Council Regulation (EU) No 39/2013 of 21 January 2013 fixing for 2013 the fishing opportunities available to EU vessels for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks which are not subject to international negotiations or agreements
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  • Council Regulation (EU) No 297/2013of 27 March 2013amending Regulations (EU) No 44/2012, (EU) No 39/2013 and (EU) No 40/2013 as regards certain fishing opportunities, 32013R0297, March 28, 2013
Council Regulation (EU) No 39/2013of 21 January 2013fixing for 2013 the fishing opportunities available to EU vessels for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks which are not subject to international negotiations or agreements THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 43(3) thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission, Whereas: (1)Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries PolicyOJ L 358, 31.12.2002, p. 59. requires that measures governing access to waters and resources and the sustainable pursuit of fishing activities be established taking into account available scientific, technical and economic advice and, in particular, reports drawn up by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF), as well as in the light of any advice received from Regional Advisory Councils. (2)It is incumbent upon the Council to adopt measures on the fixing and allocation of fishing opportunities, including certain conditions functionally linked thereto, as appropriate. Fishing opportunities should be distributed among Member States in such a way as to assure each Member State relative stability of fishing activities for each stock or fishery and having due regard to the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy established in Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002. (3)The total allowable catch (TACs) should be established on the basis of available scientific advice, taking into account biological and socio-economic aspects whilst ensuring fair treatment between fishing sectors, as well as in the light of the opinions expressed during the consultation of stakeholders, in particular at the meetings of the Regional Advisory Councils concerned. (4)For stocks subject to specific multiannual plans, the TACs should be established in accordance with the rules laid down in those plans. Consequently, the TACs for stocks of Southern hake, of Norway lobster, of sole in the Western Channel, of herring to the west of Scotland and of cod in the Kattegat, to the west of Scotland and in the Irish Sea should be established in accordance with the rules laid down in: Council Regulation (EC) No 2166/2005 of 20 December 2005 establishing measures for the recovery of the Southern hake and Norway lobster stocks in the Cantabrian Sea and Western Iberian peninsulaOJ L 345, 28.12.2005, p. 5.; Council Regulation (EC) No 509/2007 of 7 May 2007 establishing a multi-annual plan for the sustainable exploitation of the stock of sole in the Western ChannelOJ L 122, 11.5.2007, p. 7.; Council Regulation (EC) No 1300/2008 of 18 December 2008 establishing a multi-annual plan for the stock of herring distributed to the west of Scotland and the fisheries exploiting that stockOJ L 344, 20.12.2008, p. 6.; and Council Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 of 18 December 2008 establishing a long-term plan for cod stocks and the fisheries exploiting those stocksOJ L 348, 24.12.2008, p. 20. (the "Cod Plan"). With regard, however, to the stocks of northern hake (Regulation (EC) No 811/2004Council Regulation (EC) No 811/2004 of 21 April 2004 establishing measures for the recovery of the northern hake stock (OJ L 150, 30.4.2004, p. 1). and sole in the Bay of Biscay (Regulation (EC) No 388/2006Council Regulation (EC) No 388/2006 of 23 February 2006 establishing a multiannual plan for the sustainable exploitation of the stock of sole in the Bay of Biscay (OJ L 65, 7.3.2006, p. 1)., the minimum targets of the relevant recovery and management plans have been reached and, therefore, it is appropriate to follow scientific advice provided in order to achieve or maintain the TACs at maximum sustainable yield levels, as the case may be. (5)For stocks for which there is no sufficient or reliable data in order to provide size estimates, management measures and TAC levels should follow the precautionary approach to fisheries management as defined in point (i) of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002, while taking into account stock-specific factors, including, in particular, available information on stock trends and mixed fisheries considerations. (6)In accordance with Article 2 of Council Regulation (EC) No 847/96 of 6 May 1996 introducing additional conditions for year-to-year management of TACs and quotasOJ L 115, 9.5.1996, p. 3., the stocks that are subject to the various measures referred to therein should be identified. (7)Where a TAC relating to a stock is allocated to one Member State only, it is appropriate to empower that Member State in accordance with Article 2(1) of the Treaty to determine the level of such TAC. Provisions should be made to ensure that, when fixing that TAC level, the Member State concerned acts in a manner fully consistent with the principles and rules of the Common Fisheries Policy. (8)For certain TACs Member States should be allowed to grant additional allocations for vessels participating in trials on fully documented fisheries. The aim of those trials is to test a catch-quota system, i.e. a system where all catches should be landed and counted against quotas in order to avoid discards and the waste of otherwise usable fish resources they entail. Uncontrolled discards of fish are a threat to the long term sustainability of fish as a public good and thus to the Common Fisheries Policy objectives. By contrast, catch-quota systems inherently present the fishers with an incentive to optimise the catch selectivity of their operations. In order to achieve a rational management of discards, a fully documented fishery should cover every operation at sea, rather than what is landed at port. The conditions for Member States to grant such additional allocations should therefore include an obligation to ensure the use of close circuit television cameras (CCTV) associated to a system of sensors (jointly referred to as "CCTV system"). This should enable the recording, in detail, of all retained and discarded parts of catches. A system based on human observers operating in real time on board would be less efficient, more costly, and less reliable. Consequently, the use of CCTV systems is, at this time, a prerequisite for the achievement of discard reduction schemes such as fully documented fisheries. In the use of such system, the requirements of Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such dataOJ L 281, 23.11.1995, p. 31. should be complied with. (9)In order to ensure that trials of fully documented fisheries can effectively evaluate the potential of catch-quota systems to control the absolute fishing mortality of the stocks concerned, it is necessary for all fish caught in those trials, including those under minimum landing size, to be counted against the total allocation assigned to the participating vessel, and for fishing operations to cease when that total allocation has been fully utilised by that vessel. It is also appropriate to allow transfers of allocations between vessels participating in the fully documented fisheries trials and non-participating vessels provided that it can be demonstrated that discards by non-participating vessels do not increase. (10)It is necessary to establish the fishing effort ceilings for 2013 in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 2166/2005, Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 509/2007, Articles 11 and 12 of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008, while taking into account Council Regulation (EC) No 754/2009 of 27 July 2009 excluding certain groups of vessels from the fishing effort regime laid down in Chapter III of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008OJ L 214, 19.8.2009, p. 16.. (11)For certain species, such as certain species of sharks, even a limited fishing activity could result in a serious risk to their conservation. Fishing opportunities for such species should therefore be fully restricted through a general prohibition on fishing those species. (12)Since the four TAC areas for the northern stock of hake correspond to the same biological stock, it is appropriate, in order to guarantee full use of the fishing opportunities, to allow the implementation of a flexible arrangement for Member States involved in this fishery between the TAC for IIIa, EU waters of Subdivisions 22-32 and the TAC for EU waters of IIa and IV. (13)Fishing opportunities should be used in full compliance with the applicable law of the Union. (14)The use of fishing opportunities available to EU vessels set out in this Regulation is subject to Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of 20 November 2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policyOJ L 343, 22.12.2009, p. 1., and in particular to Articles 33 and 34 of that Regulation, concerning the recording of catches and fishing effort and the notification of data on the exhaustion of fishing opportunities. It is therefore necessary to specify the codes to be used by Member States when sending data to the Commission relating to landings of stocks subject to this Regulation. (15)In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation concerning the granting to an individual Member State an authorisation to benefit from the system of managing its fishing effort allocations in accordance with a kilowatt days system, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. (16)In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission relating to granting of additional days at sea for permanent cessation of fishing activities and for enhanced scientific observer coverage as well as to establishing the formats of spreadsheet for the collection and transmission of information concerning transfer of days at sea between fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State. Those powers should be exercised in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powersOJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13.. (17)In order to avoid the interruption of fishing activities and to ensure the livelihood of the fishermen of the Union, this Regulation should apply from 1 January 2013, except for the provisions concerning fishing effort limits, which should apply from 1 February 2013. For reasons of urgency, this Regulation should enter into force immediately after its publication, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1 Subject matter 1. This Regulation fixes the fishing opportunities available to EU vessels for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks which are not subject to international negotiations or agreements. 2. The fishing opportunities referred to in paragraph 1 shall include: (a)catch limits for the year 2013; (b)fishing effort limits for the period from 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2014.
Article 2 Scope This Regulation shall apply to EU vessels.
Article 3 Definitions For the purposes of this Regulation the following definitions shall apply: (a)"EU vessel" means a fishing vessel flying the flag of a Member State and registered in the Union; (b)"EU waters" means waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Member States with the exception of waters adjacent to the overseas countries and territories listed in Annex II to the Treaty; (c)"total allowable catch" (TAC) means the quantity that can be taken and landed from each fish stock each year; (d)"quota" means a proportion of the TAC allocated to the Union or a Member State; (e)"international waters" means waters falling outside the sovereignty or jurisdiction of any State; (f)"mesh size" means the mesh size of fishing nets as determined in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 517/2008Commission Regulation (EC) No 517/2008 of 10 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98 as regards the determination of the mesh size and assessing the thickness of twine of fishing nets (OJ L 151, 11.6.2008, p. 5).; (g)"EU fishing fleet register" means the register set up by the Commission in accordance with Article 15(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002; (h)"fishing logbook" means the logbook referred to in Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009; (i)"analytical assessments" means a quantitative evaluation of trends in a given stock, based on data about the stock’s biology and exploitation, which scientific review has indicated to be of sufficient quality to provide scientific advice on options for future catches.
Article 4 Fishing zones For the purposes of this Regulation the following zone definitions shall apply: (a)ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) zones are the geographical areas specified in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 218/2009Regulation (EC) No 218/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in the north-east Atlantic (OJ L 87, 31.3.2009, p. 70).; (b)"Skagerrak" means the geographical area bounded on the west by a line drawn from the Hanstholm lighthouse to the Lindesnes lighthouse and on the south by a line drawn from the Skagen lighthouse to the Tistlarna lighthouse and from this point to the nearest point on the Swedish coast; (c)"Kattegat" means the geographical area bounded on the north by a line drawn from the Skagen lighthouse to the Tistlarna lighthouse and from this point to the nearest point on the Swedish coast and on the south by a line drawn from Hasenøre to Gnibens Spids, from Korshage to Spodsbjerg and from Gilbjerg Hoved to Kullen; (d)"Functional Unit 16 of ICES Subarea VII" means the geographical area bounded by rhumb lines sequentially joining the following positions: 53° 30′ N 15° 00′ W, 53° 30′ N 11° 00′ W, 51° 30′ N 11° 00′ W, 51° 30′ N 13° 00′ W, 51° 00′ N 13° 00′ W, 51° 00′ N 15° 00′ W, 53° 30′ N 15° 00′ W; (e)"Gulf of Cádiz" means the geographical area of ICES division IXa east of longitude 7° 23′ 48″ W; (f)CECAF (Committee for Eastern Central Atlantic Fisheries) areas are the geographical areas specified in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 216/2009Regulation (EC) No 216/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in certain areas other than those of the North Atlantic (OJ L 87, 31.3.2009, p. 1)..
Article 5 TACs and allocations The TACs for EU vessels in EU waters or in certain non-EU waters and the allocation of such TACs among Member States, and the conditions functionally linked thereto, where appropriate, are set out in Annex I.
Article 6 TACs to be determined by Member States 1. The TACs for certain fish stocks shall be determined by the Member State concerned. Those stocks are identified in Annex I. 2. The TACs to be determined by a Member State shall: (a)be consistent with the principles and rules of the Common Fisheries Policy, in particular the principle of sustainable exploitation of the stock; and (b)result: (i)if analytical assessments are available, in the exploitation of the stock consistent with maximum sustainable yield from 2015 onwards, with as high a probability as possible; (ii)if analytical assessments are unavailable or incomplete, in the exploitation of the stock consistent with the precautionary approach to fisheries management. 3. By 15 March 2013, each Member State concerned shall submit to the Commission the following information: (a)the TACs adopted; (b)the data collected and assessed by the Member State concerned on which the TACs adopted are based; (c)details on how the TACs adopted comply with paragraph 2.
Article 7 Additional allocations for vessels participating in trials on fully documented fisheries 1. For certain stocks, a Member State may grant an additional allocation to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries. Those stocks are identified in Annex I. 2. The additional allocation referred to in paragraph 1 shall not exceed the overall limit set out in Annex I as a percentage of the quota allocated to that Member State. 3. The additional allocation referred to in paragraph 1 shall comply with the following conditions: (a)the vessel makes use of close circuit television cameras (CCTV) associated to a system of sensors (jointly referred to as "the CCTV system") to record all on board fishing and processing activities; (b)the additional allocation granted to an individual vessel that participates in trials on fully documented fisheries shall not exceed any of the following limits: (i)75 % of the discards of the stock, as estimated by the relevant Member State, produced by the type of vessel to which the individual vessel that has been granted the additional allocation belongs. (ii)30 % of the vessel’s individual allocation prior to participating in the trials. (c)all catches by the vessel from the stock subject to the additional allocation, including fish that are under minimum landing size as defined in Annex XII of Regulation (EC) No 850/98, shall be counted against the individual allocation of the vessel, as resulting from any additional allocation granted under this Article. (d)once the individual allocation for any stock subject to the additional allocation has been fully utilised by a vessel, the vessel in question must cease all fishing activity in the relevant TAC area. (e)in respect of the stocks for which this Article may be used, the Member States may allow transfers of the individual allocation or any part thereof from vessels not participating in the fully documented fisheries trials to vessels participating in those trials provided that it can be demonstrated that discards by the non-participating vessels do not increase. 4. Notwithstanding point (i) of point (b) of paragraph 3, a Member State may exceptionally grant to a vessel flying its flag an additional allocation exceeding 75 % of the estimated discards of the stock produced by the type of vessel to which the individual vessel that has been granted the additional allocation belongs, provided that: (a)the rate of stock discards, as estimated for the relevant type of vessel, is less than 10 %; (b)the inclusion of that type of vessel is important to evaluate the potential of the CCTV system for control purposes; (c)an overall limit of 75 % of the estimated stock discards produced by all vessels participating in the trials is not exceeded. 5. To the extent that the recordings obtained in accordance with point (a) of paragraph 3 involve the processing of personal data within the meaning of Directive 95/46/EC, that Directive shall apply to the processing of such data. 6. Where a Member State detects that a vessel participating in trials on fully documented fisheries fails to comply with the conditions set out in paragraph 3, it shall immediately withdraw the additional allocation granted to that vessel and exclude it from participation in those trials for the remainder of the year 2013. 7. Prior to granting the additional allocation referred to in paragraphs 1 to 6, a Member State shall submit to the Commission the following information: (a)the list of vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries; (b)the specifications of the remote electronic monitoring equipment installed on board those vessels; (c)the capacity, type and specification of gears used by those vessels; (d)the estimated discards for each type of vessel participating in the trials; (e)the amount of catches of the stock subject to the relevant TAC made in 2012 by the vessels participating in the trials. 8. The Commission may request any Member State that avails itself of this Article to submit its assessment of the discards produced per type of vessel to a scientific advisory body for review, in order to monitor the implementation of the requirement set out in point (i) of point (b) of paragraph 3. In the absence of an assessment confirming such discards, the Member State concerned shall take any appropriate measure to ensure compliance with that requirement and inform the Commission thereof.
Article 8 Conditions for landing catches and by-catches Fish from stocks for which TACs are established shall be retained on board or landed only if: (a)the catches have been taken by vessels flying the flag of a Member State having a quota and that quota is not exhausted; or (b)the catches consist of a share in a EU quota which has not been allocated by quota among Member States, and that EU quota has not been exhausted.
Article 9 Fishing effort limits From 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2014, the fishing effort measures laid down in: (a)Annex IIA, shall apply for the management of cod stocks in the Kattegat, ICES divisions VIIa and VIa, and EU waters of ICES division Vb; (b)Annex IIB, shall apply for the recovery of hake and Norway lobster in ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa, with the exception of the Gulf of Cádiz; (c)Annex IIC, shall apply for the management of the sole stock in ICES division VIIe.
Article 10 Special provisions on allocations of fishing opportunities 1. The allocation of fishing opportunities among Member States as set out in this Regulation shall be without prejudice to: (a)exchanges made pursuant to Article 20(5) of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002; (b)reallocations made pursuant to Article 37 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 or pursuant to Article 10(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1006/2008Council Regulation (EC) No 1006/2008 of 29 September 2008 concerning authorisations for fishing activities of Community fishing vessels outside Community waters and the access of third country vessels to Community waters (OJ L 286, 29.10.2008, p. 33).; (c)additional landings allowed under Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96; (d)quantities withheld in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96; (e)deductions made pursuant to Articles 37, 105, 106 and 107 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. 2. Except where otherwise specified in Annex I to this Regulation, Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall apply to stocks subject to precautionary TAC and Article 3(2) and (3) and Article 4 of that Regulation shall apply to stocks subject to analytical TAC.
Article 11 Closed fishing season 1. It shall be prohibited to fish or retain on board any of the following species in the Porcupine Bank during the period from 1 May to 31 May 2013: cod, megrims, anglerfish, haddock, whiting, hake, Norway lobster, plaice, pollack, saithe, skates and rays, common sole and spurdog. 2. For the purposes of this Article, the Porcupine Bank shall comprise the geographical area bounded by rhumb lines sequentially joining the following positions:
Point Latitude Longitude
1 52° 27′ N 12° 19′ W
2 52° 40′ N 12° 30′ W
3 52° 47′ N 12° 39,600′ W
4 52° 47′ N 12° 56′ W
5 52° 13,5′ N 13° 53,830′ W
6 51° 22′ N 14° 24′ W
7 51° 22′ N 14° 03′ W
8 52° 10′ N 13° 25′ W
9 52° 32′ N 13° 07,500′ W
10 52° 43′ N 12° 55′ W
11 52° 43′ N 12° 43′ W
12 52° 38,800′ N 12° 37′ W
13 52° 27′ N 12° 23′ W
14 52° 27′ N 12° 19′ W
3. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, transit through the Porcupine Bank while carrying on board the species referred to in that paragraph, shall be permitted in accordance with Article 50(3), (4) and (5) of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.
Article 12 Prohibitions 1. It shall be prohibited for EU vessels to fish for, to retain on board, to tranship or to land the following species: (a)basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) and white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in all waters; (b)porbeagle (Lamna nasus) in all waters, except where it is provided otherwise in Annex I Part B; (c)angel shark (Squatina squatina) in EU waters; (d)common skate (Dipturus batis) in EU waters of ICES division IIa and ICES subareas III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X; (e)undulate ray (Raja undulata) and white skate (Raja alba) in EU waters of ICES subareas VI, VII, VIII, IX and X; (f)guitarfishes (Rhinobatidae) in EU waters of ICES subareas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII; (g)giant manta ray (Manta birostris) in all waters. 2. When accidentally caught, species referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released.
Article 13 Data transmission When, pursuant to Articles 33 and 34 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, Member States submit to the Commission data relating to landings of quantities of stocks caught, they shall use the stock codes set out in Annex I to this Regulation.
Article 14 Committee procedure 1. The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture established by Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002. That committee shall be a committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011. 2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.
Article 15 Entry into force and application This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It shall apply from 1 January 2013. However, Article 9 shall apply from 1 February 2013.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. LIST OF ANNEXES ANNEX ITACs applicable to EU vessels in areas where TACs exist by species and by area: Part AGeneral provisions Part BKattegat, ICES subareas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV, EU waters of CECAF, French Guiana waters ANNEX IIAFishing effort for vessels in the context of the management of cod stocks in the Kattegat, ICES divisions VIa and VIIa, and EU waters of ICES division Vb ANNEX IIBFishing effort for vessels in the context of the recovery of certain Southern hake and Norway lobster stocks in ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa excluding the Gulf of Cádiz ANNEX IICFishing effort for vessels in the context of the management of Western Channel sole stocks in ICES division VIIe ANNEX I TACs APPLICABLE TO EU VESSELS IN AREAS WHERE TACs EXIST BY SPECIES AND BY AREA PART A General provisions The tables in Part B of this Annex set out the TACs and quotas (in tonnes live weight, except where otherwise specified) by stock, and conditions functionally linked thereto, where appropriate.All fishing opportunities set out in this Annex shall be subject to the rules set out in Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, and in particular Articles 33 and 34 of that Regulation.The references to fishing zones are references to ICES zones, unless otherwise specified.Within each area, fish stocks are referred to following the alphabetical order of the Latin names of the species. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following comparative table of Latin names and common names is provided:
Scientific name Alpha-3 code Common name
Amblyraja radiata RJR Starry ray
Ammodytes spp. SAN Sandeels
Argentina silus ARU Greater silver smelt
Beryx spp. ALF Alfonsinos
Brosme brosme USK Tusk
Caproidae BOR Boarfish
Centrophorus squamosus GUQ Leafscale gulper shark
Centroscymnus coelolepis CYO Portuguese dogfish
Chaceon spp. GER Deep sea red crab
Champsocephalus gunnari ANI Mackerel icefish
Chionoecetes spp. PCR Snow crab
Clupea harengus HER Herring
Coryphaenoides rupestris RNG Roundnose grenadier
Dalatias licha SCK Kitefin shark
Deania calcea DCA Birdbeak dogfish
Dipturus batis RJB Common skate
Dissostichus eleginoides TOP Patagonian toothfish
Dissostichus mawsoni TOA Antarctic toothfish
Engraulis encrasicolus ANE Anchovy
Etmopterus princeps ETR Great lanternshark
Etmopterus pusillus ETP Smooth lanternshark
Euphausia superba KRI Krill
Gadus morhua COD Cod
Galeorhinus galeus GAG Tope shark
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus WIT Witch flounder
Hippoglossoides platessoides PLA American plaice
Hippoglossus hippoglossus HAL Atlantic halibut
Hoplostethus atlanticus ORY Orange roughy
Illex illecebrosus SQI Shortfin squid
Lamna nasus POR Porbeagle
Lepidonotothen squamifrons NOS Grey rockcod
Lepidorhombus spp. LEZ Megrims
Leucoraja naevus RJN Cuckoo ray
Limanda ferruginea YEL Yellowtail flounder
Limanda limanda DAB Common dab
Lophiidae ANF Anglerfish
Macrourus spp. GRV Grenadiers
Makaira nigricans BUM Blue marlin
Mallotus villosus CAP Capelin
Manta birostris RMB Giant manta ray
Martialia hyadesi SQS Squid
Melanogrammus aeglefinus HAD Haddock
Merlangius merlangus WHG Whiting
Merluccius merluccius HKE Hake
Micromesistius poutassou WHB Blue whiting
Microstomus kitt LEM Lemon sole
Molva dypterygia BLI Blue ling
Molva molva LIN Ling
Nephrops norvegicus NEP Norway lobster
Pandalus borealis PRA Northern prawn
Paralomis spp. PAI Crabs
Penaeus spp. PEN "Penaeus" shrimps
Platichthys flesus FLE European flounder
Pleuronectes platessa PLE Plaice
Pleuronectiformes FLX Flatfish
Pollachius pollachius POL Pollack
Pollachius virens POK Saithe
Psetta maxima TUR Turbot
Raja alba RJA White skate
Raja brachyura RJH Blonde ray
Raja circularis RJI Sandy ray
Raja clavata RJC Thornback ray
Raja fullonica RJF Shagreen ray
Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensis JAD Norwegian skate
Raja microocellata RJE Small-eyed ray
Raja montagui RJM Spotted ray
Raja undulata RJU Undulate ray
Rajiformes SRX Skates and rays
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides GHL Greenland halibut
Scomber scombrus MAC Mackerel
Scophthalmus rhombus BLL Brill
Sebastes spp. RED Redfish
Solea solea SOL Common sole
Solea spp. SOO Sole
Sprattus sprattus SPR Sprat
Squalus acanthias DGS Spurdog/dogfish
Tetrapturus albidus WHM White marlin
Thunnus maccoyii SBF Southern bluefin tuna
Thunnus obesus BET Bigeye tuna
Thunnus thynnus BFT Bluefin tuna
Trachurus murphyi CJM Jack mackerel
Trachurus spp. JAX Horse mackerel
Trisopterus esmarkii NOP Norway pout
Urophycis tenuis HKW White hake
Xiphias gladius SWO Swordfish
The following comparative table of common names and Latin names is provided exclusively for explanatory purposes:
Alfonsinos ALF Beryx spp.
American plaice PLA Hippoglossoides platessoides
Anchovy ANE Engraulis encrasicolus
Anglerfish ANF Lophiidae
Antarctic toothfish TOA Dissostichus mawsoni
Atlantic halibut HAL Hippoglossus hippoglossus
Bigeye tuna BET Thunnus obesus
Birdbeak dogfish DCA Deania calcea
Blonde ray RJH Raja brachyura
Blue ling BLI Molva dypterygia
Blue marlin BUM Makaira nigricans
Blue whiting WHB Micromesistius poutassou
Bluefin tuna BFT Thunnus thynnus
Boarfish BOR Caproidae
Brill BLL Scophthalmus rhombus
Capelin CAP Mallotus villosus
Cod COD Gadus morhua
Common dab DAB Limanda limanda
Common skate RJB Dipturus batis
Common sole SOL Solea solea
Crabs PAI Paralomis spp.
Cuckoo ray RJN Leucoraja naevus
Deep sea red crab GER Chaceon spp.
European flounder FLE Platichthys flesus
Flatfish FLX Pleuronectiformes
Giant manta ray RMB Manta birostris
Great lanternshark ETR Etmopterus princeps
Greater silver smelt ARU Argentina silus
Greenland halibut GHL Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
Grenadiers GRV Macrourus spp.
Grey rockcod NOS Lepidonotothen squamifrons
Haddock HAD Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Hake HKE Merluccius merluccius
Herring HER Clupea harengus
Horse mackerel JAX Trachurus spp.
Jack mackerel CJM Trachurus murphyi
Kitefin shark SCK Dalatias licha
Krill KRI Euphausia superba
Leafscale gulper shark GUQ Centrophorus squamosus
Lemon sole LEM Microstomus kitt
Ling LIN Molva molva
Mackerel MAC Scomber scombrus
Mackerel icefish ANI Champsocephalus gunnari
Megrims LEZ Lepidorhombus spp.
Northern prawn PRA Pandalus borealis
Norway lobster NEP Nephrops norvegicus
Norway pout NOP Trisopterus esmarkii
Norwegian skate JAD Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensis
Orange roughy ORY Hoplostethus atlanticus
Patagonian toothfish TOP Dissostichus eleginoides
"Penaeus" shrimps PEN Penaeus spp.
Plaice PLE Pleuronectes platessa
Pollack POL Pollachius pollachius
Porbeagle POR Lamna nasus
Portuguese dogfish CYO Centroscymnus coelolepis
Redfish RED Sebastes spp.
Roundnose grenadier RNG Coryphaenoides rupestris
Saithe POK Pollachius virens
Sandeels SAN Ammodytes spp.
Sandy ray RJI Raja circularis
Shagreen ray RJF Raja fullonica
Shortfin squid SQI Illex illecebrosus
Skates and rays SRX Rajiformes
Small-eyed ray RJE Raja microocellata
Smooth lanternshark ETP Etmopterus pusillus
Snow crab PCR Chionoecetes spp.
Sole SOO Solea spp.
Southern bluefin tuna SBF Thunnus maccoyii
Spotted ray RJM Raja montagui
Sprat SPR Sprattus sprattus
Spurdog/dogfish DGS Squalus acanthias
Squid SQS Martialia hyadesi
Starry ray RJR Amblyraja radiata
Swordfish SWO Xiphias gladius
Thornback ray RJC Raja clavata
Tope shark GAG Galeorhinus galeus
Turbot TUR Psetta maxima
Tusk USK Brosme brosme
Undulate ray RJU Raja undulata
White hake HKW Urophycis tenuis
White marlin WHM Tetrapturus albidus
White skate RJA Raja alba
Whiting WHG Merlangius merlangus
Witch flounder WIT Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
Yellowtail flounder YEL Limanda ferruginea
PART B Kattegat, ICES subareas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV, EU waters of CECAF, French Guiana waters
SpeciesGreater silver smeltArgentina silus ZoneEU and international waters of I and II(ARU/1/2.)
Germany 24 Analytical TAC
France 8
The Netherlands 19
United Kingdom 39
Union 90
TAC 90
SpeciesGreater silver smeltArgentina silus ZoneEU waters of III and IV(ARU/34-C)
Denmark 911 Analytical TAC
Germany 9
France 7
Ireland 7
The Netherlands 43
Sweden 35
United Kingdom 16
Union 1028
TAC 1028
SpeciesGreater silver smeltArgentina silus ZoneEU and international waters of V, VI and VII(ARU/567.)
Germany 329 Analytical TAC
France 7
Ireland 305
The Netherlands 3434
United Kingdom 241
Union 4316
TAC 4316
SpeciesTuskBrosme brosme ZoneIIIa; EU waters of Subdivisions 22-32(USK/3A/BCD)
Denmark 15 Analytical TAC
Sweden 7
Germany 7
Union 29
TAC 29
SpeciesBoarfishCaproidae ZoneEU and international waters of VI, VII and VIII(BOR/678-)
Denmark 20123 Precautionary TAC
Ireland 56666
United Kingdom 5211
Union 82000
TAC 82000
Reference is to the herring stock in VIa south of 56° 00′ N and west of 07° 00′ W.
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVIaS, VIIb, VIIc(HER/6AS7BC)
Ireland 1364 Analytical TACArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.
The Netherlands 136
Union 1500
TAC 1500
Clyde stock: reference is to the herring stock in the maritime area situated to the north-east of a line drawn between: the Mull of Kintyre and Corsewall Point. the Mull of Kintyre (55°19′N, 05°48′W); a point at position (55°04′N, 05°23′W) and; Corsewall Point (55°01′N, 05°10′W). Article 6 of this Regulation applies. Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 2.
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVI Clyde(HER/06ACL.)
United Kingdom To be established Precautionary TAC
Union To be established
TAC To be established
This zone is reduced by the area bounded: to the north by latitude 52° 30’ N, to the south by latitude 52° 00’ N, to the west by the coast of Ireland, to the east by the coast of the United Kingdom.
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVIIa(HER/07A/MM)
Ireland 1300 Analytical TAC
United Kingdom 3693
Union 4993
TAC 4993
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVIIe and VIIf(HER/7EF.)
France 465 Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom 465
Union 931
TAC 931
This zone is increased by the area bounded: to the north by latitude 52° 30′ N, to the south by latitude 52° 00′ N, to the west by the coast of Ireland, to the east by the coast of the United Kingdom.
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVIIg, VIIh, VIIj and VIIk(HER/7G-K.)
Germany 191 Analytical TAC
France 1062
Ireland 14864
The Netherlands 1062
United Kingdom 21
Union 17200
TAC 17200
SpeciesAnchovyEngraulis encrasicolus ZoneIX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(ANE/9/3411)
Spain 4198 Precautionary TAC
Portugal 4580
Union 8778
TAC 8778
Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneKattegat(COD/03AS.)
Denmark 62 Analytical TAC
Germany 1
Sweden 37
Union 100
TAC 100
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneVIb; EU and international waters of Vb west of 12° 00′ W and of XII and XIV(COD/5W6-14)
Belgium 0 Precautionary TAC
Germany 1
France 12
Ireland 16
United Kingdom 45
Union 74
TAC 74
By-catch of cod in the area covered by this TAC may be landed provided that it does not comprise more than 1,5 % of the live weight of the total catch retained on board per fishing trip.
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneVIa; EU and international waters of Vb east of 12° 00′ W(COD/5BE6A)
Belgium 0 Analytical TAC
Germany 0
France 0
Ireland 0
United Kingdom 0
Union 0
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneVIIa(COD/07A.)
Belgium 4 Analytical TAC
France 10
Ireland 188
The Netherlands 1
United Kingdom 82
Union 285
TAC 285
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneVIIb, VIIc, VIIe-k, VIII, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(COD/7XAD34)
Belgium 456 Analytical TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
France 7459
Ireland 1479
The Netherlands 2
United Kingdom 804
Union 10200
TAC 10200
When accidentally caught, this species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released.
SpeciesPorbeagleLamna nasus ZoneFrench Guiana waters, Kattegat; EU waters of Skagerrak, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1, 34.1.2 and 34.2(POR/3-1234)
Denmark 0 Analytical TACArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.
France 0
Germany 0
Ireland 0
Spain 0
United Kingdom 0
Union 0
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(LEZ/2AC4-C)
Belgium 6 Analytical TAC
Denmark 5
Germany 5
France 32
The Netherlands 25
United Kingdom 1864
Union 1937
TAC 1937
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneEU and international waters of Vb; VI; international waters of XII and XIV(LEZ/56-14)
Spain 385 Analytical TAC
France 1501
Ireland 439
United Kingdom 1062
Union 3387
TAC 3387
In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 1 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Article 7 of this Regulation.
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneVII(LEZ/07.)
Belgium 470 Analytical TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
Spain 5216
France 6329
Ireland 2878
United Kingdom 2492
Union 17385
TAC 17385
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(LEZ/8ABDE.)
Spain 950 Analytical TAC
France 766
Union 1716
TAC 1716
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneVIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(LEZ/8C3411)
Spain 1121 Analytical TAC
France 56
Portugal 37
Union 1214
TAC 1214
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneVI; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(ANF/56-14)
Belgium 177 Precautionary TAC
Germany 202
Spain 189
France 2179
Ireland 492
The Netherlands 170
United Kingdom 1515
Union 4924
TAC 4924
Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe (ANF/*8ABDE). In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 1 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Article 7 of this Regulation.
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneVII(ANF/07.)
Belgium 2693 Analytical TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
Germany 300
Spain 1070
France 17282
Ireland 2209
The Netherlands 349
United Kingdom 5241
Union 29144
TAC 29144
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(ANF/8ABDE.)
Spain 1190 Analytical TAC
France 6619
Union 7809
TAC 7809
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneVIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(ANF/8C3411)
Spain 2063 Analytical TAC
France 2
Portugal 410
Union 2475
TAC 2475
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneEU and international waters of Vb and Via(HAD/5BC6A.)
Belgium 5 Analytical TAC
Germany 6
France 232
Ireland 690
United Kingdom 3278
Union 4211
TAC 4211
In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 5 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Article 7 of this Regulation.
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneVIIb-k, VIII, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(HAD/7X7A34)
Belgium 157 Analytical TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
France 9432
Ireland 3144
United Kingdom 1415
Union 14148
TAC 14148
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneVIIa(HAD/07A.)
Belgium 19 Analytical TAC
France 86
Ireland 515
United Kingdom 569
Union 1189
TAC 1189
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneVI; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(WHG/56-14)
Germany 2 Analytical TAC
France 36
Ireland 87
United Kingdom 167
Union 292
TAC 292
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneVIIa(WHG/07A.)
Belgium 0 Analytical TAC
France 3
Ireland 49
The Netherlands 0
United Kingdom 32
Union 84
TAC 84
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneVIIb, VIIc, VIId, VIIe, VIIf, VIIg, VIIh, VIIj and VIIk(WHG/7X7A-C)
Belgium 239 Analytical TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
France 14700
Ireland 6812
The Netherlands 120
United Kingdom 2629
Union 24500
TAC 24500
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneVIII(WHG/08.)
Spain 1270 Precautionary TAC
France 1905
Union 3175
TAC 3175
Article 6 of this Regulation applies. Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 1.
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneIX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(WHG/9/3411)
Portugal To be established Precautionary TAC
Union To be established
TAC To be established
Within an overall TAC of 55105 tonnes for the northern stock of hake. Transfers of this quota may be effected to EU waters of IIa and IV. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission.
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneIIIa; EU waters of Subdivisions 22-32(HKE/3A/BCD)
Denmark 1531 Analytical TAC
Sweden 130
Union 1661
TAC 1661
Within an overall TAC of 55105 tonnes for the northern stock of hake.
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(HKE/2AC4-C)
Belgium 28 Analytical TAC
Denmark 1119
Germany 128
France 248
The Netherlands 64
United Kingdom 348
Union 1935
TAC 1935
Transfers of this quota may be effected to EU waters of IIa and IV. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission. Within an overall TAC of 55105 tonnes for the northern stock of hake. In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 1 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Article 7 of this Regulation. Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:
Belgium 37
Spain 1469
France 1469
Ireland 184
The Netherlands 18
United Kingdom 827
Union 4004
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneVI and VII; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(HKE/571214) Belgium 284 Analytical TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies. Spain 9109 France 14067 Ireland 1704 The Netherlands 183 United Kingdom 5553 Union 30900 TAC 30900
Transfers of this quota may be effected to IV and EU waters of IIa. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission. Within an overall TAC of 55105 tonnes for the northern stock of hake. Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:
VI and VII; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(HKE/*57-14)
Belgium 2
Spain 1837
France 3305
The Netherlands 6
Union 5150
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(HKE/8ABDE.) Belgium 9 Analytical TAC Spain 6341 France 14241 The Netherlands 18 Union 20609 TAC 20609
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneVIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(HKE/8C3411)
Spain 9051 Analytical TAC
France 869
Portugal 4224
Union 14144
TAC 14144
Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.
SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterygia ZoneInternational waters of XII(BLI/12INT-)
Estonia 2 Precautionary TAC
Spain 739
France 18
Lithuania 7
United Kingdom 7
Others 2
Union 774
TAC 774
Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.
SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterygia ZoneEU and international waters of II and IV(BLI/24-)
Denmark 4 Precautionary TAC
Germany 4
Ireland 4
France 23
United Kingdom 14
Others 4
Union 53
TAC 53
SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterygia ZoneEU and international waters of III(BLI/03-)
Denmark 3 Precautionary TAC
Germany 2
Sweden 3
Union 8
Quota may be fished in EU waters of IIIa and EU waters of IIIbcd only.
SpeciesLingMolva molva ZoneIIIa; EU waters of IIIbcd(LIN/3A/BCD)
Belgium 6 Analytical TAC
Denmark 50
Germany 6
Sweden 19
United Kingdom 6
Union 87
TAC 87
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneEU waters of Iia and IV(NEP/2AC4-C)
Belgium 908 Analytical TAC
Denmark 908
Germany 13
France 27
The Netherlands 467
United Kingdom 15027
Union 17350
TAC 17350
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneVI; EU and international waters of Vb(NEP/5BC6.)
Spain 34 Analytical TAC
France 135
Ireland 226
United Kingdom 16295
Union 16690
TAC 16690
Special condition: of which no more than the following quotas may be taken in Functional Unit 16 of ICES Subarea VII (NEP/*07U16):
Spain 543
France 340
Ireland 653
United Kingdom 264
Union 1800
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneVII(NEP/07.) Spain 1384 Analytical TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies. France 5609 Ireland 8506 United Kingdom 7566 Union 23065 TAC 23065
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(NEP/8ABDE.)
Spain 234 Analytical TAC
France 3665
Union 3899
TAC 3899
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneVIIIc(NEP/08C.)
Spain 71 Analytical TAC
France 3
Union 74
TAC 74
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneIX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(NEP/9/3411)
Spain 62 Analytical TAC
Portugal 184
Union 246
TAC 246
Article 6 of this Regulation applies. Fishing for shrimps Penaeus subtilis and Penaeus brasiliensis is prohibited in waters less than 30 metres deep. Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 1.
Species"Penaeus" shrimpsPenaeus spp. ZoneFrench Guiana waters(PEN/FGU.)
France To be established Precautionary TAC
Union To be established
TAC To be established
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVI; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(PLE/56-14)
France 9 Precautionary TAC
Ireland 261
United Kingdom 388
Union 658
TAC 658
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIIa(PLE/07A.)
Belgium 42 Analytical TAC
France 18
Ireland 1063
The Netherlands 13
United Kingdom 491
Union 1627
TAC 1627
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIIb and VIIc(PLE/7BC.)
France 11 Precautionary TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
Ireland 63
Union 74
TAC 74
In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 1 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Article 7 of this Regulation.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIId and VIIe(PLE/7DE.)
Belgium 1047 Analytical TAC
France 3491
United Kingdom 1862
Union 6400
TAC 6400
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIIf and VIIg(PLE/7FG.)
Belgium 46 Analytical TAC
France 83
Ireland 197
United Kingdom 43
Union 369
TAC 369
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIIh, VIIj and VIIk(PLE/7HJK.)
Belgium 9 Analytical TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
France 18
Ireland 61
The Netherlands 35
United Kingdom 18
Union 141
TAC 141
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIII, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(PLE/8/3411)
Spain 66 Precautionary TAC
France 263
Portugal 66
Union 395
TAC 395
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneVI; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(POL/56-14)
Spain 6 Precautionary TAC
France 190
Ireland 56
United Kingdom 145
Union 397
TAC 397
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneVII(POL/07.)
Belgium 420 Precautionary TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
Spain 25
France 9667
Ireland 1030
United Kingdom 2353
Union 13495
TAC 13495
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(POL/8ABDE.)
Spain 252 Precautionary TAC
France 1230
Union 1482
TAC 1482
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneVIIIc(POL/08C.)
Spain 208 Precautionary TAC
France 23
Union 231
TAC 231
Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in EU waters of VIIIc (POL/*08C.).
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneIX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(POL/9/3411)
Spain 273 Precautionary TAC
Portugal 9
Union 282
TAC 282
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens ZoneVII, VIII, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(POK/7/3411)
Belgium 6 Precautionary TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
France 1245
Ireland 1491
United Kingdom 434
Union 3176
TAC 3176
Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/2AC4-C), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/2AC4-C), blonde ray (Raja adiate an) (RJH/2AC4-C), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/2AC4-C) and starry ray (Amblyraja adiate) (RJR/2AC4-C) shall be reported separately. By-catch quota. These species shall not comprise more than 25 % by live weight of the catch retained on board per fishing trip. This condition applies only to vessels over 15 metres’ length overall. Shall not apply to common skate (Dipturus batis). When accidentally caught, that species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species.
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes ZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(SRX/2AC4-C)
Belgium 211 Precautionary TAC
Denmark 8
Germany 10
France 33
The Netherlands 180
United Kingdom 814
Union 1256
TAC 1256
Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/03A-C.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/03A-C.), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/03A-C.) and starry ray (Amblyraja radiata) (RJR/03A-C.) shall be reported separately. Shall not apply to common skate (Dipturus batis) and thornback ray (Raja clavata). When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species.
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes ZoneEU waters of IIIa(SRX/03A-C.)
Denmark 41 Precautionary TAC
Sweden 11
Union 52
TAC 52
Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/67AKXD), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/67AKXD), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/67AKXD), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/67AKXD), small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) (RJE/67AKXD), sandy ray (Raja circularis) (RJI/67AKXD) and shagreen ray (Raja fullonica) (RJF/67AKXD) shall be reported separately. Shall not apply to undulate ray (Raja undulata), common skate (Dipturus batis), Norwegian skate (Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensis) and white skate (Raja alba). When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species. Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in EU waters of VIId (SRX/*07D.). Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/*07D.), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/*07D.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/*07D.), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/*07D.), small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) (RJE/*07D.), sandy ray (Raja circularis) (RJI/*07D.) and shagreen ray (Raja fullonica) (RJF/*07D.) shall be reported separately.
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes ZoneEU waters of VIa, VIb, VIIa-c and VIIe-k(SRX/67AKXD)
Belgium 806 Precautionary TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
Estonia 5
France 3615
Germany 11
Ireland 1165
Lithuania 19
The Netherlands 3
Portugal 20
Spain 974
United Kingdom 2306
Union 8924
TAC 8924
Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/07D.), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/07D.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/07D.), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/07D.), small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) (RJE/07D.) and starry ray (Amblyraja radiata) (RJR/07D.) shall be reported separately. Shall not apply to common skate (Dipturus batis) and undulate ray (Raja undulata). When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species. Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in EU waters of VIa, VIb, VIIa-c and VIIe-k (SRX/*67AKD). Catches of Cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/*67AKD), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/*67AKD), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/*67AKD), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/*67AKD), small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) (RJE/*67AKD) and starry ray (Amblyraja radiata) (RJR/*67AKD) shall be reported separately.
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes ZoneEU waters of VIId(SRX/07D.)
Belgium 72 Precautionary TAC
France 602
The Netherlands 4
United Kingdom 120
Union 798
TAC 798
Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/89-C.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/89-C.) and thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/89-C.) shall be reported separately. Shall not apply to undulate ray (Raja undulata), common skate (Dipturus batis) and white skate (Raja alba). When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species.
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes ZoneEU waters of VIII and IX(SRX/89-C.)
Belgium 8 Precautionary TAC
France 1441
Portugal 1168
Spain 1175
United Kingdom 8
Union 3800
TAC 3800
Quota may be fished in EU waters of IIIa, Subdivisions 22-32 only.
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneIIIa; EU waters of Subdivisions 22-32(SOL/3A/BCD)
Denmark 470 Analytical TAC
Germany 27
The Netherlands 45
Sweden 18
Union 560
TAC 560
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVI; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(SOL/56-14)
Ireland 46 Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom 11
Union 57
TAC 57
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIa(SOL/07A.)
Belgium 36 Analytical TACArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.
France 0
Ireland 58
The Netherlands 11
United Kingdom 35
Union 140
TAC 140
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIb and VIIc(SOL/7BC.)
France 6 Precautionary TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
Ireland 36
Union 42
TAC 42
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIId(SOL/07D.)
Belgium 1588 Analytical TAC
France 3177
United Kingdom 1135
Union 5900
TAC 5900
In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 5 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Article 7 of this Regulation.
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIe(SOL/07E.)
Belgium 32 Analytical TAC
France 337
United Kingdom 525
Union 894
TAC 894
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIf and VIIg(SOL/7FG.)
Belgium 688 Analytical TAC
France 69
Ireland 34
United Kingdom 309
Union 1100
TAC 1100
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIh, VIIj and VIIk(SOL/7HJK.)
Belgium 33 Analytical TACArticle 11 of this Regulation applies.
France 67
Ireland 181
The Netherlands 54
United Kingdom 67
Union 402
TAC 402
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIIa and VIIIb(SOL/8AB.)
Belgium 51 Analytical TAC
Spain 9
France 3758
The Netherlands 282
Union 4100
TAC 4100
SpeciesSoleSolea spp. ZoneVIIIc, VIIId, VIIIe, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(SOO/8CDE34)
Spain 403 Precautionary TAC
Portugal 669
Union 1072
TAC 1072
SpeciesSpratSprattus sprattus ZoneVIId and VIIe(SPR/7DE.)
Belgium 26 Precautionary TAC
Denmark 1674
Germany 26
France 361
The Netherlands 361
United Kingdom 2702
Union 5150
TAC 5150
SpeciesSpurdog/dogfishSqualus acanthias ZoneEU waters of IIIa(DGS/03A-C.)
Denmark 0 Analytical TACArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.
Sweden 0
Union 0
Catches taken with longlines of tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus), kitefin shark (Dalatias licha), bird beak dogfish (Deania calcea), leafscale gulper shark (Centrophorus squamosus), greater lanternshark (Etmopterus princeps), smooth lanternshark (Etmopterus pusillus), Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis) and spurdog (Squalus acanthias) are included. When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released.
SpeciesSpurdog/dogfishSqualus acanthias ZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(DGS/2AC4-C)
Belgium 0 Analytical TACArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.
Denmark 0
Germany 0
France 0
The Netherlands 0
Sweden 0
United Kingdom 0
Union 0
Catches taken with longlines of tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus), kitefin shark (Dalatias licha), bird beak dogfish (Deania calcea), leafscale gulper shark (Centrophorus squamosus), greater lanternshark (Etmopterus princeps), smooth lanternshark (Etmopterus pusillus), Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis) and spurdog (Squalus acanthias) are included. When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released.
SpeciesSpurdog/dogfishSqualus acanthias ZoneEU and international waters of I, V, VI, VII, VIII, XII and XIV(DGS/15X14)
Belgium 0 Analytical TACArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.Article 11 of this Regulation applies.
Germany 0
Spain 0
France 0
Ireland 0
The Netherlands 0
Portugal 0
United Kingdom 0
Union 0
Of which, notwithstanding Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 850/98, no more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 14 cm. For the purposes of the control of that quantity, the conversion factor to be applied to the weight of the landings shall be 1,20. Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98 of 30 March 1998 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms (OJ L 125, 27.4.1998, p. 1). Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota may be fished in IX (JAX/*09.).
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneVIIIc(JAX/08C.)
Spain 22409 Analytical TAC
France 388
Portugal 2214
Union 25011
TAC 25011
Of which, notwithstanding Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 850/98, no more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 14 cm. For the purposes of the control of that quantity, the conversion factor to be applied to the weight of the landings shall be 1,20. Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota may be fished in VIIIc (JAX/*08C).
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneIX(JAX/09.)
Spain 7762 Analytical TAC
Portugal 22238
Union 30000
TAC 30000
Waters adjacent to the Azores. Of which, notwithstanding Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 850/98, no more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 14 cm. For the purposes of the control of that quantity, the conversion factor to be applied to the weight of the landings shall be 1,20. Article 6 of this Regulation applies. Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 3.
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneX; EU waters of CECAF(JAX/X34PRT)
Portugal To be established Precautionary TAC
Union To be established
TAC To be established
Waters adjacent to Madeira. Of which, notwithstanding Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 850/98, no more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 14 cm. For the purposes of the control of that quantity, the conversion factor to be applied to the weight of the landings shall be 1,20. Article 6 of this Regulation applies. Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 3.
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneEU waters of CECAF(JAX/341PRT)
Portugal To be established Precautionary TAC
Union To be established
TAC To be established
Waters adjacent to the Canary Islands. Article 6 of this Regulation applies. Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 2.
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneEU waters of CECAF(JAX/341SPN)
Spain To be established Precautionary TAC
Union To be established
TAC To be established
ANNEX IIA FISHING EFFORT FOR VESSELS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF COD STOCKS IN THE KATTEGAT, ICES DIVISIONS VIa AND VIIa AND EU WATERS OF ICES DIVISION Vb 1.Scope 1.1.This Annex shall apply to EU vessels carrying on board or deploying any of the gears referred to in point 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 and present in any of the geographical areas specified in point 2 of this Annex. 1.2.This Annex shall not apply to vessels of less than 10 metres’ length overall. Those vessels shall not be required to carry fishing authorisations issued in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. Member States concerned shall assess the fishing effort of those vessels by effort groups to which they belong, using appropriate sampling methods. During 2013, the Commission shall seek scientific advice for evaluating the effort deployment of those vessels, with a view to their future inclusion into the effort regime. 2.Regulated gears and geographical areas For the purposes of this Annex, the gear groupings referred to in point 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 ("regulated gear") and the groupings of geographical areas referred to in points 2(a), 2(c) and 2(d) of that Annex shall apply. 3.Authorisations If a Member State deems so appropriate in order to reinforce the sustainable implementation of this effort regime, it shall not issue an authorisation for fishing with a regulated gear in any of the geographical areas to which this Annex applies by any of vessels flying its flag which has no record of such fishing activity, unless it ensures that equivalent capacity, measured in kilowatts, is prevented from fishing in that area. 4.Maximum allowable fishing effort 4.1.The maximum allowable effort referred to in Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 for the 2013 management period, i.e. from 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2014, for each of the effort groups of each Member State is set out in Appendix 1 to this Annex. 4.2.The maximum levels of annual fishing effort set in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003Council Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003 of 4 November 2003 on the management of the fishing effort relating to certain Community fishing areas and resources (OJ L 289, 7.11.2003, p. 1). shall not affect the maximum allowable fishing effort set in this Annex. 5.Management 5.1.Member States shall manage the maximum allowable effort in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 4 and Articles 13 to 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 and Articles 26 to 35 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. 5.2.A Member State may establish management periods for allocating all or parts of the maximum allowable effort to individual vessels or groups of vessels. In such case, the number of days or hours for which a vessel may be present within the area during a management period shall be fixed at the discretion of the Member State concerned. During any such management periods, the Member State concerned may reallocate effort between individual vessels or groups of vessels. 5.3.If a Member State authorises vessels flying its flag to be present within an area by hours, it shall continue measuring the consumption of days in accordance with the conditions referred to in point 5.1. Upon request by the Commission, the Member State concerned shall demonstrate its precautionary measures taken to avoid an excessive consumption of effort within the area due to a vessel terminating presences in the area before the end of a 24-hour period. 6.Fishing effort report Article 28 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 shall apply to vessels falling under the scope of this Annex. The geographical area referred to in that Article shall be understood, for the purpose of cod management, as each of the groupings of geographical areas referred to in point 2 of this Annex. 7.Communication of relevant data Member States shall transmit to the Commission the data on fishing effort deployed by their fishing vessels in accordance with Articles 33 and 34 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. These data shall be transmitted via the Fisheries Data Exchange System or any future data collection system implemented by the Commission. Appendix 1 to Annex IIA Maximum allowable fishing effort in kilowatt days
Geographical area Regulated gear DK DE SE
(a)Kattegat TR1 197929 4212 16610
TR2 830041 5240 327506
TR3 441872 0 490
BT1 0 0 0
BT2 0 0 0
GN 115456 26534 13102
GT 22645 0 22060
LL 1100 0 25339
Geographical area Regulated gear BE FR IE NL UK
(c)ICES division VIIa TR1 0 48193 33539 0 339592
TR2 10166 744 475649 0 1088238
TR3 0 0 1422 0 0
BT1 0 0 0 0 0
BT2 843782 0 514584 200000 111693
GN 0 471 18255 0 5970
GT 0 0 0 0 158
LL 0 0 0 0 70614
Geographical area Regulated gear BE DE ES FR IE UK
(d)ICES division VIa and EU waters of ICES division Vb TR1 0 9320 0 1057828 428820 1033273
TR2 0 0 0 34926 14371 2972845
TR3 0 0 0 0 273 16027
BT1 0 0 0 0 0 117544
BT2 0 0 0 0 3801 4626
GN 0 35442 13836 302917 5697 213454
GT 0 0 0 0 1953 145
LL 0 0 1402142 184354 4250 630040
ANNEX IIB FISHING EFFORT FOR VESSELS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE RECOVERY OF CERTAIN SOUTHERN HAKE AND NORWAY LOBSTER STOCKS IN ICES DIVISIONS VIIIc AND IXa EXCLUDING THE GULF OF CÁDIZ CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.Scope This Annex shall apply to EU vessels of 10 metres’ length overall or more carrying on board or deploying trawls, Danish seines or similar gears of mesh size equal to or larger than 32 mm and gill-nets of mesh size equal to or larger than 60 mm or bottom longlines in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2166/2005, and present in ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa excluding the Gulf of Cádiz. 2.Definitions For the purposes of this Annex: (a)"gear grouping" means the grouping consisting of the following two gear categories: (i)trawls, Danish seines or similar gears of mesh size equal to or larger than 32 mm and (ii)gill-nets of mesh size equal to or larger than 60 mm and bottom longlines; (b)"regulated gear" means any of the two gear categories belonging to the gear grouping; (c)"area" means ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa excluding the Gulf of Cádiz; (d)"2013 management period" means the period from 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2014; (e)"special conditions" means the special conditions set out in point 6.1. 3.Limitation in activity Without prejudice to Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, each Member State shall ensure that, when carrying on board any regulated gear, EU vessels flying its flag shall be present within the area for no more than the number of days specified in Chapter III of this Annex. CHAPTER II AUTHORISATIONS 4.Authorised vessels 4.1.A Member State shall not authorise fishing with a regulated gear in the area by any of vessels flying its flag which have no record of such fishing activity in the years 2002 to 2012 in the area, excluding the record of fishing activities as a result of transfer of days between fishing vessels, unless it ensures that equivalent capacity, measured in kilowatts, is prevented from fishing in the area. 4.2.A vessel flying the flag of a Member State having no quotas in the area shall not be authorised to fish in the area with a regulated gear, unless the vessel is allocated a quota after a transfer as permitted in accordance with Article 20(5) of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 and is allocated days at sea in accordance with point 11 or 12 of this Annex. CHAPTER III NUMBER OF DAYS PRESENT WITHIN THE AREA ALLOCATED TO EU VESSELS 5.Maximum number of days 5.1.During the 2013 management period, the maximum number of days at sea for which a Member State may authorise a vessel flying its flag to be present within the area having carried on board any regulated gear is shown in Table I. 5.2.If a vessel is able to demonstrate that its hake catches represent less than 4 % of the total live weight of fish caught in a given fishing trip, the flag Member State of the vessel shall be allowed not to count the days at sea associated with that fishing trip against the applicable maximum number of days at sea as set out in Table I. 6.Special conditions for the allocation of days 6.1.For the purposes of fixing the maximum number of days at sea an EU vessel may be authorised by its flag Member State to be present within the area, the following special conditions shall apply in accordance with Table I: (a)the total landings of hake in the year 2010 or 2011 made by the vessel concerned shall represent less than 5 tonnes according to the landings in live weight; and (b)the total landings of Norway lobster in the year 2010 or 2011 made by the vessel concerned shall represent less than 2,5 tonnes according to the landings in live weight. 6.2.If a vessel benefits from an unlimited number of days as a result of its compliance with the special conditions, the vessel’s landings in the 2013 management period shall not exceed 5 tonnes of the total landings in live weight of hake and 2,5 tonnes of the total landings in live weight of Norway lobster. 6.3.When either of the special conditions is not met by a vessel, that vessel shall, with immediate effect, no longer be entitled to the allocation of days corresponding to the given special condition. 6.4.The application of the special conditions referred to in point 6.1. may be transferred from one vessel to one or more other vessels which replace that vessel in the fleet, provided that the replacing vessel uses similar gear and does not have in any year of its operation a record of landings of hake and Norway lobster higher than the quantities specified in point 6.1.
Table I Maximum number of days a vessel may be present within the area by fishing gear per year
Special condition Regulated gear Maximum number of days
Bottom trawls, Danish seines and similar trawls of mesh size ≥ 32 mm, gill-nets of mesh size ≥ 60 mm and bottom longlines ES 141
FR 134
PT 140
6.1.(a) and 6.1.(b) Bottom trawls, Danish seines and similar trawls of mesh size ≥ 32 mm, gill-nets of mesh size ≥ 60 mm and bottom longlines Unlimited
7.Kilowatt day system 7.1.A Member State may manage its fishing effort allocations in accordance with a kilowatt days system. Through that system it may authorise any vessel concerned by any regulated gear and special conditions as set out in Table I to be present within the area for a maximum number of days which is different from that set out in that Table, provided that the overall amount of kilowatt days corresponding to the regulated gear and to the special conditions is respected. 7.2.This overall amount of kilowatt days shall be the sum of all individual fishing efforts allocated to the vessels flying the flag of that Member State and qualified for the regulated gear and, where applicable, the special conditions. Such individual fishing efforts shall be calculated in kilowatt days by multiplying the engine power of each vessel by the number of days at sea it would benefit from, according to Table I, if point 7.1. were not applied. For as long as the number of days is unlimited according to Table I, the relevant number of days the vessel would benefit from is 360. 7.3.A Member State wishing to benefit from the system referred to in point 7.1. shall submit a request to the Commission, with reports in electronic format containing, for the regulated gear and special conditions as laid down in Table I, the details of the calculation based on: (a)list of vessels authorised to fish by indicating their EU fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power; (b)track record of 2010 and 2011 for such vessels reflecting the catch composition defined in the special condition referred to in point 6.1.(a) or (b), if these vessels are qualified for such special conditions; (c)the number of days at sea for which each vessel would have initially been authorised to fish according to Table I and the number of days at sea which each vessel would benefit from in application of point 7.1. 7.4.On the basis of that request, the Commission shall assess whether the conditions referred to in point 7 are complied with and, where applicable, may authorise that Member State to benefit from the system referred to in point 7.1. 8.Allocation of additional days for permanent cessation of fishing activities 8.1.An additional number of days at sea on which a vessel may be authorised by its flag Member State to be present within the area when carrying on board any regulated gear may be allocated to a Member State by the Commission on the basis of permanent cessations of fishing activities that have taken place between 1 February 2012 and 31 January 2013 either in accordance with Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 of 27 July 2006 on the European Fisheries Fund (OJ L 223, 15.8.2006, p. 1). or Regulation (EC) No 744/2008Council Regulation (EC) No 744/2008 of 24 July 2008 instituting a temporary specific action aiming to promote the restructuring of the European Community fishing fleets affected by the economic crisis (OJ L 202, 31.7.2008, p. 1).. Permanent cessations resulting from any other circumstances may be considered by the Commission on a case-by-case basis, following a written and duly motivated request from the Member State concerned. Such written request shall identify the vessels concerned and confirm, for each of them, that they shall never return to fishing activities. 8.2.The effort expended in 2003 measured in kilowatt days of the withdrawn vessels using the regulated gear shall be divided by the effort expended by all vessels using that gear during 2003. The additional number of days at sea shall be then calculated by multiplying the ratio so obtained by the number of days that would have been allocated according to Table I. Any part of a day resulting from that calculation shall be rounded to the nearest whole day. 8.3.Points 8.1. and 8.2. shall not apply where a vessel has been replaced in accordance with point 3 or 6.4., or when the withdrawal has already been used in previous years to obtain additional days at sea. 8.4.A Member State wishing to benefit from the allocations referred to in point 8.1. shall submit a request to the Commission, by 15 June 2013, with reports in electronic format containing, for the gear grouping and special conditions as laid down in Table I, the details of the calculation based on: (a)lists of withdrawn vessels with their EU fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power; (b)the fishing activity deployed by such vessels in 2003 calculated in days at sea according to the grouping of fishing gears and, if necessary, special conditions. 8.5.On the basis of such a request by a Member State the Commission may, by means of implementing acts, allocate that Member State a number of days additional to that referred to in point 5.1. for that Member State. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 14(2). 8.6.During the 2013 management period, a Member State may re-allocate those additional days at sea to all or part of the vessels remaining in fleet and qualified for the regulated gears. Additional days stemming from a withdrawn vessel that benefited from a special condition referred to in point 6.1.(a) or (b) may not be allocated to a vessel remaining active that does not benefit from a special condition. 8.7.When the Commission allocates additional days at sea due to a permanent cessation of fishing activities during the 2013 management period, the maximum number of days per Member State and gear shown in Table I shall be adjusted accordingly for the 2014 management period. 9.Allocation of additional days for enhanced scientific observer coverage 9.1.Three additional days on which a vessel may be present within the area when carrying on board any regulated gear may be allocated to a Member State by the Commission on the basis of an enhanced programme of scientific observer coverage in partnership between scientists and the fishing industry. Such a programme shall focus in particular on levels of discarding and on catch composition and shall go beyond the requirements on data collection, as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 199/2008Council Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 of 25 February 2008 concerning the establishment of a Community framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the Common Fisheries Policy (OJ L 60, 5.3.2008, p. 1). and its implementing rules for national programmes. 9.2.Scientific observers shall be independent from the owner, the master of the vessel and any crew member. 9.3.A Member State wishing to benefit from the allocations referred to in point 9.1. shall submit a description of its enhanced scientific observer coverage programme to the Commission for approval. 9.4.On the basis of that description, and after consultation with STECF, the Commission may, by means of implementing acts, allocate the Member State concerned a number of days additional to that referred to in point 5.1. for that Member State and for the vessels, the area and gear concerned by the enhanced programme of scientific observers. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 14(2). 9.5.If an enhanced scientific observer coverage programme submitted by a Member State has been approved by the Commission in the past and the Member State concerned wishes to continue its application without changes, it shall inform the Commission of the continuation of that programme four weeks before the beginning of the period for which the programme applies.
CHAPTER IV MANAGEMENT 10.General obligation Member States shall manage the maximum allowable effort in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 2166/2005 and Articles 26 to 35 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. 11.Management periods 11.1.A Member State may divide the days present within the area set out in Table I into management periods of durations of one or more calendar months. 11.2.The number of days or hours for which a vessel may be present within the area during a management period shall be fixed by the Member State concerned. 11.3.Where a Member State authorises vessels flying its flag to be present within the area by hours, the Member State shall continue measuring the consumption of days as specified in point 10. Upon request by the Commission, the Member State shall demonstrate its precautionary measures taken to avoid an excessive consumption of days within the area due to a vessel terminating presences in the area before the end of a 24-hour period. CHAPTER V EXCHANGES OF FISHING EFFORT ALLOCATIONS 12.Transfer of days between fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State 12.1.A Member State may permit any fishing vessel flying its flag to transfer days present within the area for which it has been authorised to another vessel flying its flag within the area, provided that the product of the days received by a vessel multiplied by its engine power in kilowatts (kilowatt days) is equal to or less than the product of the days transferred by the donor vessel and the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel. The engine power in kilowatts of the vessels shall be that recorded for each vessel in the EU fishing fleet register. 12.2.The total number of days present within the area transferred in accordance with point 12.1., multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of the donor vessel, shall not be higher than the donor vessel’s average annual days track record in the area as verified by the fishing logbook in the years 2010 and 2011 multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel. 12.3.The transfer of days as described in point 12.1. shall be permitted between vessels operating with any regulated gear and during the same management period. 12.4.The transfer of days is only permitted for vessels benefiting from an allocation of fishing days without special conditions. 12.5.On request from the Commission, Member States shall provide information on the transfers that have taken place. The format of spreadsheets for the collection and transmission of information referred to in this point may be established by the Commission, by means of implementing acts. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 14(2). 13.Transfer of days between fishing vessels flying the flag of different Member States Member States may permit the transfer of days present within the area for the same management period and within the area between any fishing vessels flying their flags provided that points 4.1. and 4.2. and 12 apply mutatis mutandis. Where Member States decide to authorise such a transfer, they shall notify the Commission, before the transfer takes place, of the details of the transfer, including the number of days to be transferred, the fishing effort and, where applicable, the fishing quotas relating thereto. CHAPTER VI REPORTING OBLIGATIONS 14.Fishing effort report Article 28 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 shall apply to vessels falling under the scope of this Annex. The geographical area referred to in that Article shall be understood as the area specified in point 2 of this Annex. 15.Collection of relevant data Member States, on the basis of information used for the management of fishing days present within the area as set out in this Annex, shall collect on a quarterly basis the information about total fishing effort deployed within the area for towed gears and static gears, effort deployed by vessels using different types of gear in the area, and the engine power of those vessels in kilowatt days. 16.Communication of relevant data Upon request from the Commission, Member States shall make available to the Commission a spreadsheet with data specified in point 15 in the format specified in Tables II and III by sending it to the appropriate electronic mailbox address, which shall be communicated to the Member States by the Commission. Member States shall, upon the Commission’s request, send to the Commission detailed information on effort allocated and consumed covering all or parts of the 2012 and 2013 management periods, using the data format specified in Tables IV and V.
Table II Reporting format kW-day information by year
Member State Gear Year Cumulative effort declaration
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Table III Data format kW-day information by year Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting.
Name of field Maximum number of characters/digits Alignment L(eft)/R(ight) Definition and comments
(1)Member State 3 Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which the vessel is registered
(2)Gear 2 One of the following gear types: TRtrawls, Danish seines and similar gear ≥ 32 mm GNgillnets ≥ 60 mm LLbottom longlines
(3)Year 4 Either 2006 or 2007 or 2008 or 2009 or 2010 or 2011 or 2012 or 2013
(4)Cumulative effort declaration 7 R Cumulative amount of fishing effort expressed in kilowatt days deployed from 1 January until 31 December of the relevant year
Table IV Reporting format for vessel-related information
Member State CFR External marking Length of management period Gear notified Special condition applying to notified gear(s) Days eligible using notified gear(s) Days spent with notified gear(s) Transfer of days
No 1 No 2 No 3 No 1 No 2 No 3 No 1 No 2 No 3 No 1 No 2 No 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (6) (6) (7) (7) (7) (7) (8) (8) (8) (8) (9)
Table V Data format for vessel-related information Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting. Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1381/87 of 20 May 1987 establishing detailed rules concerning the marking and documentation of fishing vessels (OJ L 132, 21.5.1987, p. 9).
Name of field Maximum number of characters/digits Alignment L(eft)/R(ight) Definition and comments
(1)Member State 3 Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which vessel is registered
(2)CFR 12 EU fishing fleet register number (CFR)Unique identification number of a fishing vesselMember State (Alpha-3 ISO code) followed by an identifying series (9 characters). Where a series has fewer than 9 characters, additional zeros shall be inserted on the left hand side
(3)External marking 14 L Under Regulation (EEC) No 1381/87
(4)Length of management period 2 L Length of the management period measured in months
(5)Gears notified 2 L One of the following gear types: TRtrawls, Danish seines and similar gear ≥ 32 mm GNgillnets ≥ 60 mm LLbottom longlines
(6)Special condition applying to notified gear(s) 2 L Indication of which, if any, of the special condition referred to in point 6.1.(a) or (b) of Annex IIB that apply
(7)Days eligible using notified gear(s) 3 L Number of days for which the vessel is eligible under Annex IIB for the choice of gears and length of management period notified
(8)Days spent with notified gear(s) 3 L Number of days the vessel actually spent present within the area and using a gear corresponding to gear notified during the notified management period
(9)Transfers of days 4 L For days transferred indicate "– number of days transferred" and for days received indicate "+ number of days transferred"
ANNEX IIC FISHING EFFORT FOR VESSELS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF WESTERN CHANNEL SOLE STOCKS IN ICES DIVISION VIIe CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.Scope 1.1.This Annex shall apply to EU vessels of 10 metres length overall or more carrying on board or deploying beam trawls of mesh size equal to or greater than 80 mm and static nets including gill-nets, trammel-nets and tangle-nets with mesh size equal to or less than 220 mm in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 509/2007, and present in ICES division VIIe. For the purposes of this Annex, a reference to the 2013 management period means the period from 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2014. 1.2.Vessels fishing with static nets with mesh size equal to or larger than 120 mm and with track records of less than 300 kg live weight of sole per year during the three previous years, according to their fishing records, shall be exempt from the application of this Annex subject to the following conditions: (a)such vessels catch less than 300 kg live weight of sole during the 2013 management period; (b)such vessels do not tranship any fish at sea to another vessel; (c)by 31 July 2013 and 31 January 2014 each Member State concerned make a report to the Commission on these vessels’ catch records for sole in the three previous years as well as on catches of sole in 2013.Where any of these conditions is not met, the vessels concerned shall, with immediate effect, cease to be exempt from the application of this Annex. 2.Definitions For the purposes of this Annex the following definitions shall apply: (a)"gear grouping" means the grouping consisting of the following two gear categories: (i)beam trawls of mesh size equal to or greater than 80 mm and (ii)a static nets, including gill-nets, trammel nets and tangle-nets, with mesh size equal to or less than 220 mm; (b)"regulated gear" means any of the two gear categories belonging to the gear grouping; (c)"area" means ICES division VIIe; (d)"2013 management period" means the period from 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2014. 3.Limitation in activity Without prejudice to Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, each Member State shall ensure that, when carrying on board any regulated gear, EU vessels flying its flag and registered in the Union shall be present within the area for no more than the number of days set out in Chapter III of this Annex. CHAPTER II AUTHORISATIONS 4.Authorised vessels 4.1A Member State shall not authorise fishing with a regulated gear in the area by any of vessels flying its flag which have no record of such fishing activity in the years 2002 to 2012 in that area unless it ensures that equivalent capacity, measured in kilowatts, is prevented from fishing in the area. 4.2However, a vessel with a track record of using a regulated gear may be authorised to use a different fishing gear, provided that the number of days allocated to this latter gear is greater than or equal to the number of days allocated to the regulated gear. 4.3A vessel flying the flag of a Member State having no quotas in the area shall not be authorised to fish in the area with a regulated gear, unless the vessel is allocated a quota after a transfer as permitted in accordance with Article 20(5) of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 and is allocated days at sea in accordance with point 10 or 11 of this Annex. CHAPTER III NUMBER OF DAYS PRESENT WITHIN THE AREA ALLOCATED TO EU VESSELS 5.Maximum number of days During the 2013 management period, the maximum number of days at sea for which a Member State may authorise a vessel flying its flag to be present within the area having carried on board any regulated gear is shown in Table I.
Table I Maximum number of days a vessel may be present within the area by category of regulated gear per year
Regulated gear Maximum number of days
Beam trawls of mesh size ≥ 80 mm 164
Static nets with mesh size ≤ 220 mm 164
6.Kilowatt day system 6.1.During the 2013 management period, a Member State may manage its fishing effort allocations in accordance with a kilowatt days system. Through that system it may authorise any vessel concerned by any regulated gear as set out in Table I to be present within the area for a maximum number of days which is different from that set out in that Table, provided that the overall amount of kilowatt days corresponding to the regulated gear is respected. 6.2.This overall amount of kilowatt days shall be the sum of all individual fishing efforts allocated to the vessels flying the flag of that Member State and qualified for the regulated gear. Such individual fishing efforts shall be calculated in kilowatt days by multiplying the engine power of each vessel by the number of days at sea it would benefit from, according to Table I, if point 6.1. were not applied. 6.3.A Member State wishing to benefit from the system referred to in point 6.1. shall submit a request to the Commission, with reports in electronic format containing, for the regulated gear as laid down in Table I, the details of the calculation based on: (a)list of vessels authorised to fish by indicating their EU fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power; (b)the number of days at sea for which each vessel would have initially been authorised to fish according to Table I and the number of days at sea which each vessel would benefit from in application of point 6.1. 6.4.On the basis of that request, the Commission shall assess whether the conditions referred to in point 6 are complied with and, where applicable, may authorise that Member State to benefit from the system referred to in point 6.1. 7.Allocation of additional days for permanent cessation of fishing activities 7.1.An additional number of days at sea on which a vessel may be authorised by its flag Member State to be present within the area when carrying on board any regulated gear may be allocated to a Member State by the Commission on the basis of permanent cessations of fishing activities that have taken place since 1 January 2004 either in accordance with Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 or Regulation (EC) No 744/2008. Permanent cessations resulting from any other circumstances may be considered by the Commission on a case-by-case basis, following a written and duly motivated request from the Member State concerned. Such written request shall identify the vessels concerned and confirm, for each of them, that they shall never return to fishing activities. 7.2.The effort expended in 2003 measured in kilowatt days of the withdrawn vessels using a given gear grouping shall be divided by the effort expended by all vessels using that gear grouping during 2003. The additional number of days at sea shall be then calculated by multiplying the ratio so obtained by the number of days that would have been allocated according to Table I. Any part of a day resulting from that calculation shall be rounded to the nearest whole day. 7.3.Points 7.1.and 7.2. shall not apply where a vessel has been replaced in accordance with point 4.2., or when the withdrawal has already been used in previous years to obtain additional days at sea. 7.4.A Member State wishing to benefit from the allocations referred to in point 7.1. shall submit a request to the Commission, by 15 June 2013, with reports in electronic format containing for the gear grouping as laid down in Table I, the details of the calculation based on: (a)lists of withdrawn vessels with their EU fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power; (b)the fishing activity deployed by such vessels in 2003 calculated in days at sea according to the grouping of fishing gears. 7.5.On the basis of such a request by a Member State the Commission may, by means of implementing acts, allocate that Member State a number of days additional to that referred to in point 5 for that Member State. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 14(2). 7.6.During the 2013 management period, a Member State may re-allocate those additional days at sea to all or part of the vessels remaining in fleet and qualified for the regulated gears. 7.7.A Member State may not re-allocate in the 2013 management period any additional number of days resulting from a permanent cessation of activity previously allocated by the Commission, unless the Commission has taken a decision that reassesses those additional numbers of days on the basis of the current gear groupings and limitations in days at sea. Upon the Member State’s request to reassess the number of days, the Member State is provisionally authorised to reallocate 50 % of the additional number of days, until the Commission takes its decision. 8.Allocation of additional days for enhanced scientific observer coverage 8.1.Three additional days on which a vessel may be present within the area when carrying on board any regulated gear may be allocated between 1 February 2013 and 31 January 2014 to a Member State by the Commission on the basis of an enhanced programme of scientific observer coverage in partnership between scientists and the fishing industry. Such a programme shall focus in particular on levels of discarding and on catch composition and go beyond the requirements on data collection, as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 and its implementing rules for national programmes. 8.2.Scientific observers shall be independent from the owner, the master of the fishing vessel and any crew member. 8.3.A Member State wishing to benefit from the allocations referred to in point 8.1. shall submit a description of its enhanced scientific observer coverage programme to the Commission for approval. 8.4.On the basis of that description, and after consultation with STECF, the Commission may, by means of implementing acts, allocate the Member State concerned a number of days additional to that referred to in point 5 for that Member State and for the vessels, the area and gear concerned by the enhanced programme of scientific observers. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 14(2). 8.5.If an enhanced scientific observer coverage programme submitted by a Member State has been approved by the Commission in the past and the Member State concerned wishes to continue its application without changes, it shall inform the Commission of the continuation of that programme four weeks before the beginning of the period for which the programme applies.
CHAPTER IV MANAGEMENT 9.General obligation Member States shall manage the maximum allowable effort in accordance with Articles 26 to 35 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. 10.Management periods 10.1.A Member State may divide the days present within the area set out in Table I into management periods of durations of one or more calendar months. 10.2.The number of days or hours for which a vessel may be present within the area during a management period shall be fixed by the Member State concerned. 10.3.Where a Member State authorises vessels flying its flag to be present within the area by hours, the Member State shall continue measuring the consumption of days as specified in point 9. Upon request by the Commission, the Member State shall demonstrate its precautionary measures taken to avoid an excessive consumption of days within the area due to a vessel terminating presences in the area before the end of a 24-hours period. CHAPTER V EXCHANGES OF FISHING EFFORT ALLOCATIONS 11.Transfer of days between fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State 11.1.A Member State may permit any fishing vessel flying its flag to transfer days present within the area for which it has been authorised to another vessel flying its flag within the area, provided that the product of the days received by a vessel multiplied by its engine power in kilowatts (kilowatt days) is equal to or less than the product of the days transferred by the donor vessel and the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel. The engine power in kilowatts of the vessels shall be that recorded for each vessel in the EU fishing fleet register. 11.2.The total number of days present within the area transferred in accordance with point 11.1., multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of the donor vessel, shall not be higher than the donor vessel’s average annual days track record in the area as verified by the fishing logbook in the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel. 11.3.The transfer of days as described in point 11.1. shall be permitted between vessels operating with any regulated gear and during the same management period. 11.4.On request from the Commission, Member States shall provide information on the transfers that have taken place. Formats of spreadsheet for the collection and transmission of information referred to in this point may be established by the Commission, by means of implementing acts. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 14(2). 12.Transfer of days between fishing vessels flying the flag of different Member States Member States may permit transfer of days present within the area for the same management period and within the area between any fishing vessels flying their flags provided that points 4.2., 4.4., 5, 6 and 10 apply mutatis mutandis. Where Member States decide to authorise such a transfer, they shall notify the Commission before the transfer takes place, the details of the transfer, including the number of days to be transferred, the fishing effort and, where applicable, the fishing quotas relating thereto. CHAPTER VI REPORTING OBLIGATIONS 13.Fishing effort report Article 28 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 shall apply to vessels falling under the scope of this Annex. The geographical area referred to in that Article shall be understood as the area specified in point 2 of this Annex. 14.Collection of relevant data Member States, on the basis of information used for the management of fishing days present within the area as set out in this Annex, shall collect on a quarterly basis the information about total fishing effort deployed within the area for towed gears and static gears, effort deployed by vessels using different types of gear in the area, and the engine power of those vessels in kilowatt days. 15.Communication of relevant data Upon request from the Commission, Member States shall make available to the Commission a spreadsheet with data specified in point 14 in the format specified in Tables II and III by sending it to the appropriate electronic mailbox address, which shall be communicated to the Member States by the Commission. Member States shall, upon the Commission’s request, send to the Commission detailed information on effort allocated and consumed covering all or parts of the 2012 and 2013 management periods, using the data format specified in Tables IV and V.
Table II Reporting format kW-day information by year
Member State Gear Year Cumulative effort declaration
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Table III Data format kW-day information by year Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting.
Name of field Maximum number of characters/digits AlignmentL(eft)/R(ight) Definition and comments
(1)Member State 3 Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which the vessel is registered
(2)Gear 2 One of the following gear types: BTbeam trawls ≥ 80 mm GNgillnet < 220 mm TNtrammel net or entangling net < 220 mm
(3)Year 4 Either 2006 or 2007 or 2008 or 2009 or 2010 or 2011 or 2012 or 2013
(4)Cumulative effort declaration 7 R Cumulative amount of fishing effort expressed in kilowatt days deployed from 1 January until 31 December of the relevant year
Table IV Reporting format for vessel-related information
Member State CFR External marking Length of management period Gear notified Days eligible using notified gear(s) Days spent with notified gear(s) Transfer of days
No 1 No 2 No 3 No 1 No 2 No 3 No 1 No 2 No 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (6) (6) (7) (7) (7) (7) (8)
Table V Data format for vessel-related information Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting.
Name of field Maximum number of characters/digits AlignmentL(eft)/R(ight) Definition and comments
(1)Member State 3 Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which vessel is registered
(2)CFR 12 EU fishing fleet register number (CFR)Unique identification number of a fishing vesselMember State (Alpha-3 ISO code) followed by an identifying series (9 characters). Where a series has fewer than 9 characters, additional zeros shall be inserted on the left hand side
(3)External marking 14 L Under Regulation (EEC) No 1381/87
(4)Length of management period 2 L Length of the management period measured in months
(5)Gears notified 2 L One of the following gear types: BTbeam trawls ≥ 80 mm GNgillnet < 220 mm TNtrammel net or entangling net < 220 mm
(6)Special condition applying to notified gear(s) 3 L Number of days for which the vessel is eligible under Annex IIC for the choice of gears and length of management period notified
(7)Days spent with notified gear(s) 3 L Number of days the vessel actually spent present within the area and using a gear corresponding to gear notified during the notified management period
(8)Transfers of days 4 L For days transferred indicate "– number of days transferred" and for days received indicate "+ number of days transferred"