Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC Text with EEA relevance
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- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 568/2014of 18 February 2014amending Annex V to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products, 32014R0568, May 27, 2014
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 574/2014of 21 February 2014amending Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the model to be used for drawing up a declaration of performance on construction products, 32014R0574, May 28, 2014
1. "construction product" means any product or kit which is produced and placed on the market for incorporation in a permanent manner in construction works or parts thereof and the performance of which has an effect on the performance of the construction works with respect to the basic requirements for construction works; 2. "kit" means a construction product placed on the market by a single manufacturer as a set of at least two separate components that need to be put together to be incorporated in the construction works; 3. "construction works" means buildings and civil engineering works; 4. "essential characteristics" means those characteristics of the construction product which relate to the basic requirements for construction works; 5. "performance of a construction product" means the performance related to the relevant essential characteristics, expressed by level or class, or in a description; 6. "level" means the result of the assessment of the performance of a construction product in relation to its essential characteristics, expressed as a numerical value; 7. "class" means a range of levels, delimited by a minimum and a maximum value, of performance of a construction product; 8. "threshold level" means a minimum or maximum performance level of an essential characteristic of a construction product; 9. "product-type" means the set of representative performance levels or classes of a construction product, in relation to its essential characteristics, produced using a given combination of raw materials or other elements in a specific production process; 10. "harmonised technical specifications" means harmonised standards and European Assessment Documents; 11. "harmonised standard" means a standard adopted by one of the European standardisation bodies listed in Annex I to Directive 98/34/EC, on the basis of a request issued by the Commission, in accordance with Article 6 of that Directive; 12. "European Assessment Document" means a document adopted by the organisation of TABs for the purposes of issuing European Technical Assessments; 13. "European Technical Assessment" means the documented assessment of the performance of a construction product, in relation to its essential characteristics, in accordance with the respective European Assessment Document; 14. "intended use" means the intended use of the construction product as defined in the applicable harmonised technical specification; 15. "Specific Technical Documentation" means documentation demonstrating that methods within the applicable system for assessment and verification of constancy of performance have been replaced by other methods, provided that the results obtained by those other methods are equivalent to the results obtained by the test methods of the corresponding harmonised standard; 16. "making available on the market" means any supply of a construction product for distribution or use on the Union market in the course of a commercial activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge; 17. "placing on the market" means the first making available of a construction product on the Union market; 18. "economic operator" means the manufacturer, importer, distributor or authorised representative; 19. "manufacturer" means any natural or legal person who manufactures a construction product or who has such a product designed or manufactured, and markets that product under his name or trademark; 20. "distributor" means any natural or legal person in the supply chain, other than the manufacturer or the importer, who makes a construction product available on the market; 21. "importer" means any natural or legal person established within the Union, who places a construction product from a third country on the Union market; 22. "authorised representative" means any natural or legal person established within the Union who has received a written mandate from a manufacturer to act on his behalf in relation to specified tasks; 23. "withdrawal" means any measure aimed at preventing a construction product in the supply chain from being made available on the market; 24. "recall" means any measure aimed at achieving the return of a construction product that has already been made available to the end-user; 25. "accreditation" has the meaning assigned to it by Regulation (EC) No 765/2008; 26. "factory production control" means the documented, permanent and internal control of production in a factory, in accordance with the relevant harmonised technical specifications; 27. "micro-enterprise" means a micro-enterprise as defined in the Commission Recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises ;OJ L 124, 20.5.2003, p. 36 .28. "life cycle" means the consecutive and interlinked stages of a construction product’s life, from raw material acquisition or generation from natural resources to final disposal.
(a) the construction product is individually manufactured or custom-made in a non-series process in response to a specific order, and installed in a single identified construction work, by a manufacturer who is responsible for the safe incorporation of the product into the construction works, in compliance with the applicable national rules and under the responsibility of those responsible for the safe execution of the construction works designated under the applicable national rules; (b) the construction product is manufactured on the construction site for its incorporation in the respective construction works in compliance with the applicable national rules and under the responsibility of those responsible for the safe execution of the construction works designated under the applicable national rules; or (c) the construction product is manufactured in a traditional manner or in a manner appropriate to heritage conservation and in a non-industrial process for adequately renovating construction works officially protected as part of a designated environment or because of their special architectural or historic merit, in compliance with the applicable national rules.
(a) the reference of the product-type for which the declaration of performance has been drawn up; (b) the system or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the construction product, as set out in Annex V; (c) the reference number and date of issue of the harmonised standard or the European Technical Assessment which has been used for the assessment of each essential characteristic; (d) where applicable, the reference number of the Specific Technical Documentation used and the requirements with which the manufacturer claims the product complies.
(a) the intended use or uses for the construction product, in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specification; (b) the list of essential characteristics, as determined in the harmonised technical specification for the declared intended use or uses; (c) the performance of at least one of the essential characteristics of the construction product, relevant for the declared intended use or uses; (d) where applicable, the performance of the construction product, by levels or classes, or in a description, if necessary based on a calculation in relation to its essential characteristics determined in accordance with Article 3(3); (e) the performance of those essential characteristics of the construction product which are related to the intended use or uses, taking into consideration the provisions in relation to the intended use or uses where the manufacturer intends the product to be made available on the market; (f) for the listed essential characteristics for which no performance is declared, the letters "NPD" (No Performance Determined); (g) when a European Technical Assessment has been issued for that product, the performance, by levels or classes, or in a description, of the construction product in relation to all essential characteristics contained in the corresponding European Technical Assessment.
(a) keep the declaration of performance and the technical documentation at the disposal of national surveillance authorities for the period referred to in Article 11(2); (b) further to a reasoned request from a competent national authority, provide that authority with all the information and documentation necessary to demonstrate the conformity of the construction product with the declaration of performance and compliance with other applicable requirements in this Regulation; (c) cooperate with the competent national authorities, at their request, on any action taken to eliminate the risks posed by construction products covered by the mandate of the authorised representative.
(a) any economic operator who has supplied them with a product; (b) any economic operator to whom they have supplied a product.
(a) references of superseded harmonised technical specifications, if any; (b) date of the beginning of the coexistence period; (c) date of the end of the coexistence period.
(a) the product does not fall within the scope of any existing harmonised standard; (b) for at least one essential characteristic of that product, the assessment method provided for in the harmonised standard is not appropriate; or (c) the harmonised standard does not provide for any assessment method in relation to at least one essential characteristic of that product.
(a) be transparent to the manufacturer concerned; (b) define appropriate mandatory time limits in order to avoid unjustified delay; (c) take appropriately into account the protection of commercial secrecy and confidentiality; (d) allow for adequate participation by the Commission; (e) be cost-effective for the manufacturer; and (f) ensure sufficient collegiality and coordination amongst TABs designated for the product in question.
(a) where the product is fully covered by a harmonised standard, the TAB shall inform the manufacturer that, in accordance with Article 19(1), a European Technical Assessment cannot be issued; (b) where the product is fully covered by a European Assessment Document, the TAB shall inform the manufacturer that such a document will be used as the basis for the European Technical Assessment to be issued; (c) where the product is not covered, or not fully covered, by any harmonised technical specification, the TAB shall apply the procedures set out in Annex II or those established in accordance with Article 19(3).
(a) organise the coordination of the TABs and, if necessary, ensure cooperation and consultation with other stakeholders; (b) ensure that examples of best practice are shared between TABs to promote greater efficiency and provide a better service to industry; (c) coordinate the application of the procedures set out in Article 21 and in Annex II, as well as provide the support needed to that end; (d) develop and adopt European Assessment Documents; (e) inform the Commission of any question related to the preparation of European Assessment Documents and of any aspects related to the interpretation of the procedures set out in Article 21 and in Annex II and suggest improvements to the Commission based on experience gained; (f) communicate any observations concerning a TAB not fulfilling its tasks in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 21 and in Annex II to the Commission and the Member State which designated the TAB; (g) ensure that adopted European Assessment Documents and references to European Technical Assessments are kept publicly available.
(a) for one or several essential characteristics of the construction product, which the manufacturer places on the market, that product is deemed to achieve a certain level or class of performance without testing or calculation, or without further testing or calculation, in accordance with the conditions set out in the relevant harmonised technical specification or a Commission decision; (b) the construction product, covered by a harmonised standard, which the manufacturer places on the market corresponds to the product-type of another construction product, manufactured by another manufacturer and already tested in accordance with the relevant harmonised standard. When these conditions are fulfilled, the manufacturer is entitled to declare performance corresponding to all or part of the test results of this other product. The manufacturer may use the test results obtained by another manufacturer only after having obtained an authorisation of that manufacturer, who remains responsible for the accuracy, reliability and stability of those test results; or (c) the construction product, covered by a harmonised technical specification, which the manufacturer places on the market is a system made of components, which the manufacturer assembles duly following precise instructions given by the provider of such a system or of a component thereof, who has already tested that system or that component for one or several of its essential characteristics in accordance with the relevant harmonised technical specification. When these conditions are fulfilled, the manufacturer is entitled to declare performance corresponding to all or part of the test results for the system or the component provided to him. The manufacturer may use the test results obtained by another manufacturer or system provider only after having obtained an authorisation of that manufacturer or system provider, who remains responsible for the accuracy, reliability and stability of those test results.
(a) the necessary personnel with technical knowledge and sufficient and appropriate experience to perform the third party tasks in the process of assessment and verification of constancy of performance; (b) the necessary description of procedures according to which the assessment of performance is carried out, ensuring the transparency and the ability of reproduction of these procedures; it shall have appropriate policies and procedures in place that distinguish between the tasks it carries out as a notified body and other activities; (c) the necessary procedures to perform its activities which take due account of the size of an undertaking, the sector in which it operates, its structure, the degree of complexity of the product technology in question and the mass or serial nature of the production process.
(a) sound technical and vocational training covering all the third party tasks in the process of assessment and verification of constancy of performance within the relevant scope for which the body has been notified; (b) satisfactory knowledge of the requirements of the assessments and verifications they carry out and adequate authority to carry out such operations; (c) appropriate knowledge and understanding of the applicable harmonised standards and of the relevant provisions of the Regulation; (d) the ability required to draw up the certificates, records and reports to demonstrate that the assessments and the verifications have been carried out.
(a) test equipment has an appropriate calibration system and the traceability of the measurements is guaranteed; (b) the quality of the test results is ensured.
(a) any refusal, restriction, suspension or withdrawal of certificates; (b) any circumstances affecting the scope of, and conditions for, notification; (c) any request for information on assessment and/or verification of constancy of performance activities carried out which they have received from market surveillance authorities; (d) on request, third party tasks in accordance with the systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance carried out within the scope of their notification and any other activity performed, including cross-border activities and subcontracting.
(a) failure of the product to achieve the declared performance and/or to meet the requirements related to the fulfilment of basic requirements for construction works laid down in this Regulation; (b) shortcomings in the harmonised technical specifications or in the Specific Technical Documentation.
(a) the CE marking has been affixed in breach of Article 8 or 9; (b) the CE marking has not been affixed, when required, in accordance with Article 8(2); (c) without prejudice to Article 5, the declaration of performance has not been drawn up, when required, in accordance with Article 4; (d) the declaration of performance has not been drawn up in accordance with Articles 4, 6 and 7; (e) the technical documentation is either not available or not complete.
(a) the determination, where appropriate, of the essential characteristics or threshold levels within specific families of construction products, in relation to which, in accordance with Articles 3 to 6, the manufacturer shall declare, in relation to their intended use, by levels or classes, or in a description, the performance of the manufacturer’s product when it is placed on the market; (b) the conditions on which a declaration of performance may be electronically processed, in order to make it available on a web site in accordance with Article 7; (c) the amendment of the period for which the manufacturer shall keep the technical documentation and the declaration of performance after the construction product has been placed on the market, in accordance with Article 11, based on the expected life or the part played by the construction product in the construction works; (d) the amendment of Annex II and where necessary the adoption of supplementary procedural rules in accordance with Article 19(3) in order to ensure compliance with the principles in Article 20, or the application in practice of the procedures set out in Article 21; (e) the adaptation of Annex III, table 1 of Annex IV, and Annex V in response to technical progress; (f) the establishment and adaptation of classes of performance in response to technical progress in accordance with Article 27(1); (g) the conditions on which a construction product shall be deemed to satisfy a certain level or class of performance without testing or without further testing in accordance with Article 27(5), provided that the fulfilment of the basic requirements for construction works is not thereby jeopardised; (h) the adaptation, establishment and revision of the systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance in accordance with Article 28, relating to a given product, a given product family or a given essential characteristic, and in accordance with: (i) the importance of the part played by the product or those essential characteristics with respect to the basic requirements for construction works; (ii) the nature of the product; (iii) the effect of the variability of the essential characteristics of the construction product during the expected life of the product; and (iv) the susceptibility to defects in the product’s manufacture.
(a) collapse of the whole or part of the work; (b) major deformations to an inadmissible degree; (c) damage to other parts of the construction works or to fittings or installed equipment as a result of major deformation of the load-bearing construction; (d) damage by an event to an extent disproportionate to the original cause.
(a) the load-bearing capacity of the construction can be assumed for a specific period of time; (b) the generation and spread of fire and smoke within the construction works are limited; (c) the spread of fire to neighbouring construction works is limited; (d) occupants can leave the construction works or be rescued by other means; (e) the safety of rescue teams is taken into consideration.
(a) the giving-off of toxic gas; (b) the emissions of dangerous substances, volatile organic compounds (VOC), greenhouse gases or dangerous particles into indoor or outdoor air; (c) the emission of dangerous radiation; (d) the release of dangerous substances into ground water, marine waters, surface waters or soil; (e) the release of dangerous substances into drinking water or substances which have an otherwise negative impact on drinking water; (f) faulty discharge of waste water, emission of flue gases or faulty disposal of solid or liquid waste; (g) dampness in parts of the construction works or on surfaces within the construction works.
(a) reuse or recyclability of the construction works, their materials and parts after demolition; (b) durability of the construction works; (c) use of environmentally compatible raw and secondary materials in the construction works.
the organisation of work within the organisation of TABs, the composition of the workgroup to be established within the organisation of TABs, designated for the product area in question, the coordination of TABs.
(a) if applicable, inform the manufacturer as to how his reactions have been taken into account; (b) adopt the draft European Assessment Document; and (c) send a copy to the Commission.
[ name ]At [ place ] on [date of issue ][ signature ]
(1) reproduce the texts and the headlines of the model which are not indicated between square brackets; (2) replace the blank spaces and square brackets by inserting the necessary information.
(1) use a different layout as in the model; (2) combine the points of the model by presenting some of them together; (3) present the points of the model in a different order or using one or more tables; (4) omit some points of the model which are not relevant for the product for which a declaration of performance is drawn up. For example, this is the case since the declaration of performance may be based either on a harmonised standard or on a European Technical Assessment issued for the product, rendering the other alternative not applicable. These omissions could also concern the points on the authorised representative or on the use of Appropriate Technical Documentation and the Specific Technical Documentation; (5) present the points without numbering them.
Point of the model | Instruction |
Number of the declaration of performance | |
Point 1 | |
Point 2 | Indicate the intended use, or list the intended uses, as appropriate, of the construction product as foreseen by the manufacturer, in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specification. |
Point 3 | Indicate the name, the registered trade name or registered trade mark and the contact address of the manufacturer, as required pursuant to Article 11(5) of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011. |
Point 4 | This point shall be included and filled in only in case an authorised representative has been designated. In such case, indicate the name and the contact address of the authorised representative whose mandate covers the tasks specified in Article 12(2) of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011. |
Point 5 | Indicate the number of the applicable system or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of the construction product as set out in Annex V to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011. If there are multiple systems, each of them shall be declared. |
Points 6a and 6b |
Point 7 |
Point 8 |
Signature | Replace the spaces indicated between square brackets by the information indicated and the signature. |
4 | |
5 | |
16 | |
17 | |
22 | |
33 | FIXINGS. |
35 |
Competence | Description of competence | Requirement |
Identify the possible risks and benefits for the use of innovative construction products in the absence of established/consolidated technical information regarding their performance when installed in construction works. |
| |
Design and validate appropriate methods (tests or calculations) to assess performance for essential characteristics of construction products, taking into account the current state of the article. | ||
Understand and evaluate the manufacturing process of the specific product in order to identify appropriate measures ensuring product constancy through the given manufacturing process. | A TAB shall have staff with appropriate knowledge of the relationship between the manufacturing processes and product characteristics related to factory production control. | |
Assess the performance for essential characteristics of construction products on the basis of harmonised methods against harmonised criteria. | In addition to the requirements listed in points 1, 2 and 3, a TAB shall have access to the necessary means and equipment for the assessment of the performance for essential characteristics of construction products within the product areas for which it is to be designated. | |
Ensure consistency, reliability, objectivity and traceability through the constant application of appropriate management methods. |
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out: (i) factory production control; (ii) further testing of samples taken at the manufacturing plant by the manufacturer in accordance with the prescribed test plan.
(b) The notified product certification body shall decide on the issuing, restriction, suspension or withdrawal of the certificate of constancy of performance of the construction product on the basis of the outcome of the following assessments and verifications carried out by that body: (i) an assessment of the performance of the construction product carried out on the basis of testing (including sampling), calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product; (ii) initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control; (iii) continuing surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control; (iv) audit — testing of samples taken by the notified product certification body at the manufacturing plant or at the manufacturer's storage facilities.
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out: (i) factory production control; (ii) further testing of samples taken at the manufacturing plant by the manufacturer in accordance with the prescribed test plan.
(b) The notified product certification body shall decide on the issuing, restriction, suspension or withdrawal of the certificate of constancy of performance of the construction product on the basis of the outcome of the following assessments and verifications carried out by that body: (i) an assessment of the performance of the construction product carried out on the basis of testing (including sampling), calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product; (ii) initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control; (iii) continuing surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control.
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out: (i) an assessment of the performance of the construction product on the basis of testing (including sampling), calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of that product; (ii) factory production control; (iii) testing of samples taken at the manufacturing plant by the manufacturer in accordance with the prescribed test plan.
(b) The notified factory production control certification body shall decide on the issuing, restriction, suspension or withdrawal of the certificate of conformity of the factory production control on the basis of the outcome of the following assessments and verifications carried out by that body: (i) initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control; (ii) continuing surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control.
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out factory production control. (b) The notified laboratory shall assess the performance on the basis of testing (based on sampling carried out by the manufacturer), calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the construction product.
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out: (i) an assessment of the performance of the construction product on the basis of testing, calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of that product; (ii) factory production control.
(b) No tasks require the intervention of notified bodies.
(1) product certification body: a body notified, in accordance with Chapter VII, to carry out constancy of performance certification; (2) factory production control certification body: a body notified, in accordance with Chapter VII, to carry out factory production control certification; (3) laboratory: a body notified, in accordance with Chapter VII, to measure, examine, test, calculate or otherwise assess the performance of construction products.
1. Reaction to fire 2. Resistance to fire 3. External fire performance 4. Acoustic performance 5. Emissions of dangerous substances.