"60 | hydrogen cyanide | hydrogen cyanideEC No: 200-821-6CAS No: 74-90-8 | 976 g/kg | 1 October 2014 | 30 September 2016 | 30 September 2024 | 8, 14 and 18 | When assessing the application for authorisation of a product in accordance with Article 5 and Annex VI, Member States shall assess, where relevant for the particular product, those uses or exposure scenarios and those risks to human populations and to environmental compartments that have not been representatively addressed in the Union level risk assessment.Member States shall ensure that authorisations of products for use as a fumigant are subject to the following conditions:- (1)product shall only be supplied to and used by professionals adequately trained to use them;
- (2)safe operational procedures during fumigation and venting shall be established for operators and bystanders;
- (3)products shall be used with adequate personal protective equipment including, where appropriate, self-contained breathing apparatus and gas-tight clothing;
- (4)re-entry into fumigated spaces shall be prohibited until the air concentration has reached safe levels for operators and bystanders by ventilation;
- (5)exposure during and after ventilation shall be prevented from exceeding safe levels for operators and bystanders by the establishment of a supervised exclusion zone;
- (6)prior to fumigation, any food and any porous material with a potential to absorb the active substance, except wood intended to be treated, shall either be removed from the space to be fumigated or protected from absorption by adequate means, and the space to be fumigated shall be protected against accidental ignition."