Commission Regulation (EU) No 725/2010 of 12 August 2010 adding to the 2010 fishing quotas certain quantities withheld in the year 2009 pursuant to Article 4(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 847/96
Commission Regulation (EU) No 725/2010of 12 August 2010adding to the 2010 fishing quotas certain quantities withheld in the year 2009 pursuant to Article 4(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 847/96 THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 847/96 of 6 May 1996 introducing additional conditions for year-to-year management of TACs and quotasOJ L 115, 9.5.1996, p. 3., and in particular Article 4(2) thereof,Whereas:(1)According to Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 847/96, Member States may ask the Commission, before 31 October, in the year of application of a fishing quota, to withhold a maximum of 10 % of that quota to be transferred to the following year. The Commission shall add to the relevant quota the quantity withheld.(2)Council Regulation (EC) No 1359/2008 of 28 November 2008 fixing for 2009 and 2010 the fishing opportunities for Community fishing vessels for certain deep-sea fish stocksOJ L 352, 31.12.2008, p. 1., Council Regulation (EC) No 1322/2008 of 28 November 2008 fixing the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable in the Baltic Sea for 2009OJ L 345, 23.12.2008, p. 1., Council Regulation (EC) No 1139/2008 of 10 November 2008 fixing the fishing opportunities and the conditions relating thereto for certain fish stocks applicable in the Black Sea for 2009OJ L 308, 19.11.2008, p. 3. and Council Regulation (EC) No 43/2009 of 16 January 2009 fixing for 2009 the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Community waters and, for Community vessels, in waters where catch limitations are requiredOJ L 22, 26.1.2009, p. 1., fix quotas for certain stocks for 2009 and specify which stocks may be subject to the measures provided for in Regulation (EC) No 847/96.(3)Regulation (EC) No 1359/2008, Council Regulation (EC) No 1226/2009 of 20 November 2009 fixing the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable in the Baltic Sea for 2010OJ L 330, 16.12.2009, p. 1., Council Regulation (EC) No 1287/2009 of 27 November 2009 fixing the fishing opportunities and the conditions relating thereto for certain fish stocks applicable in the Black Sea for 2010OJ L 347, 24.12.2009, p. 1. and Council Regulation (EU) No 53/2010 of 14 January 2010 fixing for 2010 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in EU waters and, for EU vessels, in waters where catch limitations are requiredOJ L 21, 26.1.2010, p. 1., fix quotas for certain stocks for 2010.(4)Certain Member States have requested, before 31 October of 2009, pursuant to Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 847/96, that part of their quotas for 2009 be withheld and transferred to the following year. Within the limits indicated in that Regulation, the quantities withheld should be added to the quota for 2010.(5)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The fishing quotas fixed for 2010 in Regulations (EC) No 1359/2008, (EC) No 1226/2009, (EC) No 1287/2009, and (EU) No 53/2010 are increased as set out in the Annex.
Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the seventh day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 12 August 2010.For the CommissionThe PresidentJosé Manuel BarrosoANNEX
Country IDStock IDSpeciesZone names 2009Final quota 2009Catches 2009SC catches 2009% final quotaTransferred quantityInitial quota 2010Revised quota 2010New code 2010
BELANF/2AC4-CAnglerfishEC waters of IIa and IV40166,516,640,10401441
BELCOD/7XAD34CodVIIb, VIIc, VIIe-k, VIII, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.113845,633,013,80167181
BELCOD 07D.CodVIId10165,665,010,104757
BELDGS/15X14Spurdog/dogfishEC-waters of V,VI,VII,VIII4311,727,24,3004
BELHAD/6B1214HaddockVIb, XII, XIV130,00,01,301112
BELHAD/7X7A34HaddockVIIb-k, VIII, IX and X15986,654,515,90129145
BELHKE/2AC4-CHakeEC waters of IIa and IV3526,274,93,502832
BELHKE/571214HakeVI, VII; EC waters of Vb, international waters of XII and XIV2176,22,921,70284306
BELLIN/04.LingEC waters of IV1912,967,91,901618
BELLIN/6X14.LingEC and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV4718,639,64,702934
BELNEP/2AC4-CNorway lobsterEC waters of IIa and IV1045278,326,6104,5012911396
BELPLE/7DE.PlaiceVIId and VIIe1090963,188,4109,00699808
BELPLE/7FG.PlaiceVIIf and VIIg216207,596,18,506776
BELSOL/07A.Common soleVIIa381241,063,338,10186224
BELSOL/07D.Common soleVIId16511321,680,0165,1011361301
BELSOL/24.Common soleEC waters of II and IV13961323,094,873,0011711244
BELSOL/07E.Common soleVIIe1816,692,21,402223
BELSOL/7FG.Common soleVIIf and VIIg686463,267,568,60621690
BELSOL/7HJK.Common soleVIIh, VIIj and VIIk518,516,75,104146
BELSOL/8AB.Common soleVIIIa and b366199,854,636,606097
BELSRX/2AC4-CSkates and raysEC waters of IIa and IV352325,392,426,70235262
BELWHG/7X7A.WhitingVIIb, VIIc, VIId, VIIe, VIIf, VIIg, VIIh and VIIk163139,485,516,30133149
DNKANF/2AC4-CAnglerfishEC waters of IIa and IV884274,931,188,40884972
DNKARU/3/4.Greater silver smeltEC waters of III and IV11800,00,0118,0011341252
DNKBLI/03-Blue lingEC waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of III60,23,30,6045
DNKDGS/2AC4-CSpurdog/dogfishEC waters of IIa and IV3219,761,63,2003
DNKHAD/2AC4.HaddockIV and EC waters of IIa1612552,534,3161,2013761537
DNKHKE/2AC4-CHakeIIa, IV (EC waters)1164453,338,9116,4011191235
DNKHKE/3A/BCDHakeIIIa; EC waters of IIIb, IIIc and IIId1590630,639,7159,0015311690
DNKJAX/578/14Horse mackerelVI, VII and VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV11048439,34,01104,801569116796JAX/2A-14
DNKLIN/04.LingEC waters of IV31047,115,231,00243274
DNKLIN/05.LingEC and international waters of V70,00,00,7067
DNKLIN/1/2.LingEC and international waters of I and II110,00,01,1089
DNKLIN/6X14.LingEC and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV80,00,00,8056
DNKNEP/2AC4-CNorway lobsterEC waters of IIa and IV1451479,733,1145,1012911436
DNKNEP/3A/BCDNorway lobsterIIIa; EC waters of IIIb, IIIc and IIId41963588,885,5419,6038004220
DNKPRA/2AC4-CNorthern prawnEC waters of IIa and IV39506,60,2395,0031453540
DNKSOL/24.Common soleEC waters of II and IV524474,090,550,00535585
DNKSOL/3A/BCDCommon soleIIIa; EC waters of IIIb, IIIc and IIId807572,470,980,70588669
DNKSRX/2AC4-CSkates and raysEC waters of IIa and IV111,513,61,10910
DNKUSK/03-C.TuskEC waters of III150,74,71,501214
DNKUSK/04-C.TuskEC waters of IV680,50,76,805360
DNKWHB/1X14Blue whitingEC and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId, VIIIe, XII and XIV2044167,317,69,0204,401012810332
DEUANF/2AC4-CAnglerfishEC waters of IIa and IV407195,948,140,70432473
DEUANF/561214AnglerfishVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV211194,292,016,80228245
DEUARU/1/2.Greater silver smeltEC and international waters of I and II310,00,03,103033
DEUARU/3/4.Greater silver smeltEC waters of III and IV120,00,01,201112
DEUARU/567.Greater silver smeltEC and international waters of V, VI and VII40530,37,540,50389430
DEUBLI/245-Blue lingCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of II, IV, V50,00,00,5045
DEUBSF/56712-Black scabbardfishCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII, XII320,00,03,202932
DEUCOD/03AS.CodIIIa Kattegat70,68,60,7056
DEUDGS/15X14Spurdog/dogfishEC and international waters of I, V, VI, VII, VIII, XII and XIV160,00,01,6002
DEUDGS/2AC4-CSpurdog/dogfishEC waters of IIa and IV60,610,00,6001
DEUDWS/56789-Deep-sea sharksCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII, VIII, IX200,00,02,0002
DEUGFB/1234-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of I, II, III, IV90,00,00,90910
DEUGFB/567-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII100,00,01,001011
DEUGHL/2A-C46Greenland halibutEC waters of IIa and IV; EC and international waters of VI70,00,00,7056
DEUHAD/2AC4.HaddockIV; EC waters of IIa690647,493,842,60876919
DEUHAD/5BC6A.HaddockEC and international waters of ICES zones VIb, XII and XIV50,00,00,5045
DEUHAD/6B1214HaddockEC and international waters of ICES zones VIb, XII and XIV160,00,01,601315
DEUHER/7G-K.HerringVIIg, VIIh, VIIj and VIIk148135,091,213,00113126
DEUHER/5B6ANBHerringEC and international waters of Vb, VIb and VIaN2827,096,41,0026562657
DEUHKE/2AC4-CHakeEC waters of IIa and IV13480,560,113,40128141
DEUJAX/578/14Horse mackerelVI, VII and VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV1992015144,776,01992,001224314235JAX/2A-14
DEULIN/04.LingEC waters of IV20116,78,320,10150170
DEULIN/05.LingEC and international waters of V60,00,00,6067
DEULIN/1/2.LingEC and international waters of I and II110,10,91,1089
DEULIN/6X14.LingEC and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV16211,77,216,20107123
DEUNEP/2AC4-CNorway lobsterEC waters of IIa and IV641412,064,364,101983
DEUNEP/3A/BCDNorway lobsterIIIa; EC waters of IIIb, IIIc and IIId2218,182,32,201113
DEURNG/5B67-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of Vb, VI, VIII70,00,00,7067
DEURNG/8X14-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV340,00,03,403437
DEUSOL/24.Common soleEC waters of II and IV561552,798,58,30937945
DEUSOL/3A/BCDCommon soleIIIa; EC waters of IIIb, IIIc and IIId4426,560,24,403438
DEUSPR/3BCD-CSpratEC waters of subdivisions 22-322695022301,982,82695,002374526440
DEUWHB/1X14Blue whitingEC and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, b,d,e, XII, XIV55825023,590,0558,2039384496
DEUUSK/03-C.TuskEC waters of III80,00,00,8067
DEUUSK/04-C.TuskEC waters of IV210,10,52,101618
ESPALF/3X14-AlfonsinosCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV6158,896,42,207476
ESPANE/9/3411AnchovyIX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.142092652,863,0420,9038264247
ESPANF/561214AnglerfishVI; EC waters of Vb, international waters of XII and XIV264242,291,721,80214236
ESPANF/8C3411AnglerfishVIIIc, IX, X, EC waters of CECAF 34.1.113931390,199,82,9012471250
ESPBSF/56712-Black scabbardfishCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII, XII253176,569,825,30145170
ESPDGS/15X14Spurdog/dogfishEC and international waters of I, V, VII, VIII, XII, XIV4841,786,94,8005
ESPDWS/12-Deep-sea sharksCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of XII219,645,72,1002
ESPDWS/56789-Deep-sea sharksCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII, VIII, IX117116,399,40,7001
ESPGFB/567-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII648639,098,69,00588597
ESPHAD/5BC6A.HaddockEC waters of Vb and VIa2321,091,32,0002
ESPHKE/571214HakeVI, VII; EC waters of Vb, international waters of XII and XIV1120910169,990,71039,10910910148
ESPHKE/8C3411HakeVIIIc, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.151115100,899,810,2059525962
ESPJAX/578/14Horse mackerelVI, VII and VIIIabde; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV39303316,584,4393,001669917092JAX/2A-14
ESPJAX/8C9.Horse mackerelVIIIc, IX3171031667,199,942,902267622708JAX/08c.
ESPLEZ/561214MegrimsVI; EC waters of Vb, international waters of XII and XIV298158,253,129,80350380
ESPLEZ/8C3411MegrimsVIIIc, IX, X, EC waters of CECAF 34.1.11300949,573,0130,0011881318
ESPLIN/6X14.LingEC and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV32661471,245,0326,6021562483
ESPNEP/07.Norway lobsterVII1628551,733,9162,8013461509
ESPNEP/08C.Norway lobsterVIIIc9933,133,49,9097107
ESPNEP/5BC6.Norway lobsterVI; EC waters of Vb420,10,24,203337
ESPNEP/8ABDE.Norway lobsterVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe471,63,44,70234239
ESPNEP/9/3411Norway lobsterIX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.110592,488,010,508495
ESPRNG/8X14-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV48122672,555,5481,2037344215
ESPSBR/09-Red sea breamCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of IX81663,97,881,60614696
ESPSBR/10-Red sea breamCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of X100,00,01,001011
ESPSBR/678-Red sea breamCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VI,VII,VIII161107,867,016,10172188
ESPWHB/1X14Blue whitingEC and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, b,d,e, XII, XIV8684,898,61,2085868587
ESPWHB/8C3411Blue whitingVIIIc, IX, X, EC waters of CECAF 34.1.11512915097,999,831,101109611127
FRAANF/8ABDE.AnglerfishVIII a, VIII b, VIII d et VIII e74594755,663,8745,9077218467
FRAANF/2AC4-CAnglerfishEC waters of IIa and IV6821,231,26,808289
FRAANF/561214AnglerfishVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV23792289,396,289,7024622552
FRAANF/8C3411AnglerfishVIIIc, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.13227,084,43,2014
FRAARU/1/2.Greater silver smeltEC and international waters of I and II100,00,01,001011
FRAARU/3/4.Greater silver smeltEC waters of III and IV80,00,00,8089
FRAARU/567.Greater silver smeltEC and international waters of V, VI and VII90,55,60,9089
FRABLI/67-Blue lingEC waters and international waters of VI, VII19461721,388,5194,6013091504
FRACOD/07A.CodVII a140,85,71,402526
FRACOD/561214CodVI; EC waters of Vb; EC and international waters of XII and XIV6254,087,16,201314COD/561214 (VIb;EU and international waters of Vb west of 12° 00′ W and XII, XIV)
FRACOD/7XAD34CodVIIb-c, VIIe-k, VIII, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.128191882,466,8281,9027353017
FRADGS/15X14Spurdog/dogfishEC and international waters of I, V, VI, VII, VIII, XII and XIV430368,285,643,00043
FRADGS/2AC4-CSpurdog/dogfishEC waters of IIa and IV390,41,03,9004
FRAGHL/2A-C46Greenland halibutEC waters of IIa and IV; EC and international waters of VI146103,370,814,604964
FRAHAD/2AC4.HaddockIV; EC waters of IIa1619125,87,8161,9015261688
FRAHAD/5BC6A.HaddockEC waters of Vb and VIa221124,356,222,10147169
FRAHAD/6B1214HaddockEC and international waters of ICES zones VIb, XII and XIV7271,70,272,70551624
FRAHAD/7X7A34HaddockVIIb-k, VIII, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.174896229,683,2748,9077198468
FRAHER/1/2.HerringEC and international waters of I and II15810,00,0158,1014271585
FRAHER/5B6ANBHerringEC and international waters of Vb and VIb and VIaN10351034,5100,00,50503504
FRAHER/7G-K.HerringVII g , VII h , VII j and VII k374360,996,513,10627640
FRAHKE/2AC4-CHakeEC waters of IIa and IV686566,882,668,60248317
FRAHKE/571214HakeVI and VII; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV118359138,077,21183,501406715251
FRAHKE/8ABDE.HakeVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe139686082,643,51396,801424115638
FRAJAX/578/14Horse mackerelVI, VII and VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EC waters of Vb;international waters of XII and XIV1656511194,367,61656,5063017958JAX/2A-14
FRAJAX/8C9.Horse mackerelVIIIc and IX43758,813,543,70393437JAX/08c.
FRALEZ/561214MegrimsVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV1130165,014,6113,0013641477
FRALEZ/8ABDE.MegrimsVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe1054767,472,8105,409491054
FRALEZ/8C3411MegrimsVIIIc, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.16011,819,76,005965
FRALIN/04.LingEC waters of IV250125,350,125,00135160
FRALIN/05.LingEC and international waters of V72,637,10,7067
FRALIN/1/2.LingEC and international waters of I and II112,220,01,1089
FRALIN/6X14.LingEC and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV36031535,442,6360,3022992659
FRANEP/07.Norway lobsterVII66682046,030,7666,8054556122
FRANEP/08C.Norway lobsterVIIIc277,628,12,7047
FRANEP/2AC4-CNorway lobsterEC waters of IIa and IV420,10,24,203842
FRANEP/5BC6.Norway lobsterVI; EC waters of Vb1710,20,117,10130147
FRANEP/8ABDE.Norway lobsterVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe45292641,658,3452,9036654118
FRAPLE/7BC.PlaiceVII b and VII c216,731,92,101618
FRAPLE/7DE.PlaiceVII d and VII e21491422,666,2214,9023322547
FRAPLE/7FG.PlaiceVII f and VII g132130,498,81,60120122
FRAPLE/7HJK.PlaiceVII h, VII j and VII k5038,577,05,001419
FRASOL/07D.Common soleVIId32321807,655,9323,2022722595
FRASOL/07E.Common soleVIIe255222,687,325,50233259
FRASOL/24.Common soleEC waters of II and IV919803,887,591,90234326
FRASOL/7BC.Common soleVIIb and VIIc96,471,10,901011
FRASOL/7FG.Common soleVIIf and VIIg7257,980,47,206269
FRASOL/7HJK.Common soleVII h, VII j and VII k10468,165,510,408393
FRASOL/8AB.Common soleVIIIa and b44483215,372,3444,8044264871
FRASRX/2AC4-CSkates and raysEC waters of IIa and IV10860,856,310,803748
FRAUSK/1214EITuskEC and international waters of I, II and XIV80,810,00,8067
FRAUSK/04-C.TuskEC waters of IV483,77,74,803742
FRAUSK/567EI.TuskEC and international waters of V, VI and VII299297,899,61,20172173
FRAWHB/1X14Blue whitingEC and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId, VIIIe, XII and XIV1240710882,787,71240,7070488289
FRAWHG/561214WhitingVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV760,50,77,605361
FRAWHG/7X7A.WhitingVIIb, VIIc, VIId, VIIe, VIIf, VIIg, VIIh and VIIk103798839,285,21037,9081809218
FRAALF/3X14-AlfonsinosCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of III, IV, V, VI, VII,VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV2318,078,32,302022
FRABSF/1234-Black scabbardfishCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of I, II, III, IV51,632,00,5045
FRABSF/56712-Black scabbardfishCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII, XII25372444,296,392,8020362129
FRABSF/8910-Black scabbardfishCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VIII, IX and X3736,398,10,702627
FRADWS/56789-Deep-sea sharksCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII, VIII, IX643498,777,664,30064
FRADWS/12-Deep-sea sharksCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of XII70,00,00,7001
FRAGFB/1234-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of I, II, III, IV101,313,01,00910
FRAGFB/567-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII815458,056,281,50356438
FRAGFB/89-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VIII, IX3931,580,83,901519
FRAGFB/1012-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of X, XII100,00,01,00910
FRAORY/06-Orange roughyCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VI141,611,41,4001
FRAORY/07-Orange roughyCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VII6124,840,76,1006ORY/07-C.
FRAORY/1CX14-Orange roughyCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of I, II, III, IV, V, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV1110,090,91,0001ORY/1CX14C
FRARNG/1245A-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of I, II, IV and Va131,612,31,301112
FRARNG/5B67-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of Vb, VI, VII36421749,548,0364,2027383102
FRARNG/8X14-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VIII, IX, XII and XIV19211,96,219,20172191
FRASBR/678-Red sea breamCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VI, VII and VIII7954,569,07,90917
FINHER/30/31.HerringGulf of Bothnia (subdivisions 30-31)7574064694,085,47574,008472192295
FINSPR/3BCD-CSpratEC waters of subdivisions 22-322461821820,288,62461,801962022082
NLDANF/2AC4-CAnglerfishEC waters of IIa and IV30317,45,730,30303333
NLDANF/561214AnglerfishVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV90,00,00,90193194
NLDARU/1/2.Greater silver smeltEC and international waters of I and II250,00,02,502427
NLDARU/3/4.Greater silver smeltEC waters of III and IV550,00,05,505359
NLDARU/567.Greater silver smeltEC and international waters of V, VI and VII42261789,942,4422,6040574480
NLDDGS/2AC4-CSpurdog/dogfishEC waters of IIa and IV91,314,40,9001
NLDHER/5B6ANB.HerringEC and international waters of Vb and VIb and VIaN56205120,891,1499,2026563155
NLDHER/1/2.HerringEC and international waters of I and II2776926546,595,61222,501183813061
NLDHKE/2AC4-CHakeEC waters of IIa and IV6335,255,96,306470
NLDHKE/8ABDEHakeVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe170,0529,41,701820
NLDJAX/578/14Horse mackerelVI, VII and VIIIabde; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV6802748176,870,86802,704912355926JAX/2A-14
NLDLIN/04.LingEC waters of IV70,34,30,7056
NLDNEP/2AC4-CNorway lobsterEC waters of IIa and IV1064868,481,6106,40665771
NLDPLE/7DE.PlaiceVIId and VIIe203,517,52,0002
NLDPLE/7HJK.PlaiceVIIh, VIIJ and VIIk100,00,01,002728
NLDPRA/2AC4-CNorthern prawnEC waters of IIa and IV350,00,03,502933
NLDSOL/24.Common soleEC waters of II and IV103949587,192,2806,901057111378
NLDSOL/3A/BCDCommon soleIIIa; EC waters of IIIbcd100,55,01,005657
NLDSOL/7HJK.Common soleVIIg,h,j,k830,00,08,306674
NLDSRX/2AC4-CSkates and raysEC waters of IIa and IV373371,099,52,00201203
NLDWHB/1X14Blue whitingEC and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId, VIIIe, XII and XIV3948635597,690,23888,401235016238
NLDWHG/7X7A.WhitingVIIb, VIIc, VIId, VIIe, VIIf, VIIg, VIIh and VIIk16155,434,416,106682
IRLALF/3X14-AlfonsinosCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV100,00,01,001011
IRLANF/561214AnglerfishVI: EC waters of Vb: international waters of XII and XIV513417,281,351,30557608
IRLARU/3/4Greater silver smeltEC waters of III and IV80,00,00,8089
IRLARU/567.Greater silver smeltEC and international waters of V, VI and VII3750,00,037,50360398
IRLCOD/7XAD34CodVIIb-c, VIIe-k, VIII, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.1858705,982,385,80825911
IRLCOD/561214CodVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV5344,984,75,301823
IRLDGS/15X14SpurdogEC and international waters of I, V, VI, VII, VIII, XII and XIV204176,886,720,401939
IRLDWS/56789-Deep-sea sharksCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII, VIII, IX60,00,00,6001
IRLGFB/567-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII2066,93,320,60260281
IRLHAD/5BC6A.HaddockEC waters of Vb and VIa687294,742,968,70438507
IRLHAD/6B1214HaddockVIb, XII, XIV503352,070,050,30393443
IRLHER/6AS7BCHerringVIaS, VIIbc105878623,581,51058,7067747833
IRLHER/5B6ANBHerringEC and international waters of Vb, VIb and VIaN21572067,695,989,4035893678
IRLHKE/571214HakeVI, VII; EC waters of Vb, international waters of XII and XIV17761604,690,3171,4017041875
IRLJAX/578/14Horse mackerelVI, VII and VIIIabde; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV4415239133,588,64415,204077545190JAX/2A-14
IRLLEZ/561214MegrimsVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV391234,760,039,10399438
IRLLIN/6X14.LingEC and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV871473,654,487,10576663
IRLNEP/07.Norway lobsterVII89727054,678,6897,2082739170
IRLNEP/5BC6.Norway lobsterVI; EC waters of Vb28652,818,528,60217246
IRLORY/07-Orange roughyCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VII150,00,01,5002
IRLPLE/7BCPlaiceVIIb and VIIc8445,253,88,406472
IRLPLE/7FG.PlaiceVIIf, g6260,898,11,20201202
IRLPLE/7HJKPlaiceVIIh, VIIJ and VIIk18271,439,218,20156174
IRLRNG/5B67-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of Vb, VI, VIII2870,00,028,70216245
IRLRNG/8X14-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV80,00,00,8078
IRLSOL/07A.Common soleVIIa6947,268,46,907380
IRLSOL/7BC.Common soleVIIb and VIIc4745,797,21,303536
IRLSOL/7FG.Common soleVIIf, g3325,777,93,303134
IRLSOL/7HJK.Common soleVIIh, VIIJ and VIIk27760,221,727,70225253
IRLUSK/567EITuskEC and international waters of V, VI and VII1311,689,21,301718
IRLWHB/1X14Blue whitingEC and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa,b,d,e, XII, XIV97398774,690,1964,4078438807
IRLWHG/561214WhitingVI: EC waters of Vb: international waters of XII and XIV167124,974,816,70129146
IRLWHG/7X7AWhitingVIIb, VIIc, VIId, VIIe, VIIf, VIIg, VIIh and VIIk46182796,260,6461,8045655027
UKALF/3X14-AlfonsinosCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV110,00,01,101011
UKANF/2AC4-CAnglerfishEC waters of IIa and IV92727669,582,7927,20923310160
UKANF/561214AnglerfishVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV21912029,192,6161,9017131875
UKARU/1/2.Greater silver smeltEC and international waters of I and II500,00,05,004853
UKARU/3/4.Greater silver smeltEC waters of III and IV210,00,02,102022
UKARU/567.Greater silver smeltEC and international waters of V, VI and VII2965,92,029,60285315
UKBLI/245-Blue lingCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of II, IV, V1716,295,30,801516
UKBLI/67-Blue lingCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VI, VII188185,398,62,70333336
UKBSF/1234-Black scabbardfishCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of I, II, III, IV50,00,00,5045
UKBSF/56712-Black scabbardfishCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII, XII8580,094,15,00145150
UKCOD/7XAD34CodVIIb-c, VIIe-k, VIII, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.1306252,782,630,60295326
UKCOD/*5BC6A.CodVIa; EC waters of Vb136117,886,613,60145159COD/5B6A-C
UKDGS/15X14Spurdog/dogfishEC and international waters of I, V, VI, VII, VIII, XII and XIV431350,681,343,10043
UKDGS/2AC4-CSpurdog/dogfishEC waters of IIa and IV263152,457,926,30026
UKGFB/1012-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of X, XII100,00,01,00910
UKGFB/1234-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of I, II, III, IV151,610,71,501315
UKGFB/567-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII504214,342,550,40814864
UKGHL/2A-C46Greenland halibutEC waters of IIa and IV; EC and international waters of Vb and VI201200,599,80,50189190
UKHAD/5BC6A.HaddockEC waters of Vb and Via32672374,472,7326,7020812408
UKHAD/6B1214HaddockEC and international waters of ICES zones Vib, XII and XIV53152936,755,3531,5040294561
UKHAD/7X7A34HaddockVIIb-k, VIII, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.1815711,587,381,5011581240
UKHAD/2AC4.HaddockIV; EC waters of IIa2871428297,698,5416,402269823114
UKHER/5B6ANBHerringEC and international waters of Vb and Vib and VIaN1123411080,798,6153,301435614509
UKHER/7G-K.HerringVIIg, VIIh, VIIj and VIIk80,11,30,801314
UKHKE/2AC4-CHakeEC waters of IIa and IV31493142,199,86,90348355
UKHKE/571214HakeVI and VII; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV36923543,196,0148,9055535702
UKJAX/578/14Horse mackerelVI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EC and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV1914818034,294,21113,801476515879JAX/2A-14
UKLEZ/561214MegrimsVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV12401115,189,9124,009661090
UKLIN/03.LingIIIa; EC waters of IIIb, IIIc and IIId51,938,00,5078
UKLIN/04.LingEC waters of IV23192148,492,6170,6018692040
UKLIN/05.LingEC and international waters of V50,00,00,5067
UKLIN/1/2.LingEC and international waters of I and II110,10,91,1089
UKLIN/6X14.LingEC and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX X, XII and XIV38871910,849,2388,7026463035
UKNEP/07.Norway lobsterVII89828013,989,2898,2073588256
UKNEP/2AC4-CNorway lobsterEC waters of IIa and IV2349921736,492,51762,602138423147
UKNEP/5BC6.Norway lobsterVI; EC waters of Vb2059812464,360,52059,801567717737
UKPLE/7DE.PlaiceVIId and VIIe13871290,293,096,8012431340
UKPLE/7FG.PlaiceVIIf and VIIg5855,495,52,606366
UKPLE/7HJK.PlaiceVIIh, VIIj and VIIk3931,480,53,901418
UKPRA/2AC4-CNorthern prawnEC waters of IIa and IV8460,00,084,609321017
UKRNG/5B67-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of Vb,VI,VIII21013,96,621,00160181
UKRNG/8X14-Roundnose grenadierCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV170,00,01,701517
UKSBR/10-Red sea breamCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of X110,00,01,101011
UKSBR/678-Red sea breamCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VI, VII, VIII111,210,91,102223
UKSOL/07A.Common soleVIIa12319,515,912,308395
UKSOL/07D.Common soleVIId1120728,365,0112,00811923
UKSOL/07E.Common soleVIIe376373,999,42,10363365
UKSOL/24.Common soleEC waters II and IV969942,597,326,50602629
UKSOL/7FG.Common soleVIIf and VIIg306192,863,030,60279310
UKSOL/7HJK.Common soleVIIh, VIIj and VIIk10357,655,910,308393
UKSRX/2AC4-CSkates and raysEC waters of IIa and IV757651,386,075,70903979
UKUSK/04-C.TuskEC waters of IV982,02,09,808090
UKUSK/1214EI.TuskEC and international waters of I, II and XIV80,911,30,8067
UKUSK/567EI.TuskEC and international waters of V, VI and VII106105,599,50,508384
UKWHB/1X14Blue whitingEC and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId, VIIIe, XII and XIV73566331,986,1735,601314113877
UKWHG/561214WhitingVI; EC waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV399361,490,637,60246284
UKWHG/7X7A.WhitingVIIb, VIIc, VIId, VIIe, VIIf, VIIg, VIIh and VIIk1578884,556,1157,8014631621
POLSPR/3BCD-CSpratEC waters of subdivision 22-3210957983473,476,210957,90111552122510
SWEANF/2AC4-C.AnglerfishEC waters of IIa and IV100,33,01,001011
SWEARU/3/4.Greater silver smeltEC waters of III and IV80,00,00,804445
SWEHAD/2AC4.HaddockIV; EC waters of IIa1183,53,011,80139151
SWEHER/30/31.HerringSubdivisions 30-31166254170,725,11662,501861520278
SWEHKE/3A/BCDHakeIIIa; EC waters of IIIb, IIIc and IIId13346,434,913,30130143
SWELIN/03.LingEC waters of III2221,497,30,602021
SWELIN/04.LingEC waters of IV130,75,41,301011
SWENEP/3A/BCDNorway lobsterIIIa; EC waters of IIIb, IIIc and IIId13911333,195,857,9013591417
SWEPRA/2AC4-CNorthern prawnEC waters of IIa and IV1490,00,014,90127142
SWESPR/3BCD-CSpratEC waters of subdivisions 22-328174679656,297,42089,807245674546
SWEUSK/03-C.TuskEC waters of III80,00,00,8067
SWEUSK/04-C.TuskEC waters of IV70,00,00,7056
SWEWHB/1X14Blue whitingEC and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId, VIIIe, XII and XIV123,125,81,2025052506
PRTJAX/8C9.Horse mackerelVIIIc and IX2566814973,258,32566,8022412468JAX/08c.
PRTLEZ/8C3411MegrimsVIIIc, IX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.1209198,895,110,204050
PRTNEP/9/3411Norway lobsterIX and X; EC waters of CECAF 34.1.1280152,454,428,00253281
PRTBSF/8910-Black scabbardfishCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VIII, IX and X35563482,097,974,0033113385
PRTBSF/C3412-Black scabbardfishCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of CECAF,956,3428,5042854714
PRTGFB/1012-ForkbeardsCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of X and XII3619,754,73,603640
PRTSBR/09-Red sea breamCommunity waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of IX196134,168,419,60166186