Commission Regulation (EU) No 599/2010 of 8 July 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1077/2008 laying down rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1966/2006 on electronic recording and reporting of fishing activities and on means of remote sensing and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1566/2007
Commission Regulation (EU) No 599/2010of 8 July 2010amending Regulation (EC) No 1077/2008 laying down rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1966/2006 on electronic recording and reporting of fishing activities and on means of remote sensing and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1566/2007 THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1966/2006OJ L 409, 30.12.2006, p. 1, as rectified in OJ L 36, 8.2.2007, p. 3. on electronic recording and reporting of fishing activities and on means of remote sensing, and in particular Article 5 thereof,Whereas:(1)Council Regulation (EC) No 1966/2006 provides for the adoption of detailed rules fixing the formats that the competent national authorities are to use to exchange information for control and inspection purposes.(2)The application of the format defined in the annex of current version of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1077/2008 of 3 November 2008, laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1966/2006 on electronic recording and reporting of fishing activities and on means of remote sensing and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1566/2007OJ L 340, 22.12.2007, p. 46. and recent developments in Member States have shown that this format shall be further improved to ensure mutually compatible data exchange according to the agreed XML format. It is therefore necessary to replace the annex by a new one.(3)The measure provided for in this Regulation is in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1077/2008Regulation (EC) No 1077/2008 is hereby amended as follows:The Annex is replaced by the text in the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2Entry into forceThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 8 July 2010.For the CommissionThe PresidentJosé Manuel BarrosoANNEX"ANNEXPresent annex replaces in full the annex to the Commission Regulation (EC) no 1566/2007 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1966/2006 on electronic recording and reporting of fishing activities and on means of remote sensing.ELECTRONIC INFORMATION EXCHANGE FORMATNOTESCompulsory if required by the Community rules, international or bilateral agreements.When CIF does not apply then attribute is optional.1.Character set definitions are available at for ERS should be: Western character set (UTF-8)2.All Codes (or appropriate references) will be listed on the EC Fisheries web site with a location to be specified: (including codes for corrections, ports, fishing areas, intentions on leaving port, reasons for returning to port, type of fishing/target species, codes on entering conservation/effort zones and other codes or references;3.All 3 character codes are XML elements (3 character code), all 2 character codes are XML attributes;4.The XML sample files and the reference XSD definition of the above Annex will be placed on the EC website with a location to be specified.5.All the weights in the table are expressed in kilograms and, if needed with up to 2 decimals of precision."
Operations table view
NoElement or attribute nameCodeDescription and contentCompulsory (C)/ Compulsory if (CIF)/ Optional (O)
1OPS ELEMENTOPSOperations element: this is the top level envelope of all operations sent to the web service operation. OPS element must contain one of the sub-elements DAT, RET, DEL, COR, QUE, RSP.
2Country of destinationADDestination for the message (ISO alpha-3 country code)C
3Sending countryFRCountry transmitting the data (ISO alpha-3 country code)C
4Operation NoONunique ID (AAAYYYYMMDD999999) generated by senderC
5Operation DateODDate of transmission of the message (YYYY-MM-DD)C
6Operation TimeOTTime of sending the message (HH:MM in UTC)C
7Test flagTSSet to 1 if the operation is to be regarded as a test.O
8Data operationDAT(See details of sub-elements and attributes of DAT)CIF
9Acknowledgement messageRET(See details of sub-elements and attributes of RET)CIF
10Delete operationDEL(See details of sub-elements and attributes of DEL)CIF
11Correction operationCOR(See details of sub-elements and attributes of COR)CIF
12Query operationQUE(See details of sub-elements and attributes of QUE)CIF
13Response operationRSP(See details of sub-elements and attributes of RSP)CIF
15Data OperationDATData operation to push log book or sales note information to another MS
16ERS messageERSIncludes all relevant ERS data, i.e. the whole messageC
18Delete OperationDELDelete operation to ask receiving MS to delete previously sent data
19Record No.RNRecord No to be deleted. (AAAYYYYMMDD999999)C
20Reason for RejectionREFree text giving an explanation for the rejectionO
22Correction operationCORCorrection operation to ask another MS to correct previously sent data.
23Original Message numberRNRecord number of the message being corrected (format AAAYYYYMMDD999999)C
24Reason for CorrectionRECode list to be found at Free text fieldO
25New corrected dataERSIncludes all relevant ERS data, i.e. the whole messageC
27Acknowledgment operationRETAcknowledgement operation to reply to DAT, DEL or COR operation
28Sent Message numberONOperation no.(AAAYYYYMMDD999999) that is being acknowledged.C
29Return statusRSIndicates the status of the received message/report. The code list to be found at:
30Reason for RejectionREFree text giving an explanation for the rejectionO
32Query operationQUEQuery operation to pull logbook information from another MS
33Commands to executeCDCan be one of the following: get_vessel_data / get_historical_data / get_all_vessel_dataC
34Vessel identifier typeIDShall be at least one of the following: RC/IR/XR/NAO
35Vessel Identifier ValueIVExample:O
36Start DateSDStart Date of requested period (YYYY-MM-DD)CIF get_all_vessel_data
37End DateEDEnd Date of requested period (YYYY-MM-DD)O
39Response operationRSPResponse operation to answer a QUE operation
40ERS messageERSIncludes all relevant ERS data, i.e. the whole messageO
41Return StatusRSIndicates the status of the received message/report. The code list to be found at:
42Operation No.ONThe operation no.(AAAYYYYMMDD999999) which is being replied to.C
43Reason for RejectionREIf response is negative, reason for not replying with data. Free text giving an explanation for the rejectionO
Logbook and Sales note table view
NoElement or attribute nameCodeDescription and contentCompulsory (C)/ Compulsory if (CIF)/ Optional (O)
45ERS message
46Start of messageERSTag indicating start of the ERS messageC
47Message (record) numberRNSerial number of the message (format AAAYYYYMMDD999999)C
48Message (record) dateRDDate of transmission of the message (YYYY-MM-DD)C
49Message (record) timeRTTime of retransmission of the message (HH:MM in UTC)C
51Logbook declaration: LOGLOG is a Logbook declaration
52The following attributes need to be specifiedThe LOG contains one or more of the following declarations DEP, FAR, RLC, TRA, COE, COX, ENT, EXI, CRO, TRZ, INS, DIS, PNO, EOF, RTP, LAN
53Start of log recordLOGTag indicating start of the logbook recordC
54Vessel’s Community Fleet Register (CFR) numberIRWith format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a numberC
55Vessel’s main identificationRCInternational radio call signCIF CFR not up to date
56Vessel’s external identificationXRSide (hull) registration number of the vesselO
57Name of vesselNAName of the vesselO
58Name of the masterMAName of the master (any change during trip to be sent in next LOG transmission)C
59Master addressMDAddress of master (any change during trip to be sent in next LOG transmission)C
60Country of registrationFSFlag state of vessel registration. ISO alpha-3 country codeC
62DEP: declaration elementRequired on every departure from port, to be sent in next message
63Start of Departure declarationDEPTag indicating start of the departure from port declarationC
64DateDADate of departure (YYYY-MM-DD)C
65TimeTITime of departure (HH:MM in UTC)C
66Port namePOPort code (ISO alpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code).Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at:
67Anticipated activityAACode list to be found at: effort reporting required for intended activity
68Gear on boardGEA(See details of sub-elements and attributes of GEA)C
69Catch on board sub-declaration (list of species SPE sub-declarations)SPE(see details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)CIF catch on board the vessel
71FAR: fishing activity declarationRequired by midnight on each day at sea or in response to request from the flag state
72Start of Fishing Activity Report declarationFARTag indicating start of a fishing activity report declarationC
73Last report markerLRMarker that indicates that this is the last FAR report that will be sent (LR=1)CIF last message
74Inspection markerISMarker that indicates this fishing activity report was received following an inspection carried out onboard the vessel. (IS=1)CIF inspection occurred
75DateDADate for which fishing activities being reported whilst vessel at sea (YYYY-MM-DD)C
76TimeTIStart time of fishing activity (HH:MM in UTC)O
77Relevant area sub-declarationRASSpecified if no catch was made (for effort purposes). List of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS).CIF when no SPE to record
78Fishing OperationsFONumber of fishing operationsO
79Fishing TimeDUDuration of fishing activity in minutes - defined as fishing time equals the number of hours spent at sea, minus the time spent in transit to, between and returning from the fishing grounds, dodging, inactive or waiting for repairCIF required
80Gear sub-declarationGEA(See details of sub-elements and attributes of GEA)CIF any undertaken
81Gear loss sub-declarationGLS(See details of sub-elements and attributes of GLS)CIF required by the rules
82Catch sub-declaration (list of species SPE sub-declarations)SPE(See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)CIF any fish caught
84RLC: relocation declarationUsed when catch (all or parts thereof) is transferred or moved from shared fishing gear to a vessel or from a vessel’s hold or its fishing gear to a keep net, container or cage (outside the vessel) in which the live catch is kept until landing
85Start of Relocation declarationRLCTag indicating start of a relocation declarationC
86DateDADate of catch relocation whilst vessel at sea (YYYY-MM-DD)C
87TimeTITime of relocation (HH:MM in UTC)C
88Receiving vessel CFR numberIRWith format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a numberCIF joint fishing operation and EU vessel
89Receiving vessel radio call signTTInternational radio call sign of the receiving vesselCIF joint fishing operation
90Flag state of receiving vesselTCFlag state of vessel taking the catch (ISO alpha-3 country code)CIF joint fishing operation
91Other Partner Vessel(s) CFR numbersRFWith format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a numberCIF joint fishing operation and partner is EU vessel
92Other Partner vessel(s) radio call signsTFInternational radio call sign of the partner vessel(s)CIF joint fishing operation and other partners
93Flag state(s) of other partner vessel(s)FCFlag state of the partner vessel(s) (ISO alpha-3 country code)CIF joint fishing operation and other partners
94Relocated toRT3 letter code for relocation destination (Keep net: KNE, cage: CGE, etc) Codes to be found at:
95POS sub declarationPOSLocation of transfer (See details of sub-elements and attributes of POS)C
96Catch sub-declaration (list of species SPE sub-declarations)SPEAmount of fish relocated (See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)C
98TRA: transhipment declarationFor every transhipment of catch, declaration required from both donor and recipient
99Start of Transhipment declarationTRATag indicating start of a transhipment declarationC
100DateDAStart of TRA (YYYY-MM-DD)C
101TimeTIStart of TRA (HH:MM in UTC)C
102Relevant area sub-declarationRASThe geographical area in which the transhipment took place.The list of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS).CIF took place at sea
103Port namePOPort code (ISO alpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code).Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at: took place in port
104Receiving vessel’s CFR numberIRWith format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of registration within the EU and X being a letter or a numberCIF European Union fishing vessel
105Transhipment: receiving vesselTTIf donor vessel - International radio call sign of the receiving vesselC
106Transhipment: flag state of receiving vesselTCIf donor vessel - Flag state of vessel receiving the transhipment (ISO alpha-3 country code)C
107Donor Vessel’s CFR numberRFWith format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a numberCIF European Union fishing vessel
108Transhipment: (donor) vesselTFIf receiving vessel - International radio call sign of the donor vesselC
109Transhipment: flag state of donor vesselFCIf receiving vessel - Flag state of the donor vessel (ISO alpha-3 country code)C
110POS sub declarationPOS(See details of sub-elements and attributes of POS)CIF required (NEAFC, NAFO waters or bluefin tuna fishery)
111Catch transhipped (list of species SPE sub-declarations)SPE(See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)C
113COE: entry in zone declarationIf fishing in stock recovery area or Western Waters
114Start of Effort declaration: Entry in zoneCOETag indicating start of an declaration on entry into the effort zoneC
115DateDADate of entry(YYYY-MM-DD)C
116TimeTITime of entry(HH:MM in UTC)C
117Target specie(s)TSSpecies to be targeted whilst in zone (Demersal, Pelagic, Scallops, Crabs).List of codes to be found at:
118Relevant area sub-declarationRASGeographical location of the vessel.The list of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS).C
119Catch on board sub-declaration (list of species SPE sub-declarations)SPE(See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)O
121COX: exit from zone declarationIf fishing in stock recovery area or Western Waters
122Start of Effort declaration: Exit out of zoneCOXTag indicating start of a declaration on exit of the effort zoneC
123DateDADate of exit (YYYY-MM-DD)C
124TimeTITime of exit (HH:MM in UTC)C
125Target specie(s)TSSpecies to be targeted whilst in zone (Demersal, Pelagic, Scallops, Crabs). List of codes to be found at: not conducting other fishing activities
126Relevant area sub-declarationRASGeographical location of the vessel. The list of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS).CIF not conducting other fishing activities
127Position sub-declarationPOSPosition of exit (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS)C
128Catch taken sub-declarationSPECatch taken whilst in zone (see details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)O
130CRO: crossing of zone declarationIf crossing Stock Recovery or Western Water zones
131Start of Effort declaration: Crossing of a zoneCROTag indicating start of a declaration on crossing the effort zone (no fishing operation). Only DA TI POS needs to be specified in COE and COX declarationsC
132Entry in zone declarationCOE(See details of sub-elements and attributes of COE)C
133Exit from zone declarationCOX(See details of sub-elements and attributes of COX)C
135TRZ: trans-zonal fishing declarationIf carrying out Trans-zonal fishing
136Start of Effort declaration: Trans-zonal fishingTRZTag indicating start of a declaration on trans-zonal fishingC
137Entry declarationCOEFirst entry (see details of sub-elements and attributes of COE)C
138Exit declarationCOXLast exit (see details of sub-elements and attributes of COX)C
140INS: inspection declarationTo be provided by the authorities, but not the master
141Start of inspection declarationINSTag indicating start of an inspection sub-declarationO
142Country of inspectionICISO alpha-3 country codeC
143Assigned inspectorIAFor each state to provide a 4 digit number identifying their inspectorC
144DateDADate of inspection (YYYY-MM-DD)C
145TimeTITime of inspection (HH:MM in UTC)C
146Position sub-declarationPOSPosition of inspection (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS)C
148DIS: discard declarationCIF required (NEAFC, NAFO)
149Start of Discard declarationDISTag containing details of fish discardedC
150DateDADate of discard (YYYY-MM-DD)C
151TimeTITime of discard (HH:MM in UTC)C
152Position sub-declarationPOSPosition when discarded (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS)C
153Discarded fish sub-declarationSPEDiscarded fish (see details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)C
155PNO: prior notification of return declarationTo be transmitted prior to return to port or if required by Community rulesCIF required
156Start of Prior NotificationPNOTag indicating start of a Prior Notification declarationC
157Predicted date of arrival to portPDIntended Date of arrival/crossing (YYYY-MM-DD)C
158Predicted time of arrival to portPTIntended Time of arrival/crossing (HH:MM in UTC)C
159Port namePOPort code (2 letter country code (ISO alpha-2 country code) + 3 letter port code). Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at:
160Relevant area sub-declarationRASFishing area to be used for prior notification of cod. List of codes for fishing and effort/conservation areas to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS).CIF in the Baltic sea
161Predicted dateDAIntended Date of landing (YYYY-MM-DD) in the Baltic for exiting areaCIF in the Baltic sea
162Predicted timeTIIntended Time of landing (HH:MM in UTC) in the Baltic for exiting areaCIF in the Baltic sea
163Catch on Board sub-declarations (list of species SPE sub-declarations)SPECatch on board (if pelagic need ICES zone). (see details of the sub-declaration SPE)C
164Position sub-declarationPOSPosition for entering/leaving area/zone. (See details of sub-elements and attributes of POS).CIF
166EOF: end of fishing declarationTo be transmitted immediately after last fishing operation and before returning to port and landing fish
167Start of Sign off of catch declarationEOFTag indicating completion of fishing operations prior to return to portC
168DateDADate signed off (YYYY-MM-DD)C
169TimeTITime signed off (HH:MM in UTC)C
171RTP: return to port declarationTo be transmitted on entry into port, after any PNO declaration and before landing any fish
172Start of Return to port declarationRTPTag indicating the return to the harbour at the end of the fishing tripC
173DateDADate of return (YYYY-MM-DD)C
174TimeTITime of return (HH:MM in UTC)C
175Port namePOPort code (ISO alpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code) list (CCPPP) to be found at:
176Reason for returnREReason for returning to port (e.g. sheltering, taking on stores, landing.) The list of reason codes to be found a:
177Gear onboardGEA(See details of sub-elements and attributes of GEA).O
179LAN: landing declarationTo be transmitted after landing of catch
180Start of Landing declarationLANTag indicating start of a landing declarationC
181DateDA(YYYY-MM-DD – date of landingC
182TimeTIHH:MM in UTC – time of landingC
183Sender typeTS3 letter code (MAS: master, REP:his representative,AGE: agent)C
184Port namePOPort code (2 letter country code (ISO alpha-2 country code) + 3 letter port code). Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at:
185Catch landed sub-declaration (list of SPE with PRO sub-declarations)SPESpecies, fishing areas, landed weights, related gears and presentations (see details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)C
187POS: position sub-declaration
188Start of Position sub-declarationPOSTag containing coordinates of the geographical positionC
189Latitude (decimal)LTLatitude expressed in accordance with the WGS84 format used for VMSC
190Longitude (decimal)LGLongitude expressed in accordance with the WGS84 format used for VMSC
192GEA: gear deployment sub-declaration
193Start of Gear deployment sub-declarationGEATag containing coordinates of the geographical positionC
194Gear typeGEGear code according to FAO’s "International Standard Statistical Classification of the Fishing Gear"C
195Mesh SizeMESize of mesh (in millimetres)CIF gear has mesh subject to size requirement
196Gear CapacityGCGear size and numberCIF required for type of gear deployed
197Fishing operationsFONumber of fishing operations (hauls) per 24 hour periodCIF if vessel licensed to fish deep sea stocks
198Fishing timeDUNumber of hours the gear was deployedCIF if vessel licensed to fish deep sea stocks
199Gear shot sub-declarationGESGear shot sub-declaration (see details of sub-elements and attributes of GES)CIF required (vessel uses static or fixed gear)
200Gear retrieved sub-declarationGERGear retrieved sub-declaration (see details of sub-elements and attributes of GER)CIF required (vessel uses static or fixed gear)
201Gillnet deployment sub-declarationGILGillnet deployment sub-declaration (see details of sub-elements and attributes of GIL)CIF vessel has permits for ICES Zones IIIa, Iva, Ivb, Vb, Via, Vib, VIIb, c, j, k and XII
202Fishing depthsFDA distance from water surface to the lowest part of the fishing gear (in metres). Applies to vessels using towed gear, long lines and fixed netsCIF deep sea fishing and in Norwegian waters
203Average number of hooks used on longlinesNHThe average number of hooks used on the long linesCIF deep sea fishing and in Norwegian waters
204The average length of the netsGLThe average length of nets when using fixed nets (in metres)CIF deep sea fishing and in Norwegian waters
205The average height of the netsGDThe average height of nets when using fixed nets (in metres)CIF deep sea fishing and in Norwegian waters
207GES: gear shot sub-declarationCIF required by the rules
208Start of Position sub-declarationGESTag containing gear shot infoC
209DateDADate gear shot (YYYY-MM-DD)C
210TimeTITime gear shot (HH:MM in UTC)C
211POS sub-declarationPOSPosition where gear shot (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS)C
213GER: gear retrieved sub-declarationCIF required by the rules
214Start of Position sub-declarationGERTag containing gear retrieved infoC
215DateDADate gear retrieved (YYYY-MM-DD)C
216TimeTITime gear retrieved (HH:MM in UTC)C
217POS sub-declarationPOSPosition where gear retrieved (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS)C
219GIL Gillnet deployment sub-declarationCIF vessel has permits for ICES Zones IIIa, Iva, Ivb, Vb, Via, Vib, VIIb, c, j, k and XII
220Start of Gillnet sub-declarationGILTag starting gillnet deployment
221Nominal length of one netNLInformation required to be recorded during each fishing trip (in metres)C
222Number of netsNNNumber of nets in a fleetC
223Number of fleetsFLNumber of fleets deployedC
224POS sub –declarationPOSPosition of each fleet deployment (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS)C
225Depth of each fleet deployedFDDepth for each fleet deployed (a distance from water surface to the lowest part of the fishing gear)C
226Soak time of each fleet deployedSTSoak time for each fleet deployed (hours)C
228GLS: gear loss sub-declarationLoss of fixed GearCIF required by the rules
229Start of GLS sub declarationGLSData on fixed gear lost
230Date gear lostDADate gear lost (YYYY-MM-DD)C
231Number of unitsNNNumber of gears lostCIF
232POS sub-declarationPOSLast known position of gear (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS)CIF
234RAS: Relevant area sub declarationRASRelevant area depending on the relevant reporting requirement – at least one field should be filled in. List of codes will be placed at the EC website with a location to be specified.CIF
235FAO areaFAFAO area (e.g. 27)CIF
236FAO (ICES) sub-areaSAFAO (ICES) sub-area (e.g. 3)CIF
237FAO (ICES) divisionIDFAO (ICES) division (e.g. d)CIF
238FAO (ICES) sub- divisionSDFAO (ICES) sub-division (e.g. 24) (Meaning together with the above 27.3.d.24)CIF
239Economic zoneEZEconomic zoneCIF
240Ices statistical rectangleSRICES statistical rectangle (e.g. 49E6)CIF
241Fishing effort zoneFEList of codes to be found at:
243SPE: species sub-declarationAggregate quantity by species
244Start of SPE sub-declarationSPEDetails of fish caught by speciesC
245Species nameSNName of the species (FAO alpha-3 code)C
246Weight of fishWTDepending on context this item to be either1.Total weight of fish (in kilograms) in catch period2.Total weight of fish (in kilograms) on board (aggregate) or3.Total weight of fish (in kilograms) landed4.Total weight of fish discarded or used as a life baitCIF species not counted; in bluefin tuna fishery
247Number of fishNFNumber of fish (when catch have to be registered in numbers of fish i.e. salmon, tuna)CIF salmon, tuna fishery
248Quantity held in netsNQEstimate of quantity held in nets i.e. not in holdCIF life tuna
249Number held in netsNBEstimate of number of fish held in nets i.e. not in holdCIF life tuna
250Relevant area sub-declarationRASThe geographical area in which the majority of the catch was taken.List of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS).C
251Gear typeGELetter code according to FAO’s "International Standard Statistical Classification of the Fishing Gear"CIF landing declaration for certain species and catch areas only
252Processing sub-declarationPRO(See details of sub-elements and attributes of PRO)CIF for landing (transhipment) declaration
254PRO: processing sub-declarationProcessing/presentation for each specie landed
255Start of Processing sub-declarationPROTag containing fish processing detailsC
256Fish freshness categoryFFFish freshness category ( A, B, E, V, SO)CIF Sales Note
257State of preservationPSLetter code for the state of the fish e.g. live, frozen, salted. List of codes to be found at:
258Presentation of fishPRLetter code for the product presentation (reflects manner of processing): use codes found at:
259Processing’s type of packagingTY3 letter code (CRT=cartons, BOX=boxes, BGS=bags, BLC=blocks)CIF for TRA, O for LAN
260Number of packing unitsNNNumber of packing units: cartoons, boxes, bags, containers, blocks etcCIF for TRA, O for LAN
261Av weight per unit of packingAWProduct weight (kg)CIF for TRA, O for LAN
262Conversion factorCFA numerical factor that is applied to convert fish processed weight into fish live weightO
264Sales note declaration: SALSAL is a Sales message
265The following attributes need to be specifiedA Sale message may be either a Sales Note line or a Take-over line
266Start of sales recordSALTag indicating start of sales recordC
267Vessel’s Community Fleet Register numberIRWith format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a numberC
268Vessel’s call signRCInternational radio call signCIF CFR not up to date
269Vessel’s external identificationXRSide (hull) number of registration of the vessel that landed the fishO
270Country of registrationFSISO alpha-3 country codeC
271Name of vesselNAName of the vessel that landed the fishO
272SLI declarationSLI(See details of sub-elements and attributes of SLI)CIF sale
273TLI declarationTLI(See details of sub-elements and attributes of TLI)CIF take-over
275SLI: sales line declaration
276Start of Sales line declarationSLITag containing details of a consignment saleC
277DateDADate of the sale (YYYY-MM-DD).C
278Sale countrySCCountry where the sale took place (ISO alpha-3 country code)C
279Sale locationSLPort code list (CCPPP) to be found at:
280Name of sellerNSName of auction centre, other body or person selling the fishC
281Name of buyerNBName of body or person buying the fishC
282Sales contract reference numberCNSales contract reference numberO
283Source document sub-declarationSRC(See details of sub-declaration and attributes of SRC)C
284Consignment sold sub declarationCSS(See details of sub-declaration and attributes of CSS)C
286SRC sub declarationFlag state authorities shall track back the source document based on the vessel’s logbook and landing data
287Start of Source document sub-declarationSRCTag containing details of the source document for the consignment soldC
288Date of landingDLDate of landing (YYYY-MM-DD).C
289Country and Port namePOCountry and Port name for place of landing. Country Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at:
291CSS sub-declaration
292Start of Consignment sold sub declarationCSSTag containing details of the item soldC
293Fish priceFPPrice per KgC
294Currency of saleCRCurrency of price of sale. - List of currency symbols/codes will be placed at the EC web site with a location to be specifiedC
295Fish size categorySFSize of fish (1-8; one size or kg, g, cm, mm or number of fish per kg as appropriate)CIF
296Product destination (purpose)PPCodes for human consumption, carry-over, industrial purposesCIF
297WithdrawnWDWithdrawn through a Producers Organisation (Y-yes, N-no, T – temporarily)C
298P.O. Use codeOPList of codes will be placed at the EC web site with a location to be specifiedO
299Species in the consignmentSPE(See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)C
300TLI: take-over declaration
301Start of TLI declarationTLITag for details of take-over eventC
302DateDADate of the take-over (YYYY-MM-DD).C
303Take-over countrySCCountry where the Take-over took place (ISO alpha-3 country code)C
304Take-over locationSLPort code or place name (if not in port) where the take-over took place – list to be found at the EC web site with a location to be specified
305Name of take-over organisationNTName of the organisation that took-over the fishC
306Take-over contract reference numberCNTake-over contract reference numberO
307SRC sub declarationSRC(See details of sub-elements and attributes of SRC)C
308Consignment taken over sub declarationCST(See details of sub-elements and attributes of CST)C
310CST sub declaration
311Start of line for each consignment taken overCSTTag containing detail line for each species taken overC
312Fish size categorySFSize of fish (1-8; one size or kg, g, cm, mm or number of fish per kg as appropriate)O
313Species in the consignmentSPE(See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE)C