(a) the procedures to be followed for the identification, selection and necessary pre-deployment preparation of candidate volunteers, including apprenticeship placements, where relevant; (b) arrangements for the training programme and the procedure for assessing the candidate volunteers' readiness to be deployed; (c) provisions for the deployment and management of EU Aid Volunteers in third countries, including, inter alia, supervision in the field, continued support through coaching, mentoring, additional training, necessary working conditions, post-deployment support; (d) the provision of insurance coverage and living conditions of volunteers including the coverage of subsistence, accommodation, travel and other relevant expenses; (e) procedures to be followed before, during and after deployment to ensure duty of care and appropriate safety and security measures, including medical evacuation protocols and security plans that cover emergency evacuation from third countries, including the necessary procedures for liaison with national authorities; (f) procedures for monitoring and assessing the individual performance of EU Aid Volunteers; (g) a certification mechanism ensuring that sending organisations comply with the standards and procedures referred to in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014, and a differentiated certification mechanism for hosting organisations.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1244/2014 of 20 November 2014 laying down rules for the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps ( ‘EU Aid Volunteers initiative’ ) Text with EEA relevance
(a) "Competence framework" means a framework within the meaning laid down by the Commission Delegated Regulation to be adopted on the basis of Article 9(2) of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014; (b) "Learning and development plan" means a plan within the meaning laid down by the Commission Delegated Regulation to be adopted on the basis of Article 9(2) of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014; (c) "Trainer" means a person recruited by the training provider to deliver one or more training modules or to facilitate scenario-based simulation exercises and to assess the candidate volunteers' competences; (d) "Training mentor" means a trainer, recruited by the training provider, with a coordinating role to assess the eligibility of the candidate volunteer for deployment. He or she is responsible for a group of candidate volunteers. He or she coordinates the assessment of their competences based on feedback from other trainers, and engages with candidate volunteers individually to reflect on their self-assessment and trainers' assessment; (e) "Mentoring" means a process of informal transmission of knowledge, social capital and psychosocial support relevant to work, career or professional development. Mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and over a sustained period, between a person identified by the hosting organisation as the mentor, on one hand, who is perceived to have relevant knowledge, expertise and experience, and the EU Aid Volunteer, on the other; (f) "Debriefing" means a process that provides the sending and hosting organisations and the EU Aid Volunteer with clear information on the results of the assignment, the achievements of the EU Aid Volunteers, and recommendations or learning from their experience, as well as capitalisation, lessons learnt and a positive professional closure of the placement.
(a) Definition of the task assignment, competence profile and selection criteria for EU Aid Volunteers as provided for in Article 4; (b) Announcement and application as provided for in Article 5; (c) Assessment, long and short-listing of the applicants as provided for in Article 6; (d) Selection as provided for in Article 7.
(a) Seniority, with the possibility for senior professionals to focus on mandatory modules and to choose the appropriate level of project management training and specialised optional modules; (b) The needs of the hosting organisation for specific competences, to be addressed through participation of the candidate volunteer in optional modules; (c) General competences of the candidate volunteer, to be addressed through participation in optional modules.
(a) General introduction to the Union its external relations and crisis response system; (b) Introduction to humanitarian action, the Union humanitarian aid policy and the EU Aid Volunteers initiative; (c) Managing personal safety, security and health; (d) Project management; (e) Inter-cultural awareness (and transversal issues); (f) A scenario-based simulation exercise requiring candidate volunteers to demonstrate acquired competences.
(a) Advocacy and communication; (b) Psychological first aid; (c) Training of multipliers; (d) Volunteer management; (e) Organisational development; (f) Tailor-made modules, where necessary, in particular related to adapting the technical competences of candidate volunteers to a humanitarian aid context.
(a) Self-assessment to be completed by the candidate volunteer after the scenario-based simulation exercise; (b) Observation notes to be provided by trainers after each module and after the scenario-based simulation exercise; (c) Training mentor's assessment providing a critical review of the self-assessment and observation notes from a one-to-one mentoring session between the training mentor and the candidate volunteer based on feedback from trainers.
(a) Pre-deployment induction to be provided by the sending organisation as provided for in Article 12; (b) In-country induction to be provided by the hosting organisation as provided for in Article 18.
(a) Organisation and management structure and processes, teams involved in the project (including project manager, crisis management officer, human resources), organisational mission and objectives in relation to the EU Aid Volunteers initiative; (b) Comprehensive information on the context of the project in which the candidate volunteer will operate, their task assignment and the needs assessment that underpins it; and the envisaged working and living conditions as provided for in Articles 22 and 24-27; (c) The relevant legal framework applicable to the volunteer as provided for in the Commission Delegated Regulation to be adopted on the basis of Article 9(2) of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014; (d) Standards and procedures relevant to the volunteer, including disciplinary and grievance, anti-fraud and corruption, child and vulnerable adult safeguarding, code of conduct as provided for in the Commission Delegated Regulation to be adopted on the basis of Article 9(2) of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014; (e) Mandatory context-specific security briefing and health and safety briefing (including medical check prior to departure) as provided for in Articles 28 and 30; (f) Supervision and performance management system and procedure, and support mechanisms in place, including mentoring and other support as provided for in Articles 19, 20 and 21; (g) The learning and development plan; (h) Information about the network for the EU Aid Volunteers initiative and how it supports volunteers before, during and after deployment; (i) Information about the communication and visibility activities envisaged in the project, based on the communication plan referred to in Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014, including contact information for the responsible Regional Information Officer of the Commission. (j) The debriefing process as provided for in Article 23.
(a) The learning outcomes the apprentice volunteer is expected to achieve during their apprenticeship period; (b) The tasks the apprentice volunteer will carry out as part of the learning process and resources to be put in place; (c) The objectives and results the apprentice volunteer is expected to achieve on completion of the apprenticeship period.
(a) Article 19(4), (5), (6) and (9), Articles 21 and 22. (b) Article 24 except for paragraph 5. Candidate volunteers coming from EU countries or from third countries referred to in Article 23(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014 under the conditions referred to in that Article who are covered by their national social security or insurance scheme in the country of their residence and who are undertaking apprenticeship placements in the above-mentioned countries shall receive only complementary coverage. This means that their insurance coverage shall be limited to costs over and above the coverage provided by the national social security or insurance scheme. In exceptionally justified cases, where the national social security or insurance scheme covers only part or none of the costs provided for in Article 24(5), 100 % of the costs incurred shall be covered. (c) Article 25 except for paragraph 6 Article 26 and Article 27(1), where relevant. (d) Article 28(1), (8) and (14) and Article 30(1), (4), (5), (6) and (7).
(a) Assess performance of the apprentice volunteer against their objectives; (b) Review whether the results agreed have been achieved; (c) Identify the learning outcomes.
(a) Specification of the EU Aid Volunteer's role, title, duration and location of placement, and tasks to be performed as defined in the task assignment including the elements deriving from the communication plan referred to in Article 17 of the Regulation (EU) No 375/2014; (b) Duration of the contract, including start and end date; (c) Performance management, including: Management arrangements, including the responsible line manager from the hosting organisation and contact point for ongoing support from the sending organisation; Mentoring arrangements;
(d) Working conditions, including working hours and leave; (e) The EU Aid Volunteer's financial rights and obligations, including the necessary arrangements for their provision: Subsistence and resettlement allowance; Information on applicable tax and social security rules; Insurance coverage; Accommodation; Travel;
(f) Practical arrangements: Medical checks; Visa and work permits;
(g) Confidentiality; (h) Expected conduct from the EU Aid Volunteer, including integrity and code of conduct, and safeguarding children and vulnerable adults including zero tolerance towards sexual abuse, to be annexed to the contract; (i) Disciplinary policy and termination of volunteer status; (j) Mediation mechanism for problem-solving, grievance and dispute resolution; (k) Responsibilities and policies applicable to security management and health and safety; (l) Learning and development: Training and induction; Debriefing.
(a) Organisation and management structure and processes; teams involved in the project (including project management officer, operational and technical team, crisis management officer, support teams such as human resources and finance); project site(s); and organisational mission and objectives in relation to the EU Aid Volunteers initiative; (b) Comprehensive information on the hosting organisation's mission, remit and projects; communities involved; operational context; and expectations on outputs and results from the EU Aid Volunteer's task assignment and the needs assessment that underpins it; (c) Relevant local legal framework applicable to the EU Aid Volunteer; (d) Mandatory context-specific security briefing and health and safety briefing as provided for in Articles 28 and 30; (e) Supervision and performance management system and procedure and support mechanisms in place, including mentoring and other support as provided for in Articles 19, 20 and 21; (f) Cultural briefing on the country, region and locality of deployment, including guidance on appropriate behaviour; (g) In-country debriefing process as provided for in Article 23.
(a) support the settlement and transition of the EU Aid Volunteer; (b) provide necessary additional support to the EU Aid Volunteer and the hosting organisation; (c) take part in the mid-term and final reviews and in other meetings, if necessary; and (d) provide mediation support in case of disagreement between the hosting organisation and the EU Aid Volunteer.
(a) development of professional skills and improvement of performance and knowledge; (b) cultural integration and acclimatisation; (c) coaching related to the task assignment; and (d) dealing with psychosocial issues.
(a) medical and dental care; (b) pregnancy and childbirth; (c) accident; (d) repatriation; (e) life insurance; (f) permanent and temporary disability or incapacity; (g) third party liability; (h) loss or theft of documents, travel tickets and personal belongings; (i) complementary assistance.
(a) food; (b) toiletries and household products; (c) clothing; (d) local transport and in-country transport; (e) miscellaneous expenses deemed necessary to ensure an appropriate standard of living and participation in local society (a maximum of 20 % of the total amount for items listed in points (a) to (d) can be added to include other costs such as leisure activities, haircuts, newspapers and stationery). (f) contingency amount for EU Aid Volunteers staying in areas with indexes above the country average (maximum 10 % for items listed in points (a) to (d)).
(a) Home leave of EU Aid Volunteers whose deployment period exceeds 18 months; (b) Parental leave of EU Aid Volunteers who have one or more dependent children under the age of 12, if their deployment period exceeds 6 months; (c) Special leave in case of funeral or medically certified serious illness of an ascending or descending direct relative, spouse or registered partner, sister or brother.
(a) personal health, such as physical health (disease preventions, eating and sleeping advice, risk awareness on climate and geographical hazards, access to treatment); (b) mental health (advice on work-life balance, stress management, coping mechanisms and relaxation methods, points of contact for psychosocial support).
(a) up-to-date information on local resources concerning health and safety such as contact details of doctors, hospitals, paramedical services; (b) guidance on local customs and norms as part of their in-country briefing in order to limit risks to safety and to facilitate integration.
(a) where relevant, at the end of the apprenticeship placement referred to in Article 14; (b) during the final performance review referred to in Article 19 and in case a mid-term review is considered appropriate to be carried out; (c) during the debriefing referred to in Article 23.
(a) A certified sending or hosting organisation with which the applicant hosting organisation has already had, or envisages to set up, a partnership for participation in the EU Aid Volunteers initiative; (b) A humanitarian aid partner of the Commission with a framework (partnership) agreement in force, with whom the applicant hosting organisation has successfully worked on a humanitarian aid project; (c) A relevant international organisation or not-for-profit organisation or public law body of a civilian character with which the applicant hosting organisation has successfully worked on a humanitarian aid project; (d) An accreditation or auditing organisation that has certified the applicant hosting organisation in areas relevant for the EU Aid Volunteers initiative, in which case the relevant accreditation or auditing documents should also be provided.
(a) To award certification in cases where the applicant hosting organisation is assessed as fully compliant with the requirements of the standards and procedures; (b) Not to award certification in cases where the applicant hosting organisation does not fully comply with the requirements of the standards and procedures.
(a) To award certification in cases where the applicant sending organisation is assessed as fully compliant with the requirements of the standards and procedures; (b) Not to award certification in cases where the applicant sending organisation does not fully comply with the requirements of the standards and procedures.
(a) specification of role, title, description of the team and line management, duration of placement, location(s); (b) detailed description of the relevant needs-based activities as validated by the hosting organisation(s) and well-defined tasks to be undertaken by the EU Aid Volunteer, including the elements based on the communication plan for the initiative; (c) specification of required competences for the tasks on the basis of the competence framework; (d) definition of performance objectives, taking into consideration the duration and specificities of the EU Aid Volunteer's placement, and roles appropriate for a volunteer position; (e) indicators on expected outputs, results and, where possible, outcomes, from the assignment to be used for the EU Aid Volunteer's performance management; (f) flexible elements to allow, to a realistic extent, for the EU Aid Volunteer to influence and shape the tasks according to their individual profile and interests; (g) details of working hours, leave, place of work and mentoring support; (h) clear allocation of management and security management responsibilities between the sending and hosting organisations; and (i) information on security awareness and appropriate behaviour in relation to risk and security management, where relevant.
(a) clear and accurate information about the EU Aid Volunteers initiative, its humanitarian nature and the purposes of volunteering; (b) project description, including details of the operational and security context and/or information as to whether the sending and/or hosting organisations are faith-based organisations; (c) description of the tasks to be performed by the EU Aid Volunteer; (d) description of the competences and motivation required to match the profile; (e) eligibility and exception criteria (if any) as regards the equal opportunities and non-discrimination principles; (f) selection criteria and minimum requirements to serve as exclusion criteria, if applicable (such as level of competences, motivation and other relevant criteria such as experience, language skills, medical aptitude to travel and work in developing countries, availability) and an indication as to whether junior or senior professional profiles are sought; (g) indications as to whether the position is expected to be combined with an apprenticeship placement; (h) conditions of service, including details on the length of deployment, learning opportunities, working and living conditions, including accommodation and subsistence payments, flights, insurance coverage, medical and necessary vaccinations, etc.; (i) closing date and time for submission of applications; (j) timing of shortlisting and interview(s); (k) interview process; (l) expected date of decision on outcome; and (m) expected timetable (date of training, where relevant, apprenticeship placement, pre-deployment preparation and induction, deployment and post-deployment activities).
Factors | General requirements | Minimum requirements |
Working hours |
Leave allowance |
Timing of leave |
| |
Working space |
1. Each EU Aid Volunteer shall have a clean lockable room with access to clean water and sanitation facilities. The room shall be located at a reasonable distance from the EU Aid Volunteer's main working location. 2. Accommodation for EU Aid Volunteers may take the form inter alia of a room with a host family, individual housing or housing with other EU Aid Volunteers. 3. To the extent possible, the accommodation shall facilitate integration of EU Aid Volunteers in the local community and enable them to interact with the expatriate community. 4. Language considerations shall be taken into account when assessing accommodation options. 5. The EU Aid Volunteers shall have access to means of communication enabling them to contact the hosting and sending organisations as well as their relatives.
(a) information on the crisis management officer/team in the sending organisation and relevant contact details to be shared with the hosting organisation and the EU Aid Volunteer; (b) the organisational chart of any staff holding responsibilities for security risk management in both the sending and the hosting organisation, including current contact details; (c) clear procedures, roles and responsibilities in the event of an emergency; (d) a security incident reporting mechanism for the sending and hosting organisations; (e) an evacuation plan; (f) provisions for medical evacuation in line with the provisions for insurance referred to in Article 24; (g) context-specific information, guidelines and rules provided by the hosting organisation; (h) a mechanism for regular review by the sending organisation, with updates provided by the hosting organisation (as required by the country-specific environment); (i) scenario planning organised by the sending organisation with the hosting organisation to assess potential security situations and test the security management and evacuation plan; where possible, drill exercises shall be organised in order to ensure smooth cooperation between the sending and hosting organisations in an emergency scenario; and (j) the support available in the sending and hosting organisations for the physical, material and psychological security and safety of the EU Aid Volunteers.
(a) general situation in the country of deployment (such as economic situation, recent history and anticipated changes to establish levels of risk and insecurity regarding political instability and complexity, conflicts, civil unrest, ethnic and religious dynamics, etc. to establish a map of threats, the likelihood of each threat occurring and their likely impacts); (b) natural-disaster risk-mapping; (c) local attitude and level of local communities' and authorities' acceptance of the EU Aid Volunteer/the initiative; (d) other agencies operating at the same location; (e) contingencies and evacuation plans; (f) facilities (offices and accommodation); (g) reporting mechanisms and monitoring for security incidents; (h) connectivity and communications available and communication equipment (including accessibility and level of reliability); and (i) availability of transport and current maps, including freedom of movement and ease of access.
(a) mapping of diseases prevalent in the area (water-, mosquito-, human-borne, seasonal, etc.), including the level of likelihood and impacts; (b) availability and accessibility of first-aid support (internally and externally), fire wardens and services, medical facilities and professionals (e.g. hospitals, nurses, access to medication); (c) the level of maintenance for all locations (offices and accommodation); availability of electricity points, lighting, ventilation, sanitation and hygiene facilities; (d) the level of vehicle maintenance, regular inspection and servicing, appropriate equipment (such as radio, first-aid kit, seat belts, water, blanket); (e) availability and quality of desk space, chairs, computer equipment; (f) provisions for leave and working hours; access to recreational activities and sports facilities, libraries, markets, etc.; degree of remoteness; access to private space, religious buildings; and (g) health-and-safety incident reporting mechanisms and monitoring.
Module title | Days of face-to-face training | Target group/status | Key learning outcomes: the participants shall … | Main competences addressed |
0.5 | All groups/mandatory | Understanding humanitarian contexts and applying humanitarian principles | ||
1.5 | All groups/mandatory | |||
The Union humanitarian aid policy and the EU Aid Volunteers initiative | ||||
General framework of humanitarian action | ||||
International humanitarian law | ||||
Introduction to the sectors of humanitarian aid |
| |||
Codes of conduct and standards | ||||
1.5 | All volunteers/mandatory | |||
1.5 | Junior professionals | |||
1.5 | Senior professionals | |||
1 | All volunteers/mandatory | |||
3 | All volunteers/mandatory |
| ||
1 | All groups/optional | |||
1 | All groups/optional | |||
2 | Senior professional volunteers/optional | |||
1 | Senior professional volunteers/optional | |||
2 | Senior professional volunteers/optional |
1. The self-assessment by hosting organisations shall cover all the standards and procedures, where an applicant hosting organisation must have a policy or practice in place, to fulfil the necessary requirements regarding candidate volunteers and EU Aid Volunteers. The organisation shall state, for each requirement of each standard and procedure, whether: (a) the minimum requirement is covered in its policy/practice and/or it commits itself to implementing it; (b) relevant staff are aware of this and put it into practice; and (c) there are any specific needs for further work/action to address gaps.
2. The self-assessment shall also include answers to the following questions in relation to safety and security and to volunteer management: (a) How does the hosting organisation ensure the safety and security of the international volunteers it hosts?; (b) How are the volunteers managed and supported during their stay?; and (c) In what areas (if any) of the standards and procedures is the hosting organisation presently strengthening its capacity?
3. The reference shall cover what is required from a hosting organisation during an EU Aid Volunteer's deployment and seek the experience of the referee in relation to the necessary requirements of each standard and procedure where they are in a position to provide information. In particular, it shall: (a) specify the experience of their organisation in relation to the minimum requirements of the relevant standards and procedures to be applied by the hosting organisation (compliant/non-compliant); (b) justify/explain each of their assessments; and (c) specify needs, if any, for further work/action to address gaps.
4. To promote simplification, the Commission shall identify the standards and procedures where the applicant hosting organisation needs to take no action if the latter is a humanitarian aid partner of the Commission which has signed a framework (partnership) agreement in force.
1. The evidence-based self-assessment by sending organisations shall cover all the standards and procedures, where the organisation must have a policy or practice in place, to fulfil the necessary requirements regarding candidate volunteers and EU Aid Volunteers. The sending organisation shall state, for each requirement of each standard and procedure, whether: (a) the minimum requirement is covered in its policy/practice and/or it commits itself to implementing it; (b) relevant staff are aware of this and put it into practice; (c) there are any specific needs for further work/action to address gaps; and (d) the requirement is addressed in certification/accreditation through another approved mechanism (e.g. national, European or international schemes).
2. To justify the statements in the self-assessment, the applicant sending organisation shall prove compliance and enclose sample evidence and means of verification that the policies and practices referred to in each of the requirements of the standards and the procedures are implemented, particularly in relation to volunteers. 3. To promote simplification, the Commission shall identify the standards and procedures where the applicant sending organisation needs to take no action if the latter is a humanitarian aid partner of the Commission which has signed a framework (partnership) agreement in force. 4. At any point of the certification process, the Commission may ask the applicant sending organisation to provide additional evidence, if necessary.
1. If the Commission intends to suspend or terminate the certification, it shall formally notify the sending or hosting organisation in advance, specifying the reasons and inviting it to submit observations within 45 calendar days of receipt of the notification. 2. If, after examination of observations submitted by the sending or hosting organisation, the Commission decides to stop the suspension or termination procedure, it shall formally notify it of the decision. 3. If no observations are submitted or if, despite the observations submitted, the Commission decides to pursue the suspension or termination procedure, it shall respectively: (a) suspend the certification by formally notifying the organisation of the suspension, specifying the reasons and the indicative date of completion of the necessary verifications; or (b) formally notify the organisation of the termination, specifying the reasons and the date on which the termination takes effect.
4. Suspension shall take effect on the day of the receipt by the sending or hosting organisation of the notification referred to in point 3(a) or on a later date where the notification so provides. 5. Unless the certification has been terminated in accordance with point 3(b), the Commission shall, as soon as it considers that the grounds for suspension no longer apply or the necessary verifications have been carried out, formally notify the sending or hosting organisation of the lifting of the suspension.