Implementing Regulation of the Council (EU) No 210/2010 of 25 February 2010 amending the lists of insolvency proceedings, winding-up proceedings and liquidators in Annexes A, B and C to Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings and codifying Annexes A, B and C to that Regulation
Implementing Regulation of the Council (EU) No 210/2010of 25 February 2010amending the lists of insolvency proceedings, winding-up proceedings and liquidators in Annexes A, B and C to Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings and codifying Annexes A, B and C to that Regulation THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 291(2) thereof,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedingsOJ L 160, 30.6.2000, p. 1., and in particular Article 45 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,Whereas:(1)Annexes A, B and C to Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 list the designations given in the national legislation of the Member States to the proceedings and liquidators to which that Regulation applies. Annex A lists the insolvency proceedings referred to in Article 2(a) of that Regulation. Annex B lists the winding-up proceedings referred to in Article 2(c) of that Regulation and Annex C lists the liquidators referred to in Article 2(b) of that Regulation.(2)On 2 March 2009, Belgium notified the Commission, pursuant to Article 45 of Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000, of amendments to the lists set out in Annexes A and C to that Regulation. This notification was subsequently adjusted by Belgium so as to supplement the amendments to the lists in Annexes A and C and to add an amendment to the list set out in Annex B.(3)As a consequence of the amendments to Annexes A, B and C to Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 following the abovementioned notification by Belgium and the subsequent adjustment thereof, a codification of Annexes A, B and C to that Regulation should be made to provide all parties involved in insolvency proceedings covered by that Regulation with the necessary legal certainty.(4)The United Kingdom and Ireland are bound by Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 and, by virtue of Article 45 of that Regulation, are therefore taking part in the adoption and application of this Regulation.(5)In accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of the Protocol on the Position of Denmark, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Denmark is not taking part in the adoption of this Regulation and is not bound by it or subject to its application.(6)Annexes A, B and C to Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 should therefore be amended and codified accordingly,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 shall be amended as Annex A, the designations for Belgium are replaced by the following:"BELGIË/BELGIQUEHet faillissement/La failliteDe gerechtelijke reorganisatie door een collectief akkoord/La réorganisation judiciaire par accord collectifDe gerechtelijke reorganisatie door overdracht onder gerechtelijk gezag/La réorganisation judiciaire par transfert sous autorité de justiceDe collectieve schuldenregeling/Le règlement collectif de dettesDe vrijwillige vereffening/La liquidation volontaireDe gerechtelijke vereffening/La liquidation judiciaireDe voorlopige ontneming van beheer, bepaald in artikel 8 van de faillissementswet/Le dessaisissement provisoire, visé à l’article 8 de la loi sur les faillites"; Annex B, the designations for Belgium are replaced by the following:"BELGIË/BELGIQUEHet faillissement/La failliteDe vrijwillige vereffening/La liquidation volontaireDe gerechtelijke vereffening/La liquidation judiciaireDe gerechtelijke reorganisatie door overdracht onder gerechtelijk gezag/La réorganisation judiciaire par transfert sous autorité de justice"; Annex C, the designations for Belgium are replaced by the following:"BELGIË/BELGIQUEDe curator/Le curateurDe gedelegeerd rechter/Le juge-déléguéDe gerechtsmandataris/Le mandataire de justiceDe schuldbemiddelaar/Le médiateur de dettesDe vereffenaar/Le liquidateurDe voorlopige bewindvoerder/L’administrateur provisoire".
Article 2Annexes A, B and C to Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 as amended in accordance with Article 1 of this Regulation are hereby codified and replaced by the texts set out in Annexes I, II and III to this Regulation.
Article 3This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Article 4This Regulation shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States in accordance with the Treaties.Done at Brussels, 25 February 2010.For the CouncilThe PresidentA. Pérez RubalcabaANNEX I"ANNEX BWinding-up proceedings referred to in Article 2(c)BELGIË/BELGIQUEHet faillissement/La failliteDe vrijwillige vereffening/La liquidation volontaireDe gerechtelijke vereffening/La liquidation judiciaireDe gerechtelijke reorganisatie door overdracht onder gerechtelijk gezag/La réorganisation judiciaire par transfert sous autorité de justiceБЪЛГАРИЯПроизводство по несъстоятелностČESKÁ REPUBLIKAKonkursDEUTSCHLANDDas KonkursverfahrenDas GesamtvollstreckungsverfahrenDas InsolvenzverfahrenEESTIPankrotimenetlusΕΛΛΑΣΗ πτώχευσηΗ ειδική εκκαθάρισηESPAÑAConcursoFRANCELiquidation judiciaireIRELANDCompulsory winding-upBankruptcyThe administration in bankruptcy of the estate of persons dying insolventWinding-up in bankruptcy of partnershipsCreditors’ voluntary winding-up (with confirmation of a court)Arrangements under the control of the court which involve the vesting of all or part of the property of the debtor in the Official Assignee for realisation and distributionITALIAFallimentoConcordato preventivo con cessione dei beniLiquidazione coatta amministrativaAmministrazione straordinaria con programma di cessione dei complessi aziendaliAmministrazione straordinaria con programma di ristrutturazione di cui sia parte integrante un concordato con cessione dei beniΚΥΠΡΟΣΥποχρεωτική εκκαθάριση από το ΔικαστήριοΕκκαθάριση με την εποπτεία του ΔικαστηρίουΕκούσια εκκαθάριση από πιστωτές (με την επικύρωση του Δικαστηρίου)ΠτώχευσηΔιαχείριση της περιουσίας προσώπων που απεβίωσαν αφερέγγυαLATVIJABankrota procedūra juridiskās personas maksātnespējas procesāBankrota procedūra fiziskās personas maksātnespējas procesāLIETUVAĮmonės bankroto bylaĮmonės bankroto procesas ne teismo tvarkaLUXEMBOURGFailliteRégime spécial de liquidation du notariatMAGYARORSZÁGFelszámolási eljárásMALTAStralċ volontarjuStralċ mill-QortiFalliment inkluż il-ħruġ ta’ mandat ta’ qbid mill-Kuratur f’każ ta’ negozjant fallutNEDERLANDHet faillissementDe schuldsaneringsregeling natuurlijke personenÖSTERREICHDas KonkursverfahrenPOLSKAPostępowanie upadłościoweUpadłość obejmująca likwidacjęPORTUGALProcesso de insolvênciaProcesso de falênciaROMÂNIAProcedura falimentuluiSLOVENIJAStečajni postopekSkrajšani stečajni postopekSLOVENSKOKonkurzné konanieSUOMI/FINLANDKonkurssi/konkursSVERIGEKonkursUNITED KINGDOMWinding-up by or subject to the supervision of the courtWinding-up through administration, including appointments made by filing prescribed documents with the courtCreditors’ voluntary winding-up (with confirmation by the court)Bankruptcy or sequestration"."ANNEX AInsolvency proceedings referred to in Article 2(a)BELGIË/BELGIQUEHet faillissement/La failliteDe gerechtelijke reorganisatie door een collectief akkoord/La réorganisation judiciaire par accord collectifDe gerechtelijke reorganisatie door overdracht onder gerechtelijk gezag/La réorganisation judiciaire par transfert sous autorité de justiceDe collectieve schuldenregeling/Le règlement collectif de dettesDe vrijwillige vereffening/La liquidation volontaireDe gerechtelijke vereffening/La liquidation judiciaireDe voorlopige ontneming van beheer, bepaald in artikel 8 van de faillissementswet/Le dessaisissement provisoire, visé à l’article 8 de la loi sur les faillitesБЪЛГАРИЯПроизводство по несъстоятелностČESKÁ REPUBLIKAKonkursReorganizaceOddluženíDEUTSCHLANDDas KonkursverfahrenDas gerichtliche VergleichsverfahrenDas GesamtvollstreckungsverfahrenDas InsolvenzverfahrenEESTIPankrotimenetlusΕΛΛΑΣΗ πτώχευσηΗ ειδική εκκαθάρισηΗ προσωρινή διαχείριση εταιρείας. Η διοίκηση και διαχείριση των πιστωτώνΗ υπαγωγή επιχείρησης υπό επίτροπο με σκοπό τη σύναψη συμβιβασμού με τους πιστωτέςESPAÑAConcursoFRANCESauvegardeRedressement judiciaireLiquidation judiciaireIRELANDCompulsory winding-up by the courtBankruptcyThe administration in bankruptcy of the estate of persons dying insolventWinding-up in bankruptcy of partnershipsCreditors’ voluntary winding-up (with confirmation of a court)Arrangements under the control of the court which involve the vesting of all or part of the property of the debtor in the Official Assignee for realisation and distributionCompany examinershipITALIAFallimentoConcordato preventivoLiquidazione coatta amministrativaAmministrazione straordinariaΚΥΠΡΟΣΥποχρεωτική εκκαθάριση από το ΔικαστήριοΕκούσια εκκαθάριση από πιστωτές κατόπιν Δικαστικού ΔιατάγματοςΕκούσια εκκαθάριση από μέληΕκκαθάριση με την εποπτεία του ΔικαστηρίουΠτώχευση κατόπιν Δικαστικού ΔιατάγματοςΔιαχείριση της περιουσίας προσώπων που απεβίωσαν αφερέγγυαLATVIJATiesiskās aizsardzības processSanācija juridiskās personas maksātnespējas procesāIzlīgums juridiskās personas maksātnespējas procesāIzlīgums fiziskās personas maksātnespējas procesāBankrota procedūra juridiskās personas maksātnespējas procesāBankrota procedūra fiziskās personas maksātnespējas procesāLIETUVAĮmonės restruktūrizavimo bylaĮmonės bankroto bylaĮmonės bankroto procesas ne teismo tvarkaLUXEMBOURGFailliteGestion contrôléeConcordat préventif de faillite (par abandon d’actif)Régime spécial de liquidation du notariatMAGYARORSZÁGCsődeljárásFelszámolási eljárásMALTAXoljimentAmministrazzjoniStralċ volontarju mill-membri jew mill-kredituriStralċ mill-QortiFalliment f’każ ta’ negozjantNEDERLANDHet faillissementDe surséance van betalingDe schuldsaneringsregeling natuurlijke personenÖSTERREICHDas KonkursverfahrenDas AusgleichsverfahrenPOLSKAPostępowanie upadłościowePostępowanie układoweUpadłość obejmująca likwidacjęUpadłość z możliwością zawarcia układuPORTUGALProcesso de insolvênciaProcesso de falênciaProcessos especiais de recuperação de empresa, ou seja:ConcordataReconstituição empresarialReestruturação financeiraGestão controladaROMÂNIAProcedura insolvențeiReorganizarea judiciarăProcedura falimentuluiSLOVENIJAStečajni postopekSkrajšani stečajni postopekPostopek prisilne poravnavePrisilna poravnava v stečajuSLOVENSKOKonkurzné konanieReštrukturalizačné konanieSUOMI/FINLANDKonkurssi/konkursYrityssaneeraus/företagssaneringSVERIGEKonkursFöretagsrekonstruktionUNITED KINGDOMWinding-up by or subject to the supervision of the courtCreditors’ voluntary winding-up (with confirmation by the court)Administration, including appointments made by filing prescribed documents with the courtVoluntary arrangements under insolvency legislationBankruptcy or sequestration".ANNEX III"ANNEX CLiquidators referred to in Article 2(b)BELGIË/BELGIQUEDe curator/Le curateurDe gedelegeerd rechter/Le juge-déléguéDe gerechtsmandataris/Le mandataire de justiceDe schuldbemiddelaar/Le médiateur de dettesDe vereffenaar/Le liquidateurDe voorlopige bewindvoerder/L’administrateur provisoireБЪЛГАРИЯНазначен предварително временен синдикВременен синдик(Постоянен) синдикСлужебен синдикČESKÁ REPUBLIKAInsolvenční správcePředběžný insolvenční správceOddělený insolvenční správceZvláštní insolvenční správceZástupce insolvenčního správceDEUTSCHLANDKonkursverwalterVergleichsverwalterSachwalter (nach der Vergleichsordnung)VerwalterInsolvenzverwalterSachwalter (nach der Insolvenzordnung)TreuhänderVorläufiger InsolvenzverwalterEESTIPankrotihaldurAjutine pankrotihaldurUsaldusisikΕΛΛΑΣΟ σύνδικοςΟ προσωρινός διαχειριστής. Η διοικούσα επιτροπή των πιστωτώνΟ ειδικός εκκαθαριστήςΟ επίτροποςESPAÑAAdministradores concursalesFRANCEMandataire judiciaireLiquidateurAdministrateur judiciaireCommissaire à l’exécution du planIRELANDLiquidatorOfficial AssigneeTrustee in bankruptcyProvisional LiquidatorExaminerITALIACuratoreCommissario giudizialeCommissario straordinarioCommissario liquidatoreLiquidatore giudizialeΚΥΠΡΟΣΕκκαθαριστής και Προσωρινός ΕκκαθαριστήςΕπίσημος ΠαραλήπτηςΔιαχειριστής της ΠτώχευσηςΕξεταστήςLATVIJAMaksātnespējas procesa administratorsLIETUVABankrutuojančių įmonių administratoriusRestruktūrizuojamų įmonių administratoriusLUXEMBOURGLe curateurLe commissaireLe liquidateurLe conseil de gérance de la section d’assainissement du notariatMAGYARORSZÁGVagyonfelügyelőFelszámolóMALTAAmministratur ProviżorjuRiċevitur UffiċjaliStralċjarjuManager SpeċjaliKuraturi f’każ ta' proċeduri ta' fallimentNEDERLANDDe curator in het faillissementDe bewindvoerder in de surséance van betalingDe bewindvoerder in de schuldsaneringsregeling natuurlijke personenÖSTERREICHMasseverwalterAusgleichsverwalterSachwalterTreuhänderBesondere VerwalterKonkursgerichtPOLSKASyndykNadzorca sądowyZarządcaPORTUGALAdministrador da insolvênciaGestor judicialLiquidatário judicialComissão de credoresROMÂNIAPractician în insolvențăAdministrator judiciarLichidatorSLOVENIJAUpravitelj prisilne poravnaveStečajni upraviteljSodišče, pristojno za postopek prisilne poravnaveSodišče, pristojno za stečajni postopekSLOVENSKOPredbežný správcaSprávcaSUOMI/FINLANDPesänhoitaja/boförvaltareSelvittäjä/utredareSVERIGEFörvaltareRekonstruktörUNITED KINGDOMLiquidatorSupervisor of a voluntary arrangementAdministratorOfficial ReceiverTrusteeProvisional LiquidatorJudicial factor".ANNEX II