3b409 | — | Dicopper chloride trihydroxide | - Characterisation of the additive:
- Chemical formula: Cu2(OH)3Cl
- CAS Number: 1332-65-6
- crystal form atacamite/paratacamite in a 1:1 to 1:1,5 ratio
- Purity: min. 90 %
- alpha-crystal: min. 95 % in the crystalline product
- Cu content: min. 53 %
- Particles < 50 μm: below 1 %
- Analytical method:
- For the identification of dicopper chloride trihydroxide atacamite/paratacamite crystal forms in the additive: X-ray diffraction (XRD).
- For the determination of total copper in the additive and premixtures:
- EN 15510: Inductively Coupled Plasma — Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), or
- CEN/TS 15621: Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) after pressure digestion.
- For the determination of total copper in feed materials and compound feed:
- Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), or
- EN 15510, or
- CEN/TS 15621.
| All animal species | — | — | Bovines:- Bovines before the start of rumination: 15 (total);
- Other bovines: 30 (total).
Ovines: 15 (total).Caprines: 35 (total)Piglets:- suckling and weaned up to 4 weeks after weaning: 150 (total);
- from 5-th week after weaning up to 8 weeks after weaning: 100 (total).
Crustaceans: 50 (total).Other animals: 25 (total) | - 1.The additive shall be incorporated into feed in the form of a premixture.
- 2.For user safety: breathing protection, safety glasses and gloves should be worn during handling.
- 3.The following words shall be included in the labelling:
- For feed for sheep if the level of copper in the feed exceeds 10 mg/kg:"The level of copper in this feed may cause poisoning in certain breeds of sheep."
- For feed for bovines after the start of rumination if the level of copper in the feed is less than 20 mg/kg:"The level of copper in this feed may cause copper deficiencies in cattle grazing pastures with high contents of molybdenum or sulphur."
| 16 April 2022 |