Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 of 8 April 2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy
Modified by
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1962of 28 October 2015amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy, 32015R1962, October 31, 2015
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/30of 14 January 2020amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 as regards detailed rules for the direct electronic exchange of information enacted under the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy, 32020R0030, January 15, 2020
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/863of 22 June 2020correcting the German language version of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy, 32020R0863, June 24, 2020
Corrected by
- Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 of 8 April 2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy, 32011R0404R(01), December 10, 2011
(1) "Union fishing vessel" means a fishing vessel flying the flag of a Member State and registered in the Union; (2) "Union waters" means waters defined in point (1) of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council ;Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on the Common Fisheries Policy, amending Council Regulations (EC) No 1954/2003 and (EC) No 1224/2009 and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2371/2002 and (EC) No 639/2004 and Council Decision 2004/585/EC (OJ L 354, 28.12.2013, p. 22 ).(3) "holder of a fishing licence" means a natural or legal person to whom a fishing licence as referred to Article 6 of the Control Regulation has been issued; (4) "Union inspectors" means inspectors as defined in Article 4(7) of the Control Regulation; (5) "fish aggregating device" means any equipment floating on the sea surface or anchored with the objective of attracting fish; (6) "passive gear" means any fishing gear the catch operation of which does not require an active movement of the gear, including: (a) gillnets, entangling nets, trammel nets, and trap nets; (b) drifting gillnets, and drifting trammel nets, any of which may be equipped with anchoring, floating and navigational gear; (c) long lines, lines, pots and traps;
(7) "beam trawl" means any towed trawl in which the mouth of the trawl is held open by a beam or similar device, irrespectively of whether they are supported or not when dragged along the seabed; (8) "vessel monitoring system" (VMS) as referred to in Article 9(1) of the Control Regulation means a satellite-based fishing vessel monitoring system providing to the fisheries authorities data at regular intervals on the location, course and speed of vessels; (9) "satellite-tracking device" as referred to in Article 4(12) of the Control Regulation means a device installed on board of a fishing vessel that transmits position and related data automatically to the fisheries monitoring centre according to the legal requirements and that allows detection and identification of the fishing vessel at all times; (10) "fishing trip" means any voyage of a fishing vessel during which fishing activities are conducted that starts at the moment when the fishing vessel leaves a port and ends on arrival in port; (11) "fishing operation" means all activities in connection with searching for fish, the shooting, towing and hauling of active gears, setting, soaking, removing or resetting of passive gears and the removal of any catch from the gear, keep nets, or from a transport cage to fattening and farming cages; (12) "electronic fishing logbook" means the record by computerised means of fishing operation details by the master of a fishing vessel transmitted to the Member State authorities; (13) "product presentation" means a description of the processed state of the fisheries product or part thereof in accordance with the codes and descriptions in Annex I; (14) "European Fisheries Control Agency" means the agency as defined in Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 768/2005 ;OJ L 128, 21.5.2005, p. 1 .(15) "sighting" means any observation of a fishing vessel by any competent authority of a Member State; (16) "commercially sensitive information" means information the release of which is likely to prejudice the commercial interests of an operator; (17) "computerised validation system" means a system capable of verifying that all data recorded in Member States databases is accurate, complete and submitted within the deadlines; (18) "web service" means a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.
(a) the letter(s) of the port or district in which the Union fishing vessels is registered and the number(s) under which it is registered shall be painted or displayed on both sides of the bow, as high above the water as possible so as to be clearly visible from the sea and the air, in a colour contrasting with the background on which they are painted; (b) for Union fishing vessels over 10 metres length overall and less than 17 metres length overall, the height of the letters and numbers shall be at least 25 centimetres with a line thickness of at least 4 centimetres. For Union fishing vessels of 17 metres length overall or more, the height of the letters and numbers shall be at least 45 centimetres, with a line thickness of at least 6 centimetres; (c) the flag Member State may require the international radio call sign (IRCS) or the external registration letters and numbers to be painted on top of the wheelhouse, so as to be clearly visible from the air, in a colour contrasting with the ground on which it is painted; (d) the contrasting colours shall be white and black; (e) the external registration letters and numbers painted or displayed on the hull of the Union fishing vessel shall not be removable, effaced, altered, illegible, covered or concealed.
(a) Union fishing vessels or fishing vessels controlled by Union operators under a chartering arrangement, of 100 tons of Gross Tonnage or 100 tons of Gross Registered Tonnage and above, or 24 metres length overall and above, operating exclusively inside Union waters; (b) all Union fishing vessels or fishing vessels controlled by Union operators under a chartering arrangement, of 15 metres length overall and above, operating outside Union waters; (c) all third country fishing vessels authorised to carry out fishing activities in Union waters.
(a) the name if any; (b) the letters of the port or district in which it is registered, and the number(s) under which it is registered; (c) the international radio call sign, if any; (d) the names and addresses of the owner(s) and, where applicable, the charterer(s); (e) the length overall, propulsion engine power, gross tonnage and, for Union fishing vessels which entered into service from 1 January 1987 onwards, date of entry into service.
(a) beams of a beam trawl which do not display the external registration letters and numbers in accordance with Article 10 of this Regulation; (b) passive gear which is not labelled in accordance with Article 11(2) of this Regulation; (c) buoys which are not marked in accordance with Article 13(2) of this Regulation.
(a) for nets, on a label attached to the upper first row; (b) for lines and long lines, on a label at the point of contact with the mooring buoy; (c) for pots and traps, on a label attached to the ground rope; (d) for passive gear extending more than 1 nautical mile, on labels attached in accordance with (a), (b) and (c) at regular intervals not exceeding 1 nautical mile so that no part of the passive gear extending more than 1 nautical mile shall be left unmarked.
(a) made of durable material; (b) securely fitted to the gear; (c) at least 65 millimetres broad; (d) at least 75 millimetres long.
(a) letters and numbers shall be displayed as high above the water as possible so as to be clearly visible; (b) in a colour contrasting with the surface on which they are displayed.
(a) one or two rectangular flag(s); where two flags are required on the same buoy, the distance between them shall be at least 20 centimetres flags indicating the extremities of the same gear shall be of the same colour and may not be white and shall be of the same size; (b) one or two light(s), which shall be yellow and give one flash each 5 seconds (F1 Y 5s), and be visible from a minimum distance of 2 nautical miles.
(a) the buoy in the western sector (meaning the half compass circle from south through west to and including north) shall be rigged with two flags, two striped luminous bands, two lights and a label in accordance with Article 12 of this Regulation; (b) the buoy in the eastern sector (meaning the half compass circle from north through east to and including the south) shall be rigged with one flag one striped luminous band, one light and a label in accordance with Article 12 of this Regulation.
(a) intermediary marker buoys shall be deployed at distances of not more than 5 nautical miles so that no part of the gear extending 5 nautical miles or more shall be left unmarked; (b) intermediary marker buoys shall be fitted with a flashing light which shall be yellow and give one flash every 5 seconds (F1 Y 5s) and be visible from a minimum distance of 2 nautical miles. They shall have the same characteristics as those of the end marker buoy in the eastern sector, except that the flag shall be white.
(a) the flags shall be white; (b) every fifth intermediary marker buoys shall be fitted with a radar reflector giving an echo of at least 2 nautical miles.
(a) prior notification has been given to the fisheries monitoring centre (FMC) of the flag Member State and the FMC of the coastal Member State; and (b) providing that the next report shows that the Union fishing vessel has not changed its position in relation to the previous report.
(a) the fishing vessel identification; (b) the most recent geographical position of the fishing vessel, with a position error which shall be less than 500 metres, with a confidence interval of 99 %; (c) the date and time (expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) of the fixing of the said position of the fishing vessel; and (d) the instant speed and course of the fishing vessel.
(a) the data are not altered in any way; (b) the antenna or the antennas connected to the satellite tracking devices are not obstructed, disconnected or blocked in any way; (c) the power supply of the satellite-tracking devices is not interrupted in any way; and (d) the satellite-tracking device is not removed from the fishing vessel.
(a) any maritime area where specific rules on access to waters and resources apply; (b) fishing restricted areas referred to in Article 50 of the Control Regulation; (c) regulatory areas of the Regional Fisheries Management Organisations to which the European Union or certain Member States are a party; (d) waters under the sovereignty and jurisdiction of a third country.
(a) ensure that data received according to this Chapter are recorded in computer-readable form and safely stored in computerised databases for at least 3 years; (b) take all necessary measures to ensure that they are only used for official purposes; and (c) take all necessary technical measures to protect such data against any accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, deterioration, distribution or unauthorised consultation.
(a) daily by not later than 24.00 and before entering the port; (b) at the time of any inspection at sea; (c) at the time of events defined in the Community legislation or by the flag Member State.
(a) for each day at sea; (b) when fishing in a new ICES Division or another fishing zone the same day; (c) when entering fishing effort data.
(a) when using different gear, or a net of a different mesh size range, to that of the previous gear used; (b) for any fishing done after a transhipment or an intermediate landing; (c) if the number of columns is insufficient; (d) on departure from a port when no landing has taken place.
(a) at the request of the competent authority of the flag State; (b) immediately after the last fishing operation or after the transhipment has been completed; (c) before entering into port; (d) at the time of any inspection at sea; (e) at the time of events defined in Community legislation or by the flag State.
(a) the list of their fishing vessels whose electronic recording and reporting systems have experienced technical failure or have failed to function; (b) the number of vessels that have not made daily electronic fishing logbook transmissions and the average number of electronic fishing logbook transmissions received per fishing vessel, broken down by flag Member State; (c) the number of transhipment declaration, landing declaration, takeover declaration and sales note transmissions received, broken down by flag Member State.
(a) ensure that data received according to this Chapter are recorded in computer-readable form and safely stored in computerised databases for at least 3 years; (b) take all necessary measures to ensure that the data are only used for purposes as provided for in this Regulation; and (c) take all necessary technical measures to protect such data against any accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, deterioration, distribution or unauthorised consultation.
(a) at the request of the competent authority of the flag Member State; (b) immediately after the last fishing operation has been completed; (c) before entering into port; (d) at the time of any inspection at sea; (e) at the time of events defined in EU legislation or by the flag State.
(1) "presentation" means the form into which the fish is processed while on board of the fishing vessel and prior to landing, as described in Annex I; (2) "collective presentation" means a presentation consisting of two or more parts extracted from the same fish.
from different Member States, or from the same Member State but where the catches are landed in a Member States of which they do not fly the flag,
(a) "very low" risk: 3 % of the sample; (b) "low" risk: 5 % of the sample; (c) "medium" risk: 10 % of the sample; (d) "high" risk: 15 % of the sample; (e) "very high" risk: 20 % of the sample.
(a) on all landings of catches of all species in kilogram, including zero landings; (b) on the statistical rectangles where these catches were taken.
(a) which Member States have suffered prejudice (the prejudiced Member States) and the amount of the prejudice (as reduced by any quota exchanges); (b) where applicable, which Member States have exceeded their fishing opportunities (the exceeding Member States) and the amount of the excess of fishing opportunities (as reduced by any exchanges in accordance with Article 16(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013; (c) where applicable, the deductions to be made from the fishing opportunities of the exceeding Member States in proportion to the exceeded fishing opportunities; (d) where applicable, the additions to be made to the fishing opportunities of the prejudiced Member States in proportion to the prejudice suffered; (e) where applicable the date or dates on which the additions and deductions shall take effect; (f) where appropriate, any other necessary measure for remedying the prejudice suffered.
(a) fishing vessels operating in fisheries that are subject to fishing effort regimes, in particular those fishing vessels to which an individual effort allocation in kW * days has been allocated;(b) fishing vessels subject to limitations of vessel power resulting from national or European Union law; (c) fishing vessels for which the ratio of vessel power (kW) to vessel tonnage (GT) is 50 % lower than the average ratio for the same type of fishing vessel, gear type and target species. For the purpose of that analysis, Member States may divide the fleet according to one or several of the following criteria: (i) fleet segmentation or management units defined in national law; (ii) length categories; (iii) tonnage categories; (iv) gears used; (v) target species.
(a) stable over time; (b) standardised within regions; (c) in accordance with the quality standards established by relevant international scientific bodies and, where appropriate, by the relevant Regional Fisheries Management Organisations to which the European Union is contracting party or observer.
(a) after the notification referred to in paragraph 1 and every 5 years thereafter the conformity of the notified sampling plans with the criteria and requirements mentioned in Article 64(2) and (3) of this Regulation; (b) the conformity of any amendments to a sampling plan referred to in paragraph 1 with the criteria and requirements mentioned in Article 64(2) and (3) of this Regulation.
"Fisheries and aquaculture products" means any products which fall under Chapter 3, subheading 12122100 of Chapter 12 and under headings1604 and1605 of Chapter 16 of the Combined Nomenclature established by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 .Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1 ) and Commission implementing Regulation (EU) No 1101/2014 of16 October 2014 amending Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ L 312, 31.10.2014, p. 1 ).
(a) as from 1 January 2013 , to fisheries subject to a multiannual plan;(b) as from 1 January 2015 , to other fisheries and aquaculture products.
(a) imported fisheries and aquaculture products which are excluded from the scope of implementation of the catch certificate in accordance with Article 12(5) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008 ;OJ L 286, 29.10.2008, p. 1 .(b) fisheries and aquaculture products caught or farmed in freshwater; and (c) ornamental fish, crustaceans and molluscs.
(a) for catches of stocks or group of stocks subject to a quota and/or a minimum size in Union legislation, the relevant geographical area, as defined in Article 4(30) of the Control Regulation; (b) for catches of other stocks or group of stocks, fishery products caught in freshwater and aquaculture products, the name of the catch or the production area in accordance with Article 38(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1379/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council .Regulation (EU) No 1379/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products, amending Council Regulations (EC) No 1184/2006 and (EC) No 1224/2009 and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 (OJ L 354, 28.12.2013, p. 1 ).
(a) fisheries and aquaculture products previously frozen for health safety purposes, in accordance with Annex III, Section VIII, of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004; and (b) fisheries and aquaculture products which have been defrosted before the process of smoking, salting, cooking, pickling, drying or a combination of those processes.
(a) the FAO alpha-3 codes of the species weighed; (b) result of weighing for each quantity of each species in kilograms product weight; (c) the external identification number and the name of the fishing vessel from which the weighed quantity originates; (d) presentation of the fisheries products weighed; (e) date of weighing (YYYY-MM-DD).
(a) the name and external registration letters and numbers of the vessel from which the fishery products have been landed; (b) the species and, where appropriate, presentation of fish landed; (c) the size of the lot and sample of pallets per species and, where appropriate, presentation in accordance with the provisions of point 1 of Annex XVIII; (d) the weight of each pallet in the sample and the average weight of the pallets; (e) the number of boxes or blocks on each pallet in the sample; (f) the tare weight per box, if different from the tare weight specified in point 4 of Annex XVIII; (g) the average weight of an empty pallet in accordance with the provisions of point 3(b) of Annex XVIII; (h) the average weight per box or block of fisheries per species and, where appropriate, presentation.
(a) for herring in ICES zones I, II, IIIa, IV, Vb, VI and VII; (b) for mackerel in ICES zones IIa, IIIa, IV, Vb, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XII, XIV and Union waters of CECAF; (c) for horse mackerel in ICES zones IIa, IV, Vb, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV and Union waters of CECAF; (d) for blue whiting in ICES zones IIa, IIIa, IV, Vb, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV and Union waters of CECAF;
for a destination within a Member State the Member State concerned has adopted a control plan as referred to in Article 61(1) of the Control Regulation in accordance with the risk-based methodology described in Annex XXI, for a destination in another Member State the Member States concerned have adopted a common control programme as referred to in Article 61(2) of the Control Regulation in accordance with the risk-based methodology described in Annex XXII,
(a) established landing and transhipment times; (b) established landing and transhipment places; (c) established inspection and surveillance procedures.
(a) the port he intends to enter, the name of the vessel and its external registration letters and numbers; (b) the estimated time of arrival at that port; (c) the quantities in kilograms live weight of herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting retained on board; (d) relevance geographical area(s) where the catch was taken; the zone shall refer to the sub-area and division or sub-division in which catch limits apply pursuant to Union law.
(a) the name and external registration letters and numbers of the vessel from which any catches referred to in Article 78 of this Regulation have been landed; (b) the unique identity number of the tankers and its load in cases where any catches referred to in Article 78 of this Regulation have been transported from the port of landing before weighing in accordance with Article 79 of this Regulation. Each tanker load shall be weighed and recorded separately. However the total weight of all the tanker loads from the same vessel may be recorded as a whole in case these tanker loads are weighed consecutively and without interruption; (c) the species of fish; (d) the weight of each landing; (e) the date and time of the beginning and end of the weighing.
(a) quantities by species of herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting indicated in the prior notification of landing, as referred to in Article 80(1)(c) of this Regulation, and the quantities recorded in the fishing logbook; (b) quantities by species of herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting recorded in the fishing logbook and the quantities recorded in the landing declaration; (c) quantities by species of herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting recorded in the landing declaration and the quantities recorded in the takeover declaration or the sales note; (d) catch area recorded in the vessel's fishing logbook and the VMS data for the vessel concerned.
(a) quantities by species of herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting recorded in the records of weighing at public or private facilities and the quantities by species recorded in the takeover declaration or the sales note; (b) quantities by species of herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting recorded in any transport documents as part of a control plan or a common control programme referred to in Article 79(1) of this Regulation; (c) unique identity numbers of tankers entered into the record in accordance with Article 84(2)(b) of this Regulation.
(a) ensure that data received according to this Chapter are recorded in computer-readable form and safely stored in computerised databases for at least 3 years; (b) take all necessary measures to ensure that the data are only used for purposes as provided for in this Regulation; and (c) take all necessary technical measures to protect such data against any accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, deterioration, distribution or unauthorised consultation.
a relative or an employee of the master of the Union fishing vessel or any other crew member, the representative of the master or the owner or the operator of the Union fishing vessel to which he is assigned, an employee of a company controlled by the master, a crew member, the representative of the master or the owner or the operator of the Union fishing vessel to which he is assigned.
(a) fishing licences and fishing authorisations; (b) VMS information corresponding to the current fishing trip; (c) aerial surveillance, and other sightings; (d) previous inspection records and available information on the secure part of the website of the flag Member State on the Union fishing vessel concerned.
(a) routinely subject to a sampling methodology based on a risk-based management; or (b) where it is suspected of failing to comply with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy.
(a) facilitate and provide officials on request with the necessary information and documents, including, where possible, copies thereof, or access to relevant databases, regarding fishing activities as required to be completed and held in electronic or paper format in accordance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy; (b) facilitate access to all parts of vessels, premises and any transport means, including aircraft and hovercraft used in connection or associated with fishing and processing activities; (c) ensure at any moment the safety of officials, and actively assist and cooperate with the officials in the performance of their inspection duties; (d) not obstruct, intimidate or interfere, not cause any other person to obstruct, intimidate or interfere, and prevent any other person to obstruct, intimidate or interfere with officials carrying out the inspection; (e) provide, where possible, a meeting facility in isolation for a briefing of officials by a control observer as referred to in Article 95(2) of this Regulation.
(a) facilitate safe and effective boarding of officials in accordance with good seamanship when the appropriate signal of the International Code of Signals is given or when the intention to board is established through radio communication by a vessel or helicopter carrying an official; (b) provide a boarding ladder meeting the requirements of Annex XXIX to facilitate safe and convenient access to any vessel which requires a climb of 1,5 metres or more; (c) facilitate the officials to perform their inspection duties, providing such assistance as is requested and is reasonable; (d) permit the official(s) to communicate with the authorities of the flag State, the coastal State and the inspecting State; (e) alert officials to particular safety hazards on board fishing vessels; (f) provide access by officials to all areas of the vessel, all processed or unprocessed catches, all fishing gears and all relevant information and documents; (g) facilitate safe disembarkation by officials on completion of the inspection.
(a) have a thorough experience in the field of fisheries control and inspection; (b) have an in-depth knowledge of fisheries legislation of the European Union; (c) have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of a second; (d) be physically fit to perform their duties; (e) have, where appropriate, received the necessary training with regard the safety at sea.
(a) setting up the system for the attribution of points for serious infringements, as referred to in Article 92(1) of the Control Regulation; (b) assigning the appropriate numbers of points to the holder of a fishing licence; (c) transferring assigned points to any future holder of a fishing licence for the fishing vessel concerned where the latter is sold, transferred or otherwise changes ownership; and (d) keeping relevant records of the points assigned or transferred to the holder for each fishing licence.
(a) the fishing vessel which has been used in committing the infringement for which points were assigned uses thereafter VMS or records and transmits thereafter fishing logbook, transhipment and landing declaration data electronically without being legally subject to these technologies; or (b) the holder of the fishing licence volunteers after the assignation of points to take part in a scientific campaign for the improvement of the selectivity of the fishing gear; or (c) the holder of the fishing licence is a member of a producer organisation and the holder of the fishing licence accepts a fishing plan adopted by the producer organisation in the year following the assignation of the points involving a reduction of 10 % of the fishing opportunities for the holder of the fishing licence; or (d) the holder of the fishing licence joins a fishery covered by an eco-labelling scheme that is designed to certify and promote labels for products from well-managed marine capture fisheries and focus on issues related to the sustainable use of fisheries resources.
(1) "payment" means any financial contribution to be paid out by the Commission following a payment request submitted by a Member State during or at the end of the implementation of an operational programme under Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 or of a project covered by Article 8(a) of Regulation (EC) No 861/2006; (2) "interruption" means disrupting the running of the payment’s deadline; (3) "suspension" means suspension of the payments pursuant to specific payment requests as referred to in Article 103(1) of the Control Regulation; (4) "cancellation" means annulling all or part of the suspended Union contribution to an operational programme under Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 or to a specific project covered by Article 8(a) of Regulation (EC) No 861/2006.
(a) there are findings of non-compliance with CFP rules; or (b) the authorising officer by delegation has to carry out additional verifications following findings indicating that there are failures in the control system of a Member State and/or non-compliance with CFP rules of fishery and fishery-related activities.
(a) a database or databases storing all data to be validated by this system, as referred to in Article 144 of this Regulation; (b) validation procedures including data quality checks, analysis and cross-checks of all these data, as referred to in Article 145 of this Regulation; (c) procedures for the access to all these data by the Commission or a body designated by it, as referred to in Article 146 of this Regulation.
(a) all the data referred in Article 144(1) of this Regulation; (b) all business rules defined for the validation system, containing the definition, the relevant legislation and the place where the validation results are stored; (c) all validation results and follow-up measures, with a marker if the data item has been corrected, and with a link to infringement procedures if applicable.
(a) "Transportation layer" means the electronic network for fisheries data exchanges as made available by the Commission to all Member States and the body designated by it to exchange data in a standardised way; (b) "Report" means the information recorded by electronic means; (c) "Message" means the report in its format for transmission; (d) "Request" means an electronic message containing a query for a set of reports.
(a) information including information according to Article 93(2) and (3) of the Control Regulation; (b) enforcement measures; or (c) administrative notification.
(a) they have, or might have, connections in one or more Member States; or (b) it appears likely to the Member State that similar operations have also been carried out in other Member States.
3-Alpha product presentation code | Presentation | Description |
CBF | Cod butterfly (escalado) | HEA with skin on, spine on, tail on |
CLA | Claws | Claws only |
DWT | ICCAT code | Gilled, gutted, part of head off, fins off |
FIL | Filleted | HEA+GUT+TLD+bones off, each fish originates two fillets not joined by any par |
FIS | Filleted and skinned fillets | FIL+SKI Each fish originates two fillets not joined by any part |
FSB | Filleted with skin and bones | Filleted with skin and bones on |
FSP | Filleted skinned with pinbone on | Filleted with skin removed and pinbone on |
GHT | Gutted headed and tailed | GUH+TLD |
GUG | Gutted and gilled | Guts and gills removed |
GUH | Gutted and headed | Guts and head removed |
GUL | Gutted liver in | GUT without removing liver parts |
GUS | Gutted headed and skinned | GUH+SKI |
GUT | Gutted | All guts removed |
HEA | Headed | Heads off |
JAP | Japanese cut | Transversal cut removing all parts from head to belly |
JAT | Tailed Japanese cut | Japanese cut with tail removed |
LAP | Lappen | Double fillet, HEA, skin+tails+fins ON |
LVR | Liver | Liver only, In case of collective presentation use code LVR-C |
OTH | Other | Any other presentation |
ROE | Roe (s) | Roe(s) only in case of collective presentation use code ROE-C |
SAD | Salted dry | Headed with skin on, spine on, tail on and salted directly |
SAL | Salted wet light | CBF+salted |
SGH | Salted, gutted and headed | GUH+salted |
SGT | Salted gutted | GUT+salted |
SKI | Skinned | Skin off |
SUR | Surimi | Surimi |
TAL | Tail | Tails only |
TLD | Tailed | Tail off |
TNG | Tongue | Tongue only. In case of collective presentation use code TNG-C |
TUB | Tube only | Tube only (Squid) |
WHL | Whole | No processing |
WNG | Wings | Wings only |
ALI | Alive |
BOI | Boiled |
DRI | Dried |
FRE | Fresh |
FRO | Frozen |
SAL | salted |
Zones | ||||||
Species | ||||||
Fishing gear | ||||||
Other conditions |
Category | Data element | Field code | Type | Contents | Definitions | |
System details | Start record | SR | M | Indicates start of the record | ||
End record | ER | M | Indicates end of the record | |||
Message details | Address destination | AD | Char | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 | M | Address of the Coastal Member State receiving the message. ISO alpha-3 country code |
From | FR | Char | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 | M | ISO alpha-3 country code of the Flag Member State transmitting the message | |
Type of message | TM | Сhаr | Code | M | First three letters of the message type (POS – for position report) | |
Date | DA | Num | YYYYMMDD | M | Year, month and date of transmission | |
Time | TI | Num | HHMM | M | Time of transmission (in UTC) | |
Fishing vessel registration details | Union Fleet Register number | IR | Char | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 +Char | O | European Union Fleet Register number composed of the Member state code (ISO alpha-3 country code) and a unique fishing vessel code |
Flag State | FS | Char | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 | M | ISO alpha-3 country code of the Flag State of the vessel | |
Radio call sign | RC | Char | IRCS Code | M | International radio call sign of the fishing vessel | |
Fishing vessel name | NA | Char | ISO 8859-1 | O | Name of the fishing vessel | |
External registration | XR | Char | ISO 8859-1 | O | The side number of the fishing vessel | |
Activity details | Latitude (decimal) | LT | Char | +/-DD.ddd | M | Latitude of fishing vessel at the time of transmission in decimal degrees using WGS84 geographical coordinate system |
Longitude (decimal) | LG | Char | +/-DDD.ddd | M | Longitude at the time of transmission in decimal degrees using WGS84 geographical coordinate system. Accuracy shall be 3 decimals. Positions on western hemisphere shall be negative | |
Speed | SP | Num | Knots | M | Fishing vessel speed in tenths of knots e.g.//SP/105 = 10,5 knots | |
Course | CO | Num | 360 degree scale | M | Fishing vessel course 360° scale e.g.//CO/270 = 270° | |
Trip No | TN | Num | 001-999 | O | Fishing trip serial number in the current year |
double slash (//) and the characters "SR" indicate the start of a message, a double slash (//) and field code indicate the start of a data element, a single slash (/) separates the field code and the data, pairs of data are separated by space, the characters "ER" and a double slash (//) indicate the end of a record.
Fishing vessel name/ External Identification / IRCS | Date | NAFO/ICES division | |||||||||||||
Day | Month | Year | |||||||||||||
Hours fished | Position at start of tow | Type of gear | Number of nets or lines used | Mesh size | Catch by species (kilograms – live weight) | |||||||||||||
Latitude | Longitude | NAFO/ICES division | ||||||||||||||||
Kept | ||||||||||||||||||
Discarded | ||||||||||||||||||
Kept | ||||||||||||||||||
Discarded | ||||||||||||||||||
Kept | ||||||||||||||||||
Discarded | ||||||||||||||||||
Kept | ||||||||||||||||||
Discarded | ||||||||||||||||||
Kept | ||||||||||||||||||
Discarded | ||||||||||||||||||
Kept | ||||||||||||||||||
Discarded | ||||||||||||||||||
Kept | ||||||||||||||||||
Discarded | ||||||||||||||||||
Sub-total for day | Kept | |||||||||||||||||
Discarded | ||||||||||||||||||
Total for voyage | Kept | |||||||||||||||||
Discarded | ||||||||||||||||||
Round weight (kilograms – live weight) processed today for human consumption | ||||||||||||||||||
Round weight (kilograms – live weight) processed today for reduction | ||||||||||||||||||
Total | ||||||||||||||||||
Remarks | Master’s signature |
Fishing vessel name / External identification number (1) | IRCS (2) |
Day | Month | Hour | Year | 2.0 … | Agent’s name: | Master’s name: | |
Departure (4) | from | ||||||
Return (5) | to | ||||||
Landing (6) | Signature: | Signature: |
Indicate the weight in kilograms or the unit used (e.g. box, basket) and the landed weight in kilograms of this unit: | kilograms (18) (19) |
Species | ICES/NAFO | Fishing zone non-member countries | ||||||||||
Whole | Gutted | Head off | Filleted | |||||||||
Description and/or timing to be recorded | ||
(1) | ||
(2) | ||
(3) | ||
(4) | ||
(5) | ||
(6) | ||
(7) | ||
(8) | The type of gear shall be indicated using the codes in column 1 of Annex XI. | |
(9) | Shall be given in millimetres (mesh stretched). | |
(10) | Gear dimensions such as the size and the number shall be given according to the specifications in column 2 of Annex XI. | |
(11) | ||
(12) | Number of fishing operations shall be given in accordance with the specifications in column 3 of Annex XI. | |
(13) | ||
(14) |
| |
(15)(16) | ||
(15)(16) |
| |
(15)(16) |
(a) Presentation of fish (reference No 17 in paper fishing logbook) using the codes in table 1 of Annex I (M); (b) Measurement unit for landed or transhipped quantities (reference No 18 in paper fishing logbook); give the weight of the unit in kilograms product weight. This unit may be different from that entered in the fishing logbook (M); (c) Total weight by species landed or transhipped (reference No 19 paper in paper fishing logbook); give the weight of quantities actually landed or transhipped for all species (M);Legally size catches shall be recorded using the general code LSC. Below minimum conservation reference size catches shall be recorded separately from the legally sized catches using the general code BMS. FAO 3-alpha species codes shall be used.(d) The weight shall correspond to the product weight of fish as landed, i.e. after any processing on board. Relevant conversion factors shall be applied subsequently by the competent authorities in Member States to calculate the equivalent live weight in accordance with Article 49 of this Regulation; (e) Signature of the master (reference No 20 in paper fishing logbook) (M); (f) Signature and name and address of the agent and the observer where applicable (reference No 21 in paper fishing logbook); (g) Relevant geographical area of capture: FAO area, sub-area and sub-division, ICES division, NAFO, NEAFC sub-area, CECAF area, GFCM sub area or third country fishing zone (reference No 22 in paper fishing logbook). This shall be applied in the same way as for position and geographical area information as referred above (M).
(a) All information required under this section shall be recorded in the paper fishing logbook between the fishing logbook references No (15) and (16). (b) Time shall be recorded as co-ordinated universal time (UTC). (c) Latitude and longitude shall be recorded in degrees and minutes if no GPS is used and in decimal degrees and minutes (format WGS 84) if use of GPS. (d) Species shall be recorded using the 3-alpha FAO fish species codes.
the date, the effort zone, the dates and times of each entry/exit, position of each entry and exit in latitude and longitude, catches retained on board by species at the time of entry, the word "crossing".
the date, the word "entry", the effort zone, position in latitude and longitude, the time of entry, catches retained on board by species at the time of entry, and the target species.
the date, the word "entry", position in latitude and longitude, the new effort zone, the time of exit/entry, catches retained on board by species at the time of exit/entry, and the target species.
the date, the word "exit", position in latitude and longitude, the effort zone, the time of departure, catches retained on board by species at the time of exit, and the target species.
the date, the word "trans-zonal", the time of first exit and effort zone, position of first entry in latitude and longitude, the time of last entry and effort zone, position of last exit in latitude and longitude, catches retained on board by species at the time of exit/entry, and the target species.
When the fishing vessel sets or resets static gears, the following information shall be entered: the date, the effort zone, the position in latitude and longitude, the words "setting" or "resetting", the time.
When the fishing vessel completes static gear operations: the date, the effort zone, the position in latitude and longitude, the word "finish", the time.
(a) the date and time of the communication; (b) the geographical position of the fishing vessel in latitude and longitude; (c) the means of communication and, where applicable, the radio station used; and (d) the destination(s) of the communication.
Type of gear | |||
Bottom otter trawl | OTB | Model of trawl (specify model or perimeter of opening) | Number of times gear is shot |
Nephrops trawls | TBN | ||
Shrimp trawls | TBS | ||
Bottom trawls (not specified) | TB | ||
Beam trawl | TBB | Beam length x number of beams | Number of times gear is shot |
Otter twin trawls | OTT | Model of trawl (specify model or perimeter of opening) x numbers of trawls | Number of times gear is shot |
Bottom pair trawl | PTB | Model of trawl (specify model or perimeter of opening) | |
Mid-water otter trawl | OTM | Model of trawl | |
Mid-water pair trawl | PTM | Model of trawl | |
Danish anchor seine | SDN | Overall length of seine lines | Number of times gear is shot |
Scottish seine (fly dragging) | SSC | ||
Scottish pair seine (fly dragging) | SPR | ||
Seine nets (not specified) | SX | ||
Boat or vessel seine | SV | ||
Purse seine | PS | Length, height | Number of times gear is shot |
One boat operated purse seine | PS1 | Length, height | |
Two boat operated purse seine | PS2 | ||
Without purse lines (lampara) | LA | ||
Dredge | DRB | Width x number of dredges | Number of times gear is shot |
Gillnets (not specified) | GN | Length, height | Number of times nets shot during the day |
Gillnets anchored (set) | GNS | ||
Gillnets (drift) | GND | ||
Gillnets (circling) | GNC | ||
Combined gillnets-trammel nets | GTN | ||
Trammel net | GTR | ||
Pots | FPO | Number of pots shot each day | |
Traps (not specified) | FIX | Not specified | |
Handlines and pole lines (hand operated) | LHP | Total number of hooks/lines shot during the day | |
Handlines and pole lines (mechanised) | LHM | ||
Set longlines | LLS | Number of hooks and lines shot each day | |
Drifting longlines | LLD | ||
Longlines not specified | LL | ||
Trolling lines | LTL | ||
Hooks and lines (not specified) | LX | ||
Mechanised dredges | HMD | ||
Miscellaneous gear | MIS | ||
Recreational gear | RG | ||
Gear not known or not specified | NK |
P1000 – 1; General principles P1000 – 3; Fishing Activity domain P1000 – 5; Sales domain P1000 – 7; Vessel Position domain P1000 — 8; Inspection and Surveillance domain P1000 – 12; Aggregated Catch Data Report domain
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
WHL | |
GUH | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
HEA | |
FIL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
LIN | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
TAL | |
WHL | |
GUH | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
FIL | |
FIS | |
FSP | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
FIL | |
FIS | |
FSB | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
FIL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
FIS | |
FSB | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
FIS | |
FSP | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
GUH | |
HEA | |
WHL | |
WHL | |
GUT | |
FIS | |
WHL | |
levels of landings by the target population, involving all regulated stocks, distributed by metiers, level of previously detected infringements for the vessel concerned, total number of inspections carried out by metier, availability of quota to those vessels of the target population, by metier, use of standardized boxes.
fluctuation of market price levels for the landed fisheries products, background, and/or potential danger, of fraud link to port/location/region, and metier.
Number of boxes landed by species | Number of boxes to be weighed subject to risk level | ||||
Very Low | Low | Medium | High | Very High | |
0-25 | |||||
25-50 | |||||
50-100 | |||||
Every additional 100 |
(a) the geographical location of a fishing vessel shall be expressed in degrees and minutes of longitude and latitude; (b) the area shall be one in which fisheries are subject to a Union regime of fishing effort; (c) the time shall be expressed as co-ordinated universal time (UTC); (d) where the catch retained on board is mentioned, all species which have been recorded in the fishing logbook in accordance with Article 14 of the Control Regulation shall be communicated individually in kilograms live weight equivalent; the reported quantities shall be the total quantities of each species retained on board at the time of communication of the effort report.
(a) the heading "EFFORT REPORT – ENTRY"; (b) the name, external identification and international radio call sign of the fishing vessel; (c) the name of the master of the fishing vessel; (d) the geographical location of the fishing vessel to which the communication refers; (e) the area into which the fishing vessel will enter; (f) the expected date and time of each entry into that area; (g) the catch retained on board by species in kilograms live weight.
(a) the heading "EFFORT REPORT – EXIT"; (b) the name, external identification and international radio call sign of the fishing vessel; (c) the name of the master of the fishing vessel; (d) the geographical location in latitude and longitude of the fishing vessel to which the communication refers; (e) the area from which the fishing vessel will exit; (f) the expected date and time of each exit from that area; (g) the catch retained on board by species in kilograms live weight.
More than |
(a) the average tare weight per box or block equal to the weight of ice and cardboard, plastic or other packaging material multiplied by the number of boxes or blocks on the pallet; (b) the average weight of empty pallets from the sample as used in the landing. The resulting net weight per pallet per species and, where appropriate, by presentation shall then be divided by the number of boxes on the pallet.
levels of landings at the port/location/region involving all regulated stocks, level of previously detected infringements linked to landings at the port/location/region, total number of inspections carried out at the port/location/region, availability of quota to those vessels landing at the port/location/region, use of standardized boxes.
fluctuation of market price levels for the landed fisheries products, risk of fraud at port/location/region.
Number of boxes landed by species | Number of boxes to be weighed subject to risk level | ||||
Very Low | Low | Medium | High | Very High | |
0-25 | |||||
25-50 | |||||
50-100 | |||||
100-200 | |||||
Every additional 100 |
operators comply with established sampling levels, the results of weighing determined from sampling plans are used for the purposes mentioned in Article 60(5) of the Control Regulation, a selected number of landings of fisheries products, to be determined by each Member State on the basis of its risk analysis, are weighed in the presence of officials of the competent authorities.
levels of landings from fishing vessels permitted to weigh catches of fisheries products on board at a port, or other location, or within a region, levels of previously detected infringements associated with fishing vessels permitted to weigh catches of fisheries products on board, levels of inspection activity at a port, or other location, or within a region where fisheries products are landed from fishing vessels permitted to weigh on board, availability of quota for fishing vessels permitted to weigh fisheries products on board.
fluctuation of market price levels for the landed fisheries products, risk of fraud at port/location/region.
Number of boxes landed by species | Number of boxes to be weighed subject to risk level | ||||
Very Low | Low | Medium | High | Very High | |
0-25 | |||||
25-50 | |||||
50-100 | |||||
100-200 | |||||
Every additional 100 |
operators comply with established sampling levels, without prejudice to Article 71(2) of this Regulation the results of weighing determined from sampling plans are used for the purposes mentioned in Article 60(5) of the Control Regulation, a selected number of landings of fisheries products, to be determined by each Member State on the basis of its risk analysis, are weighed in the presence of officials of the competent authorities.
the levels of landings of fisheries products which are weighed after transport from the place of landing, levels of previously detected infringements associated with landings of fisheries products weighed after transport from the place of landing, known levels of transport controls, availability of quota for those fishing vessels making landings which are weighed after transport from the place of landing, use of standardized boxes by the vessels which are the provenance of the fisheries products.
fluctuation of market price levels for the landed fisheries products, risk of fraud at port/location/region.
A programme of inspections of fisheries products where they are transported from the places of landing for weighing at other destinations on the territory of the Member State. Provisions regarding the availability of transport documents in accordance with Article 68 of the Control Regulation. Provisions regarding the verification of details of fisheries products transported with respect to data of the prior notification submitted in accordance with Article 17 of the Control Regulation, by the master of the fishing vessel landing the fisheries products. Provisions regarding the integrity and details of seals placed on vehicles or containers used to transport such fisheries products in accordance with Article 109 of this Regulation. Provisions for cross checking the fishing logbook and transport document data against the records of weighing at the destination where they are weighed. Sample weighing of the fisheries products, in the presence of officials of the competent authorities at the destination where weighing prior to first marketing takes place. Sample sizes shall be proportionate to the assessed levels of risk. Where appropriate, Member States may incorporate the use of standardized boxes into the sample weighing procedures.
Number of boxes landed by species | Number of boxes to be weighed subject to risk level | ||||
Very Low | Low | Medium | High | Very High | |
0-25 | |||||
25-50 | |||||
50-100 | |||||
100-200 | |||||
Every additional 100 |
the levels of landings of fisheries products which are weighed after transport from the place of landing, levels of previously detected infringements associated with landings of fisheries products weighed after transport from the place of landing, known levels of transport controls in the Member State of landing, transit and destination, availability of quota for those fishing vessels making landings which are weighed after transport from the place of landing, use of standardized boxes by the vessels which are the provenance of the fisheries products.
fluctuation of market price levels for the landed fisheries products, risk of fraud at port/location/region, fluctuations in the market price of those fisheries products which are weighed after transport from the place of landing, risk of fraud at a port, or other location, or within a region where landings and/or weighing of such products take place.
A programme of inspections of fisheries products where they are transported from the places of landing for weighing at other destinations on the territory of another Member State. Provisions regarding the availability of transport documents in accordance with Article 68 of the Control Regulation. Provisions regarding the verification of details of fisheries products transported and which were submitted in accordance with Article 17 of the Control Regulation, by the master of the fishing vessel landing the fisheries products. Provisions regarding the integrity and details of seals placed on vehicles or containers used to transport such fisheries products in accordance with Article 109 of this Regulation. Provisions for cross checking the fishing logbook and transport document data against the records of weighing at the destination where they are weighed. Sample weighing of the fisheries products, in the presence of officials of the competent authorities at the destination where weighing prior to first marketing takes place. Sample sizes shall be proportionate to the assessed levels of risk. Where appropriate, Member States may incorporate the use of standardized boxes into the sample weighing procedures.
Number of boxes landed by species | Number of boxes to be weighed subject to risk level | ||||
Very Low | Low | Medium | High | Very High | |
0-25 | |||||
25-50 | |||||
50-100 | |||||
100-200 | |||||
Every additional 100 |
(a) first name; (b) last name; (c) rank; (d) abbreviated name of the service they belong to; (e) a list of services in charge of, or involved in fisheries inspections. For each organisation the list shall include: full service name abbreviation name complete postal address street address (if different from postal address) phone number fax number e-mail address website URL.
(a) all data elements defined in Articles 92 and 118 of this Regulation shall be accessible; (b) the website interface shall contain functionalities to list, sort, filter, browse and derive statistics from the inspection and surveillance reports.
(a) flag state; (b) Union fleet register number; (c) international radio call sign (optional); (d) external registration letters and numbers (optional); (e) name of fishing vessel (optional); (f) date; (g) time; (h) latitude; (i) longitude; (j) course; (k) speed; (l) trip number (if available); (m) relevant alarms; (n) indication if the position was sent automatically or entered manually into the system.
(a) the date and time and geographical positions of the start and finish of each fishing operation (b) observations of the depth at the start and finish of the fishing operation (c) the type of gear used in each operation and its dimensions, including mesh sizes where applicable and attachments used (d) observations of the estimated catch in order to identify target species, by catches and discards for compliance with catch composition and discard rules (e) observations of the size of different species in the catch, with specific reference to undersize specimens.
Name | |
Designated by (competent authority) | |
Deployed by (employing authority) | |
Start date | |
End date |
Type | |
Flag state | |
Name | |
Community fleet register number | |
External identifier | |
IRCS | |
IMO Number | |
Engine propulsion power | |
Length overall |
1. | |
2. | |
3. |
1. | |
2. | |
3. |
Fishing operation reference number (if applicable) | |
Date | |
Gear type used | |
Dimensions | |
Mesh size | |
Attachments fitted | |
Position of start of operation | |
Depth at start | |
Depth at end of operation | |
Position at end of operation |
CATCHES | Species | Retained | Discarded | |
Estimated quantities of each species in kg live weight equivalent | Minimum conservation reference size | |||
Below the minimum conservation reference size | ||||
Estimated quantities of target species in kg live weight equivalent | Minimum conservation reference size | |||
Below the minimum conservation reference size | ||||
Estimated quantities of target species in kg live weight equivalent | Minimum conservation reference size | |||
Below the minimum conservation reference size | ||||
Estimated total kg live weight equivalent of catch | Minimum conservation reference size | |||
Below the minimum conservation reference size |
(a) it is clear of any possible discharges from the fishing vessel; (b) it is clear of the finer lines and as far as practicable in the middle length of the fishing vessel; (c) each step rests firmly against the fishing vessel’s side.
(a) be of hardwood or other material of equivalent properties, made in one piece free of knots; the four lowest steps may be made of rubber of sufficient strength and stiffness, or of other suitable material of equivalent characteristics; (b) have an efficient non-slip surface; (c) be not less than 480 mm long, 115 mm wide, and 23 mm in thickness, excluding any non-slip device or grooving; (d) be equally spaced not less than 300 mm or more than 380 mm apart; (e) be secured in such a manner that they will remain horizontal.
No | Serious infringement | Points |
1 | 3 | |
2 | 4 | |
3 | 5 | |
4 | 5 | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 5 | |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 6 | |
9 | 7 | |
10 | 7 | |
11 | 7 | |
12 | 7 |
(1) | (2) | (3) | … | … | … | … | … | … | (11) | (12) | (13) |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4). | (5). | (6) | (7) |
Data element | Code | Content | Compulsory/Optional | |
1. | Business rules | BUS | Business rules that define which validations are executed in the validation system | |
2. | Business rule ID | BR | Unique code for every type of check, validation, control etc. | C |
3. | Primary dataset | D1 | Indicates which dataset is being validated | C |
4. | Secondary dataset | D2 | Indicates with which dataset(s) the primary dataset is validated | C |
5. | EU legislation reference | LE | Reference to which regulation and articles apply | C |
6. | Legal requirement | RQ | Short summary of what is the legal requirement | C |
7. | Validation specification | VS | Detailed specification of what is being validated | C |
8. | Inconsistencies of validation | INC | Inconsistencies detected as a result of the validation procedures | |
9. | Record No of the inconsistency | RN | Unique identifier or record number of the inconsistency | C |
10. | Business rule ID | BR | Unique code for every type of check, validation, control etc. | C |
11. | Record No of the validated record | RV | Unique identifier or record number of the validated record from the primary dataset | C |
12. | Inconsistency Type | IY | Type of inconsistency detected | C |
13. | Inconsistency Value | IV | Value/difference/size of detected inconsistency (if relevant) | CIF |
14. | Original value | OR | Original value before correction | C |
15. | Follow-up | FU | Explanation of why data is inconsistent and follow-up | O |
16. | Results of follow-up | FR | Corrected value for this inconsistency | CIF |
17. | Follow-up completed | FX | Indication if follow-up is completed or still in process | CIF |
18. | Date follow-up completion | FD | The date on which the issue has been fully resolved or the result of the infringement procedure is known | CIF |
19. | Infringement procedure | IP | Reference to related infringement procedure or legal action taken by the authorities, if applicable | CIF |
20. | Validation information | VAL | The validation information on a particular element and business rule. To be used as subelement of the validated element. | |
21. | Date of validation | VD | Date of validation | C |
22. | Reference to inconsistency | RI | Unique identifier or record number of the inconsistency | CIF |
23. | VMS data | VMS | Position data coming from the Vessel Monitoring System | |
24. | Country of registration | FS | Flag State of vessel registration. ISO alpha-3 country code | C |
25. | Vessel’s Community fleet register (CFR) number | IR | With format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a number | C |
26. | International Radio Call Sign | RC | International Radio Call Sign, if CFR not up to date or not existing | CIF |
27. | Name of vessel | NA | Name of the vessel | O |
28. | Trip No | TN | Fishing trip serial number | C |
29. | Record No | RN | Unique sequential record number assigned to every record | C |
30. | Date and Time | DT | Date and time of transmission | C |
31. | Position sub-declaration | POS | Position when discarded (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | C |
32. | Speed | SP | Vessel speed in knots (nn,n) | C |
33. | Course | CO | Vessel course in degrees (0-360) | C |
34. | Date and Time received by authority | DR | Date and time of registration at authority | C |
35. | Manual | MA | Indicates if data is received electronically or manually entered (Y/N) | C |
36. | Date and time manual data entry | DM | Date and time of manual data entry into the database, in case of manually entered | CIF |
(a) authority name; (b) complete postal address; (c) street address (if different from postal address); (d) phone number; (e) fax number; (f) e-mail address; (g) website URL.
(a) port name; (b) port code according to the UN/LOCODE system; (c) coordinate with the location of the port; (d) operating hours; (e) address or description of transhipment places.
(a) port name; (b) port code according to the UN/LOCODE system; (c) coordinate with the location of the port; (d) operating hours; (e) address or description of landing or transhipment places; (f) the associated conditions for recording and reporting the quantities of the species under the multiannual plan for each landing.
(a) the national legal reference to the decision establishing the real-time closure; (b) a list of coordinates defining the contours of the closure; (c) the start date and time; (d) the end date and time; (e) conditions governing fisheries in that area during the closure; (f) a map indicating the delimitation of the closure.
(a) contact point name; (b) complete postal address; (c) street address; (d) phone number; (e) fax number; (f) e-mail address; (g) website URL (if applicable).
(a) a list of coordinates defining the contours of the closure in the waters of the Member State concerned; (b) the start date and time; (c) the end date and time; (d) conditions governing fisheries in that area during the closure; (e) a map indicating the delimitation of the closure.
(a) the national legal reference; (b) the concerned stock or group of stocks subject to a quota deemed to be exhausted or the maximum allowable fishing effort deemed to have been reached; (c) the fishing area code; (d) the start date; (e) the fishery or gear type (where appropriate).
Number of fishing licences issued Number of fishing licences temporarily suspended Number of fishing licences permanently withdrawn Number of fishing licensing infringements detected
Specific national schemes notified to the commission Number of fishing authorisations issued Number of fishing authorisations suspended Number of fishing authorisations permanently withdrawn Number of fishing authorisation infringements detected
Number of infringements detected
Number of fishing vessels <12 and >15 metre length overall with operational VMS installed Number of fishing vessels 15 metres length overall and above with operational VMS installed Number of fishing auxiliary vessels fitted with operational VMS Number of fishing vessels less than 15 metres exempted from VMS Number of VMS infringements detected concerning Union fishing vessels Details of competent authority responsible for FMC
Number of fishing vessels fitted with AIS Number of FMCs AIS capable
Number of FMCs VDS capable
Pilot projects implemented
Number of fishing vessels using the electronic fishing logbook Number of fishing vessels using paper format fishing logbook Number of under 10 metre fishing vessels using paper fishing logbook Number of vessel fishing logbook and landing declaration infringements detected
Number of fishing vessels subject to sampling plans Number of fishing vessels subject to monitoring by sales notes Number of infringements detected
Number of prior notification messages received by FMC Number of infringements detected
Number of prior notification messages received by FMC of coastal state Number of infringements detected
Number of transhipments approved by member state Number of infringements detected
Number of exempted fishing vessels
Number of infringements detected involving fishing effort reports Number of vessels excluded from fishing effort regimes by areas Number of infringements detected where gear not notified
Implementation of Article 33 of the Control Regulation Details of fisheries closure notifications made each year
Implementation of Article 35 of the Control Regulation
Compliance with Article 38(1) of the Control Regulation Number of engine power verifications in accordance with Article 41 Number of infringements detected
Number of pelagic transhipments approved
Number of infringements detected
Number of infringements detected
Details of programmes defined by Member States Number of infringements detected
Number of stowage of gear infringements detected
Number of infringements detected
Number of infringements detected
Number of infringements detected for Union and third country vessels
Details of real time closures initiated Number of infringements detected
Number of infringements detected of illegal marketing detected
Details of state of implementation
Number of infringements detected
State of implementation Number of infringements detected
Number of registered buyers, registered auctions or other bodies or persons responsible for the first marketing of fisheries products Number of infringements detected
Number of sampling plans for weighing on landing Number of fishing vessels permitted to weigh at sea Number of infringements
Number of control plans to weigh after transport Number of Common Control Programmes with other member States for transporting before weighing Number of infringements detected
Number of above submitted electronic sales notes Number of exemptions granted from sales notes requirements Number of infringements detected
Number of infringements detected
State of implementation Number of infringements detected
Number of checks accomplished Number of infringements regarding Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 detected
Number of price and intervention checks accomplished Number infringements detected
Number of reports created Number of reports received Number of infringements detected
Number of control observer schemes implemented Number of control observer reports received Number of infringements reported
Number of full/part time fisheries inspectors Percentage of working time of full/part time fisheries inspectors spent on fisheries control and inspection Number of inspections by type by full/ part time inspectors Number of infringements detected by full/ part time inspectors
Number of EU co-financed dedicated inspection vessels and total annual patrol days at sea Number of non EU co-financed dedicated inspection vessels and total annual patrol days at sea Percentage of total operational time spent on fisheries control by EU co-financed dedicated inspection vessels Percentage of total operational time spent on fisheries control by non EU co-financed dedicated inspection vessels Percentage of total operational time spent on fisheries control by all dedicated inspection vessels Percentage of total working time spent on fisheries control by dedicated inspection vessels co financed by the EU Number of non dedicated inspection vessels and total annual patrol days at sea Percentage of time spent on fisheries control Total days at sea all vessels
Number of inspections at sea of all fishing vessels of each Member State Number of infringements detected at sea by Member State Number of inspections at sea on third country fishing vessels (indicate third country) Number of infringements detected auxiliary fishing vessels
Number of surveillance aircraft dedicated to fisheries control and total hours on fisheries control and surveillance Percentage of operational hours spent on fisheries control and surveillance Number of infringements detected
Number of surveillance reports input to fisheries control and surveillance database Number of inspection reports input to fisheries control and surveillance database Number of occasions penalty points awarded Number of proceedings transferred to another member state Number of infringements detected by community inspectors within Member State jurisdiction
Number of infringements detected
Number of Joint Deployment Plans (JDP) within Member States jurisdiction Number of infringements detected during JDPs
Number of inspections Number of infringements detected
Number of inspections Number of infringements Number of proceedings transferred to flag state Number of inspections by Union inspectors
State of implementation
Number of serious infringements detected Number of occasions when points awarded to licence holder State of implementation for points system for masters of fishing vessels
State of implementation
Number of Common control programmes implemented
Number of specific control and inspection programmes implemented
Summary of state of implementation