Council Regulation (EU) No 432/2014 of 22 April 2014 amending Regulation (EU) No 43/2014 as regards certain fishing opportunities
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Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EU) No 432/2014 of 22 April 2014 amending Regulation (EU) No 43/2014 as regards certain fishing opportunities(Official Journal of the European Union L 126 of 29 April 2014)On page 24, Annex I:for:"(40)the entry for mackerel in IIIa and IV; Union waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32 is replaced by the following:Special condition: including the following tonnage to be taken in Norwegian waters south of 62o N (MAC/*04N-):247When fishing under this special condition, by-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species.May also be taken in Norwegian waters of IVa (MAC/*4AN.).To be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This amount includes the following Norwegian share in the North Sea TAC:74500This quota may be fished in IVa only (MAC/*04A.), except for the following amount, in tonnes, which may be fished in IIIa (MAC/*03A.):3000"",
"Species:MackerelScomber scombrusZone:IIIa and IV; Union waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32(MAC/2A34.)
The Netherlands2434
United Kingdom2254
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC
Special condition: including the following tonnage to be taken in Norwegian waters south of 62o N (MAC/*04N-):247When fishing under this special condition, by-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species.May also be taken in Norwegian waters of IVa (MAC/*4AN.).To be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This amount includes the following Norwegian share in the North Sea TAC:74500This quota may be fished in IVa only (MAC/*04A.), except for the following amount, in tonnes, which may be fished in IIIa (MAC/*03A.):3000"",
Special condition: including the following tonnage to be taken in Norwegian waters south of 62o N (MAC/*04N-):247When fishing under this special condition, by-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species.May also be taken in Norwegian waters of IVa (MAC/*4AN.).To be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This amount includes the following Norwegian share in the North Sea TAC:74500This quota may be fished in IVa only (MAC/*04A.), except for the following amount, in tonnes, which may be fished in IIIa (MAC/*03A.):3000"",
read:"(40)the entry for mackerel in IIIa and IV; Union waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32 is replaced by the following:Special condition: including the following tonnage to be taken in Norwegian waters south of 62° N (MAC/*04N-):247When fishing under this special condition, by-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species.May also be taken in Norwegian waters of IVa (MAC/*4AN.).To be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This amount includes the following Norwegian share in the North Sea TAC:74500This quota may be fished in IVa only (MAC/*04A.), except for the following amount, in tonnes, which may be fished in IIIa (MAC/*03A.):3000"" .
"Species:MackerelScomber scombrusZone:IIIa and IV; Union waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32(MAC/2A34.)
The Netherlands2434
United Kingdom2254
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC
Special condition: including the following tonnage to be taken in Norwegian waters south of 62° N (MAC/*04N-):247When fishing under this special condition, by-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species.May also be taken in Norwegian waters of IVa (MAC/*4AN.).To be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This amount includes the following Norwegian share in the North Sea TAC:74500This quota may be fished in IVa only (MAC/*04A.), except for the following amount, in tonnes, which may be fished in IIIa (MAC/*03A.):3000"" .
Special condition: including the following tonnage to be taken in Norwegian waters south of 62° N (MAC/*04N-):247When fishing under this special condition, by-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species.May also be taken in Norwegian waters of IVa (MAC/*4AN.).To be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This amount includes the following Norwegian share in the North Sea TAC:74500This quota may be fished in IVa only (MAC/*04A.), except for the following amount, in tonnes, which may be fished in IIIa (MAC/*03A.):3000"" .