A product (so-called "Real Time Clock Module") consisting of a monolithic integrated circuit and a quartz crystal assembled together on a metal frame and embedded in a plastic housing with dimensions of approximately 10 × 7 × 3 mm.The product operates with an oscillating frequency of 32,768 kHz and a supply voltage of between 2,7 and 3,6 V. It has a digital output signal.The product is used in various apparatus as the source of a clock signal for determining intervals of time. See image. | 91149000 | Classification is determined by General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, Note 1(n) to Section XVI and by the wording of CN codes 9114 and 91149000.As the product contains both a monolithic integrated circuit and a quartz crystal, it does not fulfil the conditions laid down in Note 8(b) to Chapter 85. Consequently, classification under heading 8542 is excluded.The product provides a clock signal for determining intervals of time, which is a function of Chapter 91.Classification under heading 9110 is also excluded as the product does not have all the necessary components to be considered an incomplete clock movement and is not mounted (see also the Harmonised System Explanatory Notes (HSEN) to heading 9110, third paragraph).The product is therefore to be classified under CN code 91149000 as other watch or clock parts (see also HSEN to heading 9114, (A), point (8)). |