Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 689/2012 of 27 July 2012 amending Regulation (EC) No 415/2007 concerning the technical specifications for vessel tracking and tracing systems referred to in Article 5 of Directive 2005/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on harmonised river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the Community
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 689/2012of 27 July 2012amending Regulation (EC) No 415/2007 concerning the technical specifications for vessel tracking and tracing systems referred to in Article 5 of Directive 2005/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on harmonised river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the Community THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Directive 2005/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on harmonised river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the CommunityOJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 152., and in particular Article 1, paragraph 2, and Article 5, paragraph 2, thereof,Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 415/2007 of 13 March 2007 concerning the technical specifications for vessel tracking and tracing systems referred to in Article 5 of Directive 2005/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on harmonised river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the CommunityOJ L 105, 23.4.2007, p. 35.,Whereas:(1)In order to remain interoperable with maritime vessel traffic management and information services, and therefore with the maritime Automatic Identification System (AIS), it is necessary to amend Regulation (EC) No 415/2007 accordingly.(2)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established pursuant to Article 7 of Council Directive 91/672/EEC of 16 December 1991 on the reciprocal recognition of national boatmasters’ certificates for the carriage of goods and passengers by inland waterwayOJ L 373, 31.12.1991, p. 29.,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The Annex to Regulation (EC) No 415/2007 is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Article 3Member States shall take the necessary measures to comply with this Regulation 12 months after its entry into force at the latest.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 27 July 2012.For the CommissionThe PresidentJosé Manuel BarrosoANNEXThe Annex to Regulation (EC) No 415/2007 is amended as follows:(1)in the table of contents a chapter is inserted:"2.3.9.Type approval";(2)the "REFERENCES" are amended as follows:(a)the 10th and 11th row are replaced by:
Document titleOrganisationPublication date
"Recommendation ITU-R M.1371 "Technical characteristics for a universal shipborne automatic identification system using time division multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile band"ITU2001
International Standard IEC 61993, "Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems — Automatic Identification System, Part 2: Class A shipborne equipment of the universal automatic identification system (AIS)"IEC2002"
(b)the following row is added:
Document titleOrganisationPublication date
"Technical guidelines on Inland AISExpert group on vessel tracking and tracing"
(3)in Chapter 2.2 the penultimate paragraph is replaced by the following:"For moving vessels an update rate for the dynamic information on tactical level can be switched between SOLAS mode and inland waterway mode. In inland waterway mode it can be increased up to 2 seconds. For vessels at anchor it is recommended to have an update rate of several minutes, or if information is amended.";(4)in Chapter 2.3.1 the following sentence is added:"The Inland AIS design shall take into account the technical guidelines on Inland AIS as prepared and maintained by the expert group on vessel tracking and";.
(5)in the table in Chapter the last row is deleted;(6)Chapter is amended as follows:(a)the third row in the table is deleted;(b)the following row is added:
"Loaded/unloaded vessel(Inland AIS extension)"
(7)in Chapter the fourth row in the first table titled "ETA at lock/bridge/terminal" is amended as follows:
"Maximum present static air draught(Inland AIS extension)"
(8)Chapter 2.3.3 is amended as follows:(a)the second paragraph is replaced by the following:"For moving vessels in inland waterway areas the reporting rate for the dynamic information can be switched between SOLAS mode and inland waterway mode. In inland waterway mode it can be increased up to 2 seconds. In mixed traffic areas like seaports it shall be possible to decrease the reporting rate for dynamic information by the competent authority to ensure a balance in reporting behaviour between inland vessels and SOLAS vessels. The reporting behaviour shall be switchable by TDMA commands from a base station (automatic switching by TDMA telecommand via message 23) and by commands from ship borne systems, e.g. MKD, ECDIS or on board computer, via interface, e.g. IEC 61162 (automatic switching by ship borne system command). For static and voyage related information it is recommended to have a reporting rate of several minutes, on request, or if information is amended.";(b)in Table 2.1 the ninth row is replaced by the following:
Ship dynamic conditionsNominal reporting interval
"Ship operating in inland waterway mode, moving (2)assigned between 2 seconds and 10 seconds"
(c)the following sentence is added:"Note: An Inland AIS mobile station operates either in inland waterway mode (group assignment by message 23) or in SOLAS mode (autonomous mode, no group assignment active).";
(9)in Chapter 2.3.4 the first paragraph is replaced by the following:"The technical solution of Inland AIS is based on the same technical standards as IMO SOLAS AIS (Rec. ITU-R M.1371, IEC 61993).";(10)Chapter 2.3.5 is replaced by the following:"2.3.5.Compatibility to IMO Class A transpondersInland AIS transponders must be compliant to IMO Class A transponders and must therefore be capable of receiving and processing all IMO AIS messages (according to ITU-R M.1371 and IALA technical clarifications on ITU-R M.1371) and in addition the messages defined in Chapter 2.4 of these technical specifications.The DSC transmitting (tx) capability and the provision of an MKD are not required for Inland AIS transponders, but the MKD functionality as well as the DSC channel management functionality are required. The manufacturers may remove the respective hard- and software from the Class A transponders.";(11)the following chapter is inserted:"2.3.9.Type-approvalInland AIS equipment shall be type-approved for compliance with these technical specifications.";(12)Chapter 2.4.1 is amended as follows:(a)the title of Chapter 2.4.1 is replaced by:"2.4.1.Message 1, 2, 3: position reports (ITU-R 1371)";(b)in Table 2.2 the penultimate row is replaced by:
ParameterNumber of bitsDescription
"Communication State19See ITU-R M.1371"
(13)the title of Chapter 2.4.2 is replaced by the following:"2.4.2.Message 5: ship static and voyage related data (ITU-R 1371)";(14)Chapter 2.4.3 is amended as follows:(a)the title of Chapter 2.4.3 is replaced by the following:"2.4.3.Message 23, group assignment command (ITU-R M.1371)";(b)the following paragraph is inserted before Table 2.4:"The Group Assignment Command is transmitted by a base station when operating as a controlling entity. The message shall be applied to a mobile station within the defined region and as selected by "Ship and Cargo Type" or by "Station Type". The receiving station shall consider all sector fields concurrently. It shall control the following operating parameters of a mobile station: transmit/receive mode; reporting interval; and the duration of a quiet time.";(c)In Table 2.4 the ninth and 10th rows are replaced by the following:
ParameterNumber of bitsDescription
"Station type40 = all types of mobiles (default); 1 = Class A mobile station only; 2 = all types of Class B mobile stations; 3 = SAR airborne mobile station; 4 = Class B "SO" mobile stations only; 5 = Class B "CS" shipborne mobile station (IEC62287 only); 6 = inland waterways; 7 to 9 = regional use and 10 to 15 = for future use
Type of ship and cargo type80 = all types (default)1…99 see Table 50, Annex 8 of ITU-R M.1371-3100…199 reserved for regional use200…255 reserved for future use"
(d)in Table 2.5 the 10th, 11th and 12th rows are replaced by the following:
Reporting Interval field settingReporting interval for msg18
"9Next shorter reporting interval
10Next longer reporting interval
112 seconds (not applicable to the Class B "CS")"
(e)the last sentence is replaced by the following:"Note: When the dual channel transmission is suspended by Tx/Rx mode command 1 or 2, the required reporting interval shall be maintained using the remaining transmission channel.";
(15)the title of Chapter 2.4.4 is replaced by the following:"2.4.4.Application of specific messages (ITU-R 1371)";(16)in Chapter the first sentence is replaced by the following:"The FIs within the Inland AIS branch shall be allocated and used as described in ITU-R M.1371.";(17)Chapter is amended as follows:(a)in Table 2.7 the 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th rows are replaced by the following:
ParameterNumber of bitsDescription
Binary data"Length/convoy131 — 8000 (rest not to be used) length of ship/convoy in 1/10 m 0 = default
Beam/convoy101 — 1000 (rest not to be used) beam of ship/convoy in 1/10 m; 0 = default
Vessel and convoy type14Numeric ERI Classification (CODES): Vessel and convoy type as described in Appendix E
Maximum present static draught111 — 2000 (rest not used) draught in 1/100 m, 0 = default = unknown"
(b)in Table 2.8 the 16th row is replaced by:
Binary data"Maximum present static air draught120 — 4000 (rest not used), in 1/100 m, 0 = default = not used"
(c)in Table 2.15 the 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th rows are replaced by the following:
Binary data"Water level14Bit 0: 0 = negative value, 1 = positive valueBits 1-13: 0-8191, in 1/100 m,Bits 0-13: 0 = unknown = default (2)
Water level14Bit 0: 0 = negative value, 1 = positive valueBits 1-13: 0-8191, in 1/100 m,Bits 0-13: 0 = unknown = default (2)
Water level14Bit 0: 0 = negative value, 1 = positive valueBits 1-13: 0-8191, in 1/100 m,Bits 0-13: 0 = unknown = default (2)
Water level14Bit 0: 0 = negative value, 1 = positive valueBits 1-13: 0-8191, in 1/100 m,Bits 0-13: 0 = unknown = default (2)"
(18)in Appendix A the definitions are amended as follows:(a)the definition of River Information Services is replaced by the following:"River Information Services (RIS)A European concept for harmonised information services to support traffic and transport management in inland navigation, including the interfaces to other transport modes.";(b)the definition of VTS area is replaced by the following:"VTS areaVTS area is the delineated, formally declared service area of a VTS. A VTS area may be subdivided in sub-areas or sectors. (Source: IALA VTS guidelines).";(c)the definition of Navigational information is replaced by the following:"Navigational informationNavigational information is information provided to the skipper on board to support in on-board decision-making. (Source: IALA VTS guidelines)";(d)the definition of Tactical traffic information is replaced by the following:"Tactical traffic information (TTI)Tactical traffic information is the information affecting the skipper’s or the VTS operator’s immediate decisions with respect to navigation in the actual traffic situation and the close geographic surroundings. A tactical traffic image contains position information and specific vessel information of all targets detected by a radar presented on an electronic navigational chart and — if available — enhanced by external traffic information, such as the information delivered by an AIS. TTI may be provided on board of a vessel or on shore, e.g. in a VTS Centre. (Source: RIS guidelines).";(e)the definition of Strategic traffic information is replaced by the following:"Strategic traffic information (STI)Strategic traffic information is the information affecting the medium and long-term decisions of RIS users. A strategic traffic image contributes to the planning decision capabilities regarding a safe and efficient voyage. A strategic traffic image is produced in a RIS centre and delivered to the users on demand. A strategic traffic image contains all relevant vessels in the RIS area with their characteristics, cargoes and positions, reported by VHF voice reporting or electronic ship reporting, stored in a database and presented in a table or on an electronic map. Strategic Traffic Information may be provided by a RIS/VTS centre or by an office. (Source: RIS guidelines)";(f)the definition of Vessel traffic monitoring is replaced by the following:"Vessel traffic monitoringVessel traffic monitoring is providing important information relating to the movements of relevant ships in a RIS area. This includes information about ships identity, position, (type of cargo) and port of destination.";(g)the definition of RIS operator is replaced by the following:"RIS operatorA person performing one or more tasks contributing to the services of RIS.";(h)the definition of Fleet manager is replaced by the following:"Fleet managerA person planning and observing the actual (navigational) status of a number of vessels moving or working under one command or ownership.";(i)the definition of Operator in calamity centres of emergency services is replaced by the following:"Operator in calamity centres of emergency servicesThe person who monitors, controls and organises the safe and smooth fighting of accidents, incidents and calamities.";(19)Appendix D is amended as follows:(a)point D.1 is replaced by the following:"D.1Input sentencesThe serial digital interface of the AIS is supported by existing IEC 61162 sentences and new IEC 61162 like sentences. The detailed descriptions for the digital interface sentences are found in IEC 61162.This appendix contains information used during the development of Inland AIS in order to input the inland specific data (see protocol amendments for Inland AIS) into the Inland AIS shipboard unit.";(b)in the second sentence in point D.2 the word "proposed" is replaced by "used";(c)in the second sentence in point D.3 the word "proposed" is replaced by "used";(20)Appendix E is replaced by the following:

"Appendix EERI SHIP TYPESThis table shall be used to convert the UN ship types, which are used in Inland message 10 to the IMO types which are used in IMO message 5.
Extra codes for maritime means of transport
USEV/CMCode SubdivName
No8000Vessel, type unknown
V8010Motor freighter
V8020Motor tanker
V8021Motor tanker, liquid cargo, type N
V8022Motor tanker, liquid cargo, type C
V8023Motor tanker, dry cargo
V8030Container vessel
V8040Gas tanker
C8050Motor freighter, tug
C8060Motor tanker, tug
C8070Motor freighter with one or more ships alongside
C8080Motor freighter with tanker
C8090Motor freighter pushing one or more freighters
C8100Motor freighter pushing at least one tank-ship
No8110Tug, freighter
No8120Tug, tanker
C8130Tug, freighter, coupled
C8140Tug, freighter/tanker, coupled
V8161Tankbarge, liquid cargo, type N
V8162Tankbarge, liquid cargo, type C
V8163Tankbarge, dry cargo
V8170Freightbarge with containers
V8180Tankbarge, gas
C8210Pushtow, one cargo barge
C8220Pushtow, two cargo barges
C8230Pushtow, three cargo barges
C8240Pushtow, four cargo barges
C8250Pushtow, five cargo barges
C8260Pushtow, six cargo barges
C8270Pushtow, seven cargo barges
C8280Pushtow, eight cargo barges
C8290Pushtow, nine cargo barges
C8310Pushtow, one gas/tank barge
C8320Pushtow, two barges at least one tanker or gas barge
C8330Pushtow, three barges at least one tanker or gasbarge
C8340Pushtow, four barges at least one tanker or gasbarge
C8350Pushtow, five barges at least one tanker or gasbarge
C8360Pushtow, six barges at least one tanker or gasbarge
C8370Pushtow, seven barges at least one tanker or gasbarge
C8380Pushtow, eight barges at least one tanker or gasbarge
C8390Pushtow, nine or more barges at least one tanker or gasbarge
V8400Tug, single
No8410Tug, one or more tows
C8420Tug, assisting a vessel or linked combination
V8430Pushboat, single
V8440Passenger ship, ferry, red cross ship, cruise ship
V8442Red Cross ship
V8443Cruise ship
V8444Passenger ship without accommodation
V8450Service vessel, police patrol, port services
V8460Vessel, work maintenance craft, floating derrick, cable-ship, buoy-ship, dredge.
C8470Object, towed, not otherwise specified.
V8480Fishing boat
V8500Barge, tanker, chemical
C8510Object, not otherwise specified.
V1500General Cargo Vessel Maritime
V1510Unit Carrier Maritime
V1520Bulk Carrier Maritime
V1540Liquefied gas tanker
V1850Craft, pleasure longer than 20 meters
V1900Fast ship
V1920Catamaran Fast"