Commission Regulation (EU) No 213/2011 of 3 March 2011 amending Annexes II and V to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications Text with EEA relevance
1. in point 1 of Annex II, under "in Austria", the following is added: "— special training in the care of children and young people (Sonderausbildung in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege), — special training in psychiatric healthcare and nursing (Sonderausbildung in der psychiatrischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege), — special training in intensive care (Sonderausbildung in der Intensivpflege), — special training in intensive care of children (Sonderausbildung in der Kinderintensivpflege), — special training in anaesthesia-related nursing (Sonderausbildung in der Anästhesiepflege), — special training in renal replacement therapy related nursing (Sonderausbildung in der Pflege bei Nierenersatztherapie), — special training in operating department nursing (Sonderausbildung in der Pflege im Operationsbereich), — special training in hospital hygiene (Sonderausbildung in der Krankenhaushygiene), — special training for teaching tasks in healthcare and nursing (Sonderausbildung für Lehraufgaben in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege), — special training for management tasks in healthcare and nursing. (Sonderausbildung für Führungsaufgaben in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege),
which represents education and training courses of a total duration of at least 13 years and six months to 14 years, including at least 10 years’ general education, a further three years’ basic training in the upper-grade public service for healthcare and nursing, and six to 12 months’ special training in a specialised, teaching or management task."; 2. the following table is added to point 5.1.3 of Annex V: "Country Medical oncology Minimum period of training: 5 years Medical genetics Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Title Belgique/België/Belgien Oncologie médicale/ Medische oncologie България Медицинска онкология Медицинска генетика Česká republika Klinická onkologie Lékařská genetika Danmark Klinisk genetik Deutschland Humangenetik Eesti Meditsiinigeneetika Ελλάς Παθολογική Ογκολογία España France Oncologie Génétique médicale Ireland Medical oncology Clinical genetics Italia Oncologia medica Genetica medica Κύπρος Ακτινοθεραπευτική Ογκολογία Latvija Onkoloģija ķīmijterapija Medicīnas ģenētika Lietuva Chemoterapinė onkologija Genetika Luxembourg Oncologie médicale Médecine génétique Magyarország Klinikai onkológia Klinikai genetika Malta Nederland Klinische genetica Österreich Medizinische Genetik Polska Onkologia kliniczna Genetyka kliniczna Portugal Oncologia médica Genética médica România Oncologie medicala Genetica medicala Slovenija Internistična onkologija Klinična genetika Slovensko Klinická onkológia Lekárska genetica Suomi/Finland Perinnöllisyyslääketiede/ Medicinsk genetik Sverige United Kingdom Medical oncology Clinical genetics"