Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 887/2014 of 14 August 2014 concerning the technical format for the transmission of European statistics on vineyards pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1337/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council Text with EEA relevance
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 887/2014of 14 August 2014concerning the technical format for the transmission of European statistics on vineyards pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1337/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council(Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1337/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 concerning European statistics on permanent cropsOJ L 347, 30.12.2011, p. 7., and in particular Article 8(2) thereof,Whereas:(1)Regulation (EU) No 1337/2011 sets the framework for producing comparable European statistics on permanent crops.(2)The data structure for the transmission of statistical data on vineyards and the exchange standard should be specified.(3)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Member States shall send the statistical data on vineyards referred to in Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1337/2011 within the structure laid down in the SDMX data structure definitions. They shall either send the data to the European Commission (Eurostat) using the Single Entry Point services, or shall make the data available so that the European Commission (Eurostat) can retrieve the data using the Single Entry Point services.
Article 2The data structure for sending statistical data on vineyards to the European Commission (Eurostat) shall be specified in the Annex.
Article 3Data shall be provided for all single compulsory variables and all aggregates.
Article 4Data shall be provided in hectares and in numbers of holdings.
Article 5This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 14 August 2014.For the CommissionThe PresidentJosé Manuel BarrosoANNEXData structure for the transmission of statistical data on vineyardsInformation to be included in the transmission files:
Table 1Wine-grower holdings by type of production
1.Region/CountryNUTS0/NUTS2 codes as defined according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1319/2013 of 9 December 2013 amending annexes to Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) (OJ L 342, 18.12.2013)
2.YearReference year for the data (2015, 2020, etc.)
3.Type of productionLabels are presented in Table 5
4.Observation valueNumerical (area with 2 decimals)
5.UnitLabels are presented in Table 11
6.Observation statusStandard code list
7.Confidentiality statusStandard code list
Table 2Wine-grower holdings by size class (and aggregated type of production) at national level
1.CountryNUTS 0 codes as defined according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1319/2013 of 9 December 2013 amending annexes to Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) (OJ L 342, 18.12.2013)
2.YearReference year for the data (2015, 2020, etc.)
3.Aggregated type of productionLabels are presented in Table 6
4.Size class of the total area under vinesLabels are presented in Table 7
5.Observation valueNumerical (area with 2 decimals)
6.UnitLabels are presented in Table 11
7.Observation statusStandard code list
8.Confidentiality statusStandard code list
Table 3Wine-grower holdings by degree of specialisation and size class at national level
1.CountryNUTS 0 codes as defined according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1319/2013 of 9 December 2013 amending annexes to Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) (OJ L 342, 18.12.2013)
2.YearReference year for the data (2015, 2020, etc.)
3.SpecialisationLabels are presented in Table 8
4.Size class of the total area under vinesLabels are presented in Table 7
5.Observation valueNumerical (area with 2 decimals)
6.UnitLabels are presented in Table 11
7.Observation statusStandard code list
8.Confidentiality statusStandard code list
Table 4Main vine varieties by age class
1.Region/CountryNUTS0/NUTS2 codes as defined according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1319/2013 of 9 December 2013 amending annexes to Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) (OJ L 342, 18.12.2013)
2.YearReference year for the data (2015, 2020, etc.)
3.Main grape varietyLabels are presented in Table 10
4.Age classLabels are presented in Table 9
5.Observation valueNumerical (area with 2 decimals)
6.UnitLabels are presented in Table 11
7.Observation statusStandard code list
8.Confidentiality statusStandard code list
Table 5Labels for type of production
1.Total area under vines (in/not yet in production)Σ 2, 9, 16, 17
2.Vines in production — TotalΣ 3, 7, 8
3.Vines in production — Wine grapes — TotalΣ 4, 5, 6
4.Vines in production — Wine grapes for PDO wines
5.Vines in production — Wine grapes for PGI wines
6.Vines in production — Wine grapes for wines without PDO or PGI
7.Vines in production — Dual purpose grapes
8.Vines in production — Dried grapes
9.Vines not yet in production — TotalΣ 10, 14, 15
10.Vines not yet in production — Wine grapes — TotalΣ 11, 12, 13
11.Vines not yet in production — Wine grapes for PDO wines
12.Vines not yet in production — Wine grapes for PGI wines
13.Vines not yet in production — Wine grapes for wines without PDO or PGI
14.Vines not yet in production — Dual purpose grapes
15.Vines not yet in production — Dried grapes
16.Vines intended to produce material for the vegetative propagation of vines
17.Other vines not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.)
Table 6Labels for aggregated type of production
1.Total area under vinesΣ 2, 6, 7, 8
2.Vines for wine grapes — TotalΣ 3, 4, 5
3.Vines for wines with PDO
4.Vines for wines with PGI
5.Vines for wines without PDO and/or PGI
6.Vines for dual purpose grapes
7.Vines for dried grapes
8.Vines not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.)
Table 7Labels for size class of the total area under vines
1.TotalΣ 2 — 8
2.Less than 0,10 ha
3.From 0,10 to 0,49 ha
4.From 0,50 to 0,99 ha
5.From 1 to 2,9 ha
6.From 3 to 4,9 ha
7.From 5 to 9,9 ha
8.10 ha or over
Table 8Labels for degree of specialisation
1.Holdings with areas under vines — TotalΣ 2, 9, 10, 11
2.Holdings with areas under vines exclusively intended for wine productionΣ 3, 7, 8
3.Holdings with areas under vines exclusively intended for production of PDO and/or PGI wine productionΣ 4, 5, 6
4.Holdings with areas under vines exclusively intended for production of only wine with PDO
5.Holdings with areas under vines exclusively intended for production of only wine with PGI
6.Holdings with areas under vines exclusively intended for production of only wine with PDO and PGI
7.Holdings with areas under vines exclusively intended for production of non-PDO and/or non- PGI wine
8.Holdings with areas under vines intended for production of several types of wines
9.Holdings with areas under vines exclusively intended for the production of dry grapes
10.Holdings with other areas under vines
11.Holdings with areas under vines intended for several types of production
Table 9Labels for age class
1.TotalΣ 2 — 5
2.Less than 3 years
3.From 3 to 9 years
4.From 10 to 29 years
5.30 years or over
Table 10Labels for main grape variety
1.Total main grape varietiesΣ 2, 170, 375, 387
2.Total main red grape varieties (R)Σ 3 — 169
3.Agiorgitiko (R)
4.Aglianico (R)
5.Aglianico del Vulture (R)
6.Alfrocheiro/Tinta Bastardinha (R)
7.Alicante Bouschet (R)
8.Alicante Henri Bouschet (R)
9.Alphon Lavallee (R)
10.Ancellotta (R)
11.Aragonez/Tinta Roriz/Tempranillo (R)
12.Aramon (R)
13.Avarengo (R)
14.Băbească neagră (R)
15.Baga (R)
16.Barbera nera (R)
17.Bastardo/Graciosa (R)
18.Blauburger (R)
19.Blaufränkisch/Kékfrankos/Frankovka/Frankovka modrá/Modra frankinja/Burgund mare (R)
20.Bobal (R)
21.Bombino rosso (R)
22.Bonarda (R)
23.Brachetto (R)
24.Cabernet franc (R)
25.Cabernet Sauvignon (R)
26.Caiño tinto (R)
27.Calabrese (R)
28.Caladoc (R)
29.Canaiolo nero (R)
30.Cannonau (R)
31.Carignan (R)
32.Carignano (R)
33.Carmenere (R)
34.Castelão/João-de-Santarém/Periquita (R)
35.Ciliegiolo (R)
36.Cinsaut (R)
37.Corvina (R)
38.Corvinone (R)
39.Cot (R)
40.Croatina (R)
41.Dolcetto (R)
42.Dornfelder (R)
43.Duras (R)
44.Fer (R)
45.Fetească neagră (R)
46.Forcallat tinta (R)
47.Frappato (R)
48.Freisa (R)
49.Gaglioppo (R)
50.Gamay (R)
51.Gamza (R)
52.Garnacha (R)
53.Garnacha peluda (R)
54.Garnacha tinta (R)
55.Garnacha tintorera (R)
56.Graciano (R)
57.Gran negro (R)
58.Greco nero (R)
59.Grenache (R)
60.Grignolino (R)
61.Grolleau (R)
62.Jaen/Mencia (R)
63.Juan Garcia (R)
64.Jurancon noir (R)
65.Kadarka (R)
66.Kotsifali (R)
67.Lagrein (R)
68.Lambrusco a foglia frastagliata (R)
69.Lambrusco di Sorbara (R)
70.Lambrusco Grasparossa (R)
71.Lambrusco maestri (R)
72.Lambrusco Marani (R)
73.Lambrusco Salamino (R)
74.Liatiko (R)
75.Limberger, Blauer (R)
76.Listan negro (R)
77.Magliocco canino (R)
78.Malvasia (R)
79.Malvasia nera di Brindisi (R)
80.Malvasia Preta (R)
81.Mandilari (R)
82.Marselan (R)
83.Marufo/Mourisco Roxo (R)
84.Marzemino (R)
85.Mavro (R)
86.Mavroudi (R)
87.Mavrud (R)
88.Mazuela (R)
89.Mencia (R)
90.Merlot (R)
91.Meunier (R)
92.Miguel del arco (R)
93.Molinara (R)
94.Mollar (R)
95.Monastrell (R)
96.Monica (R)
97.Montepulciano (R)
98.Moravia agria (R)
99.Moravia dulce (R)
100.Moreto (R)
101.Mourisco (R)
102.Mourvèdre (R)
103.Müllerrebe/Schwarzriesling (R)
104.Muscat Hambourg (R)
105.Nebbiolo (R)
106.Negramoll (R)
107.Negrette (R)
108.Negro amaro (R)
109.Nerello Cappuccio (R)
110.Nerello Mascalese (R)
111.Nielluccio (R)
112.Oporto (R)
113.Pamid (R)
114.Petit Verdot (R)
115.Piedirosso (R)
116.Pinot noir/Pinot/Spätburgunder, Blauer/Blauburgunder/Blauer Burgunder/Rulandské modré (R)
117.Plantet (R)
118.Plavac mali crni (R)
119.Plavina (R)
120.Portugieser, Blauer/Portoghese/Modrý Portugal/Oporto/Kékoportó (R)
121.Prieto picudo (R)
122.Primitivo (R)
123.Raboso Piave (R)
124.Refosco dal peduncolo rosso (R)
125.Refošk (R)
126.Regent (R)
127.Rojal tinta (R)
128.Romeiko (R)
129.Rondinella (R)
130.Rosioara (R)
131.Royal (R)
132.Rufete/Tinta Pinheira (R)
133.Sagrantino (R)
134.Saint Laurent/Svatovavřinecké/Svätovavrinecké (R)
135.Sangiovese (R)
136.Santareno (R)
137.Schiava (R)
138.Schiava gentile (R)
139.Schiava grossa (R)
140.Sciaccarello (R)
141.Shiroka melnishka loza (R)
142.Souson (R)
143.Storgozia (R)
144.Syrah/Shiraz (Sirah) (R)
145.Tannat (R)
146.Tempranillo (R)
147.Teroldego (R)
148.Tinta (R)
149.Tinta Barroca (R)
150.Tinta Carvalha (R)
151.Tinta Negra (R)
152.Tinto de la pampana blanca (R)
153.Tinto de toro (R)
154.Tinto velasco (R)
155.Tocai rosso (R)
156.Touriga Franca (R)
157.Touriga nacional (R)
158.Trepat (R)
159.Trincadeira/Tinta Amarela/Trincadeira Preta (R)
160.Trollinger, Blauer (R)
161.Uva di Troia (R)
162.Uva longanesi (R)
163.Villard noir (R)
164.Vinhão/Sousão (R)
165.Xinomavro (R)
166.Žametovka (R)
167.Zweigelt/Zweigeltrebe/Zweigelt, Blauer/Rotburger (R)
168.Other main red grape varieties (R)
169.Other main red mixed grape varieties (R)
170.Total main white grape varieties (W)Σ 171 — 374
171.Airen (W)
172.Alarije (W)
173.Albana (W)
174.Albariño (W)
175.Albillo (W)
176.Albillo Mayor (W)
177.Alicante Branco (W)
178.Aligoté (W)
179.Alvarinho (W)
180.Ansonica (W)
181.Antão Vaz (W)
182.Arany sárfehér (W)
183.Arinto/Pedernã (W)
184.Arneis (W)
185.Asirtiko (W)
186.Athiri (W)
187.Auxerrois (W)
188.Avesso (W)
189.Azal (W)
190.Bacchus (W)
191.Baco blanc (W)
192.Beba (W)
193.Bellone (W)
194.Bianca (W)
195.Biancame (W)
196.Bical/Borrado das Moscas (W)
197.Blanca Cayetana (W)
198.Bombino bianco (W)
199.Borba (W)
200.Bourboulenc (W)
201.Calagraño (W)
202.Cariñena blanco (W)
203.Cataratto lucido (W)
204.Catarratto commune (W)
205.Cayetana blanca (W)
206.Chardonnay/Feinburgunder/Morillon (W)
207.Chasan (W)
208.Chasselas (W)
209.Chenin (W)
210.Clairette (W)
211.Cococciola (W)
212.Coda di volpe bianca (W)
213.Côdega do Larinho (W)
214.Colombard (W)
215.Cortese (W)
216.Cramposie selectionata (W)
217.Cserszegi fűszeres (W)
218.Diagalves (W)
219.Dimyat (W)
220.Doña Blanca (W)
221.Elbling, Weißer (W)
222.Ezerfürtű (W)
223.Ezerjó (W)
224.Falanghina (W)
225.Fernão Pires/Maria Gomes (W)
226.Feteasca alba (W)
227.Feteasca regala (W)
228.Fiano (W)
229.Folle blanche (W)
230.Frâncușă (W)
231.Frühroter Veltliner/Malvasier (W)
232.Furmint (W)
233.Galbena de Odobesti (W)
234.Garganega (W)
235.Garnacha blanca (W)
236.Glera/ex-Prosecco (W)
237.Godello (W)
238.Gouveio (W)
239.Gouveio Real (W)
240.Grasă de Cotnari (W)
241.Grecanino dorato (W)
242.Grechetto (W)
243.Greco (W)
244.Greco bianco (W)
245.Grenache blanc (W)
246.Grillo (W)
247.Gros Manseng blanc (W)
248.Gutedel, Weißer (W)
249.Hárslevelű (W)
250.Huxelrebe (W)
251.Iordana (W)
252.Irsai Olivér/Irsai Oliver (W)
253.Jacquere (W)
254.Kerner (W)
255.Királyleányka (W)
256.Kövidinka (W)
257.Kunleány (W)
258.Lakhegyi mézes (W)
259.Leányka/Dievčie hrozno (W)
260.Len de l'El (W)
261.Listan blanca (W)
262.Loureiro (W)
263.Macabeu/Macabeo (W)
264.Malvasia (W)
265.Malvasia/Malvasia bianca (W)
266.Malvasia bianca di Candia (W)
267.Malvasia bianca lunga (W)
268.Malvasia Branca (W)
269.Malvasia del Lazio (W)
270.Malvasia di candia aromatica (W)
271.Malvasia Fina/Boal (W)
272.Malvasia Istriana/Malvazija/Istarska malvazija (W)
273.Malvasia Rei (W)
274.Mantua/Chelva (W)
275.Marisancho (W)
276.Marsanne (W)
277.Mauzac (W)
278.Melon (W)
279.Messeguera (W)
280.Misket cherven (W)
281.Monemvasia (W)
282.Montepulciano bianco (W)
283.Montua (W)
284.Moscatel de Alejandría (W)
285.Moscatel de grano menudo (W)
286.Moscatel de Malaga (W)
287.Moscatel Galego Branco/Muscat à Petits Grains/Tămâioasă românească (W)
288.Moscatel Graúdo/Moscatel-de-Setúbal (W)
289.Moscato/Sárga muskotály (W)
290.Moscato giallo (W)
291.Moschato (W)
292.Müller — Thurgau/Rizlingszilváni/Riesling x Sylvaner/Rivaner (W)
293.Muscadelle (W)
294.Muscat Alexandrie (W)
295.Muscat blanc à petits grains (W)
296.Muscat Ottonel/Otthonel muskotály (W)
297.Muskateller (W)
298.Mustoasă de Măderat (W)
299.Neuburger (W)
300.Nuragus (W)
301.Ondarrabi Zuri (W)
302.Ortega (W)
303.Ortrugo (W)
304.Palomino fino (W)
305.Palomino superior (W)
306.Pardina (W)
307.Parellada (W)
308.Passerina (W)
309.Pecorino (W)
310.Pedro Ximenez (W)
311.Perruno (W)
312.Petit Manseng (W)
313.Pignoletto (W)
314.Pinot blanc/Pinot/Burgunder, Weißer/Weißburgunder/Klevner/Rulandské bílé/Rulandské biele/Beli pinot (W)
315.Piquepoul blanc (W)
316.Planta nova (W)
317.Prosecco lungo (W)
318.Rabigato (W)
319.Rabo de Ovelha (W)
320.Rebula (W)
321.Riesling italico/Olasz rizling/Rizling vlassky/Ryzlink vlašský/Laški rizling/Graševina/Risling vlašský (W)
322.Riesling, Weißer/Riesling/Rheinriesling/Ryzlink rýnský/Renski rizling/Rajnai rizling/Rajnski rizling/Risling rýnsky (W)
323.Rkatsiteli (W)
324.Rompola (W)
325.Roussanne (W)
326.Sarba (W)
327.Sardone (W)
328.Sauvignon blanc/Sauvignon/Muskat-Sylvaner (W)
329.Savagnin Blanc (W)
330.Savvatiano (W)
331.Scheurebe (W)
332.Seara Nova (W)
333.Semillon (W)
334.Šipon (W)
335.Síria/Roupeiro/Códega (W)
336.Soultanina (W)
337.Sylvaner/Silvaner, Grüner (W)
338.Szürkebarát (W)
339.Terret blanc (W)
340.Tocai friulano (W)
341.Torrontes (W)
342.Tortosina (W)
343.Trajadura/Treixadura (W)
344.Tramini (W)
345.Trebbiano abruzzese (W)
346.Trebbiano di Soave (W)
347.Trebbiano giallo (W)
348.Trebbiano romagnolo (W)
349.Trebbiano toscano (W)
350.Treixadura (W)
351.Ugni blanc (W)
352.Veltliner/Veltliner, Grüner/Weißgipfler/Veltlínské zelené/Veltlínske zelené/Zöld veltelini (W)
353.Verdeca (W)
354.Verdejo blanco (W)
355.Verdicchio bianco (W)
356.Verdoncho (W)
357.Verduzzo friulano (W)
358.Verduzzo trevigiano (W)
359.Vermentino (W)
360.Vernaccia di S. Gimignano (W)
361.Vilana (W)
362.Viogner (W)
363.Viognier (W)
364.Viosinho (W)
365.Vital (W)
366.Welschriesling (W)
367.Xarello blanco (W)
368.Xinisteri (W)
369.Zalagyöngye (W)
370.Zalema (W)
371.Zenit (W)
372.Zibibbo (W)
373.Other main white grape varieties (W)
374.Other main white mixed grape varieties (W)
375.Total main other different colour grape varieties (O)Σ 376 — 386
376.Babeasca gri (O)
377.Busuioaca de Bohotin (O)
378.Gewürztraminer/Traminer aromatico/Tramín červený/Traminer roz (O)
379.Grenache gris (O)
380.Grenas Rose (O)
381.Moschofilero (O)
382.Pinot gris/Pinot grigio/Ruländer/Burgunder, Grauer/Rulandské šedé/Sivi pinot (O)
383.Roditis (O)
384.Sauvignon gris (O)
385.Other main different colour grape varieties (O)
386.Other main mixed grape varieties of other mixed colours (O)
387.Total main grape varieties without specified colour
Table 11Labels for unit
1.Number of holdings