1. "security-by-security" data collection means the collection of data broken down into individual securities; 2. "position" means the stock amount of securities, the types of which are listed in paragraph 15, owned or held in custody by an actual reporting agent at the end of a reference period, as further defined in Part 4 of Annex II; 3. "parent credit institution", "parent financial holding company", "subsidiary" and "branch" have the same meaning as defined in Article 4 of Directive 2006/48/EC; 4. "banking group" means (a) a parent credit institution and all its financial subsidiaries and branches, other than insurance undertakings which have received official authorisation in accordance with Article 6 of Directive 73/239/EEC or Article 4 of Directive 2002/83/ECFirst Council Directive 73/239/EEC of 24 July 1973 on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the taking-up and pursuit of the business of direct insurance other than life assurance (OJ L 228, 16.8.1973, p. 3 ). ; or (b) a parent financial holding company and all its financial subsidiaries and branches, other than insurance undertakings which have received official authorisation in accordance with Article 6 of Directive 73/239/EEC or Article 4 of Directive 2002/83/EC, provided that in both cases the parent is head of the banking group. An entity without any subsidiary constitutes a group on its own, provided that the entity is not a subsidiary itself;Directive 2002/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 November 2002 concerning life assurance (OJ L 345, 19.12.2002, p. 1 ).5. "resident" has the same meaning as defined in Article 1(4) of Regulation (EC) No 2533/98; 6. "monetary financial institution" (MFI), "credit institution" (CI) and "money market fund" (MMF) have the same meaning as defined in Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 25/2009 (ECB/2008/32). The MFI sector comprises CIs and MMFs; 7. "investment fund" (IF) has the same meaning as defined in Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 958/2007 (ECB/2007/8); 8. "financial vehicle corporation" (FVC) has the same meaning as defined in Article 1(1) of Regulation (EC) No 24/2009 (ECB/2008/30); 8a. "insurance corporation" (IC) has the same meaning as defined in Article 1 of Regulation (EU) No 1374/2014 of the European Central Bank (ECB/2014/50) ;Regulation (EU) No 1374/2014 of the European Central Bank of 28 November 2014 on statistical reporting requirements for insurance corporations (ECB/2014/50) (OJ L 366, 20.12.2014, p. 36 ).9. "custodian" means an entity belonging to the "financial corporations sector" (S.12 ) and undertaking the safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management as specified in Section B, point (1) of Annex I to Directive 2004/39/EC;The numbering of categories throughout this Regulation reflects the numbering introduced in Commission proposal COM(2010) 774 final (the proposal for the ESA 2010 Regulation). For further information see Annex II. 10. "head of a banking group" means the parent company of a banking group, provided it is either an EU parent credit institution or an EU parent financial holding company as defined in Article 4 of Directive 2006/48/EC and as implemented in the Union Member States, except that "EU" shall be replaced by "euro area" and "Member State" shall be replaced by "euro area Member State"; 11. "head of a reporting group" means the head of a banking group identified by the Governing Council as a reporting group pursuant to Article 2(4); 12. "investor" means any entity or person owning financial instruments; 13. "securities held in custody" means securities which are held and administered by custodians on behalf of investors; 14. "relevant NCB" means the NCB of the euro area Member State in which the reporting agent is resident; 15. "securities" means the following types of securities: (a) "debt securities" (F.3); (b) "listed shares" (F.511); (c) "investment fund shares or units" (F.52);
16. "holdings of securities" means economic ownership of securities, the types of which are listed in paragraph 15; 17. "ISIN code" means the International Securities Identification Number assigned to securities, composed of 12 alphanumeric characters, which uniquely identifies a securities issue (as defined by ISO 6166).
Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 of the European Central Bank of 17 October 2012 concerning statistics on holdings of securities (ECB/2012/24)
Modified by
- Regulation (EU) 2015/730 of the European Central Bankof 16 April 2015amending Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 concerning statistics on holdings of securities (ECB/2012/24) (ECB/2015/18), 32015R0730, May 7, 2015
(a) ICs incorporated and resident in the territory of the relevant euro area Member State, including subsidiaries whose parent entities are located outside that territory; (b) branches of ICs specified in point (a) that are resident outside the territory of the relevant euro area Member State; (c) branches of ICs that are resident in the territory of the relevant euro area Member State but whose head office is outside the EEA.
(a) larger than 0,5 % of the total consolidated balance sheet assets of the Union banking groups (hereinafter the "0,5 % threshold"), according to the most recent data available to the ECB, i.e.; (i) data with reference to the end of December of the calendar year preceding notification pursuant to paragraph 5; or (ii) if the data under (i) is not available, data with reference to the end of December of the previous year; or
(b) equal or below the 0,5 % threshold, provided that the banking group meets certain quantitative or qualitative criteria that make it important for the stability and functioning of the financial system in the euro area (concerning, e.g., interconnectedness with other financial institutions of the euro area; cross-jurisdictional activity; lack of substitutability; complexity of the corporate structure) and/or individual euro area Member State (concerning, e.g. relative importance of the banking group within a particular segment of the banking services market in one or more euro area Member State).
(a) securities they hold in custody on behalf of resident investors that do not report their own holdings pursuant to paragraph 1, in accordance with Part 3 of Annex I; (b) securities they hold in custody on behalf of non-financial investors resident in other euro area Member States, in accordance with Part 4 of Annex I; (c) securities issued by euro area entities they hold in custody on behalf of investors resident in non-euro area Member States and of investors resident outside the Union, in accordance with Part 5 of Annex I.
(a) data contained in quantitative reporting templates for supervisory reporting transmitted to NCBs by NCAs, whether the NCB and the NCA are separately established or integrated within the same institution, in accordance with the terms of the cooperation arrangements between the two bodies; or (b) data contained in quantitative reporting templates for supervisory reporting, as transmitted by reporting agents directly and simultaneously to an NCB and an NCA.
(a) in euro area Member States with total holdings of securities with an ISIN code by resident investors which at market value are lower than or equal to EUR 40 billion: (i) NCBs may grant derogations to MFIs, IFs, FVCs, ICs and custodians from the reporting requirements set out in Article 3(1), provided that in terms of positions the combined contribution per sector or sub-sector of exempted MFIs, IFs, FVCs, ICs and custodians to the national holdings of MFIs, IFs, FVCs, ICs and custodians, respectively, does not exceed 40 %. FVCs that do not report security-by-security data in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 24/2009 (ECB/2008/30) shall have the right, in accordance with the instructions of their relevant NCBs, to exceed this threshold for the first two years after the start of reporting under this Regulation; (ii) NCBs may grant derogations to custodians from the reporting requirements set out in Article 3(2)(a), provided that in terms of positions the combined contribution of exempted custodians to the national amount of securities held in custody does not exceed 40 %;
(b) in euro area Member States with total holdings of securities with an ISIN code by resident investors which at market value are higher than EUR 40 billion: (i) NCBs may grant derogations to MFIs, IFs, FVCs, ICs and custodians from the reporting requirements set out in Article 3(1), provided that in terms of positions the combined contribution per sector or sub-sector of exempted MFIs, IFs, FVCs, ICs and custodians to the national holdings of MFIs, IFs, FVCs, ICs and custodians, respectively, does not exceed 5 %; (ii) NCBs may grant derogations to custodians from the reporting requirements set out in Article 3(2)(a), provided that in terms of positions the combined contribution of exempted custodians to the national amount of securities held in custody does not exceed 5 %;
(c) NCBs shall consult the ECB on the use of information to identify total holdings of securities at market value necessary to grant derogations under this paragraph.
(a) NCBs may grant derogations to ICs on the basis of total holdings of securities with an ISIN code held by ICs, provided that the combined contribution held by exempted ICs to the total amount of securities in the relevant euro area Member State in terms of positions does not exceed 5 %; or (b) NCBs may grant derogations to ICs on the basis of total holdings of securities with an ISIN code held by ICs, provided that: (i) the combined contribution held by exempted ICs to the total amount of securities in the relevant euro area Member State in terms of positions does not exceed 20 %; and (ii) the data directly reported by ICs in accordance with Article 3(1) and the data reported by custodians in reference to the holdings by ICs not subject to direct reporting, together cover, on a security-by-security basis, 95 % or more of the total of ICs holdings of securities with an ISIN code, in each euro area Member State.
(a) NCBs may fully or partly exempt custodians from the reporting requirements set out in Article 3(2)(a), provided that the data referred to in Article 3(2)(a) can be derived from other statistical or supervisory data sources, in accordance with the minimum statistical standards specified in Annex III. In addition the following applies: (i) in Member States for which the derogations under paragraph 1(a) apply, and in which the data referred to in Article 3(2)(a) are directly reported by investors, such data shall cover as a minimum on a security-by-security basis 60 % of the amount of securities referred to in Article 3(2)(a); (ii) in Member States for which the derogations under paragraph 1(b) apply, and in which the data referred to in Article 3(2)(a) are directly reported by investors, such data shall cover as a minimum on a security-by-security basis 75 % of the amount of securities referred to in Article 3(2)(a).
(b) NCBs may partially or fully exempt from the reporting requirements set out in Article 3(2)(b) and (c) custodians holding a total amount of securities on behalf of all non-resident investors below EUR 10 billion. (c) NCBs may fully or partly exempt custodians from the reporting requirements set out in Article 3(2a), provided that the data directly reported by ICs in accordance with Article 3(1) and the data reported by custodians in reference to the holdings by ICs not subject to direct reporting together cover, on a security-by-security basis, 95 % or more of the total of ICs holdings of securities with an ISIN code, in each euro area Member State.
(a) NCBs may allow heads of reporting groups to report on a security-by-security basis statistical information covering 95 % of the amount of securities with an ISIN code held by their group, in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation, provided that the remaining 5 % of securities held by the group are not issued by one single issuer; (b) NCBs may request heads of reporting groups to provide further information on the type of securities excluded from reporting under point (a).
(a) quarterly security-by-security data in accordance with Article 3(1), (2) and (5) by close of business on the 70th calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate; or (b) monthly security-by-security data in accordance with Article 3(5) and Part 1 of Annex I, according to one of the options below: (i) on a quarterly basis for the three months of the reference quarter, by close of business on the 63rd calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate; or (ii) on a monthly basis for each month of the reference quarter, by close of business on the 63rd calendar day following the end of the month to which the data relate; and
(c) quarterly security-by-security positions in accordance with Article 3(3) by close of business: (i) from 2013 to 2015: on the 70th calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate; and (ii) from 2016: on the 55th calendar day following the end of the quarter to which the data relate.
(a) on a monthly or quarterly basis, monthly or quarterly security-by-security financial transactions and, where requested by the relevant NCB, other changes in volume for the reference month or quarter; or (b) on a monthly or quarterly basis, monthly security-by-security positions and, where requested by the relevant NCB, other changes in volume for the reference month or for the three months of the reference quarter.
(a) on a quarterly basis, quarterly security-by-security financial transactions and, where requested by the relevant NCB, other changes in volume for the reference quarter; or (b) on a monthly or quarterly basis, monthly security-by-security positions and, where requested by the relevant NCB, other changes in volume for the reference month or for the three months of the reference quarter; or (c) on a quarterly basis, quarterly security-by-security positions and, where requested by the relevant NCB, other changes in volume for the reference quarter.
(a) data for fields 1 and 2 are reported; (b) data are reported in accordance with either point (i) or (ii) as follows: (i) if MFIs, IFs, FVCs, ICs and custodians report security-by-security financial transactions, data for fields 5 and, where requested by the relevant NCB, 6 are reported; or (ii) if MFIs, IFs, FVCs, ICs and custodians do not report security-by-security financial transactions, data for field 6, where requested by the relevant NCB, are reported.
Field | Description |
1 | ISIN code |
2 | Number of units or aggregated nominal value |
2b | Quotation basis |
3 | Market value |
4 | Portfolio investment or direct investment |
5 | Financial transactions |
6 | Other changes in volume at nominal value |
7 | Other changes in volume at market value |
(a) data for fields 1, 2, and 3 are reported; (b) data are reported in accordance with either point (i) or (ii) as follows: (i) if custodians report security-by-security financial transactions, data for fields 6 and, where requested by the relevant NCB, 7 are reported; or (ii) if custodians do not report security-by-security financial transactions, data for field 7, where requested by the relevant NCB, are reported.
Field | Description |
1 | ISIN code |
2 | Number of units or aggregated nominal value |
2b | Quotation basis |
3 |
4 | Market value |
5 | Portfolio investment or direct investment |
6 | Financial transactions |
7 | Other changes in volume at nominal value |
8 | Other changes in volume at market value |
9 | Holder institution |
10 | Holder institution is subject to direct reporting |
(a) data for fields 1, 2, 3 and 4 are reported; (b) data for field 7, where requested by the relevant NCB, are reported.
Field | Description |
1 | ISIN code |
2 | Number of units or aggregated nominal value |
2b | Quotation basis |
3 |
4 | Country of the holder |
5 | Market value |
6 | Portfolio investment or direct investment |
7 | Other changes in volume at nominal value |
8 | Other changes in volume at market value |
9 | Financial transactions |
(a) data for fields 1, 2, 3, and 4 are reported; (b) data for field 7, where requested by the relevant NCB, are reported.
Field | Description |
1 | ISIN code |
2 | Number of units or aggregated nominal value |
2b | Quotation basis |
3 |
4 | Country of the holder |
5 | Market value |
6 | Portfolio investment or direct investment |
7 | Other changes in volume at nominal value |
8 | Other changes in volume at market value |
9 | Financial transactions |
(a) holdings of securities for the group as a whole; or (b) holdings of securities by entities of the group resident in the country where the head is located separately from the holdings of securities by entities of the group non-resident in the country where the head is located; or (c) holdings of securities separately by each entity of the group.
(a) data for fields 1 and 2 are reported; (b) data under (a) are reported in accordance with one of the following options: (i) aggregated for the whole group; or (ii) separately for resident and for non-resident entities of the group. In this case data for field 4 are also reported; or (iii) separately by each entity of the group. In this case, data for field 5 are also reported.
Field | Description | Alternative reporting options | ||
1 | ISIN code | |||
2 | Number of units or aggregated nominal value | |||
2b | Quotation basis | |||
3 | Market value | |||
4 | Resident entities/non-resident entities | |||
5 | Entity of the group | |||
6 | Issuer is part of the reporting group |
(a) For investors reporting data on their holdings of securities, quarterly or monthly data may be reported as follows: (i) data for fields 1 to 4 (data for field 5 instead of fields 2 and 4 may be reported), for fields 6, 7 and 9 to 15, and either for field 16 or for fields 17 and 18, over the reference quarter or month, on a security-by-security basis using an identification number such as CUSIP, SEDOL, an NCB identification number, etc; or (ii) aggregated data for fields 2 to 4 (data for field 5 instead of fields 2 and 4 may be reported), for fields 6, 7, and 9 to 15, and either data for field 16 or for fields 17 and 18, over the reference quarter or month.
(b) For custodians reporting data on securities they hold on behalf of resident financial investors not required to report their holdings of securities and on behalf of non-financial investors, quarterly or monthly data may be reported as follows: (i) data for fields 1 to 4 (data for field 5 instead of fields 2 and 4 may be reported), for fields 6 and 8 to 15, and either for field 16 or for fields 17 and 18, over the reference quarter or month, on a security-by-security basis using an identification number such as CUSIP, SEDOL, an NCB identification number, etc; or (ii) aggregated data for fields 2 to 4 (data for field 5 instead of fields 2 and 4 may be reported), for fields 6 and 8 to 15, and either data for field 16 or for fields 17 and 18, over the reference quarter or month.
Custodians reporting the holdings of ICs in accordance with Article 3(2a) shall also report data for fields 22 or 23. (c) For heads of banking groups reporting data on securities which are held by their group, including non-resident entities, quarterly data may be reported as follows: (i) data for fields 1 to 4 (data for field 5 instead of fields 2 and 4 may be reported), and for fields 6 and 9 to 15, over the reference quarter, on a security-by-security basis using an identification number such as CUSIP, SEDOL, an NCB identification number, etc.; or (ii) aggregated data for fields 2 to 4 (data for field 5 instead of fields 2 and 4 may be reported), and for fields 6 and 9 to 15, over the reference quarter.
Data under (i) and (ii) are reported in accordance with one of the following options: (i) aggregated for the whole group; or (ii) separately for resident and for non-resident entities of the group. In this case data for field 19 are also reported; or (iii) separately by each entity of the group. In this case, data for field 20 are also reported.
The relevant NCB may require heads of reporting groups to also report data for field 21.
Field | Description |
1 | Security identifier code (NCB identification number, CUSIP, SEDOL, other) |
2 | Number of units or aggregated nominal value |
3 | Quotation basis |
4 | Price value |
5 | Market value |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 | Portfolio investment or direct investment |
11 | Country breakdown of investor |
12 | Country breakdown of issuer |
13 | Security currency of denomination |
14 | Issue date |
15 | Maturity date |
16 | Financial transactions |
17 | Revaluation adjustments |
18 | Other changes in volume |
19 | Resident entities/non-resident entities |
20 | Entity of the group |
21 | Issuer is part of the reporting group |
22 | Holder institution |
23 | Holder institution is subject to direct reporting |
(a) if ICs report security-by-security data, data for fields 1, 2 and 4 are reported; (b) the relevant NCB may require financial investors belonging to the ICs to also report data for fields 2b and 3; (c) if ICs report aggregated data, data for fields 3 and 4 to 8 are reported.
Field | Description |
1 | ISIN code |
2 | Number of units or aggregated nominal value |
2b | Quotation basis |
3 | Market value |
4 | Geographical breakdown of the holder (individual EEA countries, non-EEA countries) |
5 |
6 |
7 | Country breakdown of issuer |
8 | Security currency of denomination |
Category | Description of main features |
| |
Debt securities whose original maturity is one year or less, and debt securities repayable on demand of the creditor. | |
Debt securities whose original maturity is more than one year, or of no stated maturity. | |
Listed shares are equity securities listed on an exchange. Such an exchange may be a recognised stock exchange or any other form of secondary market. Listed shares are also referred to as quoted shares. The existence of quoted prices of shares listed on an exchange means that current market prices are usually readily available. | |
Sector | Definition |
The sector non-financial corporations (S.11) consists of institutional units which are independent legal entities and market producers, and whose principal activity is the production of goods and non-financial services. This sector also includes non-financial quasi-corporations. | |
The sub-sector the central bank (S.121) consists of all financial corporations and quasi-corporations whose principal function is to issue currency, to maintain the internal and external value of the currency and to hold all or part of the international reserves of the country. | |
The sub-sector deposit-taking corporations except the central bank (S.122) includes all financial corporations and quasi-corporations, except those classified in the central bank and in the MMF sub-sectors, which are principally engaged in financial intermediation and whose business is to receive deposits and/or close substitutes for deposits from institutional units, i.e. not only from MFIs, and, for their own account, to grant loans and/or to make investments in securities. | |
The sub-sector non-MMF investment funds (S.124) consists of all collective investment schemes, except those classified in the MMF sub-sector, which are principally engaged in financial intermediation. Their business is to issue investment fund shares or units which are not close substitutes for deposits and, on their own account, to make investments primarily in financial assets other than short-term financial assets and in non-financial assets (usually real estate). Non-MMF investment funds cover investment trusts, unit trusts and other collective investment schemes whose investment fund shares or units are not seen as close substitutes for deposits. | |
The sub-sector other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds (S.125) consists of all financial corporations and quasi-corporations which are principally engaged in financial intermediation by incurring liabilities in forms other than currency, deposits, or investment fund shares, or in relation to insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes from institutional units. | |
FVCs are undertakings carrying out securitisation transactions. FVCs that satisfy the criteria of an institutional unit are classified in S.125, otherwise they are treated as an integral part of the parent. | |
The sub-sector financial auxiliaries (S.126) consists of all financial corporations and quasi-corporations which are principally engaged in activities closely related to financial intermediation but which are not financial intermediaries themselves. | |
The sub-sector captive financial institutions and money lenders (S.127) consists of all financial corporations and quasi-corporations which are neither engaged in financial intermediation nor in providing financial auxiliary services, and where most of either their assets or their liabilities are not transacted on open markets. | |
The sub-sector insurance corporations (S.128) consists of all financial corporations and quasi-corporations which are principally engaged in financial intermediation as a consequence of the pooling of risks, mainly in the form of direct insurance or reinsurance. | |
The sub-sector pension funds (S.129) consists of all financial corporations and quasi-corporations which are principally engaged in financial intermediation as a consequence of the pooling of social risks and needs of the insured persons (social insurance). Pension funds as social insurance schemes provide income in retirement, and often benefits for death and disability. | |
The sector households (S.14) consists of individuals or groups of individuals as consumers and as entrepreneurs producing market goods and non-financial and financial services (market producers) provided that the production of goods and services is not by separate entities treated as quasi-corporations. It also includes individuals or groups of individuals as producers of goods and non-financial services for exclusively own final use. | |
The sector non-profit institutions serving households (S.15) consists of non-profit institutions which are separate legal entities, which serve households and are private non-market producers. Their principal resources are voluntary contributions in cash or in kind from households in their capacity as consumers, from payments made by general governments and from property income. |
Price revaluations include changes in the value of end-period positions that occur in the reference period because of changes in the reference value at which they are recorded, i.e. holding gains or losses. They also include changes in financial claims resulting from write-downs that reflect the actual market values of tradable financial claims. Exchange rate revaluations refer to movements in exchange rates against the euro that occur between end-period reporting dates, which give rise to changes in the value of foreign currency securities expressed in euro.
Field | Description |
Security identification number | A code that uniquely identifies a security. It is the ISIN code if this has been assigned to the security, or another security identification number. |
Positions at nominal value (in nominal currency or euro or positions in number of shares or units) | Number of units of a security, or aggregated nominal amount if the security is traded in amounts rather than in units, excluding the accrued interest. |
Positions at market value | Amount held of a security at the price quoted in the market in euro. NCBs must in principle require accrued interest to be reported either under this position or separately. However, NCBs may at their discretion require data excluding accrued interest. |
Other changes in volume (nominal value) | Other changes in the volume of the security held, at nominal value in nominal currency/unit or euro. |
Other changes in volume (market value) | Other changes in the volume of the security held, at market value in euro. |
Financial transactions | The sum of purchases minus sales of a security, recorded at transaction value in euro. |
Portfolio investment or direct investment | The function of the investment according to the classification of balance of payments statistics |
Price value | Price of the security at the end of the reference period. |
Quotation basis | Indicates whether the security is quoted in percentage or in units. |
Revaluation adjustments | Price and exchange rate revaluations, as referred to in Part 3. |
Security currency of denomination | The International Standards Organisation code, or equivalent, of the currency used to express the price and/or the amount of the security. |
(a) reporting to the national central banks (NCBs) must be timely and within the deadlines set by the relevant NCB; (b) statistical reports must take their form and format from the technical reporting requirements set by the NCBs; (c) the contact persons within the actual reporting agent must be identified; (d) the technical specifications for data transmission to NCBs must be followed.
(a) all linear constraints must be fulfilled where applicable (e.g. subtotals must add up to totals); (b) actual reporting agents must be able to provide information on the developments implied by the data supplied; (c) the statistical information must be complete; (d) actual reporting agents must follow the dimensions and decimals set by the NCBs for the technical transmission of the data; (e) actual reporting agents must follow the rounding policy set by the NCBs for the technical transmission of the data.
(a) the statistical information must comply with the definitions and classifications contained in this Regulation; (b) in the event of deviations from these definitions and classifications, where applicable actual reporting agents must monitor on a regular basis and quantify the difference between the measure used and the measure contained in this Regulation; (c) actual reporting agents must be able to explain breaks in the data supplied compared with the previous periods' figures.