Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 on the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived
Modified by
- Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 18 July 2018on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012, 32018R1046, July 30, 2018
- Regulation (EU) 2020/559 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 23 April 2020amending Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 as regards the introduction of specific measures for addressing the outbreak of COVID-19, 32020R0559, April 24, 2020
- Regulation (EU) 2021/177 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 10 February 2021amending Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 as regards the introduction of specific measures for addressing the crisis associated with the outbreak of COVID-19, 32021R0177, February 16, 2021
(1) 'basic material assistance' means basic consumer goods of a limited value and for the personal use of the most deprived persons for example clothing, footwear, hygiene goods, school material and sleeping bags; (2) 'most deprived persons' means natural persons, whether individuals, families, households or groups composed of such persons, whose need for assistance has been established according to the objective criteria set by the national competent authorities in consultation with relevant stakeholders, while avoiding conflicts of interest, or defined by the partner organisations and which are approved by those national competent authorities and which may include elements that allow the targeting of the most deprived persons in certain geographical areas; (3) 'partner organisations' means public bodies and/or non- profit organisations that deliver food and/or basic material assistance, where applicable, combined with accompanying measures directly or through other partner organisations, or that undertake activities aiming directly at the social inclusion of the most deprived persons, and whose operations have been selected by the managing authority in accordance with point (b) of Article 32(3); (4) 'national schemes' means any scheme having, at least partly, the same objectives as the Fund and which is being implemented at national, regional or local level by public bodies or non-profit organisations; (5) 'food and/or basic material assistance operational programme' (also referred to as 'OP I') means an operational programme supporting the distribution of food and/or basic material assistance to the most deprived persons, combined where applicable with accompanying measures, aimed at alleviating the social exclusion of most deprived persons; (6) 'social inclusion of the most deprived persons operational programme' (also referred to as 'OP II') means an operational programme supporting the activities outside active labour market measures, consisting in non-financial, non-material assistance, aimed at the social inclusion of the most deprived persons; (7) 'operation' means a project, contract or action selected by the managing authority of the operational programme concerned, or under its responsibility, contributing to the objectives of the operational programme to which it relates; (8) 'completed operation' means an operation that has been physically completed or fully implemented and in respect of which all related payments have been made by beneficiaries and the support from the corresponding operational programme has been paid to the beneficiaries; (9) 'beneficiary' means a public or private body responsible for initiating or initiating and implementing operations; (10) 'end recipient' means the most deprived person or persons receiving support as defined in Article 4 of this Regulation; (11) 'accompanying measures' means activities provided in addition to the distribution of food and/or basic material assistance with the aim of alleviating social exclusion and/or tackling social emergencies in a more empowering and sustainable way, for example guidance on a balanced diet and budget management advice; (12) 'public expenditure' means a public contribution to the financing of operations the source of which is the budget of national, regional or local public authorities, the budget of the Union related to the Fund, the budget of public law bodies or the budget of associations of public authorities or any body governed by public law within the meaning of Article 1(9) of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ;Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of the procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts (OJ L 134, 30.4.2004, p. 114 ).(13) 'intermediate body' means any public or private body which acts under the responsibility of a managing or certifying authority, or which carries out duties on behalf of such an authority in relation to beneficiaries' implementing operations; (14) 'accounting year', means the period from 1 July to 30 June, except for the first accounting year of the programming period, in respect of which it means the period from the start date for eligibility of expenditure until 30 June 2015 . The final accounting year shall be from1 July 2023 to30 June 2024 ;(15) 'financial year' means the period from 1 January to 31 December; (16) 'irregularity' means any breach of Union law or of national law relating to its application, resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator involved in the implementation of the Fund, which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the budget of the Union by charging an unjustified item of expenditure to the budget of the Union; (17) 'economic operator' means any natural or legal person or other entity taking part in the implementation of assistance from the Fund, with the exception of a Member State exercising its prerogatives as a public authority; (18) 'systemic irregularity' means any irregularity, that may be of a recurring nature, with a high probability of occurrence in similar types of operations, which results from a serious deficiency in the effective functioning of a management and control system, including a failure to establish appropriate procedures in accordance with this Regulation; (19) 'serious deficiency in the effective functioning of a management and control system' means a deficiency for which substantial improvements in the system are required, which exposes the Fund to significant risk of irregularities, and the existence of which is incompatible with an unqualified audit opinion on the functioning of the management and control system.
(a) an identification of and a justification for selecting the type or types of material deprivation to be addressed under the operational programme and, for each type of material deprivation addressed, a description of the main characteristics of the distribution of food and/or basic material assistance and, where appropriate, of the accompanying measures to be provided, having regard to the results of the ex ante evaluation carried out in accordance with Article 16; (b) a description of the corresponding national scheme or schemes for each type of material deprivation addressed; (c) a description of the mechanism setting the eligibility criteria for the most deprived persons, differentiated where necessary by type of material deprivation addressed; (d) the criteria for the selection of operations and a description of the selection mechanism differentiated where necessary by type of material deprivation addressed; (e) the criteria for the selection of the partner organisations differentiated where necessary by type of material deprivation addressed; (f) a description of the mechanism used to ensure complementarity with the ESF; (g) a financing plan containing a table specifying, for the whole programming period, the amount of the total financial appropriation in respect of support from the operational programme, indicatively broken down by type of material deprivation addressed as well as the corresponding accompanying measures.
(a) a strategy for the programme contribution to the promotion of social cohesion and poverty reduction in accordance with the Europe 2020 strategy, including a justification for the choice of assistance priority; (b) the specific objectives of the operational programme based on an identification of national needs, having regard to the results of the ex ante evaluation carried out in accordance with Article 16. The ex ante evaluation shall be submitted to the Commission at the same time as the operational programme; (c) a financing plan containing a table specifying, for the whole programming period, the amount of the total financial appropriation in respect of support from the operational programme, indicatively broken down by type of action; (d) the identification of the most deprived persons to be targetted; (e) the financial indicators relating to the corresponding expenditure allocated; (f) the expected results for the specific objectives and the corresponding programme specific output and result indicators with a base line and target values; (g) a description of the type and examples of actions to be supported and their expected contribution to the specific objectives referred to in point (b) including the guiding principles for the selection of operations and, where appropriate, the identification of the types of beneficiaries; (h) a description of the mechanism to ensure complementarity with the ESF, as well as to prevent overlap and double-financing of operations.
(a) the identification of the managing authority, the certifying authority where applicable, the audit authority and the body to which payments are to be made by the Commission and a description of the monitoring procedure; (b) a description of the measures taken to involve all relevant stakeholders as well as, where appropriate, the competent regional, local and other public authorities in the preparation of the operational programme; (c) a description of the planned use of technical assistance in accordance with Article 27(4), including actions to reinforce the administrative capacity of the beneficiaries in relation to the implementation of the operational programme; (d) a financing plan containing a table specifying for each year in accordance with Article 20 the amount of the financial appropriation envisaged for support from the Fund and the co-financing in accordance with Article 20.
(a) progress made towards achieving the specific targets of the operational programme on the basis of the documents submitted by the managing authority, including evaluation findings; (b) implementation of the information and communication actions; (c) actions, which take into account and promote equality between men and women, equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
(a) the methodology and criteria for selection of operations in line with the guiding principles as set out in point (f) of Article 7(3); (b) the annual and final implementation reports; (c) any proposal by the managing authority for an amendment to the operational programme.
(a) the contribution to the Union objective of at least 20 million fewer people living in poverty or at risk of poverty and social exclusion by 2020, having regard to the selected type of material deprivation to be addressed and taking into account national circumstances in terms of poverty and social exclusion and material deprivation; (b) the internal coherence of the proposed operational programme and its relation with other relevant financial instruments; (c) the consistency of the allocation of budgetary resources with the objectives of the operational programme; (d) the contribution of the expected outputs to the results and thus to the objectives of the Fund; (e) the involvement of relevant stakeholders; (f) the suitability of the procedures for monitoring the operational programme and for collecting the data necessary to carry out evaluations.
(a) the contribution to the promotion of social cohesion and poverty reduction in accordance with the Europe 2020 strategy, taking into account national needs; (b) the internal coherence of the proposed programme and its relation with other relevant instruments, in particular the ESF; (c) the consistency of the allocation of budgetary resources with the objectives of the programme; (d) the relevance and clarity of the proposed programme specific indicators; (e) how the expected outputs will contribute to results; (f) whether the quantified target values for indicators are realistic, having regard to the support from the Fund envisaged; (g) the rationale for the form of support proposed; (h) the adequacy of human resources and administrative capacity for management of the programme; (i) the suitability of the procedures for monitoring the programme and for collecting the data necessary to carry out evaluations; (j) the adequacy of planned measures to promote equal opportunities between men and women and to prevent any discrimination.
(a) the name and address of the beneficiary; (b) the allocated amount of Union funding; (c) for OP I, the type of material deprivation addressed.
(a) the Member State or the managing authority shall be responsible for organising: (i) a main information activity to publicise the launch of the operational programme; and (ii) at least one main information activity a year to promote the funding opportunities and the strategies pursued and/or present the achievements of the operational programme, including, where relevant, examples of operations;
(b) during implementation of an operation, the beneficiary shall inform the public about the support obtained from the Fund by ensuring that those taking part in the operation have been informed of the support from the Fund; (c) any document, including any attendance or other certificate, concerning an operation shall include a statement to the effect that the operational programme was supported by the Fund; (d) the managing authority shall ensure that potential beneficiaries have access to the relevant information on the funding opportunities, the launching of application calls and conditions thereof and the criteria for selecting the operations to be supported.
(a) where the Member State concerned has adopted the euro, it receives macro-financial assistance from the Union in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) No 407/2010 ;Council Regulation (EU) No 407/2010 of 11 May 2010 establishing a European financial stabilisation mechanism (OJ L 118, 12.5.2010, p. 1 ).(b) where the Member State concerned has not adopted the euro, it receives medium-term financial assistance in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 332/2002 ;Council Regulation (EC) No 332/2002 of 18 February 2002 establishing a facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payments (OJ L 53, 23.2.2002, p. 1 ).(c) financial assistance is made available to it in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism.
(a) reimbursement of eligible costs actually incurred and paid; (b) reimbursement on the basis of unit costs; (c) lump sums not exceeding EUR 100000 of public support;(d) flat-rate financing, determined by the application of a percentage to one or several defined categories of costs.
(a) a fair, equitable and verifiable calculation method based on one of the following: (i) statistical data or other objective information; (ii) the verified historical data of individual beneficiaries or the application of their usual cost accounting practices;
(b) methods and corresponding unit costs, lump sums and flat-rate financing applied under schemes for grants funded entirely by the Member State concerned for a similar type of operation and beneficiary; (c) rates established by this Regulation; (d) a case-by-case basis by reference to a draft budget agreed ex ante by the managing authority, where public support does not exceed EUR 100000 ;(e) rules for the application of corresponding unit costs, lump sums and flat rates applicable under Union policies for a similar type of operation and beneficiary.
(a) the cost of purchasing food and/or basic material assistance and the cost of purchasing pers onal protective materials and equipment for partner organisations; (b) where a public body purchases the food or basic material assistance and provides them to partner organisations, the costs of transporting food or basic material assistance to the storage depots of the partner organisations and storage costs at a flat-rate of 1 % of the costs referred to in point (a) or, in duly justified cases, costs actually incurred and paid; (c) the administrative, preparation, transport and storage costs borne by the partner organisations at a flat-rate of 5 % of the costs referred to in point (a); or 5 % of the value of the food products disposed of in accordance with Article 16 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013; (d) the costs of partner organisations for collection, transport, storage and distribution of food donations and directly related awareness raising activities; (e) the costs of accompanying measures undertaken and declared by the partner organisations delivering directly or under cooperation agreements the food and/or basic material assistance to the most deprived persons at a flat-rate of 5 % of the costs referred to in point (a) of this paragraph; or 5 % of the value of the food products disposed of in accordance with Article 16 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.
(a) interest on debt; (b) provision of infrastructure; (c) costs of second-hand goods; (d) value added tax except where it is non-recoverable under national VAT legislation.
(a) the implementation of the operation is suspended after 31 January 2020 ;(b) the suspension of the operation is due to the outbreak of COVID-19; (c) the expenditure has been incurred and paid; (d) the expenditure constitutes a genuine cost to the beneficiary and cannot be recovered or compensated for; for recoveries and compensation which are not provided by the Member State, the Member State may consider this condition to be met on the basis of a declaration by the beneficiary; recoveries and compensation shall be deducted from the expenditure; (e) the expenditure is limited to the period of the suspension of the operation.
(a) the implementation of the actions is suspended after 31 January 2020 ;(b) the suspension of the actions is due to the outbreak of COVID-19; (c) the simplified cost options correspond to a genuine cost borne by the beneficiary, which shall be demonstrated by the beneficiary, and cannot be recovered or compensated for; for recoveries and compensation which are not provided by the Member State, the Member State may consider this condition to be met on the basis of a declaration by the beneficiary; recoveries and compensation shall be deducted from the amount corresponding to the simplified cost option; (d) the reimbursement to the beneficiary is limited to the period of the suspension of the actions. For the operations referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph, the Member State may also reimburse the beneficiary on the basis of costs referred to in point (a) of Article 25(1), provided that the conditions set out in paragraph 1 of this Article are met. Where a Member State reimburses the beneficiary on the basis of both the first and the second subparagraphs, it shall ensure that the same expenditure is only reimbursed once.
(a) the implementation of the operation ceases after 31 January 2020 ;(b) the cessation of the implementation of the operation is due to the outbreak of COVID-19; (c) the expenditure prior to the cessation of the implementation of the operation was incurred by the beneficiary and paid.
(a) the implementation of the operation ceases after 31 January 2020 ;(b) the cessation of the implementation of the operation is due to the outbreak of COVID-19; (c) the actions covered by the simplified cost options were at least partly delivered prior to the cessation of the implementation of the operation. For the operations referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph, the Member State may also reimburse the beneficiary on the basis of costs referred to in point (a) of Article 25(1), provided that the conditions set out in paragraph 1 of this Article are met. Where a Member State reimburses the beneficiary on the basis of both the first and the second subparagraphs, it shall ensure that the same expenditure is only reimbursed once.
(a) a description of the functions of each body involved in management and control, and the allocation of functions within each body; (b) compliance with the principle of separation of functions between and within such bodies; (c) procedures for ensuring the correctness and regularity of expenditure declared; (d) computerised systems for accounting, for the storage and transmission of financial data and data on indicators, for monitoring and for reporting; (e) systems for reporting and monitoring where the body responsible entrusts execution of tasks to another body; (f) arrangements for auditing the functioning of the management and control systems; (g) systems and procedures to ensure an adequate audit trail; (h) the prevention, detection and correction of irregularities, including fraud, and the recovery of amounts unduly paid, together with any interest on late payments.
(a) where the irregularity consists solely of the failure to execute, in whole or in part, an operation included in the co-financed operational programme owing to the bankruptcy of the beneficiary; (b) those brought to the attention of the managing authority or certifying authority by the beneficiary voluntarily and before detection by either authority, whether before or after the payment of the public contribution; (c) those which are detected and corrected by the managing authority or certifying authority before inclusion of the expenditure concerned in a statement of expenditure submitted to the Commission.
(a) where relevant, support the work of the monitoring committee referred to in Article 11 and provide it with the information it requires to carry out its tasks, in particular the data relating to the progress of the operational programme in achieving its objectives, financial data and data relating to indicators; (b) draw up and, after consultation of the relevant stakeholders, while avoiding conflicts of interests, for OP I, or after approval the monitoring committee referred to in Article 11 for OP II, submit to the Commission annual and final implementation reports referred to in Article 13; (c) make available to intermediate bodies and beneficiaries information that is relevant to the execution of their tasks and the implementation of operations respectively; (d) establish a system to record and store in computerised form data on each operation necessary for monitoring, evaluation, financial management, verification and audit, including data on individual participants in operations co-financed by OP II; (e) ensure that the data referred to in point (d) is collected, entered and stored in the system, referred to in point (d) in compliance with the provisions of Directive 95/46/CE and where available, broken down by gender.
(a) draw up and, where relevant once approved, apply appropriate selection procedures and/or criteria, that are non-discriminatory and transparent; (b) ensure that the selected operation: (i) falls within the scope of the Fund and the operational programme; (ii) fulfils the criteria set out in the operational programme and in Articles 22, 23 and 26; (iii) takes into account, where relevant, the principles set out in Article 5(11), (12), (13) and (14);
(c) ensure that the beneficiary is provided with a document setting out the conditions for support for each operation including the specific requirements concerning the products or services to be delivered under the operation, the financing plan, and the time-limit for execution; (d) satisfy itself that the beneficiary has the administrative, financial and operational capacity to fulfil the conditions referred to in point (c) before approval of the operation; (e) satisfy itself that, where the operation has started before the submission of an application for funding to the managing authority, applicable law relevant for the operation has been complied with; (f) determine the type of material assistance for OP I and the type of action for OP II to which the expenditure of an operation shall be attributed.
(a) verify that the co-financed products and services have been delivered, that the operation complies with applicable law, the operational programme and the conditions for support of the operation and, (i) where costs are to be reimbursed pursuant to point (a) of Article 25(1), that the amount of expenditure declared by the beneficiaries in relation to those costs has been paid; (ii) where costs are to be reimbursed pursuant to points (b), (c) and (d) of Article 25(1), that the conditions for reimbursement of expenditure to the beneficiary have been met;
(b) ensure that beneficiaries involved in the implementation of operations reimbursed on the basis of eligible costs actually incurred maintain either a separate accounting system or an adequate accounting code for all transactions relating to an operation; (c) put in place effective and proportionate anti-fraud measures taking into account the risks identified; (d) set up procedures to ensure that all documents regarding expenditure and audits required to ensure an adequate audit trail are held in accordance with the requirements of point (g) of Article 28; (e) draw up the management declaration and annual summary referred to in point (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph of Article 59(5) of the Financial Regulation.
(a) administrative verifications in respect of each application for reimbursement by beneficiaries; (b) on-the-spot verifications of operations.
(a) drawing up and submitting payment applications to the Commission and certifying that they result from reliable accounting systems, are based on verifiable supporting documents and have been subject to verifications by the managing authority; (b) drawing up the accounts referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 59(5) of the Financial Regulation; (c) certifying the completeness, accuracy and veracity of the accounts and that the expenditure entered in them complies with applicable law and has been incurred in respect of operations selected for funding in accordance with the criteria applicable to the operational programme and complying with applicable law; (d) ensuring that there is a system which records and stores, in computerised form, accounting records for each operation, and which supports all the data required for drawing up payment applications and accounts, including records of amounts recoverable, amounts recovered and amounts withdrawn following cancellation of all or part of the contribution for an operation or an operational programme; (e) ensuring for the purposes of drawing up and submitting payment applications that it has received adequate information from the managing authority on the procedures and verifications carried out in relation to expenditure; (f) taking account, when drawing up and submitting payment applications, of the results of all audits carried out by or under the responsibility of the audit authority; (g) maintaining, in a computerised form, accounting records of expenditure declared to the Commission and of the corresponding public contribution paid to beneficiaries; (h) keeping an account of amounts recoverable and of amounts withdrawn following cancellation of all or part of the contribution for an operation. Amounts recovered shall be repaid to the budget of the Union prior to the closure of the operational programme by deducting them from the subsequent statement of expenditure.
(a) an audit opinion in accordance with point (b) of the first subparagraph of Article 59(5) of the Financial Regulation; (b) a control report setting out the main findings of the audits carried out in accordance with paragraph 1, including findings with regard to deficiencies found in the management and control systems, and the proposed and implemented corrective actions.
(a) the total amount of eligible public expenditure incurred by beneficiaries and paid in implementing operations, as entered in the accounting system of the certifying authority; (b) the total amount of public expenditure incurred in implementing operations as entered in the accounting system of the certifying authority.
(a) the amount of the payment claim is not due or the appropriate supporting documents, including the documents necessary for management verifications under point (a) of Article 32(4), have not been provided; (b) an investigation has been initiated in relation to a possible irregularity affecting the expenditure concerned.
(a) following information provided by a national or Union audit body, there is clear evidence to suggest a significant deficiency in the functioning of the management and control system; (b) the authorising officer by delegation has to carry out additional verifications following information that has come to that officer's attention alerting him or her that expenditure in a request for payment is linked to an irregularity having serious financial consequences; (c) there is a failure to submit one of the documents required under Article 59(5) of the Financial Regulation.
(a) there is a serious deficiency in the effective functioning of the management and control system of the operational programme, which has put at risk the Union contribution to the operational programme and for which corrective measures have not been taken; (b) expenditure in a statement of expenditure is linked to an irregularity having serious financial consequences which has not been corrected; (c) the Member State has failed to take the necessary action to remedy the situation giving rise to an interruption under Article 46; (d) there is a serious deficiency in the quality and reliability of the monitoring system or of the data on indicators.
(a) the accounts referred to in Article 49(1) of this Regulation, for the preceding accounting year; (b) the management declaration and the annual summary referred to in point (e) of Article 32(4) of this Regulation, for the preceding accounting year; (c) the audit opinion and the control report referred to in points (a) and (b) of Article 34(5) of this Regulation for the preceding accounting year.
(a) the total amount of eligible public expenditure entered into the accounting systems of the certifying authority which has been included in payment applications submitted to the Commission, in accordance with Article 41 and Article 45(2), by 31 July following the end of the accounting year, the total amount of the corresponding eligible public expenditure incurred in implementing operations, and the total amount of corresponding payments made to beneficiaries under Article 42(2); (b) the amounts withdrawn and recovered during the accounting year, the amounts to be recovered as at the end of the accounting year and the irrecoverable amounts; (c) a reconciliation between the expenditure stated pursuant to point (a) and the expenditure declared in respect of the same accounting year in payment applications, accompanied by an explanation of any differences.
(i) the amounts in the accounts referred to in point (a) of Article 49(1), and to which the co-financing rate defined in Article 20 is to be applied; (ii) the total amount of payments made by the Commission during that accounting year, consisting of the amount of interim payments paid by the Commission in accordance with Article 21 and Article 40(1).
(a) the breach has affected the selection of an operation by the body responsible for support from the Fund or in cases where, due to the nature of the breach, it is not possible to establish that impact but there is a substantiated risk that the breach has had such an effect; (b) the breach has affected the amount of expenditure declared for reimbursement by the budget of the Union or in cases where, due to the nature of the breach, it is not possible to quantify its financial impact but there is a substantiated risk that the breach has had such an effect.
(a) there is a serious deficiency in the effective functioning of the management and control system of the operational programme which has put at risk the Union contribution already paid to the operational programme; (b) the Member State has not complied with its obligations under Article 53 prior to the opening of the correction procedure under this paragraph; (c) expenditure contained in a payment application is irregular and has not been corrected by the Member State prior to the opening of the correction procedure under this paragraph.
(a) had been identified in the management declaration, annual control report or the audit opinion submitted to the Commission in accordance with Article 59(5) of the Financial Regulation, or in other audit reports of the audit authority submitted to the Commission and appropriate measures taken; or (b) had been the subject of appropriate remedial measures by the Member State.
(a) respect the principle of proportionality by taking account of the nature and gravity of the serious deficiency in the effective functioning of a management and control system and its financial implications for the budget of the Union; (b) for the purpose of applying a flat-rate or extrapolated correction, exclude irregular expenditure previously detected by the Member State which has been the subject of an adjustment in the accounts in accordance with Article 50(10), and expenditure subject to an ongoing assessment of its legality and regularity under Article 49(2); (c) take into account flat-rate or extrapolated corrections applied to the expenditure by the Member State for other serious deficiencies detected by the Member State when determining the residual risk for the budget of the Union.
(a) the operations are suspended by a legal proceeding or by an administrative appeal having suspensory effect; or (b) it has not been possible to make a request for payment for reasons of force majeure seriously affecting implementation of all or part of the operational programme.
Description / Observations | |||
| |
2.1. | Situation | An identification and a justification of the material deprivation(s) to be addressed | |
Indication of the type of material deprivation(s) retained for the OP. | |||
2.2. | Material deprivation addressed | One section (and the corresponding sub-sections) shall be provided for each type of material deprivation to be addressed. | |
2.2.1. | Description | Description of the main characteristics of the distribution of food or basic material assistance to be provided and the corresponding accompanying measures. | |
2.2.2. | National schemes | Description of the national schemes to be supported | |
2.3. | Other | Any other information deemed necessary | |
3.1. | Identification of most deprived persons | Description of the mechanism setting the eligible criteria of the most deprived persons, differentiated if necessary by type of material deprivation addressed. | |
3.2. | Selection of operations | Criteria for the selection of operations and the description of the selection mechanism, differentiated if necessary by type of material deprivation addressed. | |
3.3. | Selection of partner organisations | Criteria for the selection of partner organisations, differentiated if necessary by type of material deprivation addressed. | |
3.4. | Complementarity with ESF | Description of the mechanism to ensure complementarity with the ESF | |
3.5. | Institutional set-up | The identification of the managing authority, the certifying authority where applicable, the audit authority and the body to which payments will be made by the Commission | |
3.6. | Monitoring and evaluation | Description of how the programme implementation will be monitored. | |
3.7. | Technical assistance | The description of the planned use of technical assistance pursuant to Article 27(4), including actions to reinforce the administrative capacity of the beneficiaries in relation to sound financial management of operations | |
4. | INVOLVEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS | A description of the measures taken to involve all relevant stakeholders as well as, where appropriate, the competent regional, local and other public authorities in the preparation of the operational programme. | |
5.1. Financing plan of the operational programme giving the annual commitment of the Fund and corresponding national co-financing in the operational programme (in EUR) Total 2014 2015 …. 2020 Fund (a) National co-financing (b) public expenditure (c) = (a) + (b) Co-financing rate (d) = (a) / (c) 5.2. Financing plan giving the amount of the total financial appropriations of the support from the operational programme for each type of material deprivation addressed as well as the corresponding accompanying measures (in EUR) Type of material assistance Public expenditure Total Technical assistance Type of material assistance 1 of which, accompanying measures Type of material assistance 2 of which, accompanying measures Type of material assistance n of which, accompanying measures
Description / Observations | |||
| |
2.1. | Strategy | Description of strategy for the programme contribution to the promotion of social cohesion and poverty reduction in accordance with the Europe 2020 strategy, including a justification of the choice of assistance priority; | |
2.2. | Intervention logic | Identification of the national needs | |
Specific objectives of the operational programme | |||
Expected results and corresponding output and results indicators, with a baseline and a target value (for each specific objective) | |||
Identification of the most deprived persons to be targetted | |||
Financial indicators | |||
2.3. | Other | Any other information deemed necessary | |
3.1. | Actions | Description of the types and examples of actions to be supported and their contribution to the specific objectives | |
3.2. | Selection of operations | Guiding principles for the selection of operations, differentiated, if necessary, by type of actions | |
3.3. | Beneficiaries | Identification of types of beneficiaries (where appropriate), differentiated, if necessary by type of actions | |
3.4. | Complementarity with ESF | Description of the mechanism to ensure complementarity with the ESF and prevention of overlap and double funding | |
3.5. | Institutional set-up | The identification of the managing authority, the certifying authority where applicable, the audit authority and the body to which payments will be made by the Commission | |
3.6. | Monitoring and evaluation | This sub-section shall describe how the programme implementation will be monitored. There is, in particular, a need to explain how indicators will be used to track programme implementation. The indicators shall include financial indicators relating to expenditures allocated and programme specific output indicators relating to the operations supported and programme specific result indicators in relation to each specific objective. | |
3.7. | Technical assistance | The description of the planned use of technical assistance pursuant to Article 27(4), including actions to reinforce the administrative capacity of the beneficiaries in relation to sound financial management of operations | |
4. | INVOLVEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS | A description of the measures taken to involve all relevant stakeholders as well as, where appropriate, the competent regional, local and other public authorities in the preparation of the operational programme; | |
5.1. Financing plan of the operational programme giving the annual commitment of the Fund and corresponding national co-financing in the operational programme (in EUR) This rate may be rounded to the nearest whole number in the table. The precise rate used to reimburse expenditure is the ratio (d). Total 2014 2015 …. 2020 Fund (a) National co-financing (b) public expenditure (c) = (a) + (b) Co-financing rate (d) = (a) / (c) 5.2. Financing plan giving the amount of the total financial appropriations of the support from the Operational programme for each type of action (in EUR) Intervention area Public expenditure Total Technical Assistance Type of action 1 Type of action 2 … Type of action n
2014 | EUR | |
2015 | EUR | |
2016 | EUR | |
2017 | EUR | |
2018 | EUR | |
2019 | EUR | |
2020 | EUR | |
Total | EUR |
Member States | EUR |
Belgium | |
Bulgaria | |
Czech Republic | |
Denmark | |
Germany | |
Estonia | |
Ireland | |
Greece | |
Spain | |
France | |
Croatia | |
Italy | |
Cyprus | |
Latvia | |
Lithuania | |
Luxembourg | |
Hungary | |
Malta | |
Netherlands | |
Austria | |
Poland | |
Portugal | |
Romania | |
Slovenia | |
Slovakia | |
Finland | |
Sweden | |
United Kingdom | |
Total |