(a) new transportable pressure equipment as defined in Article 2(1), which does not bear the conformity markings provided for in Directives 84/525/EEC, 84/526/EEC, 84/527/EEC or 1999/36/EC, for the purpose of making it available on the market; (b) transportable pressure equipment as defined in Article 2(1), bearing the conformity markings provided for in this Directive or in Directives 84/525/EEC, 84/526/EEC, 84/527/EEC or 1999/36/EC, for the purposes of its periodic inspections, intermediate inspections, exceptional checks and use; (c) transportable pressure equipment as defined in Article 2(1), which does not bear the conformity markings provided for in Directive 1999/36/EC, for the purposes of reassessment of conformity.
Directive 2010/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2010 on transportable pressure equipment and repealing Council Directives 76/767/EEC, 84/525/EEC, 84/526/EEC, 84/527/EEC and 1999/36/EC (Text with EEA relevance)
(1) "transportable pressure equipment" means: (a) all pressure receptacles, their valves and other accessories when appropriate, as covered in Chapter 6.2 of the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC; (b) tanks, battery vehicles/wagons, multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs), their valves and other accessories when appropriate, as covered in Chapter 6.8 of the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC;
when the equipment under (a) or (b) is used in accordance with those Annexes for the transport of Class 2 gases, excluding gases or articles with figures 6 and 7 in the classification code, and for the transport of the dangerous substances of other classes specified in Annex I to this Directive. Transportable pressure equipment shall be understood as including gas cartridges (UN No 2037) and excluding aerosols (UN No 1950), open cryogenic receptacles, gas cylinders for breathing apparatus, fire extinguishers (UN No 1044), transportable pressure equipment exempted according to of the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC and transportable pressure equipment exempted from the rules for construction and testing of packaging according to special provisions in 3.3 of the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC; (2) "Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC" means Section I.1 of Annex I, Section II.1 of Annex II, and Section III.1 of Annex III to Directive 2008/68/EC; (3) "placing on the market" means the first making available of transportable pressure equipment on the Union market; (4) "making available on the market" means any supply of transportable pressure equipment for distribution or use on the Union market in the course of a commercial or public service activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge; (5) "use" means filling, temporary storage linked to carriage, emptying and refilling of transportable pressure equipment; (6) "withdrawal" means any measure aimed at preventing transportable pressure equipment from being made available on the market or from being used; (7) "recall" means any measure aimed at achieving the return of transportable pressure equipment that has already been made available to the end user; (8) "manufacturer" means any natural or legal person who manufactures transportable pressure equipment, or parts thereof, or who has such equipment designed or manufactured and markets it under his name or trademark; (9) "authorised representative" means any natural or legal person established within the Union who has received a written mandate from the manufacturer to act on his behalf in relation to specified tasks; (10) "importer" means any natural or legal person established within the Union, who places transportable pressure equipment or parts thereof from a third country on the Union market; (11) "distributor" means any natural or legal person established within the Union, other than the manufacturer or the importer, who makes transportable pressure equipment or parts thereof available on the market; (12) "owner" means any natural or legal person established within the Union who owns transportable pressure equipment; (13) "operator" means any natural or legal person established in the Union using transportable pressure equipment; (14) "economic operator" means the manufacturer, the authorised representative, the importer, the distributor, the owner or the operator acting in the course of a commercial or public service activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge; (15) "conformity assessment" means the assessment and the procedure for the assessment of conformity set out in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC; (16) "Pi marking" means a marking which indicates that the transportable pressure equipment is in conformity with the applicable conformity assessment requirements set out in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC and in this Directive; (17) "reassessment of conformity" means the procedure undertaken, at the request of the owner or operator, for the subsequent assessment of the conformity of transportable pressure equipment manufactured and placed on the market before the date of implementation of Directive 1999/36/EC; (18) "periodic inspection" means the periodic inspection and the procedures governing the periodic inspection as set out in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC; (19) "intermediate inspection" means the intermediate inspection and the procedures governing the intermediate inspection as set out in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC; (20) "exceptional check" means the exceptional check and the procedures governing the exceptional check set out in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC; (21) "national accreditation body" means the sole body in a Member State that performs accreditation with authority derived from the State; (22) "accreditation" means an attestation by a national accreditation body that a notified body meets the requirements set out in the second paragraph of of the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC; (23) "notifying authority" means the authority designated by a Member State pursuant to Article 17; (24) "notified body" means an inspection body meeting the requirements set out in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC and the conditions set out in Articles 20 and 26 of this Directive and notified in accordance with Article 22 of this Directive; (25) "notification" is the process of awarding notified body status to an inspection body and includes communication of this information to the Commission and to the Member States; (26) "market surveillance" means the activities carried out and measures taken by public authorities to ensure that transportable pressure equipment during its life cycle complies with the requirements set out in Directive 2008/68/EC and this Directive and does not endanger health, safety or any other aspect of public interest protection.
(a) keep the technical documentation at the disposal of national surveillance authorities for at least the period as specified in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC for manufacturers; (b) further to a reasoned request from a competent national authority, provide that authority with all the information and documentation necessary to demonstrate the conformity of the transportable pressure equipment in a language easily understood by that authority; (c) cooperate with the competent national authorities, at their request, on any action taken to eliminate the risks posed by transportable pressure equipment covered by the mandate.
(a) any economic operator who has supplied them with transportable pressure equipment; (b) any economic operator to whom they have supplied transportable pressure equipment.
(a) meets the conformity assessment requirements in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC and in this Directive; or (b) meets the reassessment of conformity requirements referred to in Article 13.
(a) the activities relating to conformity assessment, periodic inspection, intermediate inspection, exceptional checks and reassessment of conformity; (b) the procedures relating to point (a); (c) the transportable pressure equipment for which the body claims to be competent; (d) an accreditation certificate issued by a national accreditation body within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008, attesting that the inspection body fulfils the requirements set out in Article 20 of this Directive.
(a) any refusal, restriction, suspension or withdrawal of a certificate; (b) any circumstances affecting the scope of and conditions for notification; (c) any request for information on activities performed which they have received from market surveillance authorities; (d) on request, activities performed within the scope of their notification and any other activity performed, including cross-border activities and subcontracting.
(a) notification policy; (b) market surveillance.
(a) failure of the transportable pressure equipment to meet requirements relating to the health or safety of persons or to other aspects of public interest protection set out in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC and in this Directive, or (b) shortcomings in the standards or technical codes referred to in the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC or in other provisions of that Directive.
(a) that the Pi marking has been affixed in violation of Article 12, 13, 14 or 15; (b) that the Pi marking has not been affixed; (c) that the technical documentation is either not available or not complete; (d) that the requirements of the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC and of this Directive have not been complied with.
UN Number | Class | Dangerous substance |
1051 | 6.1 | |
1745 | 5.1 | |
1746 | 5.1 | |
1790 | 8 | |
2495 | 5.1 |
(a) the identification of the notified body issuing the certificate, and, if different, the identification number of the type A notified body responsible for the reassessment of conformity in accordance with paragraph 3; (b) the name and address of owner or operator specified in paragraph 2; (c) in the case of the application of the procedure in paragraph 5, the data identifying the certificate of type reassessment; (d) the data for identification of the transportable pressure equipment to which Pi marking has been applied including at least the serial number or numbers; and (e) the date of issue.
(a) the identification of the notified body issuing the certificate; (b) the name and address of the manufacturer and the holder of the original type approval for the transportable pressure equipment being reassessed when the holder is not the manufacturer; (c) the data identifying the transportable pressure equipment belonging to the series; (d) the date of issue; and (e) the words: "this certificate does not authorise manufacture of transportable pressure equipment or parts thereof".