Council Regulation (EU) No 558/2014 of 6 May 2014 establishing the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking Text with EEA relevance
(a) to contribute to the finalisation of research activities initiated under Regulation (EC) No 71/2008 and to the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013, and in particular the Smart, Green and Integrated Transport Challenge under Part III — Societal Challenges of Decision 2013/743/EU; (b) to contribute to improving the environmental impact of aeronautical technologies, including those relating to small aviation, as well as to developing a strong and globally competitive aeronautical industry and supply chain in Europe. This can be realised through speeding up the development of cleaner air transport technologies for earliest possible deployment, and in particular the integration, demonstration and validation of technologies capable of: (i) increasing aircraft fuel efficiency, thus reducing CO 2 emissions by 20 to 30 % compared to "state-of-the-art" aircraft entering into service as from 2014;(ii) reducing aircraft NO x and noise emissions by 20 to 30 % compared to "state-of-the-art" aircraft entering into service as from 2014.
(a) the requirements for the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking’s contribution regarding the relevant performance indicators referred to in Annex II to Decision 2013/743/EU; (b) the requirements for the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking’s contribution in view of the monitoring referred to in Annex III to Decision 2013/743/EU; (c) the specific performance indicators related to the functioning of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking; (d) the arrangements regarding the provision of data necessary to ensure that the Commission is able to meet its dissemination and reporting obligations including on the single portal for participants as well as through other Horizon 2020 electronic means of dissemination managed by the Commission; (e) provisions for the publication of calls for proposals by the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking also on the single portal for participants as well as through other Horizon 2020 electronic means of dissemination managed by the Commission; (f) the use of and changes to human resources, in particular recruitment by function group, grade and category, the reclassification exercise and any changes to the number of staff members.
(a) contributions to the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking in accordance with Article 15(2) and point (b) of Article 15(3) of the Statutes; (b) in-kind contributions of at least EUR 965250000 over the period defined in Article 1 by the Leaders and Core Partners or their affiliated entities, consisting of the costs incurred by them in implementing additional activities outside the work plan of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking contributing to the objectives of the Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative. Other Union funding programmes may support those costs in accordance with the applicable rules and procedures. In such cases, the Union financial contribution shall not be a substitute for the in-kind contributions from the Leaders and Core Partners or their affiliated entities.
(a) pursuant to any arbitration clause contained in agreements or contracts concluded by the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking or in its decisions; (b) in disputes relating to compensation for damage caused by the staff of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking in the performance of their duties; (c) in any dispute between the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking and its staff within the limits and under the conditions laid down in the Staff Regulations and the Conditions of Employment.
(a) "Associate" means a legal entity that has been selected under Regulation (EC) No 71/2008 and has accepted these Statutes by signing a letter of endorsement; the Associate’s membership shall be terminated as soon as the actions initiated under Regulation (EC) No 71/2008 in which it is involved end, and at the latest on 31 December 2017 ;(b) "Core Partner" means a legal entity participating in an ITD or IADP or in TAs that has been selected following a call as set out in Article 4(2) and has accepted these Statutes by signing a letter of endorsement; (c) "IADP" means any of the Innovative Aircraft Demonstration Platforms listed in Article 11; (d) "ITD" means any of the Integrated Technology Demonstrators listed in Article 11; (e) "Leader" means a co-leader of one of the ITDs, IADPs or TAs; (f) "participating affiliate" means an affiliated entity as defined in Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 performing activities of the relevant Leader, Associate or Core Partner in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the relevant grant agreements or decisions; (g) "Transverse Activities" or "TAs" means actions with relevance for several ITDs and/or IADPs and requiring coordination and management across the ITDs and/or IADPs for the optimal delivery of the overall objectives of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking.
(a) providing financial support to research and innovation indirect actions mainly in the form of grants; (b) bringing together a range of ITDs and IADPs supported by TAs, with the emphasis on innovative technologies and development of full-scale demonstrators; (c) focusing efforts within ITDs, IADPs and TAs on key deliverables that can help the Union meet its environmental and competitiveness goals, including as outlined in the Commission’s White Paper from 2011 entitled "Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system"; (d) enhancing the technology verification process in order to identify and remove obstacles to future market penetration; (e) pooling user requirements to guide investment in research and development towards operational and marketable solutions; (f) ensuring the provision of procurement contracts, where appropriate, through calls for tender; (g) mobilising the public and private-sector funds needed; (h) liaising with national and international activities in the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking technical domain, in particular with the SESAR Joint Undertaking established by Council Regulation (EC) No 219/2007 ;Council Regulation (EC) No 219/2007 of 27 February 2007 on the establishment of a Joint Undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system (SESAR) (OJ L 64, 2.3.2007, p. 1 ).(i) stimulating the involvement of SMEs in its activities, in line with the objectives of the Seventh Framework Programme and of Horizon 2020; (j) developing close cooperation and ensuring coordination with related European (in particular under the framework programmes), national and transnational activities; (k) engaging in information, communication, exploitation and dissemination activities by applying mutatis mutandis Article 28 of Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013, including making the detailed information on results from calls for proposals available and accessible in a common Horizon 2020 e-database;(l) liaising with a broad range of stakeholders including research organisations and universities; (m) any other task needed to achieve the objectives set out in Article 2 of this Regulation.
(a) the Union, represented by the Commission; (b) upon acceptance of these Statutes by means of a letter of endorsement, the Leaders and the Associates as listed in Annex II to this Regulation, and the Core Partners to be selected in accordance with Article 4(2).
(a) the Governing Board; (b) the Executive Director; (c) the Steering Committees; (d) the Scientific Committee; (e) the States Representatives Group.
(a) one representative of the Commission on behalf of the Union; (b) one representative of each Leader; (c) one representative of Core Partners per ITD; (d) one representative of Associates per ITD; (e) one representative of Core Partners per IADP.
(a) assess, accept or reject applications for membership in accordance with Article 4 of these Statutes; (b) decide on the termination of the membership in the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking of any member that does not fulfil its obligations; (c) adopt the financial rules of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking in accordance with Article 5 of this Regulation; (d) adopt the annual budget of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking, including the corresponding staff establishment plan indicating the number of temporary posts by function group and by grade and the number of contract staff and seconded national experts expressed in full-time equivalents; (e) exercise the appointing authority powers with respect to the staff, in accordance with Article 6(2) of this Regulation; (f) appoint, dismiss, extend the term of office of, provide guidance to and monitor the performance of the Executive Director; (g) approve the organisational structure of the Programme Office upon a recommendation of the Executive Director; (h) adopt the work plan and the corresponding expenditure estimates, as proposed by the Executive Director after having consulted the Scientific Committee and the States Representatives Group; (i) approve the additional activities plan referred to in point (b) of Article 4(2) of this Regulation on the basis of a proposal from the private members and after having consulted, where appropriate, an ad hoc advisory group; (j) receive and provide opinion on the declaration referred to in the Article 4(3) of this Regulation; (k) approve the annual activity report, including the corresponding expenditure; (l) arrange, as appropriate, for the establishment of an internal audit capability of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking; (m) ensure procedures for open and transparent calls and approve the calls as well as, where appropriate, the related rules for submission, evaluation, selection, award and review procedures; (n) approve the list of proposals and tenders selected for funding on the basis of the ranking list produced by a panel of independent experts; (o) establish the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking’s communications policy upon recommendation by the Executive Director; (p) where appropriate, establish implementing rules to the Staff Regulations and the Conditions of Employment in accordance with Article 6(3) of this Regulation; (q) where appropriate, establish rules on the secondment of national experts to the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking and on the use of trainees in accordance with Article 7 of this Regulation; (r) where appropriate, set up advisory groups in addition to the bodies of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking; (s) where appropriate, submit to the Commission a request to amend this Regulation proposed by a member of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking; (t) be responsible for any task that is not specifically allocated to a particular body of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking; it may assign such tasks to any of those bodies.
(a) prepare and submit for adoption to the Governing Board the draft annual budget, including the corresponding staff establishment plan indicating the number of temporary posts in each grade and function group and the number of contract staff and seconded national experts expressed in full-time equivalents; (b) prepare and submit for adoption to the Governing Board the work plan and the corresponding expenditure estimates; (c) submit for opinion to the Governing Board the annual accounts; (d) prepare and submit for approval to the Governing Board the annual activity report, including information on the corresponding expenditure; (e) handle second-instance settlement of disputes within ITDs or IADPs or TAs; (f) handle first-instance settlement of disputes across ITDs or IADPs or TAs; (g) oversee the calls for proposals based on the content and topics proposed by the relevant ITD/IADP Steering Committee and in line with the programme objectives and submit for approval to the Governing Board the list of actions selected for funding; (h) inform the States Representatives Group and the Scientific Committee regularly of all matters relevant to their advisory role; (i) sign individual agreements and decisions; (j) sign procurement contracts; (k) implement the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking’s communications policy; (l) organise, direct and supervise the operations and the staff of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking within the limits of the delegation by the Governing Board as provided for in Article 6(2) of this Regulation; (m) establish and ensure the functioning of an effective and efficient internal control system and report any significant change to it to the Governing Board; (n) ensure that risk assessment and risk management are performed; (o) take any other measures needed to assess the progress made by the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking towards achieving its objectives; (p) perform any other tasks entrusted or delegated to the Executive Director by the Governing Board; (q) ensure the coordination between the different ITDs, IADPs and TAs and take appropriate action to manage interfaces, avoid undue overlaps between projects and favour synergies across ITDs, IADPs and TAs; (r) propose to the Governing Board adaptations of the technical content and budget allocations between ITDs, IADPs and TAs; (s) ensure effective communication between the Technology Evaluator, IADPs and ITDs and ensure that deadlines are met for the transmission of necessary data to the Technology Evaluator; (t) chair the governing body of the Technology Evaluator and ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to enable the Technology Evaluator to perform its tasks as described in Article 12 of these Statutes; (u) ensure that the planned objectives and the schedules are met, coordinate and follow-up the ITD and IADP activities and propose any appropriate evolution of the objectives and related schedule; (v) monitor the progress made by the ITDs and IADPs towards achieving the objectives, based in particular on the assessments of the Technology Evaluator; (w) approve any budget transfers below 10 % of the annual budget allocations between and within ITDs and IADPs; (x) organise the information exchange with the States Representatives Group.
(a) provide support in establishing and managing an appropriate accounting system in accordance with the financial rules of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking; (b) manage the calls as provided for in the work plan and administer the agreements and decisions, including their coordination; (c) provide the members and the other bodies of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking all information and support needed for them to perform their duties and responding to their specific requests; (d) act as the secretariat of the bodies of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking and provide support to advisory groups set up by the Governing Board.
(a) Large Passenger Aircraft IADP; (b) Regional Aircraft IADP; (c) Rotorcraft IADP; (d) Airframe ITD; (e) Engines ITD; (f) Systems ITD.
(a) Smart Fixed-Wing Aircraft ITD; (b) Green Regional Aircraft ITD; (c) Green Rotorcraft ITD; (d) Systems for Green Operations ITD; (e) Sustainable and Green Engines ITD; (f) Eco-Design ITD.
(a) a chairperson — a senior representative of the ITD or IADP Leader(s); (b) a representative of each Core Partner of the ITD or IADP; representatives of the leaders of other ITDs or IADPs may also participate; (c) one or more representatives of the Programme Office, as designated by the Executive Director.
(a) guiding and monitoring the technical functions of its ITD or IADP and taking decisions on behalf of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking on technical matters specific to the relevant ITD or IADP in line with the grant agreements or decisions; (b) reporting to the Executive Director on the basis of reporting indicators to be defined by the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking; (c) providing all necessary data to the Technology Evaluator in a format that shall be agreed with the Technology Evaluator on the basis of the terms and conditions of the mandate given by the Governing Board to the Technology Evaluator for its assessment; (d) establishing the detailed annual implementation plans for the ITD or IADP in line with the work plan; (e) proposing the contents of the calls for proposals; (f) advising on the contents of the calls for tenders to be launched by the Joint Undertaking in conjunction and cooperation with the members concerned; (g) establishing the order of rotation of Core Partners’ representatives in the Governing Board. The decisions on this matter shall be taken by the representatives of the Core Partners only. The representatives of the Leaders shall not have the right to vote; (h) handling disputes within the ITD or IADP; (i) proposing to the Executive Director changes of the budget allocation within its ITD or IADP.
(a) monitoring and assessing the environmental and societal impact of the technological results arising from individual ITDs and IADPs across all Clean Sky activities, specifically quantifying the expected improvements on the overall noise, greenhouse gas and air pollutants emissions from the aviation sector in future scenarios in comparison to baseline scenarios; (b) providing feedback to ITDs and IADPs in order to enable the optimisation of their performance against their respective goals and objectives; (c) providing input, through the Executive Director, to the Governing Board on environmental and societal impacts across Clean Sky activities to enable the Governing Board to take all actions necessary to optimise benefits across all Clean Sky programmes, against the respective programmes’ high-level goals and objectives; (d) providing regular information, through the members, the Executive Director and other bodies of the Joint Undertaking, on the impact of the technological results of the ITDs and IADPs.
(a) advise on the scientific priorities to be addressed in the work plans; (b) advise on the scientific achievements described in the annual activity report.
(a) progress made in the programme of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking and towards achievement of its targets; (b) updates of strategic orientation; (c) links to Horizon 2020; (d) work plans; (e) involvement of SMEs.
(a) the status of relevant national or regional research and innovation programmes and identification of potential areas of cooperation, including deployment of aeronautical technologies; (b) specific measures taken at national or regional level with regard to dissemination events, dedicated technical workshops and communication activities.
(a) a financial contribution by the Union; (b) in-kind contributions by Leaders and Core Partners and their affiliated entities consisting of the costs incurred by them in implementing indirect actions less the contribution of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking and any other Union contribution to those costs.
(a) members’ financial contributions to the administrative costs; (b) Union financial contribution to the operational costs; (c) any revenue generated by the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking; (d) any other financial contributions, resources and revenues.
(a) up to 40 % of the total Union funding shall be allocated to Leaders and their participating affiliates; (b) up to 30 % of the total Union funding shall be allocated to Core Partners and their participating affiliates; (c) at least 30 % of the total Union funding shall be allocated by way of competitive calls for proposals and calls for tenders. Particular attention shall be paid to ensuring adequate participation of SMEs.
(a) research, innovation and other actions carried out and the corresponding expenditure; (b) the actions submitted, including a breakdown by participant type, including SMEs, and by country; (c) the actions selected for funding, including a breakdown by participant type, including SMEs, and by country and indicating the contribution of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking to the individual participants and actions.
1. AgustaWestland SpA and AgustaWestland Limited 2. Airbus SAS 3. Alenia Aermacchi SpA 4. Dassault Aviation SA 5. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) e.V. 6. EADS-CASA 7. Airbus Helicopters SAS 8. Evektor 9. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V 10. Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH 11. MTU Aero Engines AG 12. Piaggio Aero Industries 13. Rolls-Royce Plc. 14. SAAB AB 15. Safran SA 16. Thales Avionics SAS
1. LMS International NV 2. Micromega Dynamics 3. EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Lausanne 4. ETH Zurich 5. Huntsman Advanced Materials 6. RUAG Schweiz AG 7. University of Applied Sciences NW Switzerland (FHNW) 8. DIEHL Aerospace 9. DLR 10. EADS Deutschland GmbH 11. HADEG Recycling GmbH 12. MTU Aero Engines 13. Aeronova Aerospace SAU 14. Aeronova Engineering Solutions 15. Aeronova Manufacturing Engineering 16. ITP 17. EADS France 18. ONERA 19. Zodiac ECE 20. Zodiac Intertechnique 21. Zodiac Aerazur 22. HAI 23. IAI 24. Aerosoft 25. Avio 26. CIRA 27. CSM 28. DEMA 29. FOX BIT 30. IMAST 31. Piaggio Aero Industries 32. Politecnico di Torino 33. Università degli Studi Di Napoli "Federico II" Polo delle Scienze e della Tecnologia 34. Selex ES 35. SICAMB SPA 36. Università di Bologna 37. Università degli Studi di Pisa 38. ATR 39. ELSIS 40. University of Malta 41. Aeronamic 42. Airborne Technology Centre 43. KIN Machinebouw B.V. 44. Eurocarbon 45. Fokker Aerostructures B.V. Previously Stork Aerospace 46. Fokker Elmo 47. Green Systems for Aircraft Foundation (GSAF) 48. Igor Stichting IGOR 49. Microflown Technologies 50. NLR 51. Stichting NL Cluster for ED 52. Stichting NL Cluster for SFWA 53. Sergem Engineering 54. GKN Aerospace Norway Previously Volvo Aero Norge AS 55. TU Delft 56. Universiteit Twente 57. PZL – Świdnik 58. Avioane Craiova 59. INCAS 60. Romaero 61. Straero 62. GKN Aerospace Sweden AB Previously Volvo Aero Corporation 63. CYTEC Previously UMECO Structural Materials (DERBY) Limited; previously Advanced Composites Group (ACG) 64. Cranfield University 65. QinetiQ 66. University of Nottingham
Large passenger aircraft | |
Regional aircraft | |
Rotorcraft | |
Airframes | |
Engines | |
Systems | |
Technology Evaluator | 1 % of the above IADP/ITD values |
Eco-DESIGN Transverse Activity | 2 % of the above IADP/ITD values |
Small Air Transport Transverse Activity | 4 % of the above IADP/ITD values |