Commission Regulation (EU) No 401/2010 of 7 May 2010 amending and correcting Regulation (EC) No 607/2009 laying down certain detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 as regards protected designations of origin and geographical indications, traditional terms, labelling and presentation of certain wine sector products
Corrected by
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EU) No 401/2010 of 7 May 2010 amending and correcting Regulation (EC) No 607/2009 laying down certain detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 as regards protected designations of origin and geographical indications, traditional terms, labelling and presentation of certain wine sector products(Official Journal of the European Union L 117 of 11 May 2010)On page 32, in Annex I, in the text of the new Annex XII to Regulation (EC) No 607/2009, Part B, CZECH REPUBLIC:for:
"BurčákCzechPDO(1)Partially fermented grape must, where the actual alcohol content is higher than one volume percentage and lower than three fifths of the total alcohol content."
"BurčákCzechPDO(11)Partially fermented grape must, where the actual alcohol content is higher than one volume percentage and lower than three fifths of the total alcohol content."