2.Cod(Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac and Gadus macrocephalus) and fish of the species Boreogadus saidaex03035210, ex03035230, ex03035290, ex03037941 | F416 | Whole, with or without head | 1095 |
ex03042929 | | Fillets: | |
F417 | —interleaved or in industrial blocks, with bones (standard) | 2451 |
F418 | —interleaved or in industrial blocks, without bones | 2663 |
F419 | —individual or fully interleaved fillets, with skin | 2499 |
F420 | —individual or fully interleaved fillets, without skin | 2972 |
F421 | —blocks in immediate packing weighing not more than 4 kg | 2990 |
ex03049933 | F422 | Pieces and other meat, except minced blocks | 1448 |
3.Coalfish(Pollachius virens)ex03042931 | | Fillets: | |
F424 | —interleaved or in industrial blocks, with bones (standard) | 1564 |
F425 | —interleaved or in industrial blocks, without bones | 1688 |
F426 | —individual or fully interleaved fillets, with skin | 1476 |
F427 | —individual or fully interleaved fillets, without skin | 1663 |
F428 | —blocks in immediate packing weighing not more than 4 kg | 1840 |
ex03049941 | F429 | Pieces and other meat, except minced blocks | 966 |