(a) Member States' reporting of greenhouse gas inventories, approximated greenhouse gas inventories and of information on policies and measures and projections, on the use of auctioning revenue and of project credits pursuant to Articles 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 17 of Regulation (EU) No 525/2013; (b) Member States' reporting for the purposes of Decision No 529/2013/EU; (c) the timing and steps for the conduct of the comprehensive and annual reviews of Member States' greenhouse gas inventories pursuant to Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No 525/2013; (d) timescales for the cooperation and coordination between the Commission and the Member States in preparing the Union greenhouse gas inventory report.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 749/2014 of 30 June 2014 on structure, format, submission processes and review of information reported by Member States pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council
(1) "common reporting format table" means a table for information on anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks included in Annex II to Decision 24/CP.19 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (Decision 24/CP.19) and in the Annex to Decision 6/CMP.9 of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol; (2) "reference approach" means the reference approach by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), as contained in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories as applicable pursuant to Article 6 of Delegated Regulation (EU) No C(2014) 1539. (3) "approach 1" means the basic method included in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines or the 2003 IPCC Good Practice Guidelines; (4) "key category" means a category which has a significant influence on a Member State's or the Union's total inventory of greenhouse gases in terms of the absolute level of emissions and removals, the trend in emissions and removals, or uncertainty in emissions and removals; (5) "sectoral approach" means the IPCC sectoral approach, as contained in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.
(a) the common reporting format tables by providing a complete set of spread sheets or Extensible Markup Language (XML) files, depending on the availability of the appropriate software, and covering that Member State's geographical scope under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013; (b) the standard electronic format for reporting Kyoto Protocol units and the related reporting instructions as adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol; (c) the Annexes I to VIII and X to XV to this Regulation.
(a) the name and contact information for the national entity with overall responsibility for the national inventory of the Member State; (b) the roles and responsibilities of various agencies and entities in relation to the inventory planning, preparation and management process, as well as the institutional, legal and procedural arrangements made to prepare the inventory; (c) a description of the process for collecting activity data, for selecting emission factors and methods, and for developing emission estimates; (d) a description of the approaches used and the results of key category identification; (e) a description of the processes which determine when recalculations of previously submitted inventory data are performed; (f) a description of the quality assurance and quality control plan, its implementation and the quality objectives established, and information on internal and external evaluation and review processes and their results in accordance with the guidelines for national systems set out in the Annex to Decision 19/CMP.1 of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol; (g) a description of the procedures for the official consideration and approval of the inventory.
(a) a brief assessment whether the emissions estimates of carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds, in inventories submitted by the Member State under Directive 2001/81/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution are consistent with the corresponding emission estimates in greenhouse gas inventories under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013.Directive 2001/81/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants (OJ L 309, 27.11.2001, p. 22 ).(b) the submission dates of the reports under Directive 2001/81/EC and under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution that were compared with the inventory submission under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013.
(a) a description of the checks performed by the Member State concerning the level of detail, the data sets and the submissions compared; (b) a description of the main results of the checks and explanations for the main inconsistencies; (c) information whether the data collected by operators under Article 3(6) of Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 has been made use of and how;Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases (OJ L 161, 14.6.2006, p. 1 ).(d) where the checks have not been performed, an explanation of the reasons why the checks were not considered to be relevant.
(a) emission levels and trends and (b) activity data and emission factors or other estimation parameters used at the appropriate category level using the tabular format set out in Annex VII to this Regulation.
(a) an overview of the categories that have been reported as not estimated (NE), as defined in the UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual greenhouse gas inventories included in Annex I to Decision 24/CP.19, and detailed explanations for the use of this notation key especially where the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories provide methods for estimation of greenhouse gases; (b) a description of the geographical coverage of the greenhouse gas inventory.
(a) at a level of disaggregation of source categories reflecting the activity data and methods available for the preparation of estimates for the year X-1; (b) excluding the total approximated CO 2 equivalent emissions and removals from LULUCF;(c) adding two columns for reporting the split between emissions included in the scope of the Union's emissions trading scheme established by Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and emissions covered by Decision No 406/2009/EC by source category, where available.Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC (OJ L 275, 25.10.2003, p. 32 ).
(a) information concerning the relevant institutional, legal and procedural arrangements, including the designation of the appropriate national entity or entities entrusted with overall responsibility for the policy evaluation of the Member State concerned and for the projections of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions; (b) a description of relevant institutional, legal and procedural arrangements established within a Member State for evaluating policy and for making projections of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks; (c) a description of the relevant procedural arrangements and timescales to ensure the timeliness, transparency, accuracy, consistency, comparability and completeness of the information reported on policies and measures and the information reported on projections; (d) a description of the overall process for the collection and use of data, together with an assessment of whether consistent processes for collection and use of data are underpinning the evaluation of policies and measures and the making of projections as well as the different projected sectors in the making of projections; (e) a description of the process for selecting assumptions, methodologies and models for policy evaluation, and for making projections of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions; (f) a description of the quality assurance and quality control activities and of the sensitivity analysis for projections carried out.
(a) the objective and a short description of the update carried out; (b) the legal status of the low-carbon development strategy and of its update; (c) the changes and expected impacts of the update on the implementation of the low-carbon development strategy; (d) the timeline and a description of the progress for the implementation of the low-carbon development strategy and of its update, and where available, an assessment of the projected costs and benefits associated with the update; (e) the manner in which the information is made available to the public pursuant to Article 4(3) of Regulation (EU) No 525/2013.
(a) the results of the sensitivity analysis for the total reported greenhouse gas emissions, together with a brief explanation on which parameters were varied and how. (b) the results of the sensitivity analysis split on total emissions covered by Decision No 406/2009/EC, total emissions included in the scope of the Union's emissions trading scheme established by Directive 2003/87/EC and total LULUCF emissions when such information is available; (c) the year of inventory data (base year) and year of inventory report used as a starting point for the projections; (d) the methodologies used for the projections, including a brief description of models used and their sectoral, geographical and temporal coverage, references for further information on the models and information on key exogenous assumptions and parameters used.
(a) a desk-based and centralized review in the same year; (b) an in-country visit in addition to the desk-based or centralized reviews upon recommendation of the technical experts review team and in consultation with the Member State concerned.
(a) preparing the work plan for the review; (b) compiling and providing the information necessary for the work of the technical experts review team; (c) coordinating the review activities as set out in this Regulation, including the communication between the technical experts review team and the designated contact person or persons of the Member State under review, as well as making other practical arrangements; (d) confirming cases where Member State's greenhouse gas inventories present significant issues in the meaning of Article 31, in consultation with the Commission; (e) compiling and editing the final and interim review reports and communicating them to the Member State concerned and to the Commission.
(a) an assessment whether all emission source categories and gases required under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 are reported; (b) an assessment whether emissions data time series are consistent; (c) an assessment whether implied emission factors across Member States are comparable taking the IPCC default emission factors for different national circumstances into account; (d) an assessment of the use of "Not Estimated" notation keys where IPCC tier 1 methodologies exist and where the use of the notation key is not justified in accordance with paragraph 37 of the UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual greenhouse gas inventories as included in Annex I to Decision 24/CP.19; (e) an analysis of recalculations performed for the inventory submission, in particular if the recalculations are based on methodological changes; (f) a comparison of the verified emissions reported under the Union's Emissions Trading System with the greenhouse gas emissions reported pursuant to Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 with a view of identifying areas where the emission data and trends as submitted by the Member State under review deviate considerably from those of other Member States; (g) a comparison of the results of Eurostat's reference approach with the Member States' reference approach; (h) a comparison of the results of Eurostat's sectoral approach with the Member States' sectoral approach; (i) an assessment whether recommendations from earlier Union or UNFCCC reviews, not implemented by the Member State could lead to a technical correction; (j) an assessment whether there are potential overestimations or underestimations relating to a key category in a Member State's inventory.
(a) detailed examination of the inventory estimates including methodologies used by the Member State in the preparation of inventories; (b) detailed analysis of the Member State's implementation of recommendations related to improving inventory estimates as listed in its most recent UNFCCC annual review report made available to that Member State before the submission under review or in the final review report pursuant to Article 35(2) of this Regulation; where recommendations have not been implemented a detailed analysis of the justification provided by the Member State for not implementing them; (c) detailed assessment of the time series consistency of the greenhouse gas emissions estimates; (d) detailed assessment whether the recalculations made by a Member State in the given inventory submission as compared to the previous one are transparently reported and made in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories; (e) follow-up on the results of the checks referred to in Article 29 of this Regulation and on any additional information submitted by the Member State under review in response to questions from the technical experts review team and other relevant checks.
(a) by 20 April in the case where no interim report was sent pursuant to paragraph 1; (b) by 30 June at the end of the second step of the annual review; (c) by 30 August at the end of the comprehensive review.
(a) participate in all the steps of the review pursuant to the schedule as set in Annex XVI; (b) nominate a National contact point for the Union's review; (c) participate in and facilitate in close cooperation with the Secretariat the organisation of an in-country visit, if needed; (d) provide answers and additional information and comment on the review reports as relevant.
(a) a description of the institutional, legal and procedural arrangements made in accordance with the requirements for national systems under the Kyoto Protocol as set out in the Annex to Decision 19/CMP.1 and in accordance with the requirements for national arrangements under the UNFCCC reporting guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories as set out in Annex I to Decision 24/CP.19. (b) a description of the manner in which the systems implemented are consistent with the methodological requirements of the IPCC report "2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidance Arising from the Kyoto Protocol", the "2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories" and, as applicable, with the "2013 Supplement to 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Wetlands".
(a) the first report in the year 2016 for the reporting year 2014 including all developments starting with 1 January 2013 ,(b) the second report in the year 2017 for the reporting year 2015 and, (c) the third report in the year 2018 for the reporting year 2016.
(a) complete all relevant common reporting format tables as included in the Annex to Decision 6/CMP.9 for the respective activity under the Kyoto Protocol for the second commitment period, including the cross-cutting tables on activity coverage, the land transition matrix and the information table on accounting, and (b) include explanatory information on methodologies and data used as required in the national inventory report in accordance with Decision 2/CMP.8 under the Kyoto Protocol and its Annex II.
Article 6 Reporting on national inventory systems | Obligatory | Not applicable | |
Article 7 Reporting on consistency of the reported data on air pollutants | Possible | Possible | If in the NIR: Chapter of the NIR on "quality assurance, quality control and verification plan" |
Article 9(1) Reporting on implementation of recommendations and adjustments | Obligatory | Not applicable | Chapter of the NIR on recalculations and improvements |
Article 9(2) Reporting on implementation of recommendations and adjustments | Not applicable | Obligatory | |
Article 10(1) Reporting on consistency of reported emissions with data from the emissions trading scheme | Not applicable | Obligatory | |
Article 10(2) Reporting on consistency of reported emissions with data from the emissions trading scheme | Possible | Possible | If in the NIR: In the relevant sections of the NIR |
Article 11 Reporting on consistency of the data reported on fluorinated greenhouse gases | Not applicable | Obligatory | |
Article 12 Reporting on consistency with energy data | Possible | Possible | If in the NIR: In the relevant sections of the NIR |
Article 13 Reporting on changes in descriptions of national inventory systems or registries | Obligatory | Not applicable | In the relevant chapters of the NIR |
Article 14 Reporting on uncertainty and completeness | Obligatory | Not applicable | In the CRF Table 9 and in the respective chapters of the NIR |
Article 15(1) Reporting on other elements for the preparation of the Union greenhouse gas inventory report | Obligatory | Not applicable | In the relevant chapters of the NIR |
Article 15(3) Reporting on other elements for the preparation of the Union greenhouse gas inventory report | Obligatory | Not applicable | In the respective chapters of the NIR |
Article 16 Reporting on major changes to methodological descriptions | Possible | Possible | If in the NIR: In the chapter on recalculations and improvements in the NIR |
Aviation | |||||||
Navigation | |||||||
Iron and steel (for GHG inventory combined CRF categories 1.A.2.a+ 2.C.1 + 1.A.1.c and other relevant CRF categories that include emissions from iron and steel (e.g. 1A1a, 1B1) | ||||
Liquid fossil | Primary fuels | Crude oil | |||||
Orimulsion | |||||||
Natural gas liquids | |||||||
Secondary fuels | Gasoline | ||||||
Jet kerosene | |||||||
Other kerosene | |||||||
Shale oil | |||||||
Gas/diesel oil | |||||||
Residual fuel oil | |||||||
Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) | |||||||
Ethane | |||||||
Naptha | |||||||
Bitumen | |||||||
Lubricants | |||||||
Petroleum coke | |||||||
Refinery feedstocks | |||||||
Other oil | |||||||
Other liquid fossil | |||||||
Liquid fossil totals | |||||||
Solid fossil | Primary fuels | Anthracite | |||||
Coking coal | |||||||
Other bituminous coal | |||||||
Sub-bituminous coal | |||||||
Lignite | |||||||
Oil shale and tar sand | |||||||
Secondary fuels | BKB and patent fuel | ||||||
Coke oven/gas coke | |||||||
Coal tar | |||||||
Other solid fossil | |||||||
Solid fossil totals | |||||||
Gaseous fossil | Natural gas (dry) | ||||||
Other gaseous fossil | |||||||
Gaseous fossil totals | |||||||
Waste (non-biomass fraction) | |||||||
Other fossil fuels | |||||||
Peat | |||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
IPCC category | Gas | Base year emissions or removals | Year | Activity data uncertainty | Emission factor/estimation parameter uncertainty | Combined uncertainty | Contribution to Variance by Category in Year x | Type A sensitivity | Type B sensitivity | Uncertainty in trend in national emissions introduced by emission factor/estimation parameter uncertainty | Uncertainty in trend in national emissions introduced by activity data uncertainty | Uncertainty introduced into the trend in total national emissions |
Input data | Input data | Note B | K | |||||||||
Gg CO | Gg CO | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | |||
E.g., 1.A.1. Energy industries fuel 1 | CO | |||||||||||
E.g., 1.A.1. Energy industries fuel 2 | CO | |||||||||||
Etc… | … | |||||||||||
Total | ||||||||||||
Percentage uncertainty in total inventory: | Trend uncertainty: |
Article 3.3 activities | |||
Afforestation/reforestation | |||
Deforestation | |||
Article 3.4.activities | |||
Forest management | |||
Cropland management (if elected) | |||
Grazing land management (if elected) | |||
Revegetation (if elected) | |||
Wetland drainage and rewetting (if elected) |
Member States | Annually by 15 January | Elements listed in Article 7(1) | |
Commission (incl. DG ESTAT (Eurostat), DG JRC), assisted by European Environment Agency (EEA) | For the Member State submission from 15 January at the latest until 28 February | Initial checks and consistency checks (by EEA). Comparison of energy data provided by Member States | |
Commission (incl. Eurostat, JRC), assisted by EEA | Until 28 February | Draft | |
Commission assisted by EEA | 28 February | Circulation of "initial check" findings including notification of potential gap-filling and making available the findings | |
Commission assisted by EEA | 28 February | Circulation of the draft | |
Member States | By 15 March | Updated or additional inventory data submitted by Member States (to remove inconsistencies or to fill gaps) and complete national inventory reports. | |
Member States | By 15 March | If necessary, provide corrected data and comments to the draft Union inventory | |
Member States | By 15 March | Member States respond to "initial checks" if applicable. | |
Commission assisted by EEA | 31 March | Circulation of follow-up initial check findings and making available the findings | |
Commission assisted by EEA | 31 March | The Commission prepares estimates for missing data by 31 March of the reporting year and communicates these to the Member States. | |
Member States | 7 April | Member States provide comments on the Commission estimates for missing data, for consideration by the Commission. | |
Member States | 7 April | Member States provide responses to follow up of "initial checks". | |
Member States | 15 April | Submissions to the UNFCCC (with a copy to EEA) | |
Commission assisted by EEA | 15 April | Submission to UNFCCC of the final annual Union inventory. | |
Member States | By 8 May | ||
Commission assisted by EEA | 27 May | If necessary, resubmission to UNFCCC of the final annual | |
Member States | When additional resubmissions occur | Member States provide to the Commission any other resubmission (CRF or national inventory report) which they provide to the UNFCCC secretariat after the initial check phase. |
A | ||
B | ||
C | Total greenhouse gas emissions without LULUCF | |
D | Total verified emissions from stationary installations under Directive 2003/87/EC | |
E | CO | |
F |
PAM number | Name of policy or measure | Sector(s) affected | GHG(s) affected | Objective | Quantified objective | Short description | Type of policy instrument | Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM | Status of implementation | Implementation period | Projections scenario in which the PAM is included | Entities responsible for j implementing the policy | Indicators used to monitor and evaluate progress over time | Reference to assessments and underpinning technical reports | General comments | |||||||
Union policy | Other | Start | Finish | Type | name | Description | Values | |||||||||||||||
[Year] | [Year] | [Year] | [Year] | |||||||||||||||||||
Policy or measure or groups of policies and measures | Policy impacting EU ETS or ESD emissions (both can be selected) | Ex-ante assessment | Ex-post assessment | |||||||||||||||||
GHG emissions reductions in t (kt CO | GHG emissions reductions in t+5 (kt CO | GHG emissions reductions in t+10 (kt CO | GHG emissions reductions in t+15 (kt CO | Year for which reduction applies | Average emission reduction (kt CO | Explanation of the basis for the mitigation estimates | Factors affected by PAM | Documentation/Source of estimation if available (provide a weblink of the report where the figure is referenced from) | ||||||||||||
EU ETS | ESD | LULUCF | Total | EU ETS | ESD | Total | EU ETS | ESD | Total | EU ETS | ESD | Total | EU ETS | ESD | ||||||
Policy or measure or groups of policies and measures | Projected costs and benefits | Realised costs and benefits | |||||||||
Costs in EUR per tonne CO | Absolute costs per year in EUR (specify year cost has been calculated for) | Description of cost estimates (Basis for cost estimate, what type of costs are included in the estimate, methodology) | Price year | Year for which calculated | Documentation/Source of cost estimation | Costs in EUR per tonne CO | Price year | Year for which calculated | Description of cost estimates (Basis for cost estimate, what type of costs are included) | Documentation/Source of cost estimation | |
1. Does your Member State intend to use joint implementation (JI), the clean development mechanism (CDM) and international emissions trading (IET) under the Kyoto Protocol (the Kyoto mechanisms) to meet its quantified limitation or reduction commitment pursuant to the Kyoto Protocol? If so, what progress has been made with the implementing provisions (operational programmes, institutional decisions) and any related domestic legislation? 2. What quantitative contributions to the fulfilment of the quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment pursuant to Article X of Decision Y (Ratification decision) and the Kyoto Protocol does your Member State expect from the Kyoto mechanisms during the second quantified emission limitation and reduction commitment period, from 2013 to 2020? (Please use the table) 3. Specify the budget in euro for the total use of the Kyoto mechanisms and, where possible, per mechanism and initiative, programme or fund, including the time over which the budget will be spent. 4. With which countries has your Member State closed bilateral or multilateral agreements, or agreed memorandums of understanding or contracts for the implementation of project based activities? 5. For each planned, ongoing and completed clean development mechanism and joint implementation project activity in which your Member State participates, provide the following information: (a) Project title and category (JI/CDM) (b) Host country (c) Financing: give a brief description of any financial involvement of the government and the private sector, using categories such as "private", "public", "public-private partnership". (d) Project type: use a short description, for example: Energy and power: Fuel-switching, renewable energy generation, improving energy efficiency, reduction of fugitive emissions from fuels, other (please specify) Industrial processes: Material substitution, process or equipment change, waste treatment, recovery or recycling, other (please specify) Land use, land-use change and forestry: Afforestation, reforestation, forest management, cropland management, grazing land management, revegetation Transport: Fuel-switching, improving fuel efficiency, other (please specify) Agriculture: Manure management, other (please specify) Waste: Solid-waste management, landfill methane recovery, waste-water management, other (please specify) Other: Please provide a short description of the other project type
(e) Status: use the following categories: Proposed, approved (approval of governments involved and feasibility studies completed), under construction (start-up or construction phase), in operation, completed, suspended.
(f) Lifetime: provide the following information: date of official approval (e.g. of the Executive Board for clean development mechanism projects, of the host country for joint implementation projects), date of project initiation (operation starts), expected date of project termination (lifetime), crediting period (for what years will ERUs or CERs be generated), date(s) of issue of emission reduction units (ERUs) (by host country) or certified emission reductions (CERs) (by CDM executive board).
(g) First or second track approval procedure (For joint implementation projects only). (h) Projected total and annual emissions reductions that accrue until the end of the second commitment period. (i) Amount of ERUs or CERS generated by the project that will be acquired by the Member State. (j) Credits accrued until the end of reporting year: provide information on the number of credits (total and annual) obtained from joint implementation projects, clean development projects and credits resulting from land use, land use change and forestry activities.
Type of unit | Total quantity projected to be used in second Commitment period | Average annual projected quantity | Quantity used (Units acquired and retired) |
x-1 | |||
Assigned amount units (AAUs) | |||
Certified emission reductions(CERs) | |||
Emission reduction units (ERUs) | |||
Long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) | |||
Temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs) | |||
Removal units (RMU) |
projection base year | t-5 | t | t+5 | t+10 | t+15 | projection base year | t-5 | t | t+5 | t+10 | t+15 | projection base year | t-5 | t | t+5 | t+10 | t+15 | projection base year | t-5 | t | t+5 | t+10 | t+15 | |
of which cement production | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
of which Iron and steel production | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
International bunkers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Aviation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Navigation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CO | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CO | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Long-term storage of C in waste disposal sites | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indirect N | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indicator | Unit | Guidance/definition | Guidance/source | With existing measures | With additional measures | ||||||||
Base year | t | t+5 | t+10 | t+15 | Base year | t | t+5 | t+10 | t+15 |
Parameter used | Year | Values | Default unit | Additional unit information | Data source | Year of publication of data source | Sectoral projections for which the parameter is used | Comment (for guidance) | ||||||||||||||||
Base/Reference year | Base/Reference year | t-5 | t | t+5 | t+10 | t+15 | International Aviation in the EU ETS + 1.A.3.a Domestic aviation | |||||||||||||||||
Population | Count | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross domestic product (GDP) | Real growth rate | % | EUR t-10 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Constant prices | EUR million | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross value added (GVA) total industry | EUR million | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Exchange rates EURO (for non-EURO countries), if applicable | EUR/currency | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Exchange rates US DOLLAR, if applicable | USD/currency | USD t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
EU ETS carbon price | EUR/EUA | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
International (wholesale) fuel import prices | Electricity Coal | EUR/GJ | Yes | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Crude Oil | EUR/GJ | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas | EUR/GJ | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
National retail fuel prices (with taxes included) | Coal, industry | EUR/GJ | EUR t-10 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Coal, households | EUR/GJ | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Heating oil, industry | EUR/GJ | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Heating oil, households | EUR/GJ | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Transport, gasoline | EUR/GJ | Yes | EUR t-10 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Transport, diesel | EUR/GJ | Yes | EUR t-10 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas, industry | EUR/GJ | EURt-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas, households | EUR/GJ | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
National retail electricity prices (with taxes included) | Industry | EUR/kWh | EUR t-10 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Households | EUR/kWh | EUR t-10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross inland (primary energy) consumption | Coal | GJ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Oil | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Renewables | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Nuclear | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Other | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Total | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross electricity production | Coal | TWh | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Oil | TWh | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas | TWh | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Renewables | TWh | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Nuclear | TWh | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Other | TWh | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Total | TWh | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Total net electricity imports | TWh | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross final energy consumption | TWh | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Final energy consumption | Industry | GJ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Transport | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Residential | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Agriculture/Forestry | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Services | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Other | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Total | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of heating degree days (HDD) | Count | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of cooling degree days (CDD) | Count | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of passenger-kilometres (all modes) | million pkm | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Freight transport tonnes-kilometres (all modes) | million tkm | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Final energy demand for road transport | GJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of households | Count | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Household size | inhabitants/Household | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Livestock | Dairy cattle | 1000 heads | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Non-dairy cattle | 1000 heads | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Sheep | 1000 heads | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Pig | 1000 heads | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Poultry | 1000 heads | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Nitrogen input from application of synthetic fertilizers | kt nitrogen | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Nitrogen input from application of manure | kt nitrogen | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Nitrogen fixed by N-fixing crops | kt nitrogen | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Nitrogen in crop residues returned to soils | kt nitrogen | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Area of cultivated organic soils | Ha (hectares) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation | tonne MSW | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Municipal solid waste (MSW) going to landfills | tonne MSW | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of CH | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Model name | |
Full model name | |
Model version and status | |
Latest date of revision | |
URL to model description | |
Model type | |
Summary | |
Intended field of application | |
Description of main input data categories and data sources | |
Validation and evaluation | |
Output quantities | |
GHG covered | |
Sectoral coverage | |
Geographical coverage | |
Temporal coverage,(e.g. time steps, time span) | |
Interface with other models | |
Input from other models | |
Model structure(if diagram please add to the template) |
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 | A | B | C |
4 | Sum of B5+B6 | Sum of C5+C6 | |
5 | Of which amount of revenues generated from auctioning of allowances pursuant to | ||
6 | Of which amount of revenues generated from auctioning of allowances pursuant to | ||
7 | |||
8 | Of which amount of revenues from auctioning of allowances used for the purposes specified in | ||
9 | Of which amount of revenues from auctioning of allowances used for the purposes | ||
10 | Total amount of auctioning revenues generated or the equivalent in financial value committed in years before X-1 generated and not disbursed in the years before the year X-1 and carried-over for disbursement in the year X-1 |
1 | ||||||||||
2 | ||||||||||
3 | ||||||||||
4 | ☐ | ☐ | ||||||||
5 | ☐ | ☐ | ||||||||
6 | Sum of column C | Sum of column D |
1 | |||||
3 | A | B | C | D | E |
4 | Total amount used as specified under Articles 10(3) and Article 3d(4) of Directive 2003/87/EC for | ||||
5 | Total amount used as specified under Articles 10(3) and Article 3d(4) of Directive 2003/87/EC for |
1 | |||||||
2 | |||||||
3 | Total amount for | ||||||
4 | of which used, if applicable, via multilateral funds | ||||||
5 | Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (GEEREF) (Article 10(3)(a) of Directive 2003/87/EC) | ||||||
6 | Adaptation Fund under the UNFCCC (Article 10, paragraph 3(a) of Directive 2003/87/EC) | ||||||
7 | Special Climate Change FUND (SCCF) under the UNFCCC | ||||||
8 | Green Climate Fund under the UNFCCC | ||||||
9 | Least Developed Countries Fund | ||||||
10 | UNFCCC Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities | ||||||
11 | For multilateral support to REDD+ activities | ||||||
12 | Other multilateral climate-related funds (please specify) | ||||||
13 | of which used, if applicable, via multilateral financial institutions | ||||||
14 | Global Environmental Facility | ||||||
15 | World Bank | ||||||
16 | International Finance Corporation | ||||||
17 | African Development Bank | ||||||
18 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | ||||||
19 | Inter-American Development Bank | ||||||
20 | Other multilateral financial institutions or support programmes, please specify |
1 | |||||||||
2 | |||||||||
3 |
1 | ||||||||
2 | ||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | ||
3 | Total use of project credits in tonnes (= total amount of units transferred to the ESD Compliance Account) | |||||||
4 | ||||||||
5 | Of which are credits from project types pursuant to Article 5(1)(a) of Decision No 406/2009/EC | |||||||
6 | Of which are credits from project types pursuant to Article 5(1)(b) of Decision No 406/2009/EC | |||||||
7 | Of which are credits from project types pursuant to Article 5(1)(c) and 5(5) of Decision No 406/2009/EC | |||||||
8 | Of which are credits from project types pursuant to Article 5(1)(d) of Decision No 406/2009/EC | |||||||
9 | Of which are credits from project types pursuant to Article 5(2) and (3) of Decision No 406/2009/EC | |||||||
11 | Of which are credits from project types that cannot be used by operators in the EU ETS |
Number of transfers | |
Transfer 1 | |
Quantity of Annual Emission Allocation units (AEAs) | |
Transferring Member State | |
Acquiring Member State | |
Price per AEA | |
Date of the transfer agreement | |
Year of the expected transaction in the registry | |
Other information (such as greening schemes) |
First step review | The Secretariat implements the checks to verify the transparency, accuracy, consistency, completeness and comparability of Member States inventories pursuant to Article 29 of this Regulation. | 15 January — 15 March |
Preparation of review material for the technical experts review team (TERT) | The Secretariat prepares and compiles material for TERT. | 15 March — 30 April |
Desk-based review | TERT performs checks pursuant to Article 32 of this Regulation, prepares initial questions based on 15 April submissions including consideration of any re-submitted data to the UNFCCC. Secretariat to communicate questions to Member States | 1 May — 21 May |
Time-limit for the responses of the Member State to the initial questions | Member States respond to questions — two week period for responses | 21 May — 4 June |
Centralised meetings of expert reviewers | TERT meets to discuss responses from Member States, identify cross-cutting issues, ensure consistency of findings across Member States, agree upon recommendations etc. Additional questions are identified and communicated by the Secretariat to Member States during this period. | 5 June — 29 June |
Time-limit for the responses of the Member State responses to the additional questions | Member States respond to questions. | By 6 July |
Preparation of draft review reports, including possible further questions to Member States | The TERT compiles draft review reports, including unresolved questions to Member States, draft recommendations concerning possible inventory improvements for consideration by Member States, and, where applicable, details of and justification for potential technical corrections. The Secretariat communicates the reports to Member States | 29-June — 13 July |
Time-limit for the comments of the Member State on draft review report | Member States comment on draft reports, respond to unresolved questions and, where relevant, agree or disagree with the TERT's recommendations. | 13 July — 3 August |
Time-limit for finalisation of review reports | Informal communication with Member States to follow up any outstanding issues. The TERT finalises the reports, which are reviewed and edited by the Secretariat. | By 17 August |
Final Review Reports | Secretariat communicates the final review reports to the Commission | By 17 August |
First step review and communication of its results to Member States | The Secretariat implements the checks to verify the transparency, accuracy, consistency, completeness and comparability of Member States inventories pursuant to Article 29 of this Regulation based on 15 January submissions and sends the first step review results to Member States. | 15 January — 28 February |
Response to the first step review results | Member States provide their response to the Secretariat on the first step review results. | By 15 March |
Follow-up on the first step review result and communication of the follow-up results to Member States | The Secretariat evaluates Member States' responses to the first step review results and sends the evaluation results and other outstanding issues to Member States. | 15 March — 31 March |
Response to the follow-up results | Member States provide their comments to the Secretariat on the follow-up results and other outstanding issues. | By 7 April |
Preparation of review material for the TERT | The Secretariat prepares material for the comprehensive review based on 15 April submissions of the Member States. | 15 April — 25 April |
Desk based review | The TERT performs checks pursuant to Article 32 of this Regulation, compiles initial questions to Member States based on 15 | 25 April — 13 May |
Communication of initial questions | The Secretariat sends initial questions to Member States. | By 13 May |
Response | Member States respond to initial questions to the Secretariat. | 13 May — 27 May |
Centralised expert meetings | The TERT meets to discuss responses from Member States, identify cross-cutting issues, ensure consistency of findings across Member States, agree upon recommendations, prepare draft technical corrections, etc. Additional questions are identified and communicated to Member States during this period. | 28 May — 7 June |
Response | Member States provide answers to questions and potential cases of technical corrections during the centralised review to the Secretariat. | 28 May — 7 June |
Communication of technical corrections | The Secretariat sends draft technical corrections to Member States. | By 8 June |
Response | Member States respond to draft technical corrections to the Secretariat. | By 22 June |
Compilation of draft review reports | The TERT compiles draft review reports, including any unresolved questions and draft recommendations and, where applicable, details and justification for draft technical corrections. | 8– 29 June |
Potential in-country visit | In exceptional cases, where significant quality issues continue to exist in the inventories reported by Member States or the TERT is unable to resolve questions, an ad-hoc country visit may be undertaken. | 29 June — 9 August |
Draft review reports | The Secretariat sends draft review reports to Member States | By 29 June |
Comments | Member States provide comments on the draft review reports to the Secretariat including any comments they wish to include in the final review report. | By 9 August |
Finalisation of review reports | The TERT finalises the review reports. Informal communication with Member States to follow up any outstanding issues if needed. The Secretariat checks the review reports. | 9 August — 23 August |
Submission of Final Review Reports | Secretariat communicates the final review reports to the Commission and to Member States. | By 30 August |
First step review and communication of its results to Member States | The Secretariat implements the checks to verify the transparency, accuracy, consistency, completeness and comparability of Member States inventories pursuant to Article 29 of this Regulation based on 15 January submissions and sends the first step review results and potential significant issues to Member States. | 15 January — 28 February |
Response to the first step review results | Member States provide their response to the Secretariat on the first step review results and potential cases of significant issues. | By 15 March |
Follow-up on the first step review results and communication of the follow-up results to Member States | The Secretariat evaluates Member States' responses to the first step review results and identifies significant issues which could potentially trigger the second step of the annual review and sends the evaluation results and a list of potential significant issues to Member States. | 15 March — 31 March |
Response to the follow-up results | Member States provide their comments to the Secretariat on potential cases of significant issues. | By 7 April |
Review of Member States responses | The TERT assesses Member States' responses and identifies the Member States that are potentially subject to the Second step of the annual review. Member States with no potential significant issues are notified that they are not subject to the second step of the annual review pursuant to Article 35. | 7 April — 20 April |
Unresolved significant issues | The Secretariat sends an interim review report with all unresolved significant issues from the first step checks to Member States subject to the second step of the annual review. Member States which are not subject to the second step of the annual review will receive a final review report. | By 20 April |
Preparation of review material | The Secretariat prepares review material for the second step of the annual review based on the 15 March submissions of Member States. | 15 March — 15 April |
Second step review | The TERT performs checks pursuant to Article 32 of this Regulation, identifies and calculates potential technical corrections. Member States should be available for questions during the second week of the review. | 15 April — 28 April |
Communication of technical corrections | The Secretariat sends potential technical corrections to Member States. | By 28 April |
Response | Member States provide comments on potential technical corrections to the Secretariat. | By 8 May |
Draft review reports | The TERT compiles draft review reports, including draft recommendations and a justification for potential technical corrections. | 8 May — 31 May |
Communication of the draft review reports | The Secretariat sends draft review reports to Member States | By 31 May |
Response | Member States provide comments on the draft review reports to the Secretariat including any comments they wish to include in the final review report. | By 15 June |
Compilation of review reports | 15 June — 25 June | |
Submission of final review reports | The Secretariat communicates the final review reports to the Commission and to Member States. | By 30 June |