | Optional. | ESMA standard | Supervision only |
23 | Instrument internal identifier | Unique code to identify the financial instrument that is rated. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rated object" = "INT". | | Supervision only |
24 | Issue/programme type | Indicates the issue/programme type of the rating. | Optional.Applicable for "Rating type" = "C" or "S" and "Rated object" = "INT". | Valid "Issue/programme type identifier", previously reported in the "Issue/programme type list". | Public |
25 | Issuer rating type | Specifies the issuer rating type. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "C" and for "Rated object" = "ISR" | Valid "Issuer rating type identifier", previously reported in the "Issuer rating type list". | Public |
26 | Debt category | Specifies the debt category for the rated issues or debts. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "C" or "S" and "Rated object" = "ISR" and "Issuer rating type" = "DT" or "Rated object" = "INT" if applies. | Valid "Rated debt classification identifier", previously reported in the "Debt categories list". | Public |
27 | Issuance date | Specifies the issuance date of the rated instrument or debt issuance. It shall be maintained unchanged over time. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rated object" = "INT". | ISO 8601 date format: (YYYY-MM-DD) | Supervision only |
28 | Maturity date | The maturity date of the rated instrument or debt issuance. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rated object" = "INT".If perpetual: 9999-01-01. | ISO 8601 date format: (YYYY-MM-DD) or 9999-01-01 | Supervision only |
29 | Outstanding issue volume | The outstanding issue volume at first rating issuance. The amount shall be reported in the currency of the issuance reported in "Outstanding issue volume currency code". | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rated object" = "INT". | | Supervision only |
30 | Outstanding issue volume currency code | The code of the currency of the rated issue. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rated object" = "INT". | ISO 4217 | Supervision only |
31 | Industry | Categorisation of the rated entity or debt issuances reported under the "corporate" rating type in financial, insurance and non-financial corporates. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "C". | FI — for financial institution rating including banks, brokers and dealersIN — for insurance institution ratingCO — for corporate institution rating that is not included in "FI" or "IN" | Public |
32 | Sector | Specifies subcategories for sovereign and public finance ratings. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "S". | SV — for State ratingSM — for regional or local authority ratingIF — for international financial institution ratingSO — for supranational organisations rating other than "IF"PE — for public entities rating. | Public |
33 | Asset class | Defines the main asset classes for structured finance ratings. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T". | ABS — for ABS ratingRMBS — for RMBS ratingCMBS — for CMBS ratingCDO — for CDO ratingABCP — for ABCP ratingOTH — for other. | Public |
34 | Sub-asset | Defines the sub-asset classes for the structured finance ratings. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T". | CCS — if ABS: credit card receivable backed securitiesALB — if ABS: auto loan backed securitiesCNS — if ABS: consumer loan backed securitySME — if ABS: small and medium-sized enterprises loan backed securitiesLES — if ABS: leases to individual or business backed securityHEL — if RMBS: home equity loansPRR — if RMBS: prime RMBS, NPR — if RMBS: non-prime RMBSCFH — if CDO: cash flow and hybrid CDOs/CLOsSDO — if CDO: synthetic CDOs/CLOsMVO — if CDO: market value CDOsSIV — if OTH: structured investment vehicles
ILS — if OTH: insurance-linked securitiesDPC — if OTH: derivative product companiesSCB — if OTH: structured covered bondsOTH — other. | Public |
35 | Other sub-asset class | Indicates the other asset or sub-asset class category. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating-type" = "T" and "Sub-asset" = "OTH". | | Supervision only |
36 | Corporate issues classifications | Classification of covered bonds. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "C" and "Rated object" = "INT". | BND —bondsCBR — covered bonds as referred to in Article 52(4) of Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and that meet the eligibility requirements set out in Article 129 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013OCB — other types of covered bonds, for which the credit rating agency has used specific covered bonds methodologies, models or key rating assumptions for issuing the credit rating and which are not included in point (b) of Article 5(2) of this RegulationOTH — other types of corporate issues which are not included in points (a), (b) and (c) of Article 5(2) of this Regulation.. | Public |
37 | Other corporate issues | Describes the type of issue reported under the "other" category of corporate issues. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Corporate issues classifications" = "OTH". | | Supervision only |
38 | Tranche class | Class of the tranche. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T". | | Public |
39 | Series No/programme ID | In case the issue is part of a series of multiple issuances under the same programme, it shall specify the issue’s specific series number. Programme ID could be added, where this exists, to complement the "Programme/deal/issuance name". | Optional.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T" or ‘Rating type = "C" and "Rated object" = "INT". | | Public |
40 | Programme/deal/issuance name | Specifies the programme/deal/issuance name used in the public issuance documents | Optional.Applicable for "Rated object" = "INT". | | Public |
41 | Originators | Originator internal identifier | Unique internal code assigned by the credit rating agency to the originator. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T".In case of multiple originators that cannot be individually identified, "MULTIPLE" should be reported. | | Supervision only |
42 | Originator LEI | LEI code of the originator. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T" and "Originator Internal Identifier " is not "MULTIPLE". | ISO 17442 | Supervision only |
43 | Originator BIC code | Unique BIC of the originator. | Optional.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T" and "Originator Internal Identifier " is not "MULTIPLE". | ISO 9362 | Supervision only |
44 | Originator name | It shall contain appropriate understandable reference to the legal name of the originator (or the parent company of the issuer). | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T" and "Originator internal identifier " is not "MULTIPLE". | | Supervision only |
45 | Preceding preliminary rating | For all the new ratings it specifies if the credit rating agency issued a preliminary rating or initial review before issuing the final rating. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Action type" = "NEW" in Table 2 of Part 2 | Y — yesN — no | Supervision only |
46 | Preceding preliminary rating identifier | Indicates the rating identifier of the preceding issued preliminary rating or initial review. The "Preceding preliminary rating identifier" should correspond to an already reported valid preliminary rating "Rating identifier". | Mandatory.Applicable for "Preceding preliminary rating" = "Y" | | Supervision only |
47 | Complexity indicator | Indicates the complexity grade assigned to a structured finance rating considering factors such as the number of originators, counterparties, countries, the need to develop new methodologies or new innovative features, credit enhancements, underlying documentation, complex collateral, different or new jurisdictions and/or existence of derivative components amongst other factors that may be considered relevant by the CRA when it is assessing the complexity of a rating service. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T". | S — standard complexityC — additional complexity | Supervision only |
48 | Structured finance transaction type | Indication of whether the instrument refers to a stand-alone or master-trust. | Mandatory.Applicable for "Rating type" = "T". | S — stand-alone transactionM — master trust transaction | Supervision only |
49 | Type of rating for ERP | Identifies the credit ratings that fall under the scope of ERP, based on the requirements set out in Article 11a of the Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009. | Mandatory. | NXI — the rating is not exclusively produced for and disclosed to investors for a feeEXI — the rating is exclusively produced for and disclosed to investors for a fee | Technical |
50 | Relevant for CEREP statistics calculation | Indicates if the rating shall be used for CEREP statistics calculation. | Mandatory. | Y — yesN — no | Technical |