Field identifier | Description |
1.Position holder | For natural persons: the first name and the last nameFor legal persons: full name including legal form as provided for in the register where it is incorporated, if applicable |
2.Legal person identification code | Bank Identifier Code, if available |
3.Address of the position holder | Full address (e.g. street, street number, postal code, city, state/province) and country |
4.Contact details of the position holder | Telephone number, fax number (if available), e-mail address |
5.Reporting person | For natural persons: the first name and the last nameFor legal persons: full name including legal form as provided for in the register where it is incorporated, if applicable |
6.Address of the reporting person | Full address (e.g. street, street number, postal code, city, state/province) and country, when different from the position holder |
7.Contact details of the reporting person | Telephone number, fax number (if available), e-mail address, when different from the position holder |
8.Reporting date | Date on which the notification is submitted in accordance with ISO standard 8601:2004 (yyyy-mm-dd) |
9.Issuer identification | For shares: full name of the company that has shares admitted to trading on a trading venueFor sovereign debt: full name of the issuerFor uncovered sovereign credit default swaps: full name of the underlying sovereign issuer |
10.ISIN | For shares only: ISIN of the main class of ordinary shares of the issuer. If there are no ordinary shares admitted to trading, the ISIN of the class of preference shares (or of the main class of preference shares admitted to trading if there are several classes of such shares) |
11.Country code | Two letter code for the sovereign issuer country in accordance with ISO standard 3166-1 |
12.Position date | Date on which the position was created, changed or ceased to be held. Format in accordance with ISO standard 8601:2004 (yyyy-mm-dd) |
13.Net short position size in percentage | For shares only: percentage (rounded to 2 decimal places) of the issued share capital, expressed in absolute terms, with no "+" or "–" signs |
14.Net short position equivalent amount | For shares: total number of equivalent sharesFor sovereign debt: equivalent nominal amount in euroFor uncovered sovereign credit default swaps: equivalent nominal amount in euroFigures expressed in absolute terms, with no "+" or "–" signs and the currency expressed in accordance with ISO standard 4217 |
15.Date of the previous notification | Date on which the last position reported by the position holder in relation to the same issuer was notified. Format in accordance with ISO standard 8601:2004 (yyyy-mm-dd) |
16.Cancellation date | Date on which a cancellation form is submitted to cancel an erroneous notification previously submitted. Format in accordance with ISO standard 8601:2004 (yyyy-mm-dd) |
17.Comments | Free text — optional |